Blood written(lady/moon)

"they are fantastic clothes." he admitted with a smile, licking his lips at her long legs. he'd always loved her legs before grinning. "perfect." he agreed, giving her another kiss before heading to the car and headed out into the world once more. he knew it was mean to teas her like that, not saying a word about where they where going but he was pretty sure she got the idea when they passed under the massive sign declaring AQUARIUM. "good choice?" he asked her, rather anxiously. "wanting to make sure she still liked the fish and the water.
“Good.”She smirked a little as she watched him lick his lips, amused because she’d known he had a thing for her legs. Lean and strong and so perfect. Kissing him back before heading out into the world. Twitching a little, but refusing to be to worried about going out. Looking up when she saw the sign for the aquarium, her eyes went wide. “Y-yes. Perfect. You know I loved it here. Or any aquarium. I’ve not been to this one.”She said nearly wiggling as much as a happy puppy as he parked, before bounding out of the car, barely waiting for him long enough to get the tickets to get in. Glad that it was mostly just the two of them for the evening, the crowds for the day already gone. She hated aquariums when they were to crowded. She liked fish and water for the sheer peacefulness, because surrounded by that much water, of a world without humans in it, that nothing matter but her. And dean. Dean and her was all that mattered in that quiet space, nothing. John winchester didn’t exist there, hadn’t hurt her. Fish and water was all she wanted sometimes, for the simple peace it gave. Along with....well. Water was fun to play in. “Sea first.”She ordered grinning happily as she headed into the aquarium, looking utterly amazed at how reef like and real the walkway looked as they stepped inside.
he smiled at her. "i know. well, i knew. i wasn't sure if that was true anymore but i hoped." he admitted. "i'm glad that you still like places like this." he admitted with a smile before he laughed as he let her bound away, following a little more sedately. he got two backstage passes and two Imax tickets. what was the fun of going to a Aquarium if they couldn't look at all the best parts that other people didn't get to go to? "i made sure it was a quite night tonight. called ahead and asked." he admitted with a smile. "okay, Sea first." he agreed. "i like the Jellyfish." he admitted, holding her hand as they walked like a good boyfreind and chuckled a little as he let her drag him around.
“I took Justice once. She loved it.”She said offering a small sad smile looking over at him. “It’s one of the few places that are....truly peaceful for me anymore.”She smiled at him. Huffing a little, sulking that he was taking so long to get moving, smirking. “I’m sorry old man, I’ll have to slow down for you wont I?”She teased him a little, and she did slow down some. Though she was still excited, and squirmy, she’d calmed a little to. Enough to not be exhausting to be around. “Really?That’s aweomse. Thanks Dean. That’s the best part. Being here mostly alone.”She smiled as they headed into the sea, looking around her as they got into the sea. Happily spending time with him, and utterly fascinated with the tiny little jellyfish. She hadn’t been in a aquarium since she’d taken justice, a small piece of that peace she found there, robbed by the visit and the loss, but being with dean....dean made it hurt less. As if sharing the pain, had lessened it. Allowed her to move on, and she simply enjoyed doing this, since she hadn’t gotten to do it with him before. They’d talked about going to the aquarium, but they had rarely gotten a ew minutes away from john, much less been allowed to have a whole day away to do something like this. Grinning as she found the small cubby hole/bench that bubbled out into the sea, she laughed happily as she climbed up into it, laying back to stare up into the 2000 galleon aquarium, eyes wide and happy as she watched sharks, fish, and even the occassional turtle go by, looking so much younger without the weight of the world resting on her shoulders. That was the true gift of this date at the moment, that dean had given her this moment without having to worry about anything.
"i bet she loved it." he admitted with a small smile. "i remember, when i was super tiny... my mom, back before the monsters, we all went to the Aquarium. Sammie was just a big bundle of screaming cloth and i didn't know what pain or fear was... it's one of m best memories." he admitted with a small smile before grinning. "it is the best, getting to be here all on our own." he admitted with a smile as he watched the Jellyfish swimming around and around. he smiled as she settled into the little cubby and watched her for a moment before. "i have something for you." he admitted, his voice full of affection and love. adoration and a touch of possessiveness. "uhm.... close your eyes?" he was nervous about this, because he wasn't sure how he'd take it and when she closed her eyes, he set the length of fine silver across her lap. it didn't look like it, but it was a Collar, the back clasp was actually a small lock that he had the key to. it was for show really, since the necklace was frail enough that it could be ripped apart or cut in case of emergency. there was a tiny bell that actually worked that hung as a pendant, he'd always joked that she walked too quietly and needed a bell so she'd stop sneaking up on him. "i... i was hoping... that you'd be mine. only mine. for the rest of forever?" he asked hopefully. "i want you to be mine." he whispered. "i want you to wear my claim, so everyone knows you belong to me."
“She did. She liked the jelly fish to.”She smiled softly, before smiling at him. “That’s awesome. That we both have good memories of the aquarium.”She smiled squeezing his hand, glad he had some good ones, nice memories of before. “Hm, sammy is still just a big bundle of screaming cloth....he’s just gotten taller.”She snickered a little. Stirring a little when he spoke, she looked up at him, “Hm?”She said tilting her head a little, before nodding, closing her eyes. “Okay.”She said sighing softly, trusting him inexplicably. Whatever he wanted, would be okay. Frowning a little as she felt the soft, silky metal laying across her thighs, she fingered it for a long moment, before opening her eyes to look at it. Gentle fingers running over the silver, fingering the lock, understanding what it was, even without him telling her. Something tight loosening in her chest, as she understood what he wanted from her. Staring down before looking up at him when he spoke. Tilting her head a little. Going so quiet, he probably worried she wasn’t going to answer. But she was simply processing the idea that he wanted her. Like Lisa had said, that he didn’t want anyone else. That she was his, forever. That she’d never have to worry about being abandoned. That he’d get tired of putting up with her, or would get tired of the broken mate. Reaching out, hesitantly, as if she wasn’t sure she could touch, dropping without realizing it, the simple act of giving her the collar had dropped her. Resting her fingers against his cheek, gently stroking the stubble she could feel there she nodded slightly. “Y-yes. I-I want.”She stuttered looking overwhelmed and calmer all at once.
"i think everyone likes the Jellyfish." he admitted with a smile. "Sammy is a Sasquatch." he scoffed, looking amused. "he's just a great big moose." he admitted with a nod before smiling as she just cosed her eyes. so open and trusting and willing. it made his heart ache, bursting with pleasure and happiness and shame for being so greedy. he was selfish, wanting to keep her the way he did but then, he knew she would take comfort in it, so while he felt a bit guilty for being so possessive and greedy and selfish, he took great joy in knowing he could, for the time being, make her happy. he beamed at her when she agreed and he pressed his lips to hers before picking up the necklace and slid it on her, latching it for her. "hows it feel? is it too tight? too loose?" he asked, worried about her comfort with it on. after all, it wouldn't be coming off until she wanted to break up with him or there was an emergency of some sort.
“Yea probably. They’re just so cute.”She muttered before snickering. “We’re totally buying him and Dmitri moose stuff for their birthdays.”She said giggling a little. Kissing him back as he kissed her, leaning into him a little. Smiling slightly as he took the necklace, a soft, quiet sigh escaping as it settled against her skin, swaying a little. Even as light as it was, it was like a brand burning against her skin, a mark that tied her to him. Blinking slowly as she thought, “No. It’s okay.”She muttered tilting her head this way and that, testing it, making sure it was comfortable. And it was. Snug enough that it wasn’t going to swing out and get in the way, loose enough that it wasn’t going to choke her no matter what. “It’s perfect.”She said blinking up at him, resting a hand against his cheek, drawing him in for a soft quiet kiss, simply relaxing into the feeling of being claimed.
"only you would think one of the most deadly species on the planet is cute." he teased with a smile before laughing a little. "i agree. that's a perfect idea." he agreed with a smile before smiling at her. "good. good." he whispered, stroking her neck now. "you look so perfect Love." he whispered, smiling as he leaned over her and kissed her, pressing his body along hers because he just couldn't not touch. he pressed his hard length against her, feeling the warmth, and the wetness from her panties seeping through his jeans. "have you ever thought about public sex?" he asked with a sly grin. it wasn't exactly public, not really, his Demon Voodoo would stop them from getting caught, but she didn't know that."
“Considering I want to screw you six ways to Sunday, you probably should be glad I find deadly things adorable.”She teased looking amused as she snickered at the idea of sam getting moose things. That would just be amusing. Shuddering a little at his touch, eyes falling closed as he stroked her skin. “T-thanks.”She stuttered a little as she laid back into the cubby, flushing a little in the reflective light of the aquarium, shuddering a little. Groaning as he pressed into her, legs sliding open enough to cradle his hips against her, squirming a little at his question, at his grin. “You just have a thing for water.”She giggled a little, flushing as she squirmed. “But no, not really thought about it. Hadn’t....hadn’t really thought about sex since I left you.”She muttered reaching up, sliding her fingers through his hair, sighing quietly. Because the only time that sex had ever mattered to her, had been the times in her life when she was with dean. And as mch as she enjoyed sex, it hadn’t been a important thing to her, for her stability until he’d come back into her life.
Dean laughed, how could he not? she was adorable when she was being coy. "So beautiful in the light of the Aquarium." he whispered, kissing a line down her throat, following the trail of the necklace. "i do have a thing for water." he mumbled. "especially that has you to go with it." he admitted with a grin at her. "well. perhaps it's something we'll have to try, hmm? imagine someone walking in on us like this. seeing me fucking you into submission. making you mine, wholly mine." he mumbled, nipping at her neck with a groan, pressing his hips rhythmically against her. he wait and let her decide if they where actually going to fuck.
“Not the beautiful one here. You’re sorta looking heavenly under the lights.”She teased watching the light flickering over his face, shivering as he kissed down her neck, moaning softly as she tilted her head back, snorting slightly. “That explains why the long showers then.”She muttered squirming a little, the heartbeat pounding in her head, and the quiet stillness of the aquarium letting her drop, settling her as she felt the metal of her collar wraming against her skin. Whimpering as she squirmed at his words. “Not the first time someone’s walked in.”She teased a little, if only because she didn’t want to seem to easy. Even in the stillness of her favorite quiet place, she could still hear the echo of john’s words calling her a whore, even if it was a distant echo, with dean touching her like she mattered. That he needed her. Tightening her legs around his waist as he thrust against her, she raised her hands, clinging to him, nodding. “Y-yes. P-please. Dean.”She whimpered, starting to come undone.
"heavenly! bah! what an insult." he teased her with a grin, his black eyes glittering in the light. he had learned how to bring back his pretty human ones, but when he got exited, he forgot and the black came back. "oh yes. everyone makes that joke." Dean said, looking amused even if he was obviusly rolling his eyes. "that's true. and i'm sure they won't watch long with me snarling at them." he admitted with a grin before he moaned as she begged. "god, the things you do to me. you tear me apart until all i am is primal lust and want and need." he growled passionately. "you make me mad with want, crazy with desire, make my head spin with every breath. i don't think that i could ever love anyone or anything as much as i love you..." he paused. "well, maybe the babes but it'll be a damn close." he admitted, kissing her deeply even as he slid her panties out of the way and slid his fingers inside of her, making sure she was actually ready.
“Hm, you’re to pretty to be devilish.”She teased, grinning as she looked up at his eyes. While it had taken time, she’d grown used to seeing whichever eyes looking down at her when they made love. “Hm, probably not.”She agreed shuddering at his words, whimpering quietly. Squirming. “Me to. I need you. Love you.”She stuttered, struggling to find the words, to think well enough to tell him. Kissing him back, nipping his lip lightly, biting down as she bucked into his hand. Wet and getting wetter the longer he touched her, it was very good she was wearing the skirt, he wouldn’t even have to do more then undo his jeans to drive into her. “S-so sure, you can m-make me submit?”She stuttered, if only because she liked teasing him, liked pushing him to their limits, just to see what he’d do
he grinned at her a little. "all Demons are gorgeous." he teased, kissing her again. "just ask anyone." he mumbled against her lips with a sly little grin. "i love you for eternity." he promised, moaning as she nipped at his lips, gripping her wrists and pinned her to the bottom of the cubby they where in, his free hand undoing his jeans,sliding himself out and he smirked at her. "you've already submitted to me." he teased, sliding her panties down, nibbling on her neck and slid inside of her with a shuddering moan. "always so perfect for me. such a good girl. my Sweet Cherry Pie."
“maybe I should compare you and Crowley. I mean, might need to if you’re gonna say stuff like that.”She smirked a little, shuddering at the promise, with the soft tinkling of the bell as it slid across her skin as he made her move, growling a little as she was pinned, twisting a little. “Just cause I agreed to sex, doesn’t mean I’m submissive or gonna take this without a fight.”She growled even as she shuddered, hips rocking into his, head tilting back, shivering at the sight of them in the glass, watching the sharks and fish watching them, whimpering as she squirmed, growling as she realized just how firmly she was held down, eyes wide, blown so wide as she crashed through a drop, trembling and shaking as she took him in, making small needy noises.
He laughed a little. "i'm ten times the Demon Crowley is." he teased with a giggle, grinning at her. "oh my darling love, you can't fool me." he teased. "you love it when i hold you down, make you submit, make you drop. you love it when i hold you in place support you, take care of you and fuck you senseless. you are mine now, always, forever and i know just how to take care of you." he promised her. "you are mine, and i am yours. always. for eternity." he promised her, kissing her again as he slowly rolled his hips, taking her gently because that was what they needed. gentle togetherness.
“Not so sure.”She teased, smiling at him. This is what they both needed, gentle teasing, recovering, simply being together. While she loved their BDSM rough sex life, sometimes gentleness was needed to. Whimpering softly at his words, eyes widening at his promise, shuddering as she kissed him, needy and gentle all at once, exactly what she needed the promise pushing her right over the edge as she felt him moving in her, coming with a soft whimper, blinking slowly, focusing on his face above hers.
he smiled a little at her. "i'm very sure." he teased right back with a chuckle before moaning as she came, arching against her and completing inside of her. he realized he probobly should have used a condom to minimize the mess but it was too late now. "we'll have to make a pit stop at the bathroom." he muttered. "i made a mess." he teased, looking amused before smiling that sappy, loving smile. "feeling better?" he asked her nervously. wanting to make sure that had been okay for her.
Bailey whimpered softly at the feel of him coming in her, wrapping her legs around him tightly because he still held her arms, needing to hold onto him, whining softly as she nuzzled him. Even with the distant reminder that they made a mess, or that they’d never have kids together again, for the moment, none of that mattered. All that mattered was being with him. “Hmm,yes, you did.”She muttered tilting her head to look at him, sighing softly. Content, pleased. “Yes. I am. Less....overwhelmed by everything. More grounded. Yours.”She muttered, not together enough to pull the feelings into true sentences, just giving him enough words he could figure it out. She was okay. Feeling better, grounded, treasured. Resting her head back against his forearm as he cradled her close, before blinking. Frowning up into the aquarium. “dean?”She muttered drawing his attention.
He smiled a little as he was gripped tightly and nuzzled her neck and released her hands so she could move a little more and he chuckled as he kissed her again. "good. i'm glad." he whispered, smiling at her. "you know what this means though?" he asked, mischievous glee twinkling in his eyes. "it means we have to get married. because your mind for eternity and you agreed so we have to get married." he admitted, looking so pleased before frowning, looking confused. "what? what is it?" he asked, looking up and freezing, gaping at the creature staring back at him. "...oh crap."
Bailey sighed in pleasure as she wrapoed her arms around him, closing her eyes as she kissed him again. “...What?”She sputtered eyes opening, looking shocked at the idea. Claimed, yes, she got that. But he actually wanted to marry her?Something shy and soft in the look before sighing. “....We;ll get Cas and Dmitri to plan. They’ll enjoy it.”she decided, because all she wanted, was to be his. Looking up at the mermaid staring down at them she winced a little. “Yea....okay.”She sighed hating their moment was being stolen like so many before, by hunting. Before gently pushing him back, “Mermaids hunt men. Wonder if people have started going missing yet...”She muttered slipping out of the cubby, sighing softly. Straightening her skirt and clothes, looking at him. “Let’s go get the weapons out of the car, we better take care of this.”She said moving towards the door, knowing that it had to be done, and hating it a little, that they just couldn’t have a evening away from bloodshed.
He smiled at her. "it doesn't have to be now of course. we can wait a few weeks, or a couple of years until it's more safe." he assured her. "but i do want to be married to you, desperately." he admitted softly before brightening. "perfect! then we don't have to do anything." he agreed. "you're a genius." he admitted with a smile before groaning. "no.... no hunting... this is a date." he whined. "stupid bitch." he complained, glaring at the mermaid. "you ruined everything." he scolded, shaking his fist at the green skinned creature that was, honestly very ugly. he knew it would open it's mouth and sing though, creating an illustrious image of the person Dean, or any other man, wanted most. he also knew the mermaid would turn into Bailey if it did so, and if that happened the mermaid would fail to ensnare him, because a man that faithful, would always know the mermaid was a fake, and would fail to be pulled under and drowned. "fine. fine. i guess we can't risk it killing someone. how the hell does a mermaid get into an aquarium anyway?" he wondered.
"Oh...well. yes. It'd be better to celebrate later. After the babies are here...and everything settles.bshe said cheered at the idea, and while she wanted to be married to him, the last hour of being claimed and proposed to was nearly to much."I am a genius."she agreed pleased at the praise."I know but do you really want to leave and have her kill someone on our watch?"bailey said sounding equally frustrated with the interrupted date. "They probably pulled her in off a fishing boat, making it their new exhibit. I'd seen signs for something new, but it hadn't said a mermaid."she frowned a little as she got the knives, swords, and their guns. Biting her lip."want me to kill her?I mean, I'm not attracted to her."she said as they headed back in. Not liking their date ruined, or risking her mate in a watery grave
"yeah. once the war is over. it shouldn't' be hard. i already slaughtered Micheal. the others won't be any harder to kill." he promised her. "and i have special plans for some of them." he admitted, being very careful ot to use any names that would upset her subspace. he was going to torture John Winchester, just as Alistair had taught him to do. he was going to make that rat bastard excuse of a father regret ever letting Dean live at all. regret every touching either of them. regret dying himself. oh yes, Dean was going to make John Winchester regret every single thing of his life by the time Dean got through with him. "those idiotic bastards. who puts an unknown sea creature into an exhibit?" he paused to shake his head again. "might even be a mercy, killing her. she's probobly starving. i don't see anything she could eat in there." Mermaids where notorious man eaters, but there where some that didn't much care for humans around and stayed at the bottom of the sea, eating the rotting bodies of fish or other sea creatures that died and where left to spoil. this one couldn't be allowed to remain there, but considering the way she was singing, trying to snare Dean, she was obviously a man eater so they couldn't just take her and put her back in the ocean either. "nah. i got it. she can sing all she wants, for all that she looks identical to you, she's a pale, pathetic imitation. besides, you're still healing." he admitted, sighing as he looked down into the water. "...there are sharks in there..." he mumbled sourly before he sighed, grabbed the dagger and jumped into the water, the Mermaid on him in a flash, thinking he had succumbed to her and screaming in rage when she realized he was trying to stab her.
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