Blood written(lady/moon)

"yes, seriously. i can't even get close to figuring out what kind of spell or curse this is but it has to have some kind of bestial tie to it. or it might just be because he's a Demon. spells tend to get funny when it comes to Demons." Bruce admitted. "what do you mean find him again? he hasn't gone anywhere. he didn't seam at all bothered that i was there." Bruce admitted. "i've tagged him with a tracker just in case. he won't be able to slip away without me noticing." Bruce promised. "i think Bailey will be very relieved to know he didn't willingly leave her. whatever this spell is? it's damn strong." Bruce admitted before wincing a little. "do you need me to come back? Dean isn't going anywhere and he'll be fine. even if he takes off again i can find him anytime now." he promised before snorting. "leave Crowley out of it. he might make a deal with her just to see what happens." he pointed out. he froze suddenly and then cursed. "Dean's booking it. fast. i have to go."

as she sprawled she'd see something in the near distance. a body, a mutilated body. it was John Winchester, form pale and flies settled all over his body. she couldn't see but maggots had been feasting on him for weeks now and his body was nearly incapable of surviving despite the demonic soul keeping it going. Dean had spread him, and drove large nails through his hands, pinning him to the large board he was laying on and had used metal hinges, bent just so to keep his ankles in place, and his neck as well. then Dean had gutted him. even as she watched a turkey buzzard flew down to take a nibble. what made it all the more gruesome was the mark that locked John into his own body. no misting away from him. until the mark was destroyed, which was protected by the metal around John's neck, he had to live through his own body decaying. only once the boy was dead and gone would the soul die. a spark of demonic spells where etched, as soon as the mark on John's neck, which tied him to his body, was broken, then the marks he'd carefully etched into John's very soul would kick in, and would rip the soul to shreds, until there was nothing left at all. john Winchester was dying the slowest death possible.

suddenly with a howl of rage, Dean was there, slamming into existence next to Bailey and Lucifer, wildness in every pore. as Bruce had said, Dean was naked and covered in mud from head to toe. his black eyes glittered wildly and his hair was long and just as filthy as the rest of him. he snarled again and turned to face Lucifer, not that it mattered. Lucifer was already dead.
“Damn. Spells do act weird, always worked weird on dean. Probably a little of both.”Sam sighed before frowning a little. “Really?He didn’t run?Huh. I would have thought he’d leave...”he muttered thinking about it, before smiling. “Good. That’s good to know.”at least they wouldn’t have to worry about finding him again before wincing. “Yea, she’ll be relieved to know. Though I think it’ll still take awhile to fix the damage to.”Because he knew that she might understand, might forgive the fact he’d left, it still had damaged Bailey to be left behind. “...”Thinking about it before noding. “Yea. Come back....And fine. If I must.”he said, sounding sulky that he had to leave crowley out of it, before wincing a little. “Go. I’ll handle things here. Go.”sam said hanging up.

Bailey screamed a little as she realized what she was seeing as she hit the ground, even as her mind flipped off, focusing on the fight. Fighting to finish it. Only straightening from where she’d been kneeling on lucifer’s chest, hands plunged into his chest before straightening, pull his heart out, blood soaked and dripping in both blood and power, having absorbed what was left of lucifer’s, the grace left having sought out a similar host, power simply seeking a place to belong, and finding one in the queen of hell. Turning to look as she realized she wasn’t alone, her eyes went wide as she saw who it was. Wide and shocked, it was true. Despite the trap, dean was here. “D-dean?”She gasped, already stumbling towards him, not caring that tehy both needed a shower, that she was smearing blood and mud everything, she ran towards him, colliding into him, trusting him to catch her as she caught his hair in his hair, dragging him close for a kiss. Ignoring the danger and pain, not even considering that he might be a danger like this, to desperately relieved to see him, that she just needed to reassure herself that he was alive.
"no, that's whats weird, he was just sitting there playing in the mud like some kind of little kid and was chowing down on some raw meat that i couldn't identify." Bruce admitted. "i think it might have been a squirrel. it was disgusting whatever it was." he admitted. "we'll be there for both of them, Dean won't recover from this any better than Bailey will." he admitted before hanging up, Dmitri examining Sam. "Well. how rude." Issabelle scoffed, making a little sniffing noise. "it's a check in mother." Dmitri explained. "one of my friends is very sick and very pregnant and another one has gone missing. from the sounds of things, we found the one who went missing. he has a bit of a mental imbalance and sometimes he just wanders off and can't remember how to get home." Dmitri lied, blinking when his phone rang now. Crowley this time. "Lisa's at the bunker alone and she's just gone into labor, what the bloody hell do i do!?" "oh... Lisa's in labor." Dmitri said, sounding rather stunned. "have Cas take her to the hospital." he ordered Crowley who sounded sheepish now. "oh... right. good plan... i'll get the bags, you go get her to the hospital." Crowley commanded Cas, making Dmitri snort a little. "men." he huffed, rolling his eyes, surprised when Isabelle snickered. she did still love her only son. she had become his mother the day after he was born, him and his brother. they where as much hers as they where their fathers. she was a big stickler for propriety but had been treating them with aloof kindness. and yet, she was still insisting she deserved more, it was very odd and something wasn't adding up.

Dean hissed at her, cringing away, flinching as if he expected her to beat him and that, more than anything proved Dean wasn't in his right mind. he didn't try to defend himself though, he let her fling himself onto him despite his obvious terror. when their lips met, there was a crinkling, shattering sound and Dean blinked a little, dazed and confused. "B...Bailey?" He asked, sounding so foggy, so confused. "Where... where are we?" he asked, not looking around because he was too busy drinking in the beauty of her face. "you're hurt. what happened?"
"That us both disturbing and something I wish I had pictures of for blackmail."sam snickered a little sounding vaguely disgusted at the idea of squirrel."no, but we'll help them "sam agreed because he was worried about how badly this was going to go, before looking at isabelle, choking on his anger for a moment, and getting his control before he ignored bruce and let her meet crowley."we did find him, for a moment. But he's gone again."sam sighed before paling when he heard the knowledge, wincing."wonder if bailey got in trouble. Might be where dean went."he muttered when he realized that lisa was by herself, it made sense bailey had gotten in trouble. Knowing he was missing some of what was going on, but it made sense."okay."cas tilted his head as he got liss out into the car and waited for crowlry, and headed for the hospital. He might have zappend them there if he hadn't been worried what it'd do to her. Sam tilted his head a little as he considered his mother in law looking thoughtful. "Indeed. Though we should forgive these two, they're old. They're allowed being a little stupid."

Bailey winced as he cringed away from her, pain in her eyes,thinking he didn't want her, but still needing to touch him. Needing to know he was real before flinching at the sound, eyes going wide as she looked at him."'s me. Dean. It's me."she said starting to cry, tears making the blood streak on her face."outside Las vegas....and....what do you remember?I'm not that hurt....just..."she swayed a little, indeed having lost enough blood in her fight she probably needed to sit down before she fell down really, but focusing on him, needing to reassure herself
"Gone again?" she asked, looking a bit surprised. "he's managed to find himself frightened of us." Dmitri lied. "he runs away, we try to keep our distance until he remembers whose who but the person tracking him got too close for Dean's comfort." Dmitri admitted, picking up his cup of coffee and taking a dainty, perfect sip. "It sounds likely." Dmitri admitted with a sigh. "i really hope she's alright..." he admitted, sounding worried and a flush of guilt flashed across Isabelle's face only to be swept away by the cool indifference once more. "why don't we get to the point of why we're here? i'm going t be an uncle, Bailey and Dean are both missing now and Bruce just texted me to inform me that there is a carcass of a Night Hag in Bailey's bedroom..." "Night Hag! good lord." Isabelle gasped, looking horrified, meaning she knew exactly what those where. she finally sighed and set a hand over her eyes. "i suppose i might as well stop trying to pretend... You're father got into trouble with the Mafia. they're demanding everything." she finally said, her voice weak and tired. "they are going to kill you if i don't give it all over. problem is... you own everything and they're threatening to kill you." Dmitri started to snicker before realiing his mother was being very serious. "...oh..." well, he'd never had his life threatened before.

"I... I remember the witches." he mumbled. "and I remember... we went to the roadhouse. Thn i played in the mud and ate a squirrel." he informed her, the only things he could be sure of in his disjointed, shattered mind. "you're hurt! i'll take you to Cas." Dean promised, gathering her into his arms and paused to look at John who looked for all the world like he was begging to die. Dean just left, stepping from Idaho to the Bunker just like that. "Cas! Cas! Bailey's hurt!"
“And every time we get close, he takes off again. Frustrating, but not to worrying really, he hasn’t hurt himself as of yet.”Sam sighed a little sipping his coffee, before leaning over to kiss dmitri’s cheek. “She’ll be fine. They might be a little dense, but Cas’ is there.”sam pointed out before frowning at dmitri, paling a little at the notice bailey’s house had been invaded. “She brought lisa to the bunker, Bailey’s fine. She’s okay.”He muttered, though he sounded more like he was reassuring himself, then anything else. Trying to keep it together before frowning at the woman, more serious then dmitri, it was often his life was threatened, though for a moment, he didn’t apperciate the threat, because it was such a human threat compared to what normally threatened him. Pausing as he considered that, “.....Don’t worry about it. And don’t give them anything. We’ll tell Crowley. Crowley eats mobsters for breakfast.”Sam said, well aware that there were probably more then a few deals in the mafia, surely they could get the demon’s help.

“Yes we did....and you took care of some hunters who were jackasses...”She muttered staring at his chest, fingers playing over the dirty fabric, not ready to look at him. Not wanting to see the disgust in his features, even if he didn’t remember, she was so scared it’d be there. “ ate squirrel?”She muttered frowning a little, “I think a witch got ahold of you....made you go away.”She muttered, sounding relieved that it hadn’t simply been him leaving. “I’m okay.”She slurred a little, starting a little as he picked her up, sighing softly as she rested her head against his chest, for the moment, content to be held. Frowning a little when the angel didn’t answer right away. Indeed, it was nearly 10 minutes before the angel appeared, eyes widening when he saw the two. “What-”He started before shaking his head, moving over, resting his fingers against bailey’s forehead and healing her, relaxing a little as she did heal, though she still looked pale and ready to fall over. Which, had been pretty much how she’d looked since dean had left, though she looked a little worse for wear at the moment. ‘what happened?”Cas said looking them both over. Wanting to know before they found out about lisa.
"thank god for that." Dmitri agreed, wondering if Sam even knew that Dean used to, recently, cut himself? Dmitri had worried in Dean's insanity he might go back to old habits but it sounded as if Dean was still clean. "of course Bailey is fine. you think a silly thing like a Hag can stop her?" Dmitri scoffed. "you weren't supposed to get involved." she admitted. "i know i was never the best mother to you, but i tried so hard to keep you safe..." she admitted before gasping, looking horrified, grabbing Dmitri firmly. "Have you been making deals with Demons?!" "what? no! mother, calm down..." Dmitri ordered, which made her relax only a little. "Crowley is not like other demons. he's been following Sam and Dean for years and he's currently having wild passionate affairs with an Angel of the Lord. not to mention he seams to have stacked his loyalty behind Dean, who seams to have turned into a Demon himself... i'll explain everything while Sam calls Crowley and explains whats happening okay?" Dmitri asked, patting his mothers hands. "i don't understand, why would father get involved with the Mafia?"

"Did i? that sounds like something i'd do. i remember they said something about you..." he admitted, frowning a little. "it made me very angry." he admitted before looking at her. "yes. it was a good squirrel. nice and fat, and it stole my nuts." he complained. "so it deserved it." he huffed before blinking. "the witches did something? that sounds right. i don't... why would i play with mud?" he wondered. "why did i go away? i don't understand..." he admitted before gathering her close to him. "i have you. it's okay. i have you." he promised, snuggling her before scowling at Cas. "what too you so long!" he complained before shaking his head. "i don't know. John was there but he was dead, and Lucifer was there but he was dead too. i felt her pull on a huge recess of my power so o fillowed it, but it was already over when i got there." he admitted. "where is everyone?"
“Yes. Bruce said he looked healthy, and well, despite everything.”Sam knew because bailey knew, and that had been his biggest fear while dean was gone. That dean would resort to old habits to deal. “Well, that’s true. Still worrying to have one in her bedroom though.”Sam said wrinkling his nose a little. Wincing a little at isabelle’s reaction, sighing quietly. “It is a wildly passionate affair, that has us all wishing we were deaf sometimes. And he’ll never admit it, but he likes us. Hell, crowley even bought Bailey birthday presents.”Sam snickered a little. “And there’s a reason he’s loyal to dean.”Sam said and it wasn’t just cause crowley liked him, nodding a little as he moved away to call crowley. Not only because he wanted to tell the man what was going on, but because he wanted to get a update on how lisa was doing.

“Yes. They....they...Finest piece of ass John winchester ever thought they were talking about you at first. It was about me.”She muttered staring at his chest, before snorting a little. “So the squirrel ate a squirrel....Crowley’s never going to let you hear the end of it.”She muttered before nodding. “The...the night hag said it was a spell or something....when...he showed up, I thought it was a lie....but you’re here.”She muttered sighing quietly. “I was driving, stopping while a pregnant woman was in labor did not seem like a good idea when my lover was ready to have a panic attack. Your niece and lisa are well settled at the hospital now, and while in labor, she will be there for a few hours still.”Cas promised checking bailey over, to make sure she was okay. “Lisa....”Bailey frowned a little, struggling to focus. “We have to go.”She said squirming trying to get out of dean’s arms, whining a little when she realized they’d left her car behind. “....Don’t know how lucifer got there....but he...he tricked me. Brought me there...wanted to kill me.”Bailey muttered, moving to get away. “Lisa, crowley and angel are at the hospital, bruce is looking for you, sam and dmitri are at his mother’s. Now. Are you feeling well enough for a shower?if you two are going to the hospital, you should get one.”
"Thank goodness for that." Dmitri sighed. "maybe if he's gone to Bailey, everything will be okay." he hoped to god that was true. "well now! that's just not something to be discussed in front of a lady!" Isabelle protested, her cheeks tinted pink. "a reason?" Dmitri asked curiously. "what kind of reason?" he asked, looking baffled before shaking his head and turned his attention to his mother. explaining everything, even all the boys parts. thank the heavens for the Supernatural books. Dmitri didn't have to leave anything out. thankfully, he didn't mention anything about John being a child abusing rapist or Sam being addicted to Demon blood.

Dean snarled violently and tightened his hold on her, protective, possessive. "i killed the fuckers, right? i killed them dead? deader than dead?!" he demanded, looking down at her. "You're mind. always, forever. for Eternity." he promised. "he can't hurt you anymore." he promised. "he's gone." he promised before tensing even more. "what night hag?" he demanded. "i'll kill her dead!" he growled before blinking at Cas. "labor?" he asked, looking so horrified at the thought of the twins being there that he almost swayed in place. he looked like he was going to pass out before shaking his head. "you need to sleep. you lost a lot of blood." Dean chastised before looking down at himself. "i'm naked... Cas? why am i naked?" he asked, looking at the angel, well and truly baffled.
“hopefully.”sam said before snickering at Isabelle’s reaction. “I know, but watching everyone figure out a angel of the lord is having sex, just amuses me. Because they both look fascinated and dumbfounded at the idea.”Sam teased his mother in law, warming up to her now that he knew what was going on, and teasing her because it was the only way he was going to get stress relief until he knew where Dean was. “Hm. Yes. Something I can’t tell you till Dean knows. Otherwise he’ll hurt us all.”Sam muttered smiling a little as he pressed a kiss to dmitri’s forehead. Returning in a few minutes, he smiled. “When bruce or cas return to the hospital, crowley said he’ll take care of things.”he said relaxing a little, fidgety and nervous though knowing dmitri was telling his mother everything.

Bailey sighed softly, closing her eyes, fidgety and upset with what had been said, that he’d left, despite how very protective and possessive she was being held. It’d take more then this to undo 3 months worth of mental damage she’d done to herself. “You did. I promise.”She muttered shuddering a little at the promise, closing her eyes. Relaxing into him, wanting so badly to believe him. “I know...I saw him.”she muttered sighing softly. “...Um.”She muttered wincing a little. “Well. The one that attacked me in my house...she’s already dead.”She muttered. “Yes labor. And bruce’s already taken the night hag out of the house.”cas promised before snorting a little at deans’ reaction, reaching out to keep him from falling with bailey in his arms. “Calm down. You’re okay dean. They’re not here yet.”he promised. “ we have to get to the hospital....lisa needs us.”Bailey muttered struggling to focus enough to get away, to go to the hospital. “You are naked. I’m sorta amazed you didn’t stop your escape for sex really. Though her hurt put a damper on that I guess....”The angel frowned a little before snorting. “Because apparently you’ve been living as a wild man. Now, go shower if you can stand up long enough for it. Nap, then we’ll go to the hospital.” “But-:” “You wont do lisa any good if you pass out on the way there. “
Isabelle flushed even more brightly and huffed at Sam. "you are just like his father was! what a scoundrel!" she complained, though there was a hint of a smile. "you protect Dmitri well. thank you for that." "Wait, Dean doesn't know either?!" Dmitri asked, looking completely baffled before shaking his head. "never mind, i'm sure we'll get to the bottom of things. until then, we should stay here." he admitted, blinking when his mother flinched quite violently when her phone rang and she picked it up with shaking hands. "hello? yes... no i don't... i don't have the money yet. the Lawyers are having a pissing contest... yes... of course. i'll have it soon i swear... you know where Dmitri is?!" she asked, her voice catching. " must be joking? there's no way he would live in a bunker..." she flinched violently. "no! no. i believe you i swear... please... i just need a little more time... one week. yes. of course. i'll have it by then. i swear." she swallowed thickly, hung up the phone and set her hands on her face, her body wracked with shudders as she cried. she'd been dealing with calls like that for a month, it was no wonder she'd tried to force Dmitri to just hand it all over. "you know what? i have a better idea." Dmitri said, a hard edge to his voice as he plucked Sam's phone out of his pocket and made a call. "Hi Adam it's D. yes it's great to hear from you too! aaaw that's brilliant! tell her i said congratulations. it's good that the Pack is growing so well. I'm glad you're enjoying the property. listen, i need a huge favor, i know you don't normally hunt after humans but these bastards are reducing my mother to tears and i just don't think the demons will get creative enough." "You're still in contact with those flee riddled beasts?" Isabelle asked, clearly unhappy, even more so when Dmitri actually shushed her! "Thanks Adam, a Demon named Crowley will probobly come visit you to lend a hand, no worries he's as good as a demon can get, just don't make any deals. you got it. of course i'll come visit! i have a baby too!" "YOU WHAT!?" Isabelle shrieked and Dmitri rolled his eyes. "yes, i know i'm actually a boy you dick." "Dmitri!" Isabelle gasped, wondering when her son had turned into a Heathen. "Sam... would you be a darling and pour me a drink from the bar? i think i'm going to faint." Isabelle admitted, looking quite pale and stunned.

"okay. as long as they're dead." Dean mumbled, refusing to let her go. "are the Witches Dead? i should make them deader than dead. i hate witches." he admitted. "i hate hags. i hate hunting. let's move to a secluded island where there's no other people and no other things and live there." he asked her, quite hopeful she'd say yes. "no time for showers." Dean informed Cas, setting his on hands on his stomach and just like that, he was clean. "a wild man?" he asked, looking quite baffled before setting his hands on Bailey and cleaning her the same way, quite pleased with himself for figuring out how to use some of his Demon Mojo. "Okay. lets go." he decided, well aware Bailey wouldn't sleep anyway if they tucked her into bed so he could maybe talk her into sleeping at the hospital. he'd cradle her if he had to but she could sleep there, no point in trying to force her when it would just make her set her heals in.
“I have a older sibling, he taught me some bad habits.”he said giving her that cute puppy dog look that had always gotten him out of trouble before smiling. “well, he looks after me to. It’s nice having someone besides Dean to look after.”He smiled before snickering. “No. Crowley and Cas apparently have been keeping their own counsel.”Sam snorted a little before wincing as the phone rang. Eyes widening a little as he listened to the call. A soft quiet growl escaping, ducking his head, burying his face against Dmitri’s shoulder to stop from reaching out and taking thephone from the woman, no matter how much he wanted to, he wouldn’t do that. Moving over to her as she cried, wrapping the small woman in his arms, holding her just as gently as he always did Dmitri. Startlign as dmitri stole his phone, he raised his eyebrows watching the other. “...Crowley hears you calling him good, he’ll have a coronary.”sam muttered looking curious before wincing as isabelle shrieked in his ear, and fairly certain he was going to get blamed for dmitri’s bad behavior.....maybe he could blame dean and bailey? “Yes. I can do that.”Sam smiled pulling away from her as he poured them all drinks, before sipping his rum and coke, handing her a drink. “ do have a granddaughter....well. My daughter....dmitri’s sorta taken over and claimed he’s mommy now.”He muttered.

“They are.”Bailey muttered nodding. “And yes. The witches to.....I think they cursed you while they were dying...”She said, relaxing into him a little. “You’d go insane if we lived somewhere without anything to do. Or sam. Or cas.”She pointed out, well aware that no matter how much they might not want to do anything, or retire, he’d get bored with doing nothing. Though....maybe they could retire? “We’ll think about it.”She said because she was nervous about telling him what she’d gotten up to while he was gone. “yes, wild man. Living in the wild, eating squirrels. Playing in the mud.”Cas said shaking his head a little amused that dean had indeed lived as a wild man before looking startled as the two of them were clean. Huffing a little because he couldn’t vonvince them to rest. “Fine. Let’s go.”Cas said resting a hand on their arms before flashing to the hospital. “ should go in...I mean...I know Crowley’s probably with her...” “He’s not. He’s outside with Angel. I was staying with Lisa until you needed me.”Cas said frowning a little. “Dean should go in. Stay with lisa.”Bailey said sounding a little lost, and like she was hiding, she didn’ much as she’d looked forward to being there for the twins, of having this life, this moment in the hospital, knowing lisa was giving burn, brought up to many memories, and it was hitting her harder now then it would have normally, with dean having been gone so long. She was struggling to hold it together.
"i'm sure." she said, quite dryly. "so it's a secrete and Dean doesn't know. he's going to murder them." Dmitri mused, shaking her head. Dmitri didn't look much happier about the phone call than Sam did. his mother had never been all that affectionate after his brothers death but she had always gone to heaven and hell to make sure Dmitri was safe, healthy and happy. "this is all that Guardians fault! that heathen! i knew i shouldn't have let him guard you! he's turned you into a foul mouthed little... little... little..." "heathen?" Dmitri asked with a grin. "impertinence!" she complained, huffing. "you used to be such a sweet child." "you say that every time you see me." Dmitri reminded her. "when i was five, you used to tell me i was such a sweet baby that never gave you any fits." he pointed out, looking amused as he sipped his glass of wine that Sam had poured while Isabelle's trembling hands sipped at her brandy. "so you have a daughter?" she asked, smiling a little. "i'm glad you didn't bring her, who knows what those gang brutes might have done if they'd found out about her." she admitted before chuckling. "i'm not surprised he's taken on the mommy role." she admitted with a smile. "he used to beg for dolls when he was a little boy and he'd change their diapers and feed them bottles. it was adorable."

"i wouldn't. i'll have twins to take care of. and you. that will keep me perfectly busy and content." he promised. "retiring could work. maybe then we could go on a date and not have to get wet hunting filthy mermaids." he mused. "i remember that." Dean agreed. "it was actually quite relaxing. but i felt miserable, i think it's because i was away from Bailey." he admitted. "Crowley's not out here..." Dean said, scowling because Bruce was. he was there holding Angel May. where was Crowley!? "...Lisa?" Dean asked, his face bleeding of all color and he spun on his heal and raced down the hallway where he could feel Crowley waiting. he burst into the room. the twins where sleeping in little cots off to the side, Crowley was sitting next to the bed, holding one of Lisa's hands, the other laying on her waist. her skin was soft, pale and she wasn't breathing. Dean heard someone screaming, he didn't realize it was him. "I did everything i could..." Crowley whispered. Dean ignored him, he tapped into that new power, letting it roll around him, set his hands on Lisa and pushed. every light in the building flared very brightly and then exploded and the electricity failed. only for a few short moments before the backup generators kicked in and the emergency lights flared but Lisa remained dead. Dean howled in agony, knowing it was futile to even have tried. even if he could drag her soul out of heaven himself, her body was still weak, sick and she'd die again in a matter of months and there was nothing he could have done about that. it didn't make the pain any better and he knelt there and wept over the body tht had once housed the most important person in his life, if he wasn't counting Bailey. which he wasn't because he could survive Lisa's death, if Bailey where to die he'd follow shortly after.
“He is. It’s going to be interesting.”Sam said smirking a little, well aware his brother was going to blow a gasket over this. Wincing a little, he cleared his throat a little. “No, I do not think it’s all bruce’s fault. Dean and his mate are a pair of foul mouthed hunters, not to mention crowley.”it was amusing that he was leaving himself off the heathen list. “No I could believe that. Will you stop giving me fits now?”Sam teased a little before nodding at isabelle. “I do. About three months old.”He smiled softly at the idea of his daughter before wincing. “They would do nothing good. She’s safe where she is.”Sam smiled a little before snorting. “Now that, doesn’t surprise me.”

“Maybe. I’m sure you’ll run away at the first dirty diaper though.”She teased a little sighing softly. “Hmmm, that would be nice. Getting dates without monsters would be good.”She muttered, though she doubted that he was going to stick around, but she wanted to. Wanted to believe again. “I’m sorry you were miserable.”Bailey muttered. Frowning when she didn’t see Crowley, following after dean, looking upset and scared when she saw the demon, reaching out, wrapping a arm around dean, holding him, starting to cry. “We know.”Bailey muttered looking at crowley, flinching at the feel of power bursting across her skin, stumbling a little as the fury and pain hit her as dean felt it, stumbling to hold him, following him to the ground as she held him, trying to stay strong for dean.

“I’ll get sam and dmitri.”Cas muttered from the doorway eyes sad as he considered them, pale as he fluttered out of the room. “Sam?Dmitri?”He asked quietly, looking pale and shaken, knowing dean needed them even if there was something wrong here, dean needed them more. He could handle isabelle, and whatever was going on. This had to be see what’s next. "You're needed at the hospital."
"sure. that's one word for it." Dmitri agreed. "it's Bruce's fault." she sniffed. "ever since Dmitri went off to collage with that brute he's been getting worse and worse. what happened to my baby who begged me for Ballet?" she asked, sulking a little. "he learned that Ballet sucks and ballroom is better." Dmitri quipped, making her snort. "i will never stop giving you fits." Dmitri said as he popped open his wallet and handed a picture of Angel May to his mother. "oh she's just darling... she's definitely Sam's." that made Dmitri laugh before jerking in surprise when Cas appeared. "Cas? what's wrong?! what is it!?" he demanded, getting to his feet, Isabelle looking a little worried that this being had been able to just randomly appear in her house. well, Dmitri's house. the house.

"... I'll make a deal with Crowley that they'll be born potty trained." he decided with a smile before nodding. "hell, we can always go to the location the day before and clean it out completely before our date." he decided. "so we can be sure there won't be any hunting!" he decided, looking proud of his idea before he unloaded every drop of power he had into Lisa. he clung to Bailey and held her close and wept against her. sobbing because Lisa was dead and they couldn't bring her back. even if Cas could fetch her soul, she wouldn't survive her weak body. it seamed like forever before he could get himself to move and he managed to croak that they should see to the twins, as they where beginning to cry.
“Ah. Well, he still dances sometimes.”Sam said smirking a little, though no mother would be interested in knowing her son danced for his mate. It was amusing to consider though, and watch his mate be happy for the moment. “She is a darling. And probably will be a cute little moose.”Sam smiled looking up at Cas in shock, having not been expecting it. Studying the angel. “I am sorry, miss, but this is a pressing worry.”Cas said bowing his head at Isabelle a little. “Dean and Bailey are at the hosptail, and...Lisa...”Cas paled a little, swallowing thickly. “Lisa is gone. The labor was to much.” “....Did you try healing her?Bringing her back?” “Of course.”Cas scowled a little, looking offended that the other thought he wouldn’t have tried. “Crowley to. Dean....Dean tried....”Cas shook his head. “We need to go. I fear leaving them alone to long.”

“You can’t do that. That’s ruining one of the best traditions of being a parent. Your child peeing on you. You missed it before. You have to go through it now.”Bailey muttered smiling a little before huffing. “Nah, we’ll make sam and cas clear it out, so we can enjoy our date as a first time there sort of thing.”She smiled a little at his idea. Bailey shifting, moving to sit back enough to wrap her arms around him, sighing quietly as he cried, looking up when she heard the twins sniffling, working up to full on cries, from the rolling cribs nearby. “Shush, you’re okay. You are.”Bailey muttered gently easing away from Dean to go to the twins cribs, eyes wide as she saw their son and daughter. Gently picking up the small fussy boy since he seemed to be the one most upset, cooing at him softly, moving back towards dean. Easing the baby into his arms, moving his arms around so he wouldn’t drop him. “Dean, you have a son. A baby boy.”She muttered kissing his forehead, making sure he had him, before moving back to retrieve their girl.
"moose?" Isabelle asked, looking baffled. "it's Sam's nickname. he's a moose. when he nnoys us, we tell him to stop being a moose." Dmitri admitted, making Isabelle chuckle. "Cas? take my mother to the b..." he paused, they knew about the Bunker. where could he take her? she had to be safe. Dmitri was torn, he needed to be there for Bailey, she was going to be devastated about all of this. "we found Dean then?" Dmitri asked, feeling so disjointed. "Sam... Cas wouldn't be here if they where capable of bringing her back and even if they could, they cannot heal what's already dead. her liver would still be gone. she'd still die again in a few more months. it would be cruel." he said softly, stroking his lovers arm. "help me think of as safe place to take mother and then we'll go. Adam has to have time to find out whose threatening us before he can act."

"it's not the pee i'm concerned with." he admitted with a shake of his head before beaming at her. "that's an even better idea!" he agreed before sniffling a little. he'd wept himself dry and let her go because the babies where so much more important and he blinked at the little baby boy and smiled even though he still had tears trailing own his face still. "Jensen. his name is Jensen. Lisa made me promise." he admitted. "Jensen James? Jensen Jay? Jensen...hmmm... Jensen Cas? Jensen Bay? Jensen Samuel? Jensen Crowley? Jensen Fergus?" focusing intently on naming the baby so that he wouldn't think about the fact that Lis should be putting in her two cents.
“And I’m sorta built like one, and my brother is tiny and a squirrel, so we’re like rocky and bowinkle.”Sam added before tilting his head a little. Thinking about it. “Dean found us. Well. Bailey. She was harmed, and he went to her. She’s recovering, but there has been something happening....but we did not get a chance to talk, what with Lisa...”Cas said sighing a little. “...I know...”sam sighed softly, looking upset, leaning into dmitri a little as he nodded slightly, thinking. “I will take her to Crowley’s home. Even with none of us living there, the wards are impressive, and it is empty at the moment. We would just be a prayer away.”Cas offered tilting his head, well aware crowley’d probably grumble about it, but for now, it was the best he could do. Looking at isabelle, as he held out a hand. “I’ll take you to the house, then return for them.”He said looking at sam and dmitri to make sure that’d be okay.

“Yes, I know. Jensen and Jennifer.”Bailey muttered shifting, sitting down next to dean, sighing quietly as she rested. Watching their babies, “You are not allowed naming your child Fergus. That’s just cruel.”bailey muttered. “...Jensen Casey.”Bailey muttered, realizing it would be for both his best friends, cas and crowley, a sensible blending of their names. “...And Jennifer Jacqueline....Jennifer Savannah....Jennifer samantha....”Bailey sounded just as disjointed as dean, focusing intently rather then resting like she should.
"that's kind of adorable."Isabelle admitted, looking amused before watching the byplay between the three people in front of her. "Baily was hurt? it's going to take hours to sort out all of this." Dmitri admitted with a sigh before nodding. "Crowley's home would work fantastically." he agreed. "it's fancy enough to appease my mothers more delicate nature." she just huffed but didn't say anything because she knew Dmitri was just releasing some tension and worry. "thank you Cas." Dmitri said softly before smiling as Isabelle hesitantly accepted Castiel's had. "should i not pack something?" "no time. I'll have Annie pack some things for you and Bruce or Cas will pick it up and deliver it to you." she nodded, happy to accept that as a compromise. "i'll call her myself and tell her what i want." Isabelle agreed before smiling at Cas. "it won't hurt will it?"

"i've got it!" he said, smiling at her. "Jensen Jared. Jared was Lisa's fathers name. and Jennifer Jade. because Jade was lisa's favorite color. this way there's a bit of Lisa in them too." he offered, smiling at his mate. "she would have hated those names so it's only fair." he admitted with a chuckle, looking up when a nurse walked in to bring them some bottles and some paperwork to fill out to name the babies. "come on... let's go back out... we can't..." he swallowed hard. they couldn't do anything for Lisa so it would be best if they let Bruce handle her arrangements. he was the boyfriend after all. hopefully they could both get some sleep.
Cas smiled a little, “You’re welcome. I will be back momentarily.”He promised. “And no, it wont hurt.”Cas promised, resting a hand on hers, rushing to get her settled into the house, and hoping she’d forgive him for leaving moments after showing her the house, returning to get the boys and heading for the hospital.

“I like it. Perfect.”Bailey smiled a little, resting her cheek against his shoulder, before snickering. “She would have.”she agreed amused before sighing softly as she realized there was paperwork to fill out. “Yea...we’ll finish the paperwork and feed them and hopefully Sam and Dmitri will be back soon.”She muttered standing carefully, smiling as they moved into the adjoining room before pausing as she recognized the people walking towards them. “Dean, it’s sam.”She muttered nudging him to get his attention. “Dean.Thank god.”Sam muttered looking so relieved to see his sibling, even more so odd looking considering there was such a tiny baby cuddling against his chest, “What can I do?”He said looking at the two with the babies, bottles, and paperwork. Willing to do whatever they needed.
"perfect." he murmured, stroking baby Jensen's cheek with a smile. "we're genius's." he admitted before sighing as he accepted the paperwork and the condolences and he nodded. "i hope so." he aditted. "how ong have i been gone anyway?" he asked her. "three days?" he wondered, trying to peice together his cracked and shattered memories. "Sam." Dean sounded relieved to have his brother there. his stubborn brother who could make Bailey sleep. and Dmitri who could at the very least help feed the twins while Bailey napped. "here. fill out the paperwork?" Dean asked hopefully. "and maybe get us back to the bunker so we can rest? Bailey was attacked." he admitted. "here... meet you're nephew and neice. this is Jensen Jared and this is Jennifer Jade."
“We are.”She agreed smiling a little as Jennifer blinked up at her, cooing softly to the small girl. “....three months.”Bailey said wincing a little, watching her mate, before smiling at sam. “I can do that.”Sam smiled as he shifted his hold on angel, the small girl resting against his shoulder as he took the clipboard, before nodding. “I’ll get us all home soon.”He promised. “I’m fine. Really.”Bailey muttered as Sam before smirking at dean. “Good names....and you get to meet your niece, Angel May.”He smiled before trailing off, looking towards the room, frowning slightly. Feeling a call, but not sure what he was hearing. Or feeling. “Sam?”Cas said watching the man. “Something....can you take Angel?”He asked passing her over to cas before stepping into lisa’s room, frowning as he considered the feelings. Not sure what was getting to him, and trying to sort it out.
"I was what!?" Dean gasped, stunned. "three.... three MONTHS!?" he sounded so stunned, so shocked, so horrified. "oh my god... Bailey... i'm so sorry." he whispered, eyes wide, horrified that he had left her for so long. "thanks Sam." Dean said,staring at Angel because, well his brother was holding a baby and where the hell had a baby come from in three months? "hello Angel." Dean cooed at the baby, not making the connection between Sam's baby and Angel because where the hell could Sam have gotten a baby in three months? there was a much more reasonable explanation that Cas had popped out a baby. "Sam?" Dean asked, worried a little before watching Sam hand Angel over to Cas, Dmitri rolling his eyes. "give me my daughter." he ordered Cas with a smile. "i think he's rather forgotten i'm here." Dean almost, almost choked. Jesus Christ,Angel was actually Sam's! adopted maybe?! what the hell?! "he's probably going to go say goodbye. he and Lisa where almost as close as we where." he admitted, smiling at Bailey. "
“Three months. You were gone.”Bailey muttered sounding brittle, breakable, even if she was trying to hide it. “It’s...okay. I’m okay.”she muttered not looking at him, knowing he was already upset enough as it was, he didn’t need to feel worse about this. “Welcome.”Sam smiled at dean, smirking. Waiting for the demand of a answer. “You’re good with babies.”Bailey teased her mate, watching dean and angel. “Yea, I’m okay.”Sam said waving off dean’s worried question. “No. I’m cuddling the angel.”Cas huffed a little, smiling though as he handed angel over to dmitri, “We’ll explain later.”bailey said, giggling a little at the look Dean was giving them all. “True. He’s gonna miss having someone to talk to.”bailey said smiling a little. “....Uh. Cas?”Sam called sounding utterly lost and confused as he stared at bruce, having only gone in to give lisa one last hug, he hadn’t excepted he’d heal the woman, or that she’d wake up when he wished that she’d come back.
"God! no! it's not okay! it's one hundred percent not okay!" he mumbled, picking up her hand and kissing it because he wasn't sure she still wanted to kiss him, looking at her neck because he had noticed that she wasn't wearing her collar. it made him feel as if his heart was being shredded but he said nothing. he had been gone for three months, of course she'd moved on. "of course i'm good with babies, i took care of one before." he admitted with a nod. "we named him Bobby." he neglected to mention the other half of the baby's name, he knew that Sam wouldn't comment either now that Sam knew the truth. "and Lisa had a baby niece i got to help with." he admitted, smiling at little baby Jensen. he looked up when Sam called to Cas and frowned a little. "Sammie?" he asked, carefully handing Jensen to Crowley, heading back with Cas to see what was wrong.
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