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A Tale of Two Lives (BurningWillows & Rskde)


Katerina rested her hand on his shoulder, seeing the pain in his eyes. She was starting to realize how much a mate meant through Lukai, having never fully grasped it before.

"Keep trying okay?" she encouraged, "If anyone can get through to her, you can. Maybe this is just a weird virus. Or she hit her head."

"What should we do if she continues not to wake?" a nurse asked, "Should we try and wake her, or leave her be?"

Katerina chewed the thought over. They had no real resources here.

"Send for Ven, let him do a scan on her. He can tell us if it is illness, poison, or disease. And he can discern our best plan of action."

"Yes ma'am."

As the nurse scurried off Katerina sat down with her brother and Dominik, taking her other free hand as she whispered a silent prayer that her sister would live before raising her head, "So what's she dreaming about?"

Dominik furrows his eyebrows together, his hands never leaving Kayden's. He watches the nurse leave before returning his attention to Kayden.

He hears the question from his mates sister and he responds quietly. "A meadow, lots of green, she's running with her mother through fields." He explains before resting his head on her hand. "Please wake up.." He whispers, trying to push the thought into her mind.

"Older brother, maybe it be best if you took the few warriors we do have from your pack and do some scouting. Your men are the safest if you get jumped, and it be good to know what numbers they have. Don't pick any fights, just scout some number and information for us?"

It wasn't an order but a question. Nina didn't want to be her father, making people do all the work. But Dominik looked like he needed to be alone with Kayden, and giving Christian something to do would get his mind off Ivory as Nina tried to find a way to track her down.

Christian had been standing in the background watching Katerina and Dominik, he had started to zone out thinking about his little sister in a coma but he pays attention again when Katerina turns to him.

He nods. "I'll go get them ready." He says before walking out. He assembles the team and starts the scouting party immediately.


Ven gets called to the infirmary so he walks down, walking into the room and nodding to the two sitting next to the unconscious girl. He had only recently studied medical magic so getting this to work might be a little tricky to diagnose.

He mutters and incantation before brushing his hand over her eyes. "Speak, tell us what is wrong." He whispers.
Nina is relieved to see Ven as he strolls him, giving him an uneasy smile.

"She won't wake, and Dominik can not get a reply when he tries to communicate through their bond. Please say you can help Ven."

She waits with baited breath as he speaks, then watching as Kaydens lips open as she speaks. But instead of words there is just a breathy sigh and then nothing.

"It's alright Ven," she knew he'd beat himself up, "maybe the spell just wasn't powerful enough. Try again."

She takes his hand then, offering her energies with his to increase the power in him for the spell.
He sighs as he realizes the spell didn't work, he grumbles angrily at his own incompetence. He had learned as a human that the wolves would always punish him when he messes up, so he always beats himself up about not succeeding.

He nods when she takes his hand before muttering the same incantation, a flash of purple streaks across Kayden's eyelids as he speaks. "Open your mouth and tell us what is wrong." He says quietly to Kayden, hoping that the combined energies would be effective.
Katerina tenses when she sees the jolt of purple magic fly across Kaydens eyes, her mouth opening a little wider.

"What's she dreaming about?" Kat asked, wondering if maybe Kayden was trying to speak but couldn't find the words. Perhaps Dominik could see.

"H-help," the word croaked out, and Ninas brows knitted together.

"Why didn't she say what's wrong? Ven what's happening?"

Goosebumps were growing on Kaydens arms...or maybe they'd always been there. Her lips were blue like she was frozen, even though the room was warm. Nina was at a loss, what was happening to her sister?


Kayden was lost in the dark. That's all she could see. The only thing around her she could see was the small icy circle under her feet that felt cold to the touch, and the longer she sat on it the more she grew cold. Around her the meadow and all the beauty had died, turning pitch black and trapping her on the ice.

"Help!" She screamed, but the words just echoed back to her, "someone help!"

The ice almost seemed to grow colder at her words, until she couldn't stand it, like it burnt her skin. She scuffled back until she was almost off the disc, feeling the darkness.

"It's a dream," she told herself, standing and shivering, "it's not real. I can walk."

She stepped off and...her foot found solid ground. The darkness swirled away and a sudden stone path led to what looked like a furnace.

"Heat," she sighed, still shaking as the cold seeped into her bones. She all but ran down the path, careful not to touch the darkness again and loose the heat. When she finally reached what had looked like the furnace she found instead a door with a crackling fire behind it. The door was still cold to the touch, and the fire provided no warmth with the door in the way. On the door was an engraved name but it was in a writing she had never seen, not in all the books or languages she had read. It looked more like symbols, but something told her it had to be a name.

She stared at the engravings a few seconds longer than went to open the door...but there was no knob. Just the wooden door.

"No!" She screamed, banging her hands on the door, needing that warmth, "no!"

There had to be something that would open that door. the engravings...that name opens it...but I can't read it...


Kayden was groaning, but no other words came out. Katerina swore she felt like she was getting colder, worrying for her sisters safety.

"What's she thinking?" She begged Dominik to look, "please Dom. Maybe there is something she's trying to tell us."
Dominik is holding his head, as if a massive headache has come over him, he watches her vision and is visibly shaking from it, the name on the door is his, and she is unable to reach in.

He sends a thought her way.. Come in.. the door swings open in the vision, the furnace inside radiating heat to her.

His eyes open and sees Katerina's pleading face. He takes a breath before speaking. "She is dreaming-" A massive pain hits the back of his skull as he is about to utter the words. He shakes again while holding his head, his eyes shut from the pain.
Kayden banged her fists on it again and again but it refused to budge. She knew there was no point of hitting it, but she could not read the engravings. Suddenly a gust of wind hit her, knocking her back a little as the engraving turned red as if on fire then simmered down and the door swung open. Inside a fire raged, a fire so hot and bright she'd never seen anything like it. But the cold continued to wrap it's fingers around her, refusing to let her go until she stepped through that door.

The minute her feet crossed the threshold the door slammed shut behind her, locking her in. She jumped at the sound of it and then for a split second everything simmered to silence, her body warmer finally by the heat.

Suddenly though there was a roar and Kayden screamed as the fire surged, ensnaring her and dragging her in, burning her flesh. As hard and as loud as she screamed the fire hissed louder, feeding off of her. Killing her.


"Dom..." Nina called, seeing the look cross his face, as if he too was feeling pain, "Ven can you check on him? I got Kayden."

Her fingers were on Kaydens wrist, feeling her slow heart beat thump. Suddenly the beat quickened, her heart rate rocketing faster and faster. And then she screamed. A pure deathly scream of pain and agony as Kaydens back arched high off the bed and her screams echoed through the caverns. It made Nina jumped so hard she let Kayden go, frightened by the awful noise. Even the men seemed afraid or was it worry? Nina couldn't tell, too caught up trying to push her sister back down before she hurt herself.

"Kayden its me! Your safe!" She yelled over her, but her voice was lost to Kayden who no longer felt cold. She felt hot. Too hot.

"What is happening?" She snapped to Ven, she was freezing seconds ago. Now she feels like she's going to burst into flames!"

And just like that...silence.

Kaydens body crumpled onto the bed once more, her mouth closed tightly, her body limp. She was still burning mad with fever, but that wasn't what made Katerina let out a sorrowful cry when she touched her. Nina couldn't find a heartbeat. None. Gone from her sister as was her breath. And in that second Katerinas heart shattered, staring at her twin, her closest friend. Lying there dead in front of her eyes.

"Dominik I..." Tears rushed down her face, not knowing what words could be said, knowing Dominik could already feel the death, already feel the heart wrenching pain, "I'm...sorry..."
Dominik stays silent, his hands letting go of hers as silent tears run down his cheeks, it was his fault.. His senses are numb, the pain of his mate dying doesn't overpower the pain and depression he is feeling. He opens his mouth to speak, but is unable to, why him? Why couldn't it be Katerina? Or Lukai? Or Christian? Why was the world transpiring against him?

He holds his head in his hands, not wanting Katerina to see the emotional stress, but he sniffs, becoming obvious that he is sobbing. "Why her.." He whispers, his voice meek compared to his normal strong and emotionless voice, this has obviously broken him.

"She died because of me.. I didn't even know.." He breaks down then, sobbing uncontrollably at the death of the first woman he has actually loved.
"Ven...take him out," her voice cracked, holding back her own tears, "please take him to his room. I'll...the nurses know how to handle this. Her...funeral will be tomorrow morning."

She started crying then and Nina decided it was best to leave, rushing to her room and collapsing on the bed to cry. All day she huddled in her room sobbing. Lukai eventually found her and comforted her but it wasn't enough. She had no clue how to tell Christian. How to convince herself. How could her sister be dead?
Dominik has nobody to comfort him, he just sits by her body, refusing to speak to the nurses or anybody, as if straining to listen to her voice.

He rests his head against her stomach, muttering to her, telling her to come back, trying to get something out.

He is finally pulled away by Ven, walked to his quarters where he continues to weep with no comfort or support from anybody, as the only one who cared for him was Kayden, who is now dead.
That night was horrible for Katerina. She could barely sleep, stuck on what could have possibly killed her. She didn't want to press Dominik for information either...he was probably much more broken than Nina.

Christian still hasn't been told, as he wasn't back yet. She didn't worry about him though...scouting was done best at night anyways. Chances are he'd be back by morning, and she'd have the difficult task of telling him.

When morning did come Nina had to force herself up, finding a black dress and throwing her long white hair in a bun, tear marks still on her cheeks. She woke Lukai and he dressed similarly in black before they decided to go together to See Kayden before finding Dominik and Christian and starting the funeral. The nurses would have dressed Kayden by now, getting her body ready for burial.

But when Nina entered the infirmary she found a much different sight. Three nurses looked panicked, running this way and that.

"Uh..." Nina coughed, announcing her presence, "is my she ready?"

All of them froze, looking at her with panicked faces.

"What's going on?" Lukai asked, knowing his mate didn't have it in her to speak much.

"About Kayden," one of them squealed.

Another fingered with her fingers, "she's not exactly here..."

"What do you mean," Lukai growled sending them all into a scurry as they backed away.

"Her body vanished overnight," one choked out, "we don't know what happened. No one has taken a body before."

Katerina dragged Lukai out into the hall, moving at a quick pace down the hall, "no one has mated to a demon before in our clan either. What do you want to bet Dominik took her?"

"Why would he? There can't be any comfort in staring at her. It will just hurt him more."

"Maybe demons have rituals for the dead like we do. But he can't just take her away from me and Christian. We have the right to say goodbye too."

Nina didn't even pause when she got to his room, kicking the door in and storming in, looking left and right for a body but all she found was Dominik, looking destroyed.

"Did you take her Dominik?" Nina wasn't in the mood for nicetys, "where's Kayden?"
Dominik hadn't slept all night, thinking about Kayden, the fact is that he had never felt this way about anybody, he doubts he will ever find the same connection, so he doesn't plan on it. In fact, he plans on leaving.. His anchor is gone..

Then Katerina bursts in, spitting accusations which light his eyes afire, he jumps up, shoving her against a wall while yelling. "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU." He growls, his hands wrap around her throat. "YOU DARE ACCUSE ME OF DESECRATING HER?" He lets go of her, storming to the other side of the room, his body catching fire.

He yells before slamming his fist into the stone wall, leaving a nice dent along with a few cracks. "YOU DONT UNDERSTAND, YOU HAVE YOUR HAPPY LITTLE FUCKING RELATIONSHIP." He yells at her. "MY MATE IS DEAD AND ALL YOU CAN DO IS POINT FINGERS LIKE IM A FUCKING CRIMINAL."

He puts himself out, throwing on a pair of boxers before collapsing on the floor, holding his head in his hands, rocking himself back and forth. He looks up slowly, his eyes completely black. "It should've been you." He growls. "Or Lukai.. Then you will learn.." His eyes go back to normal and then his head is back down at the ground, his body shaking uncontrollably, she had obviously upset him.
Katerina was at a loss for words. At first she wanted to fight him as he shoved her but all that energy left her body as she heard his words. They were angry, but a painful angry, his soul in turmoil over the loss. She hadn't known how strongly the bond would be between Kayden and him but she could see now it effected this demon as hard as it would effect a wolf.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, afraid she'd set him off again, "she's just...she's my sister. My twin. And...and she's dead. And now her body's missing and I...I...I just want to see her at peace."

She broke into her own tears and Lukai pulled her in, trying hard not to glare at the demon for wishing death upon them. And the matter had still not been resolved.

"Kayden is still missing," he whispered, "maybe we should find out what happened before we point any more fingers love. And we still need to tell Flynn and Christian. I'm sure they'll want to know."

As if on cue there was a knock on the door and turn in they saw a gruff looking Flynn and a semi sad mostly confused Hayley who didn't seem as volitile.

" said she's dead?" Hayley muttered, confused and upset, " is she dead?"

Nina pulled away from Lukai to speak to them, blocking them from seeing Dominik.

"We watched her die in the infirmary. I'm sorry Hayley, I didn't know you two were friends. I was more worried about telling Flynn, I know you and her grew close over training."

"But..." Hayley looked to Flynn for support then back to Nina, her hand firmly grasping her mate at her side, "she's not dead. We just saw her walking down the hall not five minutes ago?"

"What?!"Lukai and Nina spoke in unison.

"Yeah," Hayley now looked more confused than ever, "she was acting all strange, muttering under her breath in some language I don't know. She wouldn't look up, she just walked right past us and outside.

"Shit," Nina swore, "cmon we might be able to catch her. I don't know how she's alive but who cares. Dominik cmon!"

Katerina led the troupe, racing through the halls to the entrance. When they got there she instantly smelled Kayden but something smelt off. Different.

"Can you feel her yet Dom?" She asked, looking to him, "I don't know if the connection fully broke or not but if you can reconnect we can track her down. She must be disorientated."
Dominik remains on the floor, listening to Hayley's words his head shoots up, he's immediately to his feet and following them out. Though he can't feel the connection at first it starts to grow stronger. Kayden, where are you?! He tries reaching out, hoping that she will answer.

He follows Katerina and the connection starts to grow stronger, though it feels different. He nods to the Alphaborn. "I can feel her, but there's something off." He explains, looking around. "I think she's this way." He points and starts jogging up the hall, hoping to find Kayden somewhere on the way.
Katerina keeps pace with Dominik as they leave the cave and head into the woods, the other three hot on thier tails. It's not long before Katerina catches a good whiff of Laydens scent.

"She's close," she calls back, a part of her is silently hoping this is truly her sister. Another part worries there are much darker forces afoot.

They keep going until Katerina spots a woman far in the trees, hair white as snow. She grabs Dominiks arms hard and points then breaks into a run. It isn't till she gets close that she pulls up. Something still felt off about her smell and now she could really smell it. And it smelt like death.

"Kayden?" She called out tentatively, letting Dominik go ahead to her alone, "Kayden its us."

Kayden turns...well shuffles, towards them. Her head is done, hair in her face and Ninas breath catches for a second, wondering what she would see. Was this a trick? A hoax? Or was this her sister?

Finally her head began to tilt up, hair falling away as her flawless face was illuminated with the sun. She wasn't smiling, wasn't even frowning. There were no emotions on her face, nothing to show what was going on. Then her eyes opened.

"What...what happened to her ?!" Kayden choked, staring at two blackened eyes, not a trace of the smokey eyes she remembered.
Dominik keeps pace with Katerina and then grins as she catches the scent, eagerly running with her to see Kayden's head down.. Though there is something different about her and he can tell the moment he sees her.

When she lifts her face he isn't surprised, he knows exactly what's going on. "You said she was muttering in a weird language?" He says to Hayley quietly.

He approaches his mate, his eyes remain in their normal state, but he speaks in the demon language. "Love, what happened to you? Come back with us.." He says quietly, of course only Kayden would be able to understand it.
Kaydens darkened eyes flicker to him and for a minute there is no recognition of him as she starts rambling in his language, "Hot and cold. Fire and ice. No soul can bound to one soulless. Must be penance. Must take that of which is owed."

Katerina crossed her arms over her chest, stepping back a little. She'd seen those eyes on Dominik. What had happened to her sister?

"She smells of death," Hayley whispered to Nona, "underneath Kaydens scent I can smell death."

"She was dead," Nina replied, assuring herself of that one fact, "Death clings to her because she had died. will fade away in time. I'm more worried her sanity will not come back."

"Blood," Kayden growled in the demon tongue, her nose twitching as a deer galloped by, "Fire and ice. Hot and cold. Blood sets. Blood forgives."

"What is she saying Dom?" Nina asked worriedly, "it sounds like chanting."
Dominik listens to her ramble, he knows exactly what she means and he holds a finger up to Kayden. "Stay." He says in his demon tongue before walking back to the group, he grabs the dagger from Flynn's belt. "Basically I have no soul, and her soul tried to mend with mine even though we're opposites so blood from me has to spill in order for all to be forgiven." He explains.

He walks back over to Mayden before slashing his arm horizontally with the dagger, presenting it to Kayden. "Fire and Ice, souls must mend with blood, forgive me." He says in demon tongue.
Katerina grimaced, "just bring my sister back please. careful."

Everyone kept a wide distance from them as Dominik strolled back to her, confident as ever. But even from the distance Nina could see Kaydens eyes narrow slightly and her nostrils flare at the sight and smell of blood, her lips curling back to reveal fanged teeth.

"Dominik watch out!" Nina called out as Kayden launched into him, tackling him down as he teeth sunk hard into his bleeding wrist, sucking the blood greedily.

"She's going to suck him dry," Nina jumped forward, dragging Kayden off as she howled, "someone get her a deer or something quick! She'll kill Dominik."

Kayden struggled against her sister and Nina was surprised at her strength. It was more than the alphaborns strength, it felt more than inhuman. It was like Kayden had the strength of three wolves. Suddenly Nina found herself lying on the dirt floor and Kayden was stalking Dominik again, blood dripping from her mouth. Hayley had disappeared, obviously to hunt down something Kayden could kill other than her mate.

"How much blood does she need for all to be forgiven?!" Nina asked, scared, "Dominik think straight! Don't let her touch you again. She's not...she's not thinking straight. Somethings got a hold of her."

Even as she spoke Kayden was muttering in the demon tongue, over and over the words "blood and fire and ice."

She caught Dominik, her strength matching his own as she tried to pin her and attack him once more. At that moment Hayley came in with a snarl, the red head now a small red wolf as she dragged a deer with her by her powerful jaws. Kaydens head snapped up and she pounced on it, the blood of the deer obviously more enticing than killing her mate. Nina watched in with a sickened feeling as Kayden drained the beast of all its blood, leaving nothing but a dried corpse. Then she rose, blood coating her face and hands turning back to Dominik.

"It is done," the voice was much lower, like gravel rubbing against stones in a voice completely unlike Kaydens, "the debt has been paid. The sacrifice met. She is yours Dominik, spawn of fire. Enjoy your bride."

Her eyes closed and Kayden crumpled into his arms, her breath letting out in one long whoosh as she fell unconscious. Nina heart froze, scared she'd hear her heart stop again but it continued to beat, however only slowly like Dominiks, not like the raging thump of Nonas own heart as she tried to calm down.

"We should get her inside," Katerina commented, trying to catch her breath, we can talk in your room Dom."
When she starts to suck a lot of his blood he feels himself grow faint, but then she is off of him, being held back by Nina, he staggers back, holding his arm until he is pinned again, struggling against his mate while hoping to god someone would help.

He hears the little wolf growl and then his mate is off of him, he watches as Kayden sucks the blood from the deer. He stands, holding his arm still, feeling a little faint from the blood loss. He catches Kayden when she falls, his own blood dripping down his arm and mixing with hers.

He nods to Nina and carries Kayden while they walk to the cave. They leave her in the infirmary before heading back to Dominik's quarters, his arm had been bandaged.

He sits on his bed and looks up at Katerina, the same beautiful face and body as his mate but completely different in all ways. "What do we need to talk about?" He asks her, still obviously in shock from his mate nearly killing him.
They all found chairs, having left Kayden in the infirmary for a simple check up to make sure nothing else was wrong with her. Katerina had left Lukai with her to bring her back once they were done, and her mate was happy to keep an eye on Kayden, a little worried himself that she'd spring forth again and hurt someone.

"None of us speak the tongue she was using," Nina replied as everyone settled, "I just want to know if my sister will be alright. If she's going to wake up as herself or as some deranged being again."
Dominik just stays on the bed as they pull up the chairs, he watches Katerina as she speaks before taking a breath. "She's going to be fine, she was possessed but the debt or whatever was paid and we don't have to worry about it any more." He explains.

"Though having a demon in your head can be discombobulating, so she might take a little while to recover." He says. "But I can help with that, I'll keep my eye on her."

Katerina looked skeptical about Dominik's reply. It wasn't that she didn't believe him, she just felt that the answer was too easy. That it all felt too easy to fix. They talked a little more on it, but there wasn't much to say until Lukai appeared, carrying Kayden who was still asleep. He laid her gently on the bed next to Dominik, helping cover her with furs to keep her warm, although it seemed the fever had broke and her temperature was normal.

Hayley and Flynn had been silent for most of the chat, but after Kayden appeared Hayley offered to retrieve lunch for everyone, dragging Flynn out and away. Nina knew the red head just wanted a few minutes to herself with her mate, still grieving over the lost of her old life and her family, and now struggling to understand what was happening around her.

"Should we wake her or let her wake?" Nina asked as Lukai pulled a chair close to hers, both of them watching Dominik who was sitting at the end of the bed on the edge near Kayden's feet, "It's your call Dominik."
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