Blood written(lady/moon)

“True. And at least there’s no butterfly bandaids for you this time.”Sam teased his brother ever so lightly, “We’ll get them safe. Promise.”Sam said, because he knew they had to. They’d have to.

When they got to the house, Sam was ready to strangle Bailey, or dean. He wasn’t sure if he was ever going to get in the car with either of them either again. Despite the snow that had melted mostly, he was chalking that up to divine intervention, driving with bailey daniels and dean winchester on a normal day was enough to test someone’s nerves, today, their normal rule about speed limits being suggestions, for other people, having set aside to the point that sam hadn’t actually known that classic cars could drive that fast. The fact that they hadn’t wrecked on their way, was something else he was sure had been a bargain made in hell for. It was a little amazing. Climbing out of the car in front of the house he recognized from the last time he’d seen lisa and ben, he glared at the back of bailey’s head as she climbed out of the car. “Stop being a baby, Winchester. It’s not my fault you get carsick.” “I don’t get carsick. When you’re not trying to break the sound barrier.”Sam grumbled, watching bailey as she leaned back against the hood, for all appearances looking like she was calm and collected, and ready to face dean’s ex, and looking like she had no intention from moving from the car. Which totally left dean to deal with why they were here. And telling lisa.
"Dean looked quite amused as he watched Sam stagger out of the car. "you gonna puke?" h asked his brother before blinking when Gabe appeared. "Sorry i'm late. i was getting my balls busted." he admitted, looking at Dmitri. "i came as soon as i got your message." he admitted with a shake of his head. "the Elders don't want me getting involved... i think they're being paid off. again." he admitted with a sigh. "It's going to suck when i have to take my place as the Chief and slaughter them all." Gabe admitted with a shake of his head before looking up at the house. Dean was already up the steps, banging on the door. "Lisa! Ben!" he raged, pausing when Lisa snapped open the door. "Dean? what's going on?" Lisa asked, looking confused, a hand set on the swell of her stomach, blinking when Dean gaped at her stomach, opening and closing his mouth in silent shock. "...well. that's a shock." Crowley mumbled, staring at Lisa. "...why don't you all come in?" Lisa asked, looking confused. "Dean. seriously? are you going to pipe up and tell me what the hell the fuss is all about?"
“...No. Thankfully no.”Sam said though he looked a little green around the gills. “Thanks bruce. It’ll be good having you here.”Bailey smiled looking over at him, frowning. “ can pay off a elder?”She asked looking genuninely curious, and definitely focusing on that rather then what dean was doing. “L-Lisa.”Sam stuttered as he walked up the steps, looking worried, relieved to see she was fine. “My mate has a gift for foresight. And you are about to get attacked, soon. So we came to stop it.”Sam said offering that small puppy dog smile since it seemed dean wasn’t about to gather his wits yet, tense as he could nearly feel the desperate need to run radiating off bailey. The fact that she stayed put rather then run like she wanted, said alot. “...We should go in.”Cas said looking at bailey, heading for the stairs. “Hello, Lisa.”The angel smiled at her slightly. “Can we come in?”the angel said before focusing on her stomach, eyes unfocusing a little as he focused on the children she carried, a small pleased smirk quirking his lips as he did.
"i'll be staying with you for the foreseeable future." Bruce admitted. "My Father has ordered it but i would do it anyway." he admitted with a shrug. "Dmitri is powerful. he is a True Prophet, but unlike the one you knew before, Chuck? Dmitri cannot be trusted in the hands of the Archangels with Sam as his chosen mate. so a Guardian, me, was assigned to him the day he was born." Bruce admitted. "the Elders are supposed to be pure and guardians of the True Balance but every few hundred thousand years or so, they get old and corrupt and the Guardians have to be Cleansed." Bruce admitted. "it's a check system of sorts." he admitted. "the last i heard, they where splitting into two factions. haf the elders want to support Satan and half of them want to support Micheal. problem is, the Guardians are supposed to want them both dead to protect humanity. we are the Guardians of the Human Race and the Balance. the Elders have forgotten that." he admitted. "it won't be long before they are reminded."

"Foresight?" Lisa asked, blinking at him. "Sam right?" she asked with a smile before brightening at Bailey. "and she must be... you found her?" Lisa asked, looking so very delighted. "or she found you i bet. you stubborn dickhead." "Lisa! Ben's mouth is foul enough as it is. look, we all have to go. now." Dean pleaded. "you can scold me for being stubborn later." Dean ordered. "Hello. you're Castiel right?" she asked with a smile. "come on in. Dean? we're not leaving yet." she said firmly before pointing at him. "don't you speak a word Angeldust. i want the sex of the baby to be a secret." she commanded before smiling at Bailey. "come in! come in!" she urged. "i have pie." she admitted, winking at Bailey and motioning her up to the house. "i've been waiting ages to meet you!" she cooed at Bailey, gripping her arm with a giggle. "seriously?! we're about to be attacked and you want to gossip with my mate?" Dean complained, even if he looked amused.
“Good. That’s good....and I wouldn’t trust a archangel with a puppy dog, much less dmitri.”Cas said making a face, amused at the joke, and well aware that sam would never consider trusting a archangel with his mate. “.....That’s....interesting.”And you could see sam piling up the questions, about to go all geeky and question bruce, but for the moment, focusing on the problem at hand.

“Yes. He can paint the future, and yes, it is. Hey lisa. That’s dmitri.”Sam said introducing his mate before laughing out loud. “And yes, that’s her. And don’t ask about their sex life, it’s scarring to us all.”Sam warned, shuddering a little, only saying it because he knew dean would have a conniption, and needed something to focus on rather then simply waiting for the attack. “Well, she tried calling him actually. Or getting her soul mate to do so.”Sam also supplied, amused at dean’s order to focus on something else. “Yes, I am.”Cas tilted his head a little as they walked in, before pausing as he was pointed at. “But-” “Don’t have to guess on that. It’s winchester spawn, winchester’s only have boys.”Bailey said smacking cas in the shoulder a little as she slipped into the room, the look on her face showing she was intently focusing on something besides that baby. Shuddering a little as she was touched, but not jerking away from lisa like she wanted to. Not comfortable with touching, not since she’d gotten back from hell. “Well. There is so much to gossip about.”Bailey said smirking at dean a little as they all settled into the house.
"no. i wouldn't trust the Archangels either. they are taking their orders from Micheal now." Bruce admitted. "they cannot be trusted. Chuck is safe, so that's all that matters since no Archangel is gettng near my charge anyway. they would not dare." he admitted before offering Sam a smile. "you may ask me later." he promised.

"it's a pleasure to meet you Dmitri." Lisa said with a smile before smirking at Sam. "oooh, Kinky sex?" she asked with a grin before snorting. "so in other words, getting Dean to accept his mate was a fight and a half hmm?" she asked, shaking his head. "considering i actually had to kick him out so he'd actually go look for his mate." she admitted. "he was being stubborn." she sighed a little. "and we just, weren't meant for each other." she admitted with a smile before glaring at Castiel. "not. A. Word, it's going to be a surprise and that's that." she said firmly. "and Dean taught me how to punch so if you say a word i'll hit you very hard." she warned before beaming at Bailey. "yes, but i, am not a Winchester." she admitted with a grin. "and until Ben, every single mother in my family gave birth to perfect little girls just like me." she admitted before grinning at Bailey. "there is so much to gossip about, like how much Dean never shut up about you." she admitted, winking at Bailey before leading them all inside and motioned for them all to make themselves at home. "So...uh... you're pregnant..." Dean finally managed to choke out. "oh. well, yes." Lisa admitted with a grin. "i was waiting to tell you until i was sure you where... stable." she admitted to Dean before sighing a little. "i wanted you to be happy and to have you're life sorted out and to have your Mate." she admitted, smiling at Bailey. "i wanted you to be ready for a baby."
“Yes. Very. Baby was involved.”Sam smirked a little, before nodding. “Indeed....”Sam said before turning to look at dean, “And he didn’t look. At all. Hell. I hadn’t even known she was still alive, or that he hadn’t written to her, till she wrote something.”Well. Lucifer wrote something, but same diff. And he was having fun teasing dean, even if he could feel bailey staring at the back of his head. “It’s good to see you lisa.”Sam said hugging her lightly as they moved inside. Glad dean had had her. “....Fine. Not a word. I promise.”Cas smiled looking amused. “Ah. Well. Girls it is.”Bailey said sounding vaguely like she was being strangled as she settled down into a recliner, giving dean no other options but not to sit with her, not feeling up to dealing with this. Not when she knew dean was going to walk away now. After all, he’d said it himself, if he’d known about justice, he would have left for her. Well. Now he had another child on the way, one who needed him. She’d just have to trust him and lisa would be good. Closing her eyes, her stability she’d gotten from the drop the night before quickly slipping away. It hurt, knowing lisa would be everything she couldn’t be anymore, for him. “She’s looking good pregnant.”cas said slowly, watching bailey’s face, even if he was more paying attention to the things going on outside, keeping a eye out for anything coming, even if he was trying to decide just how badly this was going to screw with dean and bailey. wondering if the true problem of this, wasn't going to be whatever attacked, but whatever damage it did to them
Dean flinched when Lisa leveled a glare at him. "i told you, to go look for her!" he complained, scowling at him. "you're such a little bitch Dean." Lisa complained, shaking her head. "well. she found out anyway and she seams to be sticking around despite you being a disk shit." "god you've gotten a filthy mouth since i was last here." Dean grumbled, flushing brightly because he could feel Bailey staring at him. "damn straight not a word." Lisa huffed before smiling at Bailey. "i know this must be hard for you." she admitted softly. "if it would be okay with you, i'd like to talk to you later... you know, in private if that's okay?" Lisa asked softly. "she's looking... fat." Dean admitted, yelping when Lisa punched him. "that hurts dammit!" Dean complained. "you called me fat you insensitive bastard!" Lisa huffed. "what? you are. i don't remember you being this big with Ben in the pictures." Dean admitted, frowning a little before looking rather pathetically at Bailey before settling down at the couch. "so what comes after me?" Lisa asked softly. "i... i don't know." Dmitri admitted softly. "it's a high powered Demon or angel of some kind." he admitted. "they are the only ones who can block themselves like that from my visions." he admitted. "it has to be an angel or a demon of some sort." Dmitri admitted. "ad they'll be here fairly soon too i think." he admitted softly. "after Ben get's home but before nightfall."
“Well he didn’t. And it’s okay. Really. We were both avoiding each other.”Bailey shrugged a little, because there was reasons they’d avoided each other for so long. And faced with lisa, she didn’t want to look to closely at those. “Did you ever consider it’s because she spent time with you she has a dirty mouth?”cas asked looking way to amused for dean’s sanity. Cas amused was a dangerous thing. Bailey cracked a eye to look at lisa, shrugging a little. “Whatever. It’s fine. Might want to dean though instead. He’s the talkitive one of us two.”Which meant bailey was feeling even more out of sorts then normal and was getting ready to throw the door shut and lock the door on her emotions. “You don’t call pregnant women fat. Especially if you are responsible for said pregnancy.”Sam said smirking at dean a little. Bailey flinched a little at dean’s words, she’d been huge with justice, and just starting to show on the last pregnancy. Feeling dean’s words like salt in a open wound, she rolled her eyes. “He is sorta a insensitive jerk.”She agreed from her chair, ignoring the pathetic look, and figuring he’d get settled with lisa soon enough. “Which should be in about a hour, right?School.”Sam said frowning a little as he glanced at his watch, fidgety now that they were here, though he was lookign around, enjoying seeing a look into dean’s life here, even if he was fairly certain it was getting to both dean and bailey. Frowning a little as he watched bailey’s hands, bemused at watching her doodle on her palms, even if he couldn’t see what she was writing.
"well you where both stupid." Lisa scoffed, giving both Bailey and Dean a scowl now. "i'm pretty sure it wasn't me, considering she actually held me down and washed my mouth out with soap." he pointed out. "...really? she did? that's super epic." Dmitri admitted, looking like Lisa was his new superhero."i don't want Dean, i want you." Lisa admitted with a small smile to Bailey. "there's, should know." she admitted to the woman. "i never said Dean was the daddy." Lia teased before sighing when Dean's face fell. "it is though... and Ben too." she admitted, making Dean choke. " said that..." "i lied." Lisa admitted with a sigh. "I worried, at first that you would tke him away. i was going to tell you later but you... had someone better for you." Lisa explained softly. "i knew you would leave. you had to. i wanted you to be happy." she admitted with a smile. "i wanted you to be, you know? whole." "...i guess that makes sense." Dean admitted, smiling a little. "i do feel whole."Dean admitted, smiling at Bailey before he scowled. "Lisa? seriously though, you're acting..." "...i'm fine. i'm just, tired."Lisa admitted with a sigh. "Lisa...are you alright?"Dean asked,worried. "i'm fine. Dean. Dammit." she said, glaring at him. " you're not." Dean said softly. "Lisa... what's wrong...?" he demanded, Bruce setting a hand Dean silenced him. "...yeah...priorities. right." Dean agreed. "it's Friday right? no football tonight so about an hour." Dean agreed, smiling as he stroked the drawings slowly starting to appear on his hands.
Bailey winced a little at that. “He’s stupider.”She grumbled making a face, not wanting to talk about why they avoided each other. “...Really?”Cas looked amused at the idea of dean getting his mouth washed out. That was awesome. Bailey frowned a little, “....Okay. We can talk.”She muttered not looking to sure about that, before wincing as dean’s face fell. “I think Cas would have pointed out if you weren’t the dad.”She reminded him before flinching at the admittance dean already had this family already waiting for him, ben and now the new baby...swallowing hard as she stared down. “....”Cas tilted his head, considering lisa. “We’ll look after her, dean.”The angel promised. “Yea, it’s Friday.”Bailey muttered absently drawing the enochian letters cas had taught her, not really realizing she was writing ‘mine, stay away’ over and over, simply trailing the words together. Nervous and hating to wait. Waiting sucked.
"he is stupider." Lisa agreed, not even bothering to think about it. she just knew. "oh yes. he wouldn't stop cursing in front of Ben. i was...bendy." she admitted with a smirk. "and had the leverage on him and he didn't really want to hurt me so i had the advantage." she admitted with a smile before shrugging. "so Ben is mine... and this baby is mine. and you didn't want to tell me until i met my mate and had a stable life because... why?!" Dean demanded of Lisa who leveled a scowl at him. "that will be for you to wait and find out." she informed him. she had already told Ben and he was ready. Ben didn't like it, but there was nothing they could do. He wouldn't say anything until she did, so she was safe there. Dean smiled at the lettering. Cas had been teaching him too so he knew what the letters meant and he uncapped a pen and drew the Enochian lettering for 'always' and 'forever' along with what she was making.
“Oh that’s right. You teach yoga don’t you?”Sam said looking amused and interested, snickering slightly at the idea of dean getting beat by a girl. “...I’m sure that she has a reason, and that it doesn’t need to be now, in the middle of what’s going to be a attack.”Cas said calmly, watching them. “....”Bailey frowned a little at her hand before shrugging, uncurling from the seat. “I’m going to get something to drink.”She muttered heading into the kitchen, definitely taking her time looking for something to drink, and maybe something to snack on, anything to avoid going back in that room.
"i do teach Yoga. i'm a master." she admitted with a smile. "been doing it all my life." she admitted before smiling at Cas because she had a feeling that he knew. he knew very much what was happening. "that's right. we should get prepared. salt, demon traps, holy oil. the works." Lisa suggested. "i keep supplies." she admitted. "Ben keeps it stocked for me." she admitted. "i wasn't sure how to get Holy Oil though." she admitted. "so i got Bobby." she admitted. "he got some for me." she admitted and Dean frowned. "i don't remember leaving you his number." "you didn't." she admitted with a grin, making Dean chuckle. "Your a spitfire Lisa." he agreed with a smile. "in the basement right?" he asked with a smile. "yes." she admitted, watching Dean head downstairs while Lisa followed Bailey, gently touching her shoulder. "Bailey, right?" she asked with a smile. "i know this must be hard for you." she admitted softly. "Dean is... i love him. but not the way you think i do." she admitted. "me and Dean. we where the high school crush. really." she admitted with a smile. "you're the one who has always made him the happiest. he always talked about you, you know."Lisa admitted with a smile. "The Bailey. his Spark Plug. he always told me you where his 'little sister' but i knew better." she admitted, smiling at her. "i need you to take care of him." she admitted. "because... i'm sick, and when Dean finds out, he'll never forgive himself for leaving me, even if i was the one who made him leave, because i saw what he never did. tht me and him? would never be happy. oh we would have been content i suppose... but we always... he, would always be missing that piece of him." she admitted. "so you have to stay with him okay? not because you're destined or such shit... but because you're the only person who has ever made him smile with that soppy, sappy little smile."
“We’ll get it.”Sam said following after dean, snickering at dean’s words. “I think she’d make a better researcher then you, Dee.”He teased his brother sounding amused as they started laying the wards and traps. They’d lock down the house. “...”Bailey tensed turning to look at the woman as her shoulder was touched, twitching away. “Yes. Bailey Daniels.”She said smiling a little before frowning a little, staring down before shaking her head. “I...He doesn’t. We were...”She stuttered stopping. Struggling to find the words to tell Lisa she was wrong, that bailey couldn’t be what dean needed. With john’s abuse, justice’s death, and what lucifer did to her in her past, she wasn’t what he needed anymore. Frowning a little at her words. “....Cas can fix sickness. Usually. We’ll look after you. Cause Dean needs you to be okay.”Bailey frowned a little. Not pressing, but knowing the angel was good. “I’m not good for him anymore, Lisa. Not really.”She muttered her hand rubbing over the hellhound scar at her palm, twitchy and worried, opening her mouth to explain why, to finally tell someone else who’d understand just what the scars on her soul were, that could help her convince dean to leave, to do what was best for him. But jerking her head up as she heard the glass shatter,already moving pushing lisa to the floor even as she cradled the smaller woman against her taller frame, cushioning the push even as she laid across her, feeling the angel blade bite into her back, vision spiking black as the poison on the blade hit her system as she heard cas flash into the room, his blade thrusting michael’s up. The two angels slamming into the living room with a thunderous crash as the two angels tried to kill each other. Bailey stayed right where she was, though she was bleeding out, and starting to black out, she stayed curled up on top of lisa as best as she could, knowing dean needed her to. She might be dean’s mate, but she knew he needed lisa.
"Sammie? i think you already know she's a better researcher." Dean admitted with a chuckle before heading out. "well it's nice to meet you. i'm Lisa. Lisa Braeden." she said before smiling at Bailey. "oh sweetie. this can't be fixed." she admitted softly. "if it could be, Castiel would be in there already, pushing his angel mojo on me without a care about personal space." she pointed out. "Dean needs me to be okay, yes but he'll get over me." she promised Bailey. "he'll be okay, so long as he has you." she promised. "you're everything he will ever need Bailey." she promised. "he loves you, he's always loved you and he will always love you and that is the truth." she admitted with a smile. "Bailey, listen to me, i..." she screamed as she felt glass spreading across her skin, slicing into her back an the back of her head. she felt herself going blank even as the panic of realizing that her blood was spreading. others could gt infected. she looked up, feeling shocked, stunned when a tall man with a gaunt face stepped in, wearing a black suit and carrying a cane. Dean was racing up the stairs and the last thing Lisa heard was Dean's furious, raging incoherent screaming as he took in what was happening. there was no words to describe what happened. Dean went into a furious rage, snarling as he leaped onto Micheal and with a thrust of his hands, tore him out of his vessel.... and then tore his wings, all six of them, from his back. a bright, vivid golden white light, that was screaming as dark, shadows clung violently to it, tearing off pieces of it and flinging it all over the house, splatters of golden paint like substance splattering over the walls and across the floor until there was nothing left but the fine golden spray of angel blood and what was left, the lingering remains, of Micheal's soul.
“....True. Even if dean tells him, he can’t quite figure out personal space. “Bailey muttered looking amused before frowning slightly. Considering that as she absently watched her hand, watched the enochian spread across her palm, half wondering if dean was writing simply because he was nervous. Curious because he’d gone so very long without writing anything, that suddenly seeing writing, confused her. “....I don’t...”She muttered considering her words, though it was starting to get to her a bit. “S-sorry.”Bailey whispered, hearing lisa’s scream, shifting, pressing her closer to her, trying to not black out, knowing lisa needed her to stay awake and aware. “....I’m vaguely disturbed that he did this to a angel.....”Cas muttered as he stepped through the blood, nudging the pieces of the body, more disturbed to see a angel like this then he’d ever want to admit to. “Dean!”He yelled, tensing, ready to leave if Dean attacked him. Paling a little because he could see the man standing over the women in the kitchen. “Dean. Bailey and Lisa need attention.”Cas said already moving into the kitchen, ignoring death for the moment as he gently moved bailey away, starting to look her over, soon blood was coating his hands, as he started to heal her before stopping. Paling as he realized the bleeding was doing her a favor, as well as killing her. It was getting the blood out of her system. “You can’t have her.”Cas snarled at death, even as sam knelt near lisa, starting to take care of the bleeding on the pregnant woman, and making sure that bailey had sustained the worst damage when she protected lisa. just like dmitri had seen. but they could heal her. they would.
"Why are you so disturbed? you saw what we all saw." Bruce muttered. and indeed they had. the humans in the room hadn't been able to handle it. the bright light, the sucking darkness. Dean's 'true form' as it where, was rather glorious. six black wings that sprouted from his back in a fan, almost exactly the same size as Micheal's. maybe a little bigger. and beautiful. so, so beautiful Crowley had burst into tears at the sight of him. more beautiful than any Angel. "You are o surprised that Dean would do this to protect his mate?" Crowley asked Cas. "you know, who Dean is now... can you truly claim to be so surprised? what i don't understand, is where did the Grace go?" Crowley wondered. "it normally lingers for a while, doesn't it? we could have kept it, for emergencies." Bruce mused, watching Cas move into the kitchen, Dean still busy ripping apart the last little bits of Micheal.

"I did not come for Her." Death said calmly, turning to look Cas dead in the eye. "She is his Life Mate. his forever. i could take her, i suppose, but she would only come back."he admitted. "no. i am here for the soul of that brat Micheal. it is more than time for him to pass on." Death admitted. "Lucifer, will not be happy. not, happy at all." but he sounded quite pleased by the idea of Lucifer being unhappy as he moved into the room and set a hand on Dean's shoulder. "he is Dead, now Dean. you must let me have him now." "...Death?" "indeed." "...Bailey?" "she needs you. go to her." Death suggested, Dean dropping what was left of Micheal and raced into the kitchen, snarling at Cas for bing too close before smelling the poison lingering on Bailey and lowered his head without thinking and started licking her wounds clean of the poison. more than that, he licked out any of Lisa's blood that might have infected her. though, it wasn't hard since the virus was too weak in Bailey's system to actually do anything. medication would have done the same thing. "Cas..." Lisa mumbled, gasping when Brce carefully picked her up and comforted her, carrying her off to bed while Ben, who had actually skipped last class and had been hiding under his bed with his DS, slid sheepishly down the stairs to see what all the fuss was about.
"Watching a angel get ripped apart is disturbing to me, even if I didn't like the angel, or its not my body being ripped apart."cas muttered making a face. He still had tears drying on his face at the sight. Shaking his head, because he wasn't surprised at dean's reaction. Really, he was only surprised that he hadn't gone looking for lucifer yet. "Good qu...."Cas frowned a little. Thinking it over."it usually linvers. Unless Michael Had Used It Completely IN Trying To Save Himself or it found a vessel it liked."cas frowned as he considered the likelihood of that happening, not interrupting dean because he knew it would useless to try and tell him just yet that Michael was dead.

"Good."cas muttered relieved at the horsemans words though he still looked concerned as he tried to stop the bleeding. "No, no lucifer won't be happy. But then, he doesn't have mu h time left e8ther, I think."sam said as he helped cas doctor the girls, well aware the former archangel was on dean's list of people he was going to kill. "She's yours...we were helping."cas said even as he eased away from bailey, having no desire to provoke dean any more then he already was."hey lisa. Your okay."cas promised as he made sure everyone else was safe to, glad to see sam already washing the blood off his hands as bruce toOK lisa upstairs. "....kid..."bailey swam back to consciousness just as ben walked into the kitchen frowning a little as she considered dean's son. "You better put her in bed to. They both need rest before we can go dean."sam said watching his brother concerned for him. And wondering just what in the world was going on now, but not questioning the angel or demon just yet.
"well its not like i enjoyed seeing it either." Crowley admitted, sighing. "we should see about cleaning this up. this much blood... it could infect the humans and while i know what demon blood does to them, i haven't a clue what Angel Blood would do." he admitted, shaking his head. "lingers.... but perhaps Dean... you know... ate it?" Bruce asked, examining the scene. he'd never seen anything like this and the rest of the Guardians hadn't either. they where mentally connected at the moment, all of them sharing this experience and hundreds of billions of years of knowledge. every last one of the elders wanted him to kill Dean. he was laughing in their faces and urging them to go ahead and try first and warning them that if they continued on their course of action against humanity, they would be put to the death for their failure to uphold the Balance. they had been quiet for some time now while the rest of the twenty some odd guardians discussed what this might mean for humanity. Bruce was convinced Dean wouldn't do anything at all to humanity, not really. he'd just sit back and handle the demons and be happy for once in his life.

"Lucifer's time is running out. he is becoming desperate. he will do anything to avenge his brother. silly, stupid child." Death huffed, shaking his head. "Mine." Dean growled, glancing at Lisa to make sure she was okay even as he tended to Bailey, licking out her wounds and tasting the taint of poison and disease and mistaking both as Micheal's work. "yes. Ben's here. apparently skipping class again." Dean chastised, scowling at Ben who winced. "it's alright Sparkplug. i have you." Dean whispered, stroking her hair as he licked the last wounds clean, letting his demonic, er, taint, seep into her to kick start the healing. instinctively, he knew it would not hurt her the way it would a normal person. "Sam." Dmitri said, gently taking his lovers hand and offered him a smile. "it's okay. everything's going to be just fine." she promised.
"I know...just wings...."Cas muttered with a near whimper. That's what really bothered him, was seeing wings that torn apart, when he'd once been robbed of them, it hurt to see anyone's wings like that." know. I have no idea what angel blood would do to a human...though we should make sure dean didn't swallow any, it'll probably make him sick."cas frowned before looking thoughtful. Dean might have, but being a demon, it didn't seem likely.

"Yes she's yours."cas said smiling a little, looking amused as bailey stirred at dean's licking, even unconscious she responded to him."we'll tell lisa...skipping is bad..."bailey muttered at dean's words, calming with the knowledge that dean was there, that he had her. Watching dean head upstairs with bailey, sam smiled at dmitri."you know what...j think your right. We'll be okay."and he was going to find out what was going on with dean if he had to beat it out of cas.

In the morning bailey sighed softly frowning in confusion as she turned her head to look at the man cuddled up against her back, reaching out to gently brush his hair back. He needed a haircut."dean?"she muttered confused on why he was with her in the guest room rather thrn with lisa, and even more amazed he hadn't tucked them all in the cars and headed for the safety of the bunkers. She probably had cas and sam to thank for getting to sleep in a bwd. Feeling confused at how good she felt, considering she was fairly certain she'd been hurt
Crowley gently took Cas's hand, offering him as much comfort as he could. "i know. Dean didn't men to frighten or upset you, he just went after the most exposed part of Micheal. it could have been an arm,a leg or head if Micheal hadn't tried to run coward and turned his back to Dean." he knew he wasn't being as comforting as he meant to be but he wasn't very good at this. "here. come away, we'll let Bruce clean this up. he'll make sure that Micheal is properly laid to rest." he promised. Micheal was a dick, but he was also Castiel's brother, and that meant he would get... whatever the hell Angel'sgot when they died. "He's not a normal Demon either, he might have absorbed the Grace without realiing it, or another Angel might have been hiding under Micheal's presence and claimed it before we could. it's impossible to really know." Bruce admitted. "i'm sure we'll find out later."

"Mine." Dean agreed, looking very smug as he licked her clen, the sweet taste of her blood lingering on his tongue. "skipping is very bad and he's going to be grounded for a solid month for it if i know Lisa." Ben just groaned. "We'll be fine, and it's nothing bad. i don't think so anyway." he admitted with a smile. "in any case, the war pretty much just ended and Lucifer won't last much longer either." he aditted. "talk to Crowley though, Cas won't know what's going on, being as Dean is a Demon."

Dean hummed a little as he slept. it was cute, he didn't snore, he just made little humming noises as he slept. he was wrapped around her like he was terrified she might slip free and he had his lags and his arms wrapped quite tightly around her. "Hmm?" he asked sluggishly, blinking at her, his black eyes staring at her. "How are you feeling? i'm pretty sure i got all of the poison out but if you're still in pain i need to know." he admitted, nuzzling her, fussing over her.
Cas smiled slightly as he considered the other, squeezing his hand slightly. “I know he didn’t. And the wings were’s just....”he shuddered a little amused that crowley was even trying to be this comforting. It was sort of adorable. “...Yes. We’ll make sure Adam is taken care of.”Because it meant more to cas that the vessel had been Adam, then it had been michael. Michael was a sibling, but he’d given up that right long ago....he’d make sure adam was looked after, for the winchesters. “....Maybe.”Cas muttered looking thoughtful, they’d just have to wait and see.

“good. Grounding is good. We never got need looked after...”Bailey muttered a little. “True...and I’ll ask crowley. Though I’m sure these days, what crowley knows, cas does.”sam said looking vaguely amused at the demon-angel hookup going on.

Bailey smiled softly, shifting to rest her head against his shoulder, she found the humming adorable. Always had. Looking amused that he seemed to be clinging to her as much as a octopus, she sighed softly, gently playing with his hair. “I’m....feeling fine. Really. It’s weird. Like....I feel tired but....”She shrugged a little looking at a loss to how she was healing this fast, amused as he nuzzled her. simply glad he was there.
"Adam has been dead for a long time." Dmitri informed them. "his soul has been in heaven for, a while now." he admitted, watching as Bruce carefully started piecing the form of the Angel back together again so he could be... whatever it was Angels did. even if Cas didn't care, the other Angels would and this way, they would be less inclined to seek revenge for having one of their own torn to shreds. Adam would be burned like any good hunter, Bruce was sure. "depends on if Cas wants to know, i'd imagine." Dmitri admitted. "Crowley won't say a word if Cas doesn't ask after all."

"good." he sighed, relaxing a little though he refused to let go. "i had to pump a lot of energy into you to give you a kick boost for healing so i'm tired too." he admitted with a small smile. "i'm pretty sure Sammy and Crowley are going to be driving most of the way. Lisa dn Bruce probobl too." he admitted with another yawn. "but that can wait till after breakfast."
"I'm sorry...that your tired. I know you hate feeling like that."she muttered nuzzling her cheek against the others, sighing quietly. For the moment to sleepy and content to worry about if he was hers or not, or if lisa would be upset. For the moment, content."hmm, do we have to let them drive?"she grumbled at the idea of someone else driving her car."....think if we lay here long enough sammy will bring us breakfast in bed?"she said smiling at him a little bit
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