Blood written(lady/moon)

"Its...we'll talk later. Okay?"she smiled a little, closing her eyes for a moment, leaning into him more. Trying to reassure him that they might be okay, that it wasn't a problem for her, but she had doubted him. The damage to them, she trusted it could be fixed. Needed to be able to fix it. "...I remember hearing about that. That's amusing.bshe teased a little, trying to simply relax and be with him, reassured with his presence, and trying to to give into the low level panic that had been there since he'd shown up again."yea...uh."sam looked up as his brother and the angel came in, trusting thst the others were looking after the babies as he nodded towards the slightly breathing, if past out lisa."I touched her hand...and wished she was here and ...she breathed..."sam said sounding close to panic. "Shit."cas breathed eyes wide and so shocked sam looked even more anxious, because it wasn't often cas was shocked to silence for any amount of time. "Uh...shit..."Cas muttered looking like he was having problems putting words together
"okay." Dean whispered, relaxing a little at the promise that they could tal about it. that they might be okay, that it could be okay. hoping to god that was true. "yeah. it's a shame he had to die like that." Dean sighed, shaking his head because he couldn't blame Cas or Crowley for the events that had happened. how was he to know that Cas hadn't had the heart to kill babies and children and had found suitable parents who could understand them? Bobby John was actually in school living like a normal child. or as normal as one with a silver allergy could get. "......" Dean's breath hitched and he reched out and gently took Lisa's hand, stroking the skin and looked at Sam, his eyes wide before he raced back out. "Sam! Sam he's! oh my GOD!" he took the baby from Bailey. "you have to go see, make sure i'm not hallucinating."
Bailey smiled softly, relaxing with the knowledge they could talk. They’d be okay. “It was....”Cas muttered knowing it was safer that dean and sam didn’t know what had happened to the child, but he might tell dean. But that was a thought for another day. “...Dean?I...did I?”Sam looked upset and anxious as he looked at his brother, looking anxious. “...What?”Bailey sputtered looking startled as she let dean take Jennifer, moving back into the room, eyes wide as she saw the woman. Looking at Cas who looked like he was getting his words back as theu stepped back outside. “Sam....”Cas cleared his throat a little, looking at Crowley. “I think we know for sure where Michael’s grace went.”Beucase he’d known, he just hadn’t considered it would change this much. “....we need to go home. This is not...a discussion we want to have here. Especially with dean just getting back.....I think we all need to take a step back for the day.”Cas said looking anxious as he considered them all, because all he really wanted to do was take them back to the bunker, but he wasn’t sure if the hospital would let them do that. Not with what would be a miracle, but they couldn’t really let anyone see Lisa either. “Sam. Go with dean, and make sure the twins are allowed to leave. They’re healthy. We don’t have to stay. Crowley, Cas, get lisa home. She’s not pregnant anymore, transport her.”Bailey said taking control, before looking at dmitri. “Cas’ car’s outside, I asked. The carseats are in it. Go pull it around.”She said, taking control and only holding it together because dean needed her to, when all she wanted to do was fall into his hold, and get the last three months wash over her.
"I don't know Sam. i don't know." Dean admitted, gripping Sam's arms. "but i'm not going to question it, i'm not going to wish it back and i'm sure as hell never telling anyone what you can do. the last thing we need is for you to decide you're the next messiah." Dean teased Sam, the only thing he could think to do at the moment. "No shit Sherlock." Dean informed Cas, shaking his head. "yeah. let's get back tot he Bunker." "Crowley's house." Dmitri corrected. "the Bunker isn't safe at the moment. human threat. i'll explain later." he promised the assembled group. "okay." dean agreed, watching Bailey before gently taking her hand and giving it a squeeze before heading to the checkout to get the twins checked out. they where released and he informed the staff that he was taking Lisa's body as well. citing that she was religious and wanted nothing done to her after her death but to be buried in a small plot in her childhood home. they released Lisa without a fuss as well. with that Dean was able to settle the babies into the car seat and spent the entire ride hissing at Sam to stop driving like a maniac.
“Okay....Yes....I can do this...”Sam muttered looking shell shocked and lost, before his eyes went wide. “What?” “He’s already got the hair down. He might be the next messiah.”Bailey teased a little just to watch sam sputter and look lost. Cas growled softly, the light nearest them flickering a little as it responded to cas’ stress and annoyance at dean’s words, even if he knew Dean was upset and worried himself, the angel wasn’t dealing well. Not when he knew dean was goign to handle things badly. “.....Okay. Crowley’s.”Bailey agreed as they all headed out to do their tasks.

Cas sighed softly as they finished settling not only Lisa into bed to rest in the bedroom next to dean and bailey’s, but settled the twins into the cribs that cas had retrieved from the bunker, glad that they’d thought to get the mobile ones, as they all settled into the living room, the twins sleeping easily in the room, everyone to anxious about everything that had happened, to let any of the babies out of their sight even if they were sleeping, even if angel was happily, sleepily, cooing at her father as she resisted going down for her nap. Having put a baby monitor in with lisa so if she woke before they were done with this conversation, they would know, but he doubted she’d wake soon. The angel frowned a little as he settled on the couch with Crowley, looking across the room at the other couch at the sight of bailey curled up in the corner of the couch, head resting on the arm of the couch, with dean on her other side, looking so small and breakable curled up there, looking for all the world she was shutting out the world, whatever they had to say. For the moment cas knew she had simply shut down in order to deal with whatever fallout she was feeling for the last few months. Wincing a little as he realized he was putting off the conversation by wondering if they’d be okay. And wondering where to start.

“So. First things first.....Sam...I think, I know, really. Sam’s become the lord of heaven. a new archangel, when he asborbed michael’s grace when he died....” “What?” “It’s not anything that will change. You’re still human in any way that counts, you have just....become more to.” “So...what does that mean?” “Whatever you want it to mean. No one can force you to do anything.”Cas said looking at Dean a little guiltily. “’re....we’ve been putting off telling you, because we weren’t sure how to tell you. But....” “He’s the new lord of hell, isn’t he? That’s why the dogs wont listen to me anymore. When he was gone....the hellhounds were the only ones who always obeyed. Even with him not here, they listened.”Bailey muttered sniffling a little hiding just how much she was feeling.shifting to look at crowley."you said you bred them for a lord and his mate. The other pups don't listen as well. The hounds always do....because they were supposed to."and that had nearly killed her when dean was gone, the thought thst he'd rejected everything, had refused to be near her because the hunters knew she was the finest piece of ass John had ever had....well, the idea had broken her, it would be a test to see if dean could help her be whole again.
All dean wanted to do was get up and pace, but Bailey needed him so he settled onto the couch with her, running his fingers through her hair as they watched Cas pace instead. he made sure the twins where as close to him as he could get them so he could reach them the second that they needed him. he rubbed Bailey's back in that soothing up, down, up, down motion she preferred. she had trained him well.

"Oh my god..."Sean said, straightening up as if he had an Epiphany. "That's why you could walk around without a Soul Sam. humans need Souls to be alive but Angels, all they are IS soul. we where the perfct Vessels after all but they got us crossed. let's face it. you where always Heavens perfect host. sweet, nice and do you remember when you where ten, and i was showing off in a tree? and i fell and we where sure i had broken my arm and that dad was gonna beat the shit out of us, but you kissed it likt the little dork you where and it stopped hurting and i was fine? i think you always had some Grace in you." Dean admitted, staring at Sam, wide eyed. "and me, i was always a little hellion. you remember my last year of school? i was sixteen and i was expelled for setting the gym on fire? i didn't use a lighter. i was so freaked out because i was hearing things that i just waved my hand and wished for the pain to stop and these black flames came out. i think... i think this was the way it always had to go. either we would be the hosts, or we would be the next bad-asses in charge."

He looked at Bailey. "the dogs weren't behaving?" he asked, worried. this time it was Crowley who spoke up. "The King of hell can command animals as effortlessly as he can Demons. without you around, they behaved like normal dogs. the hellhouds still obeyed her because she's your mate, bound in soul. she's your equal, your match in all ways. she's also absorbed Lucifer's Grace. tainted as it was, makes her more perfect, more powerful so you won't accidentally hurt her and so she can fight back against any silly bitches who might think killing her would leave your slot open for another queen." "i would die if Bailey passed!" "i know." Crowley admitted. "she might also be the target for assassination attempts or power plays. her boost of power will help with that." "so Bailey can protect herself from Demon's in a more hands on way? i'm down with that." Dean admitted, not bothering to think that Baily couldn't have handled them anyway. she was Bailey. Demon's where pathetic, of course Bailey could kick their asses.
Bailey sighed wuietly, relaxing as her hair was petted, something tight and aching relaxing as dean stroked her back. They'd be okwy. Really. He was trying to make her feel okay, they'd be okay. Shifting to nuzzle his shoulder a little, trying to make him relax to, after three months of waiting, hoping, and denying herself any sort of comfort, she was starting to drop now that they were relatively calm and not in danger.

" I didn't need a soul to move...thats..."sam started stopping as he considered it. It made sense, in a twisted sort of way. Snickering at dean's words."I'm not that nice."he said though angel fussed at him as if the three month old was protesting the words, before sulking."neither am I a little dork. That was totally all your fault with the tree." "You are a dork, and dean showing off, there must have been a girl around."bailey said teasing her mate a little, relaxed and happy, damn near purring under his hands."yes, to be able to handle a angels grace, I think he was born with it. At least able to withstand a archangels grace, which in all honesty probably should have killed him, would have if it'd been anyone else."cas said frowning a little before laughing out loud at the idea of dean catching things on fire."you didnt?I mean, I knew it happened, I just assumed you were lying about not having a lighter when you told dad."sam frowned at his brother before snorting."well, at least we won't have to worry about heaven and he'll fighting any more." "Oh, they still will, but now you can just slap them down for misbehaving." Cas smirked as he imagined just how freaked out everyone had to be with the winchesters in charge.

"No, but they're learning. They're still puppies."bailey shrugged a little before looking at crowley."ah. Makes sense. Hellhounds are creatures of hell, they're ours, always."bailey muttered thinking it over before smirking at dean a little."sorry, babe. No 1950s housewife for you."she teased blushing a little, because she was still feeling off balance, unsure of where they stood."good to know he won't hurt me by accident....or more then I like." "....more about your sex life then I want to know."sam whined a little making a face. "We know that, but demons are stupid, and bound to think about wanting to try to be your wueen."cas made a face. "So good to know you think I'd be okay on my own."bailey teased a little, sighing softly as she shifted, closing her eyes.
Dean smiled, relaxing as he felt her relax. "Dude. you've met the Angels. do you think they're all that nice?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "it also explains why neither of us was tempted by those assholes... being honest here. if Lucifer had come to me and promised to take away my pain and let me rest and promised me rewards? i'd probobly have gone for it. I was so tired, and he wouldn't have made Micheal's mistake of mentioning fighting my brother." he pointed out. "and lets face it Sam, if Micheal had told you god had a plan for you? you'd have agreed in a heartbeat." he pointed out. "they fucked up by targeting the wrong Host." he mused before chuckling at Bailey. "nope, no girl for once. just Sammie." he admitted, shaking his head. "see? just proves my point."he admitted, stroking Bailey's back some more because it helped him just as much as it helped her. "no. no lighter, i didn't get one until later. i think that's why John stopped..." he swallowed thickly. "stopped 'sharing' me with the Other hunters." no point trying to hide it anymore. "i think John has always known what we where destined to be and worked his damnedest to make us weak and compliant." he admitted. "he damn near succeeded."

"so. we're in charge... i'm not living in Hell." "Course not." Crowley scoffed. "but you are going to have to appoint someone to keep charge down there or there are going to be riots and Sam is going to have to appoint someone for heaven." Crowley pointed out. "fine. Crowley, you're in charge." "What!? No! not ME!" Crowley protested. "you're the only demon i know. you're in charge." "Dammit!" Crowley whined before Dean snorted. "good god there's a scary thought. you being all meak and cooking and cleaning. yuck." he teased her with a smile. "i much prefer you able of taking care of yourself and watching my back." he admitted before smiling a little at her. "the new strength is something i'm still getting used to. i'd go to pick an apple and accidentally crush it in my hand. i think i have it mostly under control now though." he admitted. "it's not going to work. Dean and Bailey are soun bound. more than that, they are demons. when a demon is soul bound it's for eternity. if one dies, so will the other. all demons will know this. the women won't like it, but they'll know better than to try to kill Bailey. they'll do sneakier things, like try to get Dean drunk and then try to sleep with him so they can give birth to the heir. shame he already has a pair of heirs."Crowley mused, looking very smug about that. "there will still be attempts but i doubt anything will ever come of it. no demon would dare try to kill Bailey or the twins."
Sam snickered a little. ‘Okay, no really.”He said looking amused before thinking about it, nodding a little. “It makes sense. And no, lucifer’s not the one who mentioned we’d end up fighting.”Sam sighed a little before wincing a little, nodding. As much as he hated to consider that he’d have said yes, he would of. “....That’s amusing. Really.”Bailey muttered smiling a little, sighing softly, shifting, snuggling against her mate. Though she knew there was things they needed to talk about, that there were problems between them, as long as he was petting her, she knew they could work it out. “....Ah. Makes sense. Wouldn’t want to risk you catching someone on fire.”Sam said, though the tense and pained look crossed his face at the mention, he wasn’t willing to talk about it, unless dean wanted to. “Damn near.”He agreed, glancing at bailey. Wondering if John had known, suspected and sought to mess her up to to ensure dean would be weak and compliant.

“Good.”Bailey said, looking relieved to knwo that they wouldn’t have to live there. “And Cas. Cas gets heaven.” “what?” “yes. We trust you. You guys don’t have to stay the whole time either, know what’s going on. You can help us learn how to handle things.”Sam smiled a little amused at both the demon and angel’s whining at being put in charge. Bailey flushed a little, smiling a little. “I should try it out for a day. Just to watch you freak out.”She teased her mate a little, before nodding. “I like it better to. Make sure you come home that way.”She said before tilting her head a little. “Well, we might end up hurting each other if we’re not I apologize in advance.”She said smiling at him a little. “They wont try killing them, because wont lead to anything good. They’ll scheme and try to do things, but it wont work.”Cas promised tilting his head at bailey, reassuring the woman who had for three months felt abandoned. “I know.’Bailey muttered sighing, rubbing a hand over her face, wincing a little as jensen fussed a little hungry. Moving to get up and cuddle the baby as she headed for the kitchen to get a bottle. Needing a moment, and trying to settle, and she was, but everything was just a bit off. returning in a few minutes with a bottle for both babies, having every intention of staying up with the babies as long as they needed her. "....I'm amused he hasn't asked about the other baby in the room yet."Cas said, shifting gears, knowing they all needed a moment away from the serious stuff, snickering quietly
"Cas would make a great ruler of heaven. just no going Dark side this time or Sammie will Kick your ass." he teased with a smile. "we need help with this guys, we need you to help us because there's no one else we can trust todo what's right, instead of what they want." Dean pointed out, making Crowley groan because he'd basically shot himself in the foot. dammit. he nodded though, maybe he could make some changes in Hell for once. what was the point in torturing human souls? that wasn't Hell's job after all. sure the stupid humans who made deals for their souls was one thing, but humans who stole a candy bar? humans that didn't prey or didn't believe or whatever? what was the point in torturing them? maybe he could send the ones who where just, there, up to heaven? sure some humans deserved to be down there but all the ones they had? no way.

"they'll try nastier things, like kidnapping. they won't dare actually hurting Bailey or the twins though." Crowley admitted. "you won't hurt me." Dean promised Bailey with a smile. "and even if you're kidnapped, i'm sure you'll teach them a lesson. after the way you took on Lucy, i doubt they'll be trying anything soon." he admitted before letting her up when Jensen fussed and gathered Jenny into his arms so he could calm and feed her as well before looking at Angel May. "i thought it would be coming next, along with why the hell there's a strange woman here and why the Bunker is apparently not safe." Dmitri chuckled a little and settled in to explain what had happened and why his mother was there and that there where gang members after his mother and that one of the local clans of 'self controlled' werewolves where going to help out.
Okay. I’ll remember that.”Cas smiled a little, huffing slightly. “Fine. We’ll take care of things.”Cas said, groaning a little himself because dammit, he couldn’t say no to that. Smirking at his lover a little, maybe this time, they’d get to make the changes they wanted, and maybe things would change.

“True.”Cas muttered tilting his head a little. “I’ll try not to.”Bailey smiled at the other before snorting slightly. “That’s true. We’ll have a little while to settle before things get bad again.”Bailey sighed softly. Smiling a little as they all settled in to explain what happened. And what dean had missed over the three months he’d been gone, though there were parts missing, definitely mostly what bailey had been up to the whole time. Because that was just something that none of them wanted to tell dean yet.

The next day Sam smiled a little, studying dean for a long moment as he stepped into the room that they’d a temporary nursery for the twins, “...You and Bailey need to go home. We have the twins. And lisa’s, not awake yet, but she’s stablizing, and I’m healing her body.”sam said stopping the other’s protests, knowing he was going to, but knowing at the moment, there was a bigger danger, and a elephant in the room that needed taken care of before it broke something. Teh fact that Bailey had determinedly avoided any talks of what she’d been doing, or how she’d been doing, or talking about them, or mentioning where her collar had been even if no one had asked, for the last day, only made sam worry, since it seemed she was still bracing for a life alone. That after three months, she was still preparing to do things alone. And knowing it needed fixed now, and what better way then to send them home. “...Besides. Bailey bought something while you were gone, you should talk to her about.”
Dean couldn't believe how much he had missed. it was hard to come to terms with how long he had actually been gone, considering that in his disjointed memories, he had only been gone for a few days. a week at most.

Dean was frantic by the time Sam went to him, terrified that Bailey was going to break up with him because he had left her... again. he didn't think he would ever forgive himself for that. he opened his mouth to protests Sam's decision that Dean had to go back to the bunker, it wasn't safe yet right? granted silly human Mafia wouldn't stand much of a challenge against Dean. bullets didn't do shit to him, as Dean had found out while raiding someone Else's camp while he was insane. "She got something?" Dean asked, wondering if Bailey had gotten a car? maybe she had redone one of the rooms at the bunker! that would be great if she'd made a nursery. he shook his head instead. "you know. i thought Angel was Cas and Crowley's baby?" he asked, changing the subject because it was the easiest way to pretend he wasn't terrified of being alone with Bailey so she could break up with him. "i kind of figured that when an Angel wants a baby, one just kind of pops into existence."
Sam sighed softly as he considered his brother, rubbing a hand over his face as he considered him. It was hard seeing them like this, before smirking a little. “Don’t worry going, just go.”Sam said well aware that if they left, they wouldn’t end up at the bunker, but at the house. Because even the brief few hours he’d stayed there, he’d realized bailey had made it home, a safe place. And if she thought dean was leaving her, she’d go there. “She did. You’ll like it, I promise.”He said not about to ruin the surprise, before snickering. “Seriously?That’s amusing. Though you know....I wonder if babies just sorta pop into existence...”He muttered looking thoughtful at the idea, before snickering. “I’m totally telling that to Cas. To see what he says.”He grinned amused at the idea. “No, she’s mine. I promise. Apparently one night stands can lead to pregnancies. I found out about here when we got home from the roadhouse....her and bailey have bonded some, when bailey visited anyways.”Sam said before sighing softly, knowing dean was changing the subject to try and get out of going.
He shook his head. "i'm not sure i want to." he admitted. "not when you have that expression on your face." he admitted before sighing a little as curiosity warred with the desire to not have the conversation he knew was coming. he knew he and Bailey could still be friends, but he didn't want to be friends. he wanted to be her mate. still, he knew the longer he forced this to drag out,the harder it would be on all of them so he closed his eyes and started to brace himself for the worst before glaring at Sam. "don't you dare tell him!" he ordered before snorting. "Jesus Sam! what did i tell you about wearing protection man!?"
“Hm, just think of this moment as your punishment for making me worry. You have to worry about what Bailey bought.”Sam teased a little before smirking a little. “Don’t worry to much. You’ll like it. I think.”Sam said, though he wondered if dean would. He liked the bunker, a little worried dean wouldn’t like the house. Snickering a little at the glare he was getting. “I’m totally telling him.”He promised, before wincing a little. “I did. Always do. Apparently, they fail sometimes. You should know that. I’m actually surprised this hasn’t come up before, surprise winchester children.”sam said, eyebrows raising a little, as close to asking who justice’s father was as he’d ever gotten. Smiling a little as he picked up jenny as the baby fussed, cuddling the small girl, before looking over at Bailey as she walked in. “Here.”Bailey smiled a little as she handed over the bottle, tilting her head a little. “You okay here?I have to run into town, Cas went and got my car for I...I have errands to run.”She said fidgeting a little, smiling as she fussed over the babies, because she both didn’t want to leave them, and wanted to, if only because she was avoiding talking about anything of importance with her mate. "Yea. we're fine. I promise."Sam smiled al ittle, kissing her cheek, watching them bth
"You're a cruel bitch you know that?" he complained, shaking his head before smiling a little. "if Bailey got it, even if i hate it, i'm sure i'll love it." he admitted. "so long as it makes her happy." he was such a sap and it was easy to see that he obviously expected her to break up with him. "Don't Tell him! he'll think i'm a moron!" Dean whined, sulking a little before smiling at him. "it has. Justice was mine but it doesn't count because i was nineteen and stupid and didn't know any better." he admitted. "i really wish that i could have been there for her." he admitted softly, closing his eyes before swallowing a little as Bailey came in and watched Sammie feeding Jenny and hating it so much because he didn't want anyone else to take care of his twins. "How is Junior anyway? taking care of Lisa, you probobly haven't had a chance for a Tune-up right? god, Baby must be a wreck, i don't even remember where i left her..." he admitted, shaking his head before following Bailey, determined to win her heart back now. she could break up with him if she wanted, but he had plans for wooing her back, he was sure he could.
“Yea I know.”Sam snickered a little before rolling his eyes. “You’re a sap, you know that?”he muttered before smirking. “You are a moron. And I might consider not telling him. Maybe.”He said before smiling a little, “Ah.’re here for these two, and bailey now.”He said smiling slightly at his brother. Rolling his eyes as he realized what was bothering dean.”You’re going to have to let someone else take care of them, sometime. Might as well get used to it now.”He said. “She’s okay....but you’re right, she needs a tuneup.”Baby smiled a little before wincing. “She’s at the bunker, needs a tune up, but we got your car home.”She promised, nearly whimpering when she realized Dean was coming with her. No!He couldn’t. Not when she knew he was going to break up with her. But....she wanted to show him the house to. Smiling slightly, “They’ll be okay. Really. We wont be gone that long.”More to reassure herself that they were going to be okay, then him.

Quiet the whole way to the house, she got out, fidgeting and nervous as she got out of the car, biting her lip as she looked across the hood at him. “I...uh. A house. The twins needed a house....I didn’t want them to spend their lives underground at the bunker...and. I needed a place to. Thought it’d be better here.”She rambled nervous and upset, struggling to steady herself, but it had been three months since she’d dropped, three months were she’d struggled to hold her head together, so the fact that she was this nervous and rambling was pretty normal for her as she headed up the porch steps to let them in.
He smiled a little. "yeah, i know." he admitted with a smile before smiling at the twins. "yeah. yeah i can take care of them." Bailey would never cut him out of their lives even if she was breaking up with him. he knew that. "i don't want to...they're mine." Dean whined, sulking a little. "Mine and Bailey's and i don't wanna share." he huffed even if he smiled because he knew he could trust the others with his babies. he knew they where alright with his twins. "we'll have to come out when the twins are sleeping, or maybe leave Cas and Sam in charge of the babies and give our cars a nice Tuneup." he agreed, smiling at Bailey. "thanks for getting Baby." he said before fidgeting a little at the idea of leaving the twins before nodding. "yeah, okay. they'll be okay. it'll be okay. but you have to call if anything at all happens!" he ordered Sam before leaving with Bailey.

" bought a house?"Dean asked, sounding both stunned and amazed. "it's beautiful. the twins are going to love growing up here! there's so much room! and look at that yard!" he said, already in love with the house. "i'll have to make sure to paint the outside for you, it looks a little warn, and i'll make sure to clean the gutters. they look like they need it." he admitted. "the roof looks in perfect condition so won't have to worry about that for another few years or so." he said before smiling at all the flowers. "you planted these right? they're beautiful." he admitted, stroking the flowers before looking up at her, tears in his eyes. "please don't break up with me." he pleaded softly, following her into the house. "i know i left again, i know i abandoned you but please... Bailey i love you. i want to spend the rest of my life with you, please don't make me leave..." he just couldn't stand to let her get the words out.
“Well, you’re going to share these two. You can have them back later.”Sam said rolling his eyes a little. “Yea, we should. Have to make sure the cars are okay, if we’re getting back to things.”She said, though she didn’t sound so sure what she wanted. She so, wanted to retire. To not have to hunt again. “You’re welcome.”She smiled at him amused as sam laughed as they left.

“Yea, I....I didn’t know what to do. When you were go. This...I needed to be able to look after the twins.”and she hadn’t been able to handle a idea of staying at the bunker without him. “Yea, it’s a huge yard. Big enough for both dogs and kids.”She smiled as the dogs tumbled out of the house around their feet, Cas had been coming to let them out and feed them while they were gone. “Yea. It’s a fairly old house...probably hasn’t been painted for awhile.”She said looking a little lost, not sure what to think about what he was saying. It sounded like he wanted to stay. “The kitchen’s big to.”She said quietly, because that was a thing that had been for him, more then her. She hadn’t even considered not getting a big kitchen, a kitchen he would have wanted, that more then anything, had been the thing to seal the deal. Smiling as she nodded. “Yea, I planted was something to do for three months.”She said looking so startled, and lost at his words, standing there in the front hall, “...You...I thought....”She trailed off, looking so lost. Hurting because even knowing the witches had forced him away, it had broken her a little to see him gone. Still reeling from the idea of living a life on her own, “Wasn’t your fault. Witches.”She muttered biting her lip, looking up at him. “...You...want to stay?”She said edging closer to him.
"but i don't want to share!" he whined, pouting a little before smiling, honestly glad that he did have Sam around. he could always trust Sam with the babies. and Cas and Crowley and if Lisa ever woke up, her too. he wasn't sure he could handle leaving them alone with Dmitri or Bruce just yet.

"this place is perfect." Dean agreed with a smile before nodding. "and lots of place leftover for a huge garden, i know you've always wanted one. you could grow some herbs and vegetables too and when the twins get older, i bet they'd have lots of fun helping pick tomatoes and carrots."he admitted, smiling at her before looking oh so wistful at the thought of having a huge kitchen. he could have made so many amazing foods. "You thought?" he asked, curious and upset because he wanted this house, he wanted her, he wanted the twins. he wanted the happy, idyllic life with his family and a white picket fence with more dogs than should be legal. "it was my fault. they shouldn't have been able to affect me like that. not at all..." he whispered before nodding. "yes. i want to stay. please. you're everything i ever wanted." he admitted softly. "this is the life I've always wanted, fr both of us... WITH you...." he admitted, trying so hard to say what he wanted to say. "i know i fucked up, i know we're going to have to work hard to be okay again but please... let me try."
“Yea. I already started making a list of stuf I want to put in, and where I can put it....and the kitchen is....a kitchen you’d want. That’s...that’s what I really fall in love with the house.”She muttered, because she’d loved the house before, but it was the kitchen, such a huge kitchen that Dean would love, that had sold it for her. “I...”She trailed off, staring at the floor. “I thought...with everyone knowing. You wouldn’t....want me. Want this anymore, not with me..”She muttered edging closer, stepping into his arms hesitating, curling her smaller frame up against him, trembling ever so slightly. Starting to crash, and hard now that she knew she was safe, that he wanted her. That this life, was what they both needed, both wanted. “....Night hag broke my collar. Can you get it fixed for me?”she muttered, nuzzling him a little, clinging now that she new she could.
"You bought the kitchen for me?" he asked softly. looking so boyish and hopeful that it was almost painful to watch. "you thought that i was leaving you and that's why you've been acting so weird." he whispered, sounding rather stunned by the realization before he stepped in and gently stroked her face. "what that monster did to us? will never change how i look at you." he promised. "whether no one knows or the whole world does it doesn't matter. he was a monster and we where victims and i will never, ever, put you at fault for that. okay?"he asked her before smiling. "i love you Bailey. now and always, forever and Eternity."he promised her before he snarled at the reminder of the night hag. "you swear you killed her?" he asked rocking her back and forth a little. "of course i can fix it and if i can't do it myself i know where i can go to have it done." he promised with a smile.
“Yea. I...I saw it, and...I knew I had to get it. Even if you weren’t was...your kitchen. Even stocked it with all those stupid cooking crap you always said you wanted.”She muttered blushing a little, offering a small happy smile as she watched him. Flushing more at his words, nodding as she stared at the floor. “I thought....I thought I was going to have to do this alone again.”She muttered before sighing, swaying a little as she leaned into his hand, closing her eyes. Nuzzling his palm, smiling softly at the promise. “O-okay. It’s not our fault.”She muttered sighing softly, in relief, with the knowledge that he wanted her. That they were in this together. “ I love you to. Always.”She muttered simply enjoying being rocked, being with him. “Yes, she’s dead. I promise.”She said shuddering as he snarled, she had to be twisted somehow to find that noise as lust inducing as she did. “Good. That’s good.”She muttered relieved at the promise of getting her collar fixed, smirking a little as she leaned in, biting his neck ever so softly, “We have the house to ourselves.”She pointed out, snorting a little because she could hear the dogs whining wanting in, but she had better plans for her mate at the moment, then entertaining puppies.
He beamed at her, what else could he do? that was the sweetest most wonderful thing she had ever, ever done for him. "I love you so much right now." he informed her with a smile. "So, so, so much." he admitted, kissing her intently before flinching at her statement. he knew it was true, he knew it wasn't really his fault but god he felt guiltier than hell. "I would never have left you for that long." he whispered, pressing his forehead against hers. "Bruce identified the spell they cast on me." he admitted. "it was some animalistic purgatory spell that made me think like a beast and be scared of my own soul mate. it was already degrading by the time you where attacked, because your burning soul was already weakening the spell. i would have come back. you're love for me, and my love for you would have demanded it." he admitted with a smile. "i love you too." he whispered, holding her before smiling, pleased that she was dead. "we do have the house to ourselves. and you haven't dropped in three months either have you?" he asked with a smile. "well. we'll have to take care of that won't we?" he asked, kissing her again. "i think i want to fuck you here in the kitchen, fast and hard. and then we'll go into the bedroom and i'll make sweet, sweet, hours long love to you."
Bailey smiled bnack at him, “I love you. So much.”She said groaning quietly as she kissed him back, before nodding. “I know....I was just so...lost, without you, that I couldn’t think of anything else. That you wouldn’t have left.”She sighed softly before making a face. “That’s...a horrible spell.”She muttered smiling quietly, glad that even without lucifer, he would have come back. Before laughing out loud at his question. “No, I haven’t. And we should. We really should.”She agreed shuddering at the promise of the hours to come.

3 years later Bailey smiled a little as she looked down at the man laying under her. Hands resting against his chest as she balanced herself, riding him slowly, gently. Because they had this. They had time, and space, and the peace to be gentle with each other when they wanted to be. Lazy mornings spent in bed, as they talked, got ready to face they day. It was a good place they’d found themselves in, with family, and more dogs then was probably legal, which was what they’d wanted. A normal life.

Long blond hair longer then ever before, because she didn’t have to worry about a monster or such using it as a handle, she’d let it grow long. the band t-shirt she’d slept in pooling over his hands as Dean gripped her hips, rocking up into her slowly. Leaning down to kiss her mate slowly, she smiled quietly as she raised her head, strong lean thighs flexing as she rocked. Though they’d retired from hunting except in certain circumstances, they’d stayed in shape, and even pushing 43 and 44 respectively, they looked barely out of their twenties.

“You sure you’re okay with hosting the playdate? Sam said if you wanted, him and Dmitri could do it.”She muttered, smiling a little wider as she kissed him again. It always amazed her when they had mornings like this, when there was no rushed kissing or screwing up against something, but slow lazy start of a day that they got to talk about what was coming in the days coming. “I know you’re worried about the opening in two could take the time, do that....or I could take the twins...”She muttered looking worried about him, shivering a little as she felt her orgasm building.
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