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Blood written(lady/moon)

"Sorry... would you like me to kiss it all better?" he offered, because he couldn't help himself. he was tense when she crawled into the backseat with him but he didn't send her away and he even scooted up so she could join him. figured if she was going to follow him all the way out there then he might as well let ehr vent her fury and disgust for him, at him. "....he said what!?" he gasped before the rest of the message sank hrough and horror spread across his features. "no... but... no! no, he said that as long as i kept on spreading... doing what he said that he wouldn't hurt you or Sam! he said! he promised! i was a good boy for him so he wouldn't hurt you!" he protested, trembling wildly because everything he had given up, the torture he had endured to protect Sam, to protect her, it had all been a lie! "Sam would never have." he assured her. "he never even half suspected the things John was capable of. Sammie could never have killed a kid. for fucks sake he has issues with werewolves who don't know they're werewolves." he admitted, setting his head in his hands. "....i went back..." he whispered. "because he told me he was going to go get Sam... and break him like he broke me if i didn't..." he whispered. "i went back because he was going to hurt Sam... i went back because i thought i was protecting you, and protecting Sam, when all i was doing was just... giving him what he wanted... all of my life i did what he told me to... i was a good boy for him while he buried me alive, trained me to hunt, fucked me until i was nearly dead.... all my life i did that so Sam wouldn't have to...." he whispered. "so that you wouldn't have to... and now it's all a lie and i never did anything except what he wanted me to do because i was too weak to say no or find help..."
“Not right now.”Bailey rolled her eyes, flinching a little from the teasing. Going tense herself when he did, swallowing thickly before wincing a little. “...He was so sure Justice was his...she wasn’t. I made sure. As soon as I could, I still had some of your stuff in my trunk....I compared it. Justice was ours, I promise.”She said, wanting him to know, even if it hurt that he didn’t get to know her, she wanted to make sure. “...Well. It seemed he told us both the same thing. That if I lived on my back, I’d be keeping you safe. That he’d make sure you got the easier hunts, that I wasn’t your only backup....said I had no business hunting anyways, so I might as well be of a use like this.”Bailey swallowed hard, trembling herself, “It wasn’t all a lie. You protected Sammie. Sammie was safe.”She promised, at least she was pretty sure it was true. Before flinching a little, nodding. “I know. I’ve always known Sammie wouldn’ hurt to here, but....”She shrugged. “I knew you loved Sam. I knew he’d be a good man. And looking after his niece....”She shrugged hanging her head a little, pained and hurting because she knew she’d denied them both that right, to love and care for justice. “...You left him. After you got sammie back, you and two have done well. Bobby said he helped figured out how bad he really was.”Bailey swallowed thickly, shuddering at the idea, shifting, wanting to lean into him, but not sure if he’d accept the touch knowing just what she’d done, waiting for the disgust. “You found help. Bobby said you did.”She said sounding upset and scared for him, scared of what he’d been doing to himself, but not saying it.
"....of course he was. i don't think that he ever realized we had sex. i was very, very careful to make sure he never, ever saw how much that i.... because that was his favorite thing to do. take away whatever i liked...." he admitted softly. "even if she hadn't been mind by blood, it wouldn't have mattered." he admitted. "that's... that's the one thing i've always wanted... more than anything... a family." he admitted softly. "and i would have loved her... i do love her, even if he had been the one to donate the sperm to make her." he promised before shaking his head. "I didn't protect Sam... that sick bastard just wanted a son to carry on the good name and i wasn't it." he mumbled. "i was never the good son." he whispered before looking at her. "no i didn't. he left me, and when he didn't come back i got Sam and spent the next several months fighting to find him, because he broke me so much i couldn't exist without him hurting me. because i couldn't live without him telling me to.... because he was all i knew and living without him wasn't worth living at all because he broke me..." he whispered. "Bobby says a lot of things." he whispered. "Bobby say things he thinks are true because that's what me or Sam told him... but they never are." he mumbled. "all i am... all i ever was. all i ever will be is a filthy disgusting whore. and that's why i can never be with my soul mate. or be happy, because i haven't been punished enough... i haven't suffered enough to make up for my sins. i haven't suffered enough for letting my own father do the things he did to me."
“....He knew. At least by the time he came after justice....he knew.”She shuddered. “Made sure I felt like the winchesters’ personal whore, with being in bed and a whore the only contribution I could have to hunting.”Bailey swallowed hard, hanging her head a little. Hating that she had kept it from him, hadn’t let him know. “...I’m sorry.”She said the guilt in the words nearly crippling, hating herself for hurting him by not telling him. Frowning as she considered that, “Their neither of us weren’t good enough. But sammie’s staying with us. Looking after us. We must be good enough for him.”She muttered before wincing a little. Shuddering at the idea of him actually going to look for john, “...I’m sorry....I’m so sorry. I could have changed this all...if I hadn’t been so angry, and hurt at being left. I’m sorry...”She started to cry, huge wracking sobs as she curled up on the seat, burying her face in her hands. “I’m sorry. I should be better, should have told you. Should have found you wonder my mate wont write me back. He probably knows just how dirty and disgusting I am. Of course he doesn’t want me.”She cried like the world had ended, for the first time since justice had died, trying letting herself feel anything, and the walls were coming crashing down. Of course, she’d pull it togetherl ater, and hide, but dean would never be able to not see this vulnerable woman, who had so long ago written herself off, and because of john winchester.
He shook his head a little. "you are not a whore." he whispered. "you where never a whore. not to me." he promised her. "i didn't know. that he was hurting you... i would have left if i had known. i guess that's why he made so damn sure we didn't find out." he whispered. "because if one of us had found out, we would have told the other and we would have left and told Sammie.... he was so fucking good at manipulating us." he whispered before hesitantly nodding. "and Cas. Cas too. i'm sure Cas knows. what John did to me. us. can't exactly hide that sort of thing from an Angel." he whispered. "and he doesn't hate me, us, so maybe... maybe it will be okay. maybe?" he mumbled before shaking his head. "i could have changed it all too you know! all i had to do was not be so selfish and cowardly and to go after you and it all would have been different!" he informed her. "we could have done so many things, the both of us... we can't change the past but we can make the future better..." he whispered, feeling his own emotions crashing hard an he was now sobbing with her. unable to hide behind his shields anymore. "you're not! he didn't write back because he thought you would be better without a disgusting freak like him!" he gasped though his hiccuping sobs, reaching into his dashboard for a pen and drew a squiggle on the back of his hand. "i didn't find out until i found you pinned to the floor." he gasped. "but i thought you new. knew what John had done knew i was disgusting so i didn't say anything because i didn't want you stuck with a disgusting freak like me." he admitted, rubbing at his eyes because he couldn't stop crying even when all he wanted to do was comfort her.
“....You either. You were just dean.”She muttered shuddering a little. Looking up at him, as she nodded. “Yes...He made sure we wouldn’t tell each other. Made it seem like he’d already said something.”She swallowed thickly, before smiling slightly, a small smile. “No...I think a angel would know. And he still risked everything to find you in hell. He thought you were worth it. And you are. So....maybe we’re okay.”She mumbled, looking up at him, tears bright and painful to see on her cheeks as she nodded. “....yes...we could have been better.”he gasped through the tears before shifting, leaning into him, nudging his arm out so she could curl up against his side, whining softly when he shifted to reach for the pen, not wanting to move, before frowning, staring at him writing on his hand. “...I didn’t know anything....”She muttered knowing what he was saying even as she stared at her hands, crumbling even as the squiggles didn’t show up. Feeling crushed that he wasn’t hers, despite his words. So crushed that she forgot a simple rule, that it took time for the words to come up. Crying herself to sleep, those huge wracking sobs crumbling into sleepy little sniffles as she curled up against him, to exhausted to even consider going inside.

In the morning Sam eyed the two through the window, before knocking lightly on the window, knowing better then to open the door, dean was liable to hit him if he startled them awake.
"Just dean and just Bailey." he whispered. "he was just so damn good at it. he ruined everything..." he paused. "but... but when i was in hell... as a reward when i started doing what they wanted the first time... they let me hurt him back." he admitted. "it kind of helped." he admitted with a sigh. "maybe if i find Crowley, i can ask really nice, and he'll let us face him. together, and beat the shit out of him." he mumbled. "he did... he pulled me out of hell. and cured me again ad again and he's still around so maybe we have to be okay..." he whispered. "we have to be okay." he knew they would never be together, she would be so much happier with someone else, but at least she would never wonder why her soul mate wasn't responding. he flinched when she crumbled and he held her, sobbing with her and went to sleep with her.

when Sam knocked on the door Dean tightened his hold on Morrigan, protecting her as he snagged his knife and whipped it around to aim at the threat, blinking at Sam and scowled. "...what?!" he demanded, sounding very aggravated, but keeping a little more quiet so she wouldn't wake up Bailey, wincing when he realized he'd cut his hand and the blood trickled over the back of his hand, staining Bailey's hand red where the blood trickled down.
“...He did...but....maybe. It might help. I don’t know.”She muttered, to hurt and lost to even consider that it might help. Or how it would turn out, but would help. “....we will be okay.”She muttered sighing softly as she settled into him, trusting him, to watch over them both.

Sam sighed a little as he saw the knife, but not moving away, “It’s morning. Time to get moving, if you’re feeling up to driving. Otherwise, me and Cas can continue two could catch up.”Sam said watching them worried, looking down at their hands, sighing softly. Well. That wasn’t going to be easy to hide. Wondering just what had happened out here, but not wanting to press, not when he knew dean was not handling things well, trusting his brother to trust him and talk when he was ready. "Dean?"Bailey muttered starting to come around. even if she was a hunter, the emotional toll of the day before was to much even for a woman who'd usually woke at a drop of a hat, she'd totally past out, and it was taking more to start to come around.
"Right... yeah. morning." he agreed, remembering where he was before looking down at Bailey. "it's okay Sparkplug. it's just Brakes." he said, flashing Sam an annoyed glare. he only called Sam 'brakes' when the asshole Moose 'put the brakes' on Dean's moves or was otherwise a buzz kill, killjoy or wet mop bucket sad face. "come on Sparkplug. time to get up... Sam? could you get some bandages? i cut myself." that would assuredly get her up. he paused when he realized she had probobly noticed the bandages on his arms but he could bush that off as a previous attack that wasn't healing quite well. the cut on his hand was bleeding pretty good and she'd no doubt see the blood leaping out, and spreading across her own hands. there was no hiding now. no pretending.
“...Brakes?...sammie?”Bailey stirred more, blinking sleepily, which just made Sam wince a little as he got a look at red rimmed eyes. Definitely a long night for them both. Raising a eyebrow though at what Dean thought he was doing, after all he wasn’t stopping dean from doing anything. Rolling his eyes at the name, “...I thought brakes was Cas for you.”Sam muttered not protesting the nickname to hard, not when it amused him that dean had a theme for nicknames, all things found on a car. “...You got cut?”Bailey whined a little stirring as Sam nodded heading back inside to get the bandages. “....You seem to be doing that alot.”She said flicking a glance at his arms, the question there but not asking, not sure if she had the right to ask before the sight of her hands changing drew her attention, staring down. “....Oh.”She stared, not sure what to think, flushing brightly as she remembered everything she’d written in the last two days about dean, and how he had found her. “.....”she stared. “......I asked Dean winchester for help....finding himself.....”She stuttered flushed and looking ready to bolt. already moving away from him, to embarassed and upset to stay. "I'll grab our stuff. we've already wasted enough time. we better actually get to our hunt."She said, glad they were probably only a day or two out now.
"yeah. yeah it's okay." he murmured. "Cas is Clutch." Dean scoffed. "and i'm sure you can figure out why. "just a little one." he promised before flinching at her comment and found he couldn't lie. "it helps... it... when i can't... it's... punishing myself makes me feel better..." he admitted softly. "the last couple of days... i just. i couldn't deal so i... i punished myself..." he admitted softly before smiling a little. "yeah." he mumbled before he smiled a little. "to be fair, i didn't know it was you until we found you." he admitted softly. "i thought... you knew, about the abuse... about what John did to me so i figured... it would be better if you never knew. that you'd move on and me happy but... but i realize i was just making it worse for you." he admitted. "you don't have to worry. i don't... i don't think either of us are... i don't think i could ever make you happy. not the way you deserve." he admitted to her. "so, if you want to move on, that's okay. i already tried you know... to... move on. it didn't... work so well for me." he swallowed thickly. "if John was still alive, i would have thought maybe he had done it but..." he shook his head. "anyway, if you find someone better, i won't be mad." he promised her. "because i'm... not whats best for you."
“....Do you call him that to his face?And then have to explain?”Bailey muttered with a sleepy snicker before pausing. Staring at him. “ more. It’s not you that needs punished.”She said looking upset and worried about him, blue eyes so pained at the idea that she’d hurt him badly enough that he was doing this. “....”She stared at him as he explained, still flushed and embarrassed, not sure what to say. “...I...I can’t. Dean. For the last five years....hell. Longer really....I can’t,....Justice was all I had. And after she was gone....”She trailed off. Because after john had stolen justice from her, she hadn’t had the heart, or the desire to move on. To let someone else close to her, to chance caring. “....Friends?We’ll be okay. We should get hunting though....we can do that together. If we can’t do anything else....we can at least figure out that.”She muttered avoiding looking at him, because she had no shields against him anymore, he knew her worst nightmares, the disgust she felt with herself. She couldn’t handle feeling this emotionally raw right now. Hunting, hunting she understood. They could figure that out. And if he found someone well....”You should find someone to. I don’t should.”She muttered, smiling at him slightly, wanting him to be happy to. "You should try again...even if it failed. your angel, for example."She teased a little as she got out of the car, pushing past sam as the man came back out. "here."Sam muttered handing the bandages over to dean as he studied his brother.
"i have called him that to his face. i think he's learned not to ask." he admitted before glancing at her, mildly ashamed that she knew. "that's not how it works Bays... the pain... i need the pain or i'll go mad..." he admitted softly. if he was really, really lucky she wouldn't find out that he was drinking to help with the drop after his adderall highs. "It's okay Bailey. you won't feel like that forever." he promised. "someday you'll find someone who makes you very happy." he promised, smiling at her. "someone you deserve, though he won't deserve you because no one could. you're just too awesome." he teased with a smile before nodding. "friends. and hunters. we did it for two years, we can pick it up easily enough i'm sure... just... please don't tell Sam? about any of this? he doesn't know. i couldn't stand for him to know." he admitted before smiling at her. "...i don't have the right to drag yet another person into this life, only to watch them die. i don't have the strength." he admitted before he snorted. "please. Cas wishes. i'm not remotely gay. not even curious. besides, Crowley totally put his stamp on Cas." he admitted with a grin before watching her leave. "thanks Sam... i'm sorry. i know this is hard for you too... you should talk to your boy. mention that we're heading past the state line." he suggested. "even if he's not in Yale, he might live around here." he admitted. problem was. San's mate hadn't written anything since the red paint had stained Sam's hands. Busy with school or angry with Sam maybe? or had something bad happened?
“That’s amusing.”Bailey muttered before sighing. Watching her, worried. “I know.but it scares me...”She muttered watching him, fidgeting a little, fingertips resting against his arm, not pressing down, just absently fiddling with the shirt sleeve, upset she couldn’t figure out how to help hin. “...Yea...maybe. Not sure about that....”She sighed a little, because she was willing to let him believe that she would someday, find someone even if she really didn’t want to. “I am awesome.”She mutered even if she didn’t believe it, to raw, to disgusted with herself and the mistakes she’d made, and what john had done to really believe it. “I wasn’t going to. If he ever finds should be from you. But... He doesn’t need to know this. Not with everything else already on his mind.”She muttered not wanting to add to sam’s strain. He might not be her sibling, but she thought of him as one, even if they hadn’t met before now. He was important to dean, which had made him important to her. She giggled a little at his denial, “I know you’re not.”She muttered before pausing, staring. “...Crowely....the demon right? He wants...”She looked shocked at the idea. “You’re welcome. And I haven’t heard from him since yesterday morning....I wrote to him last night....and I’ll write to him in the car. but....I’m starting to get worried, Dean.”Sam said the strain of worrying about the two with him, and not nowing what was going on with his maate had the man all twisted up. Looking up at the other two as they came out, he smiled as they tossed their bags into the car, though it was strained. Looking at dean he tilted his head. “Which car are you driving today?”He asked, willing to drive with bailey if dean needed him to, but hoping his brother, despite them both looking like they'd taken a beating, would want to be with her. it gave him a little hope for them both, even if he had no idea what had happened between them to, he figured they could have a chance again.
"i know." he admitted softly "i'm sorry... ill try." he promised, knowing he would fail but he could try, for her. he'd try a lot more than he ever had before that was for certain. "you are totally awesome." he agreed with a smile before nodding. "Sam doesn't need to know. he'll only feel guilty that he didn't notice." he agreed. "yeah. Crowley the demon." he agreed with an impish smirk before frowning at Sam, worried now. "have you tried writing to him?" he asked, reacting to his bothers upset. "fuck.get in the cars." he ordered. "i have a bad feeling about all of this." he admitted. "i'll drive Bailey." he promised Sam. "if we have to stop, you keep going. let Cas drive Baby. you need to get there and now. this just doesn't seam like a coincidence." he admitted. "go. now." he ordered, feeling his panic amp up, well aware it was probobly just drug induced paranoia but unable to ignore it. they didn't need to stop. another pill, another dose of Adderall and he was ready to drive for another twenty four hours, so with Cas and Sam trading off, they where able to get there in time for Ellen to call, worried because the boy she'd heard from hadn't checked in like he'd promised to, and when he called her he didn't answer. "we're already here in Yale." Dean promised her as he stepped out. "we're heading to the private flats now." he promised her, following Sam to the specified Address. "wait..." he ordered suddenly, tapping his nose. "smell that? sulpher, old blood and decay... there are Hellhounds around here." he eased into the building which held three private flats on each level. they headed up to the third level and Dean knelt down, eyebrows rising. "Salt... and here, look..." he pointed at the handle. "a Devil's trap has been etched into the doorknob... and there's a Devil's shoestring tacked around the door too..." someone, was very worried. "Hello!? Winchesters!" he called, knocking on the door, glancing at Sam when there was no answer and he carefully opened the door, gaping. there where circles upon circles of Salt, Devil's traps laid under those circles all over. there was salt lining every opening, alone with Devil's shoestrings, even the vents and the drains. worse, there was huge splashes of red, everywhere. where they too late? what really floored him, was the portrait of Sam on an easel. still slightly wet when he touched it, smudging a corner. the whole thing was splattered with blood giving the picture of a smiling Sam a very eerie look.
“Good.”Bailey offered him a small smile, “I don’t want you dying on me you know.”She muttered before nodding. “yea, no telling sammie.”She muttered looking amused at the idea of the angel being courted by the demon, and wondering if cas knew it. “Yea I did.”Sam said looking worried before nodding, “No it really can’t. And we’ll get there.”Sam said sounding anxious even as he headed for the car. Looking worried about dean to, even if he was worried about the boy, frowning because dean wasn’t letting bailey drive, even if she probably could. “....Damn. A few of them I think.”Sam muttered wrinkling his nose as he slid the handgun into his hand, smiling grimly at the sight of cas and bailey heading around the back of the building to make their way in, following in with dean. Pausing to look at teh others as they joined them. “...Damn.”He muttered when there was no answer, easing into the room, pausing as he stared around, paling at the sight of the blood. Had he already lost his mate?Eyeign the picture he shuddered a little. “That’s just creepy.”Bailey muttered looking at the picture as she moved further into the room. “Dean!”Sam yelled as he pushed open the bathroom door, panic starting to twist through the normally steady winchester’s voice. Sam lowered the gun as he knelt at the boy’s side, while he was good, dean was the better doctor out of the two.
Dean scoffed a little. "do you know how many times i have died? i'm practically immortal by now." he admitted with a huff. "We'll be in time Sam." he promised the other. "we will be." he hoped to god he would be. "more than a few." Dean mumbled, shaking his head. "someone here is wanted dead." he mumbled before carefully sliding the salt back into perfect, even lines once more, not willing to break the protection before grimacing at all the blood. "did you send him a picture of yourself?" he wondered. the portrait had even gotten the scars and tattoos right. problem was, there was no way the young man should have known what Sam looked like. they had never been able to trade any real information. addresses, phone numbers, locations, names, or even physical descriptions. so how the hell could he possibly know what Sam looked like? "Very creepy." Dean agreed before wincing as he realized why Sam was screaming. "Sam? go get the kit." he ordered, gently checking the boy's pulse. he was just a few years younger than Sam, but he looked so small and frail compared to Sam's moose-ness. the boy was wearing clothes that where so tattered they where hardly covering anything so Sam tore them off and wrapped a towel around him to preserve his modesty. there where chunks of his missing, torn from dog like teeth but it looked as though none of them where still bleeding. he was covered in bites and claw marks around his arms where he looked like he had tried to defend himself. his legs had been worried to the bone in places and his ribs where covered i scratches and bites. the most worrying was the claw marks across the boy's face. if Dean was very lucky, he'd be able to save the kids eye, but he knew without a doubt that he'd be blind in that eye. there was no saving the vision, not witht he eye damaged as it was. "Kid? can you hear me? Kid?!" "" "Yeah. yeah it's alright. i'm Dean Winchester." he promised. "Can you tell me you're name?" "Demetrius" the boy shuddered out before going silent once more, unable to stay awake through the pain. "Cas? can you save his eye?" Dean asked, aware that Cas couldn't heal everything, but at least they could let Demetrius keep his eye right? he was already working on cleaning the wounds and as soon as Sam was there, he pumped in a good dose of antibiotics into Demetrius to help with the long red lines laying under his skin. signs of blood poisoning. "now we know why the blood never showed up." Dean mumbled, examining the thin gloves laying over Demetrius's hands, keeping Sam from finding out that his life mate was in trouble.
“Yea they were.”Sam muttered feeling the same tight sickness that had nearly sent him to his knees when he’d seen bailey pinned. Someone, his mate, had nearly been killed because he was his. “N-no. Never.”Sam stuttered a little, looking upset and worried. Looking up at Dean when they other stepped in, stumbling as he raced out to the car to get the kit. Returning soon enough with them, even as Bailey forced him to stay out and not look, just yet. Letting Cas in the small bathroom with dean and dimitri. “Yes. But not the sight.”Cas muttered frowning slightly as he knelt across the body from dean, resting a hand on the boy’s face, healing him, even if he looked a little pale at the effort. While he could heal the damage, it drained him to deal with demon inflicted wounds. Especially the dogs that were lucifer’s personal hounds. They were made of tougher stuff, then normal hell hounds. Lowering a hand as he stroked a hand down over the other’s leg, helping, bolstering the anti-biotics to give it a boost and help him fight it off. “Yea, we do now.”Bailey muttered as she looked into the room. “move him into the bedroom dean. I dosed Sammie out here, he needs to lay down.”Bailey said mostly holding the moose up, he’d started panicking, and rather then have him totally lose his mind, the woman had simply slipped him a sleeping pill in his water rather then let him crash hard.
"well somehow this kid knew what you looked like." he mused, shaking his head as he worked on the kid. "it's fine. nothing could have saved the sight, but if he can keep the eye that'll see him a lot of self esteem issues." he admitted. "he's going to have enough scars to really bother him as it is." he admitted. "thanks Cas. i know that's exhausting. i should be able to keep him going on my own now. there was no way i could have removed that eye if it had gotten infected." he admitted. "that was good thinking." Dean admitted to her. "i have to get these all bandaged before i can move him. the wounds are too fresh, they'll open again as soon as i move him too much." he admitted. "having them bandaged will limit the amount of blood he might lose." he admitted. "go lay him down okay?" he asked her, indicating Sam. "we'll have Demetrius out to him as soon as i've finished." he promised, wincing when the baying howls of the Hellhounds sounded. but they where getting fainter. answering the call of their master and leaving. they had failed, but as hurt as Demetrius was, Lucifer was likely to be quite pleased. it didn't take Dean much longer to finish cleaning and bandaging the wounds and soon Demetrius was laying in his bed next to Moose Sam, resting and Dean stared at them for a moment. Demetrius was taller than he had first looked. just tall enough to rest his head on Sam's shoulder. but he was thin and slight, practically half a Sam. "...Sam's gonna break that kid." Dean muttered. "i mean, is Sam even gonna fit inside that? how does that even work?" Dean wondered, his head cocked to the side as he studied Sam and Demetrius. Sam looked way bigger, and Demetrius looked way smaller when they lay next to each other like that. "that kid needs to eat more, holy crap."
“We’ll ask him when he gets up.”Sam said eyeing the painting for a long moment. “Good. Glad to help.”Cas muttered tilting his head slightly, because he didn’t always understand human issues, so having dean tell him he did well with the eye, helped him understand a little better. “You’re welcome. Always.”Cas muttered looking up at Bailey. “Yea, thought so. Gonna need help moving him though.”Bailey said nodding a little at dean having to wait to move him. She was a hunter, she knew that. “I got it.”Cas said moving away and standing, smiling slightly as he helped bailey get sam settled into bed. Shuddering at the sound of hell hounds, bailey winced as she looked towards the window, staring out. Moving out of the bed when dean laid demetrius down, she snorted a little. “...Maybe it’ll be sam who bottoms. The kid could totally fit in sam.”Bailey said smirking a little, because she knew the idea of sam having sex weirded him out some, even if he spent half his time trying to get his brother laid. “And everyone looks small next to sam, he’s a moose. Moose is big. And we’ll feed him....”Bailey smiled a little. “We should see about getting some food. I don’t think I trust eating any of the food that’s in here.”Bailey said not putting it past the demons to have messed with the food.
Dean smiled at Cas a little before nodding at Bailey. "yeah, he's a bit of a moose." he agreed with a smile before sighing as he heard the hell hounds moving away. he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not but they had some room for breathing now. he wasn't moving the salt lines, that was for sure.he wrinkled his nose at her. "honestly i think that kid could crawl inside of Sam entirely." he admitted. "this is gross. lets not talk about this." he decided before nodding. "you stay here and watch them. Sam is going to want to get up and he's not allowed and Demetrius is likely to be just as bad as Sam." he admitted. "Cas is coming with me, you, Sam and Demetrius are safe behind the lines." he admitted, indicating the sat lines. "kid is smart, i'll give him that. i never thought of more than one salt line." he admitted, heading out to get food. when he came back, Demetrius had just woken up and he had a wicked looking blade in his hand, both hands trembling as he struggled to stay awake and protect himself. he wasn't attacking Sam or Bailey though so he knew they where there to help him at least.
“...He probably could. He looks about as wide around as sam’s thigh.”Bailey snickered a little as she watched the two sleeping men before snorting. “You always had such a queasy stomach when it concerned Sammie.”She teased amused, before nodding a little. “Go ahead. We’ll be okay. And if I have to, I think I can keep the moose in bed.”She said smiling as she waved him out. By the time Dean got back Sam was struggling to wake up enough to talk, but given that he hadn’t been asleep that long, he was still drugged and out of it. “Demetrius. I’m Bailey Daniels. I’m here to help.”She said trying to look as non threatening as possible. “You need to lay down, and rest. You’re safe now.”
"i know. it's just so wrong in so many ways." he admitted with a chuckle before snorting. "only when he's bleeding, Demon possessed or having sex." he admitted. "i know you can. you're a bit more stubborn than he is." Dean admitted with a chuckle. Demetrius paused, staring at her, hesitating before. "Dmitri... i'm... i'm Dmitri. Demetrius is too long." he mumbled, slowly lowering the blade. "El...Ellen said Winchester was coming..." he said, his voice trembling and weak and tired and upset. "i can't rest. when i try to they come back." he whispered. "i have to stay awake or they start breaking through the lines... you can't hear them now, because they're waiting. waiting for me to sleep..." he whispered, hands trembling even more. "i... i have to wait for Winchester... Ellen said to wait for Winchester."
“That’s adorable, you’re cute when you’re freaked out some.”Bailey teased looking amused before snorting. “I’ve had to put up with you. Being stubborn is a way of life.”She smiled.

Nodding at Demetrius’ words. “Dmitri then.”She said before wincing at how weak he was. “You can rest. They’re here. That’s Sam winchester sleeping behind you, and-”She paused looking up when Dean came in. “that idiot is Dean winchester, hound slayer and all around pain in the ass. Don’t worry, we can kill the hounds, you can rest.”Bailey soothed. “Sam needs you to rest okay?Can you do that for me?Sleep, and make sure he doesn’t go anywhere.” “I’m awake.”Sam slurred struggling to wake up more.
"Yeah. Dmitri." he agreed before turning to stare at Sam, his eyes wide. one bright, though glossed over from fever and pain, the other going clear as the pupil clouded over from the blindness. he didn't seam to have noticed yet. he seamed stunned to actually see Sam and he leaned over the other, examining him intently before setting a hand on his face, stroking the cheek before trailing down the chin. "he's real..." Dmitri whispered, astonished. "he's really here..." he mumbled before laying on top of the other and began to cry because he had been attacked several times and his sou mate was there and he was hurt and sick and couldn't contain himself anymore. he wasn't awake for long, he cried for about a minute and then tapered off to sleep. "Poor kid. just got off the phone with Ellen." Dean explained. "he's the some of Dominic Demos." the Demos family was actually rather famous in the hunting world. they where originally from Greece and where one of the few families who had been part of the Men of Letters and they where also ones who created real books on the subject of hunting. those books where extraordinarily rare, all hand written and only twenty had made it into circulation and that had been in the eighteen hundreds or so. Dominic Demos had carried on the family honor by adding to 'the book'. the family Grimiore of sorts. a book that had existed since the 1800's and was easily the most advanced book on monsters, beings, demons and hauntings that had ever existed. Dominic had retired though, to protect his newborn son, Dmitri. apparently that protection had just worn out.
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