Blood written(lady/moon)

"it took a long time for us to get better and we'll never fully recover. of course, our time in the military didn't help." "is that why you have those panic attacks?" Jensen asked softly, making Dean nod. "sometimes. sometimes it's because of the things my father did and sometimes it's because of the the wars i fought." he admitted. "having you kids around has done more than anything to help me to recover." he admitted, smiling at them.

"Well, she wasn't too fond of me when we met back up again." he admitted with a chuckle before smiling as he took her hand, gently squeezing before nodding. "you see, most other people don't know we're sul mates. we wanted it to be secrete, just for us." he explained. "so we got bonding marks." he explained, indicating the tattoos. "we where very badly hurt you understand? we weren't ready to be married then, but that's why we got engaged now. because we're ready. we're okay now." he admitted. "and we wanted you kids to be old enough to understand, and remember, and be a part of uor wedding, because you're one of the most important things in our lives." he admitted with a smile. "thanks mommy." he mumbled, smiling at her. "i'd like that." he admitted. he missed crawling into bed with his parents after a bad dream. he was too old for that now, he knew. but he still missed it.
"Sometimes. We've gotten better. Being around you guys, and family, helps."bailey smiled softly. "What about uncle sammy?" "Hm?oh. Daddy protected him as best he could. He didn't let anyone hurt uncle sammy."bailey smiled softly.

"Well, you were sorta...horrible then. But so was I. We got better together."bailey smiled squeezing his hand back."it's not everyone business if we were mated or not, we were just happy together. just want something to be special little surprises just for yourself."bailey smiled a litrle."oh...yes. I see...and yes!we want be part of the wedding. Uncle sammy said I could be a flower girl."Jenny said happily looking up at them, not totally understanding, but knowing their parents had been hurt and this was what they had needed to do. "We are?"she looked up at them. "Of course. The most important. Wed do anything for you."bailey smiled before kissing jensen's head."your welcome. Come on then. Bedtime."she said sta ding with jensen in his arms, sighing wuiwtly, cause she wasn't going to be able to carry him around like this to much longer, they were just getting to big. Waving off sam and dmitri's worried look as she headed inside with jensen, sitting him down to yet ready for bed, knowing they'd come climb in bed with them when they were done getting ready themselves.looking up sadly at dean when he came in, at a loss for words and finally letting the mask fall to show just how upset she was, knowing she had to hold it together, but for a few moments, needing to not to
Dean smiled. "i made very sure that Sam was always out of the way. he never knew. i made sure he never knew he was never hurt." he admitted. "i was more a father, and a mother to Sam than our Father ever was anyway. it's why we're so close. i raised him, and he's always had my back. we protect and watch out for each other." he admitted with a smile.

"i was kind of horrible." he agreed with a smile. "you where more reacting to my assery." he admitted before nodding and chuckling at Jenny. "you'll be the most beautiful flower girl ever." he promised, stroking her hair. "you are the most important thing in my life. you, you're brother, and you're mother." Dean promised her with a smile, picking her up as Bailey had done for Jensen and headed to bed with her. he decided to forgo insisting on teeth brushing and washing their facs tonight and helped them into their pajamas and let them snuggle up to each other in the middle of the bed and he took Baleys hand and pulled her into a hug, tucking her against him as if she was one of the children. "it's okay... i'll talk to the ladies tomorrow and find out which one of them said it and i'll have a talk with them that won't end in bloodshed. i promise."
"Like me and jensen and angel." "Yep. You three will always be close, I can tell."bailey smiled softly. Snorting a little at dean's words."that might be true....I'm sure we were no end of amusement to sam then. Much like now."bailey looked amused as she smiled at the two kids. "Good. I should be. But mama'll be the prettiest."Jenny smiled. "Nah, you wil be. And you two and your dad are the best and most important part of my life."bailey assured them, smiling as she helped the twins change and get ready for bed herself. Smiling quietly at the sight of their exhausted children falling asleep together even as she snuggled into dean,"I'm not one of the kids you know."she muttered amused " talk to them...cause if I do it...or any of the others, there would be bloodshed."she muttered amused, emotionally exhausted as she snuggled into him and feel asleep.

Though it was a restless dream ridden night for her, she was up and ready to go when the kids were, not wanting to ruin their trip, even if she was still exhausted some, still trying to shake off the dream that had plagued her all night. Smiling as she helped Jenny put on her snow stuff, looking at the others as they started tumbling out of their rooms."so how's skiing and snowboarding today?" She said not even surprised that the twins were totally set on trying to snowboard.
"yes. just like you, Jensen and Angel." he agreed with a smile. "and Tin-Tin." he admitted with a chuckle as he watched Angel and Tin-Tin who where drawing pictures together near their parents. "i'm sure he wanted to shoot us a few times, yeah." Dean agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head before smiling at his Twins. "i think it'll be a tie. after all, how can a mother and daughter compete in looks?" he mused. "besides, we ALL know that Daddy is the prettiest." Jensen snorted at that and shook his head. his dad could be so... gay sometimes! "no, but you need some comforting." Dean admitted with a smile. "don't forget to take your meds." he ordered her, giving her a kiss before letting her go so he could get ready for bed.

Jensen was almost not standing still long enough to let Dean get his snow pants tied into place. "Bailey!" Jessica called, coming over with Tin-Tin looking very annoyed. "that... that... BITCH! has decided that the kids can't have fun with their parents hovering over their shoulders all the time! she's using you and Dean as an excuse, claiming that you're smothering you're kids since you insisted on private rooms." she said, grinding her teeth. "so we're all in separate groups. she's even got all the wives and husbands splitting up!" she complained. "i don't know what's going on with her! she's been such a bitch for the last week!" she complained, shaking her head. "i found out from Audrey too, that Vanessa has been... spreading some rumors about the two of you." she admitted. "really nasty rumors..." "we know. Jensen and Jenny overheard. we had to clear some things up for them." Dean admitted with a sigh. "i should have known it was her. i'll take care of it tonight. the kids can be find for a few hours with the other children. they know how to stay safe."
"And tin tin."Jenny agreed smiling a little."most likely. Probably does still some days."bailey snickered a little. Before snorting at dean's words as Jenny giggled."you so vay.bailey said looking way to amused. Settled more as her amusement sank through to the rest of her feelings, steadying her."yea...I do. And I wont. Don't forget yours either."she said as she took hers before settling in for the night.

"Hey jess."bailey said before looking up at her friend, staring for a moment as she tied up Jenny boots. Though the girl could do it on her own, today bailey needed to do it for her "you knwow...good thing the kids are used to us cussing.sam said as he headed their way before the words really set in."what?" "We got private rooms because we needed them, not cause we're smothering them."bailey said twitching a little at the idea of letting any of the other parents besides their family look after any of their kids, tin tin included. Well aware that none of the family was going to get to be with the little ones now."what?we're not together? But I don't want to go skiing with the other. That was part of the fun, that I'd get to see dean fall on his ass."bailey said tense and upset, the dreams winding her up even more, before flinching."dammit....yes. we should have known."she sighed slouching as she looked at dean."I know they do...they'll be okay."bailey said smiling as the kids joined their friends, looking at her own group that was waiting for her. Nearly groaning out loud at the idea of spending time with them. Flinching badly when she realized she was going they be stuck with vanessa for the day.
"yeah, very good thing." he agreed with a sigh and a shake of his head. "well, people seam to be thinking otherwise." Jessica said, scowling darkly. "i'll be having words with the schoo boar about this, shame none of them are here." she snarled, shaking her head. "she went too far! there are reasons why we keep our kids separated at night! Angel can't sleep around that many kids, the stimulation would keep her up all night and Tin Tin has to take his nebulizer at night, the other kids are cruel enough to him as it is." she hissed. "and that's not taking in the fact that Jensen and Jenny couldn't stand to be separated that long. they don't let the girls and boys sleep together even if they are siblings." "Jenny's nightmares would get worse without Jensen there. she has enough night terrors as it is without separating her from her brother." Dean admitted. "things in which we outlined to the school board to allow this in the first place." "we could throw a tantrum about being separated if it would help?" Jensen offered. he didn't want to have to be separated from his parents! there where three groups too, so the kids where all going into group C, Dean was going to Group B with a bunch of brats he didn't know, and Bailey was going to Group A with the same scenario. those was going to be super fun. he glared at Vanessa as he walked by with a bunch of the women from Playgroup and huffed under his breath. he had, at least, gotten Jessica to promise to record Bailey's attempts. Autumn was recording all the kids and Isabelle would be recording Dean. he knew this wouldn't last the full day, every last parent there was already loudly complaining abut not being able to watch their children and many of the kids where complaining too, but for now, this was the way it was. by lunch, all the teachers would cave, this he knew. they just had to last that long.
“Dammit.”Bailey said, swallowing hard, rubbing a hand over her face, already on edge and trying to not be. “We’ll talk to them when we get back. We had valid real reasons beyond my dislike of not being able to watch them and make sure they’re okay.”Bailey twitched, smiling slightly. Because it warmed her to have a friend like this, to have someone that would go to bat for her over something like this, because she knew jess would have been angry for tintin, but she was getting pissed because of the others to. “No one would get any sleep if we had to separate them.’Bailey said before laughing softly at jensen’s words. “Not yet. Maybe if we don’t get things corrected after lunch. Uncle Sam’s fixing things.”Bailey snickered a little as she watched her brother in law already heading for the teachers, and knowing that soon enough it would be fixed. Hopefully. Just had to last to then.

Though after 2 hours of Vanessa’s sneers, and upset and bratty kids, Bailey was ready to either scream, or push her off the mountain. Smiling a little as she stripped her skis off, staying up top with most of the group while vanessa went down with a few at a time before coming back up. Definitely the best scenario after spending a hour having fallen on her ass. Which was why she didn’t respond quickly as she felt someone slamming into her back for a moment, before twisting, landing back in the snow, shock crossing her features as she saw the snarling werewolf on top of her, trying to get through the layers of clothes, which gave bailey time to yell at jessica to get the kids back, and trying to find something for a weapon, cursing herself that most of her arsenal was in the impala, grabbing one of the ski poles to use, and trying to get the knife out of her boot, and wondering just what in the hell a werewolf was doing out in daylight.
"yes we will." Jessica agreed, looking very sour. "if my son has an asthma attack out here he's going to get sick, probably catch pneumonia." she snarled. "they'd better be ready to pay hospital bills if that happens!" she hissed before sighing as she headed over to the various mother who would be in group C with Tin-Tin, explaining to them the signs they'd need to watch out for if Tin-Tin was getting too excited. because excitement could cause Asthma attacks as well as all the physical exertions. thankfully, several of the mothers in Group C where part of the play dates and knew how to handle Tin-Tin's Asthma. or at least knew how to help him take his inhaler.

Jessica sighed a little and shook her head. "this is just.... nuts." she growled. "are all children this misbehaved or did we just get all the bad kids?" she wondered. she hadn't bothered trying to ski, she didn't have any balance for it. Jessica was screaming as she saw the massive man slamming into Bailey. his face was twisted and he was snarling and slathering like some rabid beast and she was trying to corral all the screaming kids together as well. it wasn't hard, most of them where trying to hide bhind the row of teachers and parents anyway. Jessica was no slouch though and she was running foreward, trying to grab Vanessa who hadn't moved, while also trying to slam her own set of piles into the man's back to drive him off of Bailey. she shuddered when the sounds of howls filled the air, from two seperate locations. one was likely Dean's group, and the other, the kids group.
“It is nuts. And I’m fairly certain I got saddled with the misbehaving ones, or at least I’ve been spoiled by my own kids behaving so well.”Bailey sighed a little. “Silver!Jess get back!”Baley snarled even as jessica’s blow let her get out from under him, squirming away long enough to get her knife out of her boot, nearly getting bitten in the effort even as she lashed out, looking pale when she heard the other howling, trusting dean to look after his group, and sam or at least Cas and Crowley to get to the kids. Hoping they remembered to pray to their uncle even as she slammed the knife home, panting softly as she watched the werewolf die. Trembling hard, knowing she hadn’t done this well, she shouldn’t have killed him, but with so many kids there, the only option was to kill. Panting as she eased back, using her pantleg to clean the knife, even as she looked her and jessica, making sure the other wasn’t bitten. “Dammit. We have to get back.”She panted, worried and upset, looking towards the lodge instead of the woman walking towards her, looking to make sure the werewolf had been alone, at least with this group. Picking up her cell, dialing Lisa, relaying what was going on, trusting her to tell bruce, and cas and crowley if they hadn’t already left. “You just couldn’t die, could you? You little whore, always getting in the way.”Vanessa snarled as she walked up behind her, shoving the knife through her side, even as bailey twisted to snarl at her, eyes widening as she felt the knife slide sideways, felt it come free even as she punched the other woman, seeing her eyes flash black.

Eyes widening even as the words bubbled up, without prompt or need to think over it, even if it had been years since she’d needed it, thrusting out a hand, concentrating even as she channeled the part of her that was left of lucifer, feeling both the brand around her arm warm, and the matching ring on her finger burn like a captive star as the exorcism took, “Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas omnis incursio infernalis adversarii. Omnis legio! Omnis con...potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii. Omnis legio! Omnis congregatio et secta diabolica! Ergo, Draco maledicte et omnis......legio diabolica, adiuramus te! Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii. Omnis legio! Omnis congregatio et secta diabolica! Ergo, Draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica, adiuramus te”She snarled, panting with the effort, swaying on her feet even as she weatched the demon smoke out. The effort to not only send her away, but also leave a brand behind, a track that would let them find the right demon later, for now, she was to busy protecting the others, and getting to dean and her kids, that she didn’t want to catch the demon, just make her go away.
Jessica was panting, pale and horrified because she'd known they existed but he had never seen it before. had never had to seen it before. a werewolf. a killing, a hunting. death. "I.. i got the blood on me..." Jessica whispered. "am... am i gonna turn?" she asked, looking wide eyed and almost panicked but she was holding it together quite well for someone who had never done any of this before. "Vanessa! what the fuck!?" Jessica gasped, unable to contain herself any longer, and gaped as she watched her best friend literally pull a demon out of someone. "she... she was possessed?" Jessica asked, stunned, nearly trembling when Deans Demon Rage roar filled the air as more howls and shrieks filled the air. sounded like Dean was having a rough time of things. the Demon had probobly thrown the massive bulk of her werewolf numbers at him to keep him distracted. "We have to go find group C!" Jessica gsped, turning on the mothers still shielding the children. "all of you! in the cabin!" Jessica ordered. "find the salt!" "why salt?" "Salt keeps demons out, march!" Jessica ordered, not realizing Bailey had been hurt. "Barricade yourselves inside until Dean, Dmitri, Castiel, Sam, Crowley or Bruce comes to get you!" "Why?!" one of the women from the play dates demanded, looking very much like she was in shock. "Because this is what they do. now, get inside, take shelter." she ordered before turning to Bailey, pausing when an outright explosion happened on one of the other 'hills', snow spewing out everywhere. "...Dean must have lost his temper." "That was DEAN!?" "i told you to go inside!"
Bailey panted, wincing at the look on Jessica’s face, because it hurt to see her friend like that. “No, he didn’t bite you. You’re good.”Bailey said, smiling quietly, “You’re doing good for not having done this.”Bailey muttered. “Just not able to have the grace to die.”Vanessa growled before collapsing as the demon left. Bailey yelped softly as she caught the other woman, stumbling a little in pain as the motion put strain on her side. “Yea, she was. She must have gotten possessed in the last week, it’s why she was acting so weird.”Bailey said twisting to look towards the roar. Pale as she swallowed thickly. “I have to go.”She said though it was to her credit she didn’t simply drop vanessa and bolt for the sound. Grunting slightly as she picked up the slight woman, looking at the others. Make a ring around the room, double it, and stay inside of it till we come get you.”Bailey said sounding angry at them, but it was mostly fear, a need to get to the others. “Go, now. I don’t have time-”Bailey twisted awkwardly, nearly falling, not even noticing the blood that was filling her footprints as she crossed the snow. “Yes. It was. We-we don’thave time to explain now. Please. Jsut trust us. And go.”She ordered putting vanessa inside the cabin, rushing around to find the salt and turning to look at the mothers. “I don’t think there’s more here, they’re going after the others, but pray, if anyone tries to get in. Pray for Castiel. Just-trust me. Please. For a little longer.”Bailey said not waiting for a answer before running out again. Not waiting to see if Jessica was coming, to scared for her family to even notice she was bleeding. She might be near immortal like dean, but it would drain her, and since it was a demon blade, it was like a slow poison. Not enough to kill her, but it’d slow her down. Slinging a leg over the emergency ATV that was at the cabin she went racing down towards the other hills, hoping dean was with the kids, or at least knew where they were.
"okay... okay, so it's transmitted through the saliva like rabies. that's good to know." she whispered before smiling at her. "i was a nurse... this, isn't all that different than working rounds at the ER." she admitted before shaking her head. "so, so is that why she did... you know. the thing? was she possessed back then too?" she wondered. "okay. lets go." Jessica agreed before paling. "Bailey you're bleeding!" she protested as she saw the other stumble, shaking her head. "Just do as you're told. Bailey, Dean and the others are currently the Authority. think of them as Law enforcement and do as you're told!" that got them all moving and they went inside as soon as Bailey said 'don't think there's anymore.' because that meant that there MIGHT be. "Bailey hold still!" Jessica ordered, wincing when another Dean rage filled roar filled the air and more snow exploded on his hill. "it looks as if all of the attacks are aimed at Dean, we're not going to be able to get to him, we have to focus on Group C. Dean has his end covered." she pointed out, leaping onto the back of the ATV when Bailey took off, working in fast quick motions as she tore Bailey's shirt apart and started slapping as many bandages onto her best friend as she could using the First Aid kit she'd snagged, wondering if he should yell for Cas, Crowley or Bruce?

Jensen was shaking so har he was astonished he'd managed to stand upright. Tin-Tin, Angel and Jenny where behind him, Tin-Tin was fighting for every breath, the Inhaler could only work f he wasn't completely petrified. he needed to go upstairs to the air tanks they had for really bad asthma attacks. or they needed to get him to the hospital. neither was happening. his cuts burned, he hadn't been bitten and he hoped that the movies where right and the cuts couldn't make hm turn into... into that. werewolves. only not furry like they where in the movies. he had two silver knives from the kitchen n his hands. they where only butter knives but he'd managed to stab one of the wolves dead and was facing down another, the leader, Alpha? it was pacing back ad forth, drooling as if it wanted to devour them all whole and he was watching it closely. it had several burns where he had attacked it with the knives. he had blood running down his face and neck where the monster had clawed his face open. just like Uncle Dmitri. he hoped he wouldn't lose his eye like Uncle Dmitri did. he knew he was going to have scars, and all of group C behind him where probobly never going to pick on him ever again after this. considering the three biggest bullies where sobbing, hiding behind him like cowards. one of them had even wet themselves. Jensen couldn't blame them, but he had his family to protect and family was everything. the Alpha lunged again and he swiftly leaped aside and drove one of the butter knives into the werewolves ribs and it shrieked and howled and rushed backwards, the knife still sticking out from between rib bones. Jensen half wished his dad had seen that, he must have looked totally cool. too bad the Apha was super pissed now and it was going to eat him.
"Exactly like rabies. And it has to be in wolf form to transmit."bailey shuddered a little at the idea of werewolves, to focused to really consider what happened last time she'd gotten into it with werewolves. There'd be time for that later."...never considered that. And maybe...not sure."bailey sighed a little."we'll ask her when she gets up again."bailey said before sighing."I know. But it'll heal. I have to go."bailey said smiling a little as the others got into the cabin, glad they didn't fight her on it."cant. Gotta get to the others."bailey said shaking off the others concern, toafraid for her kids and dean to stop."....yea. dean's got it covered. The kids it is then."and really hoping there were near the lodge cause at least then she knew sam and dmitri could get to them if they weren't tied up with their own fight.

"Okay...can you see the stairs?if we got there, can you get up them tintin?"Jenny muttered wanting to stay and fight with her twin, but knowing they had to get some help. Which meant getting away. "Mom! Uncle sam"Jenny looked utterly relieved when she saw her mom pulling up on the atv bl through the window and the sounds of her moose of a uncle running down the stairs. "Hey asshole. How about you pick on someone your own size?"bailey snarled as she went for the alpha, trusting sam and dmiyri, fresh from their own fight to get the kids out of the way.
"okay." she agreed with a shudder, shaking her head because god, how many of these werewolves where even aware they where monsters? either way, there was no way to contain them right? the werewolf was attacking children, it had to die. "right, we'll talk to her later." she agreed. "ust sit still for two minutes you stubborn bitch!" Jessica complained as she worked on the wounds before managing to stem the bleeding enough to be satisfied that Bailey wasn't going to die.

Tin-Tin gulped for air, one hand clutching his chest as he struggled for his breath.he shook his head but struggled to his feet because life saving air was only a set of stairs away and he was strong despite his frail lungs. he'd crawl if he had to. "Mommy!" Jensen gasped, yelping as he was backhanded by the werewolf and was slammed into the wall. he collapsed into a heap, unconscious, possibly even dead. "Well daring." the Alpha snarled, looking wickedly delighted as he reached down and grabbed Jensen by the hair and hauled him, limp, off the floor and ran his tongue along the bloody side of Jensen's face. "Don't you remember me? i remember you. you're children's blood is always so sweet. that pretty daughter of yours was a delicious meal. i think i might keep these two for myself. they'd make cute little brood mares don't you think? pretty little werewolf monsters, good only for fucking and popping out pups."
“not stubborn, scared.”Bailey snarled even though she did stay still long enough to let jessica bandage her ebfore rushing off to the lodge.

“Hey, hey I got you. Just breath.”Sam muttered as he crouched down, eyeing the fight going on even as he picked tin tin up, corraling the girls and getting them headed upstairs, looking back, pale as he saw Bailey trying to get to jensen. For the moment, trusting her to look after her son as he got the others out of danger. It was all he could do. Rushing upstairs to get the oxygen, knowing he couldn’t leave them alone. He had to trust that bailey could fight. “Jen!”Bailey snarled going for him, flinching as he slammed into the wall, looking panicked and scared as she moved towards him, stopping as teh werewolf picked him up. Eyes wide and pale as she looked at the werewolf, trembling, because she wasn’t sure if licking was enough to change her son, if he was alive. “I-I thought I killed you all.”She said trembling and scared, knocked off balance as memories plowed into her. “I think you’re going to die here and now, and that demon whore is going to get served up on a platter to get killed.”Bailey snarled, throwing herself at the werewolf, all panicked desperation, not caring if she was going to get herself hurt, only needing to get jensen away. Not even noticing really, when her knife sank deep into his chest, or the fact that she’d grown claws, having pulled on enough of dean’s power in her utter panic, and poured all of lucifer’s grace into needing to win, that she’d shifted more demonic then human, a mother’s desperate need to save her child. Not even realizing that she’d ripped the wolf’s heart out until she stumbled back with the force of the pull.

Dropping the heart to the floor even as she fell to jensen’s side, bloody hands running over him, checking breathing, pulse, panicked whimpers escaping as she tried to make sure her son was still alive.
Tin-Tin clung to him, trying to bring in enough air. his lips where already turning blue. he was going to need the oxygen immediately because if he passed out, he could easily stop breathing. every breath ffor air was a struggle and the tears at the corners of his eyes showed how scared he really was. the first burst of oxygen into his lungs was so sweet he was finally able to start sobbing, clutching Sam so hard his knuckles where white.

"Oh, you certainly did you're damnedest. but you failed and i and mine have been looking foreward to getting our revenge ever since." the werewolf admitted with a laugh before howling in agony as she all but ripped him apart, the groups of kids watching screaming at all the blood and the howling as all of the Alpha's werewolves howled and tried to escape, each one collapsing n agony, missing limbs or outright dead as Dean stepped in, his chest bare, claw marks showing what happened to his shirt. he was coated in blood and huge gashes. his tattoos where on full display, his 'bonding marks' exactly the same as hers and for the first time everyone could see that his and Bailey's arms matched, scar for scar and the long lines of claws down Dean's arms where matched on hers, only she wasn't actually bleeding there. he ignored the many people there and knelt next to Bailey, making soft, very unhappy sounds as he cradled Jensen who was still breathing. it was shallow and he was very pale from the bloodloss but he was alive. "w...what w...was that?" one of the more put together teachers asked. she was laying under a dead werewolf and looked to have a broken leg and broken ribs, which rendered her helpless which was the only reason why Jensen was the one protecting the others, instead of her. she couldn't get out from under the massive body pinning her down. "it... it tried to rape me." she explained when Crowley carefully shifted it off of her. "i stabbed it with my silver hair sticks..."
Sam relaxed a little as tin tin breathed, shifting to wrap his crying daughter and niece in his arms, holding them close even as he cuddled tin tin. “You’re okay. I got you. You’re safe.”He promised glacing at the door, and hoping the others were okay.

“Well, you aren’t going to get it this time.”Bailey snarled, panicked and scared. The kids screams making her fear and panic worse, goaded by memories. Looking up at Dean when he stepped through, ignoring everyone else, pain and fear, and guilt in that look. Even as she felt his chest raising under her hands, to panicked, to lost in the panic attack and guilt of getting another child killed- that she couldn’t even tell he was still alive. Slumping a little into dean as she cried, the tears making the blood run over her face. “I-I’m sorry-dean, sorry, I’m sorry, I got him killed. Again, I got a baby killed.”She cried like her heart was broken, not even seeing Cas step into the room, crouching down to heal jensen with a slight nod to dean. “He’ll be okay.”He muttered looking at the man before moving away to take care of the others. “A werewolf. And it’s a good thing you had silver on you.”Cas said kneeling at the teacher’s side, feeling exhausted from the healing and fighting he’d been doing, but definitely taking care of everyone first. Reaching out to touch her forehead he healed her, looking around the room. “We need to get the kids to the rooms. Preferably to Bailey and Dean’s suite for the moment. Can you stand?”He asked helping her to her feet, looking at the kids. before frowning, looking for jessica. "Jess, where is the rest?"He asked, looking ready to go after them.
"Hush. hish. Bays. he's fine. Cas said so." Dean murmured, watching the wounds close over, frowning a little when he saw scars settling into place. smooth and clean but discolored. the poison in a werewolves claws wasn't enough to turn a person, but even an angel's touch could not stop the poison from leaving their marks. "Jensen is alive. he's fine. shhh. shhh. it's okay." he whispered, rocking his mate gently. "he... he burned when i touched him with the silver. like they where red hot." the teacher whispered. "they... the Winchesters... they're not military are they? they've been doing this their entire live.. stopping monsters... and those scars... they're life mates. god,it looks like they've been tortured a number of times..." she whispered before carefully getting to her feet. "Sam has Jess, Tin-Tin and Angel." Jessica reported. "there are a number of teachers and students hiding in the cabin up on the north hill, we told them to only come out if one of the Hunters got them.i figured it was safer." she admitted. "how are the Group B kids?" "traumatized... one of them was bitten, but i think i managed to pull the venom out." Crowley admitted. "the poor tyke." he admitted as he appeared with a smallish boy in his arms who was bleeding quite badly. "this was the only one hurt. he was at the bottom of the hill and we couldn't intercept the werewolves in time. i think he's going to be okay though."
“N-no. I-I didn’t get all the wolves....failed justice....I-I got them both killed....”She whimpered quietly, going quiet, simply clinging to the child laying across her legs, even if she wasn’t consciously recognizing he was fine, she knew he was, holding him close. “For werewolves, they are red hot.”cas agreed before shaking his head a little. “not miltary, but at war in their own way.....they are, and they have been. Though it would not be wise to ask them about it, they have enough nightmares without having to talk about it if they don’t want to.”Cas warned, tilting his head at the teacher. Because he liked her, and the kids liked her, so he didn’t want her to get yelled at by two very stressed out winchesters when she didn’t have to. Biting his lip a little because he also knew bailey was going to freak out probably about it later. “They like it here....well, the city, home. It’s nice for them. IT would be good to reassure them that they don’t have to move away just because this happened....”cas said even as he patted her arm, smiling slightly.

“Good. Help her get the rest of the kids upstairs to sam, and check on them.”Cas said nodding towards the teacher, looking relieved to know sam had the other kids. Nodding slightly. “Good idea. That was the right thing to do. I’ll go get them.”Cas said wincing a little as he looked at the child, reaching out to heal him, “I think we've all been a little traumatized today....I do not think he will become a wolf, but we will have to watch him to make sure.”Cas muttered a little, swaying slightly on his feet, exhausted. But there was still things to do. Ducking his head to kiss crowley’s cheek. “Get bailey and dean upstairs. I don’t think she’s going to calm down till he snaps her out of it. And that wont happen in this room. I-I’ll clean up when I get back.”He said yawning a little, having every intention of stopping at a crossroads on his way up the hill and summoning Damien and Sebastian, even knowing that a demon was involved, he knew the two were loyal enough to have had nothing to do with this, and intended on getting help on cleaning up.
"shh baby. shh, it's okay." he whispered, holding her as she clung to Jensen. "it's alright. he's going to be alright." Dean promised, stroking his son's hair because he had to touch, just to be sure. "he's going to be just fine." Dean mumbled, watching his son. only half aware of the conversation behind him. "Of course not! hunting monsters like that! i can't imagine ever talking about it." she admitted. "move away! they wouldn't, would they?" the teacher asked, looking nearly frantic about that. "they saved all of us! out of the thirty kids, only two where hurt! we get more injuries than that every time we take this trip just from them falling down!" she admitted, carefully getting to her feet. "they deserve awards!...." she paused, hesitating. "but this has to be kept a secrete. if people found out there would be panic, or worse..." she looked at the two frantic parents. she knew people would start looking at the Winchester's. probobly even blaming the Winchesters. people where stupid, they would see werewolves as victims, not as the monsters they where here. sure some werewolves might have been helpless victims but these werewolves purposely attacked them for no apparent reason and the Alpha was more than in control of himself. she was going to have to speak to everyone. they'd pull together as a community, they'd done it before and they could do it again. she would pull all the teachers together and they would have a full meeting, every last student, every last teacher, every last parent and they would all agree, this would be kept a secrete. maybe she could sneak an award in there while she was doing so.

"i did the same thing for the kids of group B. every hill has a cabin at the top, they all took shelter in there." Dean admitted before looking at the child cradled in Crowley's arms. the parent of said child bursting into sobs as she realized who Crowley was carrying and he pulled her away to comfort her and assure her that they would watch him closely with her to see if there where any changes to his behavior. she was so grateful to Crowley and Cas for saving her baby that she gave them each a kiss to the cheek. "okay." Jess agreed, looking worried now herself for Tin-Tin as she managed to bustle the Winchester family up the stairs. "Easy." Crowley ordered, settling the inured child into Castiel's arms. "you're going to sit down before you pass out. Bruce and i will get the other kids and i have already summoned Damian and Sebastian for the clean up. they are already out gathering the werewolf bodies, they will all be burned as is proper." Crowley promised. "get some rest Cas, you have done far more today than you could know." the Teacher assured Castiel, smiling at him. "i'll get all the parents, teachers and students organized. we have this. go with Bailey and Dean and help them. they need you more right now."
Bailey whimpered quietly as dean rocked her, going quiet. Shuddering because she was aware she wasn't processing well, something wasn't right. Because jensen and justice were sliding togehter, not showing her what was real. Trusting that dean knew what he was talking about. Castiel smiled slightly a little relieved. He hadn't been sure if they'd want them to stay."bailey might get it in her head that the town will want them to. Just reassure them that they're welcome to dtay....once they calm down they'll want to."Cas muttered well aware dean was only half listening to them, but trusting dean to make sure they stayed even if bailey fought them on it."really?well, then we did well for injuries then."Cas smiled looking a little amused at how determined the woman looked over keeping them there."yes...exactly. so...peace is the only reward they ask for. And being allowed to have this, is all we all want. Sam and dmitri to."Cas smiled watching crowldy, resisting the urge to fuss over his pregnant mate.

"Well, at least you didn't blow up the cabin by accident in your temper tantrum."Cas teased dean a little because once he'd realized what was going on, dean had lost his temper in such a spectacular fashion. Flushing a little at the kiss he smiled at the mother."we'll help you look after him, to make sure he really is well."Cas promised watching Jessica get dean, bailey and jensen upstairs. Frowning a little as he held the child, sighing quietly."but...."he sighed as he sat down." do that. Ill...I'll go get some rest...and look after them."Cas said stumbling to his feet tiredly tugging crowley witb him. Wanting to settle his mate to sleep, and get get the winchesters settled.

"Dean?"bailey whimpered sofly as she felt Jenny crawl into her side, pressing against her as they all settled into bed. Sounding lost and confused, not sure what was going on, knowing she a s missing pieces of time and events. Knowing there was something she was missing, but feeling jensen curled up against her side, and feeling the small body breathing g ever so gently, she a s just content and lost.
"we'll make sure she knows she's welcome to stay. she, they, all of you. you saved our lives." she admitted, smiling at him before sighing a little. "this is going to be a bit of a mess until everything calms down a little." she admitted. "they won't be bothered by the people here, the kids might think they're the coolest people ever though." she admitted with a smile.

"i put it back together!" Dean protested, flushing hard before watching his son because there was a chance that Jensen could change. he might turn. what would they do then? what could be done!? wait... this wasn't the end of the world. Dmitri knew an entire clan of wolves who where perfectly in control of themselves. he could talk to them. that wouldn't be so bad, right? it would be okay. and Dmitri would know things. Dmitri might know how to tell if Jensen was going to change. he was glad to see that Tin-Tin and the girls where perfectly fine. Tin-Tin was sleeping, his breath back to normal, mostly but he was still hooked up to the oxygen machine. he'd have to go to the hospital later to make sure he was really okay and he was likely going to be very sick for a while but he would be okay.

"shhh, Bays. it's okay." Dean promised, stroking her hair. "you're alright." he promised. "we're all okay. get some sleep." he suggested to her. "i'll keep everyone safe, it's okay." he promised, spreading his mass of black feathers and covered all of the people on the be with them, soothing them, shielding them, protecting them. "Mommy?" Jensen asked sluggishly. "i don't feel well..." poor kid probably felt like shit. but it was okay. he wasn't bleeding anymore, at most he had a mild concussion and maybe a fever and illness from the werewolf poison.
“Kay.”Bailey muttered settling more, sighing softly as she pressed her face against his chest, smiling softly as the twins pressed closer to her sides. Stirring again when Jensen spoke, blinking awake as she stroked jensen’s hair, shifting to sit up against dean’s chest as she stroked his hair. “I know sweetheart. You’ll feel better in a few days, you’re just sick. But uncle cas promised you’ll be okay.”Bailey said a slight trembling fear to her tone, not because she doubted cas, but because she was still so, so afraid. Still unsteady and recovering, and she knew they had a long few days in front of them in dealing with the demon, and the school, and town, and everything. Whimpering, nearly hyperventilating as everything crashed into her again, struggling to calm. “you’re okay, sweetheart.”She promised.
"it's okay." Dean promised her, stroking her hair. "okay..." Jensen mumbled. "i had a bad dream." he mumbled. "C'n i sleep with you?" he asked hopefully. Dean smiling. "of course you can Son. you just go back to sleep ow." "okay Daddy..." Jensen mumbled, dropping off back to sleep eve as Tin-Tin started coughing in his sleep. Jessica was already speaking to his doctor through the phone, explaining that he'd dropped his inhaler and had a bad attack and that they'd put him on the oxygen, carefully glossing over the whole werewolf attack and such. "shh, Bays. it's okay." Dean promised softly. "i have you. it's okay. Crowley, Cas, Dmitri and Bruce are handling everything. just relax. they'll take care of everything." he promised softly. he'd already instructed Crowley, Damien and Sebastian to look for the Demon who had been marked by his mate and to contain them. he would deal with them personally.
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