Blood written(lady/moon)

“Yep, that’s sammy.”Bailey smiled a little at dmitri’s reaction watching them. “Hey...”Sam muttered blinking, still drugged as he watched the other, a slow tired blink as he considered the man, clumsily wrapping his arms around dmitri as he held the other, drifting off to sleep himself again. “Yea...poor both of them. I don’t think Sam’s gonna take this well...”She muttered before looking surprised, looking at him. “Wow.”She muttered looking around the apartment. “Well, that explains he knew what to do.”She muttered, hanging her head a little, turning away, heart hurting. Another hunter who’d done what she failed to do. Successfully retire. Swallowing thickly as she moved over to look out the window as Cas walked in. “The hounds are gone for the moment. No demons or hounds here right now.”The angel sighed softly.
"Hi." Dmitri murmured to Sam, so overwhelmed by the past few days on top of actually meeting his soul mate. "No he's not." Dean admitted with a sigh, shaking his head before gently set his hand on her shoulder. "you can't blame yourself..." he murmured. "if John hadn't involved himself you woul have succeeded but he made it his business to make your life... my life... our lives as uch hell as possible. it is, was, and always will be John's fault. never yours. okay?" he asked softly. "i wonder if he has that book around here?" he mused before looking at Cas. "good. until we're all recovered, we're staying here where it's more or less safe. Dmitri can't be moved and Bailey needs a chance to get some real rest and i'm gonna crash here in a few hours." he admitted. he could feel the strain of taking way too many pills in too short of a time. he was going to crash hard so he intended on getting plaster drunk because if he was drunk, no one would look twice at effects from coming off the Adderall high.
“Hey.”Sam muttered sleepily. “We’ll look after him. He’s in good hands.”Bailey said smiling a little, before looking up at the man as he rested a hand on his shoulder, “...Yea... I guess.”She muttered sighing softly, shifting, leaning into him a little. Simply taking comfort in his presence, even with bobby, it’d been a long time since she’d had anyone. “He might. We’ll ask him when he gets up again.”Bailey said looking around. “Good. You all need sleep.”Cas said lookign at them all, nodding towards the comfortable looking couch. “You two sleep there, I don’t need sleep. You can rest. You both have had a rough few days”He said watching them get settled in and watching over her as she drifted off to sleep and worry on his face as he watched dean get plastered. Maybe Bailey would get through to him? Even knowing bailey was recovering well, wasn’t a comfort knowing that lucifer knew she survived. That her and dmitri were alive. He’d be back eventually.

“...Dean?”Bailey muttered stirring when she smelled the drunk man getting closer to her, dark eyes sleepy and worried as she considered him.
"They both are." he agreed before smiling at her a little. "We'll have to. if he's up to talking anywa. he hasn't exactly taken stock of his injuries... loosing an eye, as an artist could hit him pretty hard." he admitted. "I've seen the best hunters in the world fall to pieces because they lost an eue or a finger." he admitted. "arms and legs too but that's a bit more understandable." he admitted. "come on Bailey, you need to sleep." Dean fussed and once she was asleep he started getting drunk. "i'm... i'm really drunk." Dean informed her sluggishly when she woke up and he snuggled into the other end of the couch. "i'm... i'm... i'm really drunk." he admitted again, watching her. "Are... did i wake you? i'm sorry." he mumbled as he tucked himself in and started to snore and he was still dead to the world even when Dmitri started to wake up and slide out of bed because he needed to pee only for him to remember there where people in his house, he had been attacked and he had found his ife mate. already the fever, and the pain, had diminished a lot and he simply sat there and gaped at the sleeping Sam until his soul mate started to wake up too and he grabbed a marker and drew a big heart on his hand and stared, waiting, for the mark to appear on Sam's hands, delighted when a little bit later, it did. he had done it! he had found his soul mate! strange though, his vision seamed to be a bit off.
Btrue. But we'll be here with him for a whIle now. I doubt you could convince sam to keep hinting for now. He'll stop cause Dmitri will need him."she sighed a little. As bad as it was, she was glad she found him. She could help him and give sam time with his mate without feeling guilty for needing the break from hunting. "Yea I can see that."she muttered blinking starting to wake up more as she nodded. Looking at him worried."it's okay. Get some sleep."she ordered settling in to sleep curled up with him, even ifshe knew he'd hate it when he woke, she needed the comfort of his presence so she curled up next to him to sleep.

"Dmitri?"sam stirred when he heard the other moving, blinking at him slowly, struggling to wake up more before snoeting as he heard bacon and eggs cooking. Hopefully that was bailey cooking and not dean. Dean could cook, but he wasn't great at it."careful getting up..."he muttered not sure how to tell him about his eye.
"that's true. this is about the only way he was going to agree to take a break and Sam really needs one." Dean admitted. "i think we all do really." he admitted before sighing and heading off to get plastered and he hummed in agreement when she told him to sleep.

"yeah... hi..." Dmitri whispered, staring at him. "someone's making food?" he asked, tilting his head. "i need to pee." Dmitri explained, slowly getting to his feet and he scowled, reaching up to touch his face. "i can't..." his hands found the bandages that where plastered on his face, but when he nearly poked himsef in the eye he new it wasn't covered. "i... i can't see out of my left eye...." he muttered, sounding so shocked and horrified and stunned. "i... i'm half blind?" he asked, turning to look at Sam with eyes so wide, desperatly seeking reassurance from the one person whose opinion mattered.
"Yeach hopefully bailey, but dean or cas might be."sam muttered making a face at that idea."careful."sam said sitting up, he was such a moose sitting up he realized. He looked huge next to dmitri. "You are."sam aid gently, reaching out to hug him, drawing him closer."we saved the eye but couldn't heal all the damage..."sam said worried about his reaction before nudging him a little."go pee. Then we'll see about getting food."he said, hoping if he treated it like normal the other wouldn't freak to badly. Even if he was sure he still would, he was trying to make it easier
he nodded. "i didn't even know i had food in the flat." he admitted. he hadn't, nothing but some spoiled milk, a half drunk can of Pepsi and some stale bread. there had been a half a box of cereal too but that had actually been edible so it didn't really count. he made a small, upset sound when Sam pulled him into a hug but he relaxed into it. his soup mate didn't think he was hideous or handicapped so maybe it would be okay. "okay. i'm... i'm hungry enough to eat i guess." he mumbled, heading into the bathroom and shrieking like a girl when he realized he had only been wearing a pair of boxers. "Sam!... i'm naked!" Dmitri wailed, Dean chuckling as he looked for, and located a bathrobe, handing it to Sam to hand to Dmitri before Dean shuffled into the kitchen for coffee and maybe some ibeproven. real ibeproven this time, his head was killing him. it was amusing that Dmitri's bathrobe was a 'woman's' robe though. it was satin, barely went low enough to hide anything and it was a very pretty pale pink. it was adorable to say the least and once Dmitri had it, he was a little more willing to wander out of the bathroom in search of clothes. clothes that Dean had noticed where a very eclectic mixof mens and woman's clothes. not just gender, but in style as well. there was even a gothica style lolita dress mixed in with a very pretty sun dress and a mans suit and tie set.
"You didn't. Dean went and got some, so expect some fairly unhealthy food. Though he better have gotten my salad."sam said making a face. Sam tensed at the upset sound, waiting for the other to reject the comfort, relaxing when he didnt. "Good. Cause I don't think bailey would let us do anything if we didn't eat anything."sam smiled a little before laughing out loud."yea you are. Um. The Hounds sorta destroyed your clothes. Be glad dean has stopped prank ing me enough to put you in boxers....a few years ago you would have woken up naked."sam made a face before smiling a little at dean as he toOK the robe and passed it in to dmitri. Now that he was calmer and more awake, he looked around the room in curiousity, feeling like a giant really looking at some of them. "Foods ready you two!"bailey yelled as she put sams morning salad and the eggs and bacon on the table, amused because she'd been teaching cas how to cook.
"Oh. i don't cook much, so i usually just go to the commons and eat." he admitted with a smile at Sam's grumble. he liked fruit salads and yogurt for breakfast himself, but he wouldn't turn his nose up at Bacon and Eggs either. "Bailey is the girl who was with me last night?" he asked, struggling to remember. "the hounds? like Hellhounds? i don't understand why they went after me... i never made a deal..." he said, sounding trembly and frightened. "my fathers book said that was the only reason why a Hellhound would come after a human, unless that human really pissed off a Demon but i haven't done anything, i don't think..." he admitted, pulling on the robe, wincing at the pull on his wounds and decided to just wear the robe., ignoring the way Dean was staring at his legs. Dmitri did soething few men did. he shaved his legs. and his armpits, and even his arms. he left the scant fur on his chest, but only because he didn't want to bother with it. "...Sam.... your boyfriend? he's awesome." Dean informed Sam, still staring at Dmitri who smirked a little and sat down, crossing his ankles and stole a few choice pieces off of Dean's salad and then tucked into his food, starving now.
“Ah. That explains the lack of food.”Sam smiled a little because he enjoyed cooking, mostly, but he so rarely got to indulge in it anymore since he spent most of his nights in hotels and motels. “Yea, that’s her. She’s dean’s mate, even though they’re both being weird about it.”Sam muttered giving that eye roll that said he thought they were being ridiculous, but understood that there was reasons they were to. “Yes, hellhounds.”Sam said before flinching, looking away from him. “You haven’t. Me and dean have. They came after our mates, thankfully we got to you two before you died for it.”Sam said looking sick that he’d almost gotten the other killed before staring at Dmitri, like dean, admiring the other’s legs. “Hm?He is.”Sam agreed before smiling as they settled at the kitchen table to eat. “Thanks Bays.”Sam muttered looking up at the woman as she started to eat. Finding it irresistable to watch her and dean together, because they were ignoring each other without ignoring each other, and seeing his brother with anyone, fascinated him. Especially since even if he’d loved her, he hadn’t been like this with Lisa.
"Yeah." Dmitri agreed with a smile before snickering. "she's the one who got to 'touch' baby then?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "being weird? they're mates." he said, frowning a little. "how can they be 'weird' about it?" he asked, shaking his head before grimacing a little. "well... it was certainly an effective attack." he mumbled. "if it wasn't for the fact that i always carry holy oil on me, just in case, they would have killed me." he admitted softly. "i was... i've never been attacked before. i don't think i've really... i don't think it's sunk in yet." he admitted before grinning when he realized they where all staring at his legs. what bits weren't covered in bandages anyway. he sat down and flexed them a little before crossing them again and devoured his breakfast, blinking when Dean slid over me more. "you're tiny. you need to eat more." he ordered even as he slid some of the coffee over to Bailey, siding into old habits quite easily even as he snagged some bacon off her plate since he knew she wouldn't care enough to complain.
“Yea she is.”Sam said before snorting a little. “They dated years ago, and didn’t know it. It didn’t end well, and I think they’re hiding things from me, but what I know is bad enough, and they’re not wanting to be together again”Sam sighed making a face, because it upset him to not know how to help the two. “Yea....Lucifer nearly killed Bailey to...she got lucky I think he got bored....”Sam shuddered a little, leaning into the other a little. “Well, you can stay with us till we stop this, hopefully.”Sam sighed quietly worried about him before smiling as he started to eat himself. “...Just cause he’s not as big as me, doesn’t mean he’s tiny.” “Yes it does. He’s small. And you’re a moose.”Bailey said rolling her eyes a little as dean stole her bacon, sipping her coffee, absently pushing her plate towards him so he could get the rest of the bacon if he wanted it.
"ah. well that would throw things into a bit of a fuss." he agreed. "do you think they're hiding bad things, or things you really don't want to know?" he asked Sam, his head tilted before he winced a little. "must be why he sent hounds after me. he didn't want to risk getting bored?" he mused, shuddering a little before smiling at Sam. "i'd like that. staying with you i mean." he admitted before he giggled a little. "Dean. he's smaller than Sparkplug is." he pointed out before tensing when someone knocked on the door. "D? D are you home?" it was a woman's voice and there was a small grumble from the other side. "he's got that Devi's plant up. do you think something happened?" the voice was a deep, rumbling bass and Dean had his gun in his hand as someone rattled the doorknob. "Dmitri?" "it's okay!" Dmitri called, looking at Dean. "put that down before you shoot my friends." he ordered. hobbling for the door. "Dmitri! what happened?!" the woman shrieked, fussing over him. "oh you poor thing! look at you! you're all tore up!" "Jesus Christ D! is that blood!?" even the woman was bigger than Dmitri. well muscled and almost as tall as Dean was she was super model gorgeous with olive skin and silky black hair and long, long legs accented by leather pants. the man, was point blank massive. he was bigger than Sam, by a lot. his skin a dark ebony and his frame packed with muscles. he was completely bald and clean shaven and he was staring at the three strangers with a wary look.

"Sora, Bruce. i'm glad to see you! and glad you missed all the fuss too. i was just, had a run in with some old wives tales that's all." Dmitri promised. "i'm not hurt too badly. this is Dean, Bailey and Sam. they rescued me." he explained, beaming at them. "i'm going to rest for a few days and then, i was thinking of going into the family business." "You must be out f your mind!" Bruce grumbled. "I've read that book of yours!" "Oh relax. i'm not going to do the hunting myself. i'm just going to stalk other hunters." "...well, that doesn't seam much safer." Sora admitted, crossing her arms. "...did someone cook? i know you can't." "yeah. Bailey did i think?" he wondered. "anyway you have to come in! i found my soul mate!" he cheered. "Sam! Sam! Come here! these re my best friends, Sora and Bruce. "...he's gonna snap you in half..." Bruce informed Dmitri, looking amused, making Dean dissolve into snickers.
“Yea, it would. And yea. Probably, but if I don’t know what happened, I can’t help them either.”he said sighing quietly before nodding a little. “Probably. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the reason, even if trying to apply logical reasons to lucifer doesn’t work well.”The man said wrinkling his nose a little before snorting. “Bailey’s smaller then dmitri.”sam said rolling his eyes even as he slipped the gun into his hand, tense as he waited, tense and ready to defend before loking at dmitri. “You sure?”Bailey said not liking it, even as she slid the gun back into the waistband of her jeans, watching the people as they moved into the room. Tense and ready to attack if they did. “Yea, it is....we haven’t had a chance to clean up yet.”Bailey said tense, not liking this, even as she eyed dmitri’s friends.

“....You still have the book?”Baiely said latching nto the one fact that interested her. She wasn’t surprised that dmitri was going to follow sam on a hunt, she’d figured that if he hadn’t, sam would be retiring. She had guessed they’d stay together, even if it hurt that sam was going to get his happy ending, even if she was happy for him, it hurt knowing her and dean just wouldn’t. They couldn’. “Yea, I cooked. There’s still some on the stove if you want some.”Bailey said before snorting at dmitri’s excitement over having sam there. “Hello.”Sam smiled at the two as he stood, glancing at Dmitri. “Everyone seems to think you’re breakable.” “....He is. Tiny. Tinier then me and Cas.”Bailey snickered as she looked up at the angel as he flashed in, the slight shadow of wings showing on the walls before they were hidden again. “....The city is clear. For the moment.”Cas said tilting his head at Dean a little.
he nodded. "it might just have to be something that they have to help each other with." he admitted to Sam. "you can't save them from everything after all." he admitted with a small shake of his head before nodding. "i'll have to add that to the Book." he decided before looking at Bailey. "no she's not." he stated simply. "she's at least an inch taller and she's got a lot more muscle than me." he admitted before nodding at her. "very sure. there aren't any shapeshifters in the area." he promised with a chuckle before smiling at Bruce who looked a bit pale at all the blood.

"Of course i still have the book." he scoffed at Bailey. "it's over a thousand years old. of course i'm keeping it. it's been rebound and organized and compiled and such since then. this is actually the new, edited version, though i have the original in a bank safety deposit box." he admitted. "just in case." he admitted. "Father spent most of his life on it." he admitted. "he was very proud." he admitted happily. "No thank you." Bruce said at the offer of food even as Sora skipped over and helped herself to Dmitri's plate. he didn't look at all bothered. "i am a bit breakable." Dmitri admitted with a giggle as Bruce snorted. "he's not breakable so much as... never been hurt ever?" Bruce suggested. "he's a bit of a pansy, being honest." "i am not! okay maybe a little, but that's besides the point." he whined before shrieking in fear when Cas appeared and Bruce growled, deep in his chest and moved to defend his friend from the supernatural threat before he paused, his nose quivering as he stared at Cas, taking a step back and bowing his head almost reverently to him. almost as if, submitting to him. a very curious behavior. Dmitri just looked amused.
“Yea I know...and I can save them from it. Dean saves me from everything.”Sam grumbled unhappy with not being able to help his brother and his mate. “Do.”Sam said because while he wasn’t actively having visions of lucifer at the moment, they came and went sometimes, and he tried not to let everyone know about them, simply because he knew it’d freak most people out. “....Okay. So maybe she isn’t that small. She’s nearly as tall as dean is.”Sam snickered a little even if she was slimmer, she was nearly as tall, and well muscled.

“Ah...”Bailey said flushing as Dmitri scoffed, smiling slightly. “When we have some downtime, I’d like looking through it. Dean said something about taking a break, stay here for a few days if you wouldn’t mind the company....”The woman said, offering a small smile. “...Ahhh. Well, I’ll have to be careful with him then.”Sam smiled sightly, before wincing a little as Cas appeared. “He’s fine.”Sam said looking up. Bailey smiled a little at them, “Dmitri, sora, bruce, This is Castiel. Cas, this is Dmitri and his friends.”bailey said smiling slightly. "Hello."Cas said looking vaguely upset he'd startled them. he was so used to popping in on the boys, that he forgot others weren't used to it.
"You're not supposed to save your brother from internal demons Sam. and you've saved his life more often than you realize i'd imagine." he admitted with a smile before grinning. "i'll have to show you the book. it's amazing. i've been drawing pictures to go with it. what pictures i know for sure of." he admitted. "besides, Sam is a gentle sort. he'll be kind to me." he promised, looking amused. "it's not like he's going to toss me around, forc his way inside of me and then leave me broken on a side road." " have issues, don't you?" "i read too many murder mysteries." he admitted with a shrug. "the Carver Edland books are my favorite!" he paused when Dean groaned, loudly. "You don't like the Supernatural books?" another loud groan. "i'll... take that as a no..."

"of course you can look through it. it's coming with me after all." Dmitri admitted with a smile. "i'll need to add to it." he admitted with a nod. "He's fine?" Dmitri asked, sounding incredulous. "i have Devil's shoestrings over every single window and door, there are devil traps etched onto the floor, there are circles of salt everywhere and he just pops in here like it's all nothing!" "that's because he's not a Demon." Dean explained. "he's an Angel. you have to do other things to keep them out." "oh..." "Greetings to You, Angel of the Lord." Bruce said, unable to be 'rude' to an Angel. flushing when they all turned to stare at him. "what? i'm catholic..." a lie, but the boys and Bailey wouldn't know that. "are yu really an Angel? my father Theorized that such beings existed, but he was never able to prove it one way or another. can i add you to my Book?" he asked hopefully. Dmitri wasn't going to add a real life Angel if the man didn't want him to.
“Why not?He saved me from mine. And probably, still doesn’t make it easier to watch him be miserable.”Sam grumbled looking fascinated at the idea of the book, nodding. “I’m sure it is. When we have time, we’ll have to go by the bunker. I think you’ll appericae the book collection more then my heathen of a sibling does.”Sam grinned a little before pausing, staring at dmitri. Looking vaguely offended that that had even been a thought of what he could do. “Definitely to many books.”Bailey snickered as dean groaned. “Oh, he’d like them better if Dean wasn’t Dean.”Sam said, a vague way of admitting who had been the inspiration for what Carver Edland had told them would one day be known as the Winchester Legacy, the gospel of Winchester.

“Awesome.”Bailey grinned at it, before eyeing cas. “I’d be more worried if he could be stopped by those things.” “They’re vaguely annoying, but not enough to stop.”Cas said looking around, and they were only annoying because he was fairly certain that his somewhat friendship with Crowley, who he hadn’t figured out had claimed him yet, had left a mark on the former general of heaven. “We’ll show you how to keep angels out. Besides Cas, there are few that you would want to keep around.”Sam promised before snorting at Bruce’s words, looking interested in the response. “.....Just Cas. The Winchesters have taught me this a normal human form of talking, not all angel of the lord and all.”Cas said tilting his head at Bruce before looking at dmitri, nodding slightly. “If you feel that you must, you can. I think you should. Angels are bringing the war to earth, and demons....there are things that hunters would be well knowing.”Cas frowned a little thinking it over. Not liking the idea that angels were causing enough problems on earth to need the human hunters to know about them.
"no he didn't. he helped you, he supported you but you had to fight your demons on your own." Dmitri pointed out. "just be there for him. that's the best thing you can do i think." he admitted before miling a little. "i would love to!" he agreed. "i can take my paints with right?" he asked hpoefully. "if not, he could at least use his paper pads and charcoals. "oh? really?" he asked, leaning foreward and staring at Dea. "and just how accurate are those books?" "they're all filthy lies." which meant 'they're all true and that's why i'm embarrassed.' It just made Dmitri laugh in delight.

"They annoy you?" Dean asked, frowning. "since when!?" he commanded because he'd never noticed the other being annoyed at all. "i can't think of any reason why i would want Angels to stay away." Dmitri admitted making Dean wince. ", a few, Angels want me to submit to possession so that he, and Lucifer can bring about the end of the world." "...oh. well then i better learn." Dmitri agreed before looking a little troubled. not as much as Bruce did though. "There is an actual War going on?" he asked softly. "there have been signs. plagues, famine, earthquakes and more. someone is trying to bring about the Apocalypse, aren't they?" he asked Cas, looking very deeply troubled by this. he was going to have to go home and give the warning call. "yeah they are. Lucifer, and Micheal." Dean admitted, examining Bruce. "you know a lot about this?" "again, i'm catholic. the end times is trained into us." he admitted. "all of this is written in the bible." he admitted. "once you work your way through the bigoted bullshit, Gods word is quite clear."
“....Okay. You might be right about that....I’ll just be there.”Sam sighed a little before nodding. “As long as you can make sure they wont leak out and stain baby or Junior, I don’t think taking your paints would be a problem.”Sam said smiling a little before snickering as Bailey looked interested in the topic. “There’s books?” “About 20. And they’re fairly good.”Sam smirked having read them just to see what they were about.

“Just the last few months.”About the time Crowley had started to express interest in the fallen.” They’re not to bad, just enough that I notice them rather then simply walking through.”Cas said shrugging a little which was way he hadn’t mentioned it. “And two, cause most angels are dicks. A bag of douches.”sam said making a face before nodding at bruce. “There is. But Lucy and Mikey are running through their vessels to quickly, burning them out. For the moment, they’re focusing on getting vessels to duke it out in, rather then causing to many apocalyptic things. For now.”Sam sighed softly, trouble. “The angels are. And lucifer. He has gotten out of the cage, and is seeking his chosen vessel.”Cas said looking just as troubled. “Hm, catholics always did have a way with the end of the world writings.”Bailey muttered tense and upset, worried and scared for the winchester boys. Because while she had known dean the best, still did, she was liking sam, he, they didn’t deserve this.
Dmitri nodded. "oh they won't." he promised. "i have a case they go in to protect all of my high priced art equipment." he admitted, heading over to a surprising large suitcase and popped it open, revealing an artists dream inside, paints of all colors, colored pencils, paintbrushes, and everything else he'd need all hooked into a homemade harness to hold everything perfectly. Dmitri looked so proud of himself. "think you can make another one of these for all my hinting stuff?" Dean asked, making Dmitri laugh and nod. "i probobly could." he admitted. "i own them! here, you can borrow the first one." Dmitri promised, hobbling over to his bookshelf. "they're signed so be careful okay? don't take it out in the field, i don't want blood to get on it." Dean snorted again and he looked at Sam. "okay. it's official. you're mate is nuts. he suits you perfectly." "thank you!" Dmitri was actually flattered by that, which made Dean snicker.

"....ah. i get it." Dean muttered, examining Cas with a smirk before nodding. "most angels are dicks, but i think that's more because they don't understand how humans work." Dean admitted. "they're all 'you have to do what i say because i'm made of light' and humans just aren't into that anymore." Dean admitted, making Bruce snort. "Lucifer was in a cage?" Bruce asked, looking baffled before shaking his head. "never mind i won't be able to keep up with all of this." he admitted. "i don't know much about the supernatural word, i've just poked through the book a time or two when we came across something weird." "like those cute little mouses." Dmitri agreed. "yeah... the mouses that ate peoples dreams. they where... adorable..." Bruce agreed. clearly not agreeing at all but he knew Dmitri well enough to know that he wouldn't care if Bruce agreed or not. "in any case, i'd be delighted to have you guys over for a while!" Dmitri admitted. "i don't have school anymore anyway and i don't have to attend the ceremony. it's frowned upon but all i have to tell them is that i was attacked and they'll forgive me. especially if i claim it was anti gays who beat the shit out of me." he admitted, gingerly touching his face because he was already, oddly adjusted to being half blind. then again he hadn't really tried to do anything yet.
“Good then. No problm taking it.”Sam smiled a little eyes wide as he stared at the art. Even if he wasn’t a artist, he knew that was expenisve and a dream come true for a artist. Laughing at dean’s reaction. “Of course you’d want one for hunting.”He rolled his eyes a little before smirking as Dmitri handed the book over to Bailey. “Of course I will. Super careful.”Bailey promised. “And of course I wont take it out in the field. I’ll leave it in the motel.”She promised. “...I know. He draws good artwork for you and baby.”Sam smirked at the idea of what dmitri had drawn of bailey and dean before smirking as he watched Bailey thumbing through the book. “Sure you want to let her read that?”He muttered looking at his brother.

“....”Cas frowned at dean, looking vaguely confused on what there was to get before nodding slightly. “That, and they think humans are not....worth it. That they are just the meat suits, and that angels should not have to protect them. Though there are a few, like me, who try to protect them.”Cas said rowning a little before nodding. “Lucifer was locked up and imprisoned in hell. He recently was turned loose on this world, to start the apocalypse and fight michael.”Sam sighed a little before snorting. “Not any weirder then the suicidal teddy bear me and dean ran into a while ago.”Sam said watching dmitri a little worried about the man and how he was adjusting to this."Good. I think we all need the break, and just recover."Not to mention whatever was between bailey and dean, he knew the two needed some time apart, even if they were just in the confines of the apartment to figure out things.
Dmitri grinned at Sam's wide eyes. he hadn't even put any paper or canvas in the suitcase. it was all painting supplies. thousands of thousands of dollars worth, all of it well handled. many in fact had new things waiting for when the old ones ran out. "speaking of Art. are you gonna explain that by any chance?" Dean asked, jerking his thumb at the eerie likeness of Sam. "oh, that." Dmitri mumbled, fidgeting a little. "sometimes, uhm... sometimes when i'm painting, i paint things that happen in the future..." Dmitri mumbled, waiting for them to think he was insane. "...he draws baby?" "...sometimes..." Dmitri admitted with a smirk since no one seamed to be reacting much to his revelation. "it's not like i could stop her even if i did have a problem." Dean pointed out with a shrug.

"Wait, so you're trying to tell me that Angels are fighting for the fate of earth when they hate us?" "no. Angels are fighting Demons. that's it, humans don't really factor in. the Angls want to win, the Demons want to win, that's that." Dean admitted before snickering. "speaking of Demons... Sam. check it out." he ordered, his phone dinging. the Text said 'Got your thumb' and there was a picture of a Demon trap and it was sent to Crowley. "suicidal teddy bear?" Dmitri asked, looking very curious.
“....oh man. That’s amazing.”Sam muttered staring at the paint supplies, before shuddering a little as he looked up at the painting, looking up at them. “Oh. Okay then.”Sam said that was still a little disturbing though, made him wonder if dmitri was one of azael’s chosen children. “Yes. He does.”Sam smirked, just daring dean to ask what context dmitri got to draw baby. Just daring, cause he’d totally tell him about the fox and wolf fucking on it. “...True.”Sam said looking amused. “Hey, he told me what you two have gotten up to....though it is good to see he still sucks at being romantic and picking up girls in bars.”Bailey said from where she was reading, wandering into the living room to settle on the couch and read.

“They don’t care about us. Michael and the others just care about beating lucifer.”Sam sighed a little before snorting, staring at dean’s phone as he stook his head a little. “He’s going to kill you. Really.”Sam said shaking his head a little before nodding, “Yea. We ran into a wishing well that was making things come true, but it was....a twisted. Like it gave you what you wanted, then it turned bad. Girl got her teddy bear alive, but it was sucidial and depressed.”Sam shrugged a little.
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