Blood written(lady/moon)

he nodded. "it's because i pumped so much energy into you to make sure you would heal. you're tired too because you're body healed faster than it should have by, a lot." he admitted. "i couldn't stand the sight of you being hurt." he admitted softly. "yes. i'm too weak. i'll probobly end up falling asleep bhind the wheel if i try and that will not end well and you won't be much better. Cas was able to heal Lisa but i had to heal ou myself... i couldn't stand the idea of Cas touching you." he admitted sheepishly before grinning a little. "i think he would." he admitted. "i'm not inclined to move." he admitted, snuggling her some more.
"Ah...I see. That sorta makes sense..."she muttered frowning a little at the idea that hed probably did some damage to himself healing her that quickly."I know..."she muttered stifling a yawn."still doesn't make it better letting someone else drive. They'll do something to our cars, dean."she grumbled "...seriously?you are so possessive."she teased rolling her eyes a little even as she smiled, the tight feeling in her chest relaxing at the idea. Though some might have been off put at the idea of being possessed and clingy like that, for bailey, it's what she needed for reassurance."me either..."she muttered smirking a little as sam knocked on the door. "I have breakfast you two, if your decent."sam said pushing the door open, assuming despite his teasing that they were simply resting and not up to anything.
"Yeah." he admitted with a smile. "i didn't hurt myself. i promise. i've just never used that kind of power before. Cas said it's like a muscle. i have to practice to get good at it." he admitted with a yawn before smiling a little. "if they do, we can kill them. that would be fun." he admitted with a grin. "i am possessive. you're mine." he grumbled. "i don't want their filthy angel hands touching you." he grumbled before smiling at her. "Food!" Dean ordered, staring at Sam. "has Bruce gotten it all cleaned up? i upset Cas." Dean mumbled, sounding quite bothered by that even as he reached for the food Sam had braught in before sniffing at him. "Sam? why do you smell funny?" he demanded.
“Good.”Bailey sighed softly, relaxing a little, nuzzling her face against his shoulder, before nodding. “That sounds about right. Just have to work to make it stronger, if you plan on being able to heal us.”She muttered before nodding. “Yes. We will.”She agreed before relaxing at the knowledge that she was his, pressing her shaking hands to his stomach to stop teh shaking, snuggling as close as she could, refusing to think about lucifer and john, and the revenge she knew would come now that michael was dead. Well aware lucifer would respond. “Yes, yes food.”Sam rolled his eyes a little as he walked in, before wincing a little. “Yea cas and bruce got things cleaned up. And you did, seems he’s quite concerned over his own wings now, after watching you freak out over michael, and be so possessive.”Only mentioning it because he was well aware cas wasn’t truly aware why he had responded to the death as he had, only that he had. “....What?Oh. I took a shower, used lisa’s girly conditioner.”sam smiled a little as he gave the food over the two.
"yes, exactly. besides, i took the easy way this time ad licked your wounds clean first. meant i didn't have to handle using my Demon Mojo to deal with the poison. you're blood is really sweet." he admitted with a smile, nudging her pulse with his nose and sighing softly because he could smell her sweet blood. he wouldn't attack her for it of course. never. "i'll have to talk to Cas and promise him i won't hurt his wings." Dean mumbled. "oh... yeah you smell... funny." Dean muttered, wrinkling his nose. he wasn't sure he liked the smell. it almost made Sam smell like Cas and ever since Dean had gone Demon he really hadn't cared much for the way Castiel had smelled. he supposed that made sense. "you'll have to drive." Dean finally sighed, scowling at Sam because he hated the idea of leaving Baby in someone else's hands.
“Ah, well that’s both good, and vaguely gross. If you’re going to be licking me, I want it to be for better reasons.”She smiled shivering a little as he nuzzled her pulse, even to tired to do anything about it, she could feel the spike of lust that hit her with the touch. “Well, you’re the only one that’ll ever know how sweet.”She muttered nodding a little. “You will. Cas’ll apperciate it.”She said. “Yea, he will.”Sam agreed before frowning at Dean, “Well, you’ll have to wait. I’m not taking another shower.”He said rolling his eyes a little before nodding. “I figured. I don’t want to be here when Lucifer comes to investigate.”Sam shuddered a little at the idea. “And Dmitri said he’d drive jr. If you wanted....” “.....fine. Yes. Okay.”bailey growled, not sounding happy. “You riding with me?”She said looking at dean
"sorry. couldn't be helped." he admitted with a smile as he snuggled and nuzzled her. "mmmm yes i will." he growled eagerly at her somewhat acceptance that she belonged to him. "i'm not sure Cas will but i'll apologize anyway." he admitted with a smile before grumbling at Sam. "fine, but you're not riding in the same car as me then." he growled before huffing. "okay so Dmitri and Sam in Junior, Bruce and Lisa in Baby." he agreed. "Cas and Crowley... hmm..." Dean scowled a little and then. "i don't think we can all stay with our mates..." he mumbled. "there's not enough room in the cars..." he didn't like that idea at all. "...okay. Sam, Me, Crowley and Dmitri in my car and Lisa, Bruce, Cas and you, Bailey, in Baby. i don't think i can trust Crowley in the same Car as you and the thought of Sam getting any closer makes me so twitchy i might die." he admitted. "Bruce can keep you safe and Cas would rather kill himself than let anything happen to you. i don't like any of this." Dean whined, scowling at Sam. "you make the seating arrangements. my head hurts."
“He will. He likes you. Might be willing to overlook the carnage, and weirdness.”Bailey teased a little, sighing softly as she ate. “...You’re seriously that upset I wont take a shower?”Sam stared at his brother, shaking his head a little. “No.there isn’t. The cars are amazing, but roomy enough for everyone, isn’t the best.”Bailey said though she shuddered a little, not wanting to think to hard on the roominess of the backseat of their cars. Or over the hoods. That was just to much to think when she wasn’t riding in the car with dean. “OKay, let’s see. Me, Lisa, Dmitri and Cas can ride in Junior, with Dean, Crowley, and Sam and bruce in baby.”Bailey sighed before dean could protest, kissing his cheek. “You get bruce. I need him to look after you, if I’m not riding with you.”She said as she finished eating, sighing softly.
"I suppose so." Dean agreed with a small smile before glaring at Sam. "no! Yes! i don't know!" he mumbled. "i'm just... tired." he admitted, which he knew Sam would get. Dean was always overly grouchy when he was tired. overly sensitive. "shame Cas and Crowley can't just, poof, but we need the protection in case we get attacked." Dean grumbled with a sigh before grimacing a little but nodding. he wouldn't argue with her. they just couldn't risk being in the same car together. the Angels would have the advantage. with the power houses spread out like that, they where safer. Bruce and Cas where more than definitely going to make any Ange's hesitate. "okay... i'll let Bruce take care of me." he assured Bailey. "but you have to let Cas take care of you then... i hate the idea of his filthy angel hands being anywhere near you, but he'll keep you safe."
Bailey smiled a little as sam left to get everyone else ready to go before nodding. “Good. And I will.”She promised before pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Cas’ll be a perfect gentleman. You know that.”She said sighing as she got up, knowing they had to get going. The sooner they left, the sooner they’d be home.

In the car bailey sighed, sulking a little as she settled into the backseat with lisa, sulking because she wasn’t with dean, wasn’t driving her car. “Angels don’t get to drive.”She said looking pleased when it was dmitri who settled into the drivers seat, snickering a little because she could see dean sulking to in baby with sam driving.
Lisa chuckled as she watched the two lovers sulk and handed Bailey a pen, smiling at her. "Angels indeed do not get to drive. the last time Castiel tried to drive he drove Baby into a Lake. Dean was inconsolable for months." she admitted with a chuckle before sighing as she rubbed her belly. "Bailey?... i need to tell you something." Lisa admitted softly. "i need you to promise something too. i know you don't know Ben, but please... be there for him?" she asked hopefully. "he's a good boy. he'll need a good maternal figure in his life. and this baby... i want you to be listed as his mother. you're going to be the one raising it, after all. i want you to be the babies mother."
Bailey huffed a little as she made a face. “I heard. And I’m sure baby didn’t smell right for months.” “I fixed it. Angel mojo’d the smell out. It was fine.”Cas rolled his eyes a little as he settled into the seat. Bailey smiled a little as she drew on her hand, amused as she watched Sam do the same to dean, settling in with the knowledge at least she wouldn’t be alone in her sulking. Stirring, she frowned at lisa a little as Dmitri drove, “....Hm?”she stared at the other, looking confused. “What?Why?I’re going to be there. And you’re a good mother. You mother the baby. You and dean’ll be good together.”She muttered sighing softly.
Lisa snorted. "Cas? Angel Mojo isn't going to help with Dean's irrational obsession with his car." she pointed out before smiling at Bailey. it was a tired, sad, pained smile. "Bailey. haven't you realized yet? Dean will never be happy with anyone else. it's you, and only you. even when he was with me he was never truly happy. why do you think i tossed him out on his ass and tried to kick his ass into gear to talk to you? it didn't work but i tried my damnedest." she admitted. "we fucked, sure but really we're not suited for lovers. we're ust too different. we can't be happy together." she admitted. "and.... more than that... i'm sick, Bailey... i'm very sick."
“...True. And I told him he should seek help for the obsession.”Cas snickered a little. “....”Bailey stared at Lisa, frowning a little. Shaking her head. “No...Lisa. No. We can’t....we’re having fun now...but... There’s things you don’t know. Problems that...will drive us apart.”Bailey said softly, biting her lip. Hating that she knew that john winchester and the loss of justice was going to seperate them. She knew that eventually it would just push them apart. “....Bailey. He loves you. More then anything. What happened.....happened. But it doesn’t change how he sees you.”Cas said biting his lip, nearly telling her about dean, about the mating marks, but for now letting it go. Bailey frowned a little as she doodled on her palm, before looking up at Lisa. “....But....You’re....”She paused looking lost. And pained at the idea that dean was going to lose lisa. Even if she was willing to accept things, she still thought he’d want lisa to. But she was starting to doubt that. “....Okay. I’ll look after the kids. And you’re staying. As long as your well and want to stay with us.”She said looking over at him, sighing softly as she settled back into the seat, feeling at a loss. And more then anything, wanting dean. Dean, who understood her, and would be able to explain to lisa why things weren’t going to last. Because more then anything else, that’s what bailey feared. Things not lasting, no matter how good they were.
"i bet that went down well." Lisa said quite sarcastically, looking amused. "Oh Bailey. don't you see? Dean is never going to let you go. he finally has you when he thought he never ever would. the only way you're getting rid of him is if you actually want him to leave. and he'll know if you're lying." Lisa pointed out. "you're what he's always wanted the most. more than a family, more than a child, more than a happy home, he's wanted you." she admitted with a smile. "yes. i'm me. i'm not wht he needs. i hate rock music, i hate that he goes out and hunts things, i hate that he drinks and i hate that smug smirk. he's a wonderful man and i will always love him but god, when we live together, when we're a couple we want to strangle him more than anything else." she admitted. "we're better as friends Bailey." she admitted. "we broke up almost a month before he started hunting again, he just stuck around because he didn't have anywhere else to go." she admitted before smiling at her. "of course i'm taying... as much as i hate to admit it, this pregnancy is probobly going to kill me." she admitted softy. "i'm going to need a lot of help." "...what are you sick with?" Dmitri asked softly and Lisa sighed and closed her eyes. "Aids... my liver is already half dead and because i'm pregnant i can't get a new one. they, the doctors, wanted me to terminate but i just... i couldn't." she whispered, stroking her belly. "it's too precious. i couldn't be so selfish as to kill her just for a few extra years, if i was lucky and didn't get sick or infections from the new liver or the surgery. it just seams so wrong."
“Yes, indeed. He didn’t talk to me for weeks.”Cas snickered a little. “....Dean always did know when I was lying.”Bailey muttered staring down at her hand, where she’d absently been doodling perverted things to her mate, simply talking because otherwise she’d go insane not driving. Looking confused at lisa’s words, she looked up at the other, offering a small smile. Not sure about that, but....maybe she was right?Dean wanted her? “He’s not drinking anymore....”She muttered mostly because she had nothing else to say. Not when faced with the idea that dean would always choose her. That nothing would drive them apart. “....I wanna strangle him half the time to.”She pointed out with a smile. Not sure what to think, at a loss. Even knowing she’d never have children again, or be as mentally stable as lisa would, maybe they’d be okay. “....Good. Dean’ll want to look after you. And...probably yell for not telling him about this.”She warned before wincing at the knowledge that lisa had aids, reaching out, and hesitantly resting a hand on her stomach. “....thank you. I can’t.....Dean needs this. Family. for giving it to us.A chance.”She said sad, because she hated knowing she was never going to be pregnant again, to see her stomach swell with dean’s child, but she could enjoy seeing lisa. Love the child. Already feeling drawn to the child now that she was allowing herself to maybe believe she was going to get to stay there with them. “....I can support your body. heal....I can’t stop it from killing you. But I can slow it.”Cas said looking at lisa, tilting his head a little.
"yes. he's disturbingly good at it." Lisa agreed with a huff before smiling as emi perverted things where returned on Bailey's hands though, Dean was now sleeping, his face pressed against the glass in the other car, making Lisa laugh as Sam decided to ride side by side to them on the four lane highway. "he's drooling..." Lisa muttered to Bailey, sounding highly amused. "yeah, he stopped drinking because you made him. do you know the huge fight me and him had about his drinking? he wouldn't have stopped drinking for anyone else but you. you know." she admitted. "it's Dean. everyone wants to strange him." Lisa agreed with a smile before sighing. "i know i should have told him, but he would have come back and tried to make it work again if i had told him." she admitted, wrinkling her nose. "he's a stubborn son of a bitch, you know? he would have made himself miserable staying with me because he would have thought it was his duty. now that he has you, he's less likely to make me want to murder him by being super stubborn. it's a bit manipulative of me, but i couldn't trust him until he found you." she admitted with a smile. "even if i wasn't sick, i'd want you to be the babes mother." she admitted. "you where what he wanted most, but Dean wants a baby too. this way, you and him, can have everything you wanted. i'm sorry that Lucifer hurt you like that. but not being able to have children isn't the end of the world. or the end of your relationship." she promised before smiling at Castiel. "i know you can. i also know you already are. i feel better than i have in a very long time. thank you."
“he is.”She agreed before smiling at the stuff on her hands, snickering a little as sam pulled along side them.”He is. Gotta show this to him later, when he thinks he’s hot stuff.”Bailey giggled a little as she snapped a picture, before sighing a little. “No....I figured he did. I mean.he hated it when I asked him to stop.”She said before snickering at the idea that everyone wanted to strangle him. “True....he would have.Though he probably wouldn’t have been miserable.”She sighed a little, amused at the idea of everyone wanting to murder him for being stubborn. “....Yea. We can. We’ll have a family. Thanks Lisa.”She muttered smiling a little at the idea, starting to hope the other woman was right. That she could have it all. Flinching away from the memories of lucifer, she swallowed thickly. “....Lucifer thinks it is...I....I hope it’s not.”She swallowed hard settling in to rest herself. “Good. And you’re welcome. I figured you better be up to dealing with dean, so you had to feel better.”Cas looked amused as they got closer to the bunker, settling in to rest and absently sending crowley perverted thoughts as the other rode in the car next to him. Looking to amused as they finally reached the bunker. Well aware the demon was going to punish him for it eventually.
"he's cute with you, never thought i'd see the day." Lisa admitted with a chuckle before snickering when Bailey took pictures. "hated it, yes. but he did it. when i tried to talk to him about it, he usually flew into a complete rage." she admitted. "he'd leave, you know. for hours and get completely drunk at the bar every time we had a fight about his alcoholism. it was fine though, because we only fought about it when Ben was at a friends for the night." she admitted. "he barely put up a fight for you and that should tell you something." she admitted with a smile. "he would have been miserable. for one thing, hunting is his life. he would have been tied down, trapped with me." she pointed out. "with you, he knows that he can still be what makes him happiest. a hunter." she admitted with a smile. "and he knows he doesn't have to hover over you and keep you safe." she admitted. "because you can protect yourself against anything that might come after you." she admitted. "he doesn't have to worry about you the way he would have to with me." she admitted. "are you really going to take Lucifer's side on this? really?" she asked, lifting an eyebrow. "all Lucifer knows is pain, betrayal and how to use someone. none of those describes Dean at all." she pointed out with a smile. "
“I wouldn’t say cute.” “Sam does. ‘Cavity inducing, sickingly sweet cuteness.”Cas snickered a little. “.....Well. Alcohol and pills don’t mix. He knew he was crashing, and needed help. I was just there at the right time.”She said nearly as stubborn as Dean was, even if there was a slight blush to her cheeks that said she understood why dean hadn’t fought her over it. “Hey, I only trust him as a hunter now cause I get to watch his back. Otherwise I’d be a mess waiting for him to come home to.”She made a face, not protesting that she couldn’t defend herself, not when angels were what were hunting her. “....No. I guess not.....”She muttered, because she wasn’t going to do this argument. Because she knew what lisa would say about listening to john’s words to. And she could tell herself she was right most of the days. But sometimes, feeling raw and broken, lucifer and john’s words got to her. But mostly....she could hold onto dean, knowing that he loved her enough to hold the darkness at bay. Looking up when they arrived at the bunker, she sighed tiredly, feeling better then she had that morning, walking over to baby, knocking lightly on the window near dean’s head. “Come on, winchester.”
"so cute i'm pretty sure it gave me cavities." Lisa teased with a grin before pausing. "pills? has he been taking medication? he's not sick too is he?" shit, Lisa didn't know about the Adderall. likely because he didn't start taking it until after he'd started hunting again. or maybe had stopped taking them while he was living with her. there was no way she would have missed him popping pills while she was living with him. "you trust him because you know he'd defeat death itself to get back to you." Lisa corrected with a smile. "and with all the people around, you could even hire Dmitri and Ben as babysitters for when you and Dean have to go hunting." Lisa admitted with a smile before patting Bailey's hand. "now, you have to help me break the news to Dean, he's going to be quite frantic and he's going to hover mercilessly." she grumbled, shaking her head before laughing when Dean jerked with a snort and sat up, raising his hands to defend himself with a few good punches and blinked stupidly at the back of Bruce's head.
“...No. He’s not sick.”Bailey swallowed hard, “He was taking adderall. To stay awake. Drinking to sleep. Self medicating to deal.....I...I’m sorry. I hadn’t realized you didn’t know.”Bailey winced a little, flushing. She hadn’t meant to upset the woman, and she knew this would upset her. “...Hm. That to. He pulled me out of hell, was willing to let sammy risk everything to do it. I know he’ll come back.”She sighed softly, even if she had been so angry with the idea, she’d also settled with the knowledge that he would always come for her. “True.hunting. Or dates. Dates are important I hear.....the other mothers I knew....always said that was important. To not let your roles as mother, father to swallow up who you were to each other.”She smiled a little before smirking a little. “He is going to hover. But if nothing else, I’ll tell him we’re going on a date, and offer public sex if he stops hovering.He’d go for it.”She snickered before laughing out loud as dean jerked. “Hey, Oil slick. We’re home.”she smiled as she gently pulled open the door, careful not to make him fall out the door.
"He was WHAT!?" She shrieked, nearly making Dmitri drive off the road. "Don't DO that!" "sorry. sorry." Lisa apologized. "he must have started that up just before, or after he left or i would have noticed." Lisa grumbled. "that bastard. remind me to hurt him." she ordered with a huff before smiling a little. "Sam and Dean, never a better pair. those goddamn books, wish 'd never found them." Lisa huffed."it's hard to read about things like that, knowing i know the people involved." she admitted. "wouldn't be the first time they scarified themselves or the other for the other... that sentence made sense in some convoluted manner i'm sure." she admitted before grinning. "Dates are important you know." she admitted. "it gives you a way to relax with someone and stuff." she admitted with a smile before laughing. "he always was a bit of a horndog." she agreed before smiling. "i like your theory on dating a lot more." she admitted, gently kissing Bailey's cheek. "thank you for taking care of Dean. he worries me you know." she admitted, sliding out of the car when Bruce swept around the car to help her out even as Dean yawned, stepped out of the car and stretched, smiling at her.
Bailey flinched badly at her scream, swallowing hard as she looked at the other."yea...I dunno. I just know sam didn't probably after he left you..."she shrugged as ashe smiled slightly at the sight of cas tensing, ready to stop a wreck if theyscreamed again."well, when he starts yelling about you hiding things from him, just yell back at him. He'll deserve it for scaring us both."she sighed a little before snorting a little. "I wish dmitri hadn't shared those books with was good reading about it, so I didn't have to ask dean, but it was hard to."she shuddered a little."yea I guess....can't remember the last time I went on a date that wasn't hunt related....."she sighed a little."I like looking after him. No thanks needed."she smiled at lisa. Looking amused as both bruce and lisa headed in, before looking at dean."sleep well?"she said leaning in to kiss hI'm lightly."you're not allowed to yell at her for to long. You'll upset her."she said looking worried about him
"he's a fucking shit." Lisa grumbled, scowling darkly before chucking as she realized Ben, sitting on the other side of the other car, was sleeping just like Dean was. pressed against the window and drooling. "i will yell back at him. the pills aren't in the books." she growled, scowling. "nether was the Demon Blood." Dmitri pointed out helpfully. "...the what now?" Lisa asked, baffled. "ah, never mind." Dmitri mumbled. "i didn't know they where real! i'm sorry!" Dmitri whined. "you... ah... read about... me and Dean then?" Lisa asked, flushing so hard Dmitri started to snicker. "you do need to go on a nice date then." Lisa agreed. "Dean was whining the other day about the date he'd wanted to take you on being canceled because of the snow. he'll probobly take you somewhere nice." she admitted before blushing, looking rather smitten as Bruce hefted her up like she was a feather and carried her inside. Dean ust smiled sleepily and nodded. "very well. i had good dreams." he admitted, grinning wider. "i was totally molesting cas." he teased her because she, more than anyone, knew Dean would never, ever, ever sleep with another man. not after what John had done to him.
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