Blood written(lady/moon)

Dean smiled as he watched her. he had grown too in the years. he had filled out, no longer was he nearly malnourished from the adderall addiction following spending three months in the wild eating squirrels. he was beefed out since he had spent the last two years working on a small building he had bought cheep and renovated himself. it was so strange sometimes, to know that he finally had a life outside of hunting. granted, they still ended up on hunts. it was like the little bastards KNEW. even when they sent Cas and Crowley to clear everything out, they missed something or it was moved in after they left and they ended up hunting on dates. it was exasperating, but it made them sharp and the sex after was always amazing.

"I'm fine with it. i need to be able to take responsibility for this from time to time or i'll never be respected as a parent." he admitted with a smile. "besides, i'm sure Sa and Dmitri are going to be there to help me out anyway." he admitted. "Angel is coming after all." he admitted, sighing as he shifted and then thrust a little deeper into her. "i'm a bit worried but everything is set up. all the prep i can do is done, the building is in perfect shape, i even have the sign up. there's nothing left to do, i'd just fuss myself sick. this will be a good distraction and it'll be nice to meet some of your friends, and the kids that Angel, Jensen and Jenny have been hanging out with." he admitted. "besides, you can't focus on your work if you're chasing after babies." he pointed out, shuddering as he rolled his hips a little more firmly, his own orgasm starting to build up. "Besides. Dmitri is going to b there, he knows how to handle everyone if i need help."
Bailey smiled a little, “I’ll respect you. Especially since you saved me from that temper tantrum over not getting to go with us on our date the other day.”She said smiling at him, before nodding. “Hm, yea. Probably. Sam said he could use a break from studying.”She said shivering a little, so proud of sam for finally getting around to going back to school. Whimpering, squirming a little as he thrust deeper into her, nails biting into his chest, feeling the muscles under her hands, whimpering because it was so good to be with him like this, even if they were one of those couples who always had sex, no matter what. More often then her friends said they had sex anyways. “You would fuss yourself sick....I’ll have to work distracting you.”She muttered shivering a little as she kissed him, “No I can’t. Gardening and design is sorta hard with babies underfoot.”She muttered before snorting at the idea, she was going to have to get sam to film the playdate, she had a feeling it was going to be interesting. Kissing him firmly, moaning as she came, clinging to her mate.
"yeah. that was super fun." he agreed with a smile. "they forgave us as soon as we handed them into Angel's care." he admitted with a chuckle. "they adore their cousin, it's cute." he admitted before nodding. "he works too hard." he agreed before chuckling a little because he was one to talk. he groaned as he felt her nails in his skin, that always set him off. "you distract me perfectly well." he mused with a grin before chuckling. "i'd imagine so. the last time they 'helped' you it took two days to get them to stop smelling like the manure you where mixing your dirt with." he admitted with a chuckle before groaning as she came, sending him over the edge, making him shudder against him as he followed her to completion. "God i love you... come on. go shower. i have to make the treats for the playdate." he always did that, made snacks and treats for the playdates. today he was making something special because he wanted the women to like him like they liked Bailey.
“Hmm, they did. And very cute.”She agreed before snorting. “You don’t get to talk about people working to hard. You’ve not taken a break in a year.”She muttered smirking at he groaned, she always knew exactly how to wind him up. “that was horrible....the house smelled for days.”She whined a little, shivering as she slumped, settling over his chest, content to be held for a moment, before smiling. “Love you to.”She said pressing a kiss to the skin under her cheek before sighing. “Pack some up for me. I’ll take some with me.”She said before sliding away, heading to get her own shower. Nervous about the playdate, if only because she knew the women hadn’t talked to dean alot, so she wanted them to like them. Smiling as she got ready to go, the soft comfortable jeans and one of his band t-shirts with a flannel t-shirt over it, made her look comfy and snuggly, and definitely ready for a day in the garden. Slipping on her work boots as she finished her braid she smiled as he headed downstairs. Pausing as she leaned against the door watching her mate. Sometimes, it amazed her that he was all hers. “Dean? You here?”Sam called as he came in, all three kids with him, having had the twins over for the night simply to give dean and bailey a break. “Yea, in here.”Bailey smiled as she leaned back out of the kitchen to grin as the twins toddled over, giggling happily as they gripped her legs. “Momma!” “Hey you two.”She smiled leaning down to kiss their heads. “Dad’s gonna stay with you two today. I’ll be back later, okay?” “No!” “Just a few hours.”Bailey promised looking up at dean. “everyone should be here soon. I better get going.”
"i do. i'm allowed to be hypocritical if i'm honest about it." he sniffed with a smile before laughing a little. "I got lucky because i had to leave for most of the day." he admitted with a grin. he'd just bought the building, that was now a Cafe. he hadn't even told her the name of it yet, claimed it would be bad luck. she hadn't even seen it yet. he'd made her promise. he smiled as he snuggled, he loved their scenes and their rougher sex, but moments like these where very special to him. "i'll make sure to." he promised with a smile. "you'll love today's selection." he admitted with a smile. he'd made the finger sandwiches yesterday and they where full of fancy cheese and meats and there was a huge variety of whole oat options gluten free and vegetarian because several of the mothers and children couldn't have wheat flour, gluten or other such things and vegetarian because one of the mothers was vegetarian. there where also homemade cinnamon doughnut holes, blueberry tarts, mini cherry pies and fresh fruit salad with fresh vegetables and hand made dip and of course, coffee and such drink selections. he was putting the first of the pastries in the oven when she walked out and was whipping fresh whipped cream in the stand mixer to put on top of the mini pies and in the hot chocolates and some of the fancier coffees.

"Yeah! back here!" Dean agreed, smiling a little. "come on Tater Tots!" Dean said with a grin. "all your friends are coming over and we have the special snacks here today." he reminded the twins and Angel, making them all perk up. they all loved it when they got to eat special treats and play with their friends. "love you." he said, kissing her cheek with a grin before turning to the Stand mixer to check the whipped cream. "make beautiful things today!" he called, as he always did when she went to go make gardens.
“Hm, I guess.”She snickered a little, amused at his logic, relaxing. Thinking about his cafe, and nervous about the opening. She wanted everything to be perfect for him. Nuzzling him a little, content to be held for a moment before smiling. “I’m sure I will. I always love what you make.”She muttered.

Laughing quietly when they all perked up at the idea of their friends coming to visit, smiling as they all three stopped paying attention to her to go try and see what dean had made. “Love you to.Have fun.”She said smiling as she headed out. “....You two are still sickingly sweet you know?I thought you’d stop after awhile, but this is still adorable.”Sam teased looking amused as the kids got bored and headed for the living room and all their toys. Sam smiled as he settled in at the table, which was the perfect stop to be able to watch the kids and still talk to dean. Looking up at the quiet knock on the door before it opened. “Bailey?I’m a little early, but thought you could use some help getting ready.”Vanessa Alexander smiled as she walked in with her 3 year old abby, pausing at the sight of dean in the kitchen. They’d only met in passing before, as dean left for the day. “Hello.” “Bailey’s not here today. She had to go get some gardening done cause she’s taking the rest of the week off.”Sam explained. “Ah.”Vanessa smiled as she let abby head into the living room, moving over to look at the food.

“As always, it looks amazing. We didn’t believe Bailey at first that you made everything and not her. None of our husbands cook.”Or in her case, ex-husband. And even knowing dean was bailey’s, she enjoyed flirting, and he was a good looking man. not knowing it was more then that, because bailey was reserved and private, and while most knew dean and bailey had been together for awhile, she hadn't told anyone he was her soulmate, simply because that was something private, hers. bailey might like them, but there was just some things she kept to herself, because they were a private joy that she didn't think anyone else had the right to know. Sam rolled his eyes a little as he saw the look on vanessa's face, but not warning dean because she never got to horrible, and dean was a oblivious idiot who wouldn't even notice the flirting. pointing it out would just embarrass vanessa. smiling as the rest of the mothers started to arrive.
Dean chuckled as the babies all toddled off to see what was for 'nums' "yes, yes we are sickeningly sweet, we're nowhere near as god awful as you and Dmitri are." he admitted with a chuckle, watching the kids wander off with a sharp eye. he was actually very, very good at keeping an eye on the babies. much better than most men at any rate. he was too used to watching them while bailey slept in, since he didn't need to sleep. "Oh, ah. Good morning. Vanessa right?" he asked her with a smile. wiping his palms on his apron that said 'This Chef has a Gun'. "she was gonna just have Sam host, but i thought it might be nice to meet her friends." Dean admitted with a smile. "she's met all three of mine after all." he admitted with a chuckle as he shook her hand. "i've always wanted to be a cook. my Father wouldn't hear of it. i desperately hope he's rolling in his grave." he admitted with a nod.

honesty, it wasn't that Dean was oblivious. he knew what flirting was. he had flirted, and been flirted with by people all his life, it was just that h had eyes only for Bailey and so any other attempts by anyone else was swept away by his all encompassing desire and love for Bailey. "Sam, stop being lazy! offer her a drink." Dean ordered, smacking his brothers shoulder as he started scooping the whipped cream into a bag. "never mind, she likes Espresso, i think, and you're not toughing the espresso machine." after Sam had accidentally broke the coffee pot, Dean refused to let Sam touch anything over a certain amount of cost. and 1200 dollar espresso maker was definitely hands off for the younger Winchester. "Who want's Apple Juice!?" Dean called into the living room, causing a minor stampede of children all clamoring for the sippy cups Dean was pulling out of the fridge.
“We’re not god awful, besides, everyone expects us to be cute. You and bailey are just weird. You’re not sweet with anyone besides the kids, and each other.”Sam teased because it was mostly true. They were cutely adorable together and soft, but give them anyone else, and they were polite and quiet, but a lifetime of hunting had left sharp edges to dealing with anyone besides family. Smiling as he watched Dean watch the babies, it was amusing to see how good he was with them. “Yes, it’s vanessa.”The woman smiled looking amused at the apron before nodding a little. “It is nice meeting you.”She smiled. “Does it count meeting your friends, when they’re all related to you?”Sam teased. “I’m sure he is. It’d have been a crime for you to not make this amazing food.” “It would have been. If he didn’t get pissy when he tried to use my kitchen instead of his own. Just cause I don’t have everything, doesn’t mean you get to bitch.”Sam rolled his eyes because he knew dean, hated using anyone’s kitchen but his own because he could never find anything.

“What do you want?”Sam smiled moving to get up, before pausing at vanessa’s answer. “Yea, I’d like a espresso. Need the boost in energy to keep up with abby.”She looked amused. “....Are you still sore about breaking the last one?It wasn’t my fault. It was totally Cas’ fault.”Sam grumbled before laughing as all the kids ran in. Looking amused as he looked at the mothers coming in. “Okay, Dean. Here’s your introduction to the girls. Vanessa you know, there’s morgan, natasha and alice. And Dmitri of course.”Sam smiled wider when he saw his mate coming in, leaning over to kiss him. Smirking a little as he nuzzled his mate as they settled in to watch the kids and talk while they played, amused at the serious flirting and talking going on in the room. It amused him just how even after 3 years with bailey, and being in love with her most of his adult life, dean still attracted woman’s attention like flies to honey.
"that's because no one else is Bailey or the twins." he pointed out with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "it's nice to meet you too." Dean said with a smile. "I have other friends." Dean protested. "three of them. i just said that. we go out and work on the Cafe every other night." he reminded. "they're totally excited." he admitted with a smile. "i think they've been a bit spoiled." he admitted with a chuckle. "Bailey said all you ladies where coming to opening night?" he asked Vanessa, his head tilted. "You're husbands are welcome to come too of course. and there's a kid friendly area for the kids too." because he fully intended to host the play-dates at the Cafe once he opened. then he could participate and work at the same time, plus lots of families liked sandwiches and soups and books and the things. the 'free book' for any child under ten would really get some business thrumming.

"i think everyone needs espresso to keep up with the kids. Jensen stop chewing on Jenny's hair!" he commanded, the sharp order making Jensen cry, not because he was upset but because he always cried when he was told to stop chewing on his sisters hair. Angel soon had him sorted out by plopping a binky into his mouth and he settled in to teeth on the binky instead. "good morning Ladies." Dean said, smiling at them all and whipping up some coffee while he busted Sam's balls about the coffee machine that Sam so totally broke. Dmitri just snickered a little as he snuggled into Sam, watching Dean while the ladies moved into the living room which was very tastefully decorated, and very child friendly with Better homes and Gardens, Food network Magazine and Baking magazine with two separate piles of car magazines, and gun magazines littered around the place. all well out of reach of tiny hands that liked to tear paper. there was a gaming magazine or two littered here and there as well and of course, there where cookbooks all over the kitchen. Dean smiled affectionately at all the babies as he placed trays of snacks down on the table too high for the babies to reach. this was the life he had always wanted, it was almost overwhelming.
“Very true.”Sam snickered a little. “I know. But teasing you about them isn’t nearly as amusing as teasing them for being related to your best friends....though I gotta admit, claiming Crowley somedays is painful.”If only cause the angel and demon were definitely still as sarcastic and amusing as ever, and acted out nearly as much as any person in their command. More actually, since they were in charge most days, so they got into some fantastic adventures. “”We are. Our husbands to, and kids. Bailey was sulking the other day that she hadn’t seen the place yet, and had to wait when everyone was there.”Morgan teased looking amused.

“Hm, if we could bottle whatever energy kids have, we could make a fortune.”Vanessa snickered a little, amused before wincing a little at the command. “Thanks.”Vanessa smiled as she took her coffee, looking around the room as she sipped her coffee, eyebrows raising a little at the two piles of magazines. “I see despite not being the cook, Bailey still reads the magazines.”Vanessa observed, tilting her head a little, assuming the car, game, and gun magazines were dean’s. Sam snickered a little. “Nah, those are Dean’s. The half car and gun magazines are bailey’s. Though the games are dean’s. Bailey gets frustrated trying to play games.”Sam snickered amused as he settled in to talk and play with the kids. “Really?Cars?”Vanessa smiled a little. “Yea. You should see what she drives when she’s not at work. No minivans or station wagons for these two.”Morgan said, living down the street from the winchesters, she knew the two sport cars that took up all the garage space.

Later Bailey smiled a little as she nudged open the door, having actually forgotten that the others were there she’d stripped down to her underwear and bra, tossing the spare button up shirt she’d kept in her truck, when she’d opened the business she’d bout a truck knowign she couldn’t haul gardening stuff around in junior. Having not bothered to button the shirt up since she was only running from her truck to the house, and definitely wasn’t in the best of moods, since the teenager she’d hired to help her over the summer had left her high and dry when he hadn’t shown up, and she’d dumped wet manure on herself as she worked to mix it, and even after stripping out of the clothes, it was still in her hair and she was definitely in a bad mood by the time she’d gotten home, and ready to just spend a few minutes with dean, and hopefully convince him to get in the shower. Pausing when she saw all the women turn to look at her, with her boys sitting there, she flushed brightly. “Uh. Hi.”She said stuttering, standing there for a moment. So stunned that she couldn’t move just yet, and knowing the others were staring, their flirting with her mate interrupted, and staring because they’d known there was scars under the clothes she’d mostly kept hidden but.... even after a few years of healing, fading. The scars of lucifer’s torture, and every supernatural monster showed on tan skin, her mating mark dark and stark against her upper arm. “uh. I’m going to go shower.”She said bolting upstairs. “....I think that’s our cue to go home. You want me to take the twins for the night again?You guys have the cafe to open tomorrow, so I was going to have them in the morning anyways....”Sam said studying dean as the mothers started gathering their kids.
"You know. i might be able to do that!" he admitted with a grin. "i'll put it in a coffee and be a billionaire in a weak." he admitted with a chuckle. "well, they are mine but she reads them too, and the car and guns are shared." he admitted. "we both have military background but she doesn't like talking about it." he admitted. it was the cover story they'd come up with when the other women had started getting curious about Bailey's past. it was easier to explain the trauma away by being a woman in battle than trying to explain she'd been molested and raped or try to explain about the monsters. "we have Impala's." h admitted with a smile. "Baby and Junior. they where passed down, mine from my father and her from her secondary father figures." he admitted. "we're hoping that we can keep them up-kept and they can be passed on to the twins as their first cars, if nothing else." he admitted with a smile. "i play a lot of games. the twins love watching me." he admitted.

"hey Bays." Dean said, doing instant intervention, shielding her body with his own and kissing her cheek. "i'll be up there in a little bit Bays!" he promised, smiling at her before sighing as Dmitri moved over to him. "is it going to be one of those nights?" Dmitri asked, worried. "one of.. those nights?" one of the women asked. she was a sweet thing and fussed over all of them. "Bailey's scars bother her sometimes and she can take some convincing that Dean doesn't think she's ugly... we'd really appreciate it if none of you mentioned the scars. they're very sensitive subjects." Dmitri admitted. "she got them through emotionally and physically painful means. they're private and painful for her to think about." he admitted before looking at Dean who nodded. "yes please. i think Bailey needs the reassurance and i think she had a bad day at work on top of this. remember! the Cafe is opening noon tomorrow!" he informed the Ladies with a smile before smiling at Sam."we'll be okay, please take the twins. we'll see you tomorrow at the Cafe."
“Ah, it’s good to have a partner who shares that much in common.”Vanessa smiled a little before looking amused at the idea of classic cars for the twins. “They’d definitely be the most popular kids if they had them.”She snickered a little amused at the idea.

“Hey.”She muttered nodding a little at his words even as she darted upstairs. Sam frowned worried as he sighed quietly. It was hard sometimes seeing bailey like this, but it was a good thing dean knew how to handle the nights that got bad, even more that bailey knew how to handle dean’s. They were good for each other. “We wont.”Vanessa promised looking worried for her friend. Despite flirting, she really did like bailey, they all did. It was easy to want to take care of the woman who had obviously had a hard time before settling here. Sam tilted his head, worried but knowing there was nothing they could do to help, it’d just be better to make sure the twins were looked after. “Go on up. We’ll lock up and see you tomorrow.”Sam smiled as they others left, gathering the twins, and their stuff before heading out to.

“I’m fine. Just a bad day. Alex never showed up and didn’t call, I smell like shit. And I mean that literally, I spent the morning elbow deep in horse shit, and got it in my hair, and in my necklace, and it’s in the links, and it smells horrible and-”Bailey snarled when she heard the bathroom door open, scrubbing to clean up. And while some of the redness to her skin could be chalked up to the burning hot showers she preferred, the fact that she’d scrubbed hard enough to bleed in some places despite her body’s healing factor, just said she was acting out and upset, and definitely not telling him something, because she only got this bed when someone said something about them. Only tried to scrub herself raw when she was more aware of the scars then normal. “and I forgot the others were here, was your play date?”She said looking up as he joined her, wondering if she could get some cold water on before he realized she hadn’t added any to the burning hot water.
Dean just nodded, smiled at them all and went upstairs, trusting Sam and Dmitri to handle things and he shook his head as she tried to hedge him off even as he started to strip. "Ale is a bit of a punk, he probably forgot what day it was." better be nice in case the kid was in the hospital or something. "shit doesn't stink so bad." he assured her with a smile. "it's okay, Bays. it's okay, i can get the necklace clean, i've done it before remember?" he reassured her, gently taking away the lufa and ran his arms around her, knocking the cold up a little. just so she wouldn't permanently scald her own skin or something. "the play-date was fine. Dmitri was weird. he was giggling though the whole damn thing. i think he was high." Dean admitted. "the women where all very nice. they thought the cooking mags where yours." he admitted with a chuckle. "Bays... what's really wrong?" he asked her, kissing her cheek as he started to gently wash her. "what happened?" he asked, hoping to god no one had said anything about Lisa who had only woken up a few weeks ago and was not unlike a stroke victim at the moment. the brain damage from being dead was extensive but she was recovering very fast and Bailey was so, so very protective of Lisa.
"Probably. I tried calling him, but he didn't answer. I'll try again later."she muttered before huffing a little."you're only saying that cause you have no sense of smell anymore, to many years hunting nasty stuff."she muttered, though she was calming simply having him in the room, the same space with her. ""I know you just...seems worse then getting in my clothes...."she muttered leaning into him. Growling slightly when he took the lufa, but didn't try taking it back, shivering a little as she felt the cooler water hit her skin."good...and he always acts like that when he's with the girls. It's amusing."she muttered a little, resting her head against his chest, before flinching a little."...I didn't say goodbye to the twins...i...I'm terrible..."she muttered slouching, even if she knew it wss just for the night, it still upset her given her current state to know that.frowning a little at his question, going quiet, absent hands stroking over his chest, mostly trying to distract him simply because she knew he was going to be pissed. Going quiet and simply letting him wash her before sighing softly, staring down. Shifting a little. "Grace's husband....he's a plastic surgeon. I knew that, but I hadn't actually met him before since I'm not usually at her house this early in the morning...anwyays, grace was running errands and I didn't know anyone was there with me, so I just stripped down to my tank top a use it was hot and I smell and..."she muttered rambling because she was still upset and it hurt, it hurt what he'd said. "...anyways he ended up coming out to talk to me while I worked and I didn't think anything about it until he said he could fix me so someone would want to see me naked....the scars would just take a few surgeries and..."she shrugged hurting and pained, clinging to thd most solI'd thing in her life.. That dean loved her. "He was just trying to be nice, and help, and-and if you want, I can fix them. it wouldn't be that hard and he offered to do it rather then pay for gardening and...."She trailed off, staring down. because most days, she forgot the scars, wasn't aware of them except distantly. it was when someone brought attention to them that she was this weird about them. feeling raw and hurt
He nodded, not too worried. he was a kid, after all. kids got distracted and forgot things. Dean doubted the kid did it to be mean or because he was lazy. Dean had met the kid, he liked the kid. "it's because the necklace is emotionally more than you're clothes are." he reminded her with a smile before chuckling when she growled at him, probobly not the reaction she wanted. "you did too say goodbye the twins and you're a perfect mother for them. i'd never want anyone else." he promised her. "an neither would they." he promised, continuing his careful, gentle work as he washed her clean and listened. he snarled when she told him what he said and shook his head. "I love you Bailey. i don't want you to get rid of the scars. they're a part of who you are, a reminder of everything we've gone through together. they are proof of your strength and they are a constant reminder to me that i don't have to treat you like glass because you're as strong as me. stronger." he admitted, kissing her knuckles. he knew he would be calling a certain household later but for now he was focused on her. "you will tell him no, okay? without the scars you'd hardly be yourself. you don't have to change for me to love you because i already love you more than anything but the twins and even then it's a close call." he admitted with a smile. "if you still feel so strongly about it later, when you're calm and honestly thinking about it, then we'll do it together okay? you can get rid of yours and i'll get rid of mine."
‘Yea, it is.”She muttered, giving him that annoyed look when he chuckled, but not saying anything as she relaxed. Sighing softly, “...Good. Cause you’re kinda stuck with me.”She muttered though she sounded more amused then upset about that now, before wincing as he snarled, staring at his chest, before looking up at him, needing to see his face, to see his reaction before tilting her head a little. “....You better not treat me like glass. I’m not one of the house mothers who’ve never even heard of wendigos.”She growled quietly at the idea of him treating her like glass, sighing softly as he kissed her knuckles. “our sex life would be boring if you did.”She muttered absently stroking her fingers over the mating band around his arm, while they weren’t married by law, they were in every way that mattered to them, and when she was upset and hurting the reminder that he was hers, married and bound, Hades and his Persephone. “..Okay. Easy enough, I’ll call him in the morning before we head out.”She muttered relaxing, simply enjoying the water and him, for once he was naked and she wanted nothing more then to go to bed and snuggle and sleep. Sputtering a little at his words, looking up at him. “What?You...what?”She sputtered at the idea of him getting rid of his. While she wouldn’t really consider it when she was calm, the idea of dean getting rid of his scars would definitely be keeping her from doing it. Grumbling a little at that as she washed off and tunred off the water, grumbled the whole way through drying off and braiding her hair. Yep, definitely distracted from her own worry and hurt from the conversation, because it hadn’t been just the scars he’d offered to take off, but the ‘tattoo’ that wasn’t really a tattoo, but looked like one. The idea of dean getting his take off was definitely enough to growl even as she settled into bed. “....we’re not changing anything. We lived through hell, it’s a good reminder we survived.”She muttered smiling a little as dean settled in next to her, mood settled and easy now as she settled in against his side, resting her head against his chest, knowing she’d had a worse reaction then she would have normally had because she was nervous about the cafe in the morning. Settling in to sleep, she smiled against his skin. “We’ll be okay.I’m okay.”she muttered, she felt a little unsteady, but she’d be okay.
he smirked at her a little. "i am more than stuck with you." he agreed, sounding quite smug befre looking down at her, fierce protectiveness that burned in his eyes. "i could never treat you like glass. these, and these-" he stroked her armbands and the a few of her scars, smiling a little. "these remind m that you're my equal in every-way." he admitted, watching her before laughing a little. "we would be very bored in bed." he agreed with a smile before nodding. "you think my scars don't bother me sometimes?" he asked her softly. "you think i don't feel ugly and unworthy of you from time to time for being so covered scars and weird tattoos?" he mused, tattoos that had just appeared in his skin on top of that. "that's damn straight." he agreed, smiling at her and kissed her. "come on. we'll go snuggle in the morning i'll give you some nice slow fucks." he promised. "i love mornings." he admitted.

the next day, at around ten thirty, Dean made sure to pull aside 'Grace's Husband' and told him to never mention his partners scars or their shared bonding tattoos again. sometimes, when a couple met but they weren't soul mates, they still loved each other very much they got tattoos and it was very, very bad form to comment on them, let alone offer to have them removed so 'Grace's husband' would be unlike to take offense to how aggravated Dean was about it. especially since while Dean was very cutting, he wasn't rude, abrasive or abusive and so there was nothing to really gt insulted about. the entire Cafe was covered in a red tarp and there was a bright golden bow attached to the two light poles out front which would drop the tarp when it was cut as the bell tower started to toll eleven. Dean had gotten so much hype from the women of the play date,some of whom where very, very active in some very important circles and Dean was nearly foaming at the mouth when news stations, the mayor, half the police force and the local judge showed up to see what all the hype was about. he was hiding now because he was too scared to get out there and introduce the Cafe. he had never been very good with crowds like this. even Lisa was here! every last woman from the play-dates and the women THEY had invited from book clubs, cooking cubs, quilt clubs and more. not to mention all the babies where there and Dmitri had dressed Angel, Jenny and Jensen in Ballerina outfits. Jensen seamed to be loving it.
Bailey flushed brightly at the look of such fierceness, knowing he’d always protect her, and she’d protect him. Smiling a little as she watched him, shivering a little as he stroked her skin. “Damn straight I’m your equal. Forget that anytime and I’ll kick your ass.... I think I scarred some of my friends once telling them that. Apparently some of them leave very boring, 1950s wife lives.”She said sounding annoyed and weirded out at the very idea of that. “..I...Never considered it really. I never get as weird about them as me.”She said though there was a small bit of relief in that smile she gave him, that she knew she wasn’t alone in feeling like that. though she felt guilty for not knowing that, having not considered that. Snoritng a little at his words. “You love morning sex. You hate getting out of bed.”She teased amused as she settled in to sleep.

And in the morning, Grace’s husband had indeed looked upset, not because they were turning him down, but because he’d upset bailey that much. Apologizing to them both before settling in at the cafe to wait and see how good this was going to be. Bailey sighed softly as she stood outside, having not seen the cafe herself yet, and she didn’t want to go in, not yet but with dean hiding out inside, she knew she was going to have to. Kneeling down to get the twins to let her go, she smiled a little at her happy boy who was indeed loving the outfits, leaving them with their uncles before going in, growling quietly as it took her a moment to get the door open from behind the tarp, glad that even if she hadn’t seen the place, she’d gotten dean to give her keys just in case. Stepping inside she studied her mate as he huddled up in one of the comfortable looking chairs, moving over to crouch down in front of him, hands resting on his thighs as she looked up at him. “hey. You okay?”She said even though she knew he wasn’t, absently stroking her fingers over the hard muscles of his thighs, squirming to kneel between his legs, looking up at him. “Come on, Winchester. You’ve faced off gods, demons, and dick angels. I think you can open one little cafe.”She teased a little, smirking slightly, knowing she was going to get him going, if only because she knew how to the best. “Besides, you wouldn’t want to give Crowley the pleasure of winning his bet with Cas would you? You hiding in here while I open the place would just be all kinds of like working with people, that’s why you’re opening this,right?”She smiled quietly, looking a little anxious herself, because she was worried how this whole thing would go for him, not because she thought he'd fail, but because she was scared he'd psych himself out and blow up at everything. worried for him.
Dean looked at her and swallowed thickly. "no... there's... there's so many people... there weren't supposed to be so many people Bailey." he whispered. he had gotten much better about being honest with her when he was upset so it wasn't a surprise now when he was honest. it was dark because of the tarp so that meant Bailey couldn't actually see the interior. "i like it when you kneel there." he admitted, smiling at her because it was always a delight for him, her submission. he took every sign of submission as the gift it truly was. "it's not a little Cafe though!" he gasped. "this is the one dream i've always had even before i wanted a family. i have my family, i'm opening a Cafe and i'm happy and that always means terrible things are going to happen!" so that's why he was so freaked out. he wasn't used to there being no trouble, no pain, no danger and he was freaking himself out. well, the crowd had probobly set him off. "okay... you'll be with me right? i have a speech..." he admitted, taking her hand and letting her lead him back outside and he was pale and sweating and obviously terrified. he'd never had to talk in front of such a massive crowd before and for a moment he couldn't speak.

"H...H.. Hell-llo ev-veryone..." Dean finally stuttered when Crowley sidled over ad jabbed him in the ribs with a finger. "m-My name is Dean winchester and i'm G-glad you all made it! i don't think i... i ever expected so many people to be interested in the cafe." he admitted, still looking petrified but he was settling into the speech and he was doing well now. "I've had a dream to cook wonderful food all of m life but until very recently, i never even had the chance to cook. i trained hard, studied everything i could and did the best i was able with the things i had available. during that time i found i had a love for coffee, and decided coffee and food just have to go together. i never thought i'd ever really have a chance to settle down and have a family. being special ops-" which was his and Bailey's cover stories. "-I thought i would die in service to my country and i thought i would be happy with the life i lived. that's when i met Bailey." he smiled at her. "life has gotten so much better. she's the person i love more than anything... well, except maybe my twin children." he admitted, holding the scissors out to her. "so i want her t have the honor. because without her, i would never be here. i would never be living every dream i ever had." he admitted, smiling as he watched her cut the ribbon and reveal the outside, dark bricks and dark woods it was tasteful and Cafe' like and the name itself was going to make every bone in Bailey's body because the hand carved sign that Dean had ordered declared 'Bailey's Cafe'.
“Yea, there’s more then I thought. But it’s a good thing. They’ll love your cafe.”She smiled a little, it always thrilled her when he was honest about how he was feeling. Knew she was one of the few people who got the priviledge of knowing that. Smirking a little as she squeezed his leg a little. “I jnow you do. Why do you think I’m down here?”She teased a little before flinching, ducking her head a little. Responding to his upset, and getting wound tighter the more she cpuldnt help him calm down, but she was trying."I know its not a small cafe dean...I'm sorry...I didnt mean to make it seem like i didnt understand....this is your version of my gardening....and Im so proud of you for it...."before wincing a little as she realized why he was freaking out. Squeezing his legs again, she shook her head. “Nothing’s going to happen. You think Cas and Crowley would let anything ruin today? We might not get hunt free dates, but we’re safe. And happy. Nothing’s going to happen. Not here, not now, this town’s safe for us Dean.”She reassured, knowing she was doing a sucky job, but she was trying. Nodding a little at his question. “Yea, I’ll be with you, promise.”She said taking his hand as she stood, shifting to slip under his arm, wrapping a arm around his waist, as close as she could get without standing behind him pressing up against him.

Bailey looked worried as she glanced at crowley as he jabbed him, before leaning closer to dean. “You’re okay.”She muttered smiling as the crowd looked amused at his admittance, and understanding that the crowd was terrifying him. After all, even if most of the crowd hadn’t met them personally, they’d heard about the family of former special forces soldiers settling in the area, so they weren’t truly surprised that there was some problems that went with it. Laughter rang out a little at the idea that coffee had to go with food, and agreeing. Flushing at dean’s praise, swallowing thickly at the idea of being the one who’d made life better for him, even if she knew for both of them, everything had changed 3 years ago when they got together again. Smiling a little as the twins toddled over to cling to her legs, especially in new places the twins liked being close to their parents if given the choice. “hm?”She looked startled as he handed her the scissors, tilting her head a little, before nodding. “Okay, okay let’s see then.”She said smiling as she let the twins cling to him as she moved away,cutting the ribbon and ignoring the happy cheers behind her as she stared at the beautiful building, but it was the sign that nearly drove her to her knees, swaying a little as she braced herself, forcing herself to not fall to her knees and submit, wanting nothing more then to do it, when she realized he’d named his dream after her. It took everything in her not to give in. Turning to look at him, eyes wide and tearful, moving over, kissing him hard even as the cheers and crowd moved to go in, since she couldn’t do anything with the overwhelming need she poured it into the kiss before drawing away. “We better get inside.”She panted quietly.
"thank you... i love you." he whispered, glad that she was here. she always made him feel better. "yeah. yeah, this is huge. what if i mess it up? what if i ruin it!? what if i can't to this?" he asked, biting his lip, staring at her with wide eyes. "no... no, Cas and Crowley won't let anything happen and Sam is here, he won't let anything happen either. it'll be okay. we can be okay.we an be happy right?" he asked her, begging her to tell him that they could be okay. "we're safe here." he agreed, starting to calm down. "we made it safe for us. we're alright. we like the people here. we're alright." he sighed, shaking his head a little. "i'm sorry. it was just a panic attack." he mumbled, smiling at her, looking rather sheepish before smiling at her as he watched her reaction to the Cafe. he was delighted by the impressed murmurs as people started moving into the very massive Cafe'.

everything was in darker colors with splashes of creams and tans. there was a huge, huge fireplace in the middle of the Cafe, a very large pillow surrounded the four fireplace openings that led all the smoke outside and lent a merry, happy, coy feeling to the Cafe. ll around the middle was overstuffed chairs and couches, coffee and end tables where everywhere for sitting comfortably and relaxing around the fireplaces. over to the left was the actual Cafe where a few assistants that Dean had carefully selected where selling the coffee and food Dean had already prepared. there was a massive display full of the delicious sweet confections that he sold, from cheesecakes to tarts to bon bons and homemade candies. there was an open kitchen behind that so people could see the cooks flipping pancakes, grilling panini's, stirring boiling pots of soup and mixing up bread and stretching taffy.

on the other side was huge bookshelves, massive ones that reached to the ceiling. around the books where the tables where a person could eat, drink, read a book or work on whatever they brought with them. according to the signs, it was perfectly acceptable to choose a book and read it while you where savoring a coffee or eating a lunch. children under the age of ten got a free book for coming into the Cafe and there was a huge corner full of short bookshelves crammed full of children's books, as well as children's toys. blocks, stuffed animals, toy cars and barbies. anything that would entertain a child was there and most of the children already where. up where the children couldn't reach where all the same toys, for sale. that way if a child really liked a certain toy the parent could purchase it, or come in later and get it for a birthday present. over in another corner, half blocked by sound proofing, was the older kids section. there where age friendly movies and games for parties. every single gaming system under the sun was there, from the ancient Atari to the newest PS4, Wii U and Xbox One and even the original Game-boy, Game-boy Color and the 3ds. a sign informed anyone who entered that they could play free of charge so long as they where gentle with the systems. they where also informed that they could buy copies of any games they liked at the front desk. it was an absolute heaven for anyone. already many of the older kids where discussing what game they where going to come in and play and Dean was happily informing the mothers that they could arrange to have play dates anytime, but they had to call ahead so he had time to cater as well as set up a sign that warned other patrons that there was a play date going on. he even happily agreed to let the book club come in once a week for their club meetings. it was a very good day for Dean, though he was constantly keeping an eye on Bailey and the kids. making sure everything was okay.
”I love you to.”Bailey smiled up at him, before sighing a little. “You wont mess it up. You’ve been planning this for two years, and I wont let you fail, like how you didn’t let me fail on the gardening. We’re in this together, Winchester.”She teased a little before nodding, relaxing as he calmed down. “Yea, we can be happy. We deserve that. We’ll be okay, even if the twins make a mess, and I sometimes smell like horse shit, and you have panic attacks, we’ll be okay.”She smiled, teasing him just a little before nodding. “We’re more then alright. We’re good.”She said before standing, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “I know it was. It’s okay. We both have them, after’s okay we have them sometimes.”She said nudging him a little.

Bailey smiled as tehy moved inside, looking amazed as they went in, looking around with wide eyes as the Jensen cuddled against her shoulder, the boy tired and teething, so he usually wanted to cuddle his mama when she was with him. Smiling as jenneifer settled into the play area as Bailey watched verything from her seat in the nearby chair she’d chosen to herself. Smiling slightly at the sight of Sam giving everyone a hand, making sure everyone had what they wanted, or that the kids were happy to play as their parents looked around. All and all, Bailey was utterly glad that the day had turned out perfect, so happy for her mate that this was going exactly how he’d needed.

And it was hours later that things started to die down, patrons coming and going, the kids sent off with Sam and Dmitri to get some dinner and naps. Bailey in turn, was helping out in the kitchen, while she wasn’t the best at cooking, she was looking utterly fascinated as one of the girls helped her make the coffee, she was definitely looking forward to figuring out how everything worked, just so she could help dean out when he needed it, especially in winter when her own business was mostly gone for the season. Looking up a little she smiled at the sight of her best friend talking to her mate, shrugging a little, not to worried about the slightly drunk sheen to Vanessa’s eyes, she’d just have to make sure that teh woman didn’t drive herself home, which would be easy enough if she got Cas to drive her home, since he could get himself home easily enough after.

“This is amazing, really, Dean. Exactly what was needed here in town. It’s good you guys came here.”Vanessa smiled happily as she considered the man in front of her, leaning into him a little as she leaned in to kiss him, drunk enough to not consider her friend, even as she tangled her hands in his hair, forcing the kiss, needy and wanting the hot successful guy to come home with her. “Come home with me.”She panted as she pulled back, looking at her. “Dean?”Bailey had stepped out of the kitchen, not sounding angry, she knew better then that, even with his lips pressed against someone else’s, but worried for him because she knew him. Pulling Vanessa away she growled a quiet silent prayer for the angel, not even surprised when Cas stepped in the door. “You called?” “Get her home would you?”She said shoving vanessa towards Cas, angry now, and hurt by her friend’s actions, but careful to make sure vanessa would get home, despite the woman’s protests that she was okay, that she could stay and flirt with dean all she wanted since they weren't married.
"...i've been planning this since i was six..." he corrected, smiling even more sheepishly. "John used to find little scraps of recipes and sketches for building plans and he'd beat the shit out f me and burn the things. i got really good at hiding them." he admitted. "we do deserve to be happy. us and the twins." he whispered, smiling at her. "we're good. we're going to be fine. it's going to be okay." he mumbled. "we're going to be the best family ever." he mumbled, delighted at how well everything was going as he wiped his flour dusted hands on his apron and looked around at how happy everyone was. this was going t be the center of attention for years to come, he knew. bookies would come to see if they liked the books before they bought them, and those that couldn't afford to buy one wouldn't have to wait in line for months to read it, they could just come in and read a few chapters all they wanted. the kids would come in to play while the parents socialized and had lunch and the teens would come over after school instead of going out and getting into trouble. he even had private rooms for the game sections that the kids could go into with a system to play if they wanted. he didn't even charge them for the service. they could call ahead and book a room, first come first serve, and play with their friends or by themselves. it was going to be amazing.

"Thank you Vanessa. moving here was the best thing Bailey and i have ever done." he admitted with a smile, shaking his head. he was wondering now if the 'adult' bar was a bad idea. there was a bar that served adult drinks behind the kitchen with a small door that you couldn't get into unless the bartender carded you. apparently Vanessa had been hitting it a little too firmly. he moved to catch her, thinking that she was falling when she leaned forward and gasped when her lips crashed into his and he froze, panicking very much. panicking so much that once Bailey saw it, she could probobly feel his panick and terror. "N..No! G-Get off!" Dean gasped when Vanessa asked him to go home with her, scrambling backwards when Bailey pulled her off of him he practically curled into himself, nearly shocked when Crowley and Dmitri crowded around him, protecting him as he struggled to hold back the panic attack. one of Dean's 'carpenter' buddies moved over and helped Cas with Vanessa. his name was Grant and he promised Cas to get her home. being that he was one hundred percent gay with one of Dean's other carpenter buddies, Brett, it wouldn't be a problem. Dean's third carpenter buddy, James, loved teasing them but he was too busy trying to talk Dean out of a panic attack. James, Brett and Grant had all witnessed these before and knew how to help. they'd gotten Dean to Bailey a number of times since Dean had started working on the Cafe with them. they didn't know for sure, but they suspected Dean had been abused, raped at least once and had been tortured. just from things he tended to babble once he was in the middle of a full blown PTSD Flashback or a panic attack.
“Okay...that’s adorable. And even more reason you wont mess it up now.”She said smiling sadly at the idea that even then, john hadn’t been able to support what his son had wanted. “It is going to be fine.”She smiled at him. “I promise, and you know how I am with promises.”She said, she’d move heaven and hell to keep a promise to her family.

“Yes it was.”Vanessa smiled a little at him. Bailey shuddered a little when she saw him, tensing as she felt his panic slamming into her, which made it even worse to have to deal with Vanessa. Growling softly even as she focused on the woman rather then dean. Trusting the others to take care of dean for a moment. “Thanks Grant, Brett. I apperciate it.”Bailey said looking relieved as the two escorted the woman out of the room, tense and watching her go before returning to her mate, watching him for a moment before moving closer, careful not to touch him, not wanting to uspet him even more, he was like her, sometimes touch could make the panic attack worse. “Dean?Dean, it’s me. I’m going to take us home okay?”Bailey said reaching out, to hand her keys to James, “Will you help Dmitri and Crowley lock up and clean up? I got to get him home...”She muttered even though she knew they’d do it. Patting Dean down for a moment as she shoved as much of her feelings at dean as she could, the calm and utter certainty that he was safe, it didn’t always work, but she could help. “Just let Dmitri have the keys, I’ll get them off him tomorrow.”She muttered taking care of the cafe stuff for a moment before moving them towards the cars, getting dean into the impala, leaning in to kiss his forehead before getting them home.

Settling in, fussing over him when they got home, she settled in bed, simply stroking his hair, muttering reassurances, not really sure if he was aware she was there or not yet, willing to do what he needed her to do, but for the moment, simply relaxing with him, petting him, reassuring him. Absently drawing on her hands, elaborate huge pictures of the cafe and fish, and whatever came to her, words of love and lust written in enochian, simply trying to get him to realize he was with her, that he was safe, rather then anywhere else. "Dean, you're safe. I promise. Safe at home, with me."
"no problem. i don't think Vanessa really understands. i'll make sure she does before she sees you again." Brett promised. he was quite protective of Dean. Brett was part of the military too so he understood better than others what Dean went through. "Bailey..." he whimpered. "Bailey's going to be mad at me..." he didn't seam to realize she was there. "i an take care of it. you get him home before he starts telling the whole world." James suggested, heading to the gathered crowd to urge them all to go home. he shivered when she started shoving her emotions at him and he settled a little ad let her touch him and get him into the car. "...Bays?" he asked softly. "she... he kissed me... i didn't know what to do... i was scared. i panicked... why did she do that?" he asked, sounding so hurt. "John used to do that, grab me by the hair and force his...." he swallowed thickly. "why would she do that?" he looked at her, looking so upset. "she knows i'm with you, why would she do that?" he asked. he wondered if he wore short sleeves just the once and they could see their matching 'bonding' tattoos would get the point across that they where mates? should he marry her? he had wanted to ask when the twins where a little older so they could be part of the wedding but maybe she would be better if he asked her now?
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