Blood written(lady/moon)

“I’m not the awful one.”She muttered before snorting. “I think you influenced my humor, oil slick.”She smiled at him, tilting her head a little as he straightened her hair. Cas smiled a little as he looked at Dean, though he looked a little stunned and at a loss. “I...I’m fine.”he said smiling slightly, sighing softly. “It’s nothing.”He promised heading inside. “...You okay?”Sam muttered looking at his brother, looking amused as he considered his brother as tehy headed inside. Smirking a little, getting ready to tease him,but willing to not to if he was upset and at a loss.
"i'm sure my humor was never so terrible as that." he scoffed, shaking his head before watching Cas, frowning a little. "if you say so." he decided before glancing at Sam, hesitating a moment. "I'm fine." which meant he wasn't and Sam was going to get punched in the face if he tried to tease or push. "you smell like sulfur cas. did you come across a demon?" Dmitri asked, looking worried as he examined the other for any hint of damage or injury.
“It was.”Bailey smirked at him. “Kay.”sam muttered tilting his head a little as he considered his brother as they headed inside. “...Crowley. Said he wanted to check in, inform us a guardian was hanging around.”he said, though the blush that kept up the other’s neck said there was more to it. “....I’m going to bed.”Bailey said flushing herself as she considered the angel, before deciding she better leave him alone since she didn’t want him asking about her and dean either. Muttering a quiet goodnight as she headed for her room, not sure if she was disappointed or relieved when dean didn’t follow, not noticing Cas staring after her in interest.
"never. filthy lies." he huffed before scowling at the mention of Crowley, wondering why he was hanging around. "Guardian? the hell is a guardian?" he asked before shaking his head. "some kind of Angel?" he guessed before watching Bailey leave, half of him wanting to go after her, hf of him desperately resisting that urge. "So Crowley's hanging around?" he asked Cas, not sure how he felt about that. "i'm gonna go to bed." Dmitri said, yawning. "i'm tired." he was still hurt too, so today had to have been exhausting.
Cas winced a little at the other’s scowl, “They are protectors. They keep the balance....and keep the demons and angels from mucking up thigns to much. I had doubted their existence, but Crowley is sure they do.”He muttered watching bailey go, before flushing more, nodding a little. “yes.he is...and he wants to talk to you. Later.”Cas said tilting his head at Dean, muttering a goodnight to Dmitri. “ two should talk.”Sam said looking vaguely hurt because he knew that dean was more likely to talk to cas then him, muttering his own goodnight before heading after Dmitri, looking upset. “I;m okay?”he muttered uspet because he knew the other was hurting, maybe going out had been a bad idea
"huh. so they're basically protecting humans? finally a supernatural being i might actually get along with." Dean mused, smiling at Cas before looking confused. "i thought Angels knew everything?" he asked. "you don't know for sure that these things actually exist?" he asked, his head tilted. "i don't need to talk." Dean scoffed, shaking his head as he strutted off because he was still high as hell and had no urge for sleeping. he could only hope that Bailey didn't notice that he was high. "i'm fine, that was so much fun." Dmitri admitted, beaming at Sam. "getting to dance with you was the best ever."
“Yes. They are.”Cas frowned before wincing again. “we’re supposed to, but it seems there are things even angels don’t know. At least not for sure.”Cas said sighing a little. “No, I’m not. But crowley is sure that they do.”He said sighing softly, before frowning as he watched Dean go. Hoping that Crowley would have more luck then he did. “It was fun.”Sam said smiling, relaxing with the knowledge that his mate was okay, before grinnign a little. “It was the best.”He agreed as he started getting ready for bed.

Later Bailey sighed softly as she got out of the bed, feeling raw and hurt that Dean hadn’t come find her. Even if she knew she shouldn’t want to. That she was perfectly happy with being alone like she’d been since last time she’d been with dean. But despite that, she still felt hurt to be left alone after the car. Even if it hadn’t meant anything, it would have been nice for sleeping snuggles. Feeling raw and hurt, and all the more guilty as the bad emotions fed her feelings about missing Justice’s birthday, the woman wasn’t able to sleep. “Dean?How are you not exhuasted?”She frowned when she found him, tilting her head a little as she considered the man, exhausted and sleepy, but not able to sleep yet. Needing to check on them both.
"well, it could be that there's a reason for that." he admitted. "if these guardians don't take sides, i'd imagine both Demons and Angels would want them gone and out of the way." he admitted. "especially with the fact that both sides are trying to kill each other and create the apocalypses." he admitted before wandering off.

"what? no. of course i got some sleep." Dean said, though that wasn't what she had asked. "i went to go snuggle with you but you where asleep and i didn't want to wake you up." Dean admitted. "you'd probobly shoot me." he admitted, picking at his clothes a little, picking out lint that only he could see. he needed to stop or she was going to know. he had to stop. "did you have a nightmare? do you need me to come lay down with you? i will. i don't mind... i don't like sleeping alone. i remember things..." he had to shut up!
“true. We’ve fucked up everything enough that the others don’t want the guardans to exist....but I hope they do. If they do, we might all escape this alive.”

“....No you didn’t.”Bailey said frowning at him, running a hand through her hair, looking small and soft in his clothes, cause when lucifer had found her, he’d destroyed most of her clothes, really the only personal thing she had left was junior, and she really hadn’t gone shopping yet. “Yea I might....but cuddles would have been nice.”She said frowning at him, eyes wide and worried, tired but worried. “No....Dean. What is wrong with you?You’re acting-”She stopped staring at him before moving closer, getting into his personal space. “What did you take?”
"Of course i did! it's like, three in the morning. i just woke up hungry. you know me. always hungry." he lied before nodding. "i should have come and cuddled but i wasn't sure you'd want me there so... so i didn't because i didn't want to upset you or cross a line because i don't know where the line is..." he stepped back, looking petrified. "what?! i'm not. i didn't! i would never!" he protested. "it was just a couple of painkillers. i had a headache." he lied, well aware it wasn't going to fool her and he was so, so stupid for mentioning the ibeproven because now he'd drawn attention to his Adderall stash. "it's fine! i'm fine!"
“You are hungry. All the time. Except when you don’t want pie.”She said frowning at him, before sighing softly. “I don’t,....I don’t know either...but it sorta....”She shrugged, not going on, not about to admit that he’d hurt her by not joining her, simply because she felt used and thrown away, disposible to him as simply someone to have sex with, like the bridesmaids would have been. Growling as she crowded further into his space, refusing to back off. “Yea, I could believe a headache.”She said eyes wide and scared as she patted at his pockets.”Give me the bottle dean.”
"i'm sorry. i should have just joined you. i wanted to but i was afraid you'd be mad at me..." he admitted before shaking his head. "no! back off! i don't have anything!" he protested, thanking all that was looking out for him that he kept his pills in Baby. "i don't have any bottles! you're out of your mind!" he protested, letting her pat him down. "see!" he knew he was busted, he did. he knew, because the net logical place was Baby, but if he could distract her, if he could stop her, then she'd never know for sure that it wasn't just a one time thing. he knew better though, nothing stopped Bailey once she set her mind on a final goal.
"...I'm sorry...I don't know how this is supposed to be ...friends and all...this is just so tangled."she sighed softly."dean..."bailey frowned at him, looking the man over even as she dropped her hands, glaring at him. Annoyed and upset with him for being stubborn."you're a tub on jackass."she growled before looking him over again, guilt twisting her stomach.maybe she was wrong?swallowing thickly before twisting away from him, not even bothering to put shoes on as she headed out to the car. By the time he got there, she was already picking the lock, before glaring at him."open the door dean."
He nodded. "yeah. it's, i'm confused because i don't know the signals your sending me..." he admitted softly. "because i don't know if i'm reading you right or if i'm just pasting my on desires onto your actions..." he admitted before growling back at her, just because he could before sighing, giving up, heading after her to the car, unable to meet her eyes as he opened the door and reached into the drivers side door and handed her the bottle of ibeproven, full of little capsules. white on one side and clear with little orange beads on the other. he was taking heavy doses. 30mg. he looked so ashamed too, and upset, all around conflicted and dismayed that she had caught him out. he should have known it would be her, who finally caught him.
"Me to.....I'm sorry..."she said feeling ashamed that she was confusing them both. She'd just have to keep away from him, as much as she could. He deserved better than her. Glaring at him as he growled at her, she watched him get the pill bottle, frowning a pills that dumped into her hand. For the moment not understanding what it was. She'd expected coke or heroin, not..."adderall?"she frowned a little looking at him, clenching her hand around the pills as she looked at him, the guilt of knowing this was her fault eating her alive."is this all you have, dean?"she said her voice sad and soft, and oh so guilty. Things were starting to make more sense really.
"it's not your fault. i'm just terrible with emotions." Dean admitted. "'s just a couple of pills. it's not hurting anything." he mumbled. "collage kids take em al the time... i just needed something to keep me going, that's all..." he mumbled before flushing, looking guilty at her and reached into the back seat where he kept his hunting bag and handed her another bottle of Adderall, gripping his own arms tightly because he had just given her everything he had and everything that had kept him together and now he had nothing. not even her. if she took his pills, he wouldn't function right, he wouldn't be able to andle anything. she was taking away too much and he couldn't handle it so he reached out and snatched one of the bottles back, clutching it to his chest. "i need them."
Bi think John fun ked us both in that department."she said making a face because she knew she haneed nothing well, not even justice."college kids also or dose and kill themselves. And cause lifelong problems, you ifiot."bailey snarled the anger hiding the pain and fear, taking the bottles as she sighed before growling at him, shoving at his chest a little."give them back dean. I can still kick your ass. Don't make me do it, then you'll be a ore lose and none of us will be happy."she said holding out a hand for them. Despite the words not trying to take them from him, he had to want to let go, to let her help. Otherwise recovery would never work."please."she said tears in those big blue eyes
"yeah he did. Bobby at least was able to help Sam." he admitted. "and you, i think." he admitted. "they don't! they help! and i never take more than one!" he protested, stumbling when she shoved him, clutching the pills even harder before the sob broke free and he dropped them, watching them clatter to the ground as he pressed his hands to his face and started to bawl because he was coming down and he knew he needed some help. some very serious help and she was probobly the only one who could help him. probobly the only one capable. he found himself sliding don his car and sitting on the ground, his entire body wracked with sobs that he had tried, so hard to hold in for so long.
"He did. He gave me a home, when I had nothing left."and he'd given her a purpose, a place to go when justice died. Bobby had kept her from drowning."they will kill you, eventually. There's a reason they're made for certain people and not just everyone."she said angry and upset, not with him, well she was, but it was because she was scared for him.startling as he started to cry, moving over to him, going to her knees next to him, hesitating before wrapping her arms around him."I want to help you, dean. But you have to let me. Getting clean won't work if you don't let me in."
Dean nodded. "he raised Sam too, after he left. he took care of Sam because i couldn't and John wouldn't." he admitted softly. "They're just a couple of pills... i have it under control!" no he didn't. "i can't do this without them! you can't take it all away from me." he pleaded. "please don't make me face being alone!" he pleaded. "please don't make me! please don't make me! it's all i have left!" he pleaded, sobbing into her shoulder. "All i have left that isn't dead or decaying or destroyed!
“yea, I herd about that.”She smiled slightly, before glaring at him, angry and scared, and even more pissed because she knew there was no way she could hide that much fear from him. “And when a few pills aren’t enough?And you move on to harder things, like you went from drinking to this?”She snarled, sounding scared despite the snarl. “I’m not dead, sam’s not dead, dmitri’s not. Bobby’s not. Your car’s not decaying, we’re okay. We just need you to join us, okay?”She said pleading, begging for him to try.
"...i..." Dean swallowed thickly because already the pills weren't enough. he drank, and cut, and took pills and it wasn't enough. she was right. so right. "But Sam died! Cas died! dmitri and you are going to die or leave! everyone dies or leaves!" he gasped. "you're going to leave when you realize i'm too fucked up to be the man you need me to be!" he said, clinging to her. "i don't know how... how to go on... anymore!"
“....Is this all you’ve taken?”Bailey demanded, sounding scared as she tangled her hands in his hair and making him look at her, searching his face. So very scared for him. “No, we’re not going anywhere. We’re going to protect us all. And if I have to go to hell to drag you’re overdosing ass back out cause you’ve killed yourself, I’m gonna make a deal with crowley to do it. But you’re not going to do that to me are you?You’re gonna behave, and let me get you sober, and despite what you believe, you’ve always been more then the man I thought I deserved.”She sighed softly, holding onto him as he clung to her. “Well, I’ll teach you how to go on okay?I lost it after.....after.Well, I can help you here. It’ll be better. I had bobby, you have me.”
"yeah. i tried pot, but it wasn't... i didn't like it." he admitted, cringing when she forced his head up so he had to look at her. his eyes where wide, terrified, broken. he had broken himself. "i'm not ging to overdose!" he protested. "You can't! don't you dare go about making deals with Crowley!" he ordered. "you don't even know who he is!" he protested, trembling wildly. "i'm not strong enough, Bailey... i'm not strong enough anymore to sober up..." he said, shaking his head. "i don't... i don't know that i have the strength, anymore..." he whispered.

"Castiel." Crowley said, stepping into existence just outside the salt line. he could cross it of cours, but it would hurt and it would take too much effort. "i think Dean is going to be okay. i was going to stop in and talk to him but Bailey seams to have it covered." he admitted. "he seams to have completely broken down in the parking lot... no, don't go down there he'll clam up an she's making real progress with him. i just thought you'd want to know."
“Good.Of all things you could have tried, that was the more harmless one.”She muttered, relaxing at that, sighing softly. Closing her eyes for a moment as she rested her forehead against him, trembling with relief and nearly crying. “So you say. I don’t believe you. Drug addicts always overdose. Eventually.”She muttered before smiling a little. “I might not. But Sam does. And cas does. If it comes to that, I’m betting they can put me in touch with him.”Bailey pointed out before sighing, opening her eyes, looking vaguely startled to have her eyes inches from his, despite having been that close, she still startled herself. “Then I’ll be strong for you. You’re gonna be my best buddy okay? You get to hang out with me all the time now. Bobby did it for me after....justice. Made sure I didn’t off myself if left alone. well...I’m gonna get you sober.”Bailey sighed softly sitting back on her heels.

Castiel startled a little from where he’d been lookign out the window, turning to look at the man. Having just been debating on going after the two he’d heard arguing. While he couldn’t hear what they were saying, he’d heard them talking and had gotten worried. Studying the demon for along moment before nodding. “Okay. As long as she’s making progress.”He muttered though he wanted to go down after dean, had actually been resisting it for the last few minutes. “....You’ll still talk to him, right?He needs friends, and forall your oddities, I think he considers you that.”
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