Blood written(lady/moon)

"i'm pretty sure Crowley looses on purpose sometimes." Dean admitted with a snigger before whining, sulking at her, snuggling into her. "pleeeeeaseeee?" he pleaded before sighing as she stroked his knuckles. he wasn't about to let her distract him. not this time, he needed to help her, however he could. "it's not the winter... well it's a little bit the winter, you hate it when you don't have activities to do." he admitted before sighing as he wrapped his arms around her. "i just hate seeing you so... so sad.." he admitted softy. "i can't help you and i just, feel as if i'm failing you somehow." he admitted softly.
"He probably does."bailey snickered a little. Before making a face at him."no. You'll like the dress I promise."she huffed a little. "Yea I really don't like having nothing to do. And planning the zoo and helping out here and being with the kids and..."she stopped slumping a little. Feeling utterly horrible for complaining when 10 years ago this kind of life would have been beyond her to even consider even having."okay...that's my problem. Ishould just be happy with what I have."she sighed leaning into him, shifting, burying her face against his shoulder, yep definitely something was up if she was hiding this much from him, rather then simply not talking."it's not you failing. It's...okay. I'll get over it. It's fine."she muttered pushing away from him and started to gather her stuff, it was nearly time to go pick up the twins and angel anyways. If she was being a coward and avoiding this fight, so be it.
"fine." he huffed, sulking quite petulantly. "i don't like having nothing to do either." he admitted, nuzzling her. "it's okay to be a little overwhelmed Bays... maybe after the ball, we'll make Deedee take all the kids..." Dmitri would smack the shit out of Dean for calling him that. the kids called him Deedee because they hadn't been able to pronounce Dmitri and it stuck and the man haaaated it. "and we'll go take a well deserve date night? things have seamed a little too closed in for me too lately. i think we need to get out and do something just for us, hows that sound?" he offered her, looking even more worried. "we have great lives Bays, that doesn't mean we have to be happy twenty four seven." he assured her. "even working here at the Cafe, sometimes i get days where all i want to do is hide in a blanket fort and play my DS." he admitted. "and whatever's wrong, shouldn't we face it together? you don't have to do things alone anymore Bailey... i'm here too. whatever it is." he said, tightening his hold so she couldn't ust run away.
Bailey smiled a little, focusing on her computer, shivering slightly as he nuzzled her, her neck had always been sensitive, whining a little because she knew he knew that, and it was a little distracting. “....he’ll kill you if he hears you call him that. Even Sammy gets yelled at for it.”She muttered before smiling a little. “We could. As long as we don’t end up on a hunt. Our dates keep turning into hunts, Dean.”She whined a little, leaning into him. “But we could use a date.”she muttered before going quiet. Seriously considering his words, shoulders hunching up a little, “You look adorable when you give in and hide in the blanket fort with Jensen.”She muttered a little, twisting in his arms to slide off her chair, “I know. Just. Back off.”She growled shoving at him a little, the fact that she was resorting to violence said it was bothering her more then anything had in years, had her twisted up enough in knots that she was seriously afraid. “Just back off, okay?I’ll be fine. We’re fine.”She said shoving her stuff in her bag.
he smiled a little as she shivered, he liked making her shiver and he snickered at her gentle chiding. "i know. good thing he isn't here to hear it." he mumbled with a snigger because the kids still called him DeeDee, mostly because Jenny had a bit of a lisp and still couldn't pronounce Dmitri. she was in speech therapy for that and she was getting much better. "we'll probobly end upon a hunt." he admitted with a sigh. "but at least it breaks up the monotony and it's sexy watching you kill things." h admitted with a smile before chuckling. "he loves his blanket fort." he agreed before flinching when she shoved him. nope. she knew better. you didn't shove Dean, it always set him off. "Well obviously we're not fine if you have to resort to shoving me away like i'm some kind of leper!" he protested. "you've been avoiding me for months Bailey! moping around the house like someone just died! if it had been around Justices birthday that would have made sense, but that was still another six months away. "How can we 'be okay' when you won't even look me in the eyes anymore! like you're SCARED of me?! i can't STAND it Bays! that look you give me when i think i'm not looking! like you'e betrayed me somehow... i can't stand it! because i know it's not true but then yu look at me like that and it's all i can do not to beg you to leave me for whatever i did!"
"I should totally tell him, watch him give you a hard time.bshe snickered a little."only you would find it sexy to watch me kill things."she said rolling her eyes a little. Bailey growled at him quietly, trying to shove him away again. Angry that he wouldn't let it go. Wouldn't let her be to get over this."well, it was July when I started moping, so it was around then..."she said, though she sounded more angry with herself for saying it, and like she was falling apart, and desperately trying to keep it togehter. "Why does everything g have to be about you ? Just cause you rink you know what kind of look I give you, doesn't mean anything!"though he was right, she felt like she was betraying him, letting him down. Though she didn't protest being afraid, but it mostly wasn't of him. Opening her mouth to continue, but pausing when sam opened the door. "...should I come back?" "No! I wss just leaving. Don't forget the twins have cheerleading and football after school, and you said you'd get them."she said pausing to look at dean before escaping before he could protest. " you want me to get the teins for the night?"sam asked turning to watch the impala leave, vaguely amused she'd taken dean's car instead of her own, and fairly certain she was heading for the aquarium.
he snickered. "innocent until proven guilty Bailey baby, unless you've been recording me, Dmitri will never really know." he teased before growling eagerly. "i love watching you kill things." he purred. "it's the Demon in me. it loves seeing my mate be so strong and powerful and ruthless." he admitted with a grin before glaring at her as she shoved him before he paused. July, that was when Lisa had become pregnant... oh. OH! oh shit... he stared at her, understanding now, no wonder she didn't want to talk about it. now he felt like a dick. "...Sam? you need to take the twins to cheerleader and football." Dean ordered, that look on his face that said he was entirely focused on a single task. clearly he was intent on some task that would probobly fix everything. at least, he thought so. he gave her an hour to calm down before he headed into the Aquarium and found her in 'their' cubby hole. "Bays? i'm sorry." he whispered. "can i come in? i want to talk. "
"Hm, I think the demon just took after you. You always were a little teisted."she teased. "Yea. I take take them, don't worry about it."sam said sagging the coffee he'd come jn for before leaving.

Bailey had curled up in the very back of the cubby hole, leaning back against the glass, looking like a little kid who'd climbed under the bed to hide. And it showed just how upset and miserable she was that she'd retreated into the one habit that was still left from being around john. Climing into a small area, and curl up. Making it difficult to drag her out from where she was, and she only did it anymore if she was really upset and struggling to stay focused and in control. Looking up at him over the edge of her arm where she'd buried her face, hugging her knees. "D-dean?"she sniffled a little looking surprised that hed come over, sniffling as she nodded a little."k-kay. If you want."she muttered, shifting to let the other in.
"very twisted." he agreed with a chuckle. "and to think, an Angel wanted to wear my eat suit. boy did they get the wrong brother." he admitted with a chuckle before nodding at Sam. "thanks."

Dean smiled at her. "i'm so sorry. i should have realized." he admitted. "i was just... i want another one too." he admitted, taking her hand as he slid into the cubby. "but we don't have to have another baby to love each other Bailey." he promised her with a soft smile. "i had wanted to bring up adoption before but you... where so sad i was scared to make it worse." he admitted softly before smiling at her. "but i think... i think there's another way i can do this better. it's something i've wanted to do for a very long time actually." he admitted, reaching into his pocket and pulled out a small jewellery box. inside was a black ring that glimmered in siver etchings that oerfecty matched their 'bondng' tattooed. their mate marks. "I've loved you ever since i first stitched you together after that Wendigo attack when we where sixteen. i've loved you every day since even when i was selfish and scared and abandoned you. every breath of my life has been spent thinking about you, wondering where you where, what you where doing, what yu where thinking or feeling. if you where happy or if you where sad or if i shouldn't try to find you. Fate finally intervened and i'm so very glad it did." he admitted. "i love you, Bailey, for all our faults, our traumas and our desires to beat each others faces in at least once a week i love you so much i think i'd die if i lost you." he admitted, staring at her. "i want to marry you, to tel the entire universe that you're mine. always, forever. for eternity." and that was etched into the inside of the ring. a single word to express everything. 'Eternity'. "Bailey Daniels? will you do me the greatest honor of fulfilling the biggest dream i've had by marrying me?"
Bailey flinched at his words, drawing her knees up more, she was going to be sore when she uncurled. " wouldnt have been so bad...if impossible pregnancies didn't keep happening...we hadn't been sure lisa crowley and cas..."she muttered, shrugging a little. While she knew adoption was a option, she still felt like she was missing out on a part of it. She hadn't ever gotten to be pregnant, and be around dean. As much as she loved the kids, and their life, that part, was what she longed for. The planning, getting ready for a baby, together. She felt deprived of it, even if she knew she was being stupid."it's okay...I didn't have to do anything..."she muttered frowning a little at him."really?"she muttered curious to know what he had before her eyes went wide as she saw the ring. This hadn't been a spur of the moment thing, he'd had to plan to get that ring. "I'd die without you. Even when we argue...I' lost without you."she muttered reaching out, stroking the metal of the ring as she stared at it, not aware he was staring at her.bthought that was the cafe. Biggest dream."she muttered sounding she'll shocked before nodding."yes. Of course, yes. I will."
"yeah. between Lisa and Crowley... i wanted so much too..." he looked at her. "i ha hoped... maybe that maybe... maybe i could have... but i can't..." he admitted, which was proboby going to stun her. Dean had been willing to carry a baby for her. for them. "that's why it took me so long to get here. i was getting the ring and asking Bruce if maybe... maybe we could have a baby the same way Cas and Crowley are but... we can't." he admitted. "there's still a chance though, fifty to seventy years from now, you're human body will die and you're sou will become a demon's to match mine. it won't be like the other Demons of course, you'll be able to do, just like me, wear your own human body, but you have to die first and were not doing that, ever, until you're too old to live a quality of life." he informed her firmly. "we can still have children Bays, we just have to wait until we're both Demons to do it... well, sort of Demon in your case. you're the Queen of Hell after all, you're never going to be 'just another demon'." he admitted, smiling at her. "and our children will be the prince and princess of hell when, if, they ever join us. they'll be given the option of joining us or going to heaven... we can't tell them though, it might influence their decision." he admitted. "i did have to do something." he sniffed at her rather pompously because he knew it always amused her when he did that. "my biggest dream, has always been you." he whispered, smiling at her. "The Cafe was just a long wanted one." he admitted before perking up. "really?" he asked, looking so happy he thought he was going to burst, kissing her delightedly. "i... i was kind of scared you'd say no..." he admitted sheepishly. "i was going to ask you at the ball but... but this is better. you're favorite place, just the two of us. this is better." he admitted with a smile before grinning at her a little. "we could announce it at the ball though if you like."
“Yea....”She muttered staring down before looking up at him startled, eyes wide as she looked at him. Mouth alling open a little because she had no idea what to say to that, tears clinging to her eyelashes as she considered that he had wanted to. “Oh...well. Oh.”She stuttered at a loss for words, before slumping a little. Nodding. Sad because she knew how much Dean valued having a sibling only a few years younger then him, she’d wanted to have kids, if they had anymore, to be close together for that. But....”Really? That’s a little disturbing to think about.”She muttered before shuddering, laughing quietly. “Whatever you order, my lordship.”She teased, though she was serious, she had no plans on dying anytime soon. “Hm, well, you’re just another demon yourself you know.”She teased a little, before nodding. “We’ll let them do whatever they want. It’s not like we wouldn’t see them even if they went to heaven.”She shrugged a little, they’d just see them less. Giggling a little as he sniffed at her, relaxing a little, flushing as she squirmed a little, curling up against him, wincing a little as she moved tight muscles, sighing a little. “Yes, really.”she muttered kissing him back, before rolling her eyes. “If I said no, you could have taken it as a sign of possession, and totally figured out what supernatural bad guy had me.”She teased kissing him a little, before nodding. “It is better. It’s always just us.....even with everything and everyone in our business, our relationship, us, is just for us.”She smiled before nodding. “Yes. We’ll announce it then.”She said before sighing a little. "We better get home before the twins, they'll worry if we take to much longer."She muttered.
he smiled at her as he took her hand. "you're not alone anymore love. i promise." he promised. "we share the pain, that's what we promised remember?" he asked with a smile. "the kids have each other and they have us and if we really feel the need we can adopt as many babies as we want." he pointed out with a smile. "besides, they have Angel too, she's practically ours as much as she is Sam's and DeeDee's." he admitted. "and TinTin too." TinTin was Angel's soul mate, they'd found each other during the early play dates. that wasn't his real name of course, it was actually Timothy Thompson but they'd called him Tin Tin since he was two. "i am not! i am superior in every way!" he protested with a grin. "well... that's true." he agreed with a chuckle before smirking a little. "that could be fun, pretending to exorcise you with my 'rod of justice'" he teased, cupping his crotch with a playful grin. "yeah, just us. i like this." he agreed, nuzzling her. "we'll have to tell the family first, they'll never forgive us if some of them find out before others." he admitted. "i'll make it a family dinner." he decided happily before pouting at her. "you're never going to let me fuck you here again are you?"
“I know. We’re not alone.”She muttered squeezing his had, sighing softly. “We’re geother.”She muttered before snorting a little. “True. If we want, we can always adopt.”she agreed, relaxing more, settling more now that he knew and hadn’t flipped out. Or gotten upset that she hadn’t told him, or that she couldn’t have anymore herself. They’d be okay. “Hmm, okay. So you are definitely superior in more ways then most demons.”She teased before snorting as she watched him cup himself, shvering a little as she was nuzzled. “Hmmm, we’ll make it dinner tonight, cause we have the ball in two days, and they’ll be upset if they don’t find ut first.”She muttered before snorting, glancing at her watch as she slid into his lap. Straddling his waist as she rocked into him a little. “Depends, are you sure there’s no meremaids here this time....and we should celebrate shouldn’t we?”She said snickering as she leaned down to kiss him, growling a little as she realized she had jeans on, doing this in jeans was hard. Squirming as she got out of the jeans, smirking because like normal, wearing one of his flannel shirts while working meant that unless you knew she wasn’t wearing anything under it, you couldn’t tell she wasn’t wearing bottoms, or at least until she stood up.
"yeah. we've got each other." he promised with a smile, kissing her. "just remember, we already have like eighty dogs and a set of twins. no more than six adoptions." he ordered playfully before looking very smug as she admitted he was superior. in truth, there where no beings aside from God himself that was higher in power or station than the Winchester brothers. Sam and Dean where essentially the Kings of Heaven and Hell. Dean had to admit, Sam's 'true form' was a lot more glorious than his own. "yeah. we'll call everyone in tonight, they won't mind too much." he agreed with a smile before grinning at her. "no mermaids, i already made sure." he promised. "we should celebrate!" he agreed eagerly before grinning as sh growled, leaning back and letting her take the command. he liked it, loved it when she rode him but she didn't do it very often. "god you're beautiful when you wear my clothes." he purred, pulling her down for another kiss while he worked his own fly open. not wearing underwear, again. he hated the underwear so he just went without more often than not, so that made gaining access so much easier.
Bailey laughed out loud, kissing him back. “Hm, we do have a lot of dogs. They just sorta keep multiplying.”she giggled a little, because indeed it was a good thing that had a farmhouse out of town, otherwise the number of dogs they had would surely be illegal. The fact that sam and dmitri had a few dogs of their own, with lisa ben and bruce having their own, and cas having been convinced that hellhounds wouldn’t attack him if he owned one, totally meant that days at the winchester households could be a cacophony of dogs and children. Rolling her eyes at how smug he looked, before nodding a little. “we will.”She muttered laughing as he let her take control, while she didn’t prefer it, she liked having sex with him in any matter of way, and the way he looked when she rode him, just made her want to keep it for special occassions, cause the look on his face was such a good one. “Hm, I better. I wear them enough.”She said smiling a little as she kissed him back, snorting quietly, it just amused her that he went without underwear. Growling quietly as she sat back up, pulling him with her, sliding her hands through his hair as she sank back down onto him, shuddering as she tightened her grip on his hair before flinching, forcing her hand open, remembering he didn’t like his hair pulled, wincing a little as she realized her ring was caught. Bright, amused laughter escaping as she rode him, kissing him slowly. “Gotta get used to wearing a ring.”She said looking amused because it had been years since she’d worn one. feeling the ring and collar like brands against her skin, claims as certain as the marks branded into her skin.
He grinned at her because he owned about the entire hells worth of dogs now, but most of them stayed in hell. at least Dean and Sam could control the beasts. they where very well trained so long as Dean and Sam where around. "hmmm, i love it when you do this." he admitted with a grin because he knew she didn't prefer to be on top so it was a rare special treat to get to see her like this. "mmmm, i think it's just that i like seeing you in my things. makes you smell like me and then my clothes smell like you for days. i love it." he admitted with a grin before groaning as she slipped over him, shuddering at how warm and wet she always was for him. he flinched a little when she gripped his hair, but it was a little more okay when she did it. he didn't fly into a panic anyway. he laughed as well when her ring got caught and he pulled her down for a kiss while he rocked his hips into her. "mmmm, god this is the best." he mumbled. "we need an aquarium at home so we can fuck against it all the time."
“Me to. Getting to be in charge is sorta awesome sometimes.”She snickered a little, before snorting quietly. “You don’t make me smell like you, or mark me up enough without me wearing your clothes?’She snickered a little, nuzzling a little, “Sam complains when your clothes smell like me. Says he can find you anywhere can my perfume’s on you.”She teased sighing a little, rocking her hips into his, flinching when he did. “Sorry.”She muttered careful to let go of his hair, even after ten years, she had to concentrate to not drag his head around for a kiss, always careful with him, as careful with him as he was with her, even when they were being as kinky as hell, they still were so careful with each other. It touched her, the amount of trust that it took that he didn’t panic when she forgot and tugged his hair. Carefully distangling her hand even as she kissed him back, shivering. Closing her eyes. The emotional release, the roller coaster she’d been subjecting herself to for months finally breaking, snorting a little. “Even though I’m a little snotty and look like a weepy teenager?”She muttered teasing him a little, shivering as she rode him slowly, taking her time, knowing he’d keep anyone away from finding them. “Hmmm, we should tell sam and deedee that’s what we want as a wedding gift. A aquarium for the bedroom.”She muttered shuddering as she came, filing the thought away for later. She’d totally conspire to get them a aquarium,
"no. it wears off and you smell like you by the end of the day. wearing my clothes means you smell like me always." he admitted before smirking. "Sam's a shit." he agreed. "it's okay. it's not panic inducing when it's you." he promised, smiling at her. "i think i'm getting a little less panicked about it." he admitted. "mmm you look like you do after i've whipped you into submission." he admitted, panting as he shuddered against her as she moved, moaning softly and settling his hands on her hips, just so he could hold her, he didn't try to control her motions. this was for her, more than anything. "fuck yeah." he agreed. "one of the wall to wall ones. Dmitri could afford that." he gasped, arching as she came and flooding her with his own release, because it made her smell like him for hours and he loved that.
“So damned possessive.”She teased looking amused, nuzzling him a little. “Good. Think we’re both getting used to it. Don’t mind it as much when you pull my hair either.”She said shuddering a little because while there were days she couldn’t stand it, she’d come to love the moments during a scene when he used her hair as a handle. Snorting a little, kissing him. “Such a sweet talker, you.”She teased amused at his words, smiling. “Yes. We’ll get them to do that.”She muttered moaning softly as she felt him come, shuddering as she slumped into him. Staying there for a few moments as she panted, before easing away with a kiss. “Come on. We better get home.”She said, relaxed and happy. Steadier then she had been in months, this was okay. They’d be okay.
"yeah... we're getting better." he agreed with a smile because he knew when he could pull her hair and when he couldn't, and as long as he didn't have anything in her mouth and she was okay when they started their scene, hair pulling was usually okay for her now. "i am a sweet talker." he agreed, kissing her again before chuckling. "yeah. we should get going." he agreed, wiggling his fingers at her to clean her up. no need to point out that they'd just fucked in the aquarium after all. he grinned as he helped her into her pants and snuggled her as they walked, tossing a mass text declaring 'dinner at my place' which was code for 'there's news and free food so show up you lazy asses.
“Hm, thanks for that. Last thing we need is for Sam to have more reasons to tease us.”Bailey rolled her eyes amused as she followed him. Amused because she knew everyone was going to be excited and happy for them.

Two days later bailey smiled a little as she looked down a little, carefully walking as she looped her arm with Crowley’s. Since she wasn’t demon, she had to come in a way different then dean did, and usually got a escort from everyone’s favorite demon. The fact that she didn’t trust most demons with what most of them still called their king’s ‘human slut’ well, she didn’t want to upset dean, so it was easier just to come in with crowley, not tell dean, because she knew how dean felt about her, she knew things between them was good, so she simply ignored the stupid demons. Besides, this way she got to tease her finacee just a little longer, with making him wait to see her outfit for the night in public, when he couldn’t do anything about it until they got home. The black dress clung to a body made for hunting and sex, curvy and soft where she was supposed to be, lean and hard still after a lifetime of hunting and work. All in all, it was a dress made for a woman who was dean’s perfect wet dream. The soft blond hair bound up in flowers and knots, a reflection of her life now, bound up in knots for her finacee, and flowers. Stepping into the ballroom, she searched the room, like she always did, for dean first. Nothing else mattered, not even the demons she knew she should mind, should take care of first, because what was most important to her, besides the kids, was in this room, and she needed to find him first.
Dean stretched in his 'throne', lounging lazily as he watched his Demonic populace. there was some twittering bitch at his left trying to entice him into drinking something. in this form he was, well he looked a lot like himself really but he was taller, bigger and had eight wings spread wide in glimmering light sucking black, the exact opposite of Sam's. his power pulsed around him like a sphere of physica energy, this was what humans saw, a mass of black smoke that surrounded him, bigger than any other demon. even Lilith, Crowley or Azazel couldn't match his 'aura'. combined. because of this, Dean attracted a lot of attention, not that he paid any attention to it, he was already standing and heading to his mate, giving her a smile, brushing off the petty annoyances that where still trying to curry his favor. "you look fantastic." he breathed, smiling at her. "shall we dance?" he offered her, his head tilted.
Bailey smiled as she found him, tilting her head as she considered the twittering demons crowding around him, a soft growl escaping her throat as she let go of crowley’s arm, despite not wearing heels often, she moved well in them. All grace and possessiveness in the walk as she stalked towards dean, swallowing hard as she looked at dean, nearly whimpering as he got closer to her, shuddering as the feelings ghosted over her skin. “Hm, you’re looking fantastic to. Definitely getting alot of attention.”She growled, sounding jealous and protective and possessive, while it rarely appeared, something about the demons, especially those who tried to seduce or get to close to him, drew it to the surface. While she never worried about him cheating on her, the attention still made her want to claim him, make sure that everyone knew she wasn’t going to let him go. “Yes, we shall. Though, maybe I should dance with Crowley first?I mean, he is doing without his normal date for the night.”She teased, stepping back from him, teasing and happy. Absently twisting her engagement ring around her finger, cause she wasn’t used to it yet, and despite enjoying it, it still felt odd. Though she was reassuring herself that it was there. Smirking a little as she looked at crowley, amused because she knew why he was so grouchy and grumpy, and simply was enjoying teasing her fiancee, even if she knew it annoyed Crowley to get dragged into their flirting sometimes. she was happy, and content, and utterly ignoring the demons who looked vaguely disgusted with their human queen.
He smiled at her, enjoying the possessive growl. it amused him that in only ten or so years, all the demons had forgotten she'd killed Lucifer single-handed. she'd only gotten more powerful since then. he wasn't looking foreword to the day the Demon's overstepped and she tore through them like paper. not because he was worried she couldn't handle it, but because he was worried about how she'd feel emotionally after that. "why thank you, personally, they tend to get on my nerves." he admitted, snarling at the gathered growled, his Aura fluttering. it was harder for him to contain his emotions in this state. as a human he mostly had control of himself. as a demon, his emotions where wild and un-containable and the Demon's had learned not to piss him off. they scattered at the snarl and he smiled at her. "there. that's better don't you think?" he asked, smiling as he swept her away to the dance floor, sticking his tongue out at Crowey who huffed and rolled his eyes and slipped off to sulk because he'd rather be home with Cas. he hated the ball, mostly because Cas couldn't come but also because the other Demon's liked to try and pick on him when Dean wasn't looking, about fucking an Angel.
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