Blood written(lady/moon)

Bailey smiled at him. Because she knew the demons looked at her status as technically just human, rather then a more. She might just be human, but she was more then that. Between Lucifer’s grace and her near constant presence with Dean, and the super powered people in her life working with her to make sure she could look after herself, because she was well aware that she was the chink in dean’s armor, if they really wanted to hurt him, they’d hurt her first. So she had been working to be ready, and prepared. Snorting a little as she looked at this wings, shuddering as his aura fluttered. “I know. Good thing you only do this once a year. Otherwise I’d never keep my hands to yourself.”Bailey teased a little as she stepped closer, brushing a hand over his arm, calm and together because he trusted her to help him stay in control. “Hm, yes.”She said laughing as he stuck his tongue out at crowley. Simply happy to dance with her mate.

After a few dances she shuddered, swallowing hard as she leaned into him. “Hmmm, food. Go get me some, then we’ll make our announcement.”She ordered, kissing him lightly, waving him off on his errand. Well aware that she’d get him in a dominate mood when he came back, cause in this form it was so much easier to tease him into a scene. They’d gotten better at it in recent years, in the beginning, he hadn’t trusted himself in this form with her, but she had always known that the demon and human both considered her his mate, and no matter how rough the sex got, that she was safe with him. Smiling as she watched him go, before heading towards Crowley, wanting to check on the other before pausing. Frowning at the words she was hearing, snorting slightly. “You know, I wouldn’t do that.” “Stay out of it, human.”The demon snarled turning to look at her. “...I’m just trying to be helpful. Making fun of Crowley enough to upset him is not a good idea while he’s wearing that-”She gestured to the dark metal bracelet crowley was wearing, the metal glowing just slightly blue in the light, crushed angels feathers, and laced with the power of creation. “-when his baby-daddy will totally give a whole new meaning to the term ‘divine retribution.”
He chuckled a little. "they keep trying to talk me into a four year thing. but i don't think i will. they don't deserve it." he admitted. "maybe in another century when they get used to you being my queen." he mused, smiling at her. "yes, my queen." he purred playfully before heading off to get some food.

"Crowley turned to look at Bailey, looking visibly pissed off, which was pretty od for Crowley. he was normally very in control of himself. he lifted the bracelet which eminated with holy power with a single strand of Dean's demonic presence and he lifted an eyebrow at Bailey, wondering what she was getting at. it was sort of like a wedding ring really, a way to say he and Cas belonged to each other. Crowley never took it off. "....did you Just say Baby-Daddy!?" Crowley demanded, choking on his tongue whie the others all gaped at him. "Crowley! are you pregnant?!" one of the demons demanded. "What!? no! i'm a male for Fuck's sake! Demon's can't get pregnant..." "you ARE pregnant though, i can FEEL it." one of the others whispered, sounding stunned.
“Four year thing huh?”She snorted looking amused, before nodding a little. “Maybe. Though I doubt they’ll ever get used to it.”She said watching him go.

Bailey’s eyebrows raised even more as she saw just how pissed crowley was. Having seen him spend the day by himself with the kids, and the numerous dogs in his care without losing his cool, she had to wonder just what he was pissed at.”Yes. You know. What happens when you have sex, and forget to wear protection. Though me and dean haven’t decided if there’s protection against angelic sperm.”Bailey said looking way to pleased with herself for actually getting to surprise Crowley with something for once. It was so rare that she got to know something before the demon. “And on that note, like I said. Don’t go messing with the pregnant demon. Dean’s protective enough as it is, we don’t need you drawing Castiel down here in a righteous fury. Pissing off Heaven’s General would just make Dean annoyed with the lot of you.”Bailey said looking way to pleased with herself, because it was so rare that she got to smack the demons down without worrying they’d lash back at her. Waving a hand at crowley. “All of you, if you do not wish for children, be careful having sex. Pregnancy is a side effect of having a true king in hell again.”She smiled turning to look at Dean, opening her mouth to say something even as she saw the angel striding through the doors at the far side. Well. So much for not pissing cas off enough that he showed up as Castiel, heaven’s general, rather then uncle cas.
"I'm a male! Male's cannot get pregnant!" "they can when they have no true physical form..." one of the other Demon's commented. "we're essentially pure energy, right? so we're capable of breeding.... i have to go!" he said, racing off, yelling someones name and the other demons al snickered because they knew which Demon was coming down with pregnancy next. "..." Crowley was just standing there, the glass he had been holding had dropped to the floor and he looked even more upset than he had before the news and when Cas appeared he fled to his lover and began, er... well it certainly looked painful to have Crowly trying to beat the angels face in and kiss him at the same time. "...which one f you upset Crowley." Dean demanded, a snarl in his voice and they all shrank back, cowering. "well!? what did you say!?" "i...i'm sorry..." the female whispered. "i only... i told him he was nothing more than the Angels whore of the week...." they all knew better than to try to lie or refuse to answer. "Get out. i'll deal with you later... or maybe i'll let Cas do it."
“Yes, you are pure energy. Apparently, you’ve been losing to much, that you’re pregnant and not Cas.”Bailey teased Crowley a little, smiling at the other demon, because the male was one of the few she got along with, Damien and his partner, Sebastian, were one of the few she trusted to defend her if she needed it. Laughing softly as she watched him go, before smirking at Crowley, wincing a little. “hey,you’re okay.”She muttered moving towards him, pausing when he bolted for Cas. “Hey,hey!Stop. That sorta hurts!”Cas said trying to dodge the punches even while getting the kisses, his voice holding just a shiver of power, enough that you just knew he was pissed crowley had been upset enough to draw his attention from this far away. “....”Bailey stared before starting to laugh, “Oh fucking hell. I’m telling that to Cas. Watching him figure out how everyone thinks he could figure out how to have sex with other people is just amusing.”She giggled a little, knowing she had to distract dean and cas a little even as they both focused on the demon. “....”Crowley?”Cas muttered as he rested his hand on the other’s shoulders, looking upset as he realized what the others had said, kissing him lightly. “If anyone is the man-whore in this relationship, it’s me.”the angel pointed out, before giving dean and bailey a pointed look. “Have you made your announcement yet?”He asked, wanting to take them all home, and knowing they could only do that if they got the announcement out because otherwise Dean would protest leaving early.
"....that's not funny!" Crowley whined. "i've just been feeling sluggish is all!" he protested. "and he cheats!" he huffed, sulking a little even if he had to smile t Damien rushing off. he was one of the 'truly loyal'. loyal first to Crowley and now to Dean. because of this Damien was a 'favored' and the other Demon's tried to pick on him. "Good! it's supposed to hurt you bloody bastard!" Crowley hissed. "you got me pregnant you fecker!" he hissed, swinging some more blows at Cas. "Welcome, Castiel. Heavens General." Dean said, bowing to cas as was 'proper'. it was Dean's way of warning his 'peons' away from any ideas of attacking the Angel. Dean had greeted him as a guest into Hell, anyone who attacked Cas now would be risking a death sentence. not that they weren't risking it anyway since the Angel was Hell's General's mate. "i'm okay." Crowley sighed now that he was calm, snuggling into Cas. "i was more angry that they where talking about you like that." he admitted with a huff before smirking a little. "no we haven't." he admitted, offering his hand to Bailey.

He led her up to the raised platform his throne was on and raised hand, every demon falling silent and turning to him. "The Demon Ball is ending early for me this year, as some of you have seen fit to displease me with words of my mate and those i trust most dearly." there where many guilty shifting. "i have many announcements to make before i take my leave. first, please be aware that with the rightful Power sitting the throne, you can now get pregnant, and it would appear that gender is not a factor in this. please be careful not to get pregnant if you don't want to be because as far as i know, there's no way around it." this caused some real excitment. nearly every demon there wanted children. Dean gve them a moment to settle down.

"Many of you, however, have been forgetting your place!" he snarled, his rage blanketing them. "I am the King of this Hell! i See all! i Hear all! i KNOW ALL! and i know the words you speak of my mate, sometimes TO HER FACE!" he snarled, his form blurring in his rage, though his hand on her shoulder was soft and gentle, squeezing in comfort. "Know this!" he hissed. "any further speak of her in such ways and you will be punished severely." he warned. "Know this, She, is, Your, Better." he informed them all before settling, calming, his form solidifying once more. "This is your Future Queen, This is my Fiance! This is my chosen mate! and to challenge that in any way is to challenge my right as king! so if you really wish to take your own claim to this throne, by all means, voice your displeasure's. i will cut you down eagerly and remove your flapping tongues." he warned. "this is no normal human, and she will be by my side for all of eternity. you had best grow used to it. good night." he said, sliding her arm through his and led her away from the stunned, frightened crowds of demons and back to Cas and Crowley.
“I know. I’m sorry.”Bailey swallowed had as she looked at him, biting his lip to keep from laughing because crowley was adorable like this. “I’m sure the angel does cheat.”She agreed smirking a little as she watched damien go. “Hey-hey you tell me if it hurts how-”He stopped. Pausing as he considered what his mate had said, actually letting the other hit him as he processed, though he barely responded. Looking shell shocked. “Hmm, that was everything I thought would it would be.”Bailey snickered a little as she considered teh two that had discovered they were soon to be parents. Cas looked utterly shell shocked. “Thank you, Lord Winchester.”Cas said tilting his head a little at the man. Sighing softly as he looked at the man snuggling into him, resting a arm around the slightly shorter man’s shoulder, before sighing. “You’re so protective.”he muttered amused that Crowley was more upset about that then about what had been said about crowley.

Bailey smiled a little, taking his hand shifting nervously a little as she looked out at the demons. Watching the demons, smiling slightly at the sight of the guilty shifting. “We do not know if it is just demon-demon pregnancies, or if it can be demon-human, so be careful there to. I think we’ve proven things can go inter species matings, so careful.”Bailey added to the announcement, smiling slightly at how excited they all were. It was good to know that even if they didn’t like her, that her people were so excited about something. She would be a good queen if given the chance.

Cas winced at the snarl, shuddering a little as the hell tone-what he called dean’s version of his real voice- grated along his nerves. While it didn’t normally bother him, here, at the heart of hell with dean at his best, it was like having a giant bell ringing right next to his ear. “...Dean....”Bailey muttered frowning a little, sighing quietly as she leaned back into his hands, she hadn’t told him because she didn’t want him to be this upset, or worry. She hadn’t known he’d know anyways. “You’re okay.”Bailey muttered reaching back to rest a hand over his, trying to calm him, settle him. “....Goodnight.”Bailey said tilting her head at the others, tilting her head a little as she followed him out. A little shell shocked at the utter claim, and she really, really wanted to pounce on him and lay her own claim to him, but for the moment, she let him get them home. “....She carries what’s left of Lucifer’s grace, and wears the mating mark of a queen of hell. You were fools for ever protesting it in the first place.”Cas shrugged, while he normally would have been less mean, and more comforting, they’d annoyed him enough that he wasn’t willing to. “ better talk to them if you want, then we’re going home.”Cas growled looking around the room. While he wanted to make crowley leave, he knew dean trusted crowley to look after the demons if they needed it, and at the moment, the demons needed calmed more then anything else. And mostly, he was still absorbing the fact he was going to be a father, so he was having no patience for the frightened faces in front of him. "Just behave. accept you have a amazing queen, and a king who will never make his home here. You'll be fine then."Cas said after a moment watching them all, even if he was gently prodding Crowley towards the door.
"you are not." Crowley huffed, sulking a little. "you're not sorry at all. you're all so mean to me." he whined, pouting because he wasn't really mad but he wanted to be. "very amusing." Dean agreed before smiling at Cas. "Congratulations on your copulation Lord Castiel." Dean was such a shit! "i'm possessive." Crowley mumbled, sulking. "they shouldn't be allowed to speak your name, let alone speak about you or even look at you." he huffed, sulking even more before smirking at all of the guilty shifting going on. Dean stroked his hand down her back, soothing her, his way of saying 'i'm not as furioius as i sound, i'm still in control, don't be scared'.

"You have all forgotten, some of you never knew." Crowley said, his voice ringing clear and calm. "tht she slaughtered Lucifer with her bare hands, with no aid from her King." there was shocked, silent gasps and several winced when thy remembered. "Many of you are under the delusions that you can continue to treat Dean and Bailey as if they are human, they are not. you're... antics, have amused Dean before, but they are beginning to annoy him and it is time you understood that he is the Demon King, he chooses to live in the human world only because he prefers it there." he looked at them. "He is your King, She is his Marked Mate. human or not she is our better and you would do well to keep that in mind because the next person who opens their mouth is going to get firsthand lessons on how well Alistair taught Dean how to torture Demons." that made a number of them pale and Crowley turned and left with Cas, giving him a smile. "are you mad?" he asked softly. "i didn't know i could get pregnant..."
"Hm, I'll make dean make cookies for you to make up for it."Bailey said before laughing at the look on cas' face, the sputtering angel looking at them. "T-thanks."he sputtered smiling as he leaned into crowley a little more. "Well, I'm sure they'll behave now."Cas said smiling a little. Bailey nodded a little leaning back into him, settling more as she sighed.

"Alone, with no support and emotionally crippled because he king was missing. You've amused her mostly, but like her king, bailey is growing annoyed with it.has sighed shaking his head a little as he smirked, it amused him to see the demons so shocked."he was a good student."cas agreed smirking at the pale looking demons, hoping they'd leave it alone now as they left."no, not mad. Shocked, but not mad."he promised kissing the others head.

A few days later bailey sighed as she looked over at dean, curled up in the seat of the impala, finding it amusing thst dean was being forced to go the speed limit for once when the kids weren't with them because they were following the tour bus. Buy st least it was better then being a chaperone thst had be be on the bus with the screaming kids. Her own were well behaved, she didn't trust others to be. Looking at her mate she sighed a little."do you know what's bothering thrm?"she said, having waited till they were alone to ask. They'd met up with the kids at the school to leave after classes were done for break, and they'd both been fidgety and upset, But not so much she'd pulled thrm away to ask. At least not yet. If they were still upset when they got to the lodge she probably would, if only because it upset her to know they were upset, and having no idea why.
"I will make cookies." Dean agreed, ignoring the huffs and scowls at the reminder that their King was a lowly baker of all things. many things about Dean's choices annoyed the Demons. there was nothing at all they could do about it though, especially when they where on such thin ice as it was. "i'm glad... because we're keeping it." Crowley admitted. "and we're having more."

Dean smiled at her a little because he knew she was amused, the little bitch. he loved her but she was mean sometimes. "i don't know for sure." Dean admitted softly. "i think that they might have overheard something. the ladies where talking about it during Book Club." he admitted softly. "we'll talk to them when we get there. i hope they're not being bullied at school or anything, i don't know if i could stop you from beating the kids up." which was a filthy lie. if anyone had the lack of self control to beat up a kid it was dean.
"Whate ver you say. We have to keep up with the others and their growing broodss....though bailey and dean just keep collecting dogs.b cas looked amused.

"It's good practice for when the kids ride with you. Enjoy it...and be glad we're not sam and DeeDee and on the bus."she reminded him with a smirk before frowning."...that covers alot of things. Alot of what those women talk about would upset me....I meN, they read fifty shades."she said wrinkling her nose a little. Before snickering."you are such a liar. You're the one with self control issues.bshe teased smirking."I'm so glad we splurged and got a suite for all of us. Better that way, we can get them to talk if it's private."she said well aware the mothers and teachers who'd planned the trip weren't happy about it, but the hunters had overruled it and settled on a three room suite, bailey and dean getting a room on one side with dmitri and sam on the other, with the kids and tintin safely between them. Anything less and all the hunters paranoia wouldn't have left them alone long enough to let them enjoy the long weekend
the School had not been happy but when 4/5'th of the school board had been freinds with Dean and Bailey since they'd 'rolled into town' it was hard to really raise a fuss. especially when all of them had witnessed one, the other, or both in the throws of a panic attack or a flashback. since Dean and Bailey where paying out of pocket for it, the school had no real cause to argue or protest. "the way they where talking, i think it was something worse than that." he admitted. "i think the kids learned something that really bothered them. i'm just not sure what." he admitted before smiling at her. "i'm sure we can work it out. we just need to talk to them." he admitted. "or if nothing else, talk to Angel. she'd tell us if she thought we needed to know." he admitted before smiling as they pulled into the resort and tossed a glance behind him at the twins. "we're here! pull you're coats on before you get out of the car, it's gonna be frigid. go hang out with you're friends, we'll get the bags up to the rooms." he promised.
“Dammit. Okay then. We’ll see.”She sighed softly,rubbing a hand over her face, before smiling when they pulled in, stretching slowly as she looked around them, checking on everyone, snickering quietly at the sight of a bedraggled looking sam following angel and dmitri off the bus. “Gloves to.”She ordered smiling as the twins pulled on their winter stuff, already wearing their boots. “And stay with each other!And no running off to far.”Bailey said fidgeting a little as she watched the head for the friends, smiling a little as she picked up their bags. Heading inside the check in she smiled at the sight of the lodge being overrun with kids as she got the keys. Snickering as Sam followed them up with their bags, leaving Dmitri to look after the kids for the moment. “I’ll drive the impala home. You guys can get on the bus.”The lawyer said smiling a little as they stepped into their suite, glad they’d splurged and gotten the better rooms for them all, not only private but secure like this.
He smiled at her. "it's okay Bays. let them have fun. they know the rules." he reminded her. they knew better than to take off without someone close at hand. Dmitri, Sam, Cas, Crowley or their parents, Bruce or Lisa had to be there before they could go anywhere. "you okay Sammie?" Dean asked, looking very amused. "yeah i don't think so." Dean admitted. "King of Hell on a bus full of kids? not a good idea." he teased. "Angel! don't touch that!" Dmitri commanded, his voice drifting over the snow. "TinTin stop encouraging her!" "My name is Timothy!" the eleven year old boy protested, holing Angel's hand as he always did. they had been together since they where two, and he was very vicious in his protections of Angel and so none of the other kids teased them nor did the adults raise a fuss. the two would have to be watched much more closely when they got older though. "oh stop being dramatic." Crowley ordered, smiling as he joined them. he wasn't sure how he had ended up agreeing to help but he had, and Lusa had somehow talked Bruce into it as well so they where there as well. mostly, they where there for Bailey's comfort more than officially there. they just kind of came along and had gotten a cabin a ways down so they could be there if they where needed but could just relax when they weren't.
“I know, stop giving me that look.”Bailey growled, fidgety and upset, because it was rare they got to stay in a hotel without a hunt, so the very fact they were in one, sorta made her fidgety. “My head is killing me, and I feel the need to drink after spendign time on the bus.”Sam said making a face before smiling. “You have a house full of dogs, they wont be much worse then that.” “But he can order the dogs to obey, kids not so much.”Bailey snickered a little, amused at tintin’s protest, amused as she watched them for a moment before smiling at crowley. “It’s not dramatic if it’s true. The brats are insane. I think I’d rather deal with hellspawn.” “You are such a drama queen, sam,”Cas said looking amused as he followed his mate in, the angel looking amused as he looked around the room, smirking a little. “Hey, they have a hot tub.”He said sounding inrested enough that you knew that he was considering if he could convince his pregnant mate to have sex in it. “Besides, you’re the one who wanted to learn to ski.”Bailey pointed out to sam, amused as he collapsed onto one of the bed with a tired sigh. Feeling a little bad for him, knowing it was one of the few days he got off in a row, his case load having lightened enough to let teh very popular lawyer to have some private time.
"it's okay Bays. really. i don't blame you for being jumpy." he promised. "but we have to be nice to the kids, this is their vacation too you know." he admitted with a smile before grinning at Sam. "well, you can. you rode the bus, so that means you have the rest of the night free." he reminded his brother. "actually, i think the kids might obey me, I've never tried to command them like i do the dogs after all." he admitted, laughing when Crowley tried to swat at him for being a berk. "they do have a hot tub, and there are children around so no doing anything in it." Jessica, one of their closest friends, the mother of Tin Tin, scolded Cas with a grin. she was carrying Tim's bags because he was staying with Angel but she wasn't staying herself. she would be with the rest of the monsters. "don't forget to make sure Tin-Tin gets his meds in the morning." he had chronic allergies and asthma so he took a daily antihistamine as well as a steroid and he took a nebulizer every night which also helped. he also had an emergency inhaler so no one was too worried about him anymore and the doctors assured them all that TinTin's asthma would get better with age. still, it made it easier to take his nebulizer at night without the bullies watching. not to mention Jennies night terrors and dreams. easier just to keep the kids close.
Bailey sighed a little, leaning into her fiancee. “I know you don’t.”She muttered closing her eyes, before flinching a little. “I know it is.”She said resting her head against dean’s shoulder. “And thank god for that. Though I think I’ll go down with you guys to the back deck.”Sam said having every intention of having a drink, and snuggling up with his mate near the fire, knowing that the kids would either be there or inside with the rest of the parents. It was easier to keep track of them if they just let the roamed and kept the on what was really a obnoxious sized deck. “You know, they might.”bailey said lookign thoughtful as crowley tried to swat him. “Fine. Besides, my mate doesn’t want to do anything, despite not being able to get more pregnant then he already is.”Cas said pouting, looking adorably sulky at that. “We wont. I have it set out with Sam’s migraine medicine and mine.”Bailey promised, smiling at jessica. She’d found it utterly amazing that she had a friend like jessica, who was probably the closest person to her besides lisa, at least female wise. A friend who knew everything, except that she was a hunter instead of special forces. And while she didn’t take a high dosage, or was dangerous without it, her therapist had given her a mood stablizer, it kept the panic attacks from getting to bad most of the time. “Come on, we better get downstairs before the others think we’re not coming down at all.”Bailey snickered a little as she wrapped a arm around the smaller woman’s shoulders, leaning into her a little, she’d gotten better with casual touching, and well, teasing her mate just a little bit by snuggling someone else, just amused her. “There’s a fire going, and hot cocoa.” “And whiskey laced cocoa for me.”Sam snickered as he followed the others.
Dean smiled as he stroked her neck, rubbing the muscles there. "the back deck is gonn be loud Sam." he warned, shaking his head with a smile. "but it'll be fun. go lay down for an hour and deal with that headache and then join us." he suggested before wrinkling his nose at happy Dmitri wrangling all the kids. "god, why did you have to have a mate with such boundless energy? it's like he's enjoying this or something." he huffed, shaking his head before smiling at Jessica who stuttered at the announcment. "uhm... Cas? isn't, ah... Crowley's a male right?" "....technically i'm a demon and demon's don't really have genders..." Crowley grumbled. "so apparently, i can in fact, get pregnant." "...oh, well..." she paused, considered him and then. "how is it going to come out?" Crowley paused, blinked and then took on an utterly horrified expression. "i... i don't know..." Crowley whispered. "i need to find Bruce." he blurted, racing out the room, Dean snorting a little as he grabbed the pill bag and set it up where the kids couldn't get to it. he was on a low dose 'chill pill' as well but he took his 'as needed'. if he had a panic attack he popped one and it was usually enough to calm him down. "yeah i guess we better." Dean agreed, chuckling as he shook his head and watched Bailey leave with Jessica who was happily chattering about how big Lisa was now and how much the kids where simply fascinated with her. "jealous." Dean admitted to Sam because even after all these years, Dean still didn't trust himself around Alcohol. he missed it too much at times.
Sam snickered a little as he watched Bailey nearly melt into the touch. “I know. And I think I’ll do that.”Sam agreed, because he’d knock back one of his pills and give it enough time to kick in before joining them. “Cause he is enjoying it, and he’s mine cause we needed one of our mates willing and able to be that utterly boundless....besides. The sex.” “Urgh, stop there.”Bailey said snickering a little. “He is. Sorta.”Cas snickered amused before giggling a little at crowley’s sulking. “Apparently so can angels, but I was lucky enough to not get it this time.”He said before staring, before starting to laugh as he followed the other out. He was curious to see how their baby would come out to. Sam smirked a littel watching the women go, amused because bailey was so much happier then she had been in months, it was good to see. “I know. Just think, Bailey will reward you for resisting the whiskey laced cocoa.”He teased a little as he headed for his own room, having every intention of sleepign for a bit before joining them.

Later Bailey smiled as she watched the sleepy children starting to be corralled inside, smiling as jensen climbed up in her lap as she snuggled into Dean’s side, amused as jenny snuggled into his lap. Content and happy as she watched the fire, pressing a kiss to jensen’s head. Sipping her cocoa before looking down at him. Though they were getting a little old for being this snuggly while around their friends, or at least that’s what they usually told their parents, when they were upset it usually happened. Smiling at the sight of Sam and Dmitri talking on the other side of the fire before looking down at her son. “Sleepy yet, sweetheart?”
"Jensen sighed as he snuggled into his mother, seeking what reassurance he could get. "Mom? can... we can ask you anything, right?" Jensen finally asked, looking up at her with wide, hurting eyes. "even... even if it might make you mad, or sad?" he asked, worrying his lip, Dean setting his cocoa down, looking worried. "Jensen? what's wrong?" he asked, worried. "...I... i heard someone... I overheard a conversation." He admitted softly. "I... I just... how did Justice die? and... and who is our real parents?" Dean sucked in a breath, surprised and he looked at Bailey before sighing and set his cocoa down. "you two are old enough now, i think... to know the truth." he admitted softly. "we'll start from the beginning..." he decided. "You're mother and i met when we where sixteen...." he explained. "You're grandfather. the one we never talk about. he was cruel and mean. he did very bad things to me, and when Bailey came into the household he did terrible things to her as well." he explained, wincing when he realized Jensen was pale and startled. this was why they had been putting off this conversation. "he was a petty, cruel and vindictive man and he did not like it when Bailey left. he liked it even less when i made plans to follow her." he admitted, clenching his hands together and he tried to continue and found himself incapable of speaking for a moment.
Bailey smiled a little, shifting to wrap her arm around his waist, tugging him closer. “Yea, of course, sweetheart.”Bailey muttered softly, worried. “We...we didn’t want to tell you...but...”Jenny fidgeted squirming a little, getting closer to her father, going quiet. Letting Jensen talk. “What?”Bailey startled, suprise crossing her features as she looked down at her son, pain tightening her chest. It hurt, oh that hurt, like a sucker punch she hadn’t been ready for. “Truth? What is it?”Jenny said, looking anxious as she looked up at her parents. “Yea...they’re old enough.”Bailey said, sounding sad and hurting as she sat her cocoa down, shifting to get more comfortable, curling up around jensen as much as her son was snuggling into her. Bailey swallowed thickly watching dean, tears in her eyes because she didn’t want to tell them, and she was going to kill whoever had brought this up, but she could tell them. She could do this for dean. “I had left, and I didn’t know I was pregnant with Justice at the time. Your...grandfather, was not happy when he discovered her existence.....”She stared off into the dark, struggling to come up with a way, at a loss for words, startling as she felt a small hand against her cheek.”Mama?” “yea, I’m okay, Jen.”Bailey muttered turning her head to kiss her daughter’s palm, shuddering a little. Hating they were doing this on vacation, that they had to. “He...he hurt her. Badly. She died from the injuries. And I didn’t find your father again until years later, because it hurt to much to find him after I, we, lost justice.”She said sounding so lost and hurt, and having no idea how to continue, or what to say to their next question. Not ready to them about lisa and dean. Looking at dean for help.
"S...So G... That man, he killed Justice?" Jensen asked, looking hurt and upset and bothered. "no." Dean whispered. "he knew better than to go there in person where you're mother could see him. she'd have shot him. he knew it, and she would have gotten away with it as soon as she told anyone what he had done to her, and me. there are laws for that kind of thing." he admitted. "he hired brutes to do it for him." he admitted. "but... but the woman said that she hired a private investigator..." "she might have. John would have pinned the whole thing on Bailey. he was a criminal son, pretending to be FBI agents and cops was norm for him. it would have been easy for him to do so." Dean admitted. "anyway, i never knew i had a daughter, not until she had already been gone for... five years? six?" he asked Bailey. "math is never my good thing..." he admitted with a sigh. "as for who your 'real parents' are, me and Bailey have always been and will always be your mother and father." he promised the, "we love you, and nothing will ever change that. not anything." he promised them.

"before i met up with your mother again, i was lost and confused. i was convinced i would only get my soul mate killed, so i never spoke to her. ever." he admitted, indicating his arms. "i settled down with Aunt Lisa." Jensen gasped as he realized where Dean was going with this. "she didn't tell me until after i met up with Bays again that she was pregnant. Lisa was sick, at the time. so very, very sick and we weren't sure she was going to make it. she wanted Bailey to be your mother, not because she doesn't love you just as much as we do, but because there was an accident that rendered Bailey unable to have anymore children." he admitted. "Lisa gave you, wholly to us, because she thought it was what was best for you, and for us as a family." he admitted. "that's why Ben calls you his little brother and sister. because he really is your big brother. we didn't tell you when you where younger, because we didn't want you to feel as if you where unwanted or second place. because you're not and you never, ever will be."
“No....He just made it possible for others to hurt her.”Bailey said shifting jensen in her lap a little, cuddling him. Clinging really because the wounds of losing Justice has scabbed over, but simply the thought, the reminder of their child could rip her heart apart. “Like when we pretend we’re cowboys and indians?”Jennifer muttered looking upset and bothered as she looked at her parents. “Yes, like that. He was very good at lying, and everyone believed him. So much so that I went and lived with Uncle bobby for awhile to get away.”Bailey smiled sadly, before nodding slightly. “Five years. And no it isn’t. Though it’s adorable when you try.”she teased her mate a little, before nodding. “Nothing, will ever change that we love you. You are our children, even when you’re old and don’t want us around, you’ll still be our kids.”Bailey promised stroking Jensen’s hair. “...We love you to, mama. Papa.”Jenny muttered sniffling a little as she snuggled into dean’s chest, because she’d mostly given up the names, settling into the more adult versions of mom and dad, but when they were upset, she reverted to what was normal.

“Never ever!?”Jenny gasped eyes wide, because her parents were always writing back and forth, even when they’d just seen each other, it was rare that there wasn’t some small note of something on their skin. “Never. But we figured things out eventually.”Bailey smiled a little before nodding. “She loves you, I promise.”She said not wanting the twins to worry. “She just wanted us to be the ones who had a family, since we never got a chance to have one before, and that it would be best for you guys.”Bailey smiled quietly. “No more kids?”Jenny looked up at her mother with wide eyes. “No, I’m sorry guys. But you’ll have plenty of cousins. And dogs.”Bailey smiled sadly, resting her head on dean’s shoulder, sighing quietly. Feeling unsteady, sucker punched having not been expecting to be having this conversation here. “You were always wanted, and never second place.” “Oh....”Jenny frowned thinking over everything they’d been told, sniffling a little. Sleepy and upset now that they’d told their parents, feeling better for getting it out.
"a lot like that." Dean agreed softly, stroking Jenny's hair, Jensen sniffling. "i like uncle bobby... how come he didn't help?" "Because uncle bobby never knew. you remember that day at school, where they had that seminar about how to spot abuse, and they told you that a lot of times, people who are hurt at home think it's their fault?" he asked him, Jensen nodding. "well Daddy thought it was his fault that his father hated and hurt him, so he never told anyone. Daddy never got that seminar. all he had was his father and bad schools so i didn't know any better, so i didn't say anything because i didn't want the rest of the world to hate me too. i know better now." he promised Jensen who looked very upset that his father had been upset.

"never ever." Dean admitted with a sigh. "i was... hurting, i was broken. i felt as if my soul mate would hate me if she met me, and so i did everything i could to make sure she never did... fat load of good that did, she was always smarter than me." he admitted, smiling at her. Jensen had settled too now and was snuggled into them and finally said. "When i overheard the talking, she said that 'it was no wonder that he never trusted her alone with his kids'..." he looked up at them. "And that's why you never got married, because you where only with her to make sure mommy wouldn't kill us like she killed Justice..." he looked down. "she said we where stolen, and that neither of you where our real parents, and that the private investigator was trying to find our real parents so we could go back where we belonged..." he sniffled."ad the kids at school have been calling us mongrels, and that we're nothing but bastards..." Jensen was weeping now. "i'm sorry i thought such terrible things about you... please forgive me!"
"Cause we didn't know that anyone would help...even uncle bobby. We were scared that if we told anyone, they'd just say it's our fault. It wasnt, but it took us years to know better. Yesrs, qnd your uncles to teach us that it wasn't took us years to even telleach other...once we did. It got better. We LESRNED It Wasn't Our fault. We were victims, not the cause."she swallowed thickly, knowing she was rambling but not able to stop.

"Mama gets mad at you, but I don't think she could ever hate you.bunny said looking up at her dad with wide eyes."your right, I cqnt. But I was afraid he'd hate me to, so I'd given up writing when he never took us a long time to find each other again."bailey smiled a little, relaxing as the twins calmed down. "We're not married because we never saw the good it'd do. I mean...we wanted to. But you know these marks right?"she looked at dean's bear arms, even in winter he burned hot enough to have short sleeves on."they say we belong together, we never really rushed to get married...not until we were ready to. Not because he didn't trust me, but cause we just didn't."she reassuredre jensen stroking his hair, wincing a little."it's not your fault jensen. Really. You'll just have to ignore the kids, they're just mean, qnd know nothing. You know the truth now, that's all that matters."bailey said hurting and lost at how to make this better, it hurt to see them both weeping and upset.and that shw had no better answere then this.hating it, and making a mentAL nOTE to ask dmitri, he was always so much betterat the emotional stuff then either her or dean." about we go upstairs, and you two can sleep with us tonight okay?"
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