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A Tale of Two Lives (BurningWillows & Rskde)


Dominik groans quietly as her hips start rolling, obviously the night was not over yet. He can't take his eyes off of the collar wearing beauty, the torchlight within the room giving her figure a slight glow to it, though he can still see everything before him.

"Yeah, it does." He says with a grin on his face, his hands gravitate to her hips, the soft and slow sex feels good without wearing either of them out which just means they can go for longer.

She grinned widely, "So do you feel it now? The high? What's it make you want to do?"

For her it always made her want him, want to touch and feel and do everything with him. Her body craved much of him, and going slow wouldn't satify her for long. Pulling him out she angled her body in a slightly new position, pressing her backside to his tip, offering a new territory for him to claim.

"I like it more when your kinky," Kayden purred, pulling at the collar with a finger to tighten it a little more, giving her a choking feeling that made her more wet -if even possible- and her nipples harden again, "I guess I just have more...exotic tastes."

"I'm definitely feeling it." He says, his own grin appearing out of the corners of his lips. "It makes me want to fuck you all night long baby." He admits with a chuckle, his grin growing to full size on his face.

He feels her press her ass against the tip of his cock, he feels himself take a little bit more of her body heat as he sits up, so that she is sitting on her lap. His cock slips into her ass, burying itself inside of her completely as she is in his lap now.

His hands grab her collar, pulling her into a heated kiss, wanting her to get used to this new feeling before the real fun would begin.

Kayden whimpers as he claims her virgin ass, tensing slightly at the feel of it before relaxing, knowing it would feel better if she didn't tense. His lips are hot on hers, in fact his whole body is radiating heat, obviously the fire demon is feeling sated. She can withstand his heat more now, her skin no longer burning as easily, even though her core temperature has flucuated. She's no longer always cold, her heat slightly higher to combat his so that she can touch him, but with the amount of heat he's absorbed from her she feels cold to the touch now -still healthy and safe at this temperature- which makes her sizzle as he pulls at her collar. The erotic feeling of it is good, and she wiggles her ass into him, excited for whatever he had planned next.

"Mmmmm Dom," she growls, kissing her cold lips to his hot ones, "What do you have planned baby?"

Dominik laughs nervously, the cold lips he loved are back. "I haven't thought this through." He admits while resting his forehead against hers. "Though fucking your ass would be a good start, wouldn't it?" He mutters to her before pressing his lips to hers again.

His hands run down her body from her color, their heated touch tracing down to her hips before he begins to bounce her on his cock, the tightness of her ass makes him groan loudly against her lips.

The first couple thrusts hurt and she lets out small whines of pain but soon it disappears and the pleasure starts, the lust in her building once more. Her lips are all over him now, loving how hot he feels compared to her cold lips, tasting his lips, his neck, his chest, in a fury of kisses.

"Oh god," she groans, shaking with build up, her ass is even tighter than her pussy, making it even harder to control herself, "Dominik let me come. Oh god please baby let me come."

The collar is still tightly pressing into her throat and she loves how tight it feels, never realizing how dirty she really was, or how erotic Dominik's thoughts could get. Him thrusting into her ass, while the collar choked her and her winter lips pressed in his firey skin all just felt too good.

"Please baby...oh...oh god I-I need...need to cum. Please...please..."
Dominik grins at her need, having already felt it through the connection of her mind. He nods to her. "Cum for me Kayden." He simply says to her, knowing that his permission will drive her over the edge very quickly.
His words unravelled her, letting her scream his name for everyone to hear as her most powerful orgasm yet claimed her, soaking them even more. She was a pile of nerves now, her body tingling at his every touch, her insides dancing with arousal and lust from all the orgasms. Kayden was wild for this man and she never wanted it to stop.

"More," she groaned.
Dominik loves the effect he seems to have over her, loving every second of being with her, especially the pleasure she provided him. "You want more?" He asks while pulling out of her, rubbing the tip of his member against her tight ass. "Beg for it baby." He whispers to her.

Before she can speak he grabs her by her collar and pulls her into a kiss, his tongue immediately invading her mouth.
He pulled out of her ass, then held it there, promising more pleasure as he waited to hear her beg more. But before she could utter a word his mouth smothered hers, tongue slipping in and invading her mouth, wrestling her own tongue as she moaned in delight.

Dominik please fill me. Oh please, don't make me wait, it's torturous.
He grins against her lips when her words enter his thoughts, just the idea that he could be the one to tempt the beauty before him makes him excited by the second.

He sends her one thought before pushing back into her tight ass. I know and then it is back to the rough sex they were having before, with him bouncing her rapidly on his cock, trying to throw her over the edge of pleasure once again.
There's no warning but she quite loves the surprise, letting out a squeal of desire and excitement before her moans start anew, bouncing up and down high on him,barely keeping her balance with her hands on the bed.

"It's soooooo good," she purrs, her hair wild and untamed around her face, "I could do this all night."
Dominik grins to her and her words. "So could I, I'm sure our neighbors won't mind." He says, his grin only growing larger at the sight of her hair messily falling around them.

He presses his lips to hers again, his hips rising up to meet her ass as it falls and rises over and over, each time he is completely engulfed in her he feels his pleasure beginning to increase.
All too soon she is crying out yet again, her voice echoing around him as her walls clenched, and another orgasm took her. She shook with this one, sweat beading down her forehead at the effort as he continued to pound into her ass.

"Maybe I lied," she muttered, the orgasms taking their toll on her as each had been sapping her energy, "all these orgasms are spending me. Cum Dominik. Please baby, I want to feel your release. Cum baby so we can rest."
Dominik is nearly as spent as she is, and with her permission he groans loudly, his seed burying itself within her. He pulls her off of him, laying her down next to him before wrapping his arms around her cold body, pulling her against him.

He buries his face into her neck, giving her flesh a light kiss before whispering to her. "Goodnight love." He nuzzles into her neck before his eyes drift closed, inviting him into the abyss of sleep.

Kayden let out a sigh as he finished and pulled out, slipping away to the bathroom to clean herself of both her juices and his. When she returned he was already half asleep and she took a towel, cleaning him up before curling in his arms and letting him fall asleep, her own eyes closing. In minutes she fell asleep, and for the first time in what felt like forever she dreamed peacefully.

Dominik wakes in the morning, deciding not to stir as to not wake his mate. He keeps his head buried in the crook of her neck, his breath skimming along her soft flesh. He nuzzles against her lightly, looking up at her sleeping face as he wants to see her eyes when she first wakes.

It wasn't long before she woke tickled by his breath. As she stirred she rolled over and kissed him tenderly, loving the night they had spent together.

"Morning Dominik," she purred, kissing his nose, "Ready to face the real world?"

Dominik groans quietly as she kisses him, which he of course kisses her back in earnest. He sighs quietly against her lips, when he breaks away he stares into the beautiful eyes he had grown to love.

"No.." He mutters to her, his eyes closing as she kisses his nose. "I wish I could just stay here all day." He admits to her while nuzzling against her head with his own.

She laughs, "Not today, or Nina will have our heads. I think she mentioned a meeting or something. I'm sure Christian wants a word too."

Dominik groans again. "She can have my head I don't care.." He buries his head back into her neck, yawning loudly. "Besides the meetings just end in giant arguments about whatever pack is right or whatever." He says tiredly.

"She's going about this whole diplomacy thing wrong, she wasn't even born when democracy's were a thing, I was, and she's doing it all wrong." He says before his eyes close, he yawns again.

"She's still my sister Dominik, ease up."

Kissing him a last time, Kayden crawls out of bed for a shower, dressing in her usual tunic and belt before braiding her hair down her back. Looking over at her mate still in bed, she rolls her eyes.

"When you're not sleepy come find me," she smiled, bending down to kiss his cheek, "Love you Dom."

Heading out, she makes her first stop in the new mess hall, which is quite small but full of delicious smells. Grabbing herself breakfast, she looks for a place to eat and happily finds her sister and brother sharing a table, with Lukai looking rather sleepy beside his mate. Sliding in beside Christian, she nudges him with her arm, unsure if she was dealing with angry Christian, or sad Christian. Was she going to be lectured? Or hugged? Since Ivory went missing it was hard to tell, and the longer he spent apart from his mate the more spontaneous his emotions became.

Christian feels the nudge, he's ready to give the person who dared to nudge him hell but sees its his sister, he hugs her with a small laugh. "Welcome back to the land of the living." He says to her before pulling away, going back to picking at his food before looking up at Katerina and Lukai. "So what's on the agenda for today's meeting?" He asks with the raise of his eyebrows.

She smiles, hugging him back and murmuring a thank you before setting to her food. Across the table Lukai gives her an exhausted look.

"You two had fun last night," he grumbles, reminding her that her room is only a few doors down from theirs...and Christians.

"We did," Kayden beams, deciding not to let it ruin her good mood, "I'm sorry if we kept you up."

He just shrugs, "If I thought Nina was dead than she came back to life I'd be fucking her brains out too."

"Luke!" Nina hits his arm, "Seriously, we are eating breakfast love."

"It was a good fucking," Kayden murmured under her breath, getting a scowl from Nina and a beaming smile from Lukai.

"See, she gets it all in good fun," the brunette jokes, "And I'm sure Dominik would too, if he wasn't passed out in the room. I'm only guessing, but from what we heard, you tired him out."

Kayden wiggled her eyebrows, showing the much more fun and confident side Dominik was bringing out in her, "You could say that."

Just then Hayley showed up with her own food and her mate on her arm, catching the last few words and giving them an odd look, "What are we talking about?"

"Okay then!" Nina obviously wanted to move on, "About that meeting, we just want to touch base on our plans for the next few days, make sure everyone is on the same page and-"

"Princess!" the voice was shrill and echoed through the mess hall, making all heads turn towards the young wolf standing in the doorway. Hayley, Nina's and Kayden's heads turned too, unsure who she was talking to.

"My Alpha," the girl knelt as she got close and they realized it was for Nina, "Word was sent, and I ran as fast as I could. Someone found Issac. He's...well he's already here. he should be walking in as we speak, and he's already called for a pack meeting in here."

Nina's eyes widened and then she stood, her voice loud and booming, "Clear the tables, get everything ready men and women. Say nothing as he arrives, of me, or of my ressurection. I wish to announce myself at the right time."

Everyone hurried to work and the group abandoned their meals.

"Can you go scout ahead love," Nina asked Lukai, "We just need to know when the time is right. Kayden, we will need Dominik. Christian, round up who you can from your pack, we may need fighters. Hayley, Flynn...we will need one of you in the mess hall and one out here, to relay what is going on."

"I'll go in," Hayley kissed Flynn long and hard, "Be safe, you hear me?"
Christian shakes his head at the talk of sex, deciding not to participate. His head looks up when he hears about Isaac coming here, the idea of it revolting to him.

Flynn kisses his mate back lovingly, watching her run off before standing, readying himself for the arrival of the old Alpha.
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