Blood written(lady/moon)

Bailey yelped at the smack, more in startlement then pain, shuddering at the reminder. Growling at the name calling, a edge of pissed off annoyance even through the lust. Glaring through blown eyes, which wasn’t as effective as her normal glaring, but it was there, she’d always hated baby doll, if only because she knew he called everyone baby doll. A strangled gasp escaping in that single breathless moment as she panted, shuddering as he rubbed against her, squirming back, trying to get more, to needy and horny to worry about how slutty she probably looked laid out over the table. Her heart rate going sky high as she felt her breath escape in a whoosh, hands scrambling against the metal trying to get the strings to loosen so she could get a breath, looking much like a puppy dangling by its scruff as he slid into her. The breathing ragged at the praise even as she hung in his hand, trying to scramble and get control back, moaning softly as she slumped into the table as he relaxed his hold, shuddering hard at the promise of what he was going to do. “y-yes, dean.”She panted, looking utterly wrecked as she laid out on the metal.
He grinned because he knew he was pissing her off and he didn't care. he leaned foreward, whispering the name he'd only ever called her. not even Lisa had a nickname so close. he'd tried once to call her 'sweet Kitten' but Lisa had laughed so hard that she'd nearly fallen out of bed. "My Sweet Cherry Pie." the name only Bailey got called. "yeah. that's it. just lay there and take what i give you." he growled, sounding so very pleased. "you look so perfect, just laying there with my cock buried inside you like it belongs there. belonging to me. letting me know and own you." he moaned, shuddering against her. "that's right... take it. feel it. enjoy it." he purred. "let me take care of you." he whispered, pulling back on the strings as he thrust again. groaning against her as he thrust, moving in and out of his mate, panting eagerly. pulling back on her strings, cutting her breath, letting her go long enough to get her full breath recovered before doing it again.
Bailey sighed softly as he leaned forward, shuddering as the other whispered the name, whimpering quietly. Soft and needy, squirming back against him at the name. “D-dean!”She whined softly, needy, closing her eyes at how very pleased he sounded, relaxing into the need, dazed and relaxed with the knowledge that he was going to take care of her. “It does, s-sir.”She stuttering a little as her body tightened around his cock with every thrust, every time she lost the air, so lost in the orgasm that crashed into her like a wave, brutal and hard, that she didn’t even hear the angel and demon walking closer to the kitchen.
"that's right. say my name." he agreed. "that's right, take it, fuck you're so perfect. so perfect for me." he moaned, shuddering against her, tossing his head back as he felt her clamp down around him, yanking hard on her strings and leaning down to snarl possessively in her ear before camping his teeth down on the back of her neck, pinning her, holding her completely as his hips jerked into her, taking her hard for the last final few thrusts, completely ignoring the two behind him as he started emptying himself inside of her, growling possessively the entire time. marking her, claiming her, making her his.

"I'm telling you Cas. there's nothing better than pleasure and there's none who do pleasure better than m...." Crowley paused at the sight of Dean fucking Bailey and then. "well... there might be one person who does pleasure better."
Bailey stuttered whimpering as she tried to answer him, hasping, hands scrambling against the table as she felt her rbreathing cut off, torn between ‘oh, that’s amazing’, and ‘enough!’ shuddering as she felt his teeth in her neck, sending her right off the edge again as she orgasmed again, slumping into the table, panting quietly as she felt him come, whimpering. So utterly claimed and relaxed at his claiming, that she couldn’t make her brain work enough to even realize they had company.

“I quite enjoy food, and star gazing, you know this. IT can’t be-”cas paused tilting his head slightly. He was totally fucking with the demon, considering he’d put dean back together that first time, he knew just how amazing sex could be, even if he still thought it was a messy way of pleasure. “...Doubting your ablilities now, Crowley?”Cas smirked a little at the sight before him before turning to walk away, absently waving a hand to create a door in the doorway of teh kitchen, he could at least stop sam from walking in on that. He didn’t think the moose would apperciate being witness to his brother’s kinky sex life.
he could feel her, skating that edge, that line between 'perfect' and 'too much'. he was delighted that he could still control her reactions to such a fine point. e let the strings loose and simply held her there, teeth buried in her neck, cock soft inside of her, simply laying there, owning her, cuddling her before he finally relaxed his jaw and let her go... mostly. he still remained flush to her, cock still buried inside and refused to move, too focused on watching her face, waiting for her to come up enough to voice an opinion.

"not the pleasure i was talking about Angel Boy." he teased with a grin before laughing. "i have many abilities but i have to admit i've never done breath play or had sex in the middle of the kitchen before." he admitted with a chuckle, following Cas back out. "well that was amusing and now i'm horny." he admitted. "wanna come fuck me or should we separate here so i can go furiously masterbate?"
Bailey dragged in a ragged breath as the strings loosened, whimpering quietly as she felt his teeth against her, his body laying over hers, simply quiet and protected there, trusting him to protect her. Closing her eyes as she panted softly, squirming a little when she felt him still flush with her ass. Simply floating, not concentrating on anything else except the utterly good feelings floating around her body. Tilting her head up a little, she blinked slowly as she saw the new door across from them, “....Did”She muttered sounding disjointed, not focusing. To out of it to really talk, or figure out words. “....bed?”she muttered after a long moment, whimpering as pain started to filter through the pleasure, her neck aching from what she was sure was probably a bloody bite.

“I know it wasn’t. But I find that the more interesting pleasure, then getting messy.”Cas said mostly because he was enjoying fucking with Crowley, before snickering. “Something a demon hasn’t tried. Find that interesting.”Cas smirked a little as he headed towards his room, pausing mid step to study the demon, his eyebrows going up slowly, blue eyes shining with amusement and interest. “....Want a audience for that masturbating session? I mean, I could use some tips for the next time I touch myself.”Cas said in such interest and eager want to learn, that you had to know him well to know he was totally enjoying dragging this out, taking his time being seduced.
he smiled when she whimpered, and stroked her body with gentle fingers. "i'm stil going to punish you." he warmed with a smile. "but that can come later. when i'm i'm not so damn pleased and proud of my Sweet Cherry Pie." he promised her before chuckling. "yeah, he came in but he walked right back out. he didn't peek and he didn't see anything." he promised, though he wasn't sure. he didn't really care either. he leaned over and licked her neck, cleaning the bloody bite mark, enjoying the flavor of her blood on his tongue. "yeah. bed." he agreed, carefully slipping out and carefully cleaned her with a damp towel and carefully dressed her back up and carefully picked her up and carried her to bed.

"with the right partner, getting messy could be perfection." he admitted. "it's very fun, with the right partner and the clean up can be even more fun." Crowley admitted with a grin. "well. i might be a demon but i certainly prefer a willing partner and most people just don't get into that kind of thing." he admitted before pausing, gaping at the angel before he smirked. "An Angel ho touches himself, naughty naughty." he teased, grabbing Cas by the tie and hauling him to the nearest bedroom, kicking the door shut and locking it. it wouldn't keep Cas in, but it would keep the others out. "so. you want a lesson on how to touch yourself hmm?"
Bailey sighed softly as he stroked her skin, whining softly at the promise of punishment, but relaxed when he said not now. Not yet. “hmm...kay...”She muttered to relaxed and content to worry about the fact that cas had walked in on them. Shuddering as he licked her neck, nuzzling close to his chest as he carried her out of the room. Content and sleepy, asleep again before they’d even made it to bed.

“....I’ll take your word for it.”Cas smiled a little before snorting. “You’re right. Considering what I just saw, it might be fun. Might have to see dean about that.”Cas said smirking a little, well aware that bailey probably wouldn’t share dean, even with him. Laughing out loud as crowley gaped at him a little. “I’ve been observing the humans for a long time, touching themselves is a common practice, and since I am staying here, I thought I should try.”Cas said laughing a little before letting the other haul him around by his tie. “Hmmm, maybe. Though I was considering just watching you for now.”Cas said smirking at the demon as he rested his back against the door, simply at ease, and despite the manhandling, trusting crowley.

A few days later Bailey sighed softly as she laid back on the creeper, glad that despite her healed body and loose muscles, that the damned thing was padded. It had been a mircalous healing, she’d recovered to the point that both her and dean had asked if cas had done it without telling them, but no. She had simply healed that fast .and while she was still dealing with the emotional trauma of knowing that she lost the baby, and that she could never have kids again, she was so steady and taken care of by dean that for the moment she wasn’t a emotional wreck. And while if anyone else besides those in the bunker would have looked at their sex life in recent days, she knew they’d all think she was simply the brood mare that lucifer accused her of being. Yet. Yet....despite her vulnerable moments, she mostly had convinced herself that dean didn’t see her like that. Though she still had some lingering doubts hanging around. Having retreated into the garage to work on junior, and after making sure both dean and sam knew where she was going to be, she’d come down her to hide ,and try to shove those vulnerabilities back into the box they belonged in. Flat on her back, looking up at the car she was at peace, simply resting as she laid back, one leg up, the other laying out across the floor, tight jeans encasing long legs and a small threadbare wife beater that she’d stolen from sam’s closet since the damned thing covered everything even if she wasn’t wearing pants-she’d learned that this was a important thing to think about after spending time with dean in recent days- the damned thing was almost so thin that you could see everything even if it was covered. Really, she looked like a wet dream of dean’s, a car girl and a sexy curvy one at that.
Crowley grinned a little and took his time putting on a hell of a show for Cas. he showed the angel just how fun 'messy' could be. he might even have shown Cas a few tricks.

Dean smiled a little as he walked in, watching her. things had been hard for Bailey lately he knew. he was riding the instincts hard. he had nearly slaughtered Cas because he had lingered over Bailey a little too long and he had almost snapped Sam's neck for talking to Bailey 'in the wrong tone'. he had even cornered Crowley, towering over him, dominating him, containing him all without laying a finger on him or saying a word. he just hovered there over Crowley who cringed and cowared and whimpered, trying to scrunch himself up into as tight a ball as he could, tried to make himself as small as possible. the event had scared Dean so much he'd hidden under his own bed for three days, terrified he would hurt someone. he finally stepped out and smiled as he made sure that the sound of footsteps let her know someone was there.

"You look so sexy, working on that pretty car of yours." he admitted, smiling as he watched her before scowling a little. "is that Sam's?" he demanded, feeling the irrational possessiveness rising again. "Why are you wearing his clothes instead of mine?" he complained, hooking his foot under the gourney and pulling, forcing her out from under the car. "i don't like it." he complained, sulking at her. "i think i should remind you that your mine."
Bailey frowned a little at the sound of footsteps but kept working Knowing that whoever it was, would say something if they wanted to talk. Stirring a little at the sound of dean’s voice, sighing softly. Because while she knew it bugged dean, the woman appreciated the angel healing the worst of the muscle strain and chafing problems when she did have them, if she asked. Knowing that it messed with dean’s instincts though, both woman and angel restricted it to just when it was needed, though she usually didn’t need it anymore, as her body seemed to be healing superhuman fast. “Hm, you look sexier on baby.”She pointed out before pausing, wrench resting on the bolt she was tightening, lowering it to set it down just as she felt his foot pulling her out from under the car. “Yes it is.”She said looking up at him, a streak of oil on one cheek, and looking like a wet dream come true for our mechanical boy. Laying back on the creeper she sighed a little. “Because his clothes are bigger then yours. And if you end up giving it to me again, pulling on pants is sometimes difficult. Easier to just have a bigger shirt then run around with half my ass hanging out.”She said rationally, though she knew it probably wouldn’t do any good. Shifting a little she tugged her waist band down, flashing him the bright emerald panties she was wearing, “I’m wearing your color against my skin, doesn’t that count more then that I stole a shirt from Sammy?”
Dean smirked a little at the mention of Baby and how he was sexy with her. Bailey was totally right, he was sexy when he was working on Baby. he scowled though, when she admitted that it was Sam's shirt an he lifted a lip, baring sharp fangs as he snarled at her. he did not like the idea of her wearing Sammie's clothes, he didn't like that at all, excuses or not. that snarl turned into a wanton growl when she showed off those pretty emerald panties and he narrowed his eyes at her. "no. i don't like it." he growled before smirking. "take it off." he commanded. standing over her, imposing and glorious. "i think you'd look perfect, working under Baby Jr. naked, grease covering all your pretty lady parts."
Bailey smiled a little at how pleased he looked at the praise, rolling her eyes though. It was simply amusing. Sighing softly at his scowl, she shook her head at his scowl “Dean, it’s long enough to cover everything, and not let the others see. Stop it.”she said though she enjoyed the possessiveness sometimes, it chafed sometimes to, especially when she was feeling raw and vulnerable, and had spent to much time in her head, wondering if he was simply possessive of his whore. Smirking a little at his growl, she let the waist band go, covering up the panties back up as she sighed, “I am not working on the car naked that’s just asking for trouble. And not getting naked in public places....and it’s not baby jr! It’s just junior!”She said sounding sulky and annoyed, which given that she’d retreated down here to get some space, and the fact that she’d spent the last two hours beating on herself, well, it was leaving her resistant to his presence, even if she usually lost.
"'s Sam's. it smells like Sam. it makes YOU smell like Sam!" he growled, highly unhappy before growling even more as she let the underwear be hidden again. "you're teasing me." he growled, sulking at her. "wearing Sam's clothes, teasing me with such pretty underwear, working on Junior when you now it gets me hot and then denying me. it's like your begging me to punish you..." he paused. "ah. of course. i should have noticed. you do want to be punished, don't you?" he asked, his black eyes boring into her. "you want me to turn those pretty pale cheeks of yours a nice berry red. spank you, punish you, remind you who you belong to, make my claim to you inside and out all over again." he smirked at her. "maybe i'll fuck you on the gurney first, get you all hot and horny and wanting and deny you your orgasm, and then strap you to Baby's hood before spanking your sweet, perfect ass until your begging and crying for more and less before giving you the orgasm you desperately want. hows that sound, My Sweet Cherry Pie?"
“It’ll fade the longer I have it on.”Bailey sighed a little, “Give me your shirt then. I’m not working under here naked, Dean.”She said “No, I’m working on junior cause she needed a oil change, Slick. Not cause it had anything to do with you.”She said sighing a little, definitely acting out. Trusting him enough to do so. “Not particularly no.”She said even as she shuddered at his words, whimpering softly at the idea of being spanked, before shaking her head. “I’m good. You’ve laid claim more then enough these last few days. If the others haven’t figured it out by now, they’re not going to.”She said raising her foot and using his leg as a push off point to slide back under the car.
"okay." he agreed, stripping off his shirt and tossing it to her. "i suppose i wouldn't want to risk you getting cut on something under there." he agreed, watching her before smirking a little. "i think you're lying. i think you need me to punish you. i think you need it." he admitted. "and i haven't laid claim to you nearly enough if you'd wear Sam's clothes." he admitted, yanking her out from under the car again, a growl sounding. "don't you dare, ignore me." he snarled, lifting his lips. "Get up. over the hood of the car..' he growled. "you need to be put in your place a bit i think."
Bailey smiled a little as she slid out of sam’s shirt and slid his on. “No, getting cut under here would be unpleasant.”She agreed before huffing as she started to work again. “I think you’re delusional and addicted. You can wait.”Bailey said rolling her eyes a little before sighing. “I told you why I was wearing them.”She said yelping as he dragged her back out, eyes wide as she looked up at him. “Wasn’t ignoring. Was just politely declining.”She said looking up at him, going still as she considered him, “Yours or mine?”She asked getting up slowly, realizing that despite her protests, she was wet and squirmy, needy despite protesting, moving towards the car he indicted, resting her ass back against the hood.
"yes it would." he agreed with a chuckle before growling. "yes, i am delusional." he agreed. "these instincts are driving me a little bit nuts. and i am so, so addicted." he agreed. "i just can never get enough of you." he admitted. "you where ignoring me because you need to drop and you don't want to admit it." he growled. "i aught to have noticed." he admitted before smirking a her. "you're choice." he purred, smirking at her, letting her decide which car, flicking his fingers once she'd chosen and invisible hands gripped her arms and pinned her to the car, invisible straps settling over her shoulders and across her hips, pinning her down on the hood of the car, sliding her shirt up with gently fingers, stroking her skin with a grin before sliding his hands beck down, gripping her hips. "i wonder how many strokes i should give you for that smart ass mouth of yours?" he mused. "perhaps we'll just see how log it takes for you to beg, hm?"
“Yea, I’m sorta amazed you’re not walking funny with how much sex you’ve had.”Bailey said rolling her eyes a little, flushing at his admittance. It was disturbing to consider that he wanted her that much. “I don’t need anything, except to get this oil filter changed.”She said frowning at him a little even as she settled her ass back on baby, yelping a little as she was pinned back onto the car, struggling because she couldn’t not struggle, not because she didn’t trust him while she was held down. Of everyone she knew, dean was the only one she trusted like that. Whimpering as he stroked her skin, moaning softly as the other gripped her hips. “....I don’t beg. Not even for you or your cock.”She growled sounding annoyed and upset that he’d think she would. Though if she had really considered it, she knew she begged, but in her mindset at the moment, she wasn’t about to be happy about it.
"who said i wasn't walking funny?" he asked with a grin before smirking at her. "oh. you'll beg for me to stop eventually." he teased. instinctively knowing not to mention her begging for pleasure. "that's right. struggle. i like it when you struggle. shows me you'll never just lay down, never let me just take you. you'll always stop me. fight me. make it a challenge. you'll always keep me busy, keep me fighting, keep me... perfect for you." he purred. "keep me guessing. keep me living, and human." he admitted, stroking her body with a smile before flipping her onto her stomach, pressing her down with the invisible forces even as he undid her pants and slid them down, exposing her pretty underwear, stroking the silk and lace with a moan.
“You might be.maybe.”She rolled her eyes amused though before sighing softly. Yanking at her hands, trying to get away when she realized she was trapped, glaring at him through her hair. “Dean!I was working. You hate being interrupted when you’re working on Baby.”She growled, squirming a little, flushing at the idea of him being perfect for her. She thought so, but she was to afraid to want him to be. To believe he was. “You are human. Always.”She growled, even though she’d spent more time staring into black eyes then his normal green, she believed it. Whimpering quietly as she felt her pants being drawn down, resting her cheek against the cool metal, watching her breath fog over the wax of the car, squirming, closing her eyes as she waited to see what he’d do, already starting to drop.
he chuckled a little. "yes. you where working. it wasn't because you want to though, it's because you're trying to escape your own need it, and i'm giving it to you. i'll always take care of you." he promised her with a smile. "I'm not human, not always... humans can't do this." he pointed out, tugging on her wrists without moving his hands from her perky butt. "but i think it will be okay." he admitted with a smile. "i'm not the way i was before. i'll be okay." he admitted. "now we have to take care of you." he purred, smirking at her. "underwear on or off My Sweet Cherry Pie?"
“....Maybe.”Bailey sighed softly, not about to admit he was right, that working on the car, for both of them, had been a way to escape, john before, and now it was to escape the scars he’d left. “....You always have.”She muttered relaxing at the promise, knowing he’d take care of her. “Hmmm, true. Though Sam can.”She pointed out, even if the man didn’t do it anymore, she knew he had been able to do it at one time. “I’ll help you be okay.”She muttered sighing softly as she relaxed onto the hood of the car, blinking, thinking about it. “on, please.”She said simply, knowing if he was going to strap her, even the skimpy lacy undies would offer just a bit of protection.
"always." he agreed with a smile, stroking her back, teasing the flesh along her spine. "Sam isn't exactly human either you know." he admitted, giving her a grin. "but thanks for the thought." he said with a smile before grinning a little. "you always do." he agreed before smirking. "on it is. that's a great choice. i like watching your skin turn pink, but the idea of you wearing those pretty, pretty panties while i spank you is simply... delicious." he growled with a grin before rubbing her ass, giving it a squeeze and groaning. "give me your safe word My Sweet Cherry Pie." he ordered, waiting for her to give it before delivering the first of a few dozen swats to her firm ass. pausing long enough to let the sting fade before delivering the next one.
“well. Maybe not.”She muttered sighing softly, before making a face. Vaguely annoyed that she couldn’t make him feel better, even through the beginnings of a drop, knowing she should make him feel better. Relaxing though at the idea she helped him, even if it wasn’t the greatest, or the best, but she helped him some. “I’m glad you enjoy the thought.”She snarked whimpering as he squeezed her ass, squirming against the warm metal under her, blinking slowly. “Snow.”She muttered at his order, focusing enough to remember that, moaning loudly as he swatted her ass. By the time the last blow fell she was squirming and needy, dripping wet, panties soaked as she tried to move enough to get the ridge in the hood to rub against just where she wanted it, desperate for any kind of friction, not even truly aware of begging dean to do more, anything, just let her have that orgasm that was just out of reach. So far gone, so far down that she probably shouldn't be trusted with her own safety, or know anything beyond that she needed her mate.
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