Blood written(lady/moon)

“I know you do. We’ll find some.”Sam said looking amused. “ say that now. But the withdrawals are going to be brutal, Dean. You’re going to want to do anything, for a fix.”Bailey said sighing softly as she helped him downstairs. Looking vaguely amused the whole time she drove, before snickering out loud when he spoke. “I’m mated to you, I think being a dick is sort of part and parcel.”She said smirking a little, teasing him before reaching out and smacking his hands a little. “Don’t itch.”She said before shaking her head. “No, but there’s a park coming up,we’ll stop and take a walk.”She said grinning as she hit the gas, cause she’d learned from dean that speed limits were guidelines, and knew he’d enjoy going fast. Smiling as the whipped through teh outskirts of the city, smiling when she found the national park. “Okay, out. Time to walk. Come on oil slick.”Bailey said looking worried as she walked around to his side of the car, trying to decide what she’d write him next.

“...I don’t care.”Cas frowned a little before nodding a little. “Yes. Angels are very wrong about these things.”Cas said before nodding a little. “Well, considering she’s only....about 18 hours pregnant, no she doesn’t know.”
"yeah." Dean agreed before grimacing because he knew that was true. he'd detoxed before, with Bobby just after John went missing. he hadn't been taking Adderall then, just alcohol, but it had been hard enough. "yeah, i think your right, but if you start growing one i'm out of here." he warned. "it itches.. i think there's bugs in my skin..." he mumbled before smiling at the idea of getting out for a while. that would be nice. the air was stale in the car and he was pretty sure they where running out of oxygen. he didn't want to suffocate in his own baby, that would be horrible. he was a little more steady on his feet as he headed to a park bench to enjoy the fresh air for a bit, watching Sam and Dmitri follow them in, but they left Dean and Bailey alone and headed into the small store to buy some snacks.

"well then tell her, don't tell Dean. not now." he ordered. "she'll tell him when she's ready and when he can handle it." Crowley said. "no offense to you, but you'll fuck it up otherwise and freak them both out."
“....Don’t worry, I don’t think that’s going to happen.”She smiled a little, before wincing. “there’s no bugs, promise.”She said before smiling when they got out. Following him out to the bench, smiling as she sat down on the bench, knotting her hair behind her head, in that loose messy ponytail that he’d loved once, simply because he’d always said it looked like a handle to drag her around by and get her to do things for him. “Digging out her wallet, she thumbed the worn picture for a long moment, trying to figure out how to help him. Wondering if she was just going to make it worse, before passing it over, small baby justice laying on her stomach, definitely soft and curvy still from being pregnant, both mother and daughter looked exhausted, justice definitely unhappy and bailey simply exhausted. “Here.”She said fidgeting herself a little. She’d kept it to remind herself why she kept hunting, why she kept moving even when she didn’t want to. Because she wanted to make sure she could spare another family what her and dean had happened, even if dean hadn’t known about justice, she had still be lost to him. “....I was exhausted. Tired. Ready to give up....I don’t think either of us had slept for more then a few hours at that point.”She smiled sadly, looking over at him, “I didn’t want her....well. I did. but....I didn’t know how to do it. I was living on nothing dean....and didn’t deserve her. But I fought for her.”She muttered not even sure why she was telling him, he didn’t want to hear this. He so didn’t, but she couldn’t stop the words now that she’d started talking. “...When it got bad....when it sill gets bad. I think of those first few days. When I was so tired....and....I don’t know. It makes it easier, to know maybe justice is making sure I can go on...that she needs me to. Well...I need you to do this dean. Even when it’s bad....when it’s horrible and yo uwant to give up.”She sighed staring down.

“.....Okay. I can do that.”Cas said looking relaxed and relieved at the order instead of offended, having told the dmeon simply because he knew the other would know what to do. That it would be okay if he followed crowley’s advice.
"Considering our lives, i wouldn't doubt that there is a way to make that happen." he admitted before shaking his head and rubbed at his arms since she was yelling at him for scratching. he smiled as he watched her pull her hair up because he had always loved watching her with her hair up like that. he blinked at the picture and slowly accepted it, staring at it. "you look so broken." Dean mumbled, hating this picture, hating it so much even if he handled it so very delicately. "she'd be ten now right?" he asked softy. "...she'd hate me." he mumbled, leaning against Bailey, closing his eyes. "she'd hate me..." and that alone made him want to do better. he wanted to be better fr bailey, that was true, but throwing justice into the mix only firmed his resolve even more. his daughter would have hated him, would hve thought of him the same way as he thought of his own father and that made hm feel so sick inside. "We can go on.... for her." he agreed, staring at the picture. "i can't guarantee i'll have the strength Bailey... but... but we have help now." he mumbled. "we can do it together. yeah?"

"yes. do that. and do it in private and for gods sakes try to be gentle about it okay? none of that 'hey your pregnant congratulations!" she lost a child, it's going to be traumatic. make sure she sits down and inform her calmly that she is pregnant. do not try to dance around the subject, you'll only upset her. just calmly inform her that she's pregnant and that you thought she ought to know and if she cries, invite her into your physical space. you know how to do that, Dean taught you. offer her comfort if she seeks it but don't try to if she does not because you'll likely be razed for the attempt." he admitted, sighing. "what a mess..."
Bailey sighed softly, wincing a little at his words. “I was. I was a new mother, by myself, with only the nurses looking after her. And I couldn’t get her to be quiet. Or eat, or breastfeed. I felt useless and a failure. Sorta how you’re probably feeling now.”She muttered, resting her cheek against his head as he leaned into her, nodding a little. “She would be. Ten this week.”She muttered before wincing a little. “She’d be upset and hut that you were like this....I always told her her papa was the strongest man I knew, and that was why he couldn’t be with us.She’d hate seeing you like this.”She muttered nodding a little, “We will go on for her.”She muttered watching him look at the picture, wanting to take it back, it was a horrible picture of her, but it was the only one she had besides the one in the car. “We can do it together. We will.”She smiled kissing his head, “Now, you ready to get moving?there’s better pictures at bobby’s, and we can visit with him for awhile, yes?”

CAs frowned looking at the other, before nodding a little. Frowning. “I wouldn’t have just sprung it on her like that.”He grumbled, annoyed the other thought he’d be that callous before nodding a little. “I will tell her like that.....and would it not be better to let Dean invite her in for a hug?”He said fidgeting a little, because while he had to learn about invading personal space, when he got to close, it was still hard for him to figure out when to hug people and all. “....It is a should stop and visit tonight. I will tell her tonight, so you can be with dean.”He smiled a little.
he nodded. "that must have been so hard." he admitted softly. "i wish i could have been there for you." he admitted softly, watching her. "yeah... she'd hate me." he mumbled, shaking his head. "but i'll get better. for her... and for you." he promised, gently taking her hand. "i... i hate being like this. i've... i've hated myself for a long time. the more i drank, the more pills i popped, the more i cut the more i hated myself and the more i did it to try and drown out those feelings..." he mumbled. staring at the picture before handing if back to her. "yeah... yeah we can go now." he agreed softly, watching Sam and Dmitri arguing abut snacks. apparently Dmitri thought Sammie was a heathen. hilarious.

"with you, Castiel, i'm never certain." Crowley admitted. "nd no because she's not going to want Dean to see her upset or for him to know while he's detoxing." Crowley explained. "i'll be stopping in, but it's hard to stay in the bunker." he admitted. "i'll need some help on that regards." he admitted.
“It was...I figured out how to do it on my own eventually, but I really didn’t want was hard. I wish you could have to....”She sighed softly, avoiding his eyes, because she didn’t want to make him feel worse then he already did. Nodding a little. “I know you do. I’ll help you dean. We’ll be okay.”She smiled softly, taking the picture back, “We’ll find you a picture of your own. There’s plenty. I had a friend who was a little camera crazy.”She smiled a little as they headed for the car, snickering quietly at the sight of sam getting called a heathen. She doubted that happened alot.

“...Fine. I’ll talk to her. And not let dean know.”The man sighed, making a face before nodding. “I’ll make sure you can stay for awhile. But they are not going directly to the bunker. Well, sam and dmitri might, just to redo the wards. But Bailey and Dean are going to bobby’s first.”Cas said before tilting his head a little. “Thank you Crowley.”He said smiling a little, kissing the other’s cheek as he disappeared.

That evening found Bailey hiding out in the car, well working on baby as she dealt with what Cas had just told her. Glad that Sam and dmitri were watching over dean as he slept, feeling raw and upset, having no idea what to think. So she’d retreated, and looked over the cars, having wanted to make sure they were both in amazing running condition. Finally heading back inside, Bailey sighed softly, smiling a little as sam moved out o the bed, having been sitting up and reading. “He’s slept well.”Sam muttered kissing her cheek as he headed back to his motel room across the hall with dmitri, sighing as she settled into the bed next to dean, trying to stop her racing thoughts as she closed her eyes again. Pregnant?Again?What in the world was she going to do with that?Or tell dean? He didn’t want her like that, not anymore. Had said repeatedly that they couldn’t do this, so she’d settled into being okay with it. But....sighing softly as she shifted, curling up against the man in the bed with her, trying to get comfortable and relaxed, knowing she needed to get some sleep.
by the tie they got to Bobby's, Dean was in terrible shape. there was no way he was going to be moving for some time. he was shaking so violently it was bordering seizure like in it's intensity. he was confused, frightened and often thought they where, or someone they couldn't see was, attacking him. he finally settled into a fitful, and then a relaxed sleep allowing Cas to pull Bailey aside and tell her the news. Crowley appeared shortly after she settled into sleep to announce that the Guardian seamed to be following them. as was the 'filthy little spy'. he checked to make sure Dmitri wasn't around before telling Cas that Dmitri probobly wasn't going to handle the reveal very well.

Dean was awake when she woke up, trembling violently, his arms wrapped around her, just holding her close because she was warm and soft and comforting.
“Dean?”Bailey muttered sleepily, blinking slowly when she felt him trembling, looking battered and tired despite having been sleeping she was exhausted to. “Dean, sweetheart, you with me?”she asked turning to look at him, smoothing her hands down over his arms, sleepy eyes growing worried as she weatched him. “How can I help?”she said.

“...I can’t do this. This hurts to watch.”Sam shuddered leaning into dmitri as he sipped his coffee, so upset and worried that he was half wondering if a crossroads deal would be able to fix this for dean, even if he knew he couldn’t, he was hurting to badly at seeing dean like this, and knowing bailey was upset about something to, that there was something here that was upsetting her, that he had no idea how to handle anything.
"...yeah." Dean whispered after a long silence. "yeah i'm here... don't move... they're all over." he whispered. "if we move, they'll see us." he mumbled before focusing on her when she smoothed her hands down his arms, making him relax a little. "i don't know... where are we?" he asked, confused and not sure where, or when, he was.

"of course you can do this." Dmitri promised, holding Sam's hand. "he's getting the help he needs Sam. it's hard, but he came to us and that's a good thing. you're doing exactly what you need to do." he promised, smiling at his lover. "you're supporting him, and more importantly, you're not letting him see you upset. that's the biggest thing you can do for him."
“...Kay. I wont move.”Bailey muttered stilling a little, gently rubbing his arms, trying to relax him. “No one’s here. It’s just me and you, okay?”She muttered before smiling a little. “We’re at bobby’s. We wanted to get justice’s stuff, remember?”She muttered pressing a kiss to his forehead. It’d been a long few days, watching him detox. Brutal and hard, and knowing why she was feeling vaguely nauseous and queasy wasn’t making it any easier to try and help him. Not when she was hiding just as much emotion as she could concerning it, not wanting to upset him. “We’re in your room at bobby’s....You want to watch a video?”She asked, trying to distract him from his paranoia. Trying to help.

“...He’s Dee. He was always so strong....I didn’t...”Sam shuddered a little, sipping his drink. “I knew he was bad....but he’s my big brother. I didn’t know...I don’t know how to handle this.”he muttered, sighing softly. “.....Yes. He went to bailey.”And that hurt some, even if it was for the best, and he knew why it had happened. It hurt to know bailey had seen what he had missed, gad gotten him the help. “....Yea. I guess it is. And I’ve gotten plans for the wards at the bunkers.”Sam sighed a little, having been reading the books to distract himself from worrying to much, he’d simply been working on finding the perfect wards to put in.
"yeah... yeah i know. no ones here." Dean mumbled even if his eyes fluttered back and forth between things only he could see. "...yeah." he relaxed a great deal. Bobbies, he was safe with Bobbie. "yeah... yeah i want... i want to see a video of you." he agreed, his arms tightening because he didn't want to let her go before carefully relaxing his grip and let her up.

"He is very strong." he agreed. "but people can't be that strong, all the time. Dean's crashing, hard but he can be strong again." he promised. "he's over the worst of it. he'll be your brother again soon." he promised before he smiled. "i think its more that Bailey caught him hitting the apex of his high and noticed. i'm pretty sure Dean timed his drugs perfectly so that you'd never notice." he admitted. "he was very good at hiding it Dean and he had a lot of time and practice doing so." he admitted. "with the insert of Bailey into his life, he lost his rhythm and the habits." he admitted before smiling. "i have a few ideas too." he admitted. "it will require blood though." he admitted, getting to his feet ad headed into his suitcase, pulling out a huge, massive book. it was massive. as big as the huge encyclopedia that they had in the big libraries. the one that had everything in it. "here. this one. my father used it." he admitted, flipping it open to a page. blood wards. only those whose blood was keyed to the ward could pass it. it didn't help with possessions, but it would keep anyone else out. and it meant Crowley could come and help anytime too. in theory.
"Right. No one's here."she promised, sighing quietly as she watched his eyes track. It hurt to watch him like this."we're safe here. Bobby won't let anyone hurt us here. And sams working on better wards."she said before going still waiting for him to be okay letting her up."I'll be right back."she promised moving out of his arms so she could retrieve the Box she'd hidden in his closest, cause when she was at Boboys she usually used his room, not that bobby had told her she'd be using dean's room. Popping the video in, she smiled as the dvd started playing, glad she'd put 5 years worth of video onto just a few discs, itd be easier watching. Settling back on the bed 2ith him, she smiledsadly as the video started at the very beginning, because she'd recorded almost everything about justice she could, unconsciously recording for dean, so he could have these moments sometime, even if she hadn't been aware of the desire at the time.

"It knoe...its...I'm just used to it. That's all he ever showed me....I knew he wasn't doing well but..."sam sighed rubbing a hand over his face. Remembering what crowley said. Dean didn't need him blaming himself, he needed sam to look after him."true. Thank god, I don't think any of us could handle more days like the last two."he made a face glad to know the worst was past before nodding slightly."true...and she was away from him long enough that it was a sudden change, instead of the subtle one I saw..."sam sighed can do that. Blood wards are good on angels to..."sam said eyes wide as he looked at the book, looking utterly fascinated with it before nodding a little.and this should let crowley come and go as he pleases without messing with the wards or him to badly....I think."
He nodded a little. yeah... safe. he was safe and that was good. Bobby would protect them, he always did. he didn't look very happy when she left but he relaxed once she came back and smiled as he watched the video. watching Bailey and Justice always made him the most relaxed, even in the last couple of days when he was too confused to now who they where or where he was or thought they where trying to hurt him. "i like how happy she is." he mumbled. "she's always smiling." he admitted. watching little Justice ip around on her new bike, training wheels barely needed. "she was fearless huh?" he asked with a smile.

"i know." he murmured, rubbing Sam's shoulders. "next time you go in there, he should be able to tell who you are." Dmitri promised with a smile. "yeah, she was able to notice things that you and Cas couldn't. i'm just glad Cas healed those marks on his arms." Dean, in the last two ays, had clawed his own arms and legs bloody, trying to dig out the crawling bugs. "that's the theory, and if he becomes a problem, we can revoke his access without having to redo the wards." he admitted, grinning at Sam. "i was thinking of finding a way to put this thing onto a secure Hunter server. but i don't know anything about computers. you have any ideas?"
Bailey smiled a little as she rested her head against his as she closed her eyes, relaxing with him. Glad to see him. Relaxing, to know that he was here. That he was more aware then he had been."she was happy. Always....and totally fearless. She was so much like you."she smiled a little before wincing a little as she saw the video coming up. She remembered this, it was just around the time she'd been learning to talk, and her first word had followed sams. Bean. Because bailey had told her daddy's name was dean, and she hadn't quite gotten that. So the happy birthday that came out was as mangled as only a 1 and a half year old could make it, but bailey had wanted something, anything to recognize that justices first word had been her daddy's name."so fearless and happy...she was everything we ever wanted to be."

"Good...that'd be nice."sam muttered relaxing as dmitri rubbed his shoulders."always a good thing to have the angel around.b sam agreed because dean had scared him badly with that, nodding. Liking the idea of not having to redo them if crowley became a problem.good....and I do. I have a system starting to build at the bunker that I've been working on....well look at it when we get there. It'd be nice if all the hunters could get a look at the book..."
He nodded a little. "she looks so much like you... but i can see me in her. she must have been a hellion." he admitted with a smile before his breath hitched as he heard his little girl, the one he'd never got to meet, say his name the same way Sammie had used to. he couldn't take that and started to cry again, weeping, grieving for the daughter he would never know. it was a gentler crying this time, a healing one, instead of a broken one. it was him letting out the emotions in a healthy way, instead of struggling to hold them in. it was him, getting better. "she was so perfect." Dean said, sniffling. "and he took her away... i hate him... i hate him so much!"

"Yeah." he agreed. "Cas is kind of amazing. shame he doesn't seam to realize how much Crowley is pining after him."he admitted before smiling at Sam. "now... i should warn you... you and Dean can have unlimited access to this, but some things in here... Sam some things cannot be shared, okay? people would do terrible things with some of the information in here. not all of the preternatural is evil Sam... and i can't let some of this information into the public. it's why my family have protected it so viciously."
“Really?I always thought she looked more like you.”She muttered before snickering. “She kept me on my toes. Totally rocked out to ‘carry no my wayward son’, slept like a baby to it.”She looked amused as she brushed a kiss to his forehead, swallowing thickly as he cried. “I thought....I taught her that. Remembered what you said about Sammy and his first word...”She muttered nervous and upset as he cried, wrapping her arms around him, stroking his back. “She was. And I hate him to.”She sighed softly, crying a little herself. “I miss her. So much.”She muttered shifting, wondering how to tell him. “Dean?I have somethign to tell you....”She muttered nervously.

“He is. And I think he sorta knows. I mean, I heard him asking dean for advice, but dean didn’t understand what he wanted....we’ll have to make sure he asks dean again. Dean’ll have good advice, and will be amused by cas asking.”Sam smiled a little tilting his head a little before nodding. “I understand. There’s some thigns in the bunker like that I’m keepign out of the computer system. You can help me go through the book, and the stuff there to.”
"nah. she's got my colors, but she looks exactly like you." he admitted with a smile. "i bet. she looks s full of life... and energy. lots of energy." he admitted, holding her tightly as he cried. crying with her because it was soothing somehow. "i know you do. i know you miss her." he whispered before blinking at her. "is something wrong?" he asked, worried. "you're not leaving are you?" he asked, arms tightening because he was still so terrified the where all going to leave.

"that's super adorable." he admitted with a smile before snickering a little. "i wonder if Dean remembers clinging to Cas and begging him not to leave?" he wondered with a chuckle. "Dean will be amused by his asking." he agreed with a smile. "i think that would be fun!" he agreed, nodding.
“Hm, maybe.”She said looking amused, before nodding. “She was. Always moving, even asleep, she didn’t hold still.”She muttered sighing softly as she sniffled, calming a little as she shifted, resting her head against his shoulder. “I’m sorry you didn’t get a chance to miss her to...”She muttered nuzzling his shoulder, upset and hurting, hating that she’d done it. Hated that she’d hurt him, and worried he wouldn’t forgive her for it, even if he already had. Sighing softly, wincing a little at his question. “No...I’m not going anywhere. Not as long as you need me.”She promised, cupping her hands around his, “So....Cas told me something. A few days ago, I just didn’t know how to tell you...”She muttered fidgeting with his fingers, a nervous habit a decade old, simply rubbing her fingertips over his knuckles, as if reassuring herself that he wouldn’t hit her, that he wouldn’t react like john would have. Smoothing his hand flat out across her stomach, she bit her lip a little. “....We get a second chance....we were reckless...there in the car. But....”She flushed, stuttering a little.

“It is.”Sam agreed relaxing as he shifted, setting his laptop aside as he laid down, tired. Exhausted really. “probably not. And as much as I’d like to tease him about it, we wont. Cause it’d upset dean....we’ll tease cas instead about needing dating advice.”Cas smiled a little, before nodding. Looking pleased to have a project to work on with his mate.
"yeah. she seams the type." he agreed with a smile. "i do miss her though. i didn't know her well but i know her now and...and that means so much to me. thank you." he murmured. "you saved all of these memories for me. you told her about me. you didn't pretend i didn't exist and you made sure i'd get to know her, even if she hadn't...." been murdered. "you always planned for me to go back into her life... you're lives and that means so much to me." he whispered before relaxing as she promised that she wasn't going anywhere. that was okay then. he watched her play with his fingers, his worry mounting before he blinked at her. "huh?" he asked, confused and oblivious for a long moment before everything hit him and his eyes widened at her belly. "but... but i was going to ask you out first..." why that seamed so important now of all things baffled him.

"you should get some sleep. you've been awake nearly constantly since Dean started getting really bad." he admitted. "come on. lay down with me. Bailey will wake us if she, or Dean, need us." he admitted with a smile. "i'll leave the teasing of Cas to the insane hunters." Cas rather intimidated Dmitri, it wasn't anything Cas did it was just... self preservation maybe?
“...Yes. I guess you do. I wanted....I wanted you to have a part of her, to know her at that age to.”She muttered because while she’d never quite figured out how to approach him, john had left her to scared of seeing his rage at having a child, of disgust of knowing bailey was a whore to approach him, but in those final months, she’d been trying to figure out how to approach him despite her fear of rejection. “....Telling her. Letting her think daddy was gone cause he had to save people, that he was protecting us by staying hurt less to think about it that way.”She muttered flushing a little. Because it had taken alot of her to figure out how to explain to a 5 year old why it was just her and her mother, and not a family like all her friends, had been hard. “.....”Her hands stilled over his, looking startled at the other’s words, for a loss of words for a moment, pinning his hands against her stomach, reacting like he’d been john instead of dean, keeping him from being able to move just yet. “....You....I thought you didn’t want to do this dating thing. That....that we were just going to be friends, who might occassionally have sex, cause sex was fun. Sex is fun.”She said sounding vaguely, quietly confused.

Sam sighed softly looking up at him. “Kay....sleep sounds good.”he muttered to exhausted to argue with him as he settled into the bed with the other before snorting. “You can tease him to you know, he wont be mad. Well. No more then he is with dean most of the time. And he only gets annoyed with dean, cause dean tells him ridculous things.”
"thank you. that means, so much to me." he admitted softly. "i don't think you have any idea." he admitted before watching her. "i should have been there. but i wasn't... i let that man rule my life. i wasn't strong enough... but i am now." he promised her. "i'm strong enough now." he promised before looking a little confused by the way she was pinning his hands. he didn't understand the reaction, he'd never born the brunt of it before. "i only said that because i thought John was right and that i was too filthy, too disgusting, too much of a whore and a freak to ever have love. to ever deserve my soul mate. to have anyone. i believed him. i thought he was right so i pushed you away. i pushed my soul mate away and i've been pushing Sam and Cas away." he admitted. "i... i want to... i want to be more than what he told me i would be and... and when i was with you, when i'm with you now, i'm happier than i ever was before. you where the happiest of my life and... and i don't want to give that up."

"i know. it just seams really wrong to tease an Angel somehow." he admitted with a grinbefore snuggling in for a nap.
“I’m glad. I’d been trying to track you down when....then...when she was gone....I couldn’t hurt you like that. I couldn’t just tell you.”She muttered sighing softly, because she had no idea how john winchester had found out, but she thought that john had shown up simply because he knew she was looking for dean. “You’ll be there now....we’ll be together. And it’ll be better this time. I know what I’m doing.”She smiled, though it would be easier because john wasn’t there, wasn’t the threat hanging over her, over them. Forcing herself to relax her hands when he looked at her confused, closing her hands into fists as she let his hands go, simply trying to relax, reminding herself that he wasn’t john. She wouldn’t be punished for this. “....Well. We know better now. He made us believe him, we’re not what he wanted us to be.we deserve more....even if we have trouble believing it, we deserve to be loved.”It had taken therapy and bobby looking after her to correct some of the damage john had inflicted on her. “And you can’t push cas and sam away, they’re sorta not pushable. They’ll push back.”She teased him a little looking amused, shifting a little, tucking herself into the curve of his body, resting her head on his shoulder. “Well, don’t. We’ll...we’ll figure out how to be a couple....and what we’re going to do with everything...but we’ll do it together.”She said well aware that it wasn’t going to be easy, or calm to do, but that they could do it together. Knowing there’d be bumps and roadblocks on the way, not just from michael and lucifer, but when their own mental problems threw up roadblocks, but she had faith that they could figure it out. That they could do this.
"you where going to come find me?" he asked, sounding surprised before he scowled a little. "that hardly sounds like a coincidence." he mumbled, shaking his head. "we'll be together. we ca do it." he agreed, smiling at her. "it will be better. we're both better. we know better now." he agreed softly, uncertain of her reaction he kept his hands where they where. "we do deserve to be loved. we deserve to have happy lives." he admitted before smiling a little. "i'd noticed. can't do much to push at Crowley or you either." he admitted. "thank god the people i love are more stubborn than me." he mumbled before sighing. "Bobby says i should go to therapy." he admitted softly. "do you think it would be safe?" he wondered. "...i'm... i want.. to keep it..." he admitted, wincing a little. "i mean.. i, i know that, that it's probobly not safe, that... that i shouldn't ever.. but i... i want to... i want to be a father." he whispered, staring at her stomach almost reverently. "i... i want to be a good father."
“Yea....I...I wanted you to know her. Even if you didn’t want to...or wanted me...I thought...I almost asked my soul mate’s advice, just to write, but you’d been so silent, I didn’t.”She shrugged a little before nodding. “I know it doesn’t.but I don’t know how he’d have known either.”She sighed looking happy that they’d be together, that they could be. Relaxing when he didn’t move, calming a little as she nodded. “We do....and no, I don’t think Crowley is gonna let you push him away. He’s sorta fallen for your angel, making sure he sticks around.”Bailey smiled a little. “True. Someone’s gotta be more stubborn then you.”She muttered before biting her lip. “Yes....I....I can recommend a good one. Bobby made me go when I was staying with already knows all about the hunting and all that....if you wanted to.”She said before looking panicked at the idea that he thought she wouldn’t want to, that she wouldn’t want to be a mother again. “I wasn’t planning on getting rid of it.”She said sounding upset, frowning at him, nodding a little. “You will be. We’ll be good together.”She muttered sighing softly
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