Blood written(lady/moon)

“Yea, well my hair was nasty. Easier to cut it then wash it out.”sam said making a face, not overly happy with cutting his hair, but it was better then washing it out, there was no cleaning his hair enough to have it be okay. Sam sighed rolling his eyes at dean’s drinking, ready to scold him for it, he’d done so well not drinking, but after the night they had, figured it wouldn’t be to bad. As long as they were careful. It was very amusing to see his brother nearly wriggling in his seat with the knowledge his mate was nearly there.

“What?Winchester!”The man, ronald, looked startled as he looked at the other. “Not talking about you.”The man sneered a little, looking the other over. Indeed, the man had enjoyed dean, even if he hadn’t had the girl. “Get off of me.”He ordered, looking annoyed as he tried to get away, wincing as he was slammed into the wall, trying to get away from them. “Dean!”Bailey yelled, pale even as bobby kept her back, not sure if Dean would recognize her like this, and not wanting to risk dean hurting her. The woman looking pale and shaken, watching dean when she realized she wasn’t getting through to him. Sam sighed quietly as he sipped his beer, watching, he knew there was no use trying to stop dean until the rage was spent.

Wincing at dean’s words, he tilted his head at his brother. “Dean. Stop.”He said easing up out of his seat, moving to talk to him, to get his attention and focus him on bailey who looked shell shocked and silent, so far gone at the moment, she wasn’t focusing on dean, having turned inward into a inner pain. Knowing they had to get to them both. Moving towards him even when dean broke, looking startled and trying to get his attention. Watching him go before sighing quietly. Flinching at the breaking of the devil’s trap, before looking at Crowley. “If we’re lucky, back to the bunker.’Sam said even as Cas scuffed the devil’s trap to let Crowley in. “And you’re going to explain what I just saw. Later.”Sam said giving the two a look, well aware that dean wasn’t just any normal demon that they’d been believing. Even as he called dmitri to see if dean was with him. Pale as he realized he wasn’t. “Dammit.”He muttered shaking his head. “We’ll split up. Bailey bobby, you go to bobby’s place. Crowely and cas can search, I’ll go to the hosptail...”Sam sighed tiredly, wincing a little. This was going to be bad, especially since cas couldn’t track dean since dean still wore cas’ own protections against it. The sigils in his ribs that were a good thing normally, would keep cas from finding him now.
Dean snarled at him, shaking him violently. Ronald was the first to die, strangled to death. no one who remained unharmed after the end of Dean's 'breakdown' really blamed Dean for it. Ellen even made a comment that she'd been waiting for that to happen for years. Ellen was a lot more surprised when Dean failed to return. He spun when Sam spoke, which was the only reason why one of the men who had made the mistake of fucking Dean when he was younger, still had his intestines. he wouldn't live much longer though, and would in fact die in the hospital later that night. that was one thing Bailey had never had to deal with, being passed around. by the time Dean was sixteen most of the perverts where bored of him and John had gotten tired of sharing to top it off and so no one came over looking to get laid. Bailey had only ever had to deal with John.

"i don't think so Mate. he'll probobly hunker down for a few days." he pointed out. "but hell be back, i'm sure." Crowley probobly knew Demon Dean the best. too bad this wasn't Demon Dean. not really. "i'll explain what i can. i don't know all the answers, but i should be able to answer some." Crowley admitted. "Someone should go wait at the Bunker too." Ellen said. "in case he goes back there after all." She admitted, looking around at all the dead hunters with obvious disgust. "Someone go call an Ambulance." she ordered even as she grabbed her jacket to join them on the hunt. they would find nothing, nothing at all. he had vanished. Crowley had even checked through Hell and Dean was nowhere.
Sam winced a little, nodding slightly. “Good. Then we’ll wait before we search to hard.”Sam said tilting his head a little as he nodded. “Then that’s all I ask. Just answer what you can.”he said eyeing bailey as she left with bobby, looking worried, but for the moment, not willing to push her when she looked ready to lash out herself. “.,..I’ll call it in. And stay here.”Jo said looking disgusted as they all headed out.

Later Sam sighed quietly, heading back to the bunker. It had taken him nearly a day to give up, that dean wasn’t going to be found, having stepped at every safe house and apartment on the way back to the bunker he could think of, having wanted to make sure, before heading back to the bunker. He was tired, grouchy, and extremely worried. Not only because dean was worried, but for lisa, and bailey who bobby had said had settled into dean’s room and was nearly comatose at last look. “Dmitri?”He called as he stepped inside, tired, but wanting his mate. Knowing that everyone was here, he’d talked to dmitri long enough to know that, having taken a break to feed and get a few minutes sleep before completing his jounrey home.
Dmitri smiled almost impishly when Sam came home and he headed out of Lisa's room, the poor woman too weak to get out of bed but recovering well from the sudden drop in blood pressure. she was fine for the most part but with her so weak to begin with, it was going to take her some time to recover from this. "Sam!" Dmitri said, beaming at him as he walked out with a large bundle of pink blanket in his arms, a tiny so very tiny hand sitting atop the blankets as what appeared to be a newborn baby slept quite peacefully. "you okay?" Dmitri asked, looking worried about Sam before smiling. "oh, this is Angel!" he informed Sam, carefully arranging her into his stunned Mate's arms. "she's yours." he admitted, looking quite delighted. "her Mommy wasn't going to tell you, except for that her mommy can't afford to properly take care of precious Angel." he cooked, smiling when the baby made soft noises. "plus she was infected by a vampire so there's that she has to deal with." he admitted. "we already tested Angel, Vampire free." he promised. "now hold her a moment, i have to go get a bottle ready." he ordered, ignoring Bruce who was laughing so hard he was laying on the floor.
Sam sighed softly, smiling a little when he saw his mate, before he realized what the other was holding. “I....lisa didn’t have the twins yet, did she?”Sam said looking utterly confused at the sight of the baby, smiling tiredly. “Not really....can’t find dean.”he muttered before staring at the baby, even as he let dmitri rearrange his arms, looking utterly lost at the little being in his arms. “....Mine?Dmitri!Did you idnap a baby? What is going on?”Sam said sounding utterly confused and lost as he followed dmitri to the kitchen, even if he was absently cooing at the baby as she cooed at him.
Dmitri snorted a little. "she's barely even showing Dean, she has at least another five months." he pointed out, looking amused before grimacing a little. "if he doesn't want to be found." he pointed out, shaking his head a little before smirking. "no, i did not! do you not recall a sweet little blond girl you took home about nine months ago?" he asked. "name of Angelica?" he asked with an even bigger grin. "after you got drunk in a bar? ring any bells?" he asked with a snicker as he indicated all the baby things. "i found out ust a few days after we joined up. she was very glad to meet me. i agreed to take the baby and pay for the hospital bills." he admitted. "i've been gathering baby things since then. you're really not nosy enough." he huffed, shaking his head. "in any case, we're all set for the baby." he promised with a smile. "her name is Angel by the way, Angel Winchester just sunds perfect don't you think? but we have time to change it if you want to change your last name. i heard what happened to Dean..." he grimaced rather violently. "i'm so sorry that..." he swallowed because how coild he say anything to make that better? it was impossible.
”She’s showing. Alot. Twins do that.”Sam muttered looking bemused and at a loss, before wincing himself. “I know. He knows how to hide, if he doesn’t want to be found. But I have to find him. Not for me. For Bailey.”Sam muttered frowning a little. Because while it was true, he totally wouldn’t enjoy not knowing where dean was, not being able to see he was okay, he knew it would kill bailey, to be abandoned, when he knew Dean had already left her once. It’d been long enough he knew the woman was probably already locking down, preparing to raise the twins on her own. “good. I’d hate to explain the kidnapping to someone.”Sam muttered before pausing, frowning slightly. “....Yes....she was sweet. And kind.”And what he’d needed, when he knew something was wrong with dean, and hadn’t been able to find what it was. So he’d taken a page out of dean’s book, and lost himself in sex for a night. “’t tell were happy shopping. Why would I be nosy when you didn’t show me?”he muttered shrugging a little, having simply been happy that dmitri was happy, he hadn’t been concerned with what he was doing with it. Pausing as he looked down at the baby in his arms, he snorted a little. “You’re going to inflate Cas’ ego when he hears that, but she is a tiny little angel.”Who looked even tinier in her moose of a father’s arms. “....No. I’m not changing my name.”He had his own reasons, and he might suspect dean might, He was a winchester. “....That my father was the dick I thought he was?Yea me to. I’d known...but I hadn’t....I hadn’t realized it’d happened to bailey to. I just....never brought it up. I do you ask your brother if your father molested him?”he shuddered, crying softly. Feelign horrible, and even worse knowing it was out there in the open to the other hunters now, hating that he hadn’t found a way to talk to dean. But as always, dean had been the older brother he looked up to, idolized, and he had been so afraid of hurting him by asking.
"she is showing a lot." he agreed with a grin before sighing. "more than that, he ditched his cell..." he admitted softly, which meant Dean intended to go underground completely. "i'm really not sure that Dean is in his right mind right now." Dmitri admitted softly. "i think if we find him, we're going to have to be very careful." he admitted before snorting a little. "i ddn't kidnap her." he coplained, rolling his eyes before flushing a little. "i was scared youd say no..." Dmitri admitted. "i knew if i just braught her hope you'd never turn her away but i thought if i just told you, you'd make me give it up... it was stupid, i know better..." he promised. "but i was still scared. i'm sorry." he mumbled before smiling. "Angelica named her." he admitted. "Angel May Winchester. it's a beautiful name." he admitted before smiling at Sam. "you're holding her perfectly." he admitted before gently drawing Sam into a hug. "i'm sorry. i'm so very sorry Sam." he whispered, holding him as tightly as he dared while he was holding Angel. "i'm sorry. i'm so sorry." he whispered, trying to comfort his lover as much as he could and knew things weren't going to get any better because if Dean was right and John Winchester wasn't really dead, then that meant he could come back and try something again. little did he know that John Winchester was currently being slaughtered. not even being a Demon would save John now.
“I know.”Sam sighed softly, hating it. This was going to be bad. Shaking his head a little. “he’s not....but all we can hope on right now, is Crowley knows him well enough to find him....if not....I’ll find him.”Sam muttered quietly, smiling at the baby before nodding. “We’ll be careful. With them both.”He said before smirking, amused at how sulky dmitri looked at the idea that he had kidnapped the baby. “....I...I wouldn’t have. I mean. We have twins on the way. One more...”he shrugged a little, though it freaked him out a little to consider he had a daughter, that he’d made the small human in his huge hands, he couldn’t turn her away anymore then he could let dean go. She was family. He’d look after her. Leaning over to kiss his small mate’s forehead he smiled. “I like it. It is beautiful.”He muttered nuzzling the other a little, closing his eyes as he leaned into the other. Letting the other comfort him, “Me to....we’ll figure this out. We always do.”he said though he was scared that this was going to be the one thing he couldn’t solve.

Which nearly 3 months later, was what led to helping Lisa pack up her bags. Knowing that she was going to move in with Bailey, even if the woman was nearby, Sam wasn’t quite sure where the house was, but he knew it was close. Close enough if either needed help, they’d have it quickly, not only with sam and dmitri, but cas and crowley were just a prayer away. While it freaked him out to not go with her, he had to trust Bailey was well enough to look after them both, and that Lisa would know to get help if Bailey needed it. While Bobby was the only one who had seen bailey since Dean disappeared, bobby had said she was okay, or as okay as they could expect. Rubbing a hand over his face as he followed Lisa’s direction to the house, because there was no way Lisa was driving on her own, and junior was needing worked on-the fact that bailey hadn’t fixed her car yet, said just how far gone she was at the moment, so sam got stuck with driving duty.

“....lisa?Sam?Hey guys.”Bailey smiled as she walked out of the three car garage attached to the house a small smear of grease across one sharply defined cheek. While she looked okay, she was definitely thinner and less solid then the last time he’d seen her. Probably looking closer to the 20 year old she’d been when dean had first left, rather then the curvy beautiful woman he was used to dealing with. “Thanks Lisa. Really. I thought....I thought it’d be nice having company. Get settled into the house before the babies came.”Bailey said opening lisa’s door, reaching in to help her out, looking fidgety and upset, as if not sure that lisa was okay with this, or that she’d be able to do this, to be able to raise the babies on her own. This was as much of a test for herself, as it was for lisa to trust her. and she needed lisa to still trust her, needed the babies lisa carried to be hers, to be able to hold and care for them with a sheer desperateness that had been the only driving force for the last few months while she simply slipped back into being alone, leaving looking for dean up to the others.
Dmitri was not very happy about Lisa moving and he was sulking as he puttered through the Bunker. he didn't want everyone to leave but they where. it was like Dean had been the glue that had held them all together. Bruce had finally broken down and was now going for Witchcraft to try and find Dean. he had shaved Sam nearly bald because he needed a genetic match and they couldn't find anything with Dean's DNA that they wanted to touch. so Bruce had adapted the ritual to use a brothers hair instead and was now locked in a bedroom, casting the locating charm. it would be a few days before he had a result they could trust. especially with six markers on the map. one for Dean, one for Sam, one for Angel May, one for Lisa, or rather the babies inside her, one for John and one for Adam. he was not surprised when the black dot for Adam appeared first, indicating he was dead. he only knew it was Adam because his ashes where being kept at the bunker. so they where the closest match. there was no other way to tell who was who.

Lisa was massive, so big that Dmitri had joked that Lisa was going to have Sasquatch babies. he had paid for that comment quite painfully. she was so big that she needed help with pretty much everything and the boys just didn't have a damn clue so she was moving in with Bailey who would actually not say things that set Lisa to tears every ten minutes. Bruce would come and care for her here and there when he wasn't hunting down Dean. "I'd much rather live with you." Lisa admitted smiling at Bailey as she let Sam help her lever herself out of the car. "i'm going to buy a new house around here too i think." she admitted. "this is a great neighborhood and when Ben comes back from school we're going to need a good place." here she smirked. "especially if Bruce moves in with me like he's been hinting at." she admitted with a grin before grimacing, setting a hand on her stomach. "calm down in there! stop kicking my goddamn bladder!" she ordered her belly before sulking at Bailey. "they're as hyper as you are. they are very eager to come out and meet you." she admitted, smiling at Bailey. "they want to meet their mommy." she admitted. "help me inside would you Mommy?" she asked, grimacing. "i now have to pee... again."
Sam offered a small grimace as he got out of the car."what she means is she's tired of living with insensitive guys."sam smiled a little. Well aware that no matter how he tried, he usually set lisa crying often simply because he was no where as socialized as he had thought. "I'm sorry lisa."sam muttered kissing her cheek as he started gathering bags, simply because he knew they'd made it harder on her. "Well in that case, the house is big enough for us all. And the twins can have their own rooms eventually. And a huge kitches and everything. Two master bedrooms for us."bailey shrugged not about to admit the kitchen had been what got her the most. Because it was dean's dream kitchen.....much like her house with justice, even if he hadn't been with her, it was as if she'd bought the house for them, with everything he'd want....even if like then, she was now bracing for a life without him."it is a good place. And there's a few houses I'm sure you guys can find a place. It'd be nice having company."even if she knew she was on her own, knowing they were there would be good. Wincing a little at lisas words."as hyper as dean you mean. They'll calm down, well put on rock music or something."bailey smiled helping her out of the car.biting her lip a little. Nervous about having babies around again, but knowing shed be okay."I'm eager to meet them to. Let's go. Bathrooms just inside the door."she said helping lisa inside as sam hauled all the bags in, settling them in the living room so bailey and lisa could decide where to put them. Looking around the house as bailey got lisa to the bathroom, it hurt to see the house, because he knew the minute dean saw it, he was going to love it. They just had to find thrm
"I know you are." she said, gently patting Sam's face. "but you're a man, and i'm one woman living with a sea of men and when men group together they get twenty times stupider." she admitted. "I think this house is just perfect." she admitted, beaming at Bailey. "You'll have to help me pick out the perfect house for me, Bruce and Ben." she admitted, smiling. "and room for babies too, Bruce is gorgious, i absolutely have to make babies with him." she admitted, trying to make Bailey grin. "oh thank god." Lisa sighed, very glad there was a bathroom at the doorway. "I call dibs on the master bedroom with the bathroom." Lisa teased, wincing when she was kicked again and chuckled. "i don't think Rock Music is just going to make them more hyper." she pointed out with a grin. "well it won't be long now if their activity is anything to go by. i give it another month at the latest." she admitted, sighing as sh settled onto the toilet to pee and sulking because barely a dribble came out. "I hate you." she informed her belly. "i Love you, but i hate you." she huffed, struggling to her feet and pouting again because she needed help getting her pants back up. "i am so ready to not be pregnant anymore."s he admitted. "i do not pity you. i'll help of course if you need me to, but i am going to sleep for a week first."
"I know. Though you're leaving angel to fend for herself."sam teased a little. "Hm, she's little, I think you have a bit before you have to worry about her."bailey said smiling a little. She was settled, not exactly happy but she'd settled into accepting whe was alone without dean. Not even having written on her hands since those first days he was gone."I will. It'll be fun. I'll even do your gardening for free."she said tilting her head a little, knowing everyone had found it fascinating she'd given up hunting for gardening. But bobby. Bobby hadn't been surprised because it's what she'd retired to do when she had juatice. Grinning a little, "you do have to make babies with him. Pretty babies. Not sasquatch ones." "Hey, just cause im huge doesn't mean angel will be. Her mom was tiny."sam said making a face as he explored the house. "What is it with you and tiny people?"bailey teased amused sam had always gone for the little ones, like dmitri. "Well, the bathroom is between the two masters, so you'll have to share, but for now I can use the other bathroom."bailey promised with a smile."good."bailey muttered cause she was looking forward to having the babies.snorting at lisas words as she helped the woman with her pants."another good reason for me to be here. You won't freak out the gay men by making them help you."bailey teased a little before wincing, looking away as she shrugged a little before looking at lisa."it's okay. You don't have to. I did it once, it won't be hard this time around alone."she said heading for the kit,hen to get then something to eat. Knowing she had to look after sam before she sent him on his way.
"Dmitri has Angel covered. that boy, i don't know where he learned but he's as good as any mom whose had her second child." Lisa admitted with a chuckle. "Angel is a sweetheart too." she admitted with a smile. "Dmitri was hoping though, that we could watch her for a few days? his bitch stepmother is trying to cut him off from his inheritance, something about contesting a will or whatever and he has to go handle legal things that i don't understand." Lisa admitted. "he doesn't want to take her because he doesn't want to give her something to attack him with. or worse something to blackmail or hold over him." she admitted before beaming. "that's good because my green thumb withered with my gardening dreams." she admitted. "i kill living things." she admitted. "i can't even keep a cactus alive. or an air ivy. or grass." she wrinkled her nose. "it's bad, Bailey." she admitted. "Angel is going to be very tall i think." Lisa admitted. "but petite. it's in the bone structure." she admitted with a nod before shaking her head. "i don't need the bathroom to myself. i just need a bathroom close at hand. i'll be up sixteen times a night after all." she admitted with a smile before snorting at Bailey. "Don't be stupid. i get to be the awesome Auntie Lisa who takes the kids every Saturday so mommy can sleep, plies them with sugar and toys and sends them home hyper and full of words they shouldn't be repeating." she admitted happily before poking Sam. "Go to the store and get me some s'mores pop-tarts, some sweet pickle relish and some nacho cheese. the spicy stuff that comes with the soft pretzels." she ordered. "and poprocks."
"Well that's good, cause I'm sure moose is at the other end of the spectrum." "Pretty much. But I'm getting better. Don't throw up at diapers anymore."sam smiled a little. "Ah. We can. I'd be fine. Sam has to go with dmitri."bailey said tilting her hewd. "Don't worry if you'd said yes I was planning on it."sam promised looking relieved when bailey looked relaxed at the knowledge dmitri wasn't going anywhere alone. Bailey frowned looking upset,"a child is never blackmail."she growled at the idea that his mother would be so mean, especially when the child was biologically sams, who was her sons mate. That should all be that mattered, that her child was happy."ah, super model then. I'm sure her father will be ecastic." "She can do whatever she wants.she just needs to be happy."sam shrugged smiling a little."ahhh I remember those days. Okay then we'll be fine."she said before grinning."jn that case, I'll be more then happy to do your gardening."she promised. "You will be awesome aunt lisa."sam snickered though it was a little sad, cause dean should be here for this. "Considering who their father is, I think those words come prepared programmed."bailey snorted though it was sad, before snickering as sam nodded, obediently heading for the door."you have him well trained. Good going lisa."bailey teased the other woman
"Moose is just Moose." Lisa agreed with a smirk. "well good for you." Lisa teased Sam with a smile before nodding. "Sam is going to be his legal council because Dmitri doesn't trust other Lawyers not tu turn on him." Lisa admitted. "really, his stepmother has no legal rights to any of Dmitri's money, especially since well over two thirds of it he made on his own, but she's a greedy little harlot so she's trying." Lisa admitted. "just don't say things like that in front of Dmitri. he says that she wasn't always like that and he loves her anyway. i think he still blames him for his brothers death and thinks it's his fault his mother is like this. it's pretty brutal but Sam won't let anything happen to Dmitri." Lisa said, smiling at Sam. "she can do anything she wants except boys you mean." Lisa teased Sam just to watch his reaction. "you know, you could be right. Dean has always had a filthy mouth." she agreed with a chuckle. "he is very well trained. it helps that Dmitri seamed to like my pregnancy concoctions and asks for them as well. i think Sam's just on autopilot when it comes to food now..." she paused and scowled at her belly. "now i want fried eggs." she groaned. "you babies eat just like your father does." she huffed at them.
Sam rolled his eyes a little, looking amused though. “It is a good thing. Now you guys can stop making fun of me.”He said sulking a little because they had indeed been teasing him about the diapers. “Good. Sam’ll look after him. And wont let anything happen.”Bailey muttered because she trusted the youngest winchester to be just as snarling protective, like a lion over it’s mate, as dean would be over anyone he loved. Flinching a little as the thought crossed her mind she sighed quietly. She knew this was going to be harder this time around, simply because she had people around her, that were going to mention dean, have their own stories, rather then just having her own few years worth of memories. Now she was going to have a lifetime worth with sam. It was going to hurt, badly. “.....”Sam whimpered at the idea of angel doing boys, shuddering a little. “She can do boys, when she’s old. And grey. And not in the bunker.”Sam said nearly whimpering. “Ahhh, then he’s running on autopilot out of sheer self preservation. Not having to look at the concoctions.”Bailey snickered a little before snorting. “Just think, you’ll get to stop eating weird crap soon enough. I’ll still have to cook it for them.”She pointed out amused.

Later that night Bailey whined softly as she tossed and turned, burying her face into the pillow as she sighed quietly. The last few days since she’d moved into the house, she hadn’t slept well. Had chalked it up to simply adjusting to a new place, a place she’d chosen months ago, but hadn’t quite been ready to admit to wanting, hadn’t brought up to Dean, because she hadn’t been sure. But what plagued her was worse then that, the night hag that kept teasing her strength, sending her spiraling even further out was testing her, getting her ready, pushing her to the limit. Truly, lucifer had chosen well in the monster he’d sent after her. Because she could mimic what Bailey always had on her own, nightmares. Nightmares that sent her scrambling to find some solid ground again, as the monster teased her about something being wrong, that dean was dying, that it wasn’t just him leaving on his own. And the longer it went on, the more she was breaking under the strain. Yet, what the monster hadn’t counted on, was lisa waking up all the time, and might catch her, might be able to tell bailey that she was being stalked, and let the hunter deal with things.

“....Any luck?”Sam looked up tiredly at bruce as he saw the guardian, feeling emotionally battered as he gently rocked the baby in his arms. Having come home, and immediately went down and tracked down his daughter, simply needing the comfort of having her.
"we will never stop making fun of you." Lis informed Sam with a chuckle before nodding. "Sam will keep Dmitri safe." she agreed, patting Sam's hand. "you drop the baby off before you leave." she ordered. "Angel will be in perfectly safe hands with us." she promised before smiling at him. "oh sweetie, good luck with that." she teased. "you're never going to get her to agree to never notice boys." she teased before grinning at Bailey. "exactly."

Lisa was, for once, sleeping very well. she had been happy to take the baby for the day and was sad to give Angel back to Sam that evening while he set up legalize to smack Dmitri's mother around. she hummed as she slept and groaned suddenly, getting up. the Night Hag was lucky in that Lisa was often too tired to truly notice anything. with no hunters training, she did not notice things that Sam might have, or Bailey may have had she been aware enough to.

Bruce stepped out to greet Sam and held up a massive map with five Dots. Lisa was at the house, meaning they no longer had to focus on her dot. Sam would stay with them so they didn't have to worry about his dot. with Angel with Lisa that dot too could be discounted as could Adam's. meaning that there where only two other dots, one John's, the other Dean's. "I did the ritual several times." Bruce husked, holding up several more maps. each one with only a single dot that got closer and closer to specific locations. one was a very small time on Idaho. the other, n even smaller town in Nevada. how Dean had managed to settle down in either place was surprising. what was worse, both dots where bright, meaning both where alive. which meant Dean was right. John Winchester was alive. well, if you could call what Dean had left as 'alive'. "i'll go after both dots. i'll kill John Winchester if find him." Bruce promised. "but Dean is my primary concern... i just have no way of telling which of these locations has Dean within it."
Bailey stirred, frowning a little when she heard Lisa moving, stirring because the night hag’s attention had shifted, the monsters concentration broken as it looked towards lisa, to see if she’d have to deal with the pregnant woman that she’d brushed off as no concern. “No!DEAN!”Bailey screamed, the night hag’s attention broken enough that bailey snapped out of the dream, lashing out, not at the hag, but at the idea of someone attacking dean, not even truly aware until she saw the hag standing over her, that she was in danger. Going silent as she lunged to attack, twisting to keep the hag away from lisa’s room, snarling as she went slamming into the wall instead of managing to kill, snarling as both woman and hag went down, barely focusing on anything beside keeping the hag from getting to lisa. Not even noticing the black blood that spilled across her clothes as she killed the hag, swaying a little as she scrambled to her feet. “Lisa?!”She yelled scrambling for the other room, scared and worried, upset. Needing to see the other woman, needing to see her. To know that she was safe, even as her head rang with the dreams the hag had showed her. That dean was okay, that she needed to get to him. The low level panic there, fear for lisa and the babies.

Sam sighed softly as he looked at the dots, frowning a little as he considered them. “....Good. Though I’d prefer finding dean first.”sam muttered studying the map for a long moment before resting a finger on the dot in nevada. “Do this one first. Dean likes westerns, and he might complain about what it does to baby’s paint job, he enjoys the openess of the desert. Start there, and we’ll see.”Sam frowned, biting his lip a little. “Do you want backup?I can ask Dmitri to wait a few days to see his mother....”
"Bailey?" Lisa asked uncertainly, she was trapped on the toilet at the moment, peeing took time when you where the size of a watermelon. "Bailey!" Lisa gasped, struggling to her feet. "Bailey what is it?! what's wrong?! Bailey!?" she demanded, looking up at her when she raced in, Lisa's eyes full of fright but she was perfectly safe. perfectly fine. "Bailey! you're bleeding!" she gasped, managing to haul herself to her feet. "no... it's black... was there a monster?" she asked, sounding petrified by the idea. ever since the changelings, the idea of monsters in her house woke her screaming in the night. in truth, Ben had recovered from that far, far better than Lisa had. "Bailey." Lisa whispered, her voice trembling. terrified. neither of them would be going to sleep anytime soon.

"i would too of course." Bruce admitted. "it might not work out that way however." he admitted before nodding. "i will try there first." he agreed. "no. if Dmitri is late then his mother might find a way to get the upper hand. money doesn't mean anything to Dmitri but this is hurting him. his mother is betraying him. teach her a lesson." Bruce ordered. "i will eat, sleep and then go and find Dean, you take care of your mate." he ordered with a smile. "okay? besides, i am a being of ultimate power, stronger even than Micheal, we, well, stronger than Micheal was anyway. you'd just get in the way if i had to unleash that power. i can't exactly control it." he admitted.
“Hey, okay. Stay there.”Bailey ordered calming when she realized the other was safe, calming even more, laughing quietly, though it held the edge of panic at the sight of the other with her pants still around her ankles. Hysterical laughter bubbling up a little as she sagged against the door, laughing because of course this was her life. Pregnant women in the bathroom, monsters in her room. “N-no. I’m fine.”she said calming, swallowing hard as she calmed. Nodding slightly. “There was. A night hag....a nightmare maker. It’s dead. Promise.”She said looking pale and shaken at the knowledge that her house wasn’t safe. That she wasn’t safe. Swallowing thickly. Even more shaken because she was sure the night hag hadn’t found her on her own“You’re going to go get a bag, and angel, and we’re going to the bunker.”She said. Knowing it was going to suck, but until she redid the wards, had crowley, dmitri, and cas do them, it wasn’t as safe as she’d thought it was. “You’re going to stay there with Angel, okay?and I-I have to look for dean. I-I don’t think he left on his own.”She said looking anxious and upset, biting her lip as she stripped out of her clothes, not caring about nudity, but mostly not wanting to get the blood on lisa, using her shirt to clean up before hugging lisa carefully, making sure to not get anything on her. “You’re safe, I promise. And I should have done this months ago. I have to go see about dean.”Though it scared her to consider finding him, and knowing for sure dean didn’t want to be with her now anymore, when everyone knew their secret. Eyes widening a little as she scampered back to her bedroom, eyes widening as she looked down at the broken necklace, the necklace that despite everything, she hadn’t taken it off. The night hag hadn’t shocked her, she usually expected to be attacked. But the sight of her collar, dean’s claim, blood soaked and broken, broke something in her as she sank down onto the edge of the bed. Like her last tie to dean was gone. “Lisa.....we’re going. In the morning.”She said sounding shocky and out of it.

“I know. But I hope so.”Sam sighed a little frowning a little, before nodding slowly. “Okay then. Angel’s safe enough with bailey and lisa. I’ll help Dmitri with this.”he muttered rubbing a hand over his face. Because what he really wanted to do, was turn all that rage that was festering under the surface at john winchester on dmitri’s mother, and he’d have to work to not let it out. “okay. And I know you are....just be careful. According to crowley, Dean’s hit a whole new level of power....if he’s not sane...”he might not recognize friend from foe. “....if you find him, and he wont recognize you. We might try taking Bailey to him. He’d recognize her.”
"it's not funny!"Lisa complained, pouting a little before grimacing a little. "i don't want to go back to that cramped, stinky bunker!" Lisa whined, the panic fading enough for her hormones to kick in again even if she was already planning on ways to make the cramped bunker a little more pregnant friendly. "What? you think he's been kidnapped or something?" Lisa asked, looking startled and worried. "let me get my bags, i never unpacked. do you think you can find him? do you have any ideas?" she asked. of course the Night Hag had that covered, naming a quaint little town in Nevada. "i'll go back to the bunker tomorrow." Lisa promised. "you just go get Dean. i think your right, i think he was, at the very least, helped along." she admitted. "we might as well go now." Lisa admitted. "neither of us are going to sleep." she admitted before grimacing at how in shock Bailey sounded as she struggled down to pick up the necklace and then back up to hold it in her hands. "i'll have Cas fix this." she promised.

"Yes. Angel will be perfectly fine." Bruce agreed. "i'll leave straight away as soon as i've recovered from casting those spells. i'll probobly be gone before morning." he admitted. "i will keep you updated." he promised. "i'm trusting you to keep Dmitri safe, yes?" Bruce said, eying up Sam, aware it was a silly statement but needing to say it anyway. Dmitri was his charge, his best friend, if he couldn't keep Dmitri safe then he had failed pretty much everything. "i will be careful not to harm Dean." Bruce promised. "if he attacks me i will simply vacate his presence. Bailey would be a wise choice, even if he's completely out of his mind, he should recognize his mate."
“Good. Thanks Bruce.”Sam smiled at the other, looking pleased to know the other would let him know, before smiling, grinning really. “Of course I’ll protect him. Even if it means acting like dean.”Which totally meant he’d not feel guilty over being a dick to her if she got to bad. He usually tried to be nicer, but he could be as much of a dick as teh rest of the winchesters could be. “He should. Thanks, Bruce.”He said watching the other head for bed, hoping this would be okay. That it would work.

“I know it isn’t. gotta admit, pregnant woman in the bathroom while I’m fighting monsters is a little funny.”She said before wincing a little, ducking her head a little. “I know. I know, I promise, we’ll be back as soon as I do one search for dean. Just one, then I’ll have Dmitri and the others do the wards again. Just a few days, then we can come home.”She promised before nodding a little. “Something. I-I think he had help along.”Not about to say a night hag had told her, because lisa would talk her out of it. “I think I’ve been in to much shock to think of it...but yes. I’ll find dean. And I have a idea. He’s always liked the desert cities. I’ll start there.”She said not about to admit to the city, because while she knew she should get help, she didn’t want to get the others hopes up. So she’d go on her own. “...Yea.Okay. We’ll go.”She muttered before wincing as she looked at Lisa picking up her necklace, wincing that the woman had struggled down to pick up the necklace. “Thanks Lisa.”She muttered smiling a little as she got up, getting everything they’d need, and settlign both baby and pregnant woman into the car and heading back to the bunker. It was sad that by the time they’d get there, sam, dmitri, and bruce would be all long gone, and no one would stop bailey from going on her own, until it was way to late.

“Okay. Are you sure you’ll be fine here alone?I know Cas and Crowley are just a yell away, but....I could wait till Sam and Dmitri got home.”Bailey offered, though there was a longing in her features, to go. To hunt. Now that something had snapped through the icy numbness she’d been locked into for the last three months, the desperate hope that maybe, dean hadn’t left on his own. That he still wanted her. But she was just as anxious about leaving lisa on her own. She had nearly let the other drive on her own, but she hadn’t been able to bring herself to do it. She’d needed to see that she was safely behind wards before she went hunting. Needing to find dean, to confirm or know that she was being abandoned again. either way, now that that icy cold was gone, she needed a answer, needed to know.
Lisa smiled a little. "it is a little funny i guess." she agreed with a smile before nodding. "it's fine in the Bunker, i just miss having a house. and privacy." she admitted with a sigh. "the boys mean well but they hover so!" she admitted. "so like Nevada and Las Vegas?" she asked curiously. "he mentioned once that he wanted to live on a ranch when he was younger so i think you have to be right." she admitted, letting Bailey pack everything back into the car and drive her right back to the bunker. "it will be fine. I'm safe here and without the boys i won't be crying every ten minutes." she admitted. "and Cas is just a prayer away if i need him, he'll come immediately if i need some help." she reminded Bailey. "go find Dean. i think if anyone could find him, it will be you." she admitted, smiling at Bailey. "good luck sweetheart." she ordered with a smile. "make sure to give him the scolding of a lifetime if you need to." she suggested before heading inside.

Sam and Dmitri where in Dmitri's very impressive Manor when Bruce called. "hey. i found him. he's in Idaho oddly enough. he didn't know who i was. he didn't attack me but he's completely gone. thing is, e reeks of magic. there's a curse on him of some sort. one of the witches Dean was killing must have used her 'dying breath' to lay some kind of insanity spell on him. he's living in the woods. naked. he's filthy." Bruce admitted. "how are things going there?" not well. Dmitri's mother was a horrid bitch who seamed to think that she deserved everything and that Dmitri wasn't allowed to have a singe penny of his fathers money, property or items. Dmitri had gotten everything, save for about a thousand dollars a week for Isabelle to live off of and an island manor for her to live on and a vineyard in Italy for her to run, since she knew wine very well and wouldn't just ignore it like Dmitri would. honestly, if they didn't know better, one might have suspected her of being struck by Greed, not hypothetically either.
“well, I promise, when I get back, we’ll come back to the house. And make sure something like this can’t happen again.”she said sounding a little giddy and upset, having already had her life ruined once by supernatural things crashing into her mundane life, she was going to make sure she kept this one. Nodding a little. “He likes Vegas, and there’s a few ranches outside of the city. I’ll start there.”She said smiling slightly at the memory of dean telling her he wanted to be a cowboy when he was younger. “True. You’ll be calmer without them. Just settle in with a good book or something.”She suggested smiling a little, before pressing a kiss to the other’s forehead. “Thanks. I’ll bring him home.”She promised before heading out.

“....seriously?”Sam frowned thinking on that before wincing a little. “Dammit. Must have. And considering what happened after, we didn’t consider that it was a reaction to a spell.”Sam shook his head even if bruce couldn’t see it, because he should have considered it. But considering how far dean had gone to keep anyone from knowing about John and what he’d done, well, he wouldn’t have been surprised if dean had simply been avoiding them. “Dammit.”he cursed ignoring the look that he got from dmitri’s step mother for the curse, exucsing himself and stepping into the other room. “Dammit. We’ll find him again. At least we know the spell works.”He sighed. “we’ll take bailey with us next time.”he said before scowling darkly. “Not well. If I get arrested for manslaughter, you have to come break me out.”He growled sounding as close to being as ruthless as lucifer, as soulless sam had been that it would be slightly worrying if you didn’t know sam had nearly perfect control of himself. “I might consider introducing her to crowley, just to see what would happen.”

Meanwhile, in Las Vegas, or at least nearby, the small outside of town ranch, Bailey slowed the car as she rolled closer to the ranch. It did look like something dean would want. Would have run to. Frowning, not sure what was bothering her, but something was. Checking her gun and knives she eased out of the car, looking around her, heading for the house she could see. “Dean?!”She yelled, yelping as she was shoved, sprawling out across the dirt, getting a mouthful of the dirty sand even as she twisted, looking up at the former archangel above her. “You bitch. I’m going to kill you. And then cut up the small pieces to give to your mate, how dare he think he’d get away with this.”Lucifer snarled, grinning a little at the pure, utter panic that filled her features when she realized who it was, backing away a step as she lundged for him. Not getting serious about the fight until he realized something as she attacked him, bled him. He’d known who Dean was, hadn’t considered what it would mean for his mate. Had only expected to harm him by killing her, hadn’t realized that his mate would be as much of a equal as a mate. Snarling as he got serious about the fight, and soon enough what had started as a game for the angel, gave away to bloody nasty brawl as bailey tapped into the part of her that was dean, the tie that pulled them together, and threw everything she had at the demon.
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