Blood written(lady/moon)

"well thank you." he said, stroking the paints. "they're my babies." he admitted happily. "i was going to get a job too." he admitted. "it was going to be so boring, steady income but i don't actually need one of those." he sulked a little. "i'm still not sure how they talked me into it, but i can turn them down without guilt now." he admitted happily. "getting to know my soul mate is the perfect excuse to tell them to piss off." he admitted happily, making Bruce chuckle and Sora sorted from where she was stuffing her face. "Sor... seriously? do you ever stop eating?" "no. food is life. is there anymore?" "how are you so thin?" Dmitri whined. "i ate a doughnut last week and gained ten pounds." "luck.... and i'm a professional tennis player." "....valid points." "Dmitri's been painting the future since we've known him." Bruce admitted. "didn't believe him until he painted us getting involved in a gun point robbery and it actually happened. we've taken to paying attention now. you can always tell when he's channeling, because he'll look doped, you know, high? and he'll paint too fast for it to be natural, even for him." "he's so out of it, yu can even draw on his face." "i KNEW that was you!" Dmitri squealed at Sora who just laughed.

"just remember..." Dean said, watching her. "i was in a bad place Bays. very bad place and the books... skim over some of the more painful parts." he admitted, hoping she wouldn't react too badly when she found out about Lisa and Ben. "nah. he'll laugh. it's when i do it for the tenth time that he'll start getting annoyed." he admitted with a grin, watching Dmitri blink a little. "a real life wishing well? fascinating. i've heard of a subspecies of Djinn doing that. altering perceived realities to make you think you got what you wished for, exactly what you wished for but twisting it all up so it was was the worst thing imaginable. it never lasted long though, week at most and then you'd wake up, realizing that it 'had all been a dream' and that you'd been in a coma for the last three weeks. always the same story. severely anemic or suffering intense blood loss upon arrival. leading theory is that the Djinni drains you of blood to feast on and then either leaves you there or chucks you in front of a bus."
“Well, you wont have to do that. Or at least not now. I mean, for awhile. I don’t think any of us have had a regular job before.” “Speak for yourself. I did. I worked as a bank teller for awhile.”Bailey said absently as she read through the book she was looking, mostly skimming through it, though you could tell when she got to something interesting about dean, cause she slowed down and actually read it instead of skimming. “....That’s awesome. Though now that you’re hanging out with us, you’ll probably start seeing darker and weirder things.”Sam warned tilting his head as he looked at dmitri, half worried the man would decide not to follow them around.

“....”Bailey frowned a little as she glanced over the edge of the book, raising her eyebrows as she studied her mate. Not responding as she shifted, going back to reading without saying anything. “....You know. Might be a good thing she can’t kick you out of bed.”Sam muttered looking at dean, studying the two, finding them both interesting to watch, and worrying to. Well aware that the book bailey was holding was the one where dean was being stubborn and had to go track down the yoga instructor that he’d slept with, and the one that he spent most of the case thinking ben was his son. Not seeing the problem with that, not when he didn’t know. But bailey was going to freak when she discovered it. “yea...okay. Maybe.”Sam said rolling his eyes before nodding. “Yea. And it happens. Dean spent some time in one, but it was just to nice, bastard had to wake up.”Sam made a face. “And while not the best solution, you can wake yourself out of the djinn hallucination by killing yourself in it, much like dreams. Your body thinks your dying, so it wakes you up.”Sam shrugged a little before nodding a little. “They feed on the dreams, the fantasy, but they inject you with their venom to create the delusion and don’t usually care enough to-”Sam paused frowning as his phone went off, glancing at it before his frown grew, getting up to answer it as he wandered into the other room to talk to Amber.
Dmitri snorted. "Sam... i don't think i told you but... ah..." "Dmitri's filthy rich. he's paying his own way through collage." Bruce admitted, looking amused. "he has so much money that he's paid through, what is it now, six, eight years of collage without having to budget? he actually payed tuition upfront. in cash. all ones too, i think he just wanted to see what those poor assholes would do." Dmitri just grinned. "That was awesome, they just sat there and gaped at me because i went to the bank and got the ones all bound up perfectly nice in twenty dollar bundles and stacked them all in that suitcase right there and i swear to god for like, three months they where sure i was Mafia." Dmitri admitted with a wild little giggle. "that's fine." Dmitri admitted. "i'm not too worried. i don't plan on getting actively involved and yes, i know that wont actually work, it's not like i'm completely helpless you know." he admitted. "i was raised by a hunter you know, i know how to protect myself." he admitted. "i'm just not very practiced at it." he admitted.

"definitely a good thing." Dean mumbled, even if he didn't know what was in the books exactly, he knew enough that she was going to be very pissed off at him. "mmm, yes. like all species and beings, you have good ones and bad ones. in the Djiini case, you have some who drain you to death, some who push you into buses and some who steal from blood banks." Dmitri admitted. "my families run into all different mediation's of Djiini." he admitted. "it's all in the books." he admitted with a nod. "i've studied it back to front hundreds of times." he admitted. "but i didn't know that about the death thing. i'll have to add that." he admitted before watching Sam wander off, frowning a little. "i have to get going D. i have my shift in twenty minutes." Bruce admitted. "i'll see you tonight?" he offered. "i have to go too. i have practice in an hour. i'm glad you're okay Dmitri!" Sora admitted, kissing his cheek before skipping off, Bruce snorting again. "that woman is insane." "yes. yes she is." Dmitri agreed with a laugh.
“....Oh. Wow.”Sam stared at his mate, eyes wide. Looking jealous, not so much because he wanted the money. But because he wanted to finish college, he’dhad to sskimp and scramble to just make it through 4 years of school, only to not finish. He just wanted to go back, and do it. Grinning at dmitri’s words he snorted. “I’m sure they did just stare at you.”Sam said so amused at the idea before nodding a little. “True. We’ll make sure you get some good practice....Bailey could use a sparring partner probably.”Sam said mostly because he expected her to protest the pairing, loking at her a little surprised when she didn’t look up from the book she was reading.

“Ah...good to know.”Sam said looking thoughtful as he considered what kind of djinn there were. “In all fairness, I think you all are a little insane. You willingly go out and attack the things nightmares are made of.”Cas pointed out tilting his head as sam walked back in, looking thoughtful. “We’ve been asked to go to a wedding. And I was told to tell you, she’s having pie. Just for you, Dee.”
Dmitri smiled sadly at Sam, well aware of why the other was jealous and Dean sighed. "once the world is safe, Sammy, you'll be going back to collage." he promised. "once these assholes are dead, we won't hav to hunt anymore. we can leave it to asses like Bobby." he promised with a smile. "it was awesome." Dmitri agreed with a nod before wrinkling his nose. "aaah man. he's gonna kick my ass, that's not fair. can't i just spar with... uh,... crap." wasn't many other people to spar with and while Bailey would kick his ass the others would wreck him. "yeah, they're all the same species technically but they tend to go about getting their victims in different ways." Dmitri agreed. "well. that's very true." Dean agreed with Cas because he knew he was completely out of his mind. in truth, he didn't understand why he didn't ust let Micheal have him. would probobly be better for everyone... but then, he knew Sam wouldn't fight then. Sam would roll over, let Lucifer have him, and that would be the end and Dean just couldn't let that happen. "Dude. who do you talk to?" Dean wondered. "i didn't know you still had friends." he admitted. 'a wedding? we're not... did you say Pie?" he asked, instantly changing his mind. "what kind of pie? never mind, where's the wedding and when?" he asked. "because if we have to drive another six hours i am NOT going."
"...I know. Someday."though sam doubted that the world would ever be safeatured enough to let him go back to school, he could hope, "yea. If you say cas, he'll totally destroy you. At least bailey's human and on the smallish side, even if I have a feeling she's tough."sam said looking amused, "you sound like you doubt me. Everything I say is true.bias said smirking a little to show he was teasing and that he was amused."amber. Remember, the girl we saved from the shapeshifter? Knowing that we deal with this kinda makes it easier to stay in contact with her."because he didn't have to lie to her, and it was good to still have at least one friend who wasn't in the life, that had a normal life."I did say pie. She made some for you. And let's see, she said cherry, apple, and starwberry. But if you have a special request she'll have it made."sam said knowing amber had done it because she really wanted to see sam, and getting dean there guaranteed he'd show up."and it's this weekend. And no, she's here in yale. Her soon to be husband is going to school here."
"yeah i know better than to Tango with an Angel." Dmitri admitted with a chuckle. "i bet Bruce coud take him!" "you want me, a human, to tangle with Gods Warriors... i don't think so." Bruce scoffed. "how about i try to tangle with the well trained serial killers instead?" he offered, looking amused. "that would be fun!" "no." Bruce said, rolling his eyes. "what is it that you do, anyway?" "i'm a bouncer." Bruce admitted. "for one of the high end BDSM Bar and clubs. i get paid a lot of money to make sure the subs aren't hassled." he admitted. "B...what now?" Dean asked, looking baffled. "it's a lifestyle. ask Dmitri, he did an intense study into it a few years ago for his art. said something about how beatiful they looked or something. he made some fantastic pieces." Bruce admitted. "Amber? doesn't ring a bell." Dean admitted. "oh, wait... she's the girl, oh yeah remember her." he agreed. "she was kind of cool i guess. here in Yale? that's... yeah why not. might be fun." Dean decided before. "nah, i like Cherry." he admitted. Cherry was his favorite, Apple his second and strawberry his third tied with Blueberry. he liked almost all pie, but those where his top four. Sam must have told her. "by the way, can i see the pictured of Baby you drew?" Dean asked hopefully, making Dmitri smirk. "Sure!" he agreed, whipping out his favorite 'skin pen' and soon had redoodled the pic of Baby with the wolf and fox humping and Dean choked. Bruce started cracking up and he left to go to work, though, he actually called in sick 'family emergency' and was half way across the world in a blink of the eye. not that anyone would notice. well, Cas might if he was paying attention to Bruce.
“I practice with Dean. I’m capable of not injuring humans.”Cas said looking amused before rolling hsi eyes at dmitri’s words. “....Clubs? I have been to clubs sbefore.” “Not like this.”Sam said looking ready to laugh at their baffled looks, even though Bailey looked over the edge of the book in interest, just to see what dean would say. “You’ll have to show me.”sam smiled at his mate before snorting a little. “Of course you remember the girl.”He teased his brother a little. “Some things never change. You are such a addict.”Bailey muttered as she walked back into the room, looking a little pale and shaken, before choking as she looked at the car. “....See, this is what he entertains me with when your not paying attention.”Sam smirked at his brother as the picture showed up on his skin, tilting his head as he considered bailey and dean. “I need to go shopping. I have boots I can wear to the wedding, but I need a dress.”Bailey said mostly because she wanted some space, even if she knew she wouldn't be allowed going on her own, if dean had soemthing to say about it.
"this is a sex club Cas." Dmitri admitted with a smile. "it's for people who like certain things in the bedroom." he admitted. "like bondage." "Bondage? like handcuffs? i'm down with handcuffs." Dean admitted, Dmitri rolling his eyes. "sure, like handcuffs, though those aren't very safe." he admitted. "sure, i'd be glad to show you. i go with Bruce to the club all the time and the regulars there let me draw them all the time." he admitted. "so i have plenty, though they usually buy at least one copy from me... i don't know why they insist on paying me though..." he admitted, frowning a little. "i always remember the girl." Dean agreed before scowling at the pictures and then scowling at sam. "is this why you're always giggling in the passenger seat?!" "yes." Dmitri admitted with an impish grin before perking up at Bailey. "oh me too! i should get a dress for the wedding." he agreed, clapping his hands together. "or should i wear a suit? decisions decisions..." Dmitri mumbled. "what do you think Sam? Suit or Dress?" he asked with a smile. Sam already knew that Dmitri wore dresses so it wouldn't come as too much of a surprise but Dean was staring at him. "you wear dresses in public?" "of course." "you don't like... get beat up or anything?" "with Bruce as my best friend?" "...good point."
“Ah. Oh. Then I haven’t gone to that kind of club.”Cas said tilting his head. “...I didn’t think there was anything you didn’t know about sex.”bailey muttered looking amused at the idea of dean being oblivious to this kind of life. Sorta made her want to introduce him to it. “Ahhh. Well I’ll be glad to see them. And they like supporting you, of course they give you money.”Sam said rolling his eyes a little before grinning at dean. “Yep. you and the car a constant source of amusement.”He said.”It’s a rare day you have sex in baby, and the time with anna doesn’t count. Sleepign with angels don’t count as sex in your precious car.”Sam said wincing a little as Bailey winced before hiding the reaction. Sam tilted his head considering dmitri before smiling a little. “Suit. We’re gonna shock amber enough by actually showing up, no need to make the bride faint.”Sam said smiling a little.
"No i imagine not." Dean snarked at Cas before smiling at Dmitri who nodded before grinning at Dean who sighed. "Anna was a special case. she was an Angel, and it wasn't real... but she made me feel as if... i wasn't..." he sighed a little. "as if i could someday..." he looked at Bailey, grimaced and looked away. Dmitri got it though. this Anna woman mad him feel as if maybe he'd be worth Bailey someday. "aaaw, i like shocking people. can i at least get a pretty color?" he asked, grinning at Sam because he didn't mind not wanting to startle Sam's friends. at first anyway, Dmitri refused to be ashamed of himself after all and if this Amber couldn't handle a man in a dress, then clearly she wasn't a very good friend. honestly he doubted that there would be a problem. "okay so me and Sam will go to the suit store and Dean and Bailey can go to the dress store." Dmitri agreed, nodding happily. this way, Dean and Bailey would have no choice but to be alone together for a while.
“I could go to that kind of club, if you are interested. You should have supervision in doing new things.”Cas said snarking back a little even as he raised his eyebrows, studying bailey who was avoiding looking at any of them. “Anna was special.not every day you’re a angels last request before returning to heaven.”Cas said wanting to distract them, and breathing a quiet sigh in relief when bailey simply let it go. Wondering if it was because she wasn’t curious, or she’d read enough of the book that she was feeling shocky. “Yes, you can.”Sam smiled a little, nudging his mate a little. “I wouldn’t ask you to hide yourself, but I’d prefer not being the center of attention on what’s supposed to be her day.”He muttered smiling a little, before snorting a little as he eyed dean and bailey. “Agreed. I’ll go with them, I should get a new suit.”Cas said smirking a little as he headed for the door, refusing to laugh at the slightly sulking look on bailey’s face as she slipped her boots back on to head out.
"i..." Dean hesitated and then. "i suppose it wouldn't hurt." he agreed, curious by what kind of thing BDSM was. he'd heard reference to it before, especially on porn sites but until now he'd never thought anything of it. now he was curious, he'd never thought of sex as artistic before. was he doing it wrong? he'd never had any complaints before. "Anna was... she did things in my head." Dean corrected. "i don't think i was actually in my right mind." he admitted before grinning at Dmitri who beamed at Sam and snuggled into him, glad that they wouldn't have to have that kind of showdown. "...i need a new suit too..." Dean tried to protest, balking when they all gave him that 'we're giving you an opening jackass, take it' look that he really didn't want to see but knew he couldn't fight against and sighed. "fine... Bailey can help me pick out a suit..." he agreed, grabbing his shoes as well, glancing at her. "i'm sorry." he said once they where alone. "i'll have a talk with Sam..." he promised. "he's... trying to push us together." he explained. "i suppose it's my own fault. i spent too much time trying to get him laid and he's getting his revenge."
“....Awesome. We’ll go.”Sam grinned looking amused at the idea of dragging dean into a sex club, just because he knew his brother .dean’d either freak out, or be interested. “You weren’t.”cas said simply, tilting his head. Because in those months after he’d returned from hell, the angel had known the man wasn’t in his right mind. Sam smiled a little, shifting to let dmitri snuggle clsoer, snorting quietly as he stared at dean. “You can get one. After you find a dress.”Sam said smirking a little as they headed out. Bailey looked up at him, tilting her head a little, shrugging as she ducked her head, hiding most of her face in the soft fur of her collared jacket, amused that the shopping district was within walking distance. Watching the other three walk in front of them before smiling a little. “Maybe you shouldn’t be so obsessed with your brother’s sex life then/”She teased a little before shrugging, looking away from him as they headed for the shops. “He doesn’t know better. And doesn’t know that this is a bad idea. He’ll figure it out and back off eventually.”
"yeah. sure. why not." Dean agreed. curious both about the bondage and the idea of Dmitri drawing sex. Dean actually looked a little relieved that he hadn't been in his right mind. he had only ever let Bailey have sex in his car. it had always bothered him a little that he had let Anna do it. Dmitri was so happy to be snuggled into his soul mate that he didn't realize he was walking in a zig zaggy pattern for some time. affected by the blindness in his eye without realizing it. he scowled and slowed down, trying to keep himself walking straight and realized the world had an odd tilt to it and he was falling, tripping over something he should have seen, before he even realized he was falling. Sam was right there though, and caught him before he even hit the ground. this was going to take some getting used to.

"...i am not obsessed with my brothers sex life... i just wanted him to stop sulking." he grumbled. "i thought getting him laid would do that." he admitted. "...that won't stp him. it will just be him thinking we're being stupid. he doesn't... he doesn't know. doesn't understand how... we broke. and our pieces just don't fit together anymore." he sighed. "My pieces don't really fit with anyone anymore." he admitted. "maybe someday, with time we'll both be happy. i don't think now is that time, for either of us." he admitted. "though i hope to god you find someone who can make you happy." he admitted. "you deserve that after everything me and that bastard put you through." he admitted, looking at the store that the other three went into. a suit only store. "...that girly bastard planned this perfectly. he and Sam are a perfect goddamn match." he grumbled. "come on... into the dress shop." he ordered. "maybe i could find a cute garter." he decided. "and use it to strange Sammie with. that would be fun."
“Careful. You were doing okay there for a bit. Be careful.”Sam muttered catching him, righting him as he looked the other over. “It’ll take a bit to get used to. Here.”Sam tucked him under his arm as they walked in. “Stay with me, and I’ll warn you about stuff.”He muttered glancing at the other two, snickering. He so looked forward to what they would do.

“,....Ah. Well. Okay. That makes sense. Though if anything, it just made him focus on yours.”She smiled a little before tilting her head as she thought about it, “....I don’t want to tell him. It’ll just hurt him, and us, if he knows.”She muttered frowning slightly, before nodding. “We’ll be happy....but for now. We’ll settle for being friends again.”Bailey smiled a little, shying away from the idea of settling down with someone. That was so not happening. Snorting a little. “Hm, probably. They’re good for each other.”She agreed looking amused as they ducked into the dress shop, “...Maybe I should wear garters. We’ll strangle sam with them later, when he’s not expecting retaliation.”She decided as she headed inside, starting to look over the dresses before gathering up a few, including the lingerie and headed into the dressing room. “Now wait out there, you have to give me your opinion on them!”She called out as she decided what dresses she wanted to do first.
"...thanks Sam... maybe i better get an eye patch? so people know i can't see on that side?" he wondered, not wanting to advertise his new, ah, handicap but not wanting to upset someone by walking into them or accidentally ignoring them either. he was too happy being snuggled into Sam's side to actually care though. "this is going to end terribly." Dmitri warned, looking very amused. "now. should i get baby blue or a light pink? maybe coral?" he mused as he looked around at all the suits. "perhaps a sea foam green might look nice?"

"that's very true." Dean agreed with a sigh. "i'm not going to tell him anything really important." he assured her. "no way. he'd never forgive himself and he doesn't need that kind of pain. not when he's finally found his soul mate and he really has a chance to be happy. Sam deserves to be happy." he admitted, refusing to think about her wearing garters. " i really have to?" Dean asked, whining at her, sounding more normal than he had since she had joined them. since before that really but she wouldn't know that. "oh! aren't you two cute!" a bubbly saleswoman gushed. "you just make the perfect couple! when is the big day?" she asked, beaming at Dean who started sputtering denials. "oh don't be shy! you two look simply made for each other, don't get cold feet now!"
“Hm, maybe. But I don’t like the idea of people knowing about the many years as a hunter I guess. Don’t want to advertise something like that.”Sam muttered before sighing. “If people get upset they can deal with it.”He smiled before snorting. “It is going to end terribly. Hopefully not with having to bail them out for having sex in the dressing room or something.”He said before looking around as he let the other go. “Hmmm... The sea foam green is pretty.”

“Good. And he wouldn’t. Even only knowing him a few days, I know he wouldn’t forgive himself.”She smiled a little before snorting at his words. “Yes, you have to. I mean, we’re showing up together. I need to know if the dress is okay, you know I don’t do this sorta thing alot. Last wedding I went to was a friends years ago, and I was huge, pregnancy and dresses don’t go together.”She whined a little before you could hear the near falling over of bailey at the woman’s words, so startled. Nearly falling over as she finished dressing before opening the door. “we’re not. We’re attending a friend’s wedding.”Bailey said flushing as she smoothed a hand down the black dress,, and you could tell just by simply looking at her, that there was lingerie under here, simply because she’d always been partial to wearing it if she had to dress up. The dark garters and undies easier to wear then normal old fashioned panty hose. The dark boots, obviously a custom order for a under, since if he looked he could see the hilt of a knife in each boot, and a small stoppered thing of salt and holy water in the buckled bands along the top.
He nodded. "It won't be a handicap forever." he agreed. "and it's not like i don't get crap all the time anyway." he agreed happily before giggling. "i don't think they're ready for that kind of behavior. five them another month." he suggested. "or a few days at least. ooh, yes, Seafoam green, it brings out my eyes." he agreed, dragging Sam over to the 'specialty' area and examined a few od the options, humming as he fussed and huffed over the patterns before hailing down the store manager, who apparently knew Dmitri and came out with a pad of paper while Dmitri started rattling out instructions. the manager was just grinning, clearly delighted by the challenge and he was also very happy to have Sam and cas both fitted for the suit of their choices. "nothing white." was Dmitri's only order.

"yeah. it would be a huge total mess." Dean agreed. "he's just so damn sensitive." he admitted with a sigh before snorting a little. "you do fine. you have more of a fashion sense than i do. Sam does all my shopping." he admitted before flushing at the attendants pout. "well i'm sure you'll have your day soon." she assured Dean before beaming at Bailey. "Oh you look so gorgeous! what a perfect dress! isn't it a perfect dress?" she asked Dean who flushed harder but nodded. "You look great Bay's. it's flattering." he admitted, looking very amused at the weapon outlines. he doubted anyone else would notice though. "you two are just the most cutest couple ever!" the store clerk squealed before scolding dean. "You're just not very romantic at all! you're supposed to tell her she looks blazing! or at least stand there breathless and wordless with lust and passion! honestly. men!" Dean just stared after the woman as she flounced off in a huff. " it just me or is she nuts?" he asked Bailey.
Btrue. Just for now. And it's a handicap if your hunting. It makes for aiming and stuff harder."sam said shrugging a little."no they're probably not.beam agreed looking amused as he got himself a charcoal grey and cas went for his normal black suit.

"He is. But then again, you protected him enough he didn't have to get so callous. It's a good thing."bailey smiled a little."not so sure. I mean, it's been awhile since I had to shop for fashion stuff."bailey said looking a little disturbed at the sales girls words. "Thanks. I thought of them all, this was the best."bailey said watching the two in bemusement, not sure what to think of the girls words. "We're not dating so he doesn't have to be romantic..."she muttered before nodding."I think so."she said disappearing back inside to change back to her normal clothes before heading for the checkout. Avoiding dean's eyes, not wanting to know what he really thought about the outfit
"yes, but only until i get used to it." he admitted. "there are plenty of one eyed hunters and soldiers and stuff." he said, looking very smug. there weren't many one eyed artists though so he was a little worried about that but he figured he'd be okay right? he had to be. "you two look delightful." Dmitri cooed, watching with a critical eye as they where fitted, making a few suggestions. apparently Dmitri was 'cream of the crop' and actually knew things like this. his father, Damien had married a very rich woman so Damian had been raised with a silver spoon in his mouth, basically. it was only his own personality and his fathers influence that kept him from being a rich snob. that and his mothers vitriol and angry words when Dmitri decided to be 'a freak' and go off to art school when he was about twelve. she didn't cut him off the fortune because she did love him, but she didn't approve at all and he wanted to be nothing like her. Sam would likely meet her eventually. "That's perfect." Dmitri declared when the pinners where done. "can you have them done by this weekend? it's a bit of a rush i know but we only found out this morning." Dmitri admitted. "Of course. what sort of amateur do you take me for?!" the owner asked, looking vaguely insulted and Dmitri laughed and kissed his cheek ."thank you Gandy." he chirped cheerfully, the named Gandy rolling his eyes but looking pleased anyway. "i'll tell my wife you're in good health." Gandy promised, patting Dmitri on the head.

"it is a good thing." he agreed, smiling at her. "trust me. you are always going to have more fashion sense than me. i wear plaid." he pointed out. "well i didn't see the others, but this is definitely a very good choice." he assure her. "... that woman is point blank insane." he mumbled before smiling at her as they headed tot he check out. "you really do look fantastic Bailey." he promised her. "very beautiful." he promised, heading out the store and pausing when he saw the gushing saleswoman looking entirely baffled at the store copy of the receipt in her hand and the cash that Bailey had paid in. "...." he didn't say anything though. instead, he just sent Crowley another devil's trap picture.
"I guess.b sam muttered though he really wnated to tell the other no, don't hunt. I can't deal with you being in danger. But he wouldnt. He'd let dmitri figure it out."von Gough only had one ear. Missing I eye won't be to bad."he muttered knowing what the other was worried about. Snickering about at the interaction between dmitri and the owner he relaxed at the promise their suits would be ready. He wouldn't have to show up looking ragged and worn. Good."we better go rescue the other two.b sam said vaguely worried as he headed for the door.

"Well ay least your aware plaid isn't a good choice."she teased looking very amused."I know...I looked like someone's frumpy mother in the others. This one was the best."she said making a face, which meant even if they weren't together, had said they wouldn't be, she had still wanted to look good for him."if you say so. Ever since....I was pregnant, I end up softer....with curves. It's weird, but okay."she shrugged cause she wasn't exactly huge either, she was just softer around the edges these days. Frowning a little worried at the cashier as she paid, she glanced at dean for his opinion as they headed out.become on. We'll get you a suit and then you can have some time alone. I'm sure your tired of hanging out with me."she teased, because she was fairly certain he was going to get tired of her soon enough
"i'm not going to hunt, Sam. but i'm not going to let myself be helpless just because i'm down an eye either." he admitted. "i didn't learn how to defend myself from various monsters just to lay down and die because i lost my eye. i'm a target, i need to adjust." he admitted. "i refuse to be a victim, i'm too badass." he admitted before smiling a little. "no need. look, they're on their way over. you okay with one more Dandy?" "of course. you ARE speaking to a master." the owner huffed before he smirked. "he doesn't have a sense of fashion Dandy so feel free to have your way with him!" Dmitri declaired and laughed when Dandy grabbed Dean and dragged him off, taking measurements and babbling about fabrics as soon as Dean walked in.

"i like Plaid." Dean grumbled. "no one looks twice at a man wearing Plaid." he admitted. "yu are anything but a frumpy." he assured her. "and curves are good. men like curves... well, men with taste like curves. only assholes want stick women." he admitted, moving his hands in the shape of a vuluptuous woman. "stick women, they're just... sticks. nothing to grab, nothing to see. curves are better." he admitted, the woman ringing them up nodding her agreement. "it's just Crowley being a dick." Dean informed her. "girl in the shop was possessed and i know of only one Demon who would possess someone for ten minutes just to fuck with me." he admitted. "honestly? i like being with you again. i feel more like myself when i'm with you." he admitted before yelping in horror when he was kidnapped by a madman as soon as he entered the suit store.
“Except every woman you’ve slept with. Though I guess drunken girls have to be forgiven for having no fashion sense.”She snorted amused before tilting her head. “Thanks Dean.”She said blushing a little, eyes widening slightly at his hand gestures. “Hm, you have a type then. Curvy girls. That’s amusing.”She said smiling a little before frowning slightly as they walked outside. Shaking her head a little. “Well, maybe you should stop sending him devil traps then.”She said rolling her eyes a little before tilting her head, not getting a chance to respond as dean was kidnapped.

“Good. I mean. I didn’t want you to be helpless.”Sam muttered looking out of depth, and glad that he wouldn’t have to worry bout him on hunts, “And you can totally be my research partner since Dean refuses to do most of it.”Sam said, smirking because dean had gotten better at doing research over the years, it still wasn’t his favorite thing. “Hm, you are a badass. And you have a nice ass.”Sam teased a little before snickering at dandy having to show dean exactly what he was getting. Looking amused as he watched. That was just to amusing. And he totally couldn’t wait to see what bailey would do at the sight of dean out of his normal plaid and jeans.
"well. no, drunk girls don't ten to care." he agreed. "nor do easy girls. i like the easy ones because they don't try to stick around after." he admitted. "...being honest here, you and Lisa are the only girls that ever.." lasted more than a night. "i do have a type." he admitted. though it wasn't curvy girls really. he just... had a thing for moms if the two girls who lasted more than a week meant anything. no, he had a thing fro strong women who didn't need no damn man but liked to have him around anyway. women who could kick his ass but still let him take care of them. he had a thing for women, who where comfortable with themselves. "why? it's funny as hell." Dean admitted. "he's harmless. mostly. he's kind of a friend but also kind of an asshole?" he shrugged. "it's complicated."

"i'm never helpless." Dmitri assured Sam with a smile. which was just as much truth as it was a lie. he always had a weapon, but truthfully it was Bruce who did most of the fighting if Dmitri found himself in trouble. that was a secret though, not even Sora knew. "i do have a nice ass." Dmitri agreed chearfully before smirking as he watched Dean struggling with the owner who was practically stripping Dean and forcing him into new clothes and soon Dean was looking very handsome indeed in a suit and looking rather embarrassed about it too.
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