Blood written(lady/moon)

"yeah, i noticed that." he admitted. "i hate how worried you are." Dmitri admitted. "maybe we could talk to Castiel? he's an Angel right? he'd know something at the very least." he admitted before beaming at the bride when she came over to congratulate Sam on meeting his soul mate.

"no. we're not normal. but then, no one who hunts is really." he admitted with a smile. "yeah. we have each other." he agreed before chuckling a little. "i'm sure you'll do fine." he promised her. "just let me lead, i won't let you trip up," he promised her, holding her as they danced, sweeping her around the room. "we should stop." he whispered. "i'm drunk enough to not stop myself from kissing you if we keep going." high, rather but she didn't need to know that.
“Me to. If he’d just talk to me.”Sam sighed a little before thinking on that. Thinking about the angel who’d stepped out to see if he could find out about what was going on, in the war or as a whole. They knew he was just a prayer away if he was needed. “We’ll ask him. Maybe he’ll know.”He agreed before smiling up at Amber. “So sam, finally. Congradualations. I’d been worried about you.”Amber smiled at him, looking at dmitri. “this boy here, gets himself into all kinds of trouble. You’ll watch over him?”

“No, not really.”she agreed before snorting. “If you led, monsters wouldn’t get near us. Everyone wants to see the soft quiet damsel.”It was a rare day that bailey was a damsel, but most monsters thought she was. John had always counted on that, on her looking softer then she was. Looking up at him, eyes searching his face, blown and a little tipsy herself, before reaching up, without really thinking it through ahd sliding her hands into his hair, pulling him down for a kiss, a hard desperate kiss that spoke of sweaty nights and desperate grabs, of bathroom sex or table sex, or even the floor when you couldn’t even wait long enough to get to bed.
"He might not want to talk to you, because he doesn't want you specifically to know." Dmitri admitted. "if it's worry over you, or something you would hate, would you expect him to tell you?" Dmitri wondered. "you said your father was abusive to him. what would you do if it was worse than you ever imagined? or maybe he liked being possessed b Cain, liked it so much he's fighting the urge t co back to it? you wouldn't understand would you? you'd be angry and he'd probobly know that." if only Dmitri knew how close he had come to the truth. "yeah. Cas would surely know." he agreed with a nod before beaming at Amber. "oh. what fun would that be? i'll laugh at him while i bail him out of jail, it's a lot more fun." he admitted, nodding sagely. "you're wedding was so beautiful!" he admitted.

"that's the whole idea." he admitted. "a few days of peace is something we all deserve, don't you think? besides, i've attracted a hell of a lot of monsters." he admitted, his own pupils blown wide, gasping at the kiss before devouring her right back. it was him who broke the kiss. "we need to go... back. before i can't stop myself." Dean whispered, panting. "come on... lets go." he suggested, leading her away from the wedding party, pausing at the sight of Cas talking with Crowley, wondering if he should go over there before deciding against it and led her back to Dmitri's place instead.
“....Maybe. Fine. Okay, dean’s not the one to talk to me....wonder if he’d talk to Crowley.”Sam made a face at the idea, because he didn’t understand that friendship, but knew it meant something to dean. So maybe, he could talk to him. Amber laughed at that nodding a little. “then you will have to call me so I can be his lawyer.” “You two are just trouble together.”Sam rolled his eyes smiling as Amber hugged his smaller mate. “Thanks. I thought so to.”She said before leaning back.

“We do. Totally.”She muttered before staring at him. “hmmm,maybe. You are sorta soft and damsel-ly like.”She muttered before nodding, panting as she stepped away from him. “Let’s.”She said stumbling a little, tipsy and happy, following dean back towards the apartment, slowing as they got to the parking lot. Half tempted to suggest what occurred to her, but they should stop. Letting go of his hand as she moved towards the door, twitching a little.

Cas frowned a little watching them go, not looking at the demon standing next to him. “If you came to be a nuance. Don’t. He’s having enough problems without you messing with him.”
"i haven't met Crowley so i wouldn't know. but he might." Dmitri admitted with a smile. "you don't like this Crowley person?" he guessed before smiling at Amber. "that would be fun!" he agreed. "especially if i'm in jail with him." he agreed with a giggle, hugging her back. "the pie was great too. Dean ate like, ten slices." Dmitri admitted.

"i am totally damsel like." he agreed with a smile, leading her away before pausing her. "i'm sorry. i need... just one more time... a kiss that means something." he whispered, meshing his mouth with hers again kissing her with all the fire and passion he could give her.

"Dean started it." Crowley stated simply. "but no, that's not why i'm here. i'm here to warn you that someone is not as they appear... i've been forbidden from further interfering. i'm also here to warn you that Lucifer is gaining too much control... i can't go back." Crowley admitted. "not until Lucifer is gone, or i'll be stuck in that damn kennel again, or killed. i'm not sure which would be worse." he admitted. "you'll be seeing a lot more of me now, i get bored you know."
"I'm sure you will. He follows around like a's not that I don't like hkm, him and dean get along, I just don't trust him."sam sighed a little."very true."amber looked amused before beaming happily."I saw that. Good I'd hoped he'd have a good time..." "he did. He's just going through a5uff, it's not the party amber."sam reassured her before she could get to upset.

"Hm?"bailey looked up st him startled before moaning as she was kissed, leaning into him, backing him the few feet towards the car and pushing him to sit down on baby's hood so she could kiss him better at the same height.

"Well I'm ending it. Leave him alone."cas shook his head before frowning at the demon a little. About asclose to admitting that he was worried about him." can't tell me who it is?"he muttered before sighing."and as much as I'd like to see you in a kennel, I don't think lucifers kennel would be the choice to see."
"that's super cute. you almost sound jealous." he teased Sam with a grin. "of course you don't trust him. he's a demon right? even if Dean does like this Crowley, i bet you he doesn't trust him." Dmitri admitted before smiling at Amber. "that girl who was with him? is his soul mate, but they had a really nasty falling out before they knew they where soulmates so it's kind of messing with him." he explained to her. "he ate like, an entire pie on his own. he probobly had to go be sick." he admitted. "he doesn't seam to have much self control."

He groaned when they hit the hood of his car, deepening the kiss because she was so warm and good and perfect and yes. sliding his hands along her sides, stroking the ribs before gripping her hips with a shudder, puling her close so she could feel how hard he was for her. forgetting entirly that he was supposed to be resisting this.

"Relax, Castiel. it's nothing bad, just a few mild pranks. it helps for him to relax a little." Crowley admitted. he was one of the few... really the only person who really knew Dean now. knew everything there was to know. "i'm sorry. it's not just Lucifer who till smite my ass." that didn't sound right, Demon's couldn't smite. Crowley was saying something there, he had used hat word on purpose. "i knew you where a kinky bastard." Crowley teased. "and no. Lucifer's Kennel is not ideal." he admitted. "i can warn you however, the little mate. Moose's Mate, he's one of Azazel's. specifically, Azazel. Lucifer was to have Sam, and Azazel was to have the younger mate. so Dmitri is being targeted specifically as well. you are going to have to be very careful."
B if anyone should be jealous, it's dean of how much time crowley spends with cas."sam made a face before huffing."true. Dean's intelligent enough not to trust him." "...really?that's sucks...but I'm sure they'll figure it out."amber said before snorting a little."be sick or have sex. It's a toss up really."

Bailey whined softly as he moaned, she'd always been the quieter of the two. It was a good thing dmitri place was fairly private, otherwise they'd probably get the cops called on them. Head dropping to his shoulder as he pulled her against him, she shuddered rocling her hips into his, hands gripping his shirt, tugging. To desperate and needy after ten years to remember she was supposed to be resisting.

"....yea I guess, fergus."cas said mildly, hey if crowley wanted to use his real name, he'd use the demons human one. Not knowing why this harmless prank war was bothering him."though did you have to possess the girl?him and bailey are having enough problems without you teasing him."the angel said before frowning at crowley. Curious and wondering who this mysterious person who'd spite crowley would be."not kinky, just practical. If you're caged at least I know where you are and your not causing me another headache."he said before groaning a close to frustrated as he ever showed.dammit why is nothing ever easy with them?in was bad enough their mates were being hunted without wanting to possess them....what about bailey?"he asked eyeing the demon
"i'm pretty sure Cas is the one jealous. of the peace and quiet you get to have." Dmitri teased with a chuckle. "i'm sure they will." Dmitri agreed before grinning. "either way, we're staying here for at least another hour." he admitted. "we can gossip about Sam." he decided, grinning impishly at Amber.

He groaned, breaking the kiss to bury his mouth against her neck, sucking and nibbling and kissing as he pressed himself against her, hands sliding back up her ribs, under the shirt this time, stroking the skin and wrapping his hands along the bottoms of her breasts, panting against her. "tell me yes." he whispered, because he always wanted his partners consent.

"'re a bit of a shit." Crowley grumbled before snorting. "i am well aware of Dean's issues regarding that girl. they're both being fuckin stupid. he needs the nudge." he admitted. "they need each other... are you... aware? at all of the... of Dean's past?" Crowley asked, hesitating. "i don't want to loose Dean's trust but i feel like it would be in his best interest if someone he... you know, could depend on was at least somewhat aware. i swore i wouldn't tell anyone but..." he sighed. "i just don't know that i can give him the help he truly needs. i held him while he cried, but that's all i was really capable of doing. i don't know emotions the way that you do." he admitted, watching to do what was best for Dean. he ignored the others 'caged' comment and moved on to the important part. "if someone has a specific interest in Squirrel's Mate, it's not on the Demonic end." Crowley admitted. "i don't know what the Angel's want so i can't guarantee she isn't supposed to be promised to someone, but it seams doubtful. Micheal isn't one to share power."
" know you might be on to something there."sam snickered a little before sulking at amber agreement that the could indeed gossip about sam.

Bailey moaned her head tilting back as he sicker at her neck, grinding herself against hkm as she shifted, bracing her knees against the car to keep her balance. Panting as she raised her head to look at him at his wuestion, blinking, lust drug k and needy. Staring at him like he was insane for stopping she nodded, "please, oil got me so slick..."she teased squirming in his lap.

"A bit. I learned from the best."considering it had been dean and crowley who taught him, that was very true."did you know about the child?"aft e r sam had told him, hed guessed at the truth and had a good idea of what had happened, even if sam hadn't put all the pieces together yet."some...only what he mumbles in his sleep, and even ten he won't tell me, and as good as it would be to know, I refuse to treat him like other angels would."he said which meant he wouldn't simply take the information from the man."....I'll try talking to dean first. And see if bailey knows. If she does....or he tells me, then you don't have to break his trust."he said before nodding a littlr."you are correct, I doubt Michael would let anyone take his mate, if only because he'd have a use for him himself probably....I dislike not being as in touch with the angels as I used to be."because it made him feel useless
"Here, you totally have to take my phone number. if only because i'll call more than Sam will." he said, scribbling his phone number on a sketchpad he had somehow managed to smuggle in with his suit.

Dean hummed as he nipped at her skin, enjoying the taste of her flesh, the feel of her pulse against his tongue. he snorted and pinched her nipple at her quip. "that was terrible. awful. i forgot how aweful your sense of humor is..." he grumbled, pushing her to her feet and heading for the backseat where they'd be a little bit more sheltered, fingers quickly stripping him of his shirt before he worked on lifting her dress over her head, groaning at the sight of all that lingerie. "god. you're gonna kill me. so hot."

"You did learn from the best." Crowley agreed, pulling ut a pack of cigarettes and tapped one out, setting it to his lips and lighting it. "child?" Crowley asked, frowning a little before looking surprised. "good god, did Dean propagate?" he asked, looking vaguely horrified by the idea before nodding. "as a Demon, he had no real... filter. he told me everything because he had to tell someone. i promised him, when he went back human, that i wouldn't tell anyone but... i'm getting worried about Dean and if i have to break my promise to save him then... better he be pissed at me, than dead or worse." Crowley admitted. "does the whole mate thing transfer for Angels?" he asked, looking surprised. "i didn't realize Dean's mate would be Micheal's as well." he admitted. "until Micheal and Lucifer can be trapped or killed, we're both rather useless on the information end." he admitted, offering Cas a cigarette. "there are rumors, however, that may or may not be true, that there are Guardians getting involved." Guardians where the keepers of the balance basically. they took no side and often tended to wounded Demon's and Angels alike. they're main job was to keep Demons and Angels from destroying the earth or ending the human lives they where fighting for. a lot of Angels and Demons both didn't believe they actually existed.Crowley seamed to be of the opinion that they did exist.
Bailey whined softly, gasping as he pinched her nipple, growling back at him as she pinched his nipple in retaliation. “You’re the one with the terrible sense of humor.”She growled, grumbling at having to meet even as she helped him get out of his shirt, smirking a little as he let the boots in place, leaning back on the seat. He’d always had a thing for good lingerie and boots. “You can’t die yet. I still have a use for you.”She squirmed a little, so glad that the lacy black panties were easy to get off without taking off the hose and garter belt if he didn’t want to.

“Hm, yes.”Cas smirked, “It’s alywas good to know something before you do.”He said before snorting at how horrified he looked. “You don’t have to look so horrified at the idea.”he muttered before sighing softly. “Did. She....died. During a werewolf attack in Lawerence.”Though he suspected there was more to it then that. “Ah. Dean without a filter would be something to see.”he said before nodding. “Yes. Better then that.”He said before frowning slightly. “Not in the traditional sense....she wont be Michael’s mate, but she is dean’s, and michael would be in dean’s body. Fathering a child while wearing her chosen mate’s guise, would give Michael a new body with a part of his own heavenly essence in it in a child.”cas frowned a little as he took the cigarette, he didn’t enjoy it as much as crowley, but he did take it sometimes. “...Ah. That would be interesting to see.”Cas said frowning a little. Considering the guardians.
Dean yelped when she pinched his nipple back, arching against her. "that was cruel." he growled at her before chuckling a little. "i'm hilarious." he huffed before swallowing thickly at the sight of her. "god yes." he mumbled, bending his head and ran his tongue along the skin at her hip, tasting her and trailing his fingers along the insides of her legs, tracing the lingerie there as well, shuddering against her. "fuck you're beautiful." he growled, examining her, clearly wondering if he could fuck her without taking the underwear off before deciding he couldn't and slid the underwear down and slid his fingers into her, checking to see how eager she really was, deciding it wasn't eager enough he replaced his fingers with his tongue.

Crowley shook his head. "you don't understand. there is another Winchester running around in this world. do you not see the capacity for mayhem in this?" he demanded before looking dismayed. "oh... oh Dean...." he whispered. "he didn't know. about having a child did he?" he asked softly. "Dean without a filter was actually very terrifying." he admitted. "although he was a Demon at the time so that might have had something to do with it." he admitted with a smile before frowning a little. "huh. well i guess that makes some kind of sense." he agreed. "sick bastard. i'm a demon and even i call that a line i'm not willing to cross." he admitted before smiling a little as Cas took a smoke. "yeah. until a while ago, i wasn't fully convinced they actually existed. i sure as hell am now." he admitted. "i came in a while ago, because of all the hell hound activity. they attacked me and the Guardian just swept through them like they where butter. it was... beautiful."
Bailey snickered a little. “You were cruel first.”She muttered before snorting. “Are not.”She said though she sounded amused and happy, moaning quietly as he licked at her skin, tensing a little, squirming a little as his lips found the stretch marks along her hip, the slightly scarred skin, the marks hidden almost under the scars that a life as a hunter had taken a toll. But under the marks of death, were life. Whimpering as he traced the lingerie, watching him with wide blown eyes. “You’re not so bad yourself.”She teased, squirming to get comfy, and so very glad the impala had one of those old benchseats, definitely wide enough for them both. Bucking into his hand as the other slid his fingers into her, gasping. Moaning as he lowered his head. Hands finding his head as she fucked herself against his tongue, making small quiet eager sounds that definitely said it’d been a long time.

“Believe me, I apperciate the capacity for mayhem,”Cas promised before wincing, nodding a little. “No, he didn’t. She only found out she was pregnant after they had split, and after Justice died, she didnt’ want to cause him pain by telling him. Or at least, that’s the feeling I got. Neither of them have come out and said it was dean’s kid, only that Bailey lost a child.”Cas said before nodding. “That might have to do with it.”Cas agreed before nodding. “It does. And there’s a theory it would work with demons, if you had a paired mates, but like you said, there’s some lines no one but the worst cross.”He muttered as he took a drag on the cigarette, frowning. “....So. They’re what happened to the hellhounds. I was wondering why they had disappeared quite suddenly.”
"I was not. you like it when i play with your nipples." he huffed right back before grinning as he nuzzled the stretch marks because he thought they just made her look more beautiful. so he was a guy who liked older women who didn't look plastic perfect. so shoot him. "I'm so hot I'm on fire." he scoffed, chuckling as she grabbed his head, proceeding to eat her out until she was cumming. he wanted to make this last, wanted it to last forever, wanted her to stay with him forever. he knew that wouldn't happen though, he'd have to take what he could from this single, last moment, and be content with that.

"hmm. well, you do have to live with him." Crowley agreed before grimacing. "i didn't know." he admitted softly. "poor girl, no one should have to loose a child." he admitted softly. "and to loose one before he even got a chance to see her? Dean must be handling this terribly." he admitted before tilting his head, curious about the Theory. "they didn't all disappear. the Guardian chased the hounds off of me and Sam's mate. i do believe the young man has no idea that he was saved." Crowley admitted. "or if he does, he's keeping it a secrete. with Guardians involved, both are highly probable." he admitted. the hounds hung around and tried to get into the young man's apartment for some time, once Dean and you and the others arrived, the hounds split."
“Maybe.”She growled, not admitting to it, as she sighed softly. Closing her eyes as he nuzzled against her skin, looking down to look at him afer a moment, she’d tease him about his atttraction later, now when she was this desperate. “...And you tell me I’m the one who has a horrible sense of humor.”She whimpered, shuddering her way through a orgasm, and he wrung out needy little moans as she came, legs around his chest, heels pressing against him, clinging to him, before forcing her hands open, letting him come up for air, wincing as she saw the indent of her boots along the curve of his ass.”Sorry.”She muttered blinking up at him dazed, lost in the feeling, even as her hands slid over her skin, simply not able to stop touching him.

“Yes I do.”cas muttered before wincing. “No, they shouldn’t.”even cas, who didn’t always understand humans and humans feelings, knew that. “He is. It’s making their problems worse.....I don’t know if he’s forgiven her for not telling him actually.”Cas muttered worried because he worried that dean was angry with her, and if he was, what happened when he lost control. “’s a mess. You should stop and see him, he might talk to you.”He said eyeing the demon, as much as he didn’t like it, he thought that maybe dean would talk to him. Might get dean to open up about he was feeling, because he really really was afraid that the anger and pain dean had to be feeling about justice, wouldn’t let him move on with bailey. Wondering if there was some things mates just couldn’t recover from. “Huh.”Cas frowned thinking about that, “They are. We’ll just have to wait and see. For now, I think we all need the break, and we’re as safe as we could be for the moment.”
"liar." he growled right back, sliding his fingers under her bra to rub the nipples, just to prove her wrong. "shut up and enjoy." he ordered before humming as she came, chuckling at her apology. "you're not sorry at all, and i'm not sorry either." he informed her, pressing his mouth to hers, kissing her silent as he slicked himself up with her own wetness, using her distraction to slide his pants off and press against her, rubbing the head of his cock against her slick sex. "tell me yes."

"he's forgiven her. he'd never hold that against her." Crowley assured Cas. "she did what she felt was best for her child and he'd agree with her in a heartbeat that he was never fit for raising a kid." he admitted. "if anything, he blames himself for not being there to protect her when she died." he admitted. "I'll see if i can't talk to him." Crowley agreed with a sigh. "i don't know that he will though. he's been... worse." the demon admitted. "yes. you're fairly safe here with the Guardian hanging around. i don't know if you can sense it, being an Angel who means them no harm. as a demon, even if i don't mean them any harm, i can feel it constantly judging me." he admitted. "there's protections laid all over the collage compound now. the Guardian shed a good deal of it's own blood laying the protections." he admitted.
"So bossy."she teased squirming a little. Shivering as she snickered."maybe not. Though that's gonna be sore tomorrow."she looked amused as she shuddered, looking relieved he wasn't regretting this before moaning as she watched him slick himself up. That was hot. Moaning as he rubbed against her, not able to stop her hips from bucking ul against his."dean, please!yes, please."she said her voice turning begging, pleasure quickly turning to pain, as to much hit her, it'd been to long to be able to stand it since she'd hardly touched herself either.

" someone who says he doesn't understand emotions, you do a good job being reassuring."cas teased a little before wincing because he knew dean blamed himself for not being there to protect him."he has been, but if he won't talk about everything, maybe you can get him to open up about bailey and everything. Maybe it'll work...getting him to talk about one thing...b cas sighed sounding frustrated." that what I'm feeling? I'm being watched. Just a simple like...buzzing in the back of my head. I get the same feeling with devils traps. I just thought there was alot of traps around."
"yeaah, it'll be worth it." he agreed because the pain just made him feel good. better. he hummed and sucked on her neck as he slicked himself up, gently hushing her as she pleaded. "it's okay Sparkplug. i got you." he whispered, pulling her into a kiss and slipped himself into her. holding her close, letting her adjust before taking his time fucking her. moaning into her flesh, kissing her all over, licking and sucking and groaning.

"I'm a demon. i know how to us words to tug and soothe." he admitted. "i know how emotions work, that doesn't mean i actually understand them or feel them." he admitted, dropping the end of his cigarette and stamped it out. "i'll do what i can." he promised. "i'll try. he might not talk to me, but if it was going to be someone, it would either be me or his girl." he admitted before smirking a little. "that is it exactly. because you wouldn't be feeling Devil traps around here." he pointed out. "too public." he pointed out. wondering if Cas would finally question Crowley on just why he was having such issues. Crowley would very eagerly show him exactly why.
Bailwy whined relaxing at his words."I know."she muttered, knowing that whatever happened, when they returned to friends, and simply that, that no matter what, he'd look after her. He'd always have her back. He always had.moaning as he fucked into her, trembling as she came, clawing up his back as she clung to him. Feeling wired and awake, eager for him. Always so eager for more, despite not being 18 anymore, dean made her feel that way, like she was just discovering the joys of sex after the horror of john.

"Ah. Makes sense."cas snickered amused at the man's words before snorting as he put out his own cigarette. "Whatever they're doing, I don't think it involves much talking."he said wrinkling his nose a little."....just as public as your cell phone, and dean was sending those to you."he teases a little as he eyed crowley, sighing softly."why are you looking at me like the demon who ate the carnary, and not only got away with it, but managed to blame your enemy?"
He smiled a little as he kissed her again, shuddering as her nails dug into his skin. fuck yeah that was the best. he was too gone to remember to pull out, but he wasn't too worried. after so many blows to the dick and balls he was pretty sure he couldn't propagate anymore. he smiled as he snuggled against her, breathing softly. "you okay? i wasn't too rough?" after being a demon, he was always a little bit worried tht he'd forgotten himself.

"Mmmhmm." Crowley agreed before snorting. "well. Sam's not doing much better." he admitted, jerking his thumb at the giggling Dmitri who was walking out with Sam, a large hickey on Sam's neck and Dmitri looking very smug. it wasn't Sam's fault those stupid bridesmaid bints where tittering about Sam being 'gay' and how it was 'wrong' and how they where going to seduce Sam away from such a little 'twink'. "My cellphone isn't public." he admitted before smirking even more, though he didn't respond. he just hummed and checked his phone as if Cas hadn't said anything.
Bailey shivered, clinging to him, kissing him back. Sighing softly as he pulled out, shifing to snuggle against him, blinking at him slowly, before shaking her head. “No, you were perfect.”She muttered, though she knew she was going to be sore in the morning, if only because it’d been awhile, rather then rough. Not letting him go, content to snuggle with him laying on top of her for now, though if they were going to keep carrying on, cause she needed to make the most of tonight since it was all she was going to have, they probably should head inside for sheer comfort.

“Hm, true.”cas shook his head looking amused as he considered the two, smiling a little as tehy watched teh two head back towards the house following after without waiting to see if crowley was going to be joining them. “.....More important messages?”Cas asked eyeing crowley as he checked his phone, fairly certain that whatever had the other so pleased with himself, he wasn’t going to like.
he smiled a little at her. "okay... good." he mumbled, kissing her neck because he always loved this part the most. the post coital cuddles. "we should go up before the others get back." he mumbed, half asleep. "we can't sleep here, we'll get stiff."

"mmm. just keeping abreast of the rumors as i can." Crowley admitted. "i do have a few still loyal to me." he admitted. "they're keeping their ears to the ground for me." he admitted, following Cas with a grin. "by the way." he suddenly grabbed the angel by the front of his shirt, yanked him down and pressed their mouths together, kissing him intently, the pressure of the Guardians protection pressing down on Cas the way it did Crowley and then Crowley was gone with a bright laugh and a possesive stroke of Castiel's cheek and the pressure vanished as Crowley did.
“Bailey smiled a little, happy to simply snuggle with him, content with the knowledge that for the moment, shewasn’t alone. “...Yea...”She muttered before squirming against him. “You’ve already gone stiff.”She teased before gently pushing up enough to be able to get up and squirm into her dress as she saw sam and dmitri walking up the sidewalk.

“Ah. Good. At least we’ll be able to keep track of somethings.”And he wouldn’t have to worry about every demon turning on crowley. Startling as he was grabbed, so stunned by the kiss that he barely managed to kiss him back before the man disappeared. Looking utterly confused as he headed for the house. Pausing at the sight of Dean and Bailey climbing out of the car.
Dean snorted at her joke. "you're awful. god." he complained. "you definitely have Bobby's sense of humor." he huffed as he followed her lead and got dressed, quickly brushing his fingers through her hair to make her a little more presentable. he had no doubt they knew, but he didn't feel the need to broadcast it.

"yes. sort of. they're marginalized but they can at least look for suspicious activity." he admitted before vanishing to see if he couldn't hunt down the little spy before they became a problem for Dmitri and the others. "Cas? are you okay?" Dean asked, looking a bit worried by how the other looked.
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