Blood written(lady/moon)

“He is.”Cas agreed before nodding a little. “Indeed. By trying so hard to avoid it, he’ll bring it about.”hE muttered going quiet, thinking that before nodding. “Me to.”he said quietly, cause it hurt to think of those days before huffing, but not protesting that sam would make a better god then him. It was probably true.

“...Of course I’ll watch over you both. Shower, then sleep.”Cas said as he waited for dean to head for the bathroom before setting into the chair and facing the door, standing guard over the two while they slept.

The next morning Cas smiled a little as he looked at Bailey, “No. You can’t. No.” “I can.”Bailey growled looking annoyed even as she shuffled to the edge of the bed, carefully distangling herself from dean, having curled up against his chest to sleep, allowing herself to do that. “....No.”The angel said, looking impeccible and unmovable, and about to wake dean up to deal with this.
"i can't wait." Crowley admitted with a chuckle before sighing a little. "i wonder what went wrong?" he mused, closing his eyes.

"Thanks Cas." Dean mumbled, staggering into the shower. he hated, just hated being dirty. and once he was clean he collapsed into bed and slept.

Dean shifted as the voices finally penetrated his lazy ass and he blinked a little, wondering if it was her attempts at escape that had woke him. he was pretty sure by now she had to pee and he made a slurring mumble trying to ask her if she was getting up to go to the bathroom. it came out more like "snfffrthgur." but he was pretty sure someone understood, even if it was only him.
Cas perked up when he realized the hunter was awake, shifting his attention to Dean rather then Bailey, who looked ready to whack him outside the head. “She wants to take a shower. Tell her that she’s not strong enough to shower unaided, and since I have already helped her to the bathroom so she could take care of business, that she must either let me help her, or you.”Cas said looking determined to make the woman stay in and rest. Knowing what he did of the current status of her body, except for the brief move into the bathroom so she could pee and poop, the angel had every intent of giving her a sponge bath for the near future. “I can shower. Like a normal, adult person. I can do it.” “No.”Cas said as he shifted, resting a hand on her shoulder and kept her from getting up, at least till dean was awake enough to add some thought into this argument.
"...she's strong enough." Dean informed Cas before turning to her. "but you have open wounds and you know better. you can't get the bandages or the stitches wet or you'll get infection and be bedridden for another six weeks." he reminded her, wrapping his arms around her and tucking her against him with a sigh. "wait a few more days and then we'll see if you're healed enough for a proper bath." he promised her. "okay? until then i'll get some warm water and i'll wash your back while you wipe down." he promised.
Cas gave a grumble at that, not sure about it before nodding. “Fine.”He muttered sounding glad that she was resting still. “...”Turning to look at him as he tucked her against him, Bailey quirked a eyebrow at him. “....You just wanna see me naked don’t you?”She grumbled, not sounding to happy about the idea at the moment, before nodding slightly. “I’ll get the water. After you do that, you need to go see Crowley. He was asking for you, earlier.”Cas said as he left, before returning soon, having only paused long enough to make sure sam had indeed laid down the devil’s trap under the carpet to keep dean in one spot for the moment when tehy told him. “Here. Warm but not to hot. It should be well enough for a whore’s bath.”Cas said, using the term he’d heard sam use, not even considering how bailey would take it. The term for a simple washing, much like a paid woman would do between johns, wiping up in the sink, though for hunters, it was a common thing to have to do, having to wash off without a real shower. Bailey winced a little, but not saying anything, shifting away from dean a little, not looking at him, smiling slightly. "Thanks Cas."She said taking the bowl, knowing the angel didn't mean it like that.
he smiled at her. "i always wanna see you naked, but you're in no mood for such things so i promise to keep m hands to myself." he promised. "and i won't even ogle your cute butt." he promised. hoping to make her smile. "yeah i'll see the little bitch." he agreed with a sigh, well aware that Crowley was going to tell him something he really didn't want to hear. "what the fuck did you just say!?" Dean commanded of Cas, sitting up as soon as he'd heard the other speak, pressing into Cas's space, unleashing that demonic snarl, not yet angry enough to go full demon, not that he knew that he could, but certainly so overprotective that Cas had nearly stepped on a land mine. "get out!" Dean commanded of the angel, his eyes holding that very dangerous glint that said if Cas didn't move his ass he was going to get said ass handed to him.
“Hm, well, not to much to yourself. You have to help me wash up.”Bailey said, rolling her eyes a little at his words, offering a small smile. Cas winced, backing a step up, having not meant anything by it, and hadn’t been expecting to find himself stepping on a land mine, though he probably should have considered that he’d be the one having to be more careful, given dean’s nature. Even if dean wasn’t aware of it, Cas himself should have been with just how overprotective the man was going to be for the near future. “....A bath. I-it’s what Sam called them.”Cas said even as he backed out of the room, retreating to talk to Crowley before Dean did. “....Dean. It’s fine. He picked up the name, he’s sorta like a duckling, imprinting and picking up words and meanings without really being aware. It’s okay.”Bailey said watching dean, shifting to sit up, “Winchester,”Bailey growled, wondering why he was acting like this, but willing to demand his attention, since she knew that was all she was going to be good for, keeping dean busy, taking care of him. “I need your help.”Which she knew was the easiest way to derail dean from doing whatever he was doing, a request for help.
"well. i shouldn't have to help too much, maybe just get your feet and back and maybe do the dry shampoo for you... i know. i know, you hate the smell of that stuff but there's no helping it when you have stitches in your scalp." he pointed out before going berserk on Cas. he snarled again, slamming the door shut behind Cas's escape and scowled darkly, mumbling under his breath about slaughtering Sam. "he shouldn't have said it!" Dean snarled before turning to look at her, the snap of his name drawing his attention exactly like she'd known it would. "...i'm sorry... i just... i'm a bit protective right now..." he admitted softly. "and i think... i think maybe i was more affected by Cain's Mark than i thought i was.." he admitted. "i'll have to get Cas to purify me again if he can... i don't think he got all the demon out of me." he admitted, settling in to help her wash up.
“....”Bailey whined softly at the idea of the dry shampoo, but not offering a bigger protest because she knew he was right. As long as she was still healing, there was nothing to do about it. Watching Cas go she winced a little, holding onto her calm with trembling hands, because he’d woken part of the memories, the fear of lucifer, lucifer who had made sure she was terrorized with the sheer enjoyment of watching it, and making sure she’d fear dean if this came to pass. “It’s what it is. No need to be angry with the angel.”She said calmly, watching him, before nodding a little, calming even if her heart was still racing. “Yea, I get that. Can even apperciate the overprotectiveness.”She said before nodding. “Well, you’re going to go talk to crowley. Cas is probably with him, ask them.”She said sighing softly as she let him help her, feeling shaky and horrible by the time they got her washed up, having finally gotten a good look at the scars that decorated her skin, the soft white lines that decorated tan skin at nearly everywhere, there wasn’t a single area that lucifer had left untouched. Though she was snarling in frustration by the end as her right hand didn’t work right, holding or bending well, the muscles to scarred and ripped apart to let her use it well. But to tired to be truly upset just yet, even from the short working to clean up, she was tired. “.....Dean?”Sam said from the other side of the door, knocking lightly.
"i do need to be angry at the angel! he called you a whore!" Dean snarled before sighing and looking at her. "i saw you wince Bays... you're not a whore." he promised her. "you're so far away from being a whore." he promised before his lips twitched. "if anyone in this bunker is a slut it's me, you got it?" he asked her before shaking his head. "i don't want to talk to Crowley..." he grumbled stubbornly as he helped her wipe down and freshen up a little, making no real note of her scars other than the bubbling rage at Lucifer. they did not detract from her beauty, they only reminded him how beautifully strong she was. "it's okay bays." he whispered, gently taking her hand and cradling it because he knew this was the time when everything started to sink in for her. "piss off Sam."
"You and I know perfectly well he didn't mean it like that."even if it had stung to hear it, she knew cas, cas would have walked over hot coal before he'd called her names, especially in dean's company."....okay."she said more because she didn't want to fight, then that she actually believed him."I know, but you need to. If for no other reason then he did get me out."she said tilting her head a little. Bailey flinched a little as he took her hand, staring up at him, with wide hurting eyes as she teitched, trying to close her hand. It hurt, everything hurt, her heart hurt as she realized just how useless she was going to be to him. It really would just be sex, she couldn't even watch his back anymore. "....w_what is it sam?"she stuttered a little not wanting to deal with the hurt yet, or face dean with the knowledge she'd lost another child." ....I came to watch over you while dean sees crowley....dean?"
"you and i both know perfectly well he still said it. if he had said that to someone else he would have gotten the shit beat out of him. better he learn to monitor that mouth of his now, than to have to suffer for it later." he admitted. "well. i'll talk to him later then." he sighed, shaking his head before cradlig her as she twitched. "stop thinking things." he whispered. "you'll get better. you know you will." he promised. "there are plenty of damn good hunters with only one leg or arm. and it's still healing. full, or even most of the mobility back." he reminded her before snarling at the door. "i said, piss off, Sam!" he growled as he helped her pull her clothes back on, not wanting Sam to see her nudity.
Bhm true. Better he learn it now...though you might have words with sam about impressionable angels."she said looking amused, frowning a little,"mind reader now, winchester?"she muttered reverting to trying to push him away, it'd hurt less if she pushed him away first."...yea. I don't think so. Not any who can keep up with you guys.b she muttered sighing softly, closing her eyes as she rested against him. "Be nice. He's only trying to help."bailey muttered letting hkm help her into her clothes, leaning into him some, not ready to move away just yet, even if she knew she had to, or it'd hurt worse when he tested her like John did, sure that it was only a matter of time
"oh i'll be having words with Sam." he agreed, growling under his breath before he smiled at her. "i know you well enough to know you're bitter about not being able to get out of bed... or hunt. i know you well enough that your thinking poorly about yourself." he admitted. "i know the same way you always knew when i'm thinking nasty things about myself. do you need me to call the therapist so you can have a long call with her?" he asked, his head tilted before he sighed. "fine." he grumbled, snuggling her before glaring at the door. "well come in then you Sasquatch." he ordered.
"I'm sure you will."shesmiled a little before frowning softly, going quiet as she considered what he was saying. "Yea...well it's sorta disturbing to know you know me that well..."she muttered though she felt the tight feeling relaxing a little at the idea of him knowing her to, that she was okay. Eben if it was a litrle weird and painful to."yea...I know that to. Always know you well."she muttered closing her eyes as she nodded slightly."later. I think I'm gonna go back to sleep....bshe muttered mostly because she knew he'd leave, and because she didn't want to discuss this anymore. "Hey."sam said making a face as he stepped inside, looking worried for them both."how are you feeling?" "Weak and helpless."and didn't she sound pissed about that.
he smiled at her. "it's not hard. you're just like me.... only, you know. more common sense and self control." he admitted with a chuckle. "honestly i think you now me better than Sam and Cas do." he admitted with a sigh before smiling at her. "okay." he said, his expression soft and fond and glad to have her back where she belonged. right there, with him. "i'm gonna punch you in the throat Sam." Dean warned. "if you can figure out why before i get back and apologize properly, maybe it won't hurt too much." he snapped at his brother, gently tucking her in and brushed a soft kiss to her temple befpre heading to Crowley. he felt the Demon trap snap in place around him, startled because he hadn't felt that in some time and made a more severe note to himself to get his ass to Cas for another purification. he didn't even wonder why Crowley's room was covered in one, assuming it was Cas's way of keeping the stubborn Demon in bed.
”Hm, maybe.”She looked amused at the idea, even if it still hurt some. “....Really?”She muttered staring at him, shocked at the idea. Flushing softly at the look he was giving her, not sure what to think of it as she considered him. “....Okay.”Sam stared at dean, glancing at bailey, hoping the girl would be able to clue him in.

Cas looked up as Dean came in, tense and angsty as he considered the other as he leaned back into his seat, despite the trap, having been unable to keep watch, to stand guard over the injured demon when they told Dean. “Hey dean.”The angel said looking a little anxious as he considered his friend.
he smiled at her. "of course... you're the only one i can..." he looked away, the way he always did when he was faintly ashamed or embarrassed, typically when he was telling her things straight from his heart. "you're the only one i can trust with myself." he admitted softly before garing at Sam. "and you keep your mouth shut around Bailey too. clearly your words can't be trusted." he huffed before sweeping away. he had a feeling Bays would tell Sam why he was in deep shit but Dean also knew he was going to be a lot calmer once he came back.

"...Dude. relax. i know i bit your head off but i was just..." he paused, considering the angel.intently and then let his eyes shift to the devil's trap laid onto the floor before looking at Crowley. "...what's going on?" he demanded. ten minutes later Cas had to beat a hasty retreat because Crowley was too weak to actually contain Dean using Demonic power. Cas had very nearly been gutted. the entire bunker shook as the earth around them rolled violently and the crack of lightning nearly deafened the inhabitants as lightning struck the bunker. elsewhere in the vast universe, Micheal felt his Chosen Host's connection snap. dead? that was normally what happened when a human's connection snapped so suddenly.with the Winchesters though, it was doubtful if Dean WAS ded that he would stay that way for long.
Bailey tilted her head as she considered him, looking startled at the reaction before flushing. “Oh....that’s....oh.”She stuttered at a loss for the words, though dean would be able to tell that it had hit her heard. “....Fine then.”Sam said watching the man, vaguely amused because this was a usual reaction for dean sometimes, being annoyed when he spoke.

“...Yea.”Cas muttered sighing a little before wincing. Realizing just how badly this was going to be. “...Dean!?Dean!”Bailey yelled from where she stumbled down the hall towards the demon’s room, only standing because she was letting sam support her, having been getting out of bed whether the younger winchester helped her or not, but it was easier with help. Pounding weakly on the door, fading rapidly now that she was trying to get to dean. She had to be useful, she had to do what dean needed from her. Help him.
he flushed harder and glanced away in that shy 'you have my heart and soul' way he did before he huffed at Sam.

inside the room there was snarling, violent husky snarling and the sounds of fabric ripping and tearing. the sounds of wood splintering and Crowley's amused, though slightly pained help as he hit the ground with a thud. Dean was tearing apart the room inside, though he obviously wasn't attacking Crowley since neither of them where screaming or cursing. then the sounds stopped for a moment and Dean, sounding so, so tired. "i'm... i'm okay. i think i'm okay... i'm... tired." he admitted sluggishly. "It's safe now." Cowley promised them. "he's vented his rage for now. we're going to have to be careful of our words for a while. his temper is going to be highly volatile."
“Then sit down!And let us in Dean.”Bailey ordered leaning heavily against sam, wincing a little as the moose simply bent down and picked her up, cradling her gently as he stood outside the door, before nudging it open, stepping inside, careful and cautious, waiting to see if dean would attack them. “We can be careful.”Sam said watching dean, afraid the other would still be angry with him, shifting bailey in his arms, holding her easily in one arm, cradling like one would a child, before looking at the other. “Dean, come on. We’ll go to bed now.”Sam said looking down and smudging the lines of he devils trap to let him out.
Dean was laying on the floor, panting, his shirt was torn to shreds , as was the bed and the chair, the table and the bed frame. in a matter of mere minutes he had laid waste to the room, yet had somehow managed to not harm Crowley while he did so. he looked up at them, his eyes black as he growled softly. he didn't attack however. he shuddered and turned to get to his feet, his Back exposed to the room, revealing the tattoo that lined his spine, each vertebrae of the tattoo lined perfectly with his real spine. he staggered a little and closed his eyes, resting his hand on the wall to support himself, showing off the new brands on his upper arms mirrored on each side. the hollow of his throat, down to tuck under his pants line was the last brand. the tattoos along with the ink black nails and the faint hint of fang that Dean was baring at Sam, sluggish and in pain and treating the much larger man as a threat, told Crowley that Lucifer was fucked. Micheal too for that matter.
Bailey’s eyes went wide, scared for dean as she looked at him, startling at the sight of the marks, giving a soft, shuddery breath as lust sucker punched her. Sliding out of sam’s arms even as she wavered on her feet, wondering if it was sam by himself, or the fact that sam was holding her that had been threatening to dean. “....I’ll stay back.”Sam promised as he took a step back, though he was watching them, ready to catch either of them if they fell. “Dean? We need to lay down. You need rest.”Bailey said praying her legs would hold her for just a little longer
Dean growled again but it was less aggravated when Sam gently set her down, relaxing a little now that Sam wasn't clutching his mate. the growling stopped completely once Sam backed up and with no-one else around her she was safe and Dean could relax. "yes." Dean agreed with Bailey, gently, carefully scooping her into his arms and carried her off to bed. breathlessly effortless. dean had always been strong, but she was nearly as tall as him and he had never been able to manhandle her with the effortless ease that Sam had just shown... not until now anyway.
Sam smiled a little, “She’s safe. I’m letting her go, just catch her if she falls.”Sam said carefully backing away, but not venturing far. “....good.”Bailey muttered before her breath caught in her throat at the effortless power in his arms as he carried her. At being nearly as tall as dean, and while not as broad as him, she was still built, lean and lithe, strong. It wasn’t often she found herself being manhandled. Whimpering softly in lust as she rested her head against his shoulder, shivering a little as she tucked her face against his chest. While she knew she shouldn’t, she still wanted him. Always had. Even when she knew it would be bad to let a relationship continue, especially since it was all that would be between them, she was desperate to have even just a bit of a relationship with him, even if it was just sexual. Whimpering softly, a soft needy sound as she responded to him without even really being aware of it. even as exhausted as she was, it showed just how tied to the demon-dean currently holding her that she desperately wanted him to.
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