Blood written(lady/moon)

Dean didn't bother responding to Sam. Sam was pointless and dull and too big to be around his mate. he took her away, far away from him. "shhh." he murmured, stroking her hair gently as he cradled her. mistaking her whimpers, in his pain addled state, as fear or pain. "it's okay. we're almost there." he promised, sweeping into her room and gently lowering her onto the bed, arranging her so she would be comfortable. "sleep. you're exhausted." he urged. "i will watch over you." he promised. "i will keep you safe." oddly, he was no longer tired, he paid it no mind, brushing it off in the face of protecting her.
Bailey sighed softly, “kay.”She muttered looking startled as she was arranged in bed, watching him, a little worried for him. “You should sleep to.”She muttered, but to exhausted to stay up, to keep herself conscious long enough to argue with him about his body’s need to sleep. She’d argue with him later. Sighing as she settled in to sleep. Hours later, not even really surprised when a orgasm ripped her out of a very good dream, shivering under the covers as she tried to figure out what was going on, blinking as she looked around, wanting to check on dean, remembering distantly that something had been wrong when she had fallen asleep.
he was leaning against the door when she woke up, head hanging down, soft snores emanating from him. he did not need to sleep anymore, but it was always one of his favorite things to do and honestly, he didn't know that he was a full Demon yet. part of him suspected, but denial could do so much. "...Bays?" he asked, snorting as he woke himself up when he almost pitched forward, looking to make sure it wasn't someone trying to open the door before yawning and stretching with a grunt and slowly got to his feet, heavy and sluggish with sleep.
Bailey shuddered a little, calming a little as she realized that it was okay, that everything was okay. Shivering a little as she looked up at the other, smiling softly as she considered him. Looking worried for him and the fact that he was sleeping on the floor, before snorting a little. “Careful, Oil slick.”She muttered looking amused as she shifted, looking him over, patting the bed next to her. “Come on, Dee, lay down. Bed’s better then the floor.”She said smiling a little at him.
"i'm fine." Dean said, shaking his head with a smile at her. "i had to make sure they wouldn't try to come in..." he paused. "i can't remember why..." he admitted, his head tilted. "oh, right, i was pissed at them." he mumbled, sighing a little before smiling at her. "i'm not all that tired really. how about i go get us both some food and i'll check your bandages?" he offered before blinking down at his stomach, noticing the mark before giving her an accusation look. "really? i fall asleep and you draw on me with sharpy?" he complained with a sigh. "...i have to pee." he admitted, heading for the attached bathroom only to start cursing wildly as he realized his eyes where black. "sorry i have to go get cas, stay in bed!" he ordered as he raced out the room, screaming for Cas.
“Ah...yes you were.’re okay now?”She said, not scared, simply cautious with the other. Watching him as she tilted her head slightly, before nodding. “Yea, food would be good.”She said making a face at the idea of him checking her bandages even if she knew she needed it before frowning. “I didn’t do that.”She said looking upset he thought she would before startling at the cursing, eyes wide as she watched him go, caught between going after him, and following the order to stay in bed.

Cas paused looking up from the book he was looking through, dark hair messy as he considered the man, and the table between them, and looking determined to keep the table between them. “....Dean. I can’t....fix this. I was able to lock it away for awhile but...”Cas trailed off, watching the other. Shaking his head. “ wont harm her. Or us. I think. You have control, or will, with practice.”Cas said looking like he was wondering if he should go get crowley, at least he wouldn’t have to worry about the demon going to wild on the other demon, where he might simply take offense at a angel being anywhere near him. Especially since Cas had a feeling he was going to be very territorial and possessive until he settled.
"yeah. i think so." he admitted before smiling at her. "i'll get food." he agreed before looking baffled at her. "Sam?" he guessed, rubbing at his stomach, trying to wipe it off before racing to Cas.

"i... i don't understand..." Dean said, looking at Cas with wide eyes, black as the soul he had ust given up. "i don't understand... i'm, i'm a demon? permanent?" he asked softly, his eyes wide, feeling so crushed it hurt. h sat down hard in the seat and stared at Cas, disbelieving. how could Cas think that he would be okay? that he wouldn't hurt someone?! he was a fucking Demon! he sat there, just staring at Cas and snarled violently when Crowley came in, deciding it was all the demon's fualt. he wasn't expecting Crowley to snarl back, much more impressively at that and Dean cringed without realizing it. it wasn't that Dean was submissive, rather he was acting instinctively demon to demon. Dean was new, young, fresh and had no idea what was really happening. it wouldn't be long before Crowley had no control over Dean but for now, he did and he was using it to their advantage.
“yes....even if you had started as human, you can’t....stop being a demon. Even without the mark of cain, it still has left it’s mark. Somethings can’t be taken out.”Cas said calming, wincing a little. “Dean, it’s fine. Really. Don’t look so crushed.”Cas said sounding anxious and worried, hating that he was hurting his friend like this. Wincing a little at the snarling, he let out a huffing laugh. “You better enjoy that while it lasts.”He muttered at crowley, before sighing a little. “Dean, you wont hurt anyone. You’re going to be....”here the angel looked fidgety and uncomfortable. “Given that this time, you have your mate with you, you will be calmer and in more control then before. Though, you will be particularly territorial over her, and with her so hurt and recovering, you will not be apperciating that there are others near here.”Cas said looking at crowley for help.
"I don't... i don't want to be... i'm not.. i'm a monster..." Dean whispered, his eyes wide, sitting there because he was going to kill everyone he loved just like he had tried to before. "don't i know it." Crowley mumbled, glancing at Cas before sliding his eyes to the marks on Dean's stomach and forearms befre looking at Cas, asking the Angel if he knew what those meant without saying a word. "i'm going to hurt everyone!" Dean yowled before snarling at him for speaking about his mate. really though? she'd help keep him calm? that made sense, she was always the only one who could truly control him. "ineed to... not be here..." Dean decided, getting to his feet and heading back for the bedroom, walking into Bailey's bedroom only to freeze. the bed was empty, she wasn't in the attached bathroom, she wasn't in the closet or under the bed. for one, heart stopping minute, he was sure she had somehow been taken, then he was racing through the halls, following her fresh scent, slamming through doors, practically splintering some of them in his haste to find his mate and make sure she was safe.
“You’re not a monster. It’s just what it is....Dean, you’ll be okay. Better in control.”Cas said tilting his head a little sighing softly, nodding a little as he glanced at crowley, he knew what it was, knew what was to come, but had no idea how to make dean understand yet. “You wont. Bailey will help. I promise.”Cas said even though he knew dean wouldn’t like him talking about bailey, sighing softly as he watched dean leave.

Bailey looked up at the sound of him coming into the kitchen, even without looking she recognized the sound of dean’s rushed walking, the dark green corset top hugging her frame, and though the top was here, the jeans that clung to her narrow hips were definitely not hers considering just how low they were hanging on her hips, and the fact that they covered her feet to the point that only pale painted toes were showing, they were definitely his jeans. Hanging off narrow hips that showed off the edge of very lacy, very green, bow and lacy edge of panties showed.
"i'm a monster." he snarled a little at Cas. "you know it's true! you died to save me last time! now it was in vain and i'm just the way i was!" he raged before calming at the promise that Bailey could control him. could keep him from slaughtering anyone.

"...where where you!" he hissed as he rushed in, examining her and stopping dead in his tracks to stare at her with wide, stunned eyes before he took in a shuddering gasp, staring at her, the length of his cock straining against his jeans quite obviously. he was turned on as hell, as he always was when she wore sexy things. the deep possessive growl started in his chest and emanated outwards and the words where out of his mouth before he really registered them, the Tone coming from so long ago he had almost forgotten them. not the words themselves, but the tone. the Dom tone. the 'i'm in charge' and the 'you are mine' and the 'this is where you give in to me'. "I recall telling you to stay in bed." the tone silky smooth but darkly dangerous.
“Kitchen. Needed food.”Bailey said pausing to look up at him, tilting her head a little as she flushed as she realized he was watching her. Squirming slightly as she rested her hip against the counter as she turned off the oven, having gotten the clothes simply because she needed to feel sexy and pretty, and it was such a rarity that she wore them, even before she’d been a mother, she hadn’t worn alot of sexy stuff, so it was always a treat when she did. Flushing harder as she heard the tone, dropping her head a little. “I-I wanted food, and you were busy, and Sam d-didn’t answer when I yelled for him.”She said flushing and stuttering, responding to him without really being aware of it, squirming a little in place
"he growled again, his eyes narrowing even further, the warning sign that he was displeased. "I did not ask, for excuses. i did not ask, at all." He said, staking towards her slowly, every inch of him the hunting predator. "i do believe i was merely telling you a statement of fact, that fact is that you disobeyed my order to stay in bed." he reached up, gripping her chin, his ink black eyes boring into hers. "that fact is that you scared me to fucking death, Ms. Daniels." shit. he was using her last name. he was furious. "i went back to find you, to tell you something that was upsetting and frightening me a great deal only to find you missing. do you know how heart wrenching that was for me?! to find you gone, again, so soon after i failed to protect you?" he asked. "to find you gone, where you could be anywhere. kidnapped again. hurt, too weak to get back to your room maybe?" he mused, his eyes narrowed dangerously. "you may for the foreseeable future, say yes sir. or no sir. do you understand?"
Bailey’s eyes went wide as she watched him get near her, tense and upset, but not moving away, even as weak and still recovering she was, she trusted him to not hurt her. Especially since she knew what he thought about her panties, having forgotten until now just how much he’d enjoyed the rarity. Going still as he gripped her chin, whimpering softly. “D-didn’t mean to.”She stuttered a little, a full body flinch shuddering through her when he used her last name, going still and quiet as she realized just how furious he was. Starting to answer before going quiet as he refused to let her answer, shivering, “Y-yes sir.”She stuttered eyes wide and startled as she considered him, wanting to apologize, to say something but not wanting to upset him more.
"That's damn fucking straight you didn't mean to." he snarled before relaxing as she replied properly. smiling softly at her, stroking her lip, his way of silently starting to forgive her. "that's right. yes sir." he agreed, that low, rumbling growl filling the air. possessive and pleased. "you're wearing such pretty things for me today." he murmured, running his nose along the line of the corset sleeves, pressing a kiss to her arm, humming softly, pleased with her choice of clothing. "loose the pants." he breathed. "i want to see them. i want to see them against your pale, perfect flesh." he growled, stepping away so he could watch her slowly drop her pants. he knew, the same way he always knew, that she would do as he said and that she would use the safe-word they had used back when he was a teenager, if she was still too sore, to weak or too tired or too scared.
Bailey whined softly at the snarl, nuzzling his hand a little, sighing softly as she closed her eyes a little. Relaxing a little as she heard the tone of his voice. Relaxing, knowing she belonged to him, even if she wasn’t truly aware of the need whimpering softly. “Yes sir. I wanted to be pretty, sir.”She muttered shivering as his nose touched her skin, trembling like a fly stung horse, waiting to see what he’d do next, sighing softly as he kissed her arm, closing her eyes. “Yes sir.”She muttered following the orders, pausing only long enough to consider disobeying because they were in a public place before letting the jeans fall, letting them pool at her feet with a trembling breath.
Dean smiled a little. "you're always pretty my sweet." he promised her. "always so pretty you take my breath away." he admitted, kissing her back just above the corset. "that's my good girl." he whispered, sounding so very pleased with her. he had seen the hesitation but he was alright with that. there was times for punishment later. for now, he was going to enjoy. "i think, some part of you, knew this was going to happen." he informed her, cupping a firm globe of her ass, stroking the lacy fabric with hi fingertips, teasing her flesh before tugging on the string holding her underwear up. "such naughty underwear, giving me such prefect access to all the parts that feel the best." he teased, smiling a little, looking at her "give me permission my sweet." because even now, he wanted to have her permission before he took any part of her for his own. wanted her to say yes. wanted her to say she wanted him.
“I-I just needed the reminder, sir.”She said softly, simply disagreeing about it, because it was how she felt, and she knew he knew it. Flushing at his praise, shivering. Swaying a little towards him, wanting more touch, needing it. Going utterly relaxed at the praise, glad to know she was his good girl. Whining softly, “N-no sir.”She stuttered, the more she got worked up, and was falling into her headspace, she stuttered and couldn’t quite get the words to be what she needed them to be. Whimpering loudly as he stroked the lacy fabric, she sighed softly as the bow came undone though they didn’t fall, simply slid low on her hips. “I di-didn’t know, sir.”She muttered, though it spoke of forthought and desire, even before she’d returned to his side. Because the corset and underwear were the perfect color match to his eyes went he was turned on, dark and broody, a perfect green.

“...”She was quite turning her head to look at him, the dark bands along her muscular upper arms standing out even more then against his, the pale ivory skin with just the beginnings of a flush, lust turning her skin that soft gentle pink, looking confused as she looked up at him. Looking utterly confonsed at the idea of why he wanted her to say yes, that he wanted her. Nodding quietly, she ducked her head some, staring down, her heart twisting at the idea of being only useful for this now. Even as she free fell into what she needed from him, to be dominated, to be taken care of, also the bad thoughts and feelings she had about herself, still ripping her apart to. But....she could do this, and hopefully that would be enough for her. Whimpering quietly as she nodded. “Y-yes, sir.”She muttered easily falling back into the habits from that one week they'd had. for the moment, the abuse she'd suffered at john and lucifer's hands, forgotten as she focused on the man teasing her.
"You take all the reminders you need." he assured her with a smile. "I think you did. such pretty lingerie in such a pretty color. the color of my eyes... when they're not black anyway. wearing them so brazenly. part of you most certainly did want this." he purred. "but that's okay. i know you didn't decide to be pretty for me, not in any way you knew." he admitted. "but i appreciate it anyway. enjoy it deeply, anyway." he admitted with a smile. "you're so beautiful, you do things to me i forgot that could happen." he mumbled. "you make me twist around myself, make me pant and groan without even having to do anything." he purred, stroking her skin. "you make me so possessive, and obsessive, and needy." he groaned, leaning down, his hands by her shoulders, leaning over her, nibbling on her neck, licking the skin, tasting her. "so sweet. so perfect." he whispered.

"these mean you're mine." he whispered, stroking her skin where the bands of his marks where etched into his skin. they meant he was taken, he was married. that he already had his queen but Dean didn't know that. not now. not yet. "my soul deep love." he whispered, tilting her head so he could kiss her, burying his tongue in her mouth with a groan, pressing himself against her, shuddering a little as he rubbed his contained erection against her lacy panties. "that's my perfect girl." he whispered. kissing her again before stepping back and tugged on her tie that held her panties together before sliding his hand down and inside, tucking his fingers into her slick wet se, feeling her, teasing her. "god you feel good. so tight, so wet, so warm for me." he moaned softly.
Bailey nodded a little, relaxing at his reassurance, that she’d done okay, before flushing, squirming a little. “....Maybe, sir.”She agreed reluctantly, because she hadn’t considered that when she’d bought them a year ago. Flushing so prettily as she ducked her head a little, “G-good. Glad you like them.”She said a little snarkily, shifting on her feet, wondering where they were going to go, especially since they were in the kitchen after all. Whimpering softly at his purr, trembling under his hands as he stroked her. “D-didn’t m-mean to make you feel a-anything, sir.”She muttered shivering as he nibbled on her. Shuddering harder as he stroked her skin, sighing softly as she closed her eyes. Simply enjoying the touch, moaning as she kissed him back, swaying into him as rubbed against her. Blinking up at him dazed as he pulled away, moaning loudly as he slid his fingers into her, bucking against his hands, trusting him to keep her upright, keep her from hurting herself if she fell. “D-Dean!”She whined softly.
"maybe?" he teased with a chuckle, stroking her body. "maybe. you're so cute." he chuckled a little/
i do like them." he whispered. "i like them a lot. perhaps i will take them off of you and i will keep them all for myself." he teased with a grin. "oh, you say that but i'm sure that the reaction you got when i saw you was very much agreeable to you." he teased. "you like making me hot, and hard, eager and wanting. you like turning my head so fast that i can't help but get dizzy." he purred, stroing and teasing her now, wiggling his fingers inside of her. "yes. that's right. my name. say it." he purred, slipping his fingers out and sliding her panties down just a little more. "i'm going to fuck you Bailey. my Bailey." he purred. "Lean over the bar and hold on tight." he whispered with a smirk as he undid his belt and unzipped. "i'm going to fuck you right here, in this kitchen, make you mine." he whispered. "leave my mark inside and out, touch you, stroke you, fuck you senseless until all you know is my name. what do you think of that, my Bailey?" he asked, slipping his cock out of his pants and stroking it, letting the slick sound tell her exactly what he was doing.
Bailey glowered at him a little, though the blush didn’t make it a impressive one, and she looked like she was sulking as she shuddered. “Y-you can’t!You wouldn’t look as good in them, sir.”She stuttered a little, squirming a little not about to admit that she liked seeing him like this. After 10 years of being alone, of allowing her to have no one to look after her, or tell her that she was beautiful, of years worth of letting john winchester’s abuse batter into believing she deserved nothing, it was indeed a good reaction to see, to know that dean still wanted her. Though she still thought they were a bad idea, to do this, she couldn’t resist him either. Moaning louder as he wiggled his fingers, swaying back into him, spreading her legs a little further apart as she struggled to stay on her feet, whimpering at teh loss of his fingers as he pulled them out. Shivering at the order she stumbled a little as she moved towards the small island bar he’d installed in the middle of the kitchen, shivering as she rested her hips against the edge of the bar, leaning over it, resting her hands on the edge of the other side and gripping it, presenting herself to him as much as a dog in heat would, and while she’d regret the movement later, at the moment, she couldn’t. Not when hse knew just how wild it was going to drive him. Whimpering loudly at the idea of getting fucked in the kitchen, resting her cheek against the cool metal as she shuddered as she listened to what he was doing. Not sure what to call him, not sure what he wanted to her to do as she groped for the words. “....D-dean?”She said her voice soft and hesitant, trying to figure what answer he wanted for the question. To long out of practice, not having been taken care of like this, in so long, she couldn’t simply fall back into the game, the need of pleasing him that easily."Dean?Sir?"The soft whine was high and questioning, struggling to clear her head enough to think, and getting upset when she couldn't.
"your so very adorable when you blush." he teased with a chuckle. "and so much cuter when you sulk. and i would look fantastic in those." he admitted, tugging on her panties again with a smirk. "you're so adorable when you can barely stand." he admitted with a grin. "look at you, plastered against that pretty metal island. that cold seeping into you while your so hot." he teased, stroking her body, every bit of flesh he could reach. "shh." he whispered. "it's alright. just yes or no. do you want me to fuck you." he asked, smiling a little. "you don't have to think so hard." he promised. "just give me your permission to fuck you." he said. "let yourself feel it. just yes or no and enjoy it." he promised. "i ust need you to tell me yes."
Bailey whined softly, wrinkling her nose a little at his teasing, but not protesting, moaning loudly as the tug made the lacy rub up against heated and sensitive flesh. Whining softly. “Not cute, your cute.”She grumbled, sounding so sulkingly turned on that in some distant part of her mind she knew that he’d just find it amusing. Glaring at him over her shoulder for teasing her even as she trembled on the cool metal, feeling it starting to heat up under her skin, panting ever so slightly as the position made the corseted shirt just a tad tight, but not so much that it was restricting her breathing. Squirming, pressing her hips back towards him even as she tried to find the words. Melting into the table at the promise this wasn’t going to be a punishment fucking, that he was going to let it slide that she’d gotten out of bed, at least for now as she whimpered. “Y-y-yes sir.”She said closing her eyes, red hair spread out across teh table, making her pale flushed skin stand out all the more against the spill of metal and hair.
"he chuckled a little. "i am cute." he informed her, giving her a firm slap on the ass, not to make it hurt, just a gentle reminder to watch her tone while he was in charge even if he laughed. "oh don't glare so Baby Doll. you're only turning me on." he assured her with a smirk, grabbing the back laces of her corset and gave a sharp, short tug, cutting her breath short for a single heart stopping second. "behave yourself now my sweet." he teased as he rubbed himself against her, sliding himself along her sex, letting her feel the blunt length of him before he yanked back on the strings, nearly lifting her off the counter as he slid inside of her in one long, smooth movement. "that's right. yes sir. Good Girl Baby Doll." he purred. "that's my good girl." he growled with a grin, relaxing the strings so she could get her full breath back as he made another thrust. "you're so delicious." he purred with a chuckle. "i'm going to fuck you breathless my sweet. i'm going to fuck you long and slow until my dick is memorized inside of you.
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