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A Tale of Two Lives (BurningWillows & Rskde)

Kayden whooshed away to get her mate, the panic clear in her voice as she woke him and told him the news.

"Father doesn't know we mated. He doesn't know anything," she exclaimed, her eyes wild with fear, "and he's still Alpha till Nina challenges him, I can't take the risk of him killing you if he found out what you are. Please Dominik, I need you to go to Nina, keep with her and Flynn. You'll be able to hear and see everything I do, I must meet father."

She looked terrified, "he's going to be furious."

She kissed him, her hands shaking, the strong demon replaced by that old timid Kayden. It was the effect Issac had on her. Leaving him she jogged through the hallways till she ran into Lukai.

"I thought you were scouting?"

"I was till my Beta beckoned me. Christian needs men and I am still one of his pack."

He was right and if Issac saw him snooping anyways it would raise questions," okay, go back to Nina and Christian. I'll find Ven and take him with me, it will look less suspicious."

She knew where to find him, having been the one to escort him and Brea to their rooms. Knocking on the door she bounced on her feet, anxious to be done with this.
Dominik sits up when Kayden runs in, his eyebrows furrowing together at the news. He kisses her back, holding her while she talks. "Alright, I'll go to Katerina." He says before letting her go, watching her leave.

He finds Flynn and Katerina hiding out, so he sits around with them, waiting for Isaac's arrival. He hopes to God this will end well for all of them.
Nina and Flynn bunker down in a room a few doors down from the mess hall, quickly joined by Dominik who could relay everything Kayden saw or found. As for Kayden, she was getting antsy, banging on Ven's door now.

"C'mon Ven, I can smell you in there. I'm sure you've heard the news, and I am not meeting my father all alone. Please come with me."
Ven had been hiding away, not wanting to see the Alpha male who treated him so cruelly over the years. He finally gives in, tentatively standing and opening the door, looking at Kayden before nodding.

"Alright, let's go." He says quietly before leaving the safety and coldness of his room, following Kayden wherever she went.
In turn she leads them towards the front of the cave where Issac is just arriving, her stomach sinking further and further as she spots him and he eyes her.

"Kay-Katerina," he corrects himself and nods, and she bows, pulling Ven down with her into a kneeling bow.


"Wise move moving them to a private location, to anticipate another attack," he stated, waiting for her to rise and lead the way to the mess hall, "I'm assuming that was your call?"

"Uh partially. Petonia, from the river pack had a say too, and Ven as well, since he cast the protective wards over this place," she semi-lied, "We just didn't want more bloodshed until we could regroup and counter their attacks."

"I see, well now that I am here, we can fix the mess the grey wolves have started. First though we need to speak to our people. Where is this mess hall?"

"This way," Kayden led, looking anxiously at Ven for his support.
Ven listens quietly, being careful not to talk out of turn as now he is no longer an equal, under this wolf's fist he is nothing but a minority.

He follows them to the mess hall, giving Kayden a small nod when she looks to him, letting her know that she has his support through this.
Issac stomps into the mess hall, and Kayden watches as everyone shies back, all knowing of this man's cruelty. But as he sits down, ready for the rant Kayden feel something in Dominik, something that changes the whole plan. Katerina wasn't waiting, she had shoved past the group and was on her way down the hall. Kayden only had seconds, shoving Ven into the crowd and raising her finger to her lips to tell him to stay hidden before the mess hall doors slammed open...and there stood Katerina.

"Father." she growled, and everyone in turn looked to see the shock in his face.

Kayden let out a breath as she felt Dominik nearing, feeling safer and more confident with him near as she stepped in behind her sister, "We all know now father."

"She lies," he hissed, "Don't believe her vile lies."

"It's over Issac," Katerina spat, "They know, and I've won. You can step down with your life, or I will be forced to challenge you for the throne."

"Nina he's too strong," Kayden hissed, feeling Hayley slide in beside her, raising her chin to show she too backed up Nina.

"We will see," she whispered before speaking louder, "What will it be father?"

"You want this throne?" he snarled, "Take it from me little girl."

"Good," she laughed, "I've longed for this."

She howled and then jumped forward, attacking him. Chaos around them erupted as loyal followers turned on their packs, showing their true colors. Kayden dropped as one man swung at her and tackled him, hoping Flynn would be behind them to protect his mate.
Flynn stands in front of Hayley the entire time, destroying any wolf that dares near him in a fighting stance. He keeps Hayley safe to the best of his abilities, never letting her leave his sight.

Dominik's hands light afire and he charges with Katerina, keeping any other wolf off of Nina while she fights Isaac, knowing that if Nina went down they all would.
Lukai surges forward, along with the other warriors Christian has rounded up, fighting wolves attacking those too easy to prey on as they extract women and injured out of the room. Meanwhile Kayden is in her element; all those weeks with Flynn, and all that time -which felt like months if not years to her- had made her as much of a fighter as Dominik. And being a demon had its perks, especially when one wolf pulled out a knife and stabbed her, barely making her wince. Dragging the knife out of her stomach she cut his throat and moved on, clawing and biting and killing whoever attacked her, keeping an eye on her mate to make sure he was never overwhelmed.
Dominik tears through wolf after wolf, his hands burning them beyond relief and then killing them. He watches the two Alpha's fight for dominance out of the corner of his eye, occasionally burning Isaac or putting him off balance in attempt to tip the battle in Nina's favor.
The battle begins it quieten, as most are dead, evacuated or finishing their fight. The only two really left in battle are Issac and Nina, and it seems the former is winning. But Kayden knows her sister, and she knows Flynn training, seeing it in her moves. A combo Flynn had once taught her comes to mind as she watches her twin, and sure enough Nina feigns left then jumps on the makeshift throne chair to fly and land on his back, taking him down to his knees at her weight. Her fingers, now claws, grip at his throat and there is a sudden shriek and a war cry from her as she rips his throat out, blood coating his clothing as he gasps for airs.

"This clan is mine!" she roars, kicking him to the floor as he dies, howling loudly as the caves erupt in howls, even Kayden tilting her head back and letting a long one out. They had a new Alpha. And it was glorious.
Dominik sees the Alpha fall, he sits down on the floor and watches the blood drain from the evil man, it is all finally over.. Other than the war of course.

Ven gives a sigh of relief as he sees the Alpha die, though the howls around him are quite terrifying. He finds himself hurrying from the mess hall to his quarters, closing himself inside to get away from all of the noise of the mess hall and the battle.

The howls end, and Kayden moves to her mate, checking him for wounds, alike Lukai who moves to Katerina. Hayley had been hiding behind her beast of a wolf and she turns him around, kissing the blood soaked man.

Take me, her thoughts growl to him as her lips smother his, And don't shower. The smell of war on you is turning me on in all ways baby.


"We will clean up later, or perhaps never," she shrugs, not wanting to fight or clean or do anything anymore. Sh's exhausted, "we will tend to our wounded first. Tonight, I want a meeting with my council. Hayley, Flynn, Kayden, Dominik...Christian, and Petonia."

"And of course you," she turns to Lukai, "Take me to bed now love, I need to rest."

As much as I would love to fuck you right here we should get back to the room. His thoughts growl to hers as they kiss, he breaks the kiss before scooping her up and walking her to their room.

Once inside he tosses her on to the bed, pinning her down before roughly kissing her again, his hands working to tear off her shirt.

Hayley squealed as he dropped her, hoped up on adrenaline and excitement, happy the son of the bitch is dead, and trying for the moment to ignore her grief, which had been cockblocking Flynn the last three days. Her mouth collides with his, her nostrils breathing in the blood covering in.

"Hard and rough as usual?" she moaned, arching her back as he tore her shirt off, lifting her legs from him to pull her tights off, freeing her gorgeous body, "Mmmmm Flynn...we need this."

Flynn rams into her, groaning loudly at how long it had been since they had done this, glad that she was finally letting them have fun again. He continues to slam into her over and over, no foreplay required for tge two to be able to enjoy themselves.

He breaks away. "You're sexy as fuck Hayley." He groans to her as he slams into her over and over, getting closer to the edge of pleasure with every thrust.

This time their sex wasn't going to last all night as Hayley already felt an orgasm coming on, and the adrenaline in her made it that much more pleasurable, holding out until Flynn was close. she knew he'd be exhausted after her came, he had fought off at least two dozen wolves, and even for her handsome beast that was no easy work.

"Cum for me baby," she growled, bouncing hard on his cock, "Cum for me and then we can bathe."

Flynn groans, with her permission he lets his seed fly within her, he pulls out afterwards, lifting her up and giving her a soft kiss on her neck. He walks her to their bathroom, filling a tub with heated water from the mountain spring above them before sitting in the tub, placing her in his lap.

He wraps his arms around her, burying his face into her neck as the blood is washed from him. "I love you Hayley." He says quietly.

She lets out a husky groan as she hits her edge too, letting herself release around him, feeling her walls tighten as her body shivers. She waits till he has pulled out, then kisses him gingerly, letting him guide her to the bathroom where Ven had been kind enough to use magic and carve them out a rather large tub, almost the size of a small pool big enough for four people as he slips in and pulls her into his lap, her back pressed into his chest she that her head rests on his shoulder, letting him bury his face into her neck.

"I love you too. Thank you...for always protecting me, even...even back...back when..."

She can't say it out loud and she knows she doesn't need to so she stops, just relaxing in the warm waters as she melts into his embrace, feeling safe and loved.

"I'll never stop protecting you." He whispers against her neck. "No matter what." He nuzzles into her soft flesh, his eyes drifting close. He opens his eyes again while washing the remaining blood from his skin.

He keeps his arms wrapped around her luscious body. "You're so beautiful.. I can't believe I'm so lucky to have you." He says to her softly.
Flynn sighs softly. "I wish we could just fall asleep in the water." He says against her neck, kissing her soft flesh lightly. His eyes begin to drift close again, they open for just a moment. "Can we sleep in the tub?" He mutters.
She laughs, his inquiry amusing to her, "we are not fish my dear, we would drown if we slipped under the water. Come Flynn, the bed is warm with the fur blankets you got. I'll even let you cuddle."

She pulled up and stepped out of the water, her hair dripping wet, her gorgeous lean body dripping wet as she looked over her shoulder and winked at him, "or we can go for another round."
Flynn chuckles, watching her leave the tub. He gets out as well, placing his hands on her hips and kissing her softly. "I'm too tired love, battles tend to have that effect." He says wuietly to her.

He puts his arm around her waist, leading her to their bed before pulling her down on to it with him, his arms wrap around her and keep her tiny body against his large frame. "Goodnight love." He whispers, his face buried into the crook of her neck as he falls asleep.
She lets him lead her, loving how his large hands cover her whole hips as he pulls her into the bed, engulfed in his arms. She would never need another blanket in her life with him, his arms and legs keeping her close and warm.

"Goodnight Flynn."
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