Blood written(lady/moon)

"He totally is. But he let me help him stop. And he's been clean since. I'm so proud of him."she smiled softly, laughing as she realized father and son were sleeping like that. That was just amusing."no they're not....true. I'd forgotten that ....and uh....sammy's secret there. You'll have to ask him if you really want to know."bailey said knowing lisa was probably curious, but probably not enough to ask sam."I know you didnt. But I did when you gave them to md....I should have known better. Not your fault I was stupid enough to read.....and I did....along with numerous other women. Don't worry."she smiled at lisa, though in the books only lisas relationship with dean had shredded her heart to read about."I do...I think....I don't think me and dean have ever had....what you'd call a date. We need one..."she said before looking curious."I know. I hadn't realized he was that upset about it though..."she frowned slightly. Watching lisa go before staring at dean for a long moment before turning to look at the angel as he got out of the caf, simply to see him get flustered as he followed the others into the bunker."I don't believe you."she smiled at hkm, "who were you really molesting?I promise, I won't hold it against you if you say Scarlett Johansson."
"that's good. thank god he's clean. i'd hate to have to make him detox with all this stuff going on." Lisa admitted, shaking her head. "remind me to ht Sam too." she huffed. "well... admit it, you're glad to know and that you don't have to speak to Dean about it." Dmitri said, offering her a smile via the rear view mirror. "yes, well... i certainly gave that bastard chuck a piece of my mind." she admitted with a huff and a scowl. "like i wanted the world to know i had a birthmark... there, and that i... you know?! it's horrifying." Lisa was probobly referring to the rougher sex she liked. "then you're long overdo for one." she agreed with a smile. "he's pretty good at them, i have no idea who taught him because it certainly wasn't me." she admitted. Dean just smirked at her. "well, Johansen was there to be sure but it wasn't me she was touching." he teased, wiggling his eyebrows before frowning, confused "why would i yell at Lisa?" he wondered, remembering what she'd said earlier.
“Yea, I’d hate to do that now to.”She muttered before snorting. “I will.”She agreed before wincing a little, nodding slightly. “Okay. Maybe a bit. If only cause it’d upset him to talk about it.”She said before laughing out loud at lisa’s words, “Hm. Consider how I must feel. I like my sex....rougher”She shrugged, blushing not sure how to say it. Not only that but she liked feeling owned, belonged to dean. Safe and protected. “....probably sam. Sam’s fairly good with dates.”Bailey snickered a little. “.....You are so weird.”She rolled her eyes a little, blushing at the teasing before sighing. “Cause she’s pregnant and you didn’t know.”She sighed softly, resting a hand on his chest. “Don’t upset her more. She’s already had enough upset for the last few days.”She muttered, raising a hand, gently stroking his hair. Knowing she was cheating, but she was going to distract him, let him look forward to something. “We should go on a date to. Even with lucifer out there.....I think we both could use the break.”
"i don't think you could have gotten him to talk about some of it. i know he went on a craze for a bit there where he gathered as many books as he could and burned them. Ben thought it was epic." Lisa admitted with a chuckle before nodding. "you might be right." she agreed. "until he showed up my idea of a date was a flower a bear and some pizza." she admitted. "Dean blew all of that right out of the water. it's terrible because now i have standards!" she grumbled, shaking her head.

"i am a little bit weird." he agreed with an impish grin before frowning a little. "i won't yell at Lisa." he promised. "is she really that worried i'm going to be upset with her? i understand why she did it..." he admitted. "i wasn't... i would have wanted to stay with her. i would have given up everything i loved for her... i would have been miserable and she knew it..." he smiled, beaming at her. "i've already got a date set up! i planned it all!" he promised her, looking so very pleased with himself.
“....Did he seriously?That’s amazing. And amusing.”Bailey giggled a little before snorting a little. “Now that, sounds like a good date. You mean that wont be what we do?”She frowned a little before snickering. “Yea, I could see where that’s terrible.”

“You are.”She agreed before smiling a little. “Yea. We know you. You have a temper, and even if you understand, yelling....well. Okay. She’s more worried about you hovering over here then being yelled at.”She smiled at him softly, before laughing softly at how pleased he looked. “Well. Lisa said you were good at date planning, so I’ll look forward to it. Never been on a real date....I mean....”She flushed realizing what she’d admitted. That she hadn’t dated while they were apart. Having rarely found anyone interesting enough to even try, and having only had sex once while they were apart, and it had sucked so badly, that she’d simply stayed alone.
"no. that's not what you'll do. considering he's a recovering alcoholic it would just be mean to drink a beer in front of him." she teased with a smile. "he'll have something much better panned." she admitted before smirking at Bailey. "i'm pretty sure it's not nice to be sarcastic to the woman carrying your baby." she huffed playfully.

"i won't yell." he promised before sulking. "she's pregnant. she needs to be taken care of.." he glanced at the house. "though, i think Bruce and Cas have that covered." he admitted, sounding so very amused because peering through the window he could see Bruce pouring her some coffee and Cs hovering, making sure the pregnant woman was comfortable. "i am good at date planning." he agreed before looking ten times as smug at the realization that he was a 'first date'. "lets go inside before Lisa kills the boys, yeah? Dmitri and Sam are even getting in on it now..." he scowled a little. "that is odd. she's just pregnant after all. she'll need some help but they act as if she's dying."
“....Well. True. Okay, maybe lemonade and pizza then.”She said snickering a little before looking a little dazed, wondering just what dean had planned, before snorting. “I’m not overly nice. To much time spent in dean’s company.”She giggled a little.

“Good. And you can take care of her. Just don’t hover to much.”Bailey said smiling a little before twisting to glance into the living room, snorting at the sight. “Yea, I think they have it covered.”She agreed before wincing at how smug he looked. “Don’t look so smug. It’s not like you had a lot of competition to be the best date now.”she grumbled embarassed now, before nodding, pausing to look at him. Wondering if he’d take it better now, or later. “...She....she is. She’s sick. Cas can slow it down, but not heal it. I....I...”She stuttered a little, looking vaguely worried, and wondering if he was going to try and dump her to take care of lisa. Even after the talk with lisa, the fear of being left behind was to deep. “She’s dying, but not right now, okay?And she wants us to raise the baby. We...we talked on the way home.”She said wincing a little, well aware he was going to yell soon enough, and that there was probably no stopping that.
"i'll do my best." he promised her, he couldn't actually promise not to hover because he couldn't actually promise that, but he could do his best. "they have it more than covered." he agreed with a snicker before smirking at her. "but i get to be your first and that's the best thing ever." he admitted kissing her gently before taking a sharp gasp, reeling backwards. "w..what!? but... but... no..." he protested, shaking his head. "she can't be sick. that's not... Cas can heal anything." he protested. "i can't... i need her... she's, shes who i talk to when i can't..." Lisa was very nearly his best friend. when he needed help understanding his emotions, she was who he went to. when he needed to bitch about Cas, or Sam, or even Bailey, he went to Lisa. she was his confidant. his rock, she was, until Bailey, the only reason he hadn't cut too deep. "she's... she's not dying! i won't let her!" he growled. "i'll... i'll find a deal!" he decided. "there must be something Demon's want other than souls right? there has to be something..." which was comforting at least. he'd give up his soul for bailey in a heartbeat. no hesitation in the least. he was upset yes, but somehow, Bailey was still more important to him.
“That’s all I can ask.”She smiled, well aware that he was going to hover, over them both probably. “....Don’t look so smug.”She grumbled a little kissing him back before wincing. “Cas is good. And he can almost heal anything. He’s slowing it down. Might eventually figure out how to heal it. But for now...”She shrugged a little, sighing softly knowing she really couldn’t make him feel better. “She’ll still be here. She’s staying with us. We’re not losing her yet.”She promised resting a hand on his chest, leaning into him a little before wincing at the idea of a deal, before calming as she realized he wasn’t going to deal with his soul. Not even for lisa, would she had let him do that. Not for lisa, and especially not for herself. “We’ll ask crowley.”She said hugging him, before shoving him gently towards the door. “Come on. Go talk to her.”She said, calm for the moment. Being strong because he needed her to be, and that she’d be okay with watching them together. She could be strong for him.
Dean smiled at her. "i can be as smug as i want to. i'm a demon, i'm allowed." he huffed playfully before grimacing because he knew, in theory, that the only time an Angel couldn't heal something was either because it was already dead, or because the body was attacking itself. meaning Lisa had some form of autoimmune disease and that, at the best, one of her organs was dying or already dead. "...i'm... i need to...." he swallowed thickly. "did... did she say how long she has?" he asked hoarsely, letting her lead him inside. "yeah. we'll ask Crowley." he mumbled before staggering over to Lisa. he didn't bother talking to her, he just gathered her into his arms and held her tightly, ignoring her protests. he just had to hold her because who knew how long he was going to be able to.
“Nope. No smugness allowed.”She grumbled playfully, before sighing softly. Hating that she couldn’t fix this for him. “A few years?Probably longer now, if Cas is healing the damage even as it happens.”She muttered sighing softly. Watching him go to lisa, smiling softly as she watched before settling in at the table to watch over him and talk with cas and crowley as the two were currently reading books. Knowing that cas at least, preferred research when he didn’t know what else to do. Smiling quietly as she settled in with them, simply reading dmitri’s book, because she couldn’t do anything else.

It wasn’t until the next afternoon that she went looking for dean, leaning against the door for a moment watching him snuggle lisa as he slept. Ignoring the pang that hit her at the sight of her mate looking so comfortable with someone else.”Dean?”She called quietly, not wanting to startle him awake, stepping inside when he stirred. “Sammy said come in, wake you two up. He’s got lunch done, and said to say if you didn’t get up to help him finish, he was gonna let Cas help him cook.”She muttered having left them alone, let them sleep through breakfast because it was obvious they both needed sleep. But she knew they needed food to. So she’d wake them up, and make sure they were okay.
"so she'll live long enough to help us with the baby, which is great because i'm going to be a god aweful father..." he admitted, shaking his head before snuggling Lisa. he hadn't expected to fall asleep.

"...uuhm?" Dean asked, sounding so sluggish and sleepy. "wheres-it?" he asked, blinking at Lisa, looking so confused you just knew he had absolutely no recollection of following her to bed. he had likely meant to tuck her in, and must have fallen asleep trying to coax her to sleep. "mmm. No. Cas don' cook." Dean slurred, struggling to sit up and rubbed his eyes. he'd slept far too long and far too heavy to just wake up. "mmm...." Lisa whined, not wanting to wake up either. Dean was already staggering for the bathroom though to go pee and splash some water on his face to wake up a bit before Cas actually decided to clean.
“Yes. And you wont be horrible.”She huffed a little rolling her eyes a little.

“Lisa’s bedroom. You fell asleep. Seems you’ve been doing to much for to long. You slept. Tried waking you up, but....”Bailey trailed off, smiling softly as she eased down onto the edge of the bed, gently stroking his hair. “Hm, I know. But Sammy thinks he can teach him. Said something about hamburgers and fries.”She teased a little, simply coaxing him awake, not demanding he get up. “Afternoon, Lisa.”Baiely said smiling, easing back enough to let Dean up, looking amused as she helped lisa wake up more. Snickering as she heard dean heading for the kitchen. “Dean!I made a hamburger.”Cas said looking pleased with himself as he set the slightly burned burger onto the plate, lunch was definitely served.
"oh... i didn't mean to do that." he admitted sluggishly before smiling sheepishly. "i think i exhausted myself more than i thought i did." he admitted, shaking his head before looking quite panicked as he realized she wasn't joking and Cas was actually cooking. he was up and out the door pretty damn quickly after that. "afternoon." Lisa mumbled, shaking her head, trying to clear the foggies. "...aaaw.. i thought that was Bruce." she grumbled, sulking at the space where Dean had been. "that's... uhm... that's great... Cas." Dean agreed, staring at the burnt burger and decided to take one for the team by eating it himself less he tried to foist the half done, yet burnt burger on his pregnant friend or worse, his exhausted mate. he was surprised to find that he actually liked the burnt outside and almost raw inside and found himself asking Cas for another one.
“Yes, I figured. And it wasn’t worth moving you, when you growled at us when we got to close.”She teased a little before laughing out loud when dean realized she wasn’t kidding about cas cooking. “I’m sure he would have cuddled you, if dean hadn’t sounded like a pissed off poodle anytime we looked in on you two.”Bailey smickered before smiling as she helped lisa up and headed for the kitchen with the other. “It is. Sam thinks I can learn more.”Cas smiled happily quite pleased at being able to get him another hamburger. “I thought you didn’t like cas’ cooking.”Bailey muttered to dean as she settled in to eat, looking amused as she eyed her mate. Looking pleased that he looked better now that he had slept, and was eating.
"i'm sorry..." he apologized. "i thought she was... uhm, you..." he admitted sheepishly before racing after Cas to stop him from ruining dinner. "i'm sure." she agreed "he is proper handsome isn't he? Bruce i mean." she asked with a grin. "a poodle? really? that's hilarious." she admitted, shaking her head. "i think you need to make sure you get really good before you try to feed the mortals Cas because while i think this burger is fantastic, it could make a normal person sick." he pointed out. "much better than your previous attempts though." he praised before shrugging. "i like the burnt bloody taste... think it has something to do with me being a Demon?" he wondered even as he bit into the second burger, a line of red leaking down the side of his chin.
“It’s okay. It was sorta adorable. And so Sam figured, since that’s the only time he’s ever gotten growled at.”Bailey snickered a little. “Hm, he is.”Bailey smiled at the woman, before nodding. “Yes, a curly haired, fluffy poodle. He doesn’t get to be a manly dog.”Bailey smirked a little. “...I will.”Cas said looking thoughtful, before snorting a little. “Yes. It does. You’ll probably like your steaks a little rarer then you did before to.”Cas said tilting his head a little. “Urgh....”Bailey made a face at the red leaking, even as she settled in to eat her well done burger, “So glad I’m not pregnant. Crap like that would have made me sick.”She said making a face, though she looked vaguely amused. Settled, simply happy to be with them, even if she was fidgety some, to long between drops, and to much emotionally traumatizing things happening in the time. Having locked away the emotions she felt about lucifer probably looking for revenge, she totally didn’t want to think about that, simply focusing on this. “We’ll teach him to cook better. Well. You will. You’re the better cook.”Sam snickered a little as he considered his brother
"Dean is always adorable." Lisa pointed out with a chuckle before sniggering a little at the idea of Dean being a fluffy puppy like a poodle. "hmm... rare steak sounds fantastic." Dean admitted, licking hs lips as he bit into his hamburger again. "he's going to be fairly hungry for a while, while his body adjusts and then he won't have to eat at all unless he uses too much energy." Crowley admitted as he watched them, looking very smug because he had sucked Cas off that morning in revenge for the naughty thoughts he ha sent while they where on the road. "raw or warmed meat will be something he favores when he does eat... and pie too I'd imagine." the Demon admitted with a chuckle. "sorry." Dean said, swallowing and looking sheepishly at the nauseated Lisa who was, indeed looking very green around the gills. "i am the better cook." Dean agreed, polishing off the last of his half raw burger and reached for another, more properly done burger so he'd stop making Lisa sick before he nudged Bailey. "so... i as thinking... maybe a date?" he offered her. "tonight? i was gonna take you on it but then the snow and Micheal happened." he admitted, fidgeting a little. "and i really wanna go on a date with you if.. if you'd be okay with that?"
“He wont eat as much once he adjusts. Probably every few days.”Cas said knowing dean wouldn’t have to eat, but his energy would flag if he didn’t. So the demon king would probably eat every few days, simply because he knew Dean wouldn’t deny himself the taste of food forever. Especially when Bailey, despite being his bonded, was still mostly human and would need to eat. He’d eat simply to keep her from feeling weird. And dean was dean, he loved food. Cas sighed softly rolling his eyes at how smug crowley looked, well aware that both of them were going to be in trouble when bailey and dean discovered that they hadn’t told them the whole truth, but for now, keeping silent because the two were still adjusting to being together, and cas knew bailey was still working on what lucifer had done to her. She didn’t need to know what else was waiting for them to. “Pie is always a important thing. I think it’s the first thing Dean tried to feed me, actually.”The angel said. “Dean feeds everyone pie.”

Bailey snorted a little. Looking pleased when dean settled for more cooked food, before looking at her mate, tilting her head a little. “Yea, we said we were going on a date.”She muttered blushing a little, nodding. “Okay. Yes. A date tonight would be nice.”she said, “Y-you’ll tell Sam and the others where we’re going right?Just in case...” “I’m a prayer away, bailey. I promise. If something happens. But it wont. Enjoy your evening. Really.”Cas promised, sympathy in his features as he realized that she hadn’t enjoyed not being behind the wards. That she was still terrified to go out. The fact that she had agreed, was trusting dean to look after her on his own, said just how much she loved and trusted him. “Okay then. Yes. Let’s go.”She said smiling at dean, leaning over to kiss him lightly, smirking. “Though, I don’t put out on first dates, so you’re shit out of luck.”She teased.
"Food is awesome." Dean mumbled around his third burger making Crowley snort. every few days? more like every few hours. there was a reason why Demon's went for the restaurants the first thing when they possessed someone. he was going to have to casually mention a devils trap on the fridge to Sam when it became a problem. and it was going to be a problem. "yes. Pie." Dean agreed, looking at the oven hopefully, wondering if maybe there was a pie in there hiding from him? he was too busy stuffing his face with a fourth hamburger to care now.

"You'll ave fun." Dean promised hr with a smile. "and yes. i'll even let Cas, Crowley and Bruce track us so they're just a thought away." he promised. "it will be okay." he promised again, gently taking her hand. "i won't let anything happen to you." he promised before huffing. "that's not fair!" he whined, looking amused. "Men only put so much effort into dates because they know it's going to get them laid." he teased, shaking his head. "by the end of this date you'll want to jump my bones i'm sure." he assured her with a grin. "i'm super romantic you know."
Cas muffled his laughter as he watched Dean, sharing a glance with his lover. Yea, okay, so crowley was right. They were going to have a starving dean eating all the time. “I’ll make pie while your out tonight.”Sam said rolling his eyes a little at dean’s look.

“Awesome. I know you wont. You always look after me.”She muttered squeezing his hand back, sighing softly before snickering. “Oh?Is that why you’re taking me on a date? Promises of sex?”She said rolling her eyes a little as she shifted, snuggling into his side as she finished eating, “You’re that sure?I don’t think I like being a sure thing.”She huffed a little. “Are you?” “When he wants to be. Most of the time, it’s sex near or in the impala counts as a date. But he can be romantic. Sometimes.”Sam said snickering a little well aware that bailey was going to be twitchy and jealous over the idea of anyone touching the impala. “...Are you done eating?”Bailey said eyeing dean’s plate. probably a good thing his date wouldn't include dinner, she had a feeling he was going to be full for awhile.
"you better make me pie." he grumbled before smirking at Bailey. "no. i'm taking you on a date because you deserve one." he admitted with a smile, wrapping an arm around her, holding her as he scarfed down another hamburger. "yeah. i'm that sure. shut up Sm, the only person i ever touched in that Impala was Anna and i was severely mentally and emotionally compromised at the time so it doesn't count." he huffed, shaking his head. "besides, i haven't been on a date since Lisa." he pointed out. "which you weren't there for, so what do you know about me and dates?" Dean demanded of Sam, sulking. "yes. i'm done eating." he decided, scraping up the last bit of fries and scarfed them down as well before smiling at her. "make sure to wear tennies. you won't ant sandals or heels." he warned with a smile.
“I will.”Sam promised. “I do deserve one. We both do.”She muttered looking amused as she leaned into him, before huffing at dean’s words, rolling her eyes, but not protesting. “Okay, so it doesn’t count.”Sam snorted amused, before smirking a little. “You taught Cas how to have a romantic date. Which he then proceeded to tell me about, just to make sure I knew what a romantic date was supposed to be like.”Sam smirked a little, well aware that dean had showed him for a date that hadn’t turned out to be a date, and cas had only said something to him to get advice on making sure he never messed up and ended up babysitting rather then going on a date ever again. He might tease his brother, but he did agree with him, dean could do romance when he wanted to. “Okay. I’ll go find a outfit then.”She said smiling as she headed off to get dressed. Deciding on comfy clothes, considering he’d told her to wear tennis shoes, but she could still be sexy to. The comfortable blue dress shirt, that covered all the scars that bailey was still self conscious about, the short pleated skirt showed off long strong legs, with the slightly dressed well taken care of black tennis shoes completing the outfit. While she was probably a little overdressed, she was comfortable, dressy without over doing it, sexy. Needing the confidence boost to go out in public, even if what lucifer and john had done was covered, she was going to take comfort in dean’s reaction to the outfit. Stepping out of their room she smirked at him as she slipped on her tennis shoes, “Ready to go?”
"yes we do." Dean agreed with a smile before nodding. "that's right! it doesn't count." he agreed with a sniff before sticking his tongue out at Sam. "it was the perfect idea for a date for Cas." he protested, and indeed Dean truly thought Cas taking Crowley to a strip joint would be perfect. and hilarious. of course, that wasn't the incident that the other was talking about but he didn't know that. "Jesus Bays." Dean choked, looking like he wanted to pop a boner right then and there. "you look fantastic." he admitted softly, moving over to her and kissing her before grinning. "i am more than ready. are you ready? got your camera? you're going to want it."
Sam rolled his eyes looking amused. “It will be.”He agreed, well aware they were talking about two different things, but the angel didn’t look ready to infer so it was okay. “What?They’re date clothes. I asked lisa.”Bailey flushed a little as she looked at dean, tugging at the edge of the skirt that barely brushed her palms, it was so short, she was going to have to be careful bending down, otherwise she was going to flash him. “Thanks.”She muttered flushing brightly as she wrapped her arms around him, kissing him back before nodding. “Both camera and phone. And you have your phone if we need more cameras.”She said looking interested as she headed for the impala with him, but refraining from demanding to know where they were going for now.
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