Blood written(lady/moon)

Crowley was trembling all over, half lost in the haze of nightmares, still not sure that Cas was really cas but clinging to him anyway when he was joined in bed. clutching Cas as if he was some kind of giant teddy bear and he was a frightened child. he did relax a little, so that was a good thing.

"hey. hey easy. you're alright. it's alright." he murmured softly. "it's me.... t's Bean." he promised softly. "it's your 'Oil Slick." he mumbled, stroking her hair. "i'm here Sparkplug." Dean promised softly.
Cas sighed softly, relaxing a little as crowley clung to him, it was disturbing really, to see him like this. Sighing softly as he shifted, simply stroking the other’s hair, keeping the constant mutter of words going, even sidelining into scottish at times, having ever intention of annoying the scotsman into being himself.

Bailey whimpered as she pressed her hands over her ears, trembling as she squirmed around to look over the edge of the blanket at him, eyes huge and blown, and you knew whatever lucifer had given her, was definitely more potent then the adderall dean had been on. “Dean....hurt....”She muttered shiftingm curling up more, trembling harder, she was starting to come down from the high, a high that had made her even more sensitive to pain and what was going on around her. Lucifer had hurt her badly, and made sure it hurt as much as he could.
Crowley didn't respond to the mumbling but he had gone slack, sleeping more naturally this time, breathing even and slow instead of hitching with his breathing as he had been doing before. he was resting, and that was good.

"shhh. shh, Bays. i know. i know he hurt you. i'll make him pay for it. i promise. i'll even let you help."he promised softly, gently taking her hand because he didn't dare pull her to himself and hold her tight the way he wanted to.
Cas sighed softly, relaxing as he did, closing his eyes. Though he kept the talking going, simply listening to the man rest and watching over him.

“....Kay....I’d like that.”Bailey muttered sighing softly as he held her hand, simply shifting to get comfortable, and within a few moments, much like crowley shifting to sleep more naturally, while it wasn’t exactly the best rest, she was resting better.

When she woke again, bailey sighed softly as she stirred, blinking hard as she looked up at the other. “ you haven’t...slept.”She muttered shivering a little, starting to go through withdrawal, and despite the healing cas had done, having healed her again, the woman was still weak and hurt. And while cas hadn’t quite gotten around to telling dean everything that had happened, that had been done to her, dean was aware of enough biology lessons to know it was bad enough that lucifer had simply broken her body like kindling, before healing her, just so he could do it all over again.
"i haven't." he murmured. "had to stay up ad protect you sparkplug." he admitted, smiling at her. "i'm glad to see you awake." he admitted softly, hesitantly reaching out and stroking her hair out of her face. "do you think you could manage some food? Bruce brought in some soup for you." he admitted softly.

"...Cas?" Crowley asked, blinking sluggishly. "are you real?" he asked softly, wanting to be sure. "are you really here?" he wondered, narrowing his eyes at the other.
“....You should sleep. You need sleep. I can protect you.”Bailey muttered looking upset that she’d made him miss sleep. She couldn’t let him do that. It was all she was good for, looking after him. It upset her to know he was hurting himself to look after her. “....”sighing softly as he stroked her hair, closing her eyes a little before nodding slightly. “If...if you help me sit up. And hold me, and help me....I think I can.”She said flushing, feeling utterly useless at the request, but needing it.

“Yea. It’s me. And I better be real, otherwise the need to go to the bathroom is sucking ass right now.”Cas said, more because it was a common thing, the winchesters harassing him about not needing to do the human things, like pee or eat, and while he did do those things on ocassion, it wasn’t a necessary thing for the angel. “....Why are you lookign at me like that?If you think I’m lucifer or something, you need your eyes adjusted. I’m not nearly as strong as a archangel.”
"it's not about needing protection. i was scared you wouldn't wake up..." he admitted softly. "every time you closed your eyes i was terrified you where going to stop breathing without me noticing." he admitted, nuzzling her hand. "okay. hold on." he murmured, gathering the bowl and setting it in arms length before very carefully helping her to sit up, cradling her as he held the bowl, letting her feed herself if she could because he knew this was hard enough for her as it was.

"....your a dick."Crowley decided, relaxing because only Cas would be such a jerk. "you don't pee Cas." he grumbled with a smile. "i was just making sure." he admitted. "Lucifer likes his little games." he mumbled before sighing. " hurts... i'm not used to feeling pain." he admitted.
“....Oh. Well....okay.”Bailey muttered sighing softly as he nuzzled her hand, gently curling her fingers, petting his hair, not really aware of doing it.”Thanks dean.”Bailey muttered as the man helped her sit up, resting against his chesst as she fed herself, by the time they were done, exhausted with the effort as she closed her eyes. “......I’m scared dean....I don’t.....I....”She trailed off resting her hands over his stomach, trembling a little, starting to cry.

“Yea, I know.”Cas said smirking a little before looking at the other.”Neither do you. And I know. He does. And yes, I know. I’m sorry...I can’t heal you more then I already have.”Cas said sighing a little as he looked down at the man laying next to him
"of course." he promised her with a smile, so glad that he could help her somehow. help her this way. "i know... it's okay bays. i know." he promised, wrapping his arms around her. "i'm so sorry..." he whispered, hating that this was all his fault. he had left her home alone when he had known better. he had so,so known better!

"i know. you must have exhausted yourself trying to heal what you've already healed." Crowley admitted. "i'm going to be bedridden for a while though." he admitted with a sigh, closing his eyes. "how is Bailey?"
“Thanks.”She mumbled, resting her head against his chest, flinching a little as she felt his arms closing around her, but aware enough to know it was dean, it was dean and not lucifer or john pulling her around, getting ready to throw her around and start the next round of torture. Shifting, keeping his hands from resting over her stomach, even knowing he knew, she wasn’t ready to admit she had once again gotten one of their children killed. And cas hadn’t even told hem the worst of it yet.“M-me to.”She stuttered a little, turning her head to rest her cheek against his shoulder, forehead against his cheek, simply staying close. Closing her eyes, simply needing to be close. To brace herself for the change in their relationship, enjoying these last few hours of being his girlfriend, of being what he needed. She knew things would change, when he really thought about it. Needed to enjoy the last few hours where they really were together, before things changed forever “I-I just...tried to stop dmitri...I didn’t,...I didn’t....”She stuttered, crying quietly.

“Yea...I did. But it was worth it. Made sure that you both lived.”Cas sighed because he was still feeling exhausted, before nodding. “You both are going to be bed ridden.”Cas said before going quiet, thinking it over. “...Healing. But....”Cas chewed on his lip, before the words spilled out, the words he hadn’t been able to bring himself to tell anyone, not even sam or dmitri, because he hadn’t wanted dean to know. Not yet. “....He took out....her uterus, along with the baby. And started to skin her alive. And broke her hand multiple times, I think he was trying to make sure she could never write dean again, if she managed to survive.....cut the muscles in her hands to Even with the healing, I don’t know if she’ll be able to write with that had ever again....”Cas shuddered because while he knew bailey could fight and write, and do anything needed with both hands, in a fight, in a hunter’s life, being that crippled would be a liability, a weakness for a enemy to exploit.
"it's okay. i have you. i'm sorry." he whispered, letting her keep his hands away. he didn't blame her for that. he shook his head when she started to cry. "i know. i know you did. i don't think there was anyway to have stopped him without hurting him. he's young, he'd never been in danger before. he would have fought you." he pointed out. "if it makes you feel better, Michel scared him, but he didn't hurt Dmitri." he was sure that would make her feel a bit better. "he even painted Micheal's future. the bastard was so freaked out that when Sam went to get him the angel just took off."

"well thank you for that. i can't really die you know." while in Demon form he could be killed, but Lucifer would be reluctant to do so. Crowly had taken a lot of careful time building up his popularity and people would protest it. not to mention Lucifer would have to find someone loyal to put into the crossroads position and that was an impossible task. Crowley was a demon who didn't particularly care about personal power. it was why Lucifer hadn't stripped him of his position. Lucifer would torture him, try to break him, but he wouldn't kill Crowley. not yet. it wasn't that bad yet. Lucifer still had high hopes for reforming Crowley.
Bi know...I know it's you...bu5...."she trailed off, not about to talk him that if she was caught off guard, or wasn't looking at his fac3, he had the same calloused scarred hands as his father, that they were built enough like each other that at times she wanted to run screaming. Sniffling a little at his words she calmed, closing her eyes, simply breathing the same air he was, smelling the Irish rain body wash he used, the gun powder and tang of salt, she knew she was safe with him. Trusting him to look after her."I know....even before he was gone, I knew why he'd let her in..."she sighed wuietly, before nodding."good. At least sammy'll be okay."she muttered, having worried about the younger winchester, but utterly scared for herself, knowing she was going to lose the relationship that she'd wanted for so long, and had finally allowed herherself to believe she could have it.

"I know. But it takes time to find a new vessel, and dean's going to need you."Cas said blushing a little not about to admit that it was him to, that would miss the demon while he was gone, the angel needed the other to be there while he helped. Feeling utterly useless in the face of dean's pain.
"i know. it's okay. let me know if you need me to let go." he promised. she had never said it but she'd never needed to because Sam did the same thing to Dean sometimes. especially if Dean was in pain. "I just can't believe Sora was being possessed by an Angel... i wonder for how long?" Bruce had already told Sam and Dmitri that Sora could only have been possessed since they had left the collage. Sora had been Dmitri's friend till the end, and had likely been tricked into accepting the Angel inside of her. happened all the time, especially when Sora was half insane and so very religious to begin with. she wouldn't have even hesitated if a Bright Being asked to borrow her body. "Sam's still pretty pissed. he's currently pouring every book he can get his hands on, looking for a way to hunt Mikey and Lucy down and make them pay." Dean admitted. "Dmitri on the other hand... he's not doing so well... he's blaming himself for everything." no point in lying about it and maybe Bailey could knock some real sense into Dmitri the way everyone else hadn't.

"that's true... you wouldn't have missed me at all?" Crowley asked, pouting at the other playfully as he rested against Cas. "i think you would have missed me." he admitted softly before sighing. "...this is going to be such a mess..."

"Sam?" Dmitri asked softly, setting some coffee down next to the other. he hadn't slept at all by the look of his appearance. "Have you found anything?" he asked, watching the other pour over the massive family book that only Dmitri and Sam had complete unrestricted access to.
"Kay."Bailey muttered sighing softly as teh other held her, glad that he understood, even without being told. "Hopefully not to long....I doubt Dmitri would handle that well..."She muttered closing her eyes, tired. "I'm sure he is...but he doesn't have to worry about...this...."Bailey muttered absently waving a hand towards herself, cause at least sam's mate was safe. was okay. "...."Frowning a little about that before poking him. "....Get Dmitri. I'll yell at him. He should know better then that."She muttered.

"....Okay. I might have missed you a bit, Fergus."He teased the other a little before nodding. "Indeed. I...I don't know how to tell him what lucifer did."Cas said softly, ducking his head a little.

"Hm?"Sam stirred a little looking up at the other, he hadn't slept, but it was good to see dmitri, reaching out as he leaned back in his chair, tugging the other into his lap. "Some. But considering we're dealing with archangels, things are getting tricky....not alot about archangels beyond legend in here..."
"yeah... honestly i'm not sure what would be worse... her being an angel all along or her being possessed just to attack him." he mumbled with a sigh. "it's Dmitri, he worries. it's part of who he is." Dean pointed out before smiling at her. "after you rest a bit okay?" he suggested. "you're too tired to be at all threatening." he admitted with a chuckle.

"you better have Jimmy." Crowley grumbled even if he smiled before he sighed, closing his eyes. "perhaps it would be best if you left that up to me?" he offered. "i was there to witness a good portion of it..." he admitted softly. "he's going to be in a rage when he learns, he won't attack me, injured like i am..." once the Demon was a part of you it never left, Dean was just very good at controlling himself. too much rage and the demon part came up, bubbling with rage and Dean's morals would shed away. that had always been there of course, it was simply that being a demon, made it easier to let it all go, easier to revert to a carnal creature that loved to cause hurt and pain and suffering as was human nature. Dean respected Crowley though and he had been Dean's 'Dominant' as a Demon. nothing sexual of course, Dean would have slaughtered him, in charge or not. Dean would hopefully remember that, Crowley was in charge. Crowley made the rules. that was the way it was.... the way it had been anyway. so long as Dean was still in that mindset, Crowley was completely safe.

Dmitri smiled at him and snuggled into him. "Bruce went back to hisClan for information too." he admitted. "he called just a bit ago that he might have found something, maybe. it's a huge long shot and no one there knows if it will actually work. the Guardians have had to deal with Demons more than anything else." he admitted with a sigh. "...should i maybe go take some more soup to Bailey? do you think she's awake yet?" he asked aniously.
“I dunno...both is pretty horrible....”She muttered sighing a little, before nodding. “True. Him and sammy are the same that way.”She sighed softly, before nodding, closing her eyes. “Kay....but I’m always threatening you know. Always.”She muttered waving a hand at him, as if to show that she was always in charge, not even noticing the deep scars that decorated her palm and wrists now, to tired to be focusing well. Sighing as she shifted, closing her eyes as she rested.

“I would have.”Cas said rolling his eyes a little before looking at him, before nodding. “Yes...that would probably be best. I have a feeling he’s going to be very upset. And I doubt he’d apperciate a angel being there.”Even if lucifer was the first demon, the war that had brought them to this point was heaven’s war, and the former archangel was still very much a angel despite his eons in hell.

“Good. Hopefully we’ll have some answers then.”sam sighed a little, because he didn’t want to consider that he might have to try to summon lucifer again to end things. That just hurt. “Well, a long shot is better then we usually have. We do long shots best.”Sam said pressing a kiss to the other’s head, tucking the other closer to him before nodding. “You should....I heard Dean moving around when I past his door earlier, so I assume they’re both awake. Just check, and if she’s not, he might be able to tell you how long she’ll be asleep.”
"yeah. guess it depends on how Dmitri will handle it in the end." he admitted with a sigh before smiling at her a little. "they are... not as bad as me though." he admitted with a smile, kissing hr temple before grinning at her. "super terrifying." he agreed, gently catching and kissing her knuckles. "sleep Bays, before i start calling you Gasket again." he warned with a grin.

"no, i don't think he'd really be capable of controlling himself when he finds out." Crowley admitted with a sigh. "that's the problem when humans become demons. Dean's the most effortless i've ever seen a human do it, but even he looses control sometimes." he admitted. "with all that's happening, i wonder how long it'll take him to realize you don't ever 'stop' being a demon?" Crowley wondered. granted, Dean wouldn't change much personality wise. he'd still be a wise ass, still follow what few morals he still truly had, still love them all. he'd just have some pretty kick ass half demon power to go with it.

"i don't know if he has answers, but he has something at least." Dmitri agreed with a smile. "the Elders are ball busting him a bit though." he admitted. "he wasn't supposed to get directly involved, but i really don't think he cares." Dmitri admitted. "do you want some soup? you've been up all night. you should eat something." he urged, hopping off of Sam's lap and bringing back with a steaming bowl of soup, planting it n front of Sam before gathering two more bowls for Dean and Bailey and headed off with them.
“No, he wont be. We should put him in a warded room and lock you two in it before we tell him. Keep him from blowing the bunkers lights or something.”Cas muttered before nodding. “Dean is Michael’s sword, I think that sorta comes with a whole array of control.”Cas muttered before sighing softly. “Probably about the time you tell him they’re never going to get a chance to have another child because of his father. He’s going to blow up.”Cas said rubbing a hand over his face, because he’d guessed, a blind shot in the dark, but considering what nightmares he knew tortured bailey, he didn’t doubt lucifer knew who’s presence would hurt the worst.

“Well, that’s something.”Sam agreed smiling a little before wincing. “Seems we’re always getting our guardians in trouble. Cas. Bruce...”Sam snorted a little before nodding. “Yea....I’ll take some before bed.”sam sighed knowing that was probably a gentle reprimand to get some sleep. And indeed he ate before heading for bed. "When I go check on him in a bit, I'll make sure he heads over here to check on you."because cas had been the only one dean had left the room for while bailey slept, to get a shower and clean up while the angel stood guard. trusted with the most precious thing to the hunter.

“Good.”She mumbled, glad he agreed that she was always terrifying, whimpering softly as he kissed her knuckles, trembling slightly at the sheer utter need for the touch, even if the idea terrified her, because she knew he was going to stop. It was going to be done soon enough.”Not gasket...Don’t know why you do....”She muttered making a face even as she drifted off, stirring again when she heard dmitri at the door, blinking up stupidly and tiredly at the man.
Crowley nodded. "probobly a good idea." he agreed before smiling a little. "too bad Micheal will never have him." he agreed before grimacing."...never?" he whispered, in agony for poor Dean. "oh heavens above... that poor child... that poor girl... i'm a demon and even i think she's suffered entirely too much as it is." he admitted softy. "there's nothing at all that can be done for her?" he asked softly. "without the drugs and alcohol suppressing his demonic powers... we might want to set up a devils trap." he admitted. "it will contain him a little bit at least." he hoped.

"they love us so it's okay." Dmitri said with a smile. "besides, Bruce is over three hundred years old. i'm pretty sure he's more than capable of handling himself." he admitted with a smile. "good. eat up then." Dmitri ordered with a smile. "why do i need checking up on?" he asked, his head tilted. "i'm fine. take Cas to Dean instead." Dmitri didn't want to be checked up on. Cas would make him sleep because Cas wasn't exhausted like Sam was and would notice how close to crashing Dmitri was.

he gently nuzzled her palm, holding her hand to his face because it was all he could allow himself for the time being. "you are a gasket." he mumbled before smiling as he watched Dmitri cringing in the doorway. incorrectly thinking that he had been right, it was all his fault and that Bailey hated him now. "i'm... i'm sorry i... i have soup." Dmitri babbled, holding up the tray like it was an offering.
“No, michael wont. And we can only thank god for that fact.”Cas muttered before wincing, nodding a little. “Lucifer....took out the organs and healed it himself. With fire and magic, even...even if I could fix the damage....I do not think mother or child would survive the experience....”Cas said hanging his head a little, because it hurt, and broke him a little to know that he couldn’t fix this. Couldn’t make things okay for dean and bailey. “She has. They both have....we’ll have to be there for them both. I doubt either of them will be ready to face this knowledge....”He said sighing softly, because he was sure the knowledge of never having children, of never being able to hunt again, would break baiely. And afraid of what it would do. And hoping dean was ready to hold her as she fell apart, that he’d be able to see past his own grief to keep her together, to keep them both together. “No....I...even fixing it, I don’t think she would survive the experience....Lucifer has made sure that even if she escaped him, she wouldn’ useful to dean. Not in a way he understands anyways.”Because lucifer probably expected dean to abandon her in face of having a broken, useless mate, at least that’s how lucifer, and john viewed her, and made sure in the months she’d spent in hell-since time in hell moved differently- that bailey knew that to.

“Thanks.”Sam muttered as he ate, before smiling tiredly. “Cause we all do, and i think cas is the only one thinking clearly anymore.”Sam said sighing a little before shuffling off to bed.

Baiely sighed softly as he nuzzled her hand, curling her fingers into his cheek, wincing at the slightly hurting motion, it hurt to do that some, before blinking up at dmitri. “....Soup....I can’t hold it. Dean.get the soup. And tell him he’s being stupid. It’s not his fault for being a trusting little twit. Most people are trusting little twits. It’s our fault we’re not.”Bailey muttered waving a hand at the tray, shifting slightly so dean could get the tray for her, still sleepy and tired, and definitely was going to need help eating, but she needed to eat because she was still healing, needed the energy more then ever.
"nothing to be don at all then." Crowley whispered, setting a hand over his eyes because this was going to be so very horrible. "he actually took them out? that sick bastard." he whispered, shaking his head. "Bailey is not going to take this well either." he admitted softly. "...John is still alive. i can hardly believe it. now that i think about it however, things start making sense." he admitted. "in any case, there are other ways to have children. Dean isn't with her because she can be a brood mare after all. it's just getting her to realize that i think." he admitted. "Dean loves her, he'll never give her up. not even when she thinks that's what he wants."

"...yeah i guess that makes sense." he agreed with a sigh before wincing when Bailey spoke,expecting harsh words, not orders for Dean to get the soup. "Dmitri, you're being stupid. it's not your fualt for being an average human." Dean said, looking amused, Dmitri smiling despite himself as he moved in and handed the bowl of soup to Dean so he could feed Bailey. "seriously dude. it's nt your fualt. any person who hasn't spent hell on earth would have done what you did. then they would have been stupid about it. you stayed alive and you even managed to get the better of Micheal. that's a good thing." "...thanks Dean." Dmitri said, looking much better now. "here Bays. eat for me okay?" Dean urged, smiling as he fed her, Dmitri quietly making his escape to go snuggle in with Sam and sleep.
"no...I wish there were,but even I have my limits."and dammed if the angel didn't sound like he was sulking and pissy over the fact he couldn't fix this."he did. Even if she survived, I think lucifer wanted to be sure she wouldn't be useful to either dean or michael...though this effects Michael more then dean's view on her."cas said because he knew dean would mourn the idea of never seeing her pregnant for himsellf, that hed just have videos and pictures from justice, he wouldn't let her go. If anything this would make him more rabid and determined to keep her safe and with him." was a surprise to me...but of course lucifer came to a deal with john. I think."cas looked disgusted with the idea before nodding a little."indeed....there are other options open to them...and yes. That will be the trouble I think. Bailey...I saw the memory of when dean told her he'd have left, if he'd known she was pregnannt."he hadn't meant to see it, but healing did have its side effects sometimes. Seeing memories was one of them."she thinks the idea of family and kids is what dean wants....I don't think she understands without her it'd be meaningless to him."cas sighed a little moving to get up."I better go bully dean into showering and resting, probably send him down here to you after."

Bthanks brainless little trusting twit."bailey teased a little smiling tiredly. Hoping the teasing and words would make him feel better. If not, she'd have words with him when she was feeling better."it is a very good thing d."bailey sighed softly watching him go before sighing at the soup, even if she felt hungry she felt like she didn't deserve it either." ....I took the soup so he'd feel better, not cause I was hungry ..."she muttered even though she let him feed her
"i know Cas." Crowley admitted softly. "but you cant fix everything and even if her body was healed, her spirit would still be broken. they've been through all of this together so far, they can recover from this as well." Crowley decided. "and Micheal won't be alive much longer anyway. Dmitri wasn't 'faking' when he painted that picture you know. no human could make such a close match to an Angels Holy Presence without seeing it for themselves. Dmitri truly saw Micheal's death. i wouldn't doubt that it is by Sam's own hands." he admitted. "Dean will mourn, but he will recover as he always does. and i'm sure he'll get through to her. he's more stubborn than she is." he admitted before smiling at Cas. "good luck."

"...i'm never going to live this down, am i?" Dmitri asked,looking so relieved that no one was screaming at him. "I'm not sure if it's a 'good' thing." Dmitri admitted with a shrug. "i know better now." he admitted, Dean smiled at her. "eat it anyway, it'll be easier to sleep on a full stomach." he informed her.
"Yea...I know."cas sighed softly as he considered the demon, smiling a little. Even if it was painful to see both her and crowley like this, it was comforting to know they were alive."good. Michael is..."he shook his head not having the words to describe the archangel, but knowing something was twisted in him, him and lucifer. As if whatever had gone wrong in one, made the other worse."I really wouldn't be surprised if it was at sams hand. The man's going all vengeful god on us."cas snickered a little at the joke before nodding."he is more stubborn...which doesn't bode well for me to get him to bed."cas looked amused though as he left, trusting the demon to Holler if he needed anything.

no your not."bailey smiled a little looking a little sad that he had the same world view as them now, but..."your alive to know better now. That's always a good thing."she said watching him go before sighing as she looked at dean.bfine..."she muttered letting him help her eat. "Does that mean your going to shower and get some sleep yourself?your starting to smell, winchester."cas said looking ready to set his heels down and be the scolding older brother he sometimes felt like as he stepped into the room
"Crowley smiled at him a little. "Micheal is a dead man walking" he admitted. "and it will probobly be done by him doing his best to avoid his fate." he mused. "that's the way these things work you know." he sighed. "you know. i remember once, when Lucifer wasn't the way he was." he admitted softly. "when his soul duty was only to keep out the light. it was supposed to be a haven for him and all those who followed him. it wasn't his job to torture those that where rejected from the pearly gates." he admitted. "he was never... supposed to be this way." Crowley admitted before smiling. "i think Sam would make a better God than YOU did." he teased before snickering at Cas as he settled in for a good nap.

"i am alive." Dmitri agreed, looking proud of himself for that. he hadn't panicked, or lost his head. he had stayed calm and gotten the better of his captor and that was good. Dean just glared at cas, curling his lip in that decidedly 'i don't have to listen to you' expression eh often got when Sam or Cas tried to tell him what to do. but he was starting to smell so he sighed. "you have to stand guard." he ordered the angel. he could sleep with her, but only if Cas, or she, was watching his back and she was too tired for that.
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