Blood written(lady/moon)

“Good. Make sure she does.”Bailey growled softly, upset because dean was, much like brett, she was overprotective of her mate. “No, no she wont. You know she wont.”Bailey muttered looking up at james, nodding slightly. “Yea, better.”She muttered worried about him. “Yea, it’s me. You’re safe.”She muttered before sighing softly. “I know. Next time, push her away. But there wont be a next time, she’s not getting near you again, not unless she wants hit.”Bailey growled, sounding angry, not with him, the calm quiet peace directed at him, but angry and bristling towards anyone who would dare upset him. “I know....he did to me to.”She muttered before sighing softly as she got them inside, settling into bed, not caring they were getting flour on the bed, it wasn’t going to be the worst thing ever gotten on their bed.gently stroking his hair she sighed. “Cause she was drunk, lonely, and knows your a good guy. I mean, I talk about you enough. I don’t know Dean, but she wont get another chance, I=I don’t trust her with you. Or the twins. Or...or to be near us.”bailey said, and that hurt, that she’d lost a friend, but she wouldn’t trust vanessa, couldn’t trust her after this.”I guess just cause we’ve not come out and said we’re more then simply dating, they assumed this is a casual thing for us, despite the twins.”Because she knew some of her friends thought that, and she was private enough that she hadn’t corrected it, not when she preferred privacy, but maybe she was going to have to set things right. Upset and worried about that, because she was afraid she’d caused this simply by not letting the others know. She’d simply been living in her own private little world, and now she was worried it’d gotten dean hurt like this. Shifting, she pressed a kiss to his forehead, “Now, do you want your gameboy, or magazine?”she said fussing over him, needing to help him. Swallowing hard, because she really was holding on by thin strands of control, the upset of the last half hour making her unsteady, but she was trying so hard to stay in control because he needed her to.
"Okay... isn't that mean? i don't want to be mean. i want them to like me. what if all her friends hate us now?" he asked, looking so very frantic. "i like them, they're nice and understand, i don't want to ruin you're friendship with them." so that was why he'd panicked instead of gently pushing her away like he normally would have. the hard grip n his hair probobly didn't help either. John wasn't much of a kisser, he'd grip the hair to force other things, but any handle on the hair in the wrong manner could set both of them off. "don't hit her. she's just lonely." he mumbled. "we'll just not talk to her again, she was drunk..." he mumbled, snuggling her. "i don't know f i can trust her either... i... she forced me... i know she didn't mean to but i can't..." they both had issues with that, most of the people they knew instinctively recognized it and adapted to it. somehow, Vanessa missed the memo it seamed. "i told all the guys that we got bonding tattoos..." he admitted softly. "because i know you still want to keep it a secrete." he smiled at her. "i'm perfectly fine with that, it's private, they don't have to know." he promised her, holding her hand. "but maybe we can use the armbands as a way around that? tell people when they ask why we're not married, that we have a deeper bond than some silly piece of paper..." he admitted, watching her. "i do want to get married someday but i don't think either of us is ready for that yet. we've only been together for a year, officially. and i hurt you too much. we both need time to heal from that." he admitted before smiling. "i want to play Cooking Mama..." he mumbled.
“They’ll like you. Just push her away if something like that happens again. I promise, you wont ruin any of my friendships, dean.”Bailey said sighing quietly, nuzzling him a little before nodding. “She is lonely, still doesn’t matter. Makes me wanna hit her still.”She muttered before nodding a little. “I know. I...I can’t trust her. Not with either of us, I mean...she doesn’t want me, but...I don’t trust her.”she muttered because it hurt, knowing that the woman she’d spent the most time with in the last year had missed something that important, so completely. Bailey winced a little at his words, ducking her head. “It’s not that I want to...just don’t want everyone in our business. Its something that’s just ours....we lived our lives fighting for others, I want this for myself.”She muttered , explaining because she knew he understood why she’d wanted to, smiling softly as she stroked her thumb against the back of his hand, comforting him just as much as she was comforting herself. “....Yes. That would work. I mean, they are hell’s version of wedding rings...we’ll use them that way.”She muttered relaxing, before looking at him, “...I know. We...we said we would. Just...not now. We need time to heal.”She agreed smiling softly, closing her eyes before nodding. “Kay. Hold on.”She said easing away from him to get the gameboy and returning, turning it on as she handed it over. “Now, lay down, rest and we’ll cuddle here, and I’ll plot what I’m gonna do for our garden this year.”She smiled as she settled in next to him, leaning back against the headboard, letting him curl up against her side, her drawing book propped against her thigh as she drew, absently petting his hair, muttered reassurances that he was okay coming every once in awhile as she worked. This was their usual way of calming and resting when they were upset. While sex was a big part of their lives, it wasn’t the only part of their lives. Sometimes, snuggling and being together was more important then anything else.
"okay." he whispered. smiling at her. "i'm sorry... i don't think i can either... she grabbed my hair." it wasn't really the hair, it was that she had forced him, grabbed him and assaulted him. he couldn't just get over that, not after everything he... they, had been through. "I don't want them in our business either. it's our thing, it's our lives. if they find out they'll ask too many questions." he admitted. "questions i just don't see why we have to answer just because they seam to think they know our life stories." he admitted. "it's our lives, and we know better than anyone that just because we're soul mates doesn't mean we're ot going to have our fights and traumas." he admitted, shaking his head. "we need time to settle into who we are, and who we want to be." he admitted. "we need time to be together without... without being forced, or nagged, or expected. we need time." he smiled at her. "but i think that in a few years, we'll be ready." he admitted before smiling a little. "i got you something." he admitted after he'd played Cooking Mama for about an hour to settle himself. he reached under the bed and pulled out a very thin box that had some weight to it holding it out to was very badly wrapped, which meant Dean had done it himself. he was very bad at wrapping things. inside was something she had always wanted and he'd struggled for some time with whether to get it for her or not. he'd finally decided to, since they had more than enough income to afford it.
“I know. It’s...not okay, but we’ll be okay.”Bailey sighed quietly, sadly at the idea of losing a friend like that, before nodding, relieved he understood. “Good. Yea...we’ll be good, and if they think we’re weird for it, then fine. I don’t want everyone to know.”She agreed nuzzling him a little, she’d so rarely gotten things to keep for herself in this life, that this, her family she wanted them to herself. “Hm, true. And sometimes, the fights are what makes life interesting.”She teased him a little, even if she knew he hadn’t meant it like that. They still needed time to settle into being back together. “Yes. A few years.”She agreed before stirring when he spoke again. “Hm?”She muttered eyes going wide as she looked at the box, staring at it. Giggling a little. “You totally suck a wrapping, winchester.”She teased a little before opening it, eyes going wide as she saw the high end computer. Staring at it as she stroked her fingers over the glossy shiny top, knowing it’d have everything she needed on it to design and plan. That it would be exactly what she’d been dreaming about for awhile, and had never given in to getting. Looking over at him, kissing him hard. “I love you. So, so much.”She said, deciding to simply accept the gift, instead of arguing about it with him. It would ruin the gift if she did. And it was to perfect to do that. Shifting to set the box on the floor, and settling in with her computer to explore and play with it, settled in bed with him, knowing that they’d have many more nights like this, each with their own pursuits, but in each others company. And she couldn’t think of a better way to spend the day.

2 years later, about the time of the twins 4th birthday, found Dean waking up on his own. Which, wasn’t that odd some weeks. While it was usually the other way around, that bailey got to sleep in while Dean tended the kids, sometimes she let him sleep, especially if he’d had a late night at the cafe the night before, which was what had happened. He’d had a adult book club party, and got in late, so Bailey had simply let him sleep, rather then wake him up since she had the weekend off since it was memorial day weekend, and they’d have a few days together in the craziness that was the holiday at the cafe. When he stirred, he’d see the note that she’d written on his arm, and it was definitely on his arm and not her own-though it’d show up on her skin- because under the ink he’d still be able to see the slight, bloody welts from a knife and crop from the night before still on her skin under the ink. While normal wounds didn’t usually show up, they’d learned over the years, if they were the one to inflict the wound on the other, it showed no matter what, as if a soul wound to simply be injured by their mate, though it was usually a result of sex, rather then truly meaning to harm the other. Love, you looked exhausted, thought you could use the sleep. Went to the aquarium with J&J, S,D&A. Love BJJ” Well, at least he wouldn’t worry when he discovered the house empty, they were with Sam and dmitri, they’d be okay. Not that that would probably make him feel better about being left behind.
Dean shifted slowly, feeling lay as he often did after a very satisfying scene. like a fat cat after cream. last night had been so intense, so deep. he had never felt more connected, more turned on, more.... perfect, with Bailey. they had finally done something they had both been interested in for over two years. the crop they had used many times. he'd even ether use it on him once or twice.. he wasn't as fond of pain as she was, but sometimes she needed to hit something and he liked pain well enough so long as he was feeling enough pleasure. a cock sleeve or a vibrating insertion was more than enough for pain t turn to a very intense counterpoint that sent him spiraling. more than enough for him to enjoy it. it was the knife they had never used before, holding it in his hand while he trailed the sharp edge along her skin, cutting away the clothing she had been wearing had been intensely empowering. they where very unlikely to do it often but their play last night had been... amazing. she'd bled so pretty and he had savored every drop. he had never admitted to his mild... problem wen it came to her blood, but she knew the addiction was there. the noises she had made, the soft, needy whimpers, the sharp gasps, the moaning. it had been enthralling. waking up alone was enough to send the sharp agony of panic slamming into him.

she had wrote a letter on his arm but all he could think of was that she was taking the kids and splitting. he couldn't blame her, not really. not after he'd taken advantage of her like that last night. he had been way too rough, had he misheard some of the sounds she had been making? or maybe ignored them? had he done that? maybe he had? why else would she go to her safe place, the Aquarium, without him? why else would she rush off with the only people who would actually be able to protect hr from him? he was a monster. a filthy mate abusing monster. he had to go find her. he had to abash himself, grovel even, beg her. he had to do whatever he could to beg her not to leave him and he'd have to struggle hard, so hard to make sure that she healed fine and that he never ever did it again and that he did everything he could to make it better. he couldn't fix it, not really, not fully, but he could try to do his best. he was up and dressed and heading to the Aquarium before he'd even registered moving. besides, his children where at the museum for the first time! he had to be there for that!
It was the twins who saw him first. Saw there father running, or at least as close to running as he’d get in public, the happy quiet cries of “Daddy!Daddy’s here!Mama!”Jensen and jennifer loved spending time with their father, and had been very sulky when they realized their mother had let their dad sleep in. “I know, I told him to come. I told you I-”Bailey said, having only written a note so they’d know that where they were, and if he wanted to, he could come join them after he got up. She knew if the kids were anything like their father, they’d want to spend the whole day looking at the fishies. And sos far, it had proven true for all the kids, they’d found themselves utterly enthralled withe the fish. “Dean?”Sam paused looking up from where he’d been watching the sharks, while he could hear the twins and bailey, they were on the second floor, it’d take them a few minutes to get down to their father. “what’s wrong?”Sam said worry darkening his features, more worried now that he’d seen dean then he’d been when he’d simply seen Bailey. He’d guessed what had happened the night before, even if she hadn’t said anything, so he’d worried at the sight of the slender knife blade cuts he could see. “They’re up a level....”

“Dean?I thought you’d sleep longer then this.”Bailey said worry tightening her features as she walked towards him, a small smile curling her lips as she watched the twins crash into his legs. She knew about his blood addiction, and they handled it...without really ever talking about it, they were careful, made sure it didn’t get out of control. She’d thought he’d sleep off the high and simply join them when he wanted to, if he wanted to. Eyes wide and panicked as she realized something was wrong. Maybe he had a problem with last night?“Daddy! You have to come see!There’s jelly-fish!But they’re not jelly, like sandwich jelly, but mama says they’re your favorite!”Jenny said tugging on his hand.
Dean was striding as fast as he dared, his eyes a little wild as he rushed for his mate and children. he was missing his children's first time at the aquarium and his mate was going to leave him because he was a filthy blood addicted monster who didn't stop when she'd told him to. "nothing. nothings wrong. i'm going to fix it. i'll totally fix it. i can fix it." Dean stammered. he hadn't had an attack this bad since Vanessa.he'd had minor ones but they had been easy to calm him from. this was a bad one, he'd had plenty of time to work himself up about it too. he was completely convinced that she had begged him to stop now and he had ignored her and just kept on because he was greedy and selfish and abusive. the smack of kids against his legs made him smile though. they where the one fail safe way to snap him out of a flashback. "hey guys." he said, rubbing their perfect little heads. "Daddy is having a 'Bad Moment'." he explained. they where old enough now to understand that sometimes daddy scared himself very badly and mommy had to make him feel better. they knew to go to Sam when Dean said that. "The Jellyfish are daddy's favorites. why don't yu go find the Jellyfish and Daddy will come and get you there and we can see which jellyfish we like best?" he offered, smiling at them, handing them over to Sam before wrapping her in his arms and started babbling his apologies. whispering because he didn't want the children, or the many strangers, to overhear his many babbling apologies.
Sam looked worried and upset, “Dean, she’s okay.”Sam muttered though he knew he wasn’t going to get through to the other. Only Bailey would be able to get through to him really. And while bailey had seem disquieted all day, she hadn’t been upset. Not really, just a little out or sorts, which he new enough about their sex lives to know that it usually came after when she had done something new that she’d been nervous about trying even if she wanted it. And staring at Dean, he winched, realizing they’d messed up leaving him home alone, but it hadn’t really occurred to him Dean would freak out this bad on the hour long drive to teh aquarium. “Daddy, Mama’s okay. We took care of mama.”Jensen said seriously, looking up at his father as he nodded, because when his daddy was this upset, the twins had learned to go to uncle sam, and to tell their daddy that mama was okay, that they all were okay. “Okay!We’ll do that. We’ll find the bestest one!”Jenny smiled happily as they walked off with sam, trusting their parents would be able to sort things out. Because that was the best, strongest thing in their lives, that their parents would be okay, that they were there for them. “Dean?”Bailey muttered looking worried and upset as she tilted her head to rest against his shoulder, swallowing thickly as his arms tightened over still healing cuts, shuddering a little as she stroked his back.”Dean, it’s okay. I’m fine. Really.”She muttered wincing a little as she realized she wasn’t getting through to him, glancing around, wincing at the sight of all the other people, “We’re going to move okay?I’m not leaving you. We’re together okay?”She muttered reassuringly gently moving out of his arms to lead him to the quiet little cubby hole they’d found that first time they were here, thankfully there was no mermaids this time. Climbing in to it, she gently tugged him in with her, careful to not put to much pressure on her back and arms, while none of the cuts were deep, they had been made with the intention of feeling them for awhile, just enough to set her nerves on fire. “Dean, I’m okay.....a little disquieted, unsteady but....I’m not going anywhere. Last night....”She struggled, trying to focus on the words.

Flinching when she realized she’d made a mistake, because she hadn’t been thinking clearly this morning, had made the choice to come to the aquarium because she had been looking to steady herself more. “was intense....more intense then we’ve had a scene be in awhile...I...I wasn’t thinking dean....I think...I think I’m still floating a little...”She muttered, while it was uncommon for her to stay down for so long, especially when she wasn’t at home, last night had been so intense, maybe she should have anticipated having such a strong reaction in the morning light, especially when she’d had a dream about john on the heels of it, it had been intense. “I...I had a nightmare....a vague sort of one was.. I guess it upset me more then I thought. I’re nothing like them. But...I guess I should have considered last night would bring up some of was....good. So good last night, dean....I promise. I want...I want to try again sometime. Not soon, or often but....”She trailed off, realizing she was babbling, hands both petting him and nervously tugging at her collar, as if reassuring herself that she was his, that they were still together. that her fuck up wasn't going to make him leave her.
"Thank you Jensen." Dean said, smiling at his son while Jenny just smiled at him. she rarely spoke, she preferred to let Jensen talk for her. every person they spoke to said it was a 'phase' and that she'd grow out of it. Dean was inclined to believe that because she was damn smart. "you go find you're bestest one and Daddy will be there in a while." he agreed. "you're not okay, i was terrible. you hated it and i kept going because i can't control myself and i made you hurt and i liked it and i'll never do it again i'm so sorry please don't leave me..." he pleaded, clinging to her but being very, very careful not to put any pressure on any of her cuts or welts. even in such a state of panic he was always overly aware of where he had touched her the night before and what would hurt and what would be okay to grip. he settled into the Cubby, practically wrapping himself around her, desperate to get as close to her as he could get.

"it was so intense..." he mumbled, nuzzling her. she wasn't screaming or crying or trying to escape so maybe it was okay. he was starting to calm down already. the calm between their bonds was helping. she wasn't feeling strongly enough for it to pass through, or maybe he was just too upset to sense her emotions. either way, she didn't feel too bad off so it was okay to start calming down a little. "i'm sorry, i made you dream of them." he whispered. "i'm so sorry i hurt you. i'm sorry. i'm terrible. i'm so terrible..." he whispered before looking at her, blinking a little. "you... you want to do it again?" he asked, sounding so honestly confused. "i hurt you. you left. you don't have to do it again, i swear." he promised her.
"I loved ir. I pleaded for more, seven when you stopped. I dropped, hard dean. You looked after me even when I couldn't look after myself, you did okay."she soothed nuzzling him a little, sighing softly as they settled back into the cubby. Bsee?even now you know where hurts still. You're a good mate. The best, so whatever your thinking yourewrong."she muttered kissing his head. "I'm not going anywhere . Evdr. I'm sorry...I had meant for this to be a relaxing morning for you...a lazy one instead of chasing rh d kids around...I'm sorry..."she sniffled a little. And despite the momentary upset of knowing he was upset, he was right. She wasn't so unsteady and upset that it would bleed into their bond.

"It was. Super intense....and we suspected it'd bring up memories...I just...I guess I wasn't as ready for that as I'd thought..."she sighed ducking her head to press a kiss to his neck, biting him gently."not your fault I dreamed of them...and it wasn't even a real dream of them...just sorta a....ghost memory of them doing the same sort of stuff, but unlike them, I knew I was safe with you. No matter how far I dropped, I knew you were safe. Even licking blood off my skin, I trusted you."she assured him before frowning at him, biting bim again gently.of course I want to do it again. I won't let them ruin something I enjoyed. I knew it would bring up memories...and I feel a little unsteady, probably why I was such a idiot about this trip, but I do want to do it again. Unless your adding this to your list of hard limits...we don't have to..."
he shook his head because he knew that, but in his mind he had twisted it all up and ruined everything. "I noticed you where dropped too low so i stopped but i should have stopped before then." he mumbled even as he was starting to settle. in truth, if he hadn't had such an intense high the night before, he probobly wouldn't have reacted like this. the intensity of cutting her and enjoying it had freaked him out more than he wanted to admit. it was too much like when he had been in hell, torturing souls. he had his own dreams last night and waking up alone ha been too much for him when he was coming down off of a sex and a blood high. he was settling already, the longer he was with her. "...i don't want to miss doing things with the kids..." Dean mumbled. "i don't want them to think i was never there... John, he never did anything with us... i want to do things with the kids too. i want to be a good father.."

"...i don't think i was as ready as i thought i was either. i dreamed of Alistair." he whispered, shuddering as she nipped him on the neck. "okay." he smiled at her. "i did like licking you." he admitted before looking up at her. "you really did enjoy it? you promise?" he asked softly, snuggling her before kissing her. "you have to promise okay?" he asked softly. "promise me you liked it and that i didn't hurt you more than you where okay with." he said, staring at her, looking for any hint of a lie. this was her moment to be completely honest because if she wasn't he was never picking up the knife again.
"If you had stopped before then, I might have killed you. It was good. I promise, and I trust you to make sure I'm not damaging myself...."she sighed quietly watching him. Starting to settle and relax the more he did. ""You were flying high last night....should have considered you'd...we'd both come out of it unsettled. I'm sorry....okay."she paused thinking on it, nodding to herself, knowing what ito rEminem him of, and worred he was agreeing to do it because she liked it, not because he wanTed to.."new rule. When and if we do it again, no leaving until the other is awake. That way we can settle togehter."she said kissing his head a little, worried for him, even without him admitting it, she knew he'd freaked out about it, because she'd freaked about enjoying it, so she knew he'd probably freaked about doing it to."you are a good father dean, the best they could have asked for. So you missed the beginning of their aquarium trip, you'll be here for the rest. That's all they'll remember....youre so good. Better then any others I know."she reassured wincing at the idea of him and john, those were just memories neither of them needed.

"Well, now we know. And can be prepared for next time."she said nuzzling him, wincing at the thought of Alistair, whining softly. Upset for him before settling again."hm, you always like licling me. Though to be fair, I lick you alot to."she said smirking a little before tilting her head as she studied him.listening to his words, going silent for a long mom3nt, thinking on it seriously, so she could give him a real and honest answer before nodding, meeting his eyes, complete and utterly open to him, eyes wide and blown simply from thinking on the night before,"I did. Truly. I think...I think we can't do it often, I don't want to do it all the time...but it could be that special treat we do for ourselves..."she said looking out into the aquarium for a moment, making sure no one was coming before taking his hand, knowing she was playing with fire but sliding it up under her loose fitting top, and it was obvious after a moment why she'd worn obe of his band shirtsrather then her own, she wasn't wearing anything g under r it. The idea of putting on a bra had hurt. Sliding his hand up till his fingers grazed against the cut that ran over her nipple she shuddered, whimpering quietly. Before meeting his eyes again."I promise. I enjoyed myself immensely."she said letting his hand go
"okay. okay. and you would have stopped me if you hadn't been enoying it." he trusted her to tell him to stop. he trusted her to have the sense of mind to say her safe-word even if she was down too low. "I don't think either of us was really thinking straight this morning." he admitted before shaking his head. "i missed it..." he mumbled, looking dismayed. "they must hate me." he mumbled before smiling at her. "you think so?" he asked softly. "i hope so... i do the best i can but sometimes it seams as if that's never enough." he admitted with a sigh before smiling at her. "i do like licking you." he admitted, nuzzling her before shaking his head. "no... i thin anytime we do anything that is very intense or new, we have to wait until the other is awake." he decided. "we... i need to make sure you're okay after certain things. i just... i just have to make sure... kay?" he asked her, his eyes staring at her, begging her to agree. because sometimes after harsh scenes or certain activities he needed to snuggle her and reassure himself that he had done okay and that he wasn't abusive.

"No... no we can't do it too often. it's too... it's just too much." he agreed. "it. it was amazing, but i... i can't do that every night, or even once a week i don't think. i think... i think that's going to be something we do only when we really need to." he admitted, swallowing thickly as he stroked her nipple. that had been the final cut, the very last before he'd decided they had maybe gone a little too far and finished the scene. "okay." he whispered, leaning in and kissing her deeply because now he was horny and if he didn't kiss her, he'd play with her nipple instead and they where at the aquarium after all. with their children, not a good place for fucking.
“I would have.”She agreed, before nodding a little. “Yea, I agree. Neither of us were well this morning.”She said before huffing a little. “They don’t hate you. And we’ve only been here like, a hour. They wont want to go home anytime soon.”She said nuzzling him a little,before nodding. “I do. I really do. Just like you think I’m better then sometimes I give myself credit for.”She said sighing a little, before nodding. “I agree. We need to wait, and snuggle, and reassure ourselves that we’re okay. And be okay together.”She agreed staring back at him, letting her honesty and trust show in her eyes, trust that he had done well, that they’d done well.

“It is to much. Definitely something only when needed, otherwise I think we’d mess ourselves up.”She muttered shuddering as he stroked the cut, swallowing thickly. “See?That stopped. I trusted you to stop, and let you do it because I trusted you to draw teh line when it was starting to go to far.”She smiled kissing him back, letting his hand go, having simply teased him a little, because she needed to. Panting quietly as she leaned back from the kiss, blinking at him slowly. “We-we should go see the kids. Reassure them we’re okay. And then go see the fishies.”She grinned squirming away, a small flirty smile twisting her lips, her world balanced now again that she was with him. Steadier now that she was with him.
"No... it wouldn't have been so bad for me, i don't think, if i hadn't dreamed of Alistair... i think... i think that's why... i thought i'd abused you and you left." he admitted softly before smiling a little. "yeah. i guess i don't have to be there for every single second... but, i want to be... oh god, i'm a helicopter mom...." he gasped, looking horrified. "yeah.we'll be okay. we just need to have time to settle... this morning was... we never do that again, i think you would have done it too if i'd given you enough time to think about it." he admitted. "the kids where distracting you though so maybe not."he mumbled before smiling at her. "i thin w mess ourselves up enough as it is." he agreed with a chuckle before nodding. "i did stop." he agreed softly. "i stopped... i did..." he sounded more like he was reassuring himself now and he looked a lot better. "i'm sorry i freaked out like that on you. thank you for putting me back together." he said, smiling at her, kissing her again before growling at being teased. he was going to make her pay for that. he was going to tease her relentlessly when they got home.
“Yea, that dream probably didn’t help.”Bailey smiled, before smiling softly. “I know. Me to. We’ll be there for them....and you are so a helicopter dad. It’s adorable.”She teased giggling a little. “No, we wont do that. We’ll just know we need time to settle next time. Maybe send the kids to Sam’s if we do, so we don’t have to run after them first thing.”She smiled a little, before smiling at his words. “You did. And it’s okay. You’re right, the twins and the other three were mostly distracting put me together, I put you together. We’re good together.”She smiled kissing him back before laughing as they headed off to see to the twins and their new found love of fishes.

Nearly 5 years later Bailey smiled slightly as she watched the garden starting to shape up. More subdued then she was usually, but she was quietly happy to have a winter long project to work on. She was so happy that she’d gotten chosen to design the new gardens for the whole new zoo that was going in a few towns over, and enclosures for the animals, and the pathways. While she had to follow the layout for the enclosures and the paths, the zoo board was leaving everything up to her on what to do, and her winter had been busy in talking to zoo keepers, vets, zoologists, and board members as she designed the park. And while she was happy with it, with her family, and how booming business had gotten in recent years, and even prouder of the cafe, in recent months there was a quiet sadness settling on the woman, and she had refused to tell anyone, even dean or dmitri when they tried to talk to her, about it.

Settled on her usual barstool at the counter, the special one that no one else got to sit in cause Dean had shown up with it for her when he’d realized that gardening had one downside, slow winters. So she usually hung out at the cafe for a few hours, designing for the next year, helping out. And it had become bailey’s chair, only shared when a child had had a bad day and needed a treat, they got to sit up in her chair, talk to dean, and have a snack. Frowning a little as she looked up from the tiger enclosure she was designing, looking at dean with a small confused smile, sure she’d heard him wrong. “Crowley is what?”she said, not feeling the need to be to quiet at the moment, because currently there was no one in the cafe, they were in the lull between lunch and after school crowds.
Dean looked over at her with a smile, hoping this would make her laugh. there hadn't been many smiles from her recently. "i said, Crowley is pregnant." he reiterated. "i can feel it, it's the weirdest sensation, knowing there's something growing off of Crowly's Demon Mojo." he admitted. "It's formed along the same way that Angel babies are, but it takes longer. Bruce told me." he admitted with a smirk. "that's why Crowley's been so foul and moody and tired lately. he said he thought he had an extended cold, but he's pregnant. Cas is going to faint. they both figured on Cas being the mommy, i don't think Crowley realizes he can get pregnant." he admitted. "i can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they realize." he admitted with a chuckle as he set her lunch in front of her. "hows the Zoo going?" he asked, sounding so very proud f her. she was designing and building an entire zoo all on her own! that was a big deal!
“....:Bailey stared at him, looking utterly lost at the idea of the demon being pregnant before starting to laugh,”Oh my god. That’s insane. Really.”She giggled a little, before snorting. “Of course it’s taking longer. Angels are things of creation, demons aren’t.”She smiled before snorting a little. “Hm, there’s gonna be so many jokes about him being the girl. Poor crowley.”Bailey looked amused though there was something sad about that smile as she giggled. “Cas is going to freak. And probably show up at our place utterly dumbfounded when he finds out....and I doubt either of them realizes he could get pregnant.”She said shrugging a little, “Thanks.”She smiled as she tugged her lunch closer, starting to nibble on it, before smiling happily. “Good. I got the butterfly garden done this morning. Starting on the lions enclosure.”
Dean snickered a little and nodded. "it is insane. Crowley is going to be super pissed." he admitted with a bright grin. "that's true. Bruce said that for a long time, Demons couldn't get pregnant unless they where in a human body. even then it would normally be a human baby. right? he said that this is what having a True King of Hell does. it gives Demon's... it gives them their humanity back. Hell was never supposed to be a place where we tortured Souls you know. it was never supposed to be anything but a way to keep the light out. a place for the most depraved souls to be chained and kept away i guess. with me in command, Hell is... sorting itself out i guess. it will never be whatit was supposed to be, but the Demons are settling. i think that things are going well." he admitted. "no human souls, but Demon's don't truly care about that anyway if they can procreate on their own now. they're more Angel's opposites than true evil anyway. i think we can really turn things around with Crowley's pregnancy as a example of what they're gaining." he admitted.

"butterfly garden? can i see?" he asked, looking delighted. he and the kids adored the butterfly gardens. he was half examining the paper before looking at her. "Bays? is something wrong?" he asked, worried about her. "you've been upset i think... i there anything i can do to help?"
“yea, he really is going to be. But happy I think, cause you know it’ll make Cas fuss over him something terrible.”She snickered as she imagined that before looking thoughtful, nodding. “Right. And probably only if a demon was in a female body, instead of like them now.”Bailey said thoughtfully before smirking. “So, it’s all your fault Crowley is moody and foul tempered? I should punish you for that.”She teased leaning over to kiss him lightly, teasing before nodding. “Yes, that’s what Cas said. A jail, a place to hold the darkness away. And Hell is sorting itself out. Between you ruling, and Crowley making sure we don’t actually mess things up, they’re doing better.”Bailey smiled a little, before nodding. “They’ll be happy to know about this, I think. We’ll have to tell them at the Ball.”A demon ball, a party that was a traditional ballroom dancing thing straight out of the time periods most of the demons had lived in. A get together that usually took place around bailey’s birthday, simply because it made the winters a little less boring.

“Yes, it’s about a acre big. And of course.”She smiled shifting the computer to let him see, along with the drawing book she’d been doing, while she loved using the computer, she hadn’t totally left behind her drawing pad. Frowning a little as she looked up at him, shrugging a little. “I’m fine. Just busy.”And she was, but that wasn’t it, she just didn’t want to hurt him, because she knew if he knew what she was really upset about, it would hurt him, and there was nothing he could do about it. Brushing off the concern, hoping he'd let it go. "So, you like?"She said gesturing towards the computer
"Yes it will and there's nothing Crowley loves more than being fussed over. he's such a bitch. you know, they don't have sex so much as fight for dominance every time they get naked?" he asked, looking amused. "i guess it's kind of my fault, but really, it's their fault for not using protection.who knows what kind of STDS Demons and Angels could be giving each other." he huffed, smiling a little before snickering at the idea of telling them during the biggest ball in Demon socialization. it was the one time a year Dean 'shed' his human form and took upon his Demonic form. his body stayed at home under the protection of Castiel, Sam and Bruce. he looked like he was sleeping but Dmitri said it freaked him out so he usually took the kids for the night with Lisa, since she had now fully recovered and was pregnant again, this time with Bruce's baby.

"wow! a whole Acre!" he mumbled. "that's amazing!" he smiled before scowling at her. "you remember that talk we had a few years ago about you telling me you're fine when you're obviously not, and the ball busting you gave me when i did the same thing? don't be a hypocrite Bailey. you don't have to tell me but at least try not to lie to my face." he ordered, annoyed that she was treating him like he was stupid. well, he got grouchy when he was worried too, so that wasn't helping either.
“It amuses me that he is. And that he only lets Cas be the one to get away with it. And oh, you’re one to talk about fighting during sex?Have you taken a look at your sex life recently?”She teased before snorting. “I don’t know if there’s condoms that could protect against a demon-angel pregnancy. I mean, he’s not actually carrying the baby...>”She said looking thoughtful before grinning at the idea of telling them. While she did go in person, and got looks for being so human, it was one of the few times that she got to see Dean full on demon, though she’d gotten used to his eyes flashing to inky black during high times of emotion, these days, it was just dean. Even the kids had gotten used to ‘daddy’s pretty eyes’ as Jenny called them.

“Yea it is. And it’s right next to the small aquarium they’re putting in, so my favorite stuff will be all together.”She smiled at him before wincing a little, tensing as she watched him, “I remember.”She muttered fidgeting, her voice soft and upset, because her heart said give in and tell him, but her head knew she’d just hurt him. She couldn’t do it, not when nothing could change. “....Fine. I’m not okay, but I will be. Just moody, okay?”She growled, letting her fear of driving him away of being moody, or hurting him shift into anger, not sure how to handle this, and she was trying the best she could to do so, and not let it ruin anything
"that's also true." he agreed with a chuckle. "that's different. we both know that in the bed, i'm in charge. you fight because you like to struggle sometimes. they fight because they can never agree on who gets to top." he grinned a little. "i guess Crowley's lost that fight pretty often if he's ended up pregnant." he admitted with a snicker before pondering that. "you know, you do have a point." he admitted before grinning at her. "i can't wait to se what you chose for the ball." she never let him see what she was wearing to the ball. it drove him mad sometimes. "that's awesome." he agreed, looking very eager. "we could make a whole day of it, go to the aquarium and then go to mommy's zoo." he smiled before sobering at her.

"okay. you're not okay." he agreed, gently taking her hand. "isn't there aything at all i can do to help you? i'm worried." he admitted softly, his own annoyance tightening even more as she snapped at him but he did his very best not to let it out. he didn't want to fight. he wanted to help, she wasn't making it easy though.
“Hm, if you say so. You might have to remind me.”She said with a small flirty smile as she ate, before snorting. “I know they do. It’s quite amusing, and I’m sure they’ve both lost a fair amount of the years.”She said rolling her eyes a little because she was totally going to tease crowley about losing so often. “Hm, you only have a few days to wait. Stop being antsy, you’ll see it soon.”She said smiling at him, amused because she knew just how annoyed he got over it sometimes. “It is. And definitely make a whole day of it.”She grinned at him.

Bailey sighed a little, looking down at their joined hands, absently stroking his knuckles, and he’d be able to tell the moment she considered shifting it to lust, to seducing him just to keep him from asking questions before shrugging, not acting on the thought as she rubbed a hand over her face. “No, just moody. I think the winters starting to get to me. And stressing about the zoo.”While that was true, he knew her well enough to know that wasn’t it all, she was just trying to not tell him. And trying to do it in a way that didn’t lead to a fight because she really didn’t want to fight. Leaning across the counter to kiss him, trying to distract him just a little, but not taking it further then just a gentle kiss. seh was willing to do alot to avoid this talk, but not mess up what for them, was the way they usually connected, and didn't want to mess with their sex lives, or the relationship they'd fought so hard to find in the last 10 years. “I’ll be okay Dean.”She muttered.
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