Blood written(lady/moon)

"easy." he purred, smiling a little. "i'm not feeling all that terrible about this." he promised her. "i'm not upset about being the way i am anymore." he promised. "that's right sweetheart." he agreed softly. "you tell me if you need me to stop." he ordered before grinning as he paddled the other with a moan and a groan as he finally stopped, panting a little as he stroked over her wet slit. "that's so good. so good fr me baby." he purred, the invisible bonds vanishing as he stroked her over her body and slid her panties down before gently picking her up and laid her down on the padded creeper. the padding would cushion her sore ass so he could pepper her with kisses and stroke her body gently. slipping inside of her, kissing and nipping at her neck as he rode them both to their final completion before gently wiping them both clean and looked up at the garage window, grinning when he saw it was snowing. "hey, Bay's. look. it's snowing." he said with a grin. "come on, lets go get our jackets."
Bailey sighed softly at his promise that he was okay, that she didn’t have to help yet, relaxing. “Kay.”She muttered shuddering as he spanked her. Panting as she stroked him, moaning as he did, whining in protest as he moved her, thinking he was stopping. Sighing in relief as he finished undressing her, squirming in both pain and pleasure as he set her down on the creeper, legs resting against his hips as he slid into her. Absently stroking his skin, lost in what she was feeling as she panted. Relaxing into the afterglow, simply letting him wipe her down. Whining softly at the word snow, wondering if he was tapping out for her, trying to focus before realizing he wasn’t talking to her, well not like that. Turning her head t olook out the window as she fumblingly dressed. “....Yea....outside.”She muttered still down enough that one word sentences were still hard for her, staring at the snow before following him to get their jackets. Quiet until they got outside, tilting her head to look up at the snow as it fell. Quiet and peaceful and she leaned into dean. For the moment, shaky legs were holding her, even if she wasn’t sure they’d keep it up as long as she wanted to stay out here. For the moment, the voices in her head-lucifer and john mostly- quiet, and she was intent on enjoying it.
"shhh. i have you." he promised as she whimpered. "there we go. good girl. my good girl. my sweet cherry pie." he whispered, kissing her slowly before smiling as she simply laid there once they finished. "sorry. i should have said it was Snowing." he admitted to her with a soft smile, chuckling as he helped her ito proper pants and a jacket. smiling as he held her hand and watched the snow fall. "do you remember when we met?" he asked softly.

eleven years ago:

"Dean! go patch up the girl while i check on Brandon!" John Winchester commanded of the young nineteen year old Dean Winchester who nodded and raced over to the young woman, laying in the snow screaming, bleeding, bloody. the house was on fire in the background but Dean was already snatching the first aid kit and racing for one Bailey Daniels and skidded to a stop next to her, gently applying pressure to the massive bleeding cuts. there had been a Wendigo in the area and one of John's old friends had called asking for backup. a little girl had been taken before John could get there so the friend, Brandon, had gone on ahead. now the Wendigo was dead.he could hear it screaming from there. but Brandon's daughter was going to join the beast into the afterlife if Dean didn't hurry up, which he was already doing, feeding a bottle of some Jack Daniels Whiskey to her lips, forcing her to drink, it would help with the pain as he stitched her... and cleaned her wounds.

"It was a mess, that day. i had all but given up on anything good. you stormed into my life, bleading and screaming and perfect." he admitted.
“Oh....good.Like snow.”She muttered leaning into him, nuzzling close to his chest even as she watched it snow. Whining softly as she moved closer, cuddling inside his jacket, not cold simply wanting to be close as she could, drifting between the past and now even as she nodded. “I do.”

Bailey whimpered even as she grabbed the bottle from him, snarling in anger and pain even as he stitched up her side, drinking even as she let the younger winchester stitch her up. Barely even registering that his phone had rang. That he was talking until she heard a young, angry voice being tossed on speaker phone. “-Dean!You fucking asshole, Jessica laughed at me!I didn’t get laid at all, you fucking dick. Pussy is not called that because it has tentacles like a octopus!” And in the background you could hear jessica still howling with laughter as sam bitched, and bailey past out, wondering just what kind of people she’d ended up with, if this was their normal mode of conversation.

“ totally had sammy in a mood...”She muttered slumping into him more, going quiet as she watched it snow. Nuzzling him a little, letting out a quiet little sigh. “you don’t smell like whiskey anymore, now. Or as nasty.... It’s good.”She muttered, the lines blurring as they talked of past things, between john and dean, like that sometimes did when she was far enough down not to guard against it.
he smiled at her and wrapped an arm around her. holding her close.

Dean was entirely nonplussed by the snarling and growling at him. he was used to reactions like that by now and he was stitching open her guts after all. "easy, easy now." Dean ordered her before sighing as he answered the phone and set it to speaker before laughing even as he worked. "good god Sam! i told you that years go! i'd nearly forgotten about that! Jesus man didn't they ever have sexual education around there?!" he demanded, laughing some more. "listen, i have to go, i'm wrist deep in this poor girls stomach." he said, hanging up on his brother, still laughing, wincing whe John winchester cuffed him upside the head for wasting time. Bailey woke hours later in the back of the impala, bandaged and tended to while john screamed into his phone at Sam for refusing to 'leave that tramo' and for putting school ahead of family' and everything else he could think of but Sam was unchanged and that was the last time Dean had seen Sam for eight years.

"i did have Sammy in a mood. he still hasn't really forgiven me for that either." he admitted with a chuckle before hesitating. "Bays?" he asked, gently gathering her into his arms, holding her because he didn't think she could stand on her own anymore. "want to stay out a little longer or should we go inside?"
“I’m sure he hasn’t. It’s a good thing his mate is male, though. Poor sammy.”Bailey muttered nuzzling his chest, sighing in contentment as he picked her up. “John?”She muttered before frowning, “No...Dean. Dean’s”She muttered to herself, sighing quietly, starting to shiver. “inside. Come back out in the morning.”She muttered already starting to crash and settle. feeling safe and content know that she knew for sure where she was, and who she had with her
he snorted a little. "yeah, and they where going to have a threesome with that Jessica you know. Sam's not gonna stop sleeping with women, because Dmitri doesn't mind if he does." Dean admitted before smiling as he kissed her forehead. "Johns dead remember?" he pointed out to her. "he can't hurt you anymore bays." he promised. "John's gone." he promised. "yeah. it's me, Dean." he promised, realizing in a startled instant, exactly what had been bugging him... and what Bailey really needed. "okay. we'll come out again tomorrow." he agreed, smiling as he carried her inside. "i love you Bailey."
“That’s amusing. They would have been good.”Bailey muttered, sighing quietly before frowning a little. Thinking about that. “...Oh. Didn’ he’s not.Not gone....”She muttered sounding upset but settled to, knowing that she was safe. That dean was going to protect her. “...Kay. Love you to.”She muttered smiling quietly as she settled in to sleep.

The next morning Bailey grinned widely as she bundled up, hair shoved up under a hat, looking soft and happy as she pranced outside. Happy and so very pleased with the sight of snow. Snow had always been the best thing for her. Her happy place, she’d always loved snow. Looking up at dean, she smiled at him, “This is awesome.”She smiled happily, glad that it had snowed enough to be a blanket of snow, though there was still snow still falling, so she knew it was going to get worse. Tilting her head as she considered the other, leaning over to kiss his cheek. "You don't have to come out you know."She said well aware that he wasn't a huge fan of cold.
He almost dropped her as he realized what she'd said. he just tightened his hold instead and tucked her into bed. he'd deal with John fucking Winchester later. he was not scared anymore. the bastard would not get away with anything ever again.

Dean chuckled as he left with her. he had realized last night that he didn't get cold anymore so he strode outside in his normal jeans and leather jacket with a smile. "it is awesome." he agreed with a smile. "i don't much care for the cold but i love Snow." he admitted. "but i can't get cold anymore apparently, so it's not a problem anymore." he admitted with a smile, spinning and flopping onto his back and started making a snow Angel. something he had once taught Sammie to do and something he and Bailey had used to do, sneaking out once it was cold because John would never follow them into the snow. "Cas and Sam are out too. be wary of snowballs." he warned with a chuckle.
Bailey laughed a little as she flopped into the snow next to him, smiling as she made a angel, laying there for a moment before snorting. “Cause you’re hotter then hell, I guess.”She teased looking way to amused with the bad pun before bouncing to her feet, starting to make a fort, cause she’d always made snow forts, before snorting. “I don’t think Cas even knows what a snowball is?”She said eyes widening with laughter as she watched the huge snowball smash right into dean’s chest and sam’s bright, amused laughter, and cas’ confused mutter of whatever did sam think he was doing with the snow.
"that's very true and that was a terrible joke." he teased with a laugh before smiling as he got to his feet. "i'm not sure he does." he admitted before whipping around to glare at Sam for throwing the first snowball. "you son of a bitch!" he growled, gathering up the heavy snow and whipped it at the others face and was startled when two snowballs splattered onto Sam's head, Dmitri laughing as he scampered out of the line of fire, Dean launching himself behind some bushes. he knew that no one was going to attack Bailey until she whipped the first snowball. which she wouldn't do until her snow fort was finished because she was a sneaky bitch. not that he was going to throw a snowball at her.
“It was, but I couldn’t help it.”She snickered a little before laughing as sam howled with laughter as he whipped another snowball at dean even as he yelped when he was hit. Grinning at the two mates flung snow at each other. “Dmitri!Over here.”Bailey said even as she finished her fort, diving behind it. Grinning as both dmitri and the angel joined her, though Cas looked bemused at the idea of snow ball fights. “whatever is this?” “It’s a way of practicing fighting, without hurting each other. A way to show we’re the best.”Bailey grinned as she gathered up the snow, packing it together before flinging one at dean, laughing as the angel carefully packed a snow ball, making it perfect before looking around,deciding who to through it at. He looked very intent on it really, which was just adorable.
"you could totally help it!" he protested even as he smiled, yelping as he was struck in the back by Bailey, shooting her a scowl as Dmitri dove into the snow fort, Crowley watching from a distance, smiling as they all pummeled each other with snow, Dean laughing as he nailed Sam in the face again. "It's Fun! that's all it is!" Dean said, scoffing a little. "for gods sakes, it's a childhood game!" Dean said, whipping a snowball at Cas's face, laughing in delight as Crowley chuckled. "children like to throw things at each other." Dmitri agreed. "Snowballs are safe." he admitted, giggling as they whipped their snowballs back at their mates.
“Could not!”Bailey laughed, for once the emotional trauma of the last few weeks, forgotten in the face of one of her favorite activities. Grinning as Dean scowled at her, grinning as her and dmitri pummeled their mates. “It’s also a good way of showing who’s totally in charge.”Bailey snickered a little as cas sputtered, snow clinging to his eyelashes as he raised a hand, smirking as a tree’s worth of snow dumped on crowley since the man was to far away to actually hit. Bailey laughed brightly, amused at that as she shoved the angel a little. “Get Dean.”She ordered laughing as cas whipped a huge snowball at dean.
"You think that your in charge!? that's bullshit!" he yelled with a laugh, hefting the ball and tossing it just right so it hit Bailey just right so the ice cold trickled down her back, Crowley shouting in rage as he was buried in snow and had to dig himself out. "Hey! no magi angel mojo that's cheating! you use that and i'll start using my Demon Mojo right back!" he warned, lifting a hand to flick Cas's snowball back at them before laughing when Crowley tackled Castiel, burying him in the snow, pinning him there with a wild laugh as Dean launched himself at Bailey, hands full of snow to shove up, or down, her shirt while Dmitri laughed and raced off, trying to avoid Sam's 'revenge'.
“I totally am.”Bailey laughed, yelping as the snow went down her back, whining quietly. “I did not know the rules. It is not cheating if I hadn’t known.”Cas said with a wide eyed innoncent look, yelping as he was hit with the snowball, yelping as he was tackled, looking up at the man with wide eyes. “Whatever do you think you’re doing?”He said blinking up at the demon.

“....Dean!Stop it!”Bailey yelped trying to squirm away, to keep him away from the snow and her breasts, giggling though. Happy and shivering as she squirmed away, snickering as she watched sam pick dmitri up and head back inside. “Hm, that was fun.”She giggled looking up at dean as he landed on top of her.
Dean laughed when she yelped and laughed and he followed her, staking her through the snow, laughing as he abandoned his attempts to freeze her and kissed her instead as the snow started faling again, sowly sprinkling over them, grinning as he watched Dmitri get hauled over his shoulder like Sam was kind of caveman. "it was fun." Dean agreed, smiling at her. "we should go have ore sex." he teased with a smile. "and i was thinking, since you're feeling a bit better, maybe we could go out on a date tomorrow afternoon?" he offered.

Crowley smirked as he settled over Cas, a grin on his lips. "i'm doing what you've been avoiding." he whispered before pressing his lips to Cas's kissing him intently, well aware the angel could toss him off if he wanted to. Cas would do it, he was sure, or he'd kiss back. one or the other and then Crowley would have some kind of answer.
Bailey grinned as she looked up at him, blinking slightly as the snowflakes clung to her eyelashes, sighing softly. “It was.”She agreed sighing quietly, before nodding slowly. Flushing brightly at the idea of going on a date with him. He wouldn’t want to do that, if he just wanted sex right?It meant it was more, right?Looking up at him she nodded slowly, leaning up to kiss him lightly. “Yes. I would. That would be amazing.”She smiled before snorting, agreeing. “And yes. More sex is needed.”She agreed simply happy and content with him, stable for now.

“Hm-”Cas started to answer before his eyes went wide, hands finding the other’s shoulders, but not throwing him away, simply holding onto the other as he kissed him back. Well. It looked like crowley had his answer. Even if cas got twitchy and squirmy over the idea, it seemed the wasn’t totally adverse to this form of pleasure. Settling back in the snow with a smile, glad that snow didn’t bother him, and content to make out with the other.

A few days later Sam sighed a little, laying across the bed, absently looking up at his mate with a smile. “Anything interesting?”He asked, looking bemused at the sight of dmitri painting, absently rubbing at the paint on his hands even if it wouldn’t come off till dmitri washed up, holding his place in his book. Before focusing more, frowning at the look on dmitri’s face. “Babe?”
he chuckled a little and kissed her again before smiling a little. "That would be amazing." he agreed with a chuckle. he was furious a while later when he realized he couldn't take her out on the date because somehow, overnight, there had been a ten foot snowfall trapping everyone inside. everyone including Dean and Crowley because they couldn't get past the demon wards. Cas was the only person who could get in and out and he was the one who Dean finally sent out with the specs for the... present he wanted hand crafted from a guy he knew. Cas was confused of course but Dean didn't care, he had it and once the snow melted he could take her out on a date. he wanted to make it special.

Dmitri was blank eyed as he painted. he wasn't usually so into it. he had painted other things in the last few days. paintings of Bailey holding two babies swaddled in yellow. a painting of Bailey in a beautiful white dress, holding a bouquet of beautiful flowers, leaning forward and kissing a dean dressed in a very handsome suit and a painting of Cas grinning as he held a scowling Crowley who was only scowling because he didn't want to smile. now he was too focused to reply. there was a huge splash of bright red paint all over the painting and on it was someone Sam knew very well. Lisa Braeden was laying sprawled on the floor of her pristine kitchen floor, reaching and in agony for another hand, one that had familiar scar where a hell hound had bitten her mate and marked her permanently. Bailey, hurt bad, Lisa too. "...Sam?" Dmitri asked, blinding at the painting and went very pale. "what the hell did i just draw?"
Sam sat up as he was ignored, moving over to look at the painting, the giant of a man swaying a little on his feet as he considered what he was seeing. ‘Something horrible. Come on.Do you have a timeframe for this?”Sam said looking anxious and worried as he scooped up the painting, “Come on.”He said anxiously heading for the door, and for once, not even caring as he pounded on dean’s door, and barely paused before pushing the door open, barely sparing a glance for the woman on her knees, or the water pounding on dean’s shoulders as bailey blew him. “Sam?”bailey startled badly, looking surprised and shocked at the usually mild mannered man, who went through great pains to not see his brother sex’s life, walking in on them. “We have problems.”Sam said barely waiting for dean to pull the shower door open before talking, handing bailey a towel as she shut off the water. Turning the painting to show dean. “We have to go.”
"okay." he said, following. "a few days after the snow melts."Dmitri admitted. "if we can get moving as soon as we can get the door open we can get the drop on... whoever, yes it's a who, does this. maybe we can get there before anyone gets hurt." he mumbled, blinking when Sam rushed in, catching Dean and Bailey in the middle of fucking. "Fucking Christ Sam!" Dean cursed before going very tense. "Lisa..." he gasped, his face zeroing in on the hand. "Bailey..." he whispered, touching the hand, streaked with blood. "why is Bailey not in the focus?" "because she's not the center of this vision. Lisa is directly attacked and, from what i saw, Bailey gets hurt protecting her." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "can we get out yet?" Dean asked softly, staring at the painting, trembling a little.
“Okay. She’s in indiana....we should be able to get there....”Sam muttered already plotting the drive, frowning a little before wincing a little. “Hopefully. Though, we’re never that lucky.”he muttered because he just didn’t have that much hope of being lucky. “Shut up.”Sam scowled, for once not bothering to be freaked out at his brother’s sex life, before nodding. “I thought so.”he said relaxing a little, because he hadn’t been sure till that moment. “....Lisa’s the one in trouble. We’re just there helping.”Bailey muttered already reaching for her clothes, looking upset and worried about lisa and ben, already heading out to round up the others. “...If we can get Cas and Crowley to go out and melt some, we might be able to get the car out.”Sam said twitchy and worried. Having no idea how to help his brother, but to get the demon and angel to move some snow. They hadn’t been willing to risk messing around with it, when they could just wait out the snow before. But this...they needed to go.
"We'll be able to get there no problem." Dmitri agreed wit a nod. "it's not getting there that's the problem.' he admitted. "it's what happens after we get there." he admitted, shaking his head before giggling when Dean gaped at Sam. "did you just tell me to shut up in my own bathroom while i'm getting a blowjob?" he demanded, more than a little stunned. "okay... okay so... so if Bailey doesn't go with, then she won't get hurt right?" Dean asked softly, gripping the painting so tight that his thumbs where going through the canvas. "i think i could probobly heat up a good chunk of snow as well." he agreed. "we just have to... we have to find out... what's the threat. what hurts Lisa and Bailey and probobly Ben..." "Ben is hiding under the bed and isn't hurt." Dmitri informed them all. "so that's fine i think. so long as we get there when they get attacked i think we can save them."
Sam snorted a laugh, before nodding. “I did. And you’re still talking.”sam pointed out looking vaguely amused despite being worried before snorting again. “Do you really think Bailey’d let you leave her anywhere? She’s probably already gathering everything we’ll need.”Sam pointed out before nodding, “Let’s go then. And considering that she’s tied to us, I’m going to bet on something horribly apocalyptic being a threat.”Sam said already heading for the door, “Dmitri. Grab your drawing book, maybe if you see something else, we’ll know more.”Sam fidgeted upset and wincing as he felt the heat the closer they got to the garage/weapons locker, and knew that cas and crowley were out there melting things already.
"...." Dean actually shut up for once which was weird. "no... she's not going to stay behind and if Dmitri is actually a prophet the way Cas seams to think he is, then even if we leave her behind this is going to happen." Dean admitted with a sigh. "she'll just get kidnapped or follow us." he grumbled, shaking his head. "that's true. very true. twenty bucks on Lucy." Dean sighed as he headed for the bedroom so he could get dressed and soon he was using Demon juice to melt as much snow as he could. once they got baby onto the highway they would get a straight shot to Lisa's and they could maybe save both Bailey and Lisa. maybe... hope to god because otherwise Dean was done.
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