Blood written(lady/moon)

he nodded. "i'm so glad you saved this for me." he whispered. "...most of the time i never even... even saw the things you wrote. my hands where always covered in blood, my arms where always covered." he admitted softly. "and the few times i saw anything, John was alwas there, watching, waiting to beat the shit out of me if he caught me responding." he admitted. "yeah. that's adorable the way he and Cas are trailing after each other like lost puppies" he admitted with a chuckle. "i think that would be a good idea... the drugs... i couldn't hardly think. i thought they where helping me you know? making it better to focus. making it easier to hunt...i can tell now, that... that they where making everything worse... but all i want to do is... is go and get more." he admitted. "yeah. i think i'd like that. even if it's just for a few days maybe i can sort out some of these emotions and work through the pain of my life or.. whatever." he muttered before wincing. "i'm sorry... i just..." he swallowed thickly. "after you left, John used to make me sleep with whores, to 'get it out of my system'... i wasn't safe enough. i wasn't... i didn't know about safe sex. so sometimes, they'd get pregnant... and... John used to make me go with them to.... to get rid of the baby..." he admitted sodtly. "i guess... i guess i'm just..." he shook his head. "you're not like them." he promised. " just... i wanted to say it, because... becase John's still fucking with my head..." he admitted. "i'm sorry."
“....that’s.....that’s horrible. No one should be that covered....even before I gave up hunting, or when I came back....I didn’t stsay that covered...I always wondered how I ended up red handed though....”She sighed softly, shifting to stroke his hair, simply smoothing the long strands because she knew there was nothing she could do to make the trauma of what john had done better. “You need a haircut.”She muttered knowing unlike sam, he preferred keeping it short, stepping away from the to heavy emotions of knowing john was the reason he hadn’t written. “Hm, Cas did ask for your advice by the way, when you were to bad to respond. You’ll have to get back to him.”She said snickering a little before nodding. “Sometimes, the worst things always seem right if you think it’s helping....but they’re not. So we’ll keep you clean....and you’re not going to go get more. It’ll get easier each day. I think you’re through the worst.”She muttered before nodding. “Therapy can take a long time....but even after we go back to the bunker, she does do over the phone sessions to....that’s how I talk to her most of the time these days....just check in. Sort through the’d probably be good for you.”She smiled at him before wincing, swallowing thickly. Knowing it was partly her fault that john had forced him to do that, had made his son a man-whore, who even later, on his own still had sex simply to try and deal. “....I’m sorry...I’m so sorry, Dean.”She sniffled a little swallowing thickly, closing her eyes a little, “John’s still fucking with both our heads, we’ll be okay. You’ll just have to forgive me when I have my own problems later.”She muttered well aware that she was going to have her own breakdown, her own problems with john winchestre coming up the more pregnant she got, simply because she had the first time around. Hopefully, with dean there, it’d be easier to handle. Shifting, she kissed him lightly, before laying down. “You should get some sleep. We both should...and we’ll just take a day at a time, okay?”
yeah." he agreed. "it got hot but the long sleeves covered the cutting marks." he admitted, rubbing his arms. "might be nice to wear short sleeves again." he admitted. "the scars will get some stares but i don't really care about that." he admitted. "i do need a haircut. i'm starting to look like Sam." he said, wrinkling his nose. "ugh." he mumbled before blinking. "i don't remember that." he admitted, shaking his head. "i think i remember sobbing all over him?" he asked, not sure. there as a lot of the last few days that he didn't remember. "yeah well... it's like... a craving? like i need it. like i won't be happy without it... but, i am so my brain and body get confused." he grumbled before nodding. "will you set me up a few appointments?" he asked softly. "i don't think i could do it myself..." he admitted before grimacing when she started to cry and snuggled her as close to him as he could get. "i don't think he'll ever really get out. but we can help each other through it." he agreed softly. "we can get better. be better." he smiled at her. "we can have our best revenge, by being happy in spite of him." he murmered. "and it might not be soon, but someday we'll never think about him again." he promised her before nodding. "sleep would be good." he agreed softly, settling in with her for some desperatly needed sleep.
“ should totally go sleeveless more often.”She smirked a little, and you knew she was going to tease him, as she rubbed a hand over his forearm, feeling the muscles under his skin, and for once, strength in the other’s arms didn’t make her afraid, or worried, didn’t fear being hurt. Because unlike anyone else she’d ever gotten close to, she trusted dean to not hurt her. “Arms like yours shouldn’t be covered up. I mean, you’ll get oggled all the time.”She teased a little before snorting. “You are looking like sammy.”She teased before nodding a little. “Yea, that’s when it was. He was so upset that he made you cry that he promised to stay and ask for advice. I think the tears worried him. So he stayed.”Bailey said before nodding. “Yea, well, that’s how it will be. For awhile. We’ll figure it out, and you’ll be okay with it.”He said before nodding. “I can. Kelsey is amazing. She’ll talk to you.She’ll be better then anyone else, since I’ve talked about you to.So...”She shrugged a little, sighing softly as he snuggled into her, sniffling a little but calming as he held her. “We will. We’ll be the best. And be happy.”She muttered settling in to sleep, and hoping that things would be okay.

Which was why, nearly 5 weeks later Bailey was even more out of sorts then she had been before. Because she’d been happy, and relaxed, and hoping that they were fine. That they could do this. Her and dean had been doing well, and while she sometimes chafed at having company all the time, she’d gotten used to being on her own, the awesomeness of having people there all the time, of having support when she needed it, usually outweighed the problems of it. But today, having already argued with dean about going with the boys on the hunt, she didn’t want to look at the feelings that were making her feel sick and worthless. She didn’t want to look to closely at that, didn’t want to let john’s whisper of she was only allowed around because she was good in bed, useful in bed, get to her. And was. Swallowing thickly as she huddled in dean’s hoodie and sweats,having figured out when she was having a bad day, wearing his clothes, reminding herself that he wanted her, helped. Except now, now it seemed to be a curse and made her feel even worse about being there. Heading for the shooting range, she smiled slightly as she settled in to practice her shooting, glad that her pregnancy hadn’t started to show beyond just a gentle curve, it wasn’t getting in the way of shooting yet. Needing the time to recover, and really wishing her therapist wasn’t on vacation this week, feeling so lost and hurt.

Sam sighed softly, wrapping his arms around dmitri, leaning down to kiss him lightly. “You sure you’re okay with staying here with bailey?”He muttered, not that he wanted to take the other with him, he just worried dmitri was upset with him for leaving him behind. “we’ll stay in touch to. Writing and cell phones.”He muttered.
Five weeks later and Dean was actually doing better than he had ever been in his entire life. every night he locked himself in a little room and talked in private to the therapist that he had been introduced to through Bailey and he was becoming more and more like the man they had known him to be. he was finally, and totally clean and hadn't touched so much as a non alcoholic beer since his detox. sometimes he found himself going into the fridge to get a beer only to remember he was an alcoholic trying to recover and he wasn't allowed to drink anymore and he grabbed a soda or a coffee instead. he was doing so well that even Crowley was impressed. that wasn't to say things where all good. he had a full blown panic attack just the other day, and had locked himself in the bathroom all the while begging, downright begging 'him' to stop. fighting with Bailey now certainly wasn't making him feel better. he was giving that damn therapist a piece of his mind... maybe.

"Sam. i love you, but you are not getting me in that car when you're going to go off getting in danger." Dmitri said firmly. "i am not a hunter and i sure as hell don't want to be one. i'll stay here and tell Bailey just why Dean doesn't want her to go hunting." because Dean was so terrified that he was going to loose Bailey that he was acting irrationally. he was sober, bit he was still an addict and it was still affecting him a lot.
Sam gave the other a amused and bright smile at his words, “oh, so you’re gonna leave me with dean to go off into danger? He’ll prank me or something, Dmitri.”Sam whined a little, though he didn’t look to upset at the idea, because it was good to see that side of his brother back. “And good. I don’t want you to be one either.”He said kissing the other lightly, “I think she knows. I just think something’s bugging her....”sam sighed a little as they went to find Dean, knocking lightly on the door to make sure he wasn’t interrupting anything before sticking his head into dean’s room. “You ready to go?”He said smiling at his brother, the man looked better then he had in years, though he could see the strain of fighting with bailey getting to him. “....You say good bye yet?”he asked curious, willing to leave the man alone if he needed to go find bailey. Glancing around the room, wincing a little when he realized bailey wasn’t actually there, which was rare these days, her not being with dean when they weren’t in their therapy sessions. They were usually together unless they were talking to kelsey, the therapist, who was so good that even sam was talking to her. It helped, to talk about things really.
"Hell yes." Dmitri admitted with a smile. "you should be glad he's pranking you." he teased. "it means he loves you." he admitted, kissing his lover. it had taken Dmitri a long while t get used to missing an eye and the first dozen times he'd tried to kiss Sam had been hilariously bad attempts where he got cheek, neck, nose and forehead instead of lips. "i'll talk to her, maybe i can figure out what's wrong." he mused before smiling at the other. "go hunt. and get pictures of you can." he ordered. he wanted to add pictures to his book.

"...yeah."Dean sighed, yanking on his boot and lacing it. "no... she's mad at me." he admitted, looking upset as he stood up. "i'll be up in a minute. go start up Baby would you?" he ordered as he headed after Bailey to hopefully, kiss her goodbye and tell her that he loved her. something he had taken to doing every day at least twice. it made him feel better and he hated the idea of leaving her behind. "Bailey" he asked softly as he moved into the room, watching her fire at the target, wishing he could stay and have a shooting contest with her instead.
“I feel the love, D. If I come back missing my eyebrows or something, I’m just going to remind you it’s all your fault.”He looked amused though as he smiled, “I know. And he’ll know I love him to when I prank him back.”he snickered kissing the other back, nodding a little. “Try. They’ll both rest easier with it.”He said before snorting. “it’s a simple werewolf hunt, D. I don’t know if you need pictures, but I’ll bring them back, as requested.”he looked amused though he was a little worried about the rumors of demon activity to go along with it. A demon werewolf would just be a nightmare.

“Yea, well, she doesn’t like being left behind and not watch your back. Can’t say I exactly blame her, I wouldn’t like it either.”Sam said shrugging a little, trying to make dean feel better, even if he got the feeling that that wasn’t totally what was bothering bailey about being left behind, but since she had stormed out on breakfast when dean had told her she was staying behind, he didn’t have a clue what it could be. He could only hope dmitri had better luck then he had when he’d tried talking to her. “Yea, I’ll do that. If you want to wait long enough, I’m gonna make out in your car.”Sam supplied grinning as he grabbed their bags and headed up to the garage with dmitri. Bailey paused when she heard him coming in, ignoring the tense and anxious feeling that tightened her stomach, brushing it off. Twisting to look at him, not letting him have her back, which was odd, because she always trusted dean at her back unless she was having a bad day. Setting the gun down she sighed softly, rubbing a hand over her face, before wrapping her arms around herself, hugging herself tightly as she looked at him. “You leaving now?”
Dmitri just giggled wildly at the idea of Sam without eyebrows. that was just too funny! "i'm sure you'll punish me properly." he teased with a grin. "I'll talk to her." he promised with a smile before rolling his eyes. "we don't have pictures of transformed werewolves for pretty obvious reasons. do what you can to get a picture so long as you don't risk your life." he ordered. "try to get a bite pattern too." he ordered. "and claw markers. it will help hunters identify them from marks on dirt, wood or victims." Dmitri admitted. "just don't put your life at risk." he ordered. "i mean it one scratch and you are so not getting laid."

"yeah. i know. but she's pregnant and i... i can't risk her like that.the werewolves would be all over her." he grumbled, shaking his head. "she'll forgive me...i think." he said, before scowling at Sam. "don't you dare soil my car." he ordered. "she's sensitive." he huffed before shaking his head and heading to Bailey, looking a bit worried the wat she was acting. he had learned how to tell when John was bothering her so he lifted his hands, letting her see them and settled out of reach, well out of reach so she wouldn't feel trapped. "i didn't want to leave without saying goodbye and telling you that i loved you." he admitted softly.
"I will. I'll write out a whOle list of punishments."he said before sighing."fine...okay, if I can get the pictures, I will try."he said before smirking."scouts honor, I 2ont risk either of our lives for it. Bailey and you'd kill me for it."he said smiling a little.

"I Know that. And she does to, she's just not happy with being left brhind."sam said before nodding."she will. When you come home safe and sound...and you having sex in the backseat didn't soil it?I'm so making out in the back."sam grinned as he left. Bailey frowned a little at him, watching his hands, trembling ever so slightly. It wasn't that it was John bothering her, but more because she was feeling like a ehore, left behind and only useful for sex, just like John had told her. Sighing softly as she considered him, nodding jerkily, because even if she was angry and hurting that he thought she couldn't go with him, couldn't help, she didn't want to leave without a goodbye to. While on her good days she knew he wouldn't ever think about it like that, she was feeling raw and hurting, and thinking he thought of her like that hurt. Stepping closer she offered a small smilr."do I get a goodbye hug and kiss?"because if that was all she was good for, she'd give dean her best.
"i would kill you for it." Dmitri agreed. "i have a spell to temporarily pull u the spectre of your mental imprint." he warned. "so i can chew your ass out even if your dead."

"i know." he admitted with sigh before glaring at Sam. "That backseat is for Bailey only!" he hissed. "get your own car to defile!" he commanded.

"of course you do." Dean promised her with a smile. "i wish you could come with us. i'd feel better... but... but i can't risk... i'm so terrified that..." he watched her belly. it wasn't hard to guess where his mind was going. he knew she would never be hurt by stupid werewolves, but they had killed his baby once and these werewolves had a thing for pregnant women. he hadn't told her that though. "c'nmere?" he asked hopefully, opening his arms. "i know you feel useless right now. but while your pregnant i just... i can't... i don't dare risk you. you're the only thing in my life that... that keeps me sane and if you lost this baby i don't know if you could survive it." he admitted softly.
"Good."she muttered before frowning at him a little. Tilting her head as she considered what he was telling her. Following his eyes she raised her eyebrows, startled at that idea. Hands resting over the just starting to be there roundness, tilting her head. Looking confused at the idea that that was why he wanted her to stay. Sliding into his arms, resting her head on his chest, tucking herself close to him, "I don't know either..."she muttered flushing and ducking her head, not willing to upset him by letting him know wham she'd thought she'd been left behind. Nuzzling her face against his neck she took a deep breath, taking in his scent and refusing to nibble on him. Despite having felt like a whore, John had had her well trained to respond to him leaving by wanting sex, and even after all this time, she wanted to. It didn't help that she always wnated dean, a low level lust always burned between them.
(so apparently there is no baby belly at five weeks, so i'm changing this to about ten to twelve weeks later for consistency sake okay?)

he wrapped his arms around her and sighed. "once your not pregnant anymore, we can hire Dmitri as a babysitter and you can cover my ass on hunts again." he promised. "but i don't think either of us could... i don't think i could ever forgive myself if i got you hurt." he admitted before smiling at her belly. "your baby belly is so cute." he admitted with a smile as he set a hand on her stomach. "i've... i've been reading books." he admitted. "baby is about the size of a Brussels sprout, and he has fingers and can move his spine." he admitted,looking adoringly at her belly. "and he breaths too." he admitted before smiling a little. "in the next week, he'll start opening and closing his hands and he'll wiggle ad move his arms, he's too small though so i don't know if you'll feel it. the book said you wouldn't but it was probobly wrong." he admitted with a smile before sighing a little. "i should go. Sam's gonna soil my car if i don't get going..."
(lol okay then.XD)

“, I like that idea. Gotta make sure you get home.”she sighed softly, leaning into him, closing her eyes. “No...I guess we wouldn’t”She muttered sounding and looking relieved that was his reasons for not wanting her on a hunt, and not that he didn’t trust her. Snorting a little at his words. “You’re cute. Not me. I look like I’ve been eating to much. And I have, I’ve been eating more pie then you.”She whined a little offering a small, shy smile at the idea of him reading. Of having someone around this time to enjoy and love this part of being pregnant. “He?You looking forward to a boy?”She teased a little, before shrugging. “No, probably not. It’ll be another month or so before I can feel anything.”She smiled a little before nodding, stepping back with a small quiet smile, “He will.He’ll totally have sex in it or something....”She said pulling away from him, slipping her hand into his, heading for the garage, not ready to say goodbye so she’d walk him out.
"yeah." he agreed with a smile. "you have to keep me from doing stupid shit." he agreed. "you're the only one who can you know. i just laugh at Sam." he admitted with a grin. "i am very cute." he agreed with a chuckle before snorting. "you're eating for two. it takes a lot of calories to make a baby you know. and i am well aware you've been stealing my pie you pie thief." he huffed playfully. "i'll be happy with any gender or sex." he admitted. "it just seams wrong to call them an 'it'..." he admitted. "so for now, i'll call him a He." he admitted with a smile. "Cas said he could tell the gender, but that there was no way to tell the sex... i guess there's a difference? i never really thought about it" he admitted. "he will! he's so rude that way. you're the only one allowed to sully baby that way." he huffed, smiling at heras he held her hand, so, so glade that they where okay now.
“Someone has to. And I know you do. Though, if you keep pranking him, he’ll probably join you in the doing stupid shit side.”Bailey snickered a little before sighing. “I know it does. I just forgot how much I ate pregnant....and nope!”She smirked at him. “I totally haven’t been stealing the pie. I wouldn’t dare.”She giggled a little before nodding. “True, it does. Okay, so the baby is a he for now.”She agreed before shrugging, “I dunno. I don’t want to know anyways.”She shrugged before smiling. “Well, you’re the only one who’s allowed sullying junior....and they’ll stay away from junior. He only gives you a hard time about baby cause he can.”Bailey giggled a little, laughing even harder when they walked in, snorting as she looked at teh sight of Dmitri sitting on the hood and the moose standing between his legs to make out with his mate. Raising his head Sam looked at his brother, panting ever so slightly. “Ready to go?”He said looking reluctant to leave himself now. Even if he knew they had to.
"that would be awesome." he agreed with a grin. "i bet i could get him to jump into a lake butt naked." he admitted with a smirk. "you're a terrible liar you know that?" he asked with a grin. "especially since you take more than half of MY pi while i'm trying to Eat It." he pointed out, nuzzling her. "of course i am. i'm the only person even allowed to touch her." he agreed with a chuckle before garing at Sam and Dmitri, spinning on his heal and going back inside and returned seconds later with disinfectant wipes and a small bit of car wax and shoved Dmitri and Sam off of his car and did the touch ups, making Dmitri laugh so hard he almost fell over. then Dean attacked Sam with the wet rags, shoving them down his brothers pants and shoving a handful of dirt into Sam's hair while the other was struggling to extract the rags. Dmitri was smarter, he was laughing from his position up a tree where Dean couldn't get to him.
:You probably could. Though if you’re jumping anywhere naked, I better be around for it.”Bailey smiled a little before squirming a little, whining softly. “I am not!I’m the awesomeness liar that ever lied.”She grumbled before snickering. “hey, I’m just trying to help you. You’re getting old, metabolism slowing down and all, you don’t need to eat that all.”she said giggling a little, for the moment her anxiety and pain at being left behind forgotten. “You are.”She agreed snickering a little as sam yelled about being shoved around. “Dean!Dean stop it!We have to go!”Sam scowled whining as he carefully brushed the dirt out of his hair before climbing into the car. “Be careful okay?”Bailey smiled a little at dean as the other climbed into the car, shutting the door gently.
"i promise you can go with me when i go skinny dipping." he promised with a smile. "You are the most awesome that ever awesome i agree, but you're still a horrible, terrible liar." he teased before gasping as if highly insulted. "old! old!" he protested. "I'm not old! Cas is old! Crowley is old!" he protested, sulking. "Bobby is old! i'm not old!" he whined before smiling a little as he wrestled with Sam. "i'll be fine." Dean promised with a smile as he tugged her down for a kiss. "don't let Dmitri destroy my house okay? keep an eye on him. he's not a hunter. he doesn't know how to stay safe like the rest of us." he admitted, shaking his head. "make sure he doesn't do anything stupid while we're gone okay?" he asked her with a smile.
“Good.”Bailey smirked looking pleased with the promise before huffing.”I am not.”she whined a little before snickering. “Well, you’re in good company then, in teh old man’s club.”She teased looking amused, “Just think, we can go on double dates with your old friends.”She giggled a little before sighing as she kissed him back. “I promise, I wont let him get in trouble. We’ll research and read, and do fun stuff. No dangerous stuff, I promise.”She said before nodding, “Nothing stupid, promise. Go.”She said moving back from the car, sighing softly as she watched them go. Disliking the idea of them leaving, but knowing it was needed.
"You are too." he stated right back with a chuckle before he sulked at her. "i'm not old." he whined, sulking before perking up. "a double date with Cas and Crowley would be hilarious." he admitted with a grin before smiling at her. "good." he said, smiling at her before sighing a little as he headed off. he hated leaving but he'd never forgive himself if he just left it to someone else.

it was only a few hours later when Dmitri tore through the bunker, yelling that Sora had come for a visit, grabbing the ceremonial knife that was tied to the blood wards. all it took was a single drop of blood from the person being allowed in, but it HAD to be done, without fail, from that specific knife. there was no chance for Bailey to stop him. Sora was there, inside, and Dmitri looked confused, baffled as vivid wings spread from Sora's wings. "Sorry Dmitri!" Sora said. "but Micheal needs his advantage over Micheal!" she admitted, laughing wildly as she wrapped her arms around Dmitri who immediately started fighting back. kicking, screaming, stomping, raging as he realized she wasn't really his friend. he was doing an impressive job of trying to fight her off, if she had been human he would have done some serious damage. too bad she wasn't human, and she was easily dragging him out of the secondary rings, which prevented angels or demons from simply appearing in the area. once she got him past that line, she could just poof away with him.
“You’re not. I’m just teasing.”She smiled before snickering. “I’ll see what i can do with actually making it happen.”She said, well aware the angel and demon were slowly circling, and that cas was just a little freaked out at the idea of dating.

“Dmitri?What-”Bailey frowned as she stepped out of the kitchen, frowning a little as she headed into the entrance way, “Hey, wait-”She said before her eyes went wide, looking at the wings spreading even as she scrambled for Dean’s angels blade, even if it was really Cas’, she knew the angel left it for them, to make sure they could take care of angels. “Hey!Come back here, bitch.”Bailey snarled as she charged after them, knowing she had to get to them before they crossed the line, not even noticing when she crossed it herself, at least not until Lucifer appeared at her side, disappearing with her at the same moment Sora did, the demon lord well aware that for now, Sora and michael would be in the dark of where the woman went. That michael’s perfect vessel wasn’t going ot be existing, ever again.
Sora just laughed, Dmitri limp in her arms because she'd knocked him out, bored with his struggling. she vanished with him while Lucifer took off with Bailey. Dmitri would later report that Sora had not survived the punishment Micheal metted out on her when he found out that she had allowed Lucifer to take Bailey and the unborn. that would not be for some time though. two days in fact.

"Man... i'm getting worried." Dean admitted, two days later, staring at his arm. "she hasn't responded yet." he admitted, staring at the ink he had scribbled across his skin. "has Dmitri responded at all?" he wondered at Sam, shoving the silver bullet shotgun into the trunk of Baby. all the werewolves where dead. they had been a sick bunch, kidnapping pregnant women and turning them so they could raise semi natural werewolf cubs. the 'cubs' barely lasted a few weeks though because the werewolves couldn't care for them and they killed the mothers, so they where basically just killing women and babies because they where sick freaks.

Back at the bunker, there was a small enraged roar, blue flames spewing across the blood wards as the Guardian landed in front of Castiel. flames that held the burning edge of sharp warning. "Where Is Demetrius!?" the voice was deep, it reached into the soul of all who heard it. this was a being so old, even Lucifer could not compare to it's age. it was said, in rumor and myth, that it was not the sun, the moon, the stars or even the light that God created first, but the Great Guardians which he created to keep him company while he worked. according to legend, he made two, and released them once he had created Angels, so that the Guardians would work His will. this Guardian staring Cas down, could very well have been born from legends.
“I am to. Yesterday, I was willing to not be, she was probably annoyed with you.....but Dmitri’s not answering either.”Sam said rubbing his arms, looking worried even as he shoved the rest of their stuff into the trunk, and climbed in. To worried to be careful, and well aware that every speed limit between here and home was going to be broken.

Cas paused as he stepped out of the bunker, “I do not know. I just arrived myself. Neither Bailey or Dmitri are here. And I was coming to warn them about the spy....”Cas paled staring at the wards where he could see them sparking and twisting, “...Dammit. Fuck!”He cursed, the angel for once at a loss, to upset to even be fascinated with the guardian standing in front of him, seeing the stains of hellfire along the wards, “Crowley!”Cas snarled, for once not even bothering to use the phone like he had the last few times he wanted to talk to the demon, or doing the complete summoning, simply trusting that wherever Crowley was, that the other would hear. Looking up at the sound of the impala’s growling engine, hoping that the two were with them despite dean’s refusal to take her hunting or dmitri not wanting to go, but as tehy got closer, that hope was fading.
"we need to get home." Dean agreed, slamming the trunk down a lot more rough than he would normally be. too worried about Bailey to care and he was headed off before Sam was even all the way in the car.

The Guardian snarled, spewing more blue flames that did not burn, venting frustration. "I Entrusted His Care To You, Angel!" The Guardian raged. frustrated and taking it out on Cas even if he didn't truly blame the angel. for once, Crowley did not appear when he was called which seamed to trouble the guardian just as much as it troubled Cas. Crowley always came when Cas called. Crowly had appeared dripping wet, soap in his hair and a towel around his waist for Cas. for him not to appear, something was wrong. "Jesus fucking Christ, is that a Dragon!?" Dean demanded, hoping it was the distraction of a real dragon that had kept Bailey and Dmitri's attention.
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