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A Tale of Two Lives (BurningWillows & Rskde)

Dominik bites the bottom of his lip softly, watching the unconcious body of his mate.. He wants to wake her, to ask her questions, to see her eyes again, but he also knows the side effects of possession.

Dominik looks up at the mated pair and shakes his head. "Let her rest, she's been through a lot." He explains before returning his gaze back to Kayden, he rests one of his hands on hers, not even bothering to access her thoughts, just hoping that she is resting peacefully.
They all sit quietly for a few minutes till Hayley and Flynn returned with food, letting them all set to eating. Eventually a normal conversation struck up about whether they should plan a meeting to look through the laws and decide what would be best to keep.

An hour past and everyone seemed a little settled when Hayley jumped out of her chair, looking terrified. They'd been so occupied talking no one had given attention to the sleeping wolf in the bed until Hayley had looked over.

"Her eyes!" She sounded panicked, "Her eyes are open! Look at them they are black!"

Katerina jumped from her chair and sure enough she could see her sisters eyes, black as coal.

"What the fuck!"she cursed, backing away with Lukai until only Dominik was near her, "I though you said it was over."
Dominik bites the inside of his cheek, he doesn't find her eyes very concerning. "Kayden, come back to me." He mutters to her, smoothing his hand over her forehead.

He looks up at the couple and shrugs. "She's not possessed any more, she's recovering." He explains t them, as if they are schoolchildren who do not understand anything.
"She doesn't look like she's just recovering," Nina sighed, watching as her sister sat up slowly, her hands rising to rub her eyes. As she pulled them away she blinked a few times and suddenly those smoky eyes were back, staring at them all innocently. Her head turned to Dominik and then his bandanged arm, her hand hovering over her mouth as if not believing it had been her.

"I remember," she whispered, almost too soft to hear, "I remember...and I...I didn't stop. I'm...I'm sorry Dom."
Dominik pulls her into a hug, rubbing her back. "Hey, don't sweat it, it wasn't you, it was whatever demon decided to invade your mind for some odd reason." He says cheerfully, as if having gotten over his moody attitude.

"That's not what I'm worried about, don't go dying on me again, okay?" He says quietly, resting his head against hers.

Kayden looked confused, letting him hug her as she found her words.

"Invaded?" it sounded like she was tasting the word, confused about it, "Why would a demon invade me Dominik? That...that was me."

Dominik shakes his head. "That voice wasn't yours." He explains. "And you have no idea what I was born from so it couldn't have been you.. Also your eyes were one of a demon, not yours." He says to her while his head is still resting against hers.

Kayden shook her head. He didn't understand, and she herself didn't know how to say the words out loud...she was still in shock over it all. But she had to explain. She couldn't let him not know.

"Could...could we have the room?" she asked softly, "I'd like to speak to Dominik alone first."

"Okay," Nina nodded, looking to Dominik, "Come get all of us when she's ready."

The group left, leaving Dominik and Kayden on their own. Once they were alone and the door was locked Kayden was sitting cross-legged on the bed, waiting for Dominik to sit down.

"You said my eyes were one of a demon's," she stated, "But not mine."

She blinked twice and suddenly her eyes were pitched black as coal, "But they are mine."

She smiled, showing her now longer canines, longer than any wolf's in humanoid form at least, and sharper, making them look like fangs.

"Dom," she sighed, taking his hands, "I couldn't leave you...lose you. I did...I did what I had to to come back.

I lost my soul.

I became a demon."

Dominik watches the room becomes vacated except for them, watching her eyes turn black and her fangs, which he knows can be retracted like the eyes can.

He doesn't know what to say other than his next words. "This is my fault.." He says quietly, he thinks to himself, if Katerina was so easy to blame him when a body was missing, what would she think of her little sister becoming a demoness?

"As long as you are still my Kayden I will love you for eternity." He says to her quietly. "Besides, this solves the problem of I have a good eighty thousand years left and you had eighty in your humanoid form." He says with a chuckle. "We'll be together forever Kayden." He says before pressing his lips to hers, missing the selling of her lips on his.

Kayden pressed into his lips. She had missed him greatly, and he had no idea.

"I wanted to tell you alone first...because they won't understand. They saw me dead yesterday...and alive today. And I've been...alive much much longer."

But Dominik would understand. Hell had no concept of time. It felt like she had been trapped for months there, and when she was brought up here again it had only been one night. It was why she knew so much, knew more than enough about him.

"I tried to see into your soul. That's what killed soul kept trying to bond with yours, and there was nothing there. It pulled me into a coma, and when I finally got to see your soul it was only fire. It dragged me to Hell, and I offered my soul...just for a chance to come back to you. To come back to us. You know Lucifer though, there's nothing he does without a trick. He kept me down there for so was horrible. I'm just glad to be back."

She crawled into his lap, nestling in, "I saw all your memories while I was under. Everything you did...and I still love you. I will always love you Dominik."

Her lips were burning hot against his then, able to take his heat now. She was still a demon wolf, and him a fire demon, but her body could withstand his temperatures now. Thier bond could withstand without their souls. They were perfect and equal for one another.

Once it had been explained to him, he understands it perfectly. "I love you too." He says while resting his hands on her hips, kissing her back. He notices her temperature, while he kindve liked the fact that she was always so cold, the heat is nice too.

I figured out how to do this... He sends her through his thoughts, wanting her to know that he had been learning while she was gone, though he had wanted her to be with him while learning, he still knows more than he had known before.

Kayden giggles, relaxing in his arms, pushing the horrid thoughts of her time in the Underworld away, 'I knew you'd catch on. I couldn't feel you after I...uh, died. Could you feel me? Could you feel me in the coma?'

She kissed him harder, her tongue playfully running along his lips.

"I've missed you," she groaned, pressing her chest into his, "A lot."

Dominik opens his mouth, his own tongue coming out to greet hers. I could see your thoughts while in your coma, but I couldn't reach out to you, it was like you weren't there.

He falls back a little so that she is laying on top of him, his arousal becoming increasingly obvious now. "I missed you more." He says with a grin on his face, continuing to kiss her.
I get disoriented in my dreams. I couldn't feel you or hear you but I knew you were still there. It was awful. But not as awful as feeling the connection break, thinking I'd lost you forever.

She wiggled against him, her fingers exploring his arms, excited to be with him once more. She would love to spend the day cooped up in thier room but she knew Katerina, and her sister would already be pacing in her room, anxious to see her.

"Later," she pressed a finger to his lips, "Later your all mine. But we should talk to them. I hope...I hope you can help me make them understand."
Dominik groans softly as their lips break from one another's, wanting to just stay here with her all day, Katerina might understand, as she couldn't seem to get off of Lukai's lap all day, always by his side, always touching him, but she is selfish in the aspect that other peoples' relationships don't concern her. The fact that Katerina will not take lightly to the fact that Kayden is a demon proves her selfishness.

He nods. "Let's go try to explain." He says quietly before moving her off of him, sitting up and standing. He composes himself before opening the door, waiting for Kayden to walk out before going himself, finding only Katerina and Lukai in the hallway, as Flynn and Hayley had retired to their quarters for the night.
She wasn't surprised to find only two and Dominik helped her lead them inside the room once more, letting them find their seats as Kayden took one beside Dominik's, squeezing his arm. 'Can you explain? Coming from my mouth just sounds off. Fake. If you say it, Nina will listen better.'
Dominik nods to his mate before returning his gaze to Katerina. "Kayden's soul tried to combine with mine, but since I don't have one the attempt killed her." He explains. "Of course my good old pal Lucifer offered a deal to her and now she's here with no soul, so she's a demon wolf now, thus the eyes." He explains.
Kayden winced, she had forgot Dominik could be blunt at times. She liked the honesty, but the look in her sisters eyes said otherwise.

"Wait what?!" Katerina jumped up, "your going to nonchalantly tell me that my sister died, gave her soul to Lucofer and now she's...she's a..."

"A demon," Kayden finished, deciding it be best to talk now before they blamed Dominik, "it was my choice. And Dominik had no control over what would have happened. How were we to know our mating would result in this?"

"Your calm about this?!" Nina snapped, Lukai holding her arms to keep her from doing something stupid, "Kayden your died. Your a demon. Not a wolf."

"I am a wolf," she corrected, "a demon wolf. I'm not the only one either from what I was told in Hell. But I'm fine. Sure I need my steaks a little bloodier and there's a slim chance I'll ever die..."

"God, your immortal?"

Kayden shrugged, "there are ways to kill me, and trust me I have memorized them all in case someone tries, but yeah Nina I am otherwise. As is my mate, Doninik. I get to be with him forever now."

The sound of love in her voice for her mate seemed to bring something back in Nina, some spark of understanding as she telaxed beside Lukai and sat down. She looked exhausted and worried, but the anger was gone.

"Are you happy like that?" She asked, "just tell my Kayden, will you be happy like that?"

"Yes," she stated simply, "please be happy for me."

"I am," she sighed, "I'm just...worried too. But I understand. At least I think I do. Look...we've all had a rough morning. I still need a status report from Christian and I gotta tell him Maybe it's best we take the day to relax and start fresh tomorrow?"

"That sounds good," Lukao murmured, getting Nina to her feet as Layden nodded too, "we will see you two later."

They left, shutting the door quietly and Kayden let out a long sigh, "That could have gone way worse."
Dominik remains silent throughout the rest of the conversation, not wanting to make things worse as it seems Katerina is freaking out. Though the best part of it is when Kayden explains them living forever, together, the love in her voice is evident and Dominik finds himself enjoying it.

When they leave he nods to his mate. "I think she took it pretty well." He admits while sitting down on their bed, stretching out his back with a low groan. "I'm glad that we have the rest of the day off, honestly things are starting to get crazy around here and everybody knows it." He says with the shake of his head.
"And it's only the start. Wait till someone brings Issac in," she groans, jumping on him with a giggle, "but we can forget about that for today and busy ourselves...otherwise."

She lifts her hands and slowly takes her tunic off, forgetting the many cuts now on her body. She had felt them when she had woken up, but Dominik had yet to see them. Some were claw marks, others obvious whip lashings. They were signs of war and punishment from Hell, reminders of what she had gone through to come back to him.

"They don't hurt anymore," she murmured, knowing he wouldn't be happy to see the stories of pain written across her skin.
Dominik laughs as she jumps on him. He feels his back hit the bed, his hands on her hips though they move for just a moment so that her tunic can come off. His eyes scan the markings on her body, he knows what they are from and he is saddened by the fact that she had to endure such pain.

He presses his lips to hers. "I know, I have my own." He says to her, knowing that she had probably already seen the scars and markings on his body, as this wasn't the first time she would be able to see him unclothed.

"I wasn't born a demon." He mutters to her, his lips brushing against hers. "You've probably already seen my past, but my demon life is the life you are familiar with." He whispers. "I could tell you about my human life, many years ago." He rolls over so that he is pinning her, his head nuzzling into her neck. "I love you Kayden." He says quietly.

She laughed, feeling tickled by his nuzzles, "Dom stop! It tickles! I love you too!"

'Show me...' her thoughts purred to him, her love soaking and enwrapping him, Show me your human life before you became a demon.'

Dominik chuckles along with her giggles, giving her another nuzzle before moving in to her thoughts, listening to her words before nodding.

His whole human life is shown to her, moments of victory and defeat, joy and depression, always an opposite to both the lights and the dark. His head remains buried in her neck while the memories play out, killing a woman in a car accident and begging Lucifer for her soul in return for his.

She closed her eyes, her body falling still as she listened and watched, letting him tell his story as he saw fit.

"Show me it all," she murmured, her breath slow against his chest, "Please."

At her request to show more, he shows her his college graduation, his parents are there though they never come back into his memories. Then he is fighting against a country that has no flag, in a war that has no limitation, fighting for his home country. He shows her drunken nights alone, never even bothering to drown himself in his filthy pleasure.

"It hurts." He mutters into her neck while stopping. "Reliving this.." He obviously wants to keep that old life dead and under wraps. "Help me forget." He says quietly, kissing her soft neck.
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