Blood written(lady/moon)

"We wanted to have it to reassure you and to have Dean's amazing sweets of course." she teased with a smile. "I can imagine. Lisa was telling me that you've been doing this since you where babies." she admitted. "it explains a lot." she admitted, smiling at her. "Dean is a little high strung." she teased, winking at Bailey before skipping inside. Dean didn't calm down at all. he didn't want to leave, didn't wt to move, didn't want to have to uproot the entire family. this was their home. this was their dreams come true. he didn't want to leave it. "alright. lets get this going before Dean pisses himself." Crowley ordered, ignoring Dean's squall of protest before he shrieked in rage when he saw Jensen, Angel and Jenny racing off with one of the pies. "You kids get back here with that! it's not Pie Time!" Crowley just laughed because that was hilarious.

"Bailey. Dean." Karen said, smiling at them. "ever since you joined this town, we have al been closer to each other. you pulled us all around you like planets rotating the sun and we've become so much closer as a community. for ten years we have watched you guiding your children, and ours. donating time and effort into the community. brightening everyone's lives. this last weekend, you even went so far as to save all of our lives and i have no doubt that you've been keeping us all safe from things that go bump in the night ever since you moved in. because of this, we want you all to know that we want you to stay here, in our community... in our family. and we wanted to award you with a special present." Karen said, smiling as they revealed a golden coin in a clear case. "Normally, this would be presented to you in front of some huge crowd by the Mayor, but it was decided this ould be better to save your nerves." she admitted with a smile. "Bailey Daniels and Dean Winchester, we the Staff, Students and Parents of the Eighth grade of St, Aegis Middle School would like to present you with the Medal of Valor for your actions in risking your lives for the safety and lives of everyone at the resort." she informed them with a smile. "and we have a Medal of Valor for Jensen as well." she admitted, handing the three golden medals to the stunned Dean who gaped at his. unable to comprehend what it was and what it meant.
“Ah well, dean’s sweets are always worth it.”Bailey snickered a little before nodding. “Pretty much. And it does. Doesn’t make it any easier to handle though.”Bailey said before snorting, “We’re both a little high strung.”She said sighing softly as she followed them in, snickering at crowley’s words, but not disagreeing. “It’s nearly pie time. Guys, get back to the kitchen if you’re going to eat it!”Bailey yelled at them, rolling her eyes a little.

“...Hm, I always knew you were sunshine.”Bailey muttered nudging dean a little, looking out of sorts and at a loss on how to handle the speech that was happening in front of her, even more so because so many of the other parents were nodding, agreeing. “....we put them in danger to. Staying here....”Bailey muttered looking more overwhelmed, rather then like she really was protesting. Biting her lip a little as her eyes went wide, stuttering a little as she saw the medal. “But-but that’s a military medal.” “It’s okay. It can be given out to civilians to.”Sam said smiling softly as eh watched all three take their medals. “They want you to stay. I promise.”Sam smiled as he watched Bailey snuggle into dean’s side, overwhelmed and at a loss how to handle it, so she was clinging to the steadiest thing in her life, dean.
"of course you are. you just had a huge battle." she admitted, patting her hand with a smile, chuckling as the kids yelled that Tin-Tin wanted some too! being as Tin-Tin was bedridden for another week because of the pneumonia he'd contracted, he had to eat in bed. Dean sighed and let them go, shaking his head because how could he argue with that logic?

"I..." Dean stared at the prize in his hands, swallowing thickly. "i never one thought... i never... no one's ever even thanked me before i don't... i don't know if..." "please... you're so important to us Dean. to this community. you, you're family, your children, they're all so important to us." Karen said with a smile, looking worried when Dean started to cry. "thank you... thank you so much. this is.. this is the first Home I've ever had. it's... it's so wonderful... being so welcomed... so... so..." he sniffled. "being so accepted... thank you." he whispered, clutching the award. "thank you all so much."
“....we’ve....we don’t usually get thanked for this.”Bailey said looking shell shocked as she looked up at karen. Offering a small smile as she looked at them all. “This place...this important to us to. All our dreams are here.”Bailey said sniffling a little as she hugged dean. “It’s okay.”Sam muttered smiling a little at karen’s worried look, tilting his head a little as he watched the two, who looked so, so happy that they could stay here.

2 years later, Bailey panted softly as she whimpered, leaning back against the wall in her room, the skirt of her dress fluffed up and curling over her legs as she huddled there, panicking and upset, even if she knew she was being ridculous. Not even noticing when Lisa stepped outside to talk to Sam. Who in turn headed out to the ceremony area to find Dean, muttering a quiet word to him even if he knew the demon king probably knew bailey was panicking. Smiling quietly as he got the groom headed upstairs to talk to his panicking bride. “No!Don’t come in!You can’t see me yet!”Bailey said sounding breathy and panicky, and definitely coming undone.
Dean nearly snarled as Crowley murmured another reassurance. he was going to slaughter his Demon pa if the other didn't shut up. he looked at Sam and headed straight for Bailey. "Hush. it's okay. I'll close my eyes." he promised. "it's okay Bailey. there's nothing to be panicked about. we're already married in our hearts, what's a little ceremony?" he asked her with a smile. "there's no one out there but the people we love. no one there but them and us." he promised. "we've been together unflinchingly for fifteen years now. this is just another step to reaffirm for ourselves, and maybe the twins, how much we love each other." he assured her. "you should see what those twits did to your garden by the way. it's going to take hours to undo it." that would get her going, he knew. she loved her garden. it was her baby almost as much as the twins where.
Cas smirked a little as he shifted the small toddler demon child sitting on his hip, the little girl looked human, but there was moments you knew both her parents weren’t human. Keeping from laughing in dean’s face at him being this anxious about a wedding when they’d pretty much been married for 13 years. “Kay. You better.”Bailey whimpered a little sighing quietly as he stepped in, shifting to rest her head against his thigh as he stood next to her, simply leaning into him, taking comfort in it, even if she was careful to not smear her makeup. “’s a wedding!I think we invited the whole town.” “The whole town that loves you.”Sam reminded her gently, smiling a little before backing away at dean’s words, bolting for the garden before bailey figured out what he’d said. “ and the twins....”She muttered before growling. “What?What did they do?”She said stumbling to her feet awkwardly, actually a inch taller than dean in her heels, before marching past him to go inspect her garden. “You better get down there, or your bride is going to beat you to your wedding.”Cas snickered a little as he kissed annabelle’s head as they headed downstairs after Bailey. Who looked around her in utter shock, the sight of her garden like this, so beautiful, looking even more like a princess in her rose and white dress, her soft blond hair done up in twisting curls and braids.
"i will." Dean promised, removing his tie and wrapped it around his eyes because he wasn't sure he had the self control otherwise. he gently rubbed her back because he couldn't see her hair and if it was safe to stroke that or not. they could fix any bows or straps on her dress, screwing up her hair could take hours to fix. "of course we invited the whole town. the entire town is someone in our families best friend or close friend." he admitted with a smile, smirking when he hear Sam bolting for safety. he chuckled as he heard her stalking off and carefully replaced his tie and popped away, appearing once more at the alter. everyone they had invited knew about him being a Demon by now an there where many Demons and Angels in the audience now as well. "Did we do okay?" Dmitri asked, smiling at her. "i hope so."
“Kay.”Bailey sighed softly, closing her eyes, relaxing. Okay, it was okay. “, that’s true. WE need to stop making friends. We have alot already.”She muttered smiling a little. Looking around her, bailey nodded slowly, amused that they’d set the wedding at the perfect time, just before dusk, where the lights were just starting to glow, with the sunset colors. Knowing that their pictures, her and dean’s pictures together was going to be perfect. “It’s amazing. Really.”She smiled at dmitri, looking up at Crowley as he joined her, holding out her arm. “Is my escort ready to go?”Seh teased the demon, because both sam was dean’s best man and cas was actually marrying them, so Crowley had gotten the job of playing father of the bride. Smiling softly as she watched the twins walk down the aisle, ring bearer and flower girl, watching them take their spots before heading down the aisle with crowley, leaning up to kiss his cheek. “Thank you.”She said softly as she slid her hands into dean’s, looking up at him wide eyed and amazed. Despite years of knowing they were mates, and knowing that they were demon king and queen, she hadn’t actually thought they’d ever got this far. The fact that both her and dean had doodled little love things across their arms and tattoos simply because they wanted to for today, reaffirming the fact that they were bonded, was just them. “Dean.”She muttered a soft quiet look in her eyes. “Welcome, we have come here together today, to see this bonded pair married and forever tied. Does anyone have any objections to this union, before we get along with their vows?”Cas said eyeing the crowd, and looking ready to smite someone if they protested.
"We do need to stop making friends." Dean agreed with a smile and a chuckle before smiling at how perfect the backyard really was for the wedding. "thak god. i was worried." Dmitri admitted with a smile at her before skipping off to stand behind Dean as a Groomsman. Lisa, Vanessa and Jessica standing behind Bailey, beaming at her as she stepped up onto the raised platform they had made for the wedding. "Bailey." he murmured, smiling at her, turning with a grin at Sam as Cas spoke the opening words. "I hae an objection!" said Jensen, grinning impishly. "they haven't kissed yet!" that caused a ripple of laughter an Dean rolled his eyes. "remind me to ground him." he ordered to Bailey with a chuckle. "you heard the boy Sam, get on with it!" Dean ordered with a smile at Bailey. "i want to kiss my wife."
“It’s perfect.”Bailey promised smiling a little as she stepped onto the platform, smiling at her husband. Before twiting to look at Jensen, snorting a little. “I’ll help you ground him. After we get home. We have two weeks to ourselves.”She reminded him, smiling softly as Sam passed over the rings. “So demanding.”Bailey shuddered a little, smiling quietly as she looked at Cas. Biting her lip as she considered her husband, staring down at their joined hands, suddenly shy. She had planned on saying something, anything. But she couldn’t get the words out. Whimpering quietly, overwhelmed at the utter need that hit her, before the words tumbled out. “I take you as my husband, the man who I didn’t know I’d needed when I first met you, but at that moment, came to mean everything.”Staring down as she brushed her fingers over his knuckles, sliding on his wedding ring, swallowing hard. “You, this....this was more then I ever thought I’d have. Thank you. And I love you, husband.”She muttered looking up at him.
"Jensen just beamed at them innocently and Dean snorted a little and smiled at her when she called him Demanding. "always. you mean that's not why you love me?" he asked with a grin before smiling at her. "i Take you as my wife. something i thought i would never have. you mean everything to me too, and i know you'll always make me happy. together for Eternity, you and me. right?" he asked her with a smile, siding the rings on and sweeping her into a breathtaking kiss because he couldn't wait anymore. "i love you too, my darling wife." he murmured with a smile. "you are my everything."
Bailey flushed swallowing hard. “Well, yea. Sometimes.”She muttered smiling at him, before smiling at him. “you and me. And I guess we sorta have to take care of the others to.”She muttered amused, happy as she kissed him back, resting her forehead against his. “Think you messed up my lipstick.”She muttered the rest of the world gone as she held onto him. Happy as she leaned into him. “My everything.”She agreed, shuddering a little. Turning her head, looking at everyone gathered, shifting to get closer to dean. Overwhelmed at everything. “I introduce for the first time, Mr. And Mrs. Dean Winchester.”Cas smiled a litle grinning at the cheering and happy wolf whistles, gently nudging the to towards the lighted trail that lead straight towards the sunlight lit reception that was waiting for them. Knowing they both could probably use a moment to gather themselves. “Go on, we’ll get the guests in there soon.”Cas promised with a smile. “They really did outdo themselves.”Bailey muttered smiling as she gathered her skirt in her hand, carefully stepping off and into the trail.
He smiled a little at her. "yeah. if we have to. they'll have to get along without us for two weeks though." he admitted with a chuckle, kissing her a little more. "good. you're sexy with smeared lipstick." he admitted with a smile. "Mrs. Winchester. i think i just gt a raging boner in my pants." he admitted to her with a laugh as he kissed her yet again before laughing as people pelted him with rice as he led her down the path, chuckling as he headed to the dancing and eating area, grinning as he set a fake crown on his head with a laugh, the paper crowns indicating where he and Bailey where supposed to sit. arranged seating so that the angels wouldn't be sitting next to the demons and the hunters wouldn't be sitting next to the vampires and werewolves. it was just a way to keep the peace in the end.
“Hm yes. Cause I’m gonna wander around naked on a beach for two weeks, so they’ll just have to manage themselves.”She laughed quietly. Whimpering quietly at his words. “Well, you’ll have to smear it more often then.”She muttered before snorting kissing him back. “You always have a raging boner.”she teased laughing as they were pelted, grinning as they found their seats. Smiling as she sat the crown on her head, amused as she watched the angels and demons walking in, amused because despite some tensions, for the most part, in here their backyard, was one of the few peaceful places everyone could come and mingle without bloodshed, because dean wouldn’t let anything happen under his roof. Smiling as she watched everyone eating and enjoying themselves, before standing as the music started, holding out a hand. “Mr. Winchester, your bride wants her first dance.”She smiled at him, knowing the party would continue on without them, knowing their friends didn’t expect them to stay the whole night. But she wanted some traditions, and the first dance was one of them. Even if the song wasn’t a normal one, a slightly slower, softer version of carry on my wayward son. Stepping into his arms, as she wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning into him, “You are so amazing. I hope you know that. Always.”She muttered
"mmmmm that sounds altogether perfect." he agreed with a grin. "i don't ALWAYS have a raging boner. just MOST of the time." he protested with a smile, watching everyone he loved most getting along. no matter their species, their gender or their background, they where all happy and that made Dean so happy he almost wanted to cry. "you're more than right. lets dance." he agreed with her, smiling as he swept her around the dance floor with a chuckle at the song choice. "if only it was 'My Sweet Cherry Pie." he teased her with a grin. "i am amazing." he agreed. "but not half as amazing as you." he admitted with a smile as he swept her around before looking around. "come on, lets ditch this amazing party and go have sex." he offered with a grin.
“Hm, wrong. It’s always.”She teased a little, acting out just a little, before snorting slightly. “It’s going to come on soon. I made sam promise...”She smiled grinning a little as the song changed, flushing a little at his praise. “You’re already getting laid, no need for flattery.”She teased smiling a little as she nodded. “Let’s.”She agreed looking up as Sam approached them, tilting her head a little. “Yes?” “You two look ready to bolt. So. Have fun.”Sam smirked a little as he reached out and rested his fingertips against their foreheads.

“Sam?What in the world-”Bailey frowned before frowning harder as she realized the lord of heaven wasn’t in front of them anymore. Or....wait. They weren’t where they’d been. Frowning as she looked around her, “Mama! Pretty!”Came the excited happy screech from the living room and the pounding of small feet as Bailey realized where they were. Eyes wide and starting to tear up as Justice ran around the corner, skidding to a halt as she saw the man who was with Bailey. Going suddenly shy, backing towards mary winchester as she followed her granddaughter into the room.
Dean smiled a little. "good." he said with a grin. "you're always My Cherry Pie."he admitted before laughing when a golden haired child raced by, completely covered in wedding cake. Bruce and Lisa's child was a menace. he much preferred Crowley's well behaved baby. "Have fun...?" he asked Sam, baffled and looked around at the new scenery. "what the hell? if this is a prank i'm gonna..." he paused, his breath shuddering as he stared at the daughter he'd never gotten to meet and... and... "M...Mom?"
“Yep.Enjoy.”Sam smirked as he watched them go. “It’s a prank. It’s our wedding, Sammy’s having fun.”Bailey muttered before looking at dean. Eyes wide as he watched father and daughter stare at each other. “It’s okay Justice. It’s just your dad.”Mary said stroking the girl’s hair as she pressed against her side, before smiling at her son. “I take it your brother just sent you, without tellign you where you were going.”Mary shook her head amused, gently pushing justice towards them.”It’s okay, sweetheart.” “Hiya, Justice.”Bailey smiled as she knelt down, smiling as the girl threw herself at her mother, hugging her tightly. “Mama!”She muttered happily, even if she was still staring up at dean. She’d seen pictures, heard stories these last few years, but had never met the father she’d never known.
"Sammy's gonna get my foot up his a...." he paused, realizing his baby girl was there and decided not to finish that sentence. "H...Hi.Justice." Dean stuttered, kneeling so he was more her size. he was a big guy after all, sometimes kids thought he was scary until he got down as small as them. he handled a lot of ids for the playdates he still ran at the Cafe. "My name is Dean, and i'm your daddy." he told her, emotion choking his voice. "i'm so very glad to meet you." he whispered because he had honestly believed he'd never get to. "You look just like your mommy."
Mary laughed at his words. “Be nice. He wanted it to be a wedding surprise.” “It was that, yes.”Bailey smiled a little, shifting a little as justice leaned against her as she peeked over at her father, looking so adorable there cuddled against her mother’s wedding dress. “Hi daddy. Mommy said she saw you now.” “Indeed. We’re all together now.”Bailey smiled a little as she stroked justice’s back, shifting to sit down, laughing softly as the skirt puffed up around her some. “I know. Grandma says I do. But I have your eyes. And uncle sammy says I’m hyper like you.”Justice said looking up at her mother shyly, before shifting away, shyly moving over to dean, and leaning into him a little.
"yes. Mommy captured me." he agreed with a smile. "she just wouldn't let me race off again." he admitted with a smile before beaming at her a little. "you do have my eyes. they look perfect on you." he promised with a smile, stroking her hair when she came closer and he started talking to her, telling her how much he loved her even if they'd never met before. telling her all about her mommy's childhood mischief and talking about his own adventures. minus the blood, guts, gore and rape of course. he talked with her about her favorite things and let her chatter on and on about anything she wanted and couldn't take his eyes off of her.
“Good. Mama always said you needed someone to look after you.”Justice said. Smiling a little, blushing at the praise, shifting to snuggle closer into his arms as he stroked her hair, giggling at the stories. Happy to just be with her parents as mary added her own stories about small dean she remembered. Hours past, before mary gently picked up a sleepy justice, smiling at dean. “You want to put her to bed?”She smiled handing the girl back when dean stood. Smiling as the small family headed for justice’s room, watching dean settle his daughter into her bed. “You did well. So good, you are the man I thought you’d be.”Mary smiled as he walked back out, wrapping her son in a hug. “I am so glad I got to see you today, of all days. A mother should be there for her son’s wedding.”Mary said hugging him tightly. “She is a good woman, your mate.”
"yes i do, and Mama does a very good job of it." he admitted with a smile as he cradled her close to him, holding her because god, it was her. his daughter. he was holding his daughter. "yes." he choked, cradling her and taking her to the bedroom of Mary's house. a house he vaguely remembered and tucked her in gently. "thanks." he whispered, looking at her. "i... i wasn't always someone you could be proud of, but... but Bailey, she got me on the right path." he admitted with a smile before he smiled and wrapped his mother in a hug, holding her tight. "you're the only thing that kept me going sometimes. knowing you'd hate me if i... if i hurt myself." he admitted, letting her go, watching her, swallowing thickly. "i have to go now, right? Sam pulled some strings but we can't stay much longer can we?"
“Good. I’m glad your happy. Mama said you weren’t always, but now you both are.”Justice smiled cuddling into him. “She’s got your room. Chose it all by herself, Mary said.”Bailey smiled a little as she watched them, wide eyed and pained because more then anything, this is what she’d wanted to see. Dean and justice together, and it hurt so badly that he’d never got to meet her while she was alive, but this, this went a long way to soothing that pain. Smiling as she gently stroked justice’s hair back as the girl went to sleep. Straightening as she watched mother and son together. “Not always, but I always loved you.”Mary smiled holding him just as tight. “You two are so good together. You’ll be okay.”She smiled letting him go, gently stroking his hair back as she’d done when he was a child, nodding slightly. “Soon. You’re nearly out of time. And he did, he knew he couldn’t give you free time to run around, but....he could give you 12 hours with her. With us.”Mary smiled gently. “Maybe he doesn’t deserve to get his ask kicked for it, yes?”She teased a little. “Dean?You ready?”Bailey muttered walking closer to him, worried about how he was doing as she absently smoothed her skirt down.
Dean smiled a little as he watched her. "yeah. we're very happy now." he promised his daughter before chuckling a little. "my room was the best room." he agreed with a smile, watching his daughter sleep in what had once been his own bed. "I never stopped loving you." he promised Mary, wrapping his arms around her. "yeah... i'll really have to thank Sam for this." he whispered with a smile kissing his mothers cheek before taking Bailey's hand. "i'm ready." he promised her with a smile. "i wish i could ome back." he admitted, knowing he couldn't but admitting it anyway. "we gonna go tot hat nudy beach now?" he asked, smiling at her.
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