Blood written(lady/moon)

“I know. And of course. Just sleep Jen.”Bailey smiled softly as she stroked his hair. Smiling slightly as she listened to jessica, biting her lip a little as she listened to tin-tin, making sure he was okay, before whimpering softly. “But-but-”She swallowed hard, tilting her head up to look at him, swallowing hard as she met his eyes. Okay. She was okay. Things would be okay. Relaxing softly, settling as she leaned back into him. They’d be okay. Dean would take care of them. Settling as she closed her eyes. “Kay....”she muttered settling in to sleep herself.

The next day Bailey smiled softly, as the twins settled in bed with angel, snuggling their cousin even as as sam paid for their favorite movie on pay-per-view. Yea, he had to pay, but it was worth it to see all the kids calm and happy for now, and though he knew they’d have questions, for the moment, he was willing to distract them with movies, especially since it gave bailey and dean a chance to go see Vanessa. “You know, when we get home. We’re holing up in our room, for a marathon worth of sex and calm times.”Bailey muttered as they walked down the hall, because she was still fidgety and unsettled, but she was holding it together. Because they had to deal with other things first. First thing being this mom, she couldn’t quite understand. Knocking lightly on the door, “Vanessa?” “Yes?”Vanessa sniffled a little as she opened the door, eyes widening as she saw the two in front of her, tensing a little, lookign anxious as she looked at bailey. Worried she’d crippled the woman with the blow to her side, even if she looked like she was moving well. “Can we come in?We need to talk.”Bailey said gently watching her. “Y-yes.”The woman stuttered stepping back into the room to let them in
Dean smiled a little, the two Hellhounds where circling around him. they'd shown up during the fight and where refusing to leave. they had gotten super massive in the last few years. big enough that most of the town was a bit terrified of them, despite them being total sweethearts. "we're holing up for at least a month. Dmitri, Cas, Crowley, Bruce, Lisa and Sam can take care of the kids that long." he decided. e just hoped that Dmitri could get the information that Dean needed from his werewolf buddies. "Dean spread his senses when Vanessa opened the door and then nodded at Bailey, letting her know there where no Demons or supernatural beings inside. "Stay." he ordered the dogs who whined but settled on either side of the door obediently. Dean was in his 'Demon King' mood, staring at her but not looming. he had a feeling she was nothing more than a victim of some Demon's machinations. he needed to look powerful but understanding and he was doing it very well as he stepped inside and offered her a gentle understanding smile because if he didn't act angry, if he looked calm and controlled she would be more willing to tell them.
Bailey smiled softly as she looked down at the two hounds, reaching out to gently stroke Ember’s ears as the hellhound walked next to her, smiling a little as the dog leaned into her legs a little. “hmmm, I like it.”She agreed, even if she knew they wouldn’t go that long. Nodding slightly, relieved to know they didn’t have company, before looking at the woman. “What can I do for you?”Vanessa fidgeted watchign them as she moved inside again and sat down. “We need to talk. About what happened....Vanessa....I know you know more then what you know you were....possessed....what....what happened?”Bailey said gently,settled well into her role as queen, strong, powerful, but understanding. Willing to help, the more gentle of the two, even if there was a quite ruthlessness to her to. “I-I don’t know-” “Vanessa. Please. You nearly got our children, all of them killed, we need to know.” “It-it wasn’t supposed to be like this...”
"Vanessa." Dean said, leaning forward and setting his hand on hers. "no one is going to be mad at you." he promised, sending waves of reassurance at Bailey. "we need to know what's happened Vanessa. Demons are experts at finding the thing that hurts you the most, the thing that you want the most. they are the best at finding what you would die for, what you would kill for. you where used, Vanessa and you where likely tricked and promised things that could not be kept." he admitted. "Do you understand who i am, Vanessa?" he asked her. "Do you understand what that Demon nearly did? what she nearly made you do?" he asked her. "Do you understand what almost happened?" she had almost driven the Kng of Hell insane. and then all of the demons, probobly, would have been slaughtered in Dean's rage. already he had given Crowley permission to begin the 'punishment' of the Demon who had caused all of this. Dean would pick it up personally in a few days. once he had Bailey calmed down.
Vanessa looked up at her wide eyed, swallowing hard as he looked at the two of them. “No-” “Really. We wont be mad. We just need to understand what happeend. And why, so we can make sure it wont happen again.”Bailey said, steady and calm even as she shuddered at the idea of what nearly had happened. “...She...she said you were king...that you and bailey....”Vanessa stuttered, trembling a little, before the whole story spilled out in a rush. Of a cross roads deal that promised to bring back her child if she could steal dean away from bailey. Only she failed, and the deal hadn’t happened. How years had past with her dead eldest child, before the demon returned if she let the demon use her. “She couldn’t have’s...even if things had gone well, she couldn’t have given you your child back.”Bailey said gently, watching the gently crying woman as she hugged her, looking up at dean.
"that horrible, filthy, bitch of a whore!" Dean snapped, unable to contain his rage, his eyes going to blak as he vented his rage. "how DARE she use a mothers love for such twisted foul purposes!" he hissed before taking in a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down. "i'm sorry Vanessa." he said softly. "i am so sorry i could not control my people well enough to protect you." he apologized. "i am so sorry you had to go through all of this pain alone. it should never have happened and i will do everything i can to make sure it never happens again." he looked at Bailey. "i'm sorry. it's unavoidable. i have to spend an hour or two every day for a while in hell to make sure no one, ever, ever thinks of ever doing this again."after that i'll do a half day every week, just to be sure. i shouldn't abandon my people just because i prefer the humans." he admitted with a sigh. "i can't let this happen again." he admitted softly. "i'll talk to Cas and Sam, see if we can't swing a favor." he admitted, indicating Vanessa. after all, if Bailey could go to heaven once a year to talk to Justice, then surely Vanessa could speak to her oldest at least once?
Bailey flinched, growling quietly, responding to the anger even if it wasn’t directed towards her, bristling and defensive as she tucked the smaller woman against her side, swallowing thickly. “we’ll take care of things.”Bailey sighed softly. “....I....I didn’t know there was...someone to talk to. That....this could have been avoided....I’m sorry....”Vanessa sniffled. “We failed you, by not controlling things well enough. I am sorry.”Bailey sighed softly, before frowning a little. “I agree. It’’s a pain. And it’ll be interesting to figure out...but we knew there’d probably be a day we had to spend more time in hell.”Bailey sighed softly, because it pained her that they’d abandoned their people, simply visiting about once a month, because they preferred the human world. “We wont let it happen again.”She agreed easing away, standing, nodding slightly. “I’m sure we can.”Bailey smiled leaning down to kiss vanessa’s forehead. “How about you lay down and take a nap? I know maria’s over in our rooms with the twins and others havng a good time. So rest. Relax. Your child is safe, and we’ll make sure everything else is taken care of.”She promised, straightening, looking at dean. “We should head out now....take care of things, I know you have crowley looking into things, but if we leave everythign to him, someone will see it as a weakness, rather then us taking time to make sure everyone’s okay here, and that the twins are okay.”She said, her voice trembling a little, scared for her son, despite knowing cas said he was fine.
"i'm sorry Bays." Dean apologized, gently taking her hand. "it's not your fault Vanessa. you where a victim in this. there's a friend i'm going to want you to talk to, okay? she's a therapist. she'll help you through this, you won't be alone anymore." he promised her. "get some rest Vanessa." he suggested, smiling at her. "i'll see what we can do for you." he promised her. "we won't let you suffer for our mistakes or for the manipulations of that bitch." he promised, carefully tucking the poor distraught woman in, stepping outside and breathing out a harsh breath. "Crowley already has the Demon in custody as well as the three other Demons who where assisting her." he admitted. "...i'm sorry Bailey, i know you hate it, but i will not let her get away with thinking i won't hande this personally. i'm going to make her regret ever looking at you." he admitted. "let alone using Justice as a weapon against us. using our children as a weapon against us." thank god he had carefully etched protections into his children's bones so that they couldn't be possessed. "i want you nowhere near Hell." he admitted softly, but that wasn't a no. in fact that was a 'you'll come with me no matter what i say so this is me stating my opinion and letting you come with because i'm not the boss of you and don't want you to smash my face in'. "Jensen will be fine. the full-moon isn't for another week and Cas is monitoring him carefully for any lingering pain." he reminded her. "Crowley is staying with him in case anything does happen he can contact us in seconds. we are literally four seconds away Bays. it will be okay."
Bailey settled a little, smiling a little as she squeezed his hand, before returning to stroking vanessa’s hair. “O-okay.”Vanessa sniffled a little looking up at them. “I-I wont forget you helped...” “This was our mess we got you dragged into. The least we could do is make sure you’re well looked after.”Bailey said nodding a little at dean’s words, guilt making her feel sick as she watched dean tuck the woman in. Smiling a little as they stepped out into the hall. Rubbing a hand over her face as she looked at her mate. “I only hate it because I’m afraid how you’ll handle torturing and killing a demon, even one that’s this twisted, not because I care if you spend more time there. I...I knew we’d have to eventually spend more time there.”She said and indeed, she looked more worried for him, then she did anything else. Hated knowing that he was going to use the skills Alistar had taught him, afraid that it would hurt him to do it. Sighing softly as she stepped into his arms, more then anything, needing held, even if she knew they had to get going, she needed to hold him. Wrapping her arms around his waist, closing her eyes. “I know we have to handle it. Otherwise the others would think they can get away with it to.....and no.. Using our children as weapons against That is a crime there is no forgiveness for.”She said her voice soft and trembling, before shoving him lightly. “I know, but I’m not letting you go anywhere on your own. Even if it means following you straight to hell, against your wishes.”She sighed softly, hugging him a little tighter, hearing what he didn’t say. And while she would normally be willing to listen to the request of staying behind, she was to scared of what he was going to do, not because he could be hurt, but she was afraid of what the torture would do to him. She needed to be there for him. Trusting the other’s to look after the kids. “I’ll be okay.”She muttered taking a shuddering breath as she stepped back from him. “Let’s go then. The sooner we go, the sooner we can get back.”
"you're our friend Vanessa. i have to admit, i over reacted to you're actions but..." he hessitated and shook his head. "i was a rape victim and you triggered." he explained softly. "i wasn't able to... get ver it the way i probobly should have. i think if we had just gone and asked you why, this whole mess might have been avoided." he admitted. "but hindsight is always pure i guess." he admitted. "we'll make sure you're alright Vanessa. okay?" he asked her with a smile. "all the other ladies know about monsters and Demon's now too. so you can talk to them if you have to. we'll be explaining everything we can to them as soon as i've gotten Hell straightened out." he promised. "you just rest." he suggested, patting her back as he tucked her in ad sighed as he wrapped his arms around Bailey, holding her close. "I had hoped it was because the kids where old enough to understand, not because of all of this." he admitted softly before nodding because what could he say to that? they had turned his children into tools and he was never, ever going to allow that, ever. "Alright." he said with a smile, stroking his hair before taking her hand. "don't let go and don't breath in." he warned her as he always did, stepping from one place to another the way only the most powerful Demons could. he strode down the long tunnels of Hell, making sure she was right next to him the entire time and stepped into the torture chamber which had been empty since Dean had become the King of Hell. most of the human souls that where still human had been released. save for the most foul. the child molesters and rapists and other such filthy bastads where in the lower pits, receiving... reformation. Dean was a very clever being, instead of torturing them he made the punishments personal. he made the rapists revisit every single person they'd raped. from the victims point of view. they would be raped, over and over again in their minds until they truly understood what they had done. several had already gone mad because they where too sick to care what pain they had caused someone else, and thus themselves. some souls couldn't be saved. others where already on the path to redemption. inside of the torture cells, was a demon Dean knew very well, hanging limply on the rack because Crowley had ust finished a fresh round of torture. waiting in the wings where three petrified Demons. one who was snarling, convinced he and 'Meg' had done the right thing, one was silent, stoic and proud of his actions and one was weeping, limp in his bonds, terrified perhaps, or maybe tricked into Meg's schemes. Dean would know soon enough. "Hello Meg. i should have known it was you." Dean mused. "Having fun?"
“We overreacted, but....we have our own traumas. Lashing out at you wasn’t your fault, it was ours.”Bailey smiled softly, stroking the woman’s back smiling as she calmed. “Hindsight always looks better. It’s done, now all we have left is now.”Vanessa muttered sighing softly. “Okay...I’ll talk to them to.”Vanessa smiled a little as they tucked her in, settling in to rest. Exhausted.

Leaning her head against Dean’s chest, nodding a little. They could never let their children be tools, weapons. “I’m good.”She muttered taking a deep breath, settling a little as he took them to hell. Walking with the other, tense and worried as she looked around hell, frowning slightly as she stepped into the cell, frowning at the demons. “....True followers here, looking bemused at the idea that they had hated them enough to do this. “Dean, good to see you.”Meg spat at him, hanging limply, but still angry. “You and your bride. Finally come to be a man, take care of us yourself?” “Well, you turned our children into the tools used to threaten us. It is a personal matter. One that needs corrected, and we’re going to see that you three are the example of what happens if anyone should get near them again. War on us might be something we expected, we know we’re fair game. But The children are off limits.”Bailey growled standing guard at dean’s back, even if they were tied up and waiting for dean, he was going to protect him. Tilting her head, feeling sick because she knew this would hurt dean, to do this despite needing to, it was going to hurt.
"oh yes. these two. it's almost lie they wanted to go completely bat shit insane and slaughter all of humanity and Demon Kind." Dean mused. "that's what happens you know. when you kill the Demon Kings soul bonded mate and his children." the one who was snarling hesitated, looking shocked and then. "...she never told us you where soul bonded..." he whispered, realization setting in for the snarling demon. the Stoic one just stared at him, calm and uncaring about what had almost happened. the one in the back had started up with fresh tears but Dean ignored him. "it doesn't matter that you 'didn't know', Vinnagen." Dean said, staring at the Demon who realized how close they had all come to the end of existence. "you went against your King. tried to kill his chosen bride and his progeny. that makes you a traitor. makes you... what's the word am i looking for? oh yes, dead man walking." he mused, drawing a finger down the mans face, watching him seize and scream and twitch as he used his Demonic Powers to torture him. no knives needed. "and whats the story with this one?" he asked, examining the sobbing Demon. "not sure what to do with him." Crowley admitted. "he's the one who found the werewolf you see?" Dean went furiously tense. "but Meg had him thinking that it was as a present. that she was going to kill the last of the beasts that killed your first daughter. he thought he was helping you. his only mistake was not checking in with me first." "he was tricked, and he tried to do good..." Dean mumbled, looking at Bailey for her input. ultimately, she would have to decide if the Demon was free of blame or not.
“I think they do. Meg set Lucifer free. Sorta just wants to watch the world burn.”Bailey said thoughtfully, before tilting her head. Gesturing to her bare arms. “Are you all this stupid? I didn’t end up with a demon’s bond mark cause I thought they looked cool.”She said looking vaguely amused at the reaction that this was causing even as meg snarled at them to shut up. That it wasn’t going to be of any use to whine and beg. Wincing a little as she watched the demon scream, swallowing thickly. “So I see.”Bailey muttered frowning a little, tensing at crowley’s words. “He found what I couldn’t. A good hunter.”She muttered feeling off balance as she crossing the room, couching down to meet the demon’s eye, studying him. “A demon who tried to do a good thing. A rare thing. A wedding present I think.”Bailey shifted a little, looking up at dean. “He didn’t mean to. Put him on probation, with sebastian and damien as guardians should he want or need to go topside for now, and we’ll check on him every time we’re here. If...if he misbehaves again, one toe out of line, his existence will end. But for delivering the werewolf to me...I am willing to overlook the idiot’s not checking in with anyone first.”Bailey said straightening, sighing softly as she looked at dean. Willing to be merciful, but she’d be vicious if this demon did go bad again.
"she's a filthy whore." Dean agreed before watching Bailey with a smile. "Most demons don't know what the Tattoos mean darling." he admitted with a shake of his head before looking around at the crying demon. "it was supposed to be a present." the demon whispered, tears clinging to his eyes. "because... because Our Lord is the best thing that's ever happened to us." he rasped before gasping, looking at her, stunned, amazed, overjoyed. "you... you'll give me another chance!? i won't let you down you're highness! i promise! i won't let you down!" he promised, rubbing his wrists as he was released from the rack, flinging himself at her feet and mumbling thanks, yelping when Dean hauled him to his feet and brushed him off. "stop groveling, we hate that." Dean ordered. "go and report to Damien and Sebastian, you'll help clean up the mess we left of the human world. "Of course! right away you're grace!" the Demon stuttered, racing off before they changed their minds and Dean huffed through his nose and turned to Crowley. "Take Bailey to the nursery would you?" he asked Crowley. "i don't want her to see this." he admitted, looking at Bailey and gently cradling her face. "please. for me. i can't have you here while i do this." he admitted softy. "there are a number pf pregnant demons who could use you're encouragement and support. tend to them. do your queenly duties."
“....Then you’re demons are idiots. Or gone without a true king for to long. Either way, it’s sad.”Bailey said wrinkling her nose a little. “We should have a history class for them all. It’d be good for them.”she said thoughtfully. Sitting back on her heels as she studied the demon, smiling softly. Despite the actions that had happened, she could tell he’d meant for it to be a good thing. “I can see that. And it was a good present, you should have just let Crowley know about it first.”She smiled gently, before nodding. “I will. But just one. I’m merciful, but not lenient.”She couldn’t afford to be, not when the demons already thought she was weak. Wincing a little as he felt to her feet, reaching out to brush his hair out of his face. “Indeed. Groveling is weird. Just go.”She said laughing softly as she watched him go, before looking at the other two. Looking ready to set her heels down about going, not wanting to leave dean alone, before sighing, leaning into his hand. “Come find me as soon as you’re done. I’ll look after the pregnant ones.”She said kissing him lightly before letting Crowley show her to the nursery, indeed interested to see just how many pregnant demons they were, and wondering if she could get crowley to sign up for something of a ‘mommy and me’ class with them, though she had a feeling probably not.
"Love. there hasn't been a Demon King since the first Demons and even then his rule only lasted five years before Lucifer slaughtered him. the Guardians only know as much as they know about Demon Kings and it's effects on Demons because they have a direct one eight hundred Line to God himself." which seamed a little unfair to Dean but whatever. "thank you..." the Demon whispered and Dean smiled a little. "that was Collin, by the way." Dean informed her. "he's a younger demon. he doesn't know any better i don't think." he admitted. "we'll keep a close eye on him." Dean promised before smiling at her. "thank you." he murmured, kissing her before turning to the three Demons and gave them a sweet smile. this, he was going to enjoy. he'd never been able to let his Demon out to play before. he was going to savor this, even if it was wrong. the number of pregnant Demons was almost overwhelming and the number of unwillingly pregnant where just as high. several of them had not anticipated being able to get pregnant, but they already had other parents lined up because Crowley said anyone harming a child or a baby, even neglecting one, meant the abuser or negligee would be terminated. no trial necessary. so those that didn't want their babies would be giving them to someone who actually wanted them. there where three who where rape victims. the fathers had already been terminated because Dean had declared Rape illegal. Crowley was handling their cases personally. two did not want the babies and one wanted to keep hers, so at least there was that.
“Really?Huh. Well, then we’ll just have to figure out things, and tell them to. They should know about themselves.”Bailey smiled a little. “You’re welcome.”bailey smiled before looking amused. “Colin. I’ll remember that. And he probably didn’t. But now it’s a lesson he wont forget.”He muttered smiling a little as she kissed him back.”Welcome. Take care of yourself to.”She muttered worried about him even as she left. Looking overwhelmed as she realized just how many were pregnant, and reassured that even the unwanted babies were going to be taken care of. Spending time with the rape victims, making sure they knew they could come talk to her, even if she wouldn’t allow them in the house, she made sure they knew there were ways of getting ahold of her, them in the human world if they needed someone to talk. Crowley could get them, or phones. As much as dean’s torture of the demons would ripple through hell, so would bailey’s intentions of making sure the demons knew that despite their not living there, they still cared, had always cared, and wanted to make sure they knew it even if they hadn’t before known.

Smiling tiredly from where she was curled up with crowley, sleepily listening to the demon talking to the others, having refused to leave even after what had been two very long days in hell, on top of a long day at the ski lodge. But much like dean, she didn’t need as much sleep as she used to, though she still needed more then dean did. She needed sleep, but she didn’t want to do that, not when there were demons who still wanted to talk to her, and her king was still not back. Tired,but refusing to listen to reason despite the looks the demons were giving her. It seemed that despite their scorn and anger, that most demons had accepted things for now. While she was sure there would be protests and problems with this, she felt accepted in hell, for the very first time. Stirring as she heard whispers, she frowned a little as she saw her fiancee walking in, yawning tiredly. “.....time to go home?”She said looking him over worriedly.
Dean strode through the halls after taking a shower. he had hung the now dead Demon forms in the Grand Throne Room where they would hang for a single day at Crowley's insistence. he stepped into the medical wing and smiled when instead of groveling, all the pregnant demons bowed once and then went back to doing what they where doing. that, was the kind of greeting he could handle. after all the time spent with Bailey, the demons there where too used to them popping in and out. most of the pregnant demons where being closely monitored in case of complications or other problems so most of the time they where all in the maternity ward. "Yes. i'll be back tomorrow for a fw hours to address them all but we can go home now." he promised her with a smile, looking around the room for anyone he needed to address immediately and finding no one who was trying to catch his attention he snuggled her and headed for where he could take her home, stepping between worlds before she could see into the main Hall where the thrones, and the bodies of the dead demons where hanging, simply taking her straight to the kids and Dmitri who was with them.
Bailey smiled a little, relieved to see that he seemed okay. Wrapping her arms around him, saying goodbye to the friends she'd made in the last few days, yawing as theystepped into the living room, smiling at the sight of her kids and sam and dmitri looking after everyone watching finding nemo. "Mommy!daddy! Uncle sam said we're having a party, when you got home. So now you're home and now everyone can come!"the happy Jenny glomps onto her parents, the drama and upset of the last day having left her bouncing through manic worry and upset and nightmares, leaving her hyper. Which in turn she'd settled when sam had told her about the dinner they'd be having. "Let them go, jenny. They just got home." "That's why they need hugs!" "Jenny, it's okay. We're okay."bailey muttered stroking jenny hair. Because her and dean where home for so much of the time, and together with the twins, they got extremely upset when dean and her were gone for a fairly long time. Especially with what had happened bailey knew they both had to be upset."jensen?"bailey said looking for her son, features tight with worry as she picked jenny up to cuddle her gently.
"It's alright Jenny." Dean said, bending over and picking her up, holding her close so she could settle a little. "we're home now. it's okay." he promised her, glancing at Sam. "what's this about a party?" "Mom? Dad?" Jensen asked as he walked in, looking sluggish and feverish still. Dmitri smiled as jensen snuggled into his mother, holding her tightly. "he's going to be feeling unwell for a few more days while his body works out the virus." Dmitri explained. "the other boy who was bitten is going through the same thing. neither of them will change. Thomas was sure of that." he admitted. "they may have personality shifts during the full moon days though. cravings, grumpiness, maybe some aches and pains..." "so my son is going to have a period every month." Dean mused, Jensen flushing hard. "DAD!"
“Kay. Good.”Jenny sighed softly, cuddling her father, resting her head against his chest. “Oh. Well.”Sam fidgeted a little, smirking slightly. “Seems ms. Hawke wants to make sure you two aren’t planning on bolting anywhere cause of this. And wants to make sure we all know no one’s talking about monsters or such. And that, they really, really want us to stay here.”Sam smiled a little. “Hey kid.”Bailey muttered picking up her son, sighing softly as his feverish head rested against her shoulder, stroking his back, looking relieved at Dmitri’s words. “Oh. Thank god. And dean!Stop teasing him. You’re the one who gets grumpy and horrible at least once a month.”Bailey said rolling her eyes a little at dean’s words, stroking Jensen’s back, “Come on. Let’s go lay down, mom hasn’t slept in awhile. I need rest. And daddy can read us all a story.”Bailey smiled, “And we’ll have the party tomorrow. For now, we all need sleep.”She said heading upstairs, ignoring the fact that they were at sam and dmitri’s, knowing there was rooms for them all to stay, houses big enough for them to stay whenever they wanted.
"wait... seriously?" he asked, looking shocked. "she wants us to stay that badly?" he asked, blinking a little. "why?" he looked so baffled. he'd never had someone who wanted him to stuck around once they learned the truth, even Lisa had needed a few days before she'd invited him to stay, but by then he was already on the trail of a new hunt and he hadn't been ready to settle down at the time. "Hey Mommy." he mumbled with a smile at her. "i'm glad your home." he admitted, snuggling with her before sticking his tongue out at his father, making him smile. "i do get grouchy every month." Dean agreed. it had something to do with the lunar cycle and the gates of hell, it made him anxious to go to hell. he had decided, once he had hell settled down, to spend those days in hell every month to spare his family his demonic grumpiness. "i want a story." Jensen agreed, content to let Jenny choose which story to reed.
Byes she does. And it helps you saved her whole class. On top of being named the coolest patents of the year."sam snickered a little amused at how shocked dean looked because he'd had a few days to process the shock of them wanting them to stay."I'm glad to be home."bailey smiled rubbing his back, amused as they settled in for story night.

A few days later bailey frowned as she looked around the house, a little anxious and not quite sure how she'd ended up hosting the party but knowing at least if they did try to kick them out of toan instead of wanting them to stay like sam said, then they had a safe place to hole up for a bit. Glancing at dean as the doorbell rang she wrinkled her nose a little, for once to nervous to even consider the treats her fiancee was making."have I told you recently I still think this is weird?"she asked even as she opened the door, smiling, a little shyly at the teacher in front of them."karen, come in. Your the first here, well besides sam and dmitri, but the others should be here soon to."she said baling a little nervously.
Dean was just as anxious and had gone a little overboard on the baking and the cooking. he tensed when the doorbell rang and fidgeted as he whipped up the meringue he was working on. "Thanks for agreeing to host us Ms. Daniels." Karen Hawke, the kids's History teacher said with a smile. "we wanted to have it at the school but we're all trying to keep this a secrete you know?" she asked. "Crowley? he came up with a cover story that a small terrorist group you dealt with kidnapped your kids and you dealt with them, everyone's accepting the story so we don't have to worry about any nasty stories or rumors starting." she promised. Crowley had already explained the decision to run a 'cover story' because there was simply no way to hide that something had happened. all the children where pale and upset and not talking about what had happened and parents where going to be upset. running a cover story would explain everything and keep it all under wraps. in the meantime, Bailey and Dean's therapist was offering to talk to every child for free for as long as they needed. everything was wrapped up save for this one last thing. "i...i made pies..." Dean informed her, looking half petrified and she smiled at him. "thank you Dean, that's perfect."
B you're welcome. Though we're still a little puzzled on why you wanted to have it. And it's bailey, please. And that idiot over there is dean."bailey smiled at the woman lwtti g her in before nodding.byes, crowley. And he told us. A better idea then we had to'd be amazed at how good we've gotten at making stories up for weird shit."bailey smiled laughing quietly at dean."he did make pie. Lts of pie actually...."bailey smiled looking even more nervous as the rest of the parents arrived and started mingling, sure that they were going to get kicked out despite the niceness of everyone and having lived and worked with them all for 10 years.
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