Blood written(lady/moon)

"Hm. I'll'll be good for us."she said smiling a little, assuming he meant lucifer. And not looking disturbed at the thought of him, settled and quiet in her subspace, the fact that she hadn't been disturbed said just how much her trust in him was, that the thought of her abusers hadn't sent her into a bad headspace. "They were probably so excited at the discovery they probably didn't consider she'd be more dangerous to the visitors then the fish."she shrugged a little. Mostly settled syill, and while she was bossy and dominate mostly on hunts, dean was one of the few people she was willing to follow always. "Maybe. But I doubt she'll take the killing as a saving."bailey sighed a little shaking her head at the stupidity of some people."....well. it's good to know a fish is a pale imitation."she said blushing a little. Looking worried."so are you."so he grumbled but didn't fight him on it, trusting him to come back to her. Only interfering when a shark got to close and took a swipe at him, wincing as the sand papery skin scrapped her palms raw as she smacked it, startling it enough that it swerved away from dean. Though it was enough of a distraction for dean to get the meremaid. Wincing a little as he climbed out of the tank, frowning a little as she looked at the claw marks, a bite mark, and definitely scraps from both shark and meremaid. "...let's go home."she sighed softly shaking her head, they both looked a mess and she knew it'd be awhile before she'd convince dean to go back to the aquarium
"hmm. we'll see. there's going to be a lot of screaming. i wouldn't want it to upset you." he admitted before smiling at her. "you know, i wouldn't doubt it. they only have themselves to blame for it." he admitted before shaking his head. "she's fed recently. look at her stomach." it was bloated, distended from eating a huge meal and when he carefully looked, he could see the remains of a body stuffed under a fake coral reef. a wedding band glinted on one of the fingers and Dean shuddered. he hated people who where unfaithful. "very pale." he agreed, smiling at her. he regretted the hunt almost immediately when she latched onto his foot and he nearly drowned. once he managed to shake her free and get a good breath she retaliated by nearly clawing him to death. fishy bitch! he looked like hell when he climbed out and the fishy bitch had headbutted him, so he was now cradling a broken nose as well as scrapes, bruises, two black eyes, cuts all over his body and a very sour mood. "yes. please. and next time we go to the aquarium we're checking to make sure there aren't any 'new' exhibits." he decided. "same goes for the Zoo. i don't want to end up hunting a Wendigo because someone decided it was 'cool' and deserved to be looked at."
"Fine, we'll debate it."she said smiling a little. Tilting her head slightly, willing to not hunt if he thought it'd be that bad, but knowing they'd have to talk about it. nodding slightly."no they dont, but we better get that body out of there to. At least pull it out so it can be found."she said looking a little pale as she realized she had indeed fed. Wincing, pacing as she watched him, hating that she couldn't help bim, but knowing if she did, she'd just distract him. Looking pale as she used the hook to free the body, just letting it float before looking pained and hurting as she watched him, pained at the sight of her mate like this."I agree. Let's go."she said smiling slightly as she walked with him, wrapping a arm around his waist, holding out a hand."keys, I'm driving home."she ordered before nodding."and yes, we'll check and make sure."she agreed a small hopeful tone that she'd actually get him to go again as she asked. Smiling quietly as she slid into the drivers seat, sighing quietly. Trying to keep her head in a good space as she drove back home.
"what's to debate?" he asked, looking amused. "you'll either tell me 'yes i want to be there' or 'no i'd rather not go with' and i'll agree with your decision." he assured her. "or it'll just happen whether ou're there or not." he shrugged. "we probobly won't get a chance to argue about it." he pointed out before grimacing a little as she mentioned the body. she was more than correct though, they needed to get the body out so some poor kid wouldn't come across it instead of the Aquarium staff. "hold on." he ordered, limping over to his trunk and pulled out a tarp, which he laid in the passenger seat so he wouldn't ruin the seats with his blood or seawater. only then did he give her the keys. "i'm sorry our date was ruined." he apologized. "i was going to take you out to eat after this..." he perked up. "if we go through the drive through, we could get some ice-cream?" he offered, smiling at her. "you like ice-cream as much as i do, lets find a dairy queen or something."
”okay then.”She looked amused and a little relieved that he wasn’t going to argue about it though. It was nice to have the decision to do things, and not have to fight to be treated as equal. Not that she really thought he’d treat her like less, but it was still a relief. Helping him get the body out of the water, glad to lay it out behind the scenes for the aquarium staff to find rather then kids, before heading out.“....Good idea. I’d hate to spend the rest of forever having to beg Baby to forgive you for getting junk everywhere.”She teased a little as she backed out of the parking lot, “It’s okay. I mean....not really, seems to happen to us.”She shrugged smiling at him, touching her collar. “Besides....this was perfect.”She said before grinning. “Ice cream it is.”She said as she searched, smiling pleased as she got them ice cream, and ignoring the looks they got for how disheveled he appeared, before heading for the bunker. Happily still eating her ice cream as she pulled into the garage. Walking around to help him out, knowing he was probably getting stiff by now. Holding out a hand she smiled as she pulled him out. “Come on. We’ll go track Cas down, he can heal you.”
he smiled at her. "You're mine, my love, but you're still you're own person. if you want something, need something or have an opinion or whatever, i'm not just going to ignore it. you have rights and just because i take care of you in special ways doesn't mean i want you to be an obedient doll." he promised her. "although.... that could be interesting for playtime once. tie you up so tight you can't move and see how much i can tease you before you loose your mind." he mumbled, wiggling his eyebrows at her. "i'd have to get whole new Upholstery before she even had half a thought towards forgiving me." he admitted, gently patting the dash of the car before he smiled at her. "it does happen a lot. pain in the ass really. this is why Hunters can never retire. once we're in, we're always in." he huffed, shaking his head before happily munching the biggest ice-cream he could get. "thanks." he said, wincing as he carefully crawled out of the car, leaning on her because his ankle and knee had been wrenched quite badly, both of them swollen. sprained at the very least. meant he could hardly walk. "what the bloody hell happened to you?" Crowley asked, gaping at Dean who glared at him. "i don't wanna talk about it. ah! zip your cakehole." he ordered Sam before his brother could even draw the breath to argue. "where's Cas?" "With Lisa. poor thing, she has a migraine." Dmitri admitted, making Dean grimace. Lisa wasn't prone to headaches like that. was it because of being sick or because of being pregnant? Dean didn't know but he wasn't inclined to pull Cas away from Lisa when he wasn't pregnant. he could handle some pain, Lisa, in her fragile state, was completely helpless in the face of a migraine. "are you hurt at all Bailey dear?" Dmitri asked, fussing over her a little and offering to get the med kit for Dean.
"Good to know....and I'm only this obedient behind closed doors...and sometimes in aquariums."she smiled at him, glad he unlike some of her friends husbands, understood the difference between sex and life. "....maybe. once. For your birthday maybe."she smiled slightly already putting the idea aside as a treat for him sometime. Bailey winced a little as she helped him walk, wrapping a arm around his waist. It hurt to see him like this, even if she knew it was only temporary.sam opened his mouth, before huffing a little at being told to shut up."hell be done soon, he can see you after."bailey muttered easing dean down onto the couch. " the car okay?"sam said looking them over, deciding to tease despite being told to shut up. Bears fine. And no the idiot didn't let me help, so I'm okay."she smiled even though she took the med kit starting to doctor dean as sam reached out to turn dean's head to get a better look, looking startled as the wounds faded. Well. That explained where michaels grace went. Even if sam had no idea what he'd done, or how he'd done it. "....what just happened?"sam stared at his mostly healed brother, the worst of it fading to nearly healed cuts and bruises.
he chuckled a little. "even then, you're hardly obedient'. the fight for control is half the fun. i feel like i'm a basted when a girl just lays there and takes it." he admitted with a grimace. "makes me feel. i dunno abusive or something. you'd never just 'let' me do anything and i like that." he admitted, smiling at her. "you're a spitfire, full of life and obstinacy and i think that's one of the things i love most about you." he admitted with a grin. "and other things too of course, but mostly that." he teased with a smile.

"thanks." he said, hobbling his way down the stairs. "Lisa needs him a little bit more right now." he agreed. "she was a bit frail even before she got sick." he shook his head a little. "the car is fine. i put a tarp down so she wouldn't get wet or get blood on her." he promised before smiling as he was fussed over. sometimes, that still surprised the hell out of him. people who cared. "hmm. that feels better." Dean said, thinking one of them had doped him with some morphine or somthing. he hadn't noticed yet that his wounds had healed. "what? you didn't turn me purple or something did y..." he paused, blinking at his knee and then. "Sammie? did you just Angel Moo my wounds away?"
"Hm, yea....though I can't imagine any girl just wanting to lay back if they're with you. You're fun to have sex with."she teased a litrle before snickering at his words."you just want a sparring partner who's not afraid to hit back."ah teased because she knew of some couples who hunted who couldn't fight together because they spent so much time worrying about hurting the other, they just couldn't practice and stay in shape."hmm other things huh?not sure I want a list of dean winchesters favorite things. You'll probably list my ass or tuts or something."she teased as she blushed, cause generally that's what the male population saw in her first.

"Welcome...and I dare you to tell her that. Shell hit you for calling her frail."she teased looking amused."well at least we'll be spared listening to you whine about the car.....whatever did you do?"sam said studying his sibling in amusement. Only dean would go on a date and would end up on a hunt. It also pained and amused him to that someone cared if hed been hurt or not, besides sammy."No not purple...bsam stared still lookingshocked."uh...I think I idea how but..."sam looked at crowley maybe he'd know.
"I am fun to have sex with. shame i was such a whore." he admitted with a grimace. "i did not handle things as well as i should have. drinking, drugs, women... looking back on myself, i kind of hate the man i became... i was... i was just like 'him' really." he admitted, shaking his head, smiling at her. "thank you for healing me. fixing me." he smiled at her. "i am yours." he promised before laughing. "Bay's, we both know that if we get in that ring you are kicking my ass." he pointed out before smirking. "well, you're ass s nice, but it's not one of my most favorite things about you." he promised with a smile.

"she would hit me." he agreed. "and then complain because i made her move." he admitted with a chuckle before he sighed. "we where at the aquarium and realized there was a freaking mermaid in the tank where i proposed to Bailey, okay!?" he complained. "that green bitch ruined everything!" he whined. "You Proposed!" Dmitri gasped. "oh how romantic!" he squealed before staring at Sam. "huh. well that explains it." he muttered, heading back into his bedroom and came back out with another painting of an Angel. or as close as paint could get. Cas would recognize the figure, though humans couldn't. it as Sam, as a full Angel. higher in power and rank than even the four Archangels. he, in that picture, was essentially the ruler of heaven. "no idea when this one takes place, but i painted it after Micheal died."
“...Neither of us handled well.”She pointed out to him, tilting her head a little. “...You’re welcome, even if you saved me just as much.”She smiled before snickering. “only if you wont want to hurt me. You’re taller and heavier then me, you can totally kick my ass.”She said before flushing at his promise, nodding a little. “I’ll take your word for that.”

“Probably.”Bailey snickered a little before snorting slightly at his complaint. “....Only you would go on a date and end up on a hunt.....a mermaid?Really?”SAm said before his eyes went wide, “You did?”He looked a little surprised that dean had actually proposed, before staring at his mate. Tilting his head a little, sam looked confused as he stared at the picture. “Huh. We’ll ask Cas when he comes back.”Sam said before looking at dean. “You probably should get some sleep though.”
"true. but at least you didn't go completely off the handle and start cutting, drinking yourself to death and taking adderall." he shook his head. "you handled it perfectly well and in a healthy way too. me? i was a catastrophe." he admitted, smiling at her. "it's good i have you to keep me straight." he admitted with a smile before snorting. "Bays? you underestimate yourself. smaller, lighter, you'll dance rings around me." he pointed out before smirking a little at her.

"yeah. a mermaid. we where just getting around to some really good stuff when the bitch showed up and totally ruined the mood. AND she ate someone already!" he huffed, shaking his head. "it was super disgusting and now Bailey's not gonna want to have sex for a month!" he whined, though his impish grin said he was joking. "Yes really!" he said, scowling at Sam. "what? you think i wouldn't?!" he demanded, Demon instincts bristling at the idea that Sam thought he wouldn't want to lay claim to his mate. "i'll sleep when i'm dead." Dean grumbled even as he heaved himself to his feet and headed for his bedroom because hunting was exhausting these days.
“Yea, well I also had Justice. Sorta....I had to keep it together.”She said smiling at him a little, leaning over to kiss his head. “You’re doing better. I’m so proud of you.”She muttered before laughing softly. “We’ll have to see about that.”

“Damn. Only you.”Sam muttered shaking his head a little at the idea. “At east a month.”Bailey agreed with a snicker, half tempted to enforce that rule, even if she knew it wouldn’t last. Starling a little as Dean scowled. Sam shrugged a little refusing to get upset at the scowl. “Just never considered you two would actually get married. I mean, all the ceremony and everything.”Because he hadn’t really considered it really. “You’re not dying soon, and I’m tired. So sleep.”Bailey ordered, smiling a little as they headed for bed.

Two months later found Bailey steadier then she had been in years. Happy with dean, content, getting prepared for their children to arrive, though they had just over a month left to go. Even lucifer seemed to have taken a break in hunting for them, a quiet lull had settled in over the winter. While there had been a few hunts, there hadn’t been anythign that required the winchesters attention besides getting ready for the babies, and teaching Sam to control the Angel stuff that he’d gathered. Yet, the closer they got to her birthday, the more a quiet depression had set in. Not all consuming like it had been after she lost Justice, but bailey had been quiet withdrawn from even Dean, having spent most of her days in the library helping Sam reorganize and move all the books onto a online source so they could use it on a hunt if needed. Not even the idea of Cas and Crowley plotting birthday presents and cake, or dean’s idea of birthday shopping-she knew the winchesters hadn’t had a lot of practice at giving gifts, so their idea of gifts were always interesting- could cheer the woman. Usually, she could be found settled at hte library table, absently playing with her bell as she scanned books in, or looked through to see what needed scanned.
"you'll never last!" he huffed, pouting at her before glaring at Sam. "of course we're gonna have a ceremony! she deserves the best so she's gonna have it!" he growled before sighing at her. "fine. fine. sleep."

Lisa was well swollen with her baby now and even Bruce looked a bit worried from time to time about how big she was but Cas was very reassuring that she was perfectly sized and the baby in her was perfectly healthy and 'normal'. Bruce had taken to clinging to her and had even told them that once she gave birth that he was sure he could save her. but it was intimate and rather... final, so Lisa had to decide it for herself and she was still thinking about it. and getting daily orgasms from the ever so nice Bruce. sh was still refusing them to tell her the sex of the baby.

Dean on the other hand was slowly going nuts. he had well settled into being a demon and could even do things that Crowley hadn't known was possible. granted, he was going to kill Sam, who had in a fit of rage at Dean eating all the food, had started laying salt lines across the kitchen doorways, laid Devil's traps into the fridge and even used Hoodoo to protect the kitchen making sure Dean could only eat when someone took pity and got him something. he didn't need to eat at all anymore, but he liked to. Bailey avoiding him was making him nuts too, and he wasn't sure how to fix it. he had an idea though, something special for her birthday. and of course, he had to get himself one too of course. it was only fair.

"Dean? what the hell did you do?" Lisa asked from he kitchen, her slightly horrified, vastly amused voice filtering into the library where Bailey was working.
Bailey paused, looking up from the book she was reading, tilting her head. “Don’t look at me, I don’t know. He left this early morning, said he had errands to run.”Sam said when she looked at him, settling back in his chair. Smirking a little as she got up to go investigate. Pausing for a moment before following, curious to see what dean had done. Lisa’s tone spoke of very amusing things, even more because he was in the kitchen, which meant he was probably eating. “Dean?”Bailey said as she stepped into the room, looking curious.
"Bailey! don't look! i haven't finished wrapping them yet!" Dean protested, sounding ever so dismayed and Lisa laughed so hard she collapsed back into Bruce who was snorting and trying to hide it by urying his face into Lisa's shoulder. Dean had to have been back for at least ten minutes, because there was wrapping paper and bows everywhere and on the table was a very, very tiny Teacup Pomeranian puppy that could have fit in Dean's palm. he was trying to get it to sit still so he could fashion a little outfit made from wrapping paper around it. it was not happy and kept fleeing his grasp. meanwhile there was another puppy rolling around on the floor, a Newfoundland puppy, that had tape, bows, ribbon and paper stuc to it as it bounced around chasing errant bits of whatever Dean dropped.
Bailey paused stopping outside of the door before she could see more then the wrapping paper. Frowning a little. “....Does it have to be wrapped?”she said sounding confused even as Sam walked into the room, looking even more curious from her vantage point as Sam’s laughter echoed out into the hall. “Dean, they’re not going to let you wrap them. Just put their collars on them,and we’ll send Bailey out into the living room. And round up the others. We’ll give her her presents now.”Sam said trying to not laugh harder at the sight of dean trying to wrap up the dogs, texting dmitri to tell him to round up crowley and cas, knowing the two had their own presents to give. And figuring the impromptu party might cheer bailey. “Dean?”Bailey called quietly, leaning against the doorframe, listening
"Yes! it's a birthday present and that means it has to be wrapped!" he complained. "how about putting it in a box? just close the lid." Dmitri suggested. "great idea!" Dean agreed before poking his head out at Bailey's call. "go sit in the living room okay!? no ruining the surprises!" he ordered her, smiling as he kissed her before heading back into the kitchen to try and wrangle a puppy into a box. they couldn't share the same box but it didn't matter since the Newfoundland was supposed to be his anyway. he was soon in the living room with the others, the Newfoundland bouncing around sniffing everything and everyone. he very carefully placed the box with the Teacup Pomeranian on top of the other boxes. it wasn't wrapped and had holes punched in it for air and it was giving away the surprise by chewing loudly on the squeaky mouse Dean had provided it so all you heard from the box was 'squeak squeak squeak.' there was a pile of other boxes as well and when Crowley walked in he had a massive box as well. inside where two Hell-hound pups. well, half breed hell-hound pups. bred with a rottweiler, they where actually purposely bred this way, so that they had all the powers of a hell-hound, with the ability to be seen and the loyalty of a real dog. they where the work of hundreds of years of breading. the First was a big bigger than the Second but they where both super cute. and Crowley was very amused that he and Dan had both had the same idea. his dogs where so much cooler though.
“Okay, box it is.”Sam said snorting a little as he retrieved a box from the pantry big enough to put the puppies into passing it to dean. “Okay then. I’ll go wait.”Bailey said kissing the other, before heading back into the library to wait. Looking startled at the snuggly newfoundland as it bounded into the room, smiling softly at the dog as it bounced around under the table at her feet. “....It’s squeaking....”Bailey stared at the box as Sam and Dmitri set their own boxes down, looking shocked at the idea of getting presents. Presents hadn’t been a common thing for her since her parents had died. Eyes widening even more when she saw crowley walk in with a massive box, with similar air holes, though there was no noises coming from it. “....”Blinking as Cas walked in with a similarly wrapped and positioned box, the angel carefully setting the box holding a very leggy rhodesian ridgeback puppy. The angel staring at the other two men who were looking back at him. “....did none of you talk to each other?”Sam muttered staring, before staring at the boxes that were indeed starting to make little squeaky noises as the dogs discovered the toys. “....Why did everyone get me....dogs?”Bailey said sounding bemused as she reached out for dean’s box, gently pulling the small teacup pomeranian out, cuddling it gently. Looking utterly enthralled with the puppy.
Dean grinned at her, glad to see she was already smiling. it was working! "it is squeaking. there's a mouse inside." he assured her, knowing she'd know he was playing bullshit. "" Dean said with a grimace, Crowley looking very sheepish and Dmitri, Bruce, and Lisa all started laughing at the poor men's misfortunes even as they settled their boxes around for her. "Happy Birthday Bailey Dear." Lisa cooed at her. "we got you dogs because you appeared to be unhappy and a dog can fix anything." Crowley admitted. "plus, i have been breading these dogs for hundreds of years for someone very special. these are the results." he admitted, smiling. "someone special?" "mmhmm. the future King of Hell. which sis decidedly NOT, Lucifer." he admitted. "i figured you could have two of the pups. i still have sixteen to work with." all true, he was just leaving some parts out. "aaaw it's a ittle marshmallow!" Dmitri cooed at the Pom-pom.
Bailey smiled up at dean, rolling her eyes a little. “You will never get laid again, if there’s a mouse in there.”She threatened, snickering at dean’s grimace. “You three share a brain I think. Only explanation for this.”Sam teased rolling his eyes a little. “Ah, it’s okay. There’s enough people here, they’ll be well taken care of.”Cas reassured the man, looking amused. “Thanks, lisa.”Bailey smiled a little before looking up at crowley, before laughing quietly. Not wanting to talk about being unhappy, but...”I find it amusing, a demon thinks a dog will cure anything.” “Dogs are man’s best friend. They are good companions.”Cas said smiling a little as he helped Bailey lift the other dogs up, grinning at the puppies as she tried to crowd them all on her lap, before taking one of the hell hounds and giving it to dean to hold. Smirking at the sight of hell’s king, cuddling a hellhound as his mate sat covered in dogs. “Hm?”Bailey looked up tilting her head a little at crowley’s words. “Thanks, then Crowley. For parting with them. They’re adorable.”She said smiling pleased as she tried to pet everyone. “It is a marshmellow.”Sam snickered as he pressed a kiss to dmitri’s head, smirking a little into his hair, “Watch. Marshmellow’s gonna end up Dean’s dog. Bailey’s going to get glomped by the beasts.” “....I’m going to name him marshmellow.”Bailey said beaming at Dean, looking happy, for the moment her fear and depression set aside.
he snickered a little because he knew she'd never make that stick. "we do share a brain." Dean agreed, looking utterly delighted with all the big dogs for him and Bays to share. though he was a little worried, considering how much smaller 'marshmallow' was. "i'm sure we're all going to be raising the dogs." Dean agree with a smile and a chuckle. "Dogs are perfect! of course they can fix anything! and these ones are very special. they have all the powers of my precious Hell Hounds and all the loyalty of true dogs. they will never turn on you, providing you treat them with the respect they deserve. i don't think you'll have problems with that though." Crowley admitted. "they will be supremely intelligent, and will obey you naturally." he admitted. "along with anyone within the pack." Crowley admitted with a smile. "this includes all of us and the other dogs." he admitted before chuckling at Bailey. "You and you're mate are very dear to me. i like to know that you are safe." "I'm not taking that bet." Dmitri huffed, smiling at his lover. "Marshmallow is a perfect name. what will you name the others? Tank! don't chew on that." he ordered, suddenly rushing after the Newfoundland puppy that was eating the remote.
“we’ll train them to be well behaved with marshmellow. We wont let them bully him.”Bailey said smiling softly as she petted the small dog, before nodding. “I’m sure we will be.”She snorted before staring at crowley, eyebrows raising as she considered just what kind of dogs crowley had given them. That was amazing. “Thanks Crowley. And we’ll treat them like furry children. You know how dean is, he has problems being mean to inanimate objects sometimes, I doubt he’d treat a dog badly.”Bailey teased her mate, if only because she was aware that dogs had never treated him badly, where humans had. He treated dogs well. “I think we’ll be well protected....though we might never have sex again.” “...Why?”Sam smirked. “Cause the dogs will sleep with us. Not alot of room for sex in a bed that crowded.”Bailey smirked at her mate before looking at the others, laughing out loud as dean scolded his puppy, before biting her lip, thinking about it. “Hmmm, the small hellhound will be Dante. The other can be....hmmm...ember. And the ridgeback will be Wyvern.”Bailey decided, grinning pleased laughing softly as Sam past her her other gifts, picking up a hellhound to cuddle himself.
“....”Bailey’s mouth fell open as she pulled the penis squirt gun out, looking up at sam who was giggling to himself. “...Just in case you wanted to play with some real weaponry. Instead of what you have to put up with all the time. There’s also a vibrator in there to.”Sam said looking pleased with himself, if only because she looked so amused and startled, and happy at the present that had been his only intent on getting it. Making her laugh. Along with teasing dean of course. Before pulling out the slightly more mature two gifts in the box. the truly huge coffee cup, and a simple charm bracelet with JJJD on it. While dean wasn’t one of her children, she loved him. So sam had put it on the bracelet, and while they hadn’t settled completely on names, he knew they were naming the twins something with J’s. "Oh...sam...." "You never got those mothers gifts We'll make sure to include Justice in on them to."Sam said leaning down to kiss her forehead, because while neither of them had said it, his niece would be included in their lives, even if she was lost to them.
Dean snorted a little at the idea of a dog getting one over on him. wasn't gonna happn. ever.... okay so he was going to spoil them terribly and he knew it. "they are sleeping in their OWN bed." Dean huffed, making Crowley snicker at him. "you're going to give the dogs their own room?" "of course i am." Dean huffed. "Dante, Ember and Wyvern. very good choices." he agreed with a grin. "we'll have to get some name tags for all of them." he admitted happily before picking up Tank before the pup could get into anymore mischief. "you're a dick Sam." Dean joked, snickering wildly at the sight of the penis toy. he supposed he could make use of that if he used lube instead of water? might be interesting. "you got my woman a vibrator?" he asked, looking very amused.

"it's perfect Sam. thank you." he whispered, helping her to put the bracelet on. "okay. Lisa next."

Lisa grinned as she held out a box, keeping the other in her lap. Clearly she was doing something impish and like Sam, had a gag gift to do first. Inside was a purple feather teaser, a purple vibrator, a smaller purple vibrator and a purple tube of lube. Lisa was snickering when Dean squeaked at the sight of it before getting that distinctive gleam in his eye. He had plans already. Lisa giggled some more before handing over Bailey's 'real' present. It was an entire Bath Kit. It had body butter, lotion, hand soap, body soap, a face scrub, shampoo, conditioner, hair spray, a bar of soap, a facial mask, a set of three bath-bombs, six packets of bath salts, a bottle of bubble bath, incense, body oil, massage oil, a tin of cookies, a box of hot cocoa mix, and potpourri. Two hand towels, a lufa and a soft silk robe. Everything a girl needed to pamper herself.

Dmitri was next and he was giggling up a storm as he handed over the first box. It wasn't as impressive as Sam's gag gift, mostly because he was pretty sure that Dan would use it. Inside the box was a Doeskin flogger. he was grinning and wiggling his eyebrows quite playfully before handing over the next present. This one tall and long and flat and inside was a painting he had made. Justice, perfect justice was beaming at them while holding Dean and Bailey's hands. Behind them was angels wings spread wide and wrapping around protectively. Holding all three of them in an embrace and Dean made a small choking noise. “she's older...” he whispered, hesitantly stroking Justice's face. “it's how she would look now.” Dmitri admitted. “once the babies are born, i'll add them too.” he promised with a smile. “see? I left room.” he said, indicating the way Dean and Bailey's arms where crooked around nothing, for now.

Crowley was grimacing at all the emotions and thrust both of his presents at Bailey at the same time. Blushing because this was all kinds of things he didn't normally do. Inside one box was a 'wax play' kid with a bundle of super soft ropes, a blindfold, a lighter, a 'how to' book and a set of fancy Candles designed specifically for use on the human body. The other one was a large selection of essential oil, massaging oils. Every scent imaginable for whole body massages.

Bruce was snorting at all the gift options and he flushed as he handed Bailey a huge box. Inside was a copy of the Kamasutra, all 24 books of the Anita Blake series, the complete Supernatural series so she didn't have to keep stealing Dmitri's, and a book on Bondage and Japanese Shibari, a book on role-playing, and a book on 'getting the better of your Dom without them noticing'. there was also two tickets to a very fancy spa.
“....Yes. I like that. They can have their own room.”Bailey agreed before nodding. “We’ll go get some for them all.”She said smiling up at dean, snickering slightly as dean picked up his puppy. “I did. Figured someone had to make sure she was having fun.”Sam smirked at his brother, if only because it made bailey snicker, and he knew it was far from the truth. Having a room anywhere near theirs had been a scarring experience, to the point Sam had moved him and dmitri further down the hall to not over hear. “....It’s great.”Bailey said eyeing the water gun, with the same intent dean was before flushing a little as she put the bracelet on. Offering a small smile. “Thanks Sam.”She muttered

Looking up at lisa, she looked curious before laughing as she took the present, giggling a little she looked at the gag gift, raising her eyebrows as dean squeaked. “Pleased, huh?”She teased looking up at her mate, before grinning widely at the bath set, smirking at lisa. “Thanks. I’ll be sure to use it. Make Dean watch the kids sometime, and do girl night.”She smiled at the idea.
“Oh. Just what we need. Really.”Bailey grinned as her fingers played over the soft flogger, blushing ever so slightly as she squirmed slightly. Shifting a little as she took the next present, eyes widening as she saw the painting, tearing up, shifting to hide her face against Dean’s shoulder for a moment as he sat next to her, needing a moment. Swallowing thickly as she trembled a little, nodding at the sight of their family. “Thanks Dmitri. Really.”She said sniffling, smiling at him.

Cas snickered quietly from Crowley’s side, smirking amused as he watched the demon pass everything over. It amused him enough that he’d gone sex shopping with Crowley to get the presents. “Thanks Crowley. Cas.”She said looking at the two, seeing the candles, oils, and whole case of flavored lube and condoms that cas had gotten to go with it. That was both amusing and adorable. Leaning up to kiss crowley’s cheek because he looked so upset at the idea all the emotions.
Eyes widening as she saw the book bruce was holding, eyes goign wide as she dug through it, looking utterly at a loss for the touchful, thoughtful presents they’d all gotten. Sniffling a little, even as she smiled. “Thanks everyone.”She muttered shifting, resting her cheek against Dean’s shoulder, mostly hiding, feeling overwhelmed at the emotions and finally having what she always wanted, a family that cared about her.
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