Blood written(lady/moon)

"you're the one that moved rooms because i was 'too loud'." he pointed out with a smirk before smiling at her. "at least once a week." he agreed, kissing her. "you need at least that, more if i can do it, where you have time to pamper yourself and get a good nights sleep." he admitted. Dean was determined to be the perfect father, that meant taking care of his fiance as well. he would make sure she had time to relax and he didn't have to sleep but every couple of days anyway so he could get up in the nights to care for the babies. he wanted to be just as important to the babies as their mother was. he wanted to to be a partnership instead of him being the 'man' and she be the 'woman'.

"i...i'm sorry! i didn't mean to upset you! i'm sorry!" Dmitri fussed, sounding quite frantic. relaxing when Dean smiled at him and murmured something to him, making the young man nod looking much happier. giggling at Crowley who flushed, crossed his arms and refused to look at any of them even as Dean leaned in and started poking through the massage oils, intending to pick one out to give her a massage later that night. Crowley flushed brightly at the kiss and Dean buried his face into her shoulder to hide his laugh.

"we have one more!" Lisa said, beaming at her. "We all helped!" she admitted. "this is a present from all of us!" she admitted, grunting as she prodded Bruce who smiled and left to go get it, coming back with a massive photo book. in it, was a copy of every picture she'd left at bobbies, every picture of Dean, Sam, Bailey and the others they'd been able to come across and there where many, many unfilled sections for Bailey to fill as she began her new life with Dean and the babies.
“Yea, you were to loud. Not her.”Sam smirked, well aware they were both loud, and teasing them about it, was amusing, cause Bailey blushed so prettily. Teasing them just made bailey smile, and he knew she was happy. “Yea, that would be nice. And you’ll get to take a bath with me every once in awhile. Let the others date to.”She smiled, having every intent of making sure that dean to, took time for just them, without the kids, where they were people, instead of just mom and dad.

“No, it’s okay. Really. Just been awhile...since I pictured her older.”Bailey winced a little at how frantic Dmitri sounded. “You’re okay.”Sam muttered pressing a kiss to dmitri’s hair as he worried, tugging the other back against his chest, as he snickered at crowley’s embarassment. It wasn’t often you got to see the demon out of sorts. “So adorable.”Cas muttered smirking at crowley a little as he leaned back against the table next to him.

“What?But you’ve already given so much....”She muttered looking confused, even as she rested her head against dean’s shoulder, mostly hiding from them, sort of. Tucking herself close to dean, grounding herself, even as she clung to both marshmellow and tank as they sat in her lap. Eyes widening as she looked through the photo book, “Oh...that’s perfect. Thanks everyone.”She sniffled, looking overwhelmed, and the party was definitely crossing that line from ‘perfect’ to ‘to much’. Much like sex, there was emotional lines that she had trouble crossing, and getting this, this much attention and presents were overwhelming. “This was perfect. Really.”
"i can't help it that i'm vocal." Dean huffed. "she gives me a lot to be vocal about." he grumbled before grinning a little at her. "you bet." he agreed. "i like taking baths with you." even if nothing sexual ever happened. bathtub sex was only sexy in theory. "okay."Dmitri said, relaxing even more at her promise that she was really okay, snuggling into Sam with a smile. "shut up or i'll borrow that flogger from Dean and use it on you." Crowley growled at Cas. "but this is special." Lisa admitted with a smile. "and today's the perfect day to give it to you." she admitted with a smile before nodding. "okay! i'm tired and need a nap now." Lisa stated, rubbing her swollen stomach as an excuse for the vanish so Bailey wouldn't feel bad about needing to be left alone. "i have to finish the cake." Dmitri admitted with a smile. "i should go lay down." Dean agreed, snuggling Bailey. "will you take a nap with me?" he asked hopefully. he needed to get her into a calm, quiet area for her to settle into for a while.
“I do.”Bailey hummed looking pleased at the knowledge she pleased her mate, before smiling a little. “Hm, baths are fun. Especially when we use the bubbles.”She smiled because it was. Sexy bathtimes didn’t quite work, water and sex was awkward sometimes, but simply relaxing with him, cuddling in the bath was awesome. “Hmmm, you should probably buy your own toys. I doubt Bailey would appreciate you burrowing hers.”Cas said smirking at his boyfriend. “... Yes. It was perfect.”She agreed resting her hands over the photos, torn between holding it and petting the dogs in her lap. “Rest well. And yell if you need anything.”Bailey smiled watching bruce help lisa out of the room. “I’ll help you with the cake.”Sam grinned as he nudged dmitri, smirking a little as he headed for the kitchen, having every intention of making out with the cook while they waited for the cake to finish. “Yea. Let’s.”She said smiling a little ,as she set the photobook down, leaving everything there, before picking up marshmellow, cuddling the small puppy as they headed for the bedroom. Laughing quietly as the others followed after them. Quiet as she settled into bed, snickering quietly at the quiet whines as the dogs got stuck on the floor. “you better put them up here.”She muttered sighing softly as she curled up under the blankets, and while she hadn’t been avoiding cuddles or sex, it’d been days since she’d really dropped or been calm, so this was good. Settling in with him. Closing her eyes as she settled some. “....we should go out tomorrow.”She offered, because she really hadn’t gotten out for anything but hunts since their date to the aquarium, the idea of leaving the wards had made her a anxious mess at the idea, so she’d made excuses every time the others had wanted to go, or dean wanted to go on a date. She wasn’t handling things nearly as well as everyone thought she was, and she didn’t want to worry them, so she hadn’t said anything.
"Baths are very nice." he agreed. "they're one of my favorite things." and that was true. haing her so close, holding her in the warm water. there was nothing better than just relaxing, talking as they gently washed each other. it was intimate without the need for sex, which honestly, sometimes one, or the other, just wasn't in the mood for. "i have plenty of toys, you just won't let me use them on you." Crowley grumbled, sulking at Cas before watching Bailey wuth the photos, smiling despite himself. "i will. Bruce normally gets me anything i need." she admitted, smiling at Bailey. "we'll see you tonight for cake!" she promised with a smile, Dmitri grinning as he checked on the cake and got the decorations ready. he'd been practicing making and decorating cakes and he thought he was getting pretty good at it.

Dean sighed as he got back up and started hefting the dogs up onto the bed before looking at them all very firmly. "this is for one night only so don't get used to it." he commanded, pleased when they all just yawned and settled in for naps, letting him get in with her and he sighed. "we're going to need a bigger bed." he mumbled to her before smiling at her. "we should." he agreed, giving her a small kiss. "we have to make sure to go somewhere, where there won't be any monsters.... you still like sushi?" he asked curiously. "we could go out for Sushi and a movie, or go out to another restaurant and then go to the local carnival, or... hmmmm." he cocked his head. "i'll think of something." he promised. "happy Birthday love."
"We have all of eternity to use them. Stop being impatient."cas said in that way you knew he was just enjoying teasing ehe demon as merciless ad crowley had teased him. Amused that crowley couldn't not smile at the sight of a happy bailey. It was adorable."right. I'll be back for cake, no worries."

Bailey snickered at his words, smiling as she absently petted wyverns head as the Ridgeback cuddled against her side."you think you'll convince them not to be in bed with us? I don't think you're strong enough to resist. I'm mourning our sex life right now."she teased giggling a little. Kissing him back as she nodded."right. No monsters this time."she agreed before nodding."yea I do. Sushi and a movie. Can't remember last time I went to the movies...."she smiled relaxing into him, thanks. This was a good birthday."she said settling now that they were alone and no one but dean was focusing on her. Yawning as she settled in for her nap. Knowing they'd get up in awhile for cake and probably a movie, but for now, she was okay
"i'm a Demon. we're supposed to be impatient." Crowley huffed even if he was smiling a little at the idea of having Castiel for eternity. he was very much enjoying being in love again. after so long as a demon, he had forgotten that he could feel normal emotions. being with Cas was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

"i don't think i am either but a man can hope right?" he asked, smiling at her. "i'm sure we can make the others puppy sit when we want to have fun, or just shut the door." he mused with a smile and a shake of his head before smiling at her. "Sushi and a movie sounds perfect. we can go watch that new movie everyone's been fussing about, Civil War i think it's called." he mused, smiling at her. "i'm glad you liked it. it was a bit overwhelming i think. everyone's been worried so they went abt overboard." he admitted, stroking her hair. "do you want to talk about it or would you rather ust snuggle?" he asked softly, willing to do whatever she wanted.
"You can."she agreed smiling at him."true. We could...though if we just shut them out, we might have a soundtrack of howling to sex."she giggled a little."yea that's what sam was talking about. We'll go see it."she said before going quiet. "Yea they went a little overboard. Though seeing cas and crowley jn a sex shop would have been amusing....sammy to."she muttered before shifting to lay in her back as she looked up at the man curled up beside her. A gentle soft look in her eyes as she considered him. This man, who she'd thought she'd lost, that she'd never have again. That the hunter whore would never have happiness, and she had so much now that she was afraid to trust it. The man that had changed everything, had helped her start to see herself better. Who she trusted more then anyone, so...she shrugged a little. She hadn't wanted to upset him the past few weeks, but looking at him, she knew she had. "....I havent...celebrated my birthday since the last time I celebrated with you."and wasn't that sad. It'd been a simple hoho cake they'd swiped from the gas station because John hadn't let them leave his sight long enough to do anything else, and a good zippo lighter, which she still had, because a hunter always needed a good lighter. "...even after I went home to Lawrence....none of the women I talked to...had cared enough to....I dunno. This was just alot."she shrugged shifting, pressing her face against his chest, mostly hiding, grounding herself
"that's true but it's better than being watched." he pointed out with a chuckle before he smiled at her. "you've been so sad and withdrawn for the last week, can you really blame them?" he asked softly. "they love you, they want you to be happy." he admitted. "we all want each other to be happy. you should see what Sam's been planning for Dmitri's birthday. can you believe that Little idiot has completely forgotten his birthday is next week? according to Sam, he always forgets. it's hilarious." Dean admitted with a chuckle. "so we're planning a surprise party. Bruce said he's hoping that Dmitri gets scared so bad when we yell 'surprise' that he pisses himself. which is also hilarious." he admitted with a snigger. "....also, i've learned that if the door is closed, don't go in... i saw more of Bruce's ass than i ever wanted." he admitted. "did you know he and Lisa are screwing like rabbits? i didn't. I'm half blind now." trying to make her laugh.

"really? it's been that long?" Dean asked, sounding surprised before grimacing a little. "i remember that. i got my ass tanned for stealing a hoho and swiping some punks zippo lighter for you." he admitted. "it was totally worth it... it's the only birthday i ever remember celebrating, sept Ben's." he admitted. "i got Lisa a card for her birthday but we didn't actually celebrate it." he admitted. "it was a shock, when i found out Dmitri was prepping a small party for you." he admitted. "i don't normally think about things like that because i've never had them." he admitted before smiling at her. "i'm glad that we celebrated. you deserve it." he admitted, kissing her gently.
"True."she snickered a little before sithing quietly. Not really wanting to talk about it, because she knew he'd be upset and angry with the world for it."I know...I'm trying to do better....but..."she shrugged."my birthday and everything else just got to me..."she sighed even if she knew she should tell him John still was alive somehow, she couldnt. Not when it'd hurt him."seriously?that's awesome. Well have to get him a equally perverted present then. Sam deserves payback for getting me a vibrator. And a pens watergun."she giggled happy and relaxed with him before laughing out loud."I know yes. And just be glad you didn't walk in on cas giving a blow job. I did that....learned to knock on doors. It's a good thing to remember to do around here."she snickered

" has...just...never had anyone to do it with, and it was sad doing it by myself."she shrugged before wincing."I know. We both did...but it was totally worth it."she agreed yaening, calmer now that she'd told him, settling in for a nap."'ll have to forgive me if I forget anniversaries or birthdays or that normal couple stuff....I never had it. Even my parents didn't celebrate theirs, so....normal stuff is beyond me mostly.....good thing we have sam. He can remind us."she smiled kissing him, "now get some sleep. I have a feeling it's gonna be a late night."
He nodded. "me too. we're all trying to do what we can to be better." he agreed with a smile. "it's not something we can just, do in a day though." he pointed out. "even now, i still... someties, not often now but sometimes, i go in the bathroom and i look at my shaving razor. i never do it, but sometimes i still think about it. i might always think about it." he admitted. "but we get better." he promised softly. "if i can do it, so can you." he pointed out with a smile. "we'll be there together, for each other, aways. for Eternity." he promised. "it is awesome and i agree. we need to get him something filthy, like one of those five foot long gag cocks at the stores." he mused. "or something. i dunno, i'm not good at pranks like that, you think of something." he ordered playfully before snickering. "he's going to regret it when i fill that thing with cream soda and go after him with it." he teased before blanching at the idea of catching Cas and Crowley going at it, making an aborted gagging sound while trying to hide the laughter that wanted to bubble up.

"i can understand that." he admitted, smiling softly at her. "only if you forgive me too. i never cared about holidays or birthdays. i only did them for Sammie's sake." he admitted. "he was always really into things like that. just wait until Christmas hits and you'll see, he's nuts for the blasted crap fest." he admitted, making a face. she knew better than anyone just why Dean hated Christmas. t was a holiday of false hope and pathetic dreams. it was a let down and he had grown sick and tired of it years and years ago. maybe this year, he could have what he'd always wanted most. Bailey, a stable life, a home.
“Yea...A day at a time.”She muttered, sighing softly, before wincing a little at his words. Nuzzling him a bit. “I think we’ll always think about it. What hurts, what addictions you gave up. But we have each other. We’ll be okay.”She smiled kissing him before grinning. “Hm, maybe a cock gag. Or something utterly filthy. I’ll think on it.”She said grinning a little, laughing at the idea of him chasing sam down with cream soda. Giggling a little at the sight of him paling at the idea of catching cas and crowley.

“I think I can forgive you. I mean, great sex usually follows, I hear. Make up sex.”She teased a little before snorting. “He would be. You protected him, he got to keep being excited about that stuff.”She smiled before wincing a little. “Damn. Okay. Well, we’ll have babies by christmas this year, so it’s okay. It’ll be fun.”She said nuzzling him a little, sighing as she kissed him. Settling in to sleep. Content and relaxed. And looking forward to the date the next day.
he smiled at her a little. "yeah. i think it's supposed to get better with time." he admitted. "but there hasn't been a whole lot of time yet so i guess we'll just have to see." he admitted before laughing wildly at the idea of a cock gag. "and some of those vibrator panties! the ones with the wireless remote so Sam can turn it on and off!" he decided with a snigger. "and body paint. sounds quite fitting don't you think?" he asked looking amused. before grinning at the thought of filling the penis squirt gun with sticky soda and making his brother suffer. "that's what i've heard. too bad we're boh too perfect to fightm right?" he asked with a grin. "god... we will have babies." he whispered, sounding both elated and horrified by the idea. "what if they don't like me?" he had mostly gotten over the idea of being a bad father. now he was just frantic that he wasn't going to be good enough, or that the babies would hate him, or that he'd not get to be there for them for some reason. he was paranoid and it was kind of cute. "g'night Bay's. sleep well." he murmured, kissing her cheek.
“It will. But really, as long as it seems, simply cause everything keeps happening, but it’s not been that long.”She muttered sighing softly. Grinning as she nodded. “Indeed. We’ll get them all that. And quite fitting.”She agreed snorting a little at the idea of him squirting sam. “Hmmm. I’m sure we’ll find something to fight over.”She muttered nuzzling him a little before snorting. “We will.”She agreed, sighing quietly. “I’d be more worried about what you’re going to do when they love you and refuse to leave your side for a moment, rather then you being hated.”She muttered rolling her eyes a little, because she found him adorable like this. “Night.”She muttered

The next night Bailey sighed softly as she squirmed into her jeans and sweater, tugging her hair back up in that messy ponytail she knew Dean loved before sliding her knee high boots on. Making sure both weapons and holy water and salt were where they were supposed to be. As much as she didn’t want it to be a hunt, she refused to go anywhere without being armed. Looking herself over again before heading out to find her finacee and check in with everyone else before they left.
"It hasn't been long at all." he agreed. "it feels like years though, since we got back together. time seams to slow down when i'm with you, like it will never end. i like it." he admitted with a smile before laughing a little. "we'll have to come up with something just to have the make up sex." he decided happily before looking very pleased. "i don't think I'd mind that." he admitted, sounding so very wistful. "i think you're going t be the best mommy ever." he admitted.

Dean was in the bathroom, trying to brush down his cowlick with no success. he jerked, surprised when Dmitri raced into the room so fast he actually bounced off the door first. "Lisa's collapsed!" Dmitri gasped, sounding frantic. "Bruce is taking her to the hospital but Cas won't let him take her there through that funny vanishing thing they do because it could hurt the babies! she's really sick! we have to go!" Dmitri said, looking so panicked Dean feared he was going to have to smack the kid so he'd calm down a little.
“Okay. You have to calm down now.”Sam said striding in moments after his mate, bodily picking the man up and tossing him over his shoulder, hoping the sudden movement would startle him into calming down. “What?”Bailey looked upset and worried when she rounded the corner, already moving past them to run for the garage, looking a little amused though at the sight of cas and bruce getting lisa settled into the backseat of the impala, with cas holding her gently, the angel trying to do what he could. “Go. Take her. Me and sam will be right behind you. We’ll grab clothes and the go bags. Go.”Bailey ordered shoving Dean’s shoes into his hand and the car keys, though sam knew she was panicking herself, she was holding it together impressively well, because the people who depended on her, needed her to.
Dmitri did indeed cal down, stunned into silent shock, staring at Dean and Bailey with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. Lisa was as pale as paper and her skin was cold even if there was a sheen of sweat across her brow. she was as limp as a rag doll in Cas's hands and while he could mostly help with the fever, there was little else he could do for her crashing system. "But... But..." Dean spluttered, torn between wanting to stay with Bailey and needing to check on Lisa before he pressed his lips to Baileys and leaped into the car, not even bothering with his shoes. they where soon squealing away, leaving Bruce and Sam with Bailey to follow with the clothes and medical information. it wasn't long before they where storming the hospital, though Dean was the one who talked to the doctors. explaining that she had Aids, was pregnant and had collapsed. it wasn't long before they where working on her, leaving the worried group in the waiting room.
“Go.I’ll be fine. And I’ll come with sam.”Bailey said looking worried and upset, well aware that dean didn’t want to go without her. Kissing him back before watching him go. Knowing dean would care if they all came, but for him, when he was upset, dean needed her and sam to be really calm. When they got to the hospital she let Sam cuddle dean, the moose leaning clsoe to his squirrel, even as bailey paced. Looking up when her phone rang. “Hello?”Bailey muttered wandering away, frowning slightly, “But...Lisa’s in the hospital....dammit.”She muttered looking stressed as she turned away to hide from dean, muttering quietly. Lowering her voice to not let the others hear.
"okay." he whispered to her, glad that one of them was holding it together. he was pretty sure he had finally gotten Bailey to see that Lisa was not a love interest anymore. that Lisa had firmly lodged herself into the 'big sister' roll. sure they 'flirted' sometimes but Dean was always quick to back down because it made him feel weird and awkward. they had tried to be partners, but it just hadn't worked out. the sex had been nice too but Dean knew now, what he had been missing from it. the trust, the power exchange, the belonging he had with Bailey was everything he ever had, and ever would need. still, to see Lisa so pale and still, it was hard not to stroke her face and kiss her, hoping that maybe she was just pulling a Cinderella. or was that sleeping beauty? he always got them mixed up. he was just glad Sam was there, Sam was always there when he needed him the most, he leaned against him, swallowing thickly and watched Bailey answer the phone, Dmitri squeaking as he also answered Sam's phone, scuttling away. he'd been using Sam's phone a lot in the last month or so, making a surprise, or so he informed Sam. he was back within the minute, looking flustered but fine. he'd clearly cut the call short so he wouldn't bother Dean while Lisa was so sick.
Bailey smiled a little because she had indeed started to accept lisa as her own little sister. Someone to look after, and take care of, even if she was the same age, bailey looked after her. As if, by simply not being a hunter, for bailey it meant she needed looked after. So seeing her like this, when there was nothing he could do, freaked her out. Looking up at dmitri answered the phone, twisting to not look at the others. Sounding vaguely annoyed even though the words were muffled. Returning in a few minutes, she looked strained as she knelt down in front of dean, hands resting on his thighs even as she picked his pocket and took his phone, having every intention of giving it to crowley, even though she’d told the others not to call him. Resting her hands on his thighs she squeezed lightly, for once the low level sexual attraction she always felt, muted as she focused on other things. “Dean?I have to go. Bobby needs help. You stay here with Sam okay?”While it was a all hands on deck, and she knew she really needed the winchesters, because there was no one else she’d rather have on a witch hunt, she wouldn’t ask it of them. “Dean. Look at me.”She said looking upset and worried, not wanting to leave, but she had to.
Dean stared at her, looking so horrified, so paranoid at the idea of her going out that it was almost heart breaking and his hands curled around hers, holding tight and refusing to let go. "Bobby's in trouble?" he demanded. "Bobby would never ask you to come in, knowing Lisa's in the hospital. not unless it was a world ending emergency." Dean said, his Hunter kicking in full force. "what's going on?" he demanded of her. "you're not leaving without us. we'll leave Dmitri and Bruce here, they're the best to take care of Lisa, and we'll go help Bobby. Lisa would want us to."
Bailey winced a little at the look on his face, that had been what she wanted to avoid, upsetting him this much. “Yea he is.”Bailey sighed softly, wincing as she realized she wasn’t going to be able to talk herself out of this. Not without taking more time. “Bailey.”Sam frowned at her, shifting to hunter mode, and knowing the girl was trying to weasel her way out of telling them. “What is it?”He growled quietly, straightening, already searching for the weapons he had on him, make sure it was there, he never went unarmed, and knew didn’t either. Not to mention the arsenal out in the impala. “Witches have declared war on heaven, they’re using angel souls to power a spell. Apparently it’s going badly, because they’re killing anyone who gets close to them, not just the angels and their hosts.”Bailey muttered. “They’re in five different towns, across the state. There’s not enough hunters who are strong enough to cover it without us.” “Well. We better go then.”Sam said standing, leaning down to kiss dmitri, muttering quietly before heading out. Already calling cas and crowley, knowing the demon and angel could help to. “You take care of yourself. And stay with Sam.”Bailey said looking at Dean worriedly. “I’ll head to sioux falls, me and bobby will clean up there. You head to lawerence with sam. Cas and crowley can take reno, and ellen is taking the town near the bar. We’ll meet up at the roadhouse, okay?”She said staying in control and calm, because dean needed her to be.
"Dean growled a little at her, not liking that she was trying to keep things from him only to hiss infury at the idea of someone other than him pissing with the Angels. he was the only one allowed to do that! "let's go." he ordered, getting to his feet before hesitating, looking at her, terrified that f he left her she woul be kidnapped again before brushing it off. she was strong, powerful in her ow right. if she was kidnapped again he'd go and get her and that was only if she didn't beat the shit out of the kidnappers herself. feeling reassured he kissed her happily and gave her a smile. "be safe." he ordered softly, letting her go to Bobby. Bobby would watch her back where he couldn't. "Roadhouse it is." he agreed, watching her leave before getting into the car with Sam and hit the gas. they where in Lawrence faster than should actually have been possible, but Dean fully refused to admit that he used his Demon Voodoo to get them there sooner. it wasn't much harder to wipe out the witches, even if he was cursing many, many hours later as he tried to wash fluids out of his hair. "i fucking hate witches! they're always spitting their bodily fluids everywhere! it's disgusting!" Dean complained from inside the bathroom at the hotel they'd booked for the few hours they'd be there. "And they set my shirt on fire Sam!" he complained because for once, he'd neglected to keep spare clothes in the Impala, which meant he was shirtless. "you ready to go to the Roadhouse?"stupid Sam had hogged the shower first, so he was already clean.
Bailey winced a little at the growl, even though she knew why he’d done it, and why she hadn’t wanted to tell him, but she stood her ground. Dean didn’t frighten her, even when he was pissed, she knew he wouldn’t hurt her. Sighing quietly as he hesitated. “We can’t all go together. And you and sam work better as a team then we do.”While her and dean could work together, with something this big, they couldn’t. Because they’d be more focused on each other then the problem. Kissing him lightly. “You to.”She said sliding into the driver’s seat, junior roaring out of the parking lot moments after dean.

“It is disgusting. And it’s always you who seems to get the worst of it.”Sam scowled as he listened to dean bitch, growling annoyed as he took a knife to the long locks, as much as he hated cutting it, dealing with the nasty shit in it wasn’t worth it. By the time Dean got out, the nearly shoulder length hair was barely touching the top of his ears, his hair cut as close to a buzz cut as he’d get without actually having a razor. “Hmmm, but Bailey’ll apperciate this sight.”Sam teased a little as he saw dean pull on his jeans, “Besides, she’ll probably have a shirt of yours in junior. You get naked it in it enough.”sam teased as he pulled on his boots, nodding. “yea. Let’s go.”Sam grinned, his relief at knowing everyone had come through okay, the others had checked in, bitched about witches, before retreating to their own hotel rooms for showers.

Looking amused as he settled at a table, he smirked slightly as he gestured towards dean with his beer, he sipped it a little. “You know, you should go out like this all the time. I think you nearly caused a few wrecks on our way in.”he teased his marked brother, amused because besides the demon marks,he could also see what had to have been bailey waiting for bobby to finish his shower so they could leave, if the book she’d written of sexual acts to be committed when she saw him again was anything to go by. The fact that she hadn’t washed it off though she was probably nearly at the bar said she was just looking to make her mate squirm. “Now, there’s a sight you don’t see every day. Finest piece of ass Winchester said he ever had. A whore’d who put out for anyone who paid enough.” The growled words from a table a few tables away, and the brothers were blocked form view since they were in a booth, so Sam was curious to see who they were thinking dean would demean that way, and how long until dean took offense. Before glancing at the hunters sitting at the table, he frowned a little. Well. Maybe he’d mistaken which winchester they’d been talking about, since they were closer to John’s age rather then Dean’s, even if he couldn’t imagine his brother ever saying that about anyone, it’d been his first assumption on hearing Winchester.

Frowning a little as he shifted to see who they were talking about, he paled rapidly as he saw who’d stepped in the door and was half turned away, and he really, really hoped he was wrong about who it was. Not only because it confirmed every fear he’d ever had about john winchester, but because this was going to end bloody. The fact that it was obvious bailey was nursing sore ribs and a twisted ankle, along with her own ripped and barely together clothes, though she’d managed to actually keep them mostly together unlike dean, she was definitely looking a little ragged. “You’d think the whore would try and dress better if she was coming in to pick up a real hunter.” Oh yea, no this wasn’t going to end well if they were just going to write her off as a piece of ass, rather then someone who would and could kick their asses.
Dean choked, hocked by the sight of his brother. "dude. you just butchered your hair!" he protested, shaking his head. "that's messed up man, totally messed up." he shook his head a little before chuckling a little at the idea of Bailey being pleased to see him. he had to dodge a few question from the other hunters, it helped that Ellen new everything and she could send the other hunter away with a stern look. Dean was more than a little drunk when Bailey finally showed up. everyone kept buying him drinks and he was drinking them without really noticing. he was more than eager for Bailey to get there, every time a new message showed up he wriggled in his seat. Dmitri had informed Sam to take his time, that Lisa and Bruce where till there at the hospital and that Lisa hadn't woken up yet. so Dean was already on edge when the man said something. he was on his feet before he even realized Bailey was there.

"What the fuck did you call me?!" he demanded, advancing on the man who had been sitting too close. "What the FUCK did you say about me?! you think it's Funny that John was a filthy pedo who liked to fuck little kids?! huh?!" he demanded before sucking in a deep breath when he realized it hadn't been him that they had been taking about, but Bailey. he saw red, his eyes flicking to black and he let out a sound of Rage, grabbing the man around the neck and started screaming at him. "You think it's funny tht John Winchester took advantage of a hurt little girl whose parents where killed because of him?!" he demanded, slamming the man into the wall. "you think that it's funny that my eight birthday present was a beating for not giving him a good enough time!? HUH!?" he demanded, flinging the man away when two other Hunters, John' precious buddies. some of them had even enjoyed Dean themselves.

one of the smarter hunters had done the smart thing and had retreated into a corner and was trying to exorcise Dean. Gods Words where only making the word Dean was screaming at them all even worse. letting them know jut how sick John, and ome of their fellow hunters really where before finish it off with. "John Winchester was such a sick bastard. that he struck a deal with the very same Demon that slaughtered his wife, to be a Demon. made the Deal to push Sam and me both into being such suicidal, passive wrecks that i would be the Archangel Micheal's Vessel, and Sam would be the Archangel Lucifer's. such suicidal wrecks that we would simply offer our bodies up so that we could bring about the End Times. John Winchester made us open the Hellmouth, make us monsters and you know what? he damn fucking near succeeded." Dean looked around the room, three men where dead. they had fucked him when he was too young, too small, too broken to fight back. there where five wounded, trying to fight him, trying to kill him for being a demon. three more knocked out, they had only been trying to stop him from slaughtering the others. four where watching, not fighting back because they knew and trusted Dean and one guy in the corner was still trying to drive the Demon out of him.

you could see the second it happened. the second Dean broke more than he could handle. broke more than could be fixed. his eyes went back to being human but they where vague, unfocused. he swayed in place and he huddled as if protecting the shattered bits of his soul. he turned, not seaming to notice anything and headed for the front door even as the man reading the scripture shut up, realizing it wasn't doing anything. Dean stepped onto the Devil's trap laid onto the floor and as soon as his foot touched it, it burst into flames, the smell of sulfur filling the air as the Devils trap became permanently marred into the floor, not that Dean noticed. he just kept going, hit the pavement and vanished. "well that was bloody Scary as hell." Crowley muttered from the back door where there was a devils trap Cas could scuff out and relay for him. "where is he going?" Crowley wondered, looking over at Cas.
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