A Tale of Two Lives (BurningWillows & Rskde)


She holds him, shaking her head, "Burying emotion is no way to get over it. Getting over it is how one gets past it. It's part of your life as much as my past is mine. Here..."

She sends him a memory, but not a pleasant one of her mother. This was one when she was only five, hiding behind her mother's skirts as she watched her father bouncing Christian and Katerina on his lap, telling them a story.

"Issac, you do know you have a third child?" her mother rose an eyebrow, pushing Kayden out from behind her, "Katerina was not the only girl I birthed."

"She's an omega," he grunted.

"As is Christian."

"He is my son though, and is raised for great things. He shall be a warrior. What can she offer?"

"She's your daughter!"

"She's a mistake. A burden. Take her away woman."

"Kayden," her mother kneeled in front of her as Kayden teared up, rejected yet again by her father, "Kayden sweetie, go find Delena and get some dessert. I'll speak to your father."

Kayden turned and ran, her little feet rushing out of that throne room so fast until she bumped into Delena, full of tears and sadness.

"I'm a mistake!"

Kayden shuddered, shutting that memory down, "There were many...many like that. Father never accepted me, he tolerated me. Once mother passed I became a decoration. But I won't forget those memories. I won't forget how helpless I felt. Because if it wasn't for that helplessness I would have never realized how strong you make me feel."

His eyes close as he watches the memory, his lips pressing to her skin again at the end. "I'll never treat you like that, and our children will all be loved." He promises her quietly.

He sends a memory her way, one that haunted his human life.

Dominik stands over a map in a small compound, wearing the Marine standard battle dress with an M4 slung on his chest carrier, his hand rubs the beginning of a scruffy beard, knowing that he will have to shave it but deciding to savor the feeling of having a beard for now.

"Yo El-tee, what's the next move?" Dominik raises his head to the man, obviously a good friend of his. He points to a small cluster of squares on the map.

"Take this compound with your squad, report back when it's done." He says to the man in front of him. He watches him leave the room before returning his attention to the map, and then to a small screen attached to his wrist, watching the helmet camera of the squad he had sent off.

The first five minutes goes well, no contact, nothing in fact. Then everything goes to shit. Rounds start to hit tge dirt around the squad, Dominik looks away from the screen, grabbing his AN/RC 152 radio and calling in on it. "Sergeant, get the rest of platoon to support Charlie." Before grabbing his helmet off of the table, pushing it on over his head.

He jogs out with the remainder of his platoon, only to join the friendly squad in being pinned down. "Romeo actual this is Romeo 1-1, we're taking heavy fire from KE 132, requesting CAS and immediate mortar strikes on grids that will be mentioned, over." He says through the radio.

"Copy that Romeo 1-1, we have a salvo of Phosphorus waiting for tasking but you'll have to wait for anything else." A voice crackles back.

"Fire phosphorus at.. Break." He says before looking around, the mountains around this small town make it very difficult to place down accurate fire, though Phosphorus would cover his squads movements so he would have to call it in close.

"KE 120." He says nervously, unsure of where exactly the rounds would hit.

"Salvo away." Dominik watches as the first of the rounds land on top of Charlie squad.

Phosphorus is a gummy and sticky substance, when it hits the ground through a mortar shell, touching the stuff is not a good idea, as it sticks to you and literally will eat your skin until you're a corpse.

The sergeant Dominik had sent out holds his face while screaming, Dominik runs over, shoving him down and pulling a small bayonet from his side, trying to verbally calm him while plunging the knife into his face, cutting away the skin that the Phosphorus was attached to.

"Firing HE salvo at repeated grids. Away."


Dominik grabs the man by the strap of his plate carrier, running with him while shells explode behind him. Dominik is not hit.

He lets the man down, breathing heavily, believing he had saved his life. He turns around to see a corpse, the shrapnel from the shells had missed Dominik because the sergeant had absorbed the blow for him, staring up at him with dead eyes.

The memory ends and Dominik is unable to look at Kayden, reliving all of this must be difficult for him.

Kayden wasn't even sure what she had seen. He was from another age, and humans...well she'd only ever been inside the pack, and her brief stunt in Hell hadn't enlightened her on the outside world much.

"I'm not sure what all that was but I almost understand...like your thoughts are explaining it to me, even though I don't completely get it. All I know is I can feel the hurt you feel over that day. Why are you holding on to that? Dominik, that was decades, maybe centuries ago. You made a mistake. Live and learn my dearest. I know it must have hurt then, but you got to move on."

She wasn't speaking harshly, only softly, but she did have a point. And as demons they would kill many more. She was sure he had killed hundred by now, and chances were over the centuries to come she would too.

"Maybe we should think about something else?" she offered, kissing his ear, "Something less depressing."

"Centuries, but you still drag around those you've lost like chains." He explains to her quietly. "It doesn't get any easier, you'll kill and you won't feel it until it's someone you care about." He explains, his lips returning to her neck.

"Right, happy thoughts and all of that." He mutters quietly, feeling her lips against his ear. He rolls off of her, pulling her with him so that she is on top of him again. His lips collide with hers, connecting them.

I love you, I don't care how we spend the night but I want it to be with you. He sends her, his hands remaining on her hips to keep her on top of him.

"Dominik," she groaned, as he obviously wasn't taking her half-naked hint, "what I want to do all day is be pinned down by the hottest demon in existence while he pounds me into the next millenia."

She growled the last few word, her breasts rising with her sharp intake of breath, nipples hard for him as she pushed herself down onto his chest. She was a modest size, neither too curvy or too tiny. But she definitely had some nice curves. And she was hoping he'd explore them, especially after feeling like she hadn't see him in months.

"Stop talking and fuck me," she snarled playfully, crushing his lips with hers.

He chuckles, the time for talking is over.

His lips meet hers with the same force, he sits up so that she is sitting on his lap, his hands exploring her curvy body, his fingers finding every little mark or scar, knowing every story by heart now that he's seen a lot of her memories.

Dominik giggles as he rolls her again, taking the covers of the bed with them as they fall to the floor, his body pinning hers down, a bear fur blanket on top of them. His hands keep her arms pinned while his mouth radishes her body, planting kisses on every inch of her skin, sometimes biting down and leaving his mark, which he does several times.

He nips at each of her breasts, realizing he hadn't paid much attention to them last time. He moves his hands from her arms, using one of his arms to keep her back against the floor. He uses his other hand to pull off his shirt and pants, casting them aside to reveal his full glory to her, already fully aroused, his body glistening because of the sweat on it.

He lines himself up with her, ready to spear her with the thrust of his hips, but he doesn't do so. Instead his hand reaches his cock, rubbing the head of it against her entrance. "Beg for it Kayden." He mutters to her, wanting to hear the sound of it.

She groans at his hands roam her body, then can't help but squeal as he rolls them off, hitting the cold stone floor rather hard as the bear fur covers them, radiating his heat into her. She's naked underneath him, and in seconds his clothes are off too, bring a smile to her lips.

"You're too damn handsome," she purrs, staring at his body, watching him while she remains pinned, trying her best not to fall apart at his mouth all over her skin, biting and pressing everywhere until her skin tingles. She the feeling of his lips alone arouses her, making it hard to hold back a climax, but she does. Barely. And it gets only harder as she feels his cock press against her teasingly, moaning at the excitement for it.

But that is not what he has planned. Instead he instends on teasing her, stroking himself against her as he tells her to beg. The fact he's touching himself drives her wild more, getting only wetter for him as she wiggled and tried to remain in control.

"God Dominik...that's hot," Kayden groaned, watching him unwaveringly, "I don't know what I want more. To watch you stroke your massive erection, or to feel you buried deep in me until I'm screaming."

Her breath grew labored the longer she watched, her body starting to shake with need after a few minutes, "Ok Dom. Okay please. Please, stop pleasuring yourself. Pleasure me. I want you to pleasure me. Please baby, please give me all your attention. I can't wait any longer."

Dominik grins at her groans, glad that he can tease her so effectively. But he still doesn't push in as he hasn't heard her pleas, which come next of course.

A thin smile plays on his lips. "You're the only one who will ever have my attention." He whispers before pressing his lips to hers once, pulling away and then burying himself inside of her, wasting no time to do a hard and fast pace, knowing that it was not to be love making tonight, they would be fucking like animals and they both wanted it that way.

Kayden let out a partly painful but mostly happy scream that echoed around them as he thrusted in. She was still fairly new to having sex, and her walls were still so damn tight that his hard and fast pace felt more than mind blowing, every movement he made sending jolts through her, causing her to climax in seconds.

"I'm sorry," she groaned as she gasped for air, her body hot with desire as she unravelled, feeling herself get even more wet as her juices soaked him, "I can't help it around you. I'm trying to hold back a little. Honest. Dominik I...ohhhhhh."

Another wave of pleasure hit her as he found the perfect spot and drove in, making her moan, her nails dragging down his chest and pulling blood from his skin. Their first session had been love-making, and she could feel the different energy with this one, it was definitely more of a fucking than any sappy loving sex. She wondered vaguely if he was going to get kinky, if he was like that or not. She wasn't sure if she even would like it, but it intrigued her. Again Kayden forgot he could hear her, still stuck in the mind frame that no one was listening in when they were, and he could indeed hear her every naughty thought.

He reads her thoughts about being kinky, an evil thought crosses his mind, though she probably saw it he says it to her. "Don't cum until I tell you to, you need my permission, understood?" He whispers to her while continuing to thrust in and out of her hard and fast, groaning in pleasure from her tightness.

"Don't...cum?" she squeaks, unsure if she could even control how hard her climaxes raged within her, his size and speed making it near impossible not to reach an orgasm in under a minute.

But she tried, her fingers digging into the fur blanket under her as her back arched and he buried deeper, trying desperately to hold strong. the build up became so big her sides began to ache as she tried her damnest to not unravel, her walls getting tighter and tighter around him as she squeezed and tensed. Finally her body won out, and she let out a howl as she exploded, so built up she can feel her juices coat him and squirt out, covering his legs.

"I'm sorry!" she groaned, embarrassed that he was covered in her juices and that she couldn't hold on, kissing him hungrily to try and make up for it, while a part of her hoped he had something else kinky in mind to punish her. Kayden was no longer that wallflower he had first met. Through him, the Trials, and becoming a demon had given her a new sense of confidence. She wasn't as brave or outspoken as Nina, but she wasn't timid with him anymore either.

'Do I get punished now baby?'

Dominik doesn't give her any permission, but he isn't surprised when she is unable to resist orgasming from the constant pressure.

He kisses her back, a smile on his face, he is holding the punishment back from her, hiding the thought as if attempting to surprise her. When she breaks away he holds out his hand, his cock still buried inside of her.

A collar appears in his hand, he wraps it around her neck and snaps it into place. "You wear this whenever we're having sex from now on." He says to her, his eyes never leaving hers. "If you do it again you have to wear it all the time, do I make myself clear?" He growls to her before pressing his lips against hers again.

He goes back to fucking her hard and fast, growling to her again. "Not until I say to, ask for my permission." He growls to her,
Her eyes widen at the collar, the leather thick and black and heavy as he snaps it on, holding her head down so that she had less control than before. She whispers a yes to his order, not sure if she was more aroused or nervous about his tone. But her mind barely pondered it as he started her rhythm once more, resetting his little game as he pushed her to the edge of climaxing, but ordered her to hold out.

This time she was stronger with it, knowing what her punishment might entail. And after two e plosives orgasms she could hold out much longer, focusing her brain on something other than the arousal and desire swirling within her. Instead she stuck to an old song, playing it over and over in her head as she concentrated, trying to outlast him. She'd love to see him in this collar, and the thought excited and encouraged her to hold out longer.
He seems to be purposefully trying to make her orgasm without permission. "Remember to ask for permission." He growls to her before pressing his lips to hers, one of his hands moves down to her pussy and starts to rapidly rub it, trying to make it more difficult to hold out.

Kayden let out a louder growl as she panted and groaned in absolute ecstacy, his skill unmatched to hers, his expertise flawless. Her body shook as her back arched more as she pushed her hips down into his, filling herself to the brim. As his fingers began to play she gasped, squeezing her eyes shut to try and hold on, her focus on the song in her head wavering.

"You torture me so," she groaned, loving how fast and hard he was, "I won't ask Dom. I want to hear you beg yourself."
Dominik gives her a big grin, continuing to torture her. He digs into her thoughts, ripping the song from her mind and speaking to her. All's you have to do is let go..

Though he is holding back too, he knows that she can't hold on much longer, wanting to hear her beg for his permission to cum again, loving it when she begs.

"Noooo," she groans, trying to cling onto the song as he pulls it away. She fights back, dipping into his mind and showing him her pleasure, filling his own thoughts and emotions with how good it felt. He could feel how close she was now, feeling how amazing it was with every thrust making her shudder. As she grew to the edge of climaxing, holding on just there, so was he.

"Beg for me first," she growled, and with a sudden strength she rolled him under her, her hands catching his wrists and pinning him roughly, riding him just as fast and hard as he had been penetrating her.
He feels her thoughts and it's like he's taken a leap towards his climax. He groans in pleasure but continues to hold back. He is surprised by her sudden strength, his hands pinned down by her and then she's riding him like crazy.

"Neither of us will win at this rate." He groans. "Same time?" He asks, feeling how close they both were to their climaxes.

Her nails dug into his wrists, as her mouth kissed his hotly, moving down to his jaw, and then her teeth were in his neck, biting gently and sucking greedily, although not as badly as when she had attacked his wrists eariler in the day. This time it was part of the rough sex, making her body go wild as she swallowed his blood and groaned, even closer to exploding than before. She licked his neck, closing the wound before her hot wet lips returned to his, his blood still smeared on them.

"You taste better than before," she groaned, kissing him with a ferocity, the blood giving her an all time high, "God I need you to give in right now."

She listened to his words, grinning happily at the idea.

"Same time," she agreed in a rather husky voice, her body craving that sweet release as hard as it was craving him, wanting to feel him unload himself buried within her tight walls.
Dominik groans against her lips, feeling her nails digging into his wrists, feeling the blood drawn from her sharp nails. He moves his head to the side, allowing her to take as much blood as she needs as he knows it makes her happy.

"You look so fucking sexy in that collar." He groans before their lips collide again, he feels the effect his blood has on her through her thoughts, the feeling of her pleasure bringing a grin to his face.

When she agrees he sends her a thought. Cum with me now as he explodes inside of her, making him cry out, his lips removing themselves from hers as his seed is buried within her pussy.

She feels his thoughts and finally lets go, screaming into his chest with the effort as her own orgasm erupts within her, coating him and squirting out with the effort, her walls tightening around his cock even tighter. Gasping, she lays on his chest as her heart pounds and her body shakes, the collar biting into her skin as it pressed between Dominik's chest and her neck.

Dominik breathes heavily from the rough sex, his hands moving now that they are free, they wrap around her, holding her against his chest as they both are completely exhausted from their endeavors. He strokes her hair softly.

"I love you." He whispers to her, his breathing starts to slow, the rise and fall of his chest causes her to rise and fall with it.

She leans up and kisses him gently, "I love you more. Thank you..for the um...snack by the way..."

She ran her fingers down his neck, blushing fiercly, "Every demon feeds off something right? I'm sure Nina would love to find out my new hobby is drinking veins."

She sighed, rubbing her eyes and resting on him once more, enjoying the feel of herself rising and falling in time with his breathes. In truth she didn't even need food anymore, although she still planned to eat it to bring a pinch of normalcy back to her life. She wondered if it was the same for Dominik, knowing he sucked the heat from people as sustenance, but did food help as well?

"You need to feed too," she added, resting her chin on his chest so she could continue staring at him without actually sitting up, "Take my heat love. I'm a demon now, it won't bother me like it would when I was just a wolf. And besides, I'm used to colder temperatures, I won't mind it feeling a little chilly in here to me for a bit."

Dominik laughs. "If you need any more, you don't even have to ask." He mutters to her, kissing her back, the sweetness of the kiss reminds him of their first time kissing in the library, the pleasant memory swirling through his mind.

He feels her fingers on his neck, his hand reaches up, holding her hand there while looking into her eyes. "Don't worry about what Nina thinks." He says to her while pressing his lips against her cheek.

Dominik nods to her words. "Alright love." He says softly before closing his eyes, sucking a decent amount of her body heat into his system until he is no longer hungry. As they are still on the floor he moves his hands to her ass cheeks, now noticing that she is still impaled on his cock.

He moves with her on to the bed again, taking up the same position with her on top of him, which would allow her to move off of his member if she wished to. He lazily reaches down to the covers before throwing them over them.

She loves his strength, how easy he gets up and carries her to the bed. She doesn't pull off, instead catching her breath and then rolling her hips into his once more. The collar is still on her neck, the only thing she is wearing now as she sits up, the blankets falling off her once more so he can stare at her beauty in the dull torch light. His blood coats her stomach, filling her with need for him, staisfying her cravings while still giving her a high like no other. She didn't know what is was, but something about the taste of blood drove her wild, and it had only gotten worse when she became soulless.

"Does sucking heat give you the same high I get when drinking your delicious veins?" she asked in a soft, sultry voice, still horny as ever for him, both of them covered in her juices as she rode him softly, enjoying the feeling of it slow.
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