Blood written(lady/moon)

“And I have been handling my own share of a war, Guardian! They were safe here. The wards were strong.”Cas said sounding angry and frustrated himself because he hadn’t checked in with them because he had trusted that the wards would hold for however long it was they were gone. He’d planned on checking today. Paling a little when he realized Crowley wasn’t coming. Now that was seriously worrying, considering the man had showed up in the middle of a shower before. “Yes, I think it is.”Sam stared looking pale and worried, hoping that the distraction of a dragon was keeping them busy, though he doubted it. Getting out of the car even before it was all the way stopped he barely noticed the brush of the wards around him, before pausing, smelling the sulfur and hellfire even before Cas could open his mouth. “Where are they?” “Not here. Probably not for a few days, there’s spoiled food in the kitchen that was left out. I was just preparing to start searching. Crowley is not answering either.”Cas said
"They should have been." The Guardian sighed, shaking his head. "Demetrius's wards are powerful and strong. only if they had left could they have been abducted." The Guardian agreed. "why would they leave? that is what i cannot understand." He admitted before turning to look at the boys as they came out, Dean paling as he realized Lucifer most likely had Bailey and Crowley wasn't answering. "fuck. fuck. Fuck!!!" Dean snarled, racing into the bunker, pausing when he stepped on the Ceremonial blade and bent down to grip it, Cas's Angel Blade and the scant feathers that Dmitri had ripped out of Sora's wing. "there where angels here..."
“.....Only if they knew whoever it was. Bailey would have known not to trust a familiar person simply because a friend....Dmitri isn’t a hunter. He wouldn’t have considered it.”Cas frowned a little as he looked at the wards, because it was the only thing that made sense. That it had happened before Bailey had time to realize what was going on, following the boys inside as sam raced in after dean. Frowning as he looked at the blade, “A angel they knew. Or at least in someone they did....”San nyttered looking pale and shaken as looked at the bloody angel blade. “Bailey got a piece of them.”Sam muttered looking at the bloody blade, even if he knew it would mean nothing with lucifer, but she’d gotten a piece. “I can track the angels....”cas muttered takign the feathers, paling as he touched them. He knew this angel, knew who she worked for. “Guardian, I would request your help in retrieving Dmitri.”Cas said looking up at the dragon, willing to do anything and everything to take the broken look off of sam’s face, wincing as he looked at dean. Because he could track the angels, he couldn’t find bailey as easily. He’d spring dmitri before they went after the harder one. Because he was scared they wouldn’t survive going after bailey, and he wanted to save at least one of them. Without crowley, taking a run at lucifer, in hell, was a suicide run.
The Guardian sighed. "Demetrius does not have many friends." The Guardian admitted. "But if a Demon or an Ange where to possess one of his friends, or one of his parents he would not hesitate to allow them entrance at their asking." the Guardian admitted. "I apologize to you, Angel of the Lord. I should not have taken my rage and worry out on you." he admitted before turning to look at Sam and Dean, following them through the wards as if they didn't exist, bending low to fit through the door, shrinking until he was barely the size of a large boa constrictor, instead of miles long as he had been before. it meant he took up a lot less space, though he didn't look any less imposing and frightening. "I will aid you." The Guardian agreed, looking at Dean who looked shattered. "i am sorry, i can do nothing to fetch your chosen life mate." he apologized. "Dmitri is a brilliant mind, he more than anyone will certainly have an idea of how to save your Mate." he promised, turning to Cas. "please, lead the way." Dean just choked off a heartbroken wail as he collapsed, he had lost Bailey. he had lost her! she was his one reason for being a better man! oddly, this did not drive him to try and drink, get drugs or even cut. he just curled up on the floor and did the healthy thing. he screamed, and cried, wailed and let it all out. because Bailey wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
“And probably before Bailey had a chance to see if they were really them.....dammit.”Cas cursed softly, shaking his head. Waving off the apology. “It is okay, Guardian. I have similarly yelled at friends when I was worried.”He said looking at the boys, looking a little fascinated as he watched the dragon shrink down. That was pretty cool really. “We’ll retrieve Dmitri, and he’ll know how to track her. Or Crowley, Crowley’s probably with her. We’ll just have to hope he can keep her safe until we can get them.”Cas muttered squeezing Dean’s arm, looking pale and shaken as he took the feathers, hating to leave dean like this but knowing they had to, “We’ll be right back. Promise.”Sam muttered kissing his brother’s head before letting cas disappear the guardian and him. Tense and worried as he looked at the warehouse, frowning a little, knowing they were probably being reckless, but he could feel the wards in place, and....pausing long enough to draw a little horse and knight on his hand, a quiet simple way to hpefully let dmitri know they were on their way. Looking up at the guardian cas tilted his head. “Can you pull the wards down?I can, but it will cause more explosions and angels arriving then I think we want.”
"most likely. Demetrius is highly impulsive."the Guardian admitted with a sigh. "this is the first time his life has ever been truly in danger. i do not think he understands yet, that that Hell hounds that attacked him where truly trying to kill him." the Guardian admitted before offering Cas a snort. "i am young, for a guardian. my elders would smack me for such crass behaviors." he admitted calmly. "Demetrius may very well already know where she is. he can utilize the time streams the easiest while painting but that does not mean he cannot use them on his own. it is difficult for him, but he can do it." The Guardian admitted before leaving with Cas, feeling bad that they couldn't help Dean yet. "...i can take them down." he finally said. "i'll have to get into my human form however." he admitted with a sigh, shrinking and shivering and turning into. Bruce?! "do not stop me. this form is merely a physcal representation of myself. it won't hurt and it won't kill me." he assured them both. "may i borrow your angel blade?" the Guardian asked, thanking Cas as it was handed over. Bruce cut open the veins on his arms from wrist to elbow before either of them could stop home and he raised his bleeding arms, collecting a sphere of blood about the size of a basket ball. once he felt he had collected enough the wounds on his arms sealed shut again and he flung the gloopy ball of blood into the wards, watching them spark, sizzle and then MELT. soon there was a large enough hole for them to pass through. "after you." Bruce said, looking amused at the looks on their faces.
“Where everyone and everything has been trying to kill bailey and dean for years. Makes them more cautious.”Cas muttered, because while he knew sam had excellent instincts, they weren’t as sharp as dean’s, as trained, simply for the fact that he’d gotten out and gone to college before he’d really started hunting. “Good. See, dean, we’ll find here.”Sam muttered worried as they left. “....Dmitri’s going to kill you.”Sam muttered staring at the man as he watched CAs hand over the blade, staring at the words, anxious and worried as the watched the man bleed, but not interrupting. Staring at the wards he grinned. “Now that, would be handy.”He said walking in, pausing at the utter silence. Fear tightening his stomach. Was dmitri already dead? Tense as they walked into the main room, he stared at the pictures around him, trying to figure out where the angel guards were, or what was going on. Feeling utterly lost. This wasn’t what he’d expected when he’d gotten here.
"That sounds like an accurate statement." the Guardian admitted with a nod, sighing as he watched Dean and Sam. Dean didn't react to Sam, he was too busy breaking down. "Dmitri already knows." Bruce stated simply. "he kept it a secrete as i was not yet convinced you could be trusted." Bruce admitted. "i know now that you can be, but please keep it to yourselves." Bruce ordered before smiling at Sam. "i think you could be trusted with some of my blood." he admitted. "Guardian Blood makes damn good wards as well." he admitted. "i will need time to recover again, but i'll lay my own wards over the Bunker as well." he promised, moving into the room, looking around before he started to laugh and nudged Cas, pointing to the biggest painting in the room. Sam probobly wouldn't get it, but Cas would. it was a picture of an Angels True Form, or as close as a painted picture could get. only it was dead, and Micheal. "i do think our sweet Dmitri has handled himself very well." "hey guys." Dmitri said from where he was sitting in a chair. his hands where free but his hips and ankles where tied in place, keeping him in the chair so he couldn't escape. in theory anyway.
“Ah. Good.”Sam muttered relaxing at the idea that they wouldn’t have to worry about telling dmitri, and not in the least offended about not being trusted. Even with the months they’d been together, sam hadn’t told dmitri everything, to worried about scaring him off. “We will.”He promised. “....Good. It would be nice to have good wards.”he muttered already mentally planning the wards as he looked around. Cas stared, before starting to laugh, shaking his head a little. “Yes, I think he has. That would be a pleasant future to see.”He agreed looking at sam’s confused glance. “A dead michael.”Cas said as sam crossed the room to cut dmitri free. “Hey. So you ready to go?We have a problem we need your help on, if you can tell us where she and Crowley are.”Sam said already starting to cut the ropes free, worried about how dmitri would handle knowing bailey had been taken to. “Bailey’s not here right?”he said, just wanting to make sure, even if he knew bailey was with lucifer, it was just a bone deep feeling.
"stop thinking about it. i will lay the wards outside the wards you have already set. no one with ill intentions will be able to get to the blood wards and if they do the Guardian wards will shrink, keeping them trapped inside the limiting ward." the one that stopped angels and demons from just 'poofing' in or out. "Dmitri what have you gotten yourself into?" Bruce asked, Dmitri shrugging. "the bigbrute didn't want to hurt me because i can do future voodoo so i just did what he told me to." Dmitri admitted. "he tortured Sora... it scared me." he admitted, clinging to Sam, burying his face in the others shoulder. "i'm sorry. i can't find her. i've been looking and looking but Lucifer has her shielded... i do know that Crowley is there, he's hurt bad but he's there, waiting for a chance to get to her." he admitted. "oh Sam, Lucifers hurt her so bad!" Dmitri wailed, breaking down into tears because he couldn't help her and he had been so frightened. "you go and get Dean calmed down." Dmitri suggested to Cas. "i know where i'm going now, i can get these two hoe once D's calmed down."
Sam blushed smiling a little."thanks."he said letting the thoughts go the moment he saw dmitri. "Well, I think he got more then he wanted. Though hopefully he's learned his lesson about kidnapping my mate."sam said for once there was a sharp and cold edge to his voice, his own fear for dmitri and bailey translating into the side that spoke to lucifer, the utter ruthless moose. "I know it did. I'm sorry I wasn't here for you."sam muttered rubbing the others back, trying to make him feel better before flinching. He'd been hoping it wouldn't be that."it's okay. We'll find her."he muttered because he had a idea how to get lucifer away long enough to let crowley get her, but no one was going to like it."we'll heal her. As long as she's alive, we can."sam muttered not even noticing when cas left.

"Dean?it's cas."cas muttered kneeling in front of the man."dmitri confirmed baileys still alive, and crowley's getting her. I need you to pull it together okay?we're going to need you to look after her."cas said refusing to look closely at the fear that tightened his chest at the idea of crowley being hurt."I think sammy got a plan."
"yeh. he had to tell me to shut up a lot." Dmitri admitted, looking very smug. "i don't know but i think he has." Dmitri admitted. "i painted a lot of things for him, but none of it was useful for him, i made sure of it... can i keep the stuff he got for me? it's really good stuff." he admitted. "it's okay." he whispered. "Sora was.... she kidnapped me... i didn't... i didn't even stop to question why she was there..." he mumbled, shaking his head. "i was so stupid..." he admitted before looking up at Sam, looking devastated. "it's all my fault Bailey's being hurt. if i had just used my brain..." he sniffled. "She'll never forgive me for this."

Dean looked up at Cas from where he had remained on the floor, curled up in a little ball to keep himself from going on a tear through the bunker looking for drugs or alcohol. "Crowley's got Bailey?" Dean asked, his voice a croak from all the screaming he'd done. "Sam's got a plan?" he asked, slowly uncurling now that he had a task that needed to be doing. now that he could help save Bailey.
"I'm sure he did. You do sorta talk alot, but I enjoy it."he said rubbing the others back because he just couldn't stop touching him. "Good. ....and yes. Well take it with us. You deserve it."he muttered relaxing, struggling to keep his feelings under control."I know....not stupid. Just trusting, D. No fault for that ..."though he was sure dean was going to have words about that. He was going to have words with his brother if he upset dmitri more then he already was."bailey is a hunter. She would have gone after anyone in trouble. Don't blame yourself."he muttered sighing softly."she'll forgive you...noe if you're feeling calm. We need to get back. I have to tell him the plan and get bailey back...."

"Yea. Crowley's with bailey, and is trying to get her back. That's all dmitri could tell, and she's hurt dean, bad he said. But she is alive."cas said knowing better then to lie about how lucifer would have been treating lucifer. Wincing at the sound of the others voice, it hurt to hear."yea I think sams got a plan. You up to helping us?"he said.
"i do talk a lot, it's fun." Dmitri admitted. "and he didn't get too mad really." ha mumbled, happily snuggled into Sam, just too glad to have his lover back that he couldn't stop touching. "okay..." he mumbled, smiling as Bruce simply set about gathering everything, including the paintings, shoving everything into what appeared to be empty air, only every time he did that, it vanished. Dmitri watched him for a moment before looking at Sam. "he can put things 'between' realities. it's like the biggest storage system ever." he admitted with a sigh before shaking his head. "i should have known better." he mumbled before nodding. "okay. as soon as Bruce is done." "done." Bruce pomised, shoving the last few items into his 'in-between' space before looking at a very nice watch left behind. "this is mine now." Bruce decided making Dmitri snort.

"okay..." Dean said. if Crowley was there, then Bailey had a chance and that was what mattered the most. his life mate was alive. his Bailey was alive and he was going to get her back! with that thought in mind he surged with life again, bursting with energy and snarled, a sound he hadn't made since he had been a Demon. his eyes remained their clear color though and he didn't rush off. "What's the plan?" Dean demanded, his eyes holding only fury and rage. Lucifer wouldn't be likely to survive this encounter.
"I'm sure."sam smiled a little kissing the others head, looking fascinated as h3 watched bruce shove the things into space before smiling a little."that's awesome. Wonder if cas has a similar thing..."he muttered wondering if all supernatural powerhouses had a similar talent."well, you can help dean doctor her, as repayment. And you won't do something like this again, so you learned a lesson."he muttered snorting a little."take it."he said looking relieved as they went back to the bunker.

Cas winced at the sound, even if he didn't look like a demon, damn ed if he didn't sound like one. "Crowley needs time. We're going to give it to him."Sam said stepping away from dmitri."you're staying here behind the wards, and me and dean. ...and cas...well. lucifer wants me. We'll force him into a crossroads and a devils trap. It won't hold him long, but hopefully long enough. I dont...I don't know how to get to hell, unless you can get there dean. If you can find crowley yourself, you can go. But if...if not. D like the backup."sam was going to face his worst nightmare, if it meant giving crowley time. Saying yes to lucifer. Even the idea made him tremble, but he was going to try.
Dean smiled as he snuggled into Sam. "are you mad i didn't tell you about Bruce?" he asked, worried about how his lover was going to react to that. "i don't know. Bruce's never mentioned it before." he admitted. "i'd like to help. anything i can do to help." he admitted before nodding. "never ever again." he agreed before smiling at Bruce. "he's a bit of a Klepto being honest." he admitted to Sam. "and since the watch is Micheal's he just feels all the more awesome about taking it." he admitted letting Bruce take them back to the bunker.

"your telling me you want to fucking tell Lucifer, the fucker who just took Bailey and probobly helped Micheal kidnap YOUR Mate, the opportunity to forcefully possess you?!" Dean demanded. "Are you out of your Vulcan mind Sammie!?" Dean commanded. "You're not doing it! never! Bailey would never, ever forgive herself if that was the price you had to pay to save her!"
"No...I mean. Sorta, but considering I have my own secrets, I can't really be that annoyed."sam said smiling slightly before smiling a little. That was just amusing really.

"Yes, I do. Because I'll be the one person he'd willingly leave bailey for. It'll give crowley time to get them both out of there. And are you willing to not let me take the risk, when it could get her killed? Let me. I can do this, dean. Let me."sam said he'd known dean wouldn't like it, he'll he didn't like it, but it needed done. "I can say no dean, but I need him to think I'll say yes. It gives crowley time. And I need you to back me up, dean."sam said close to begging dean to let him help like this, that he needed to do this. Because he was afraid, if they lost bailey, they'd lose dean. He needed to give crowley the best opportunity to get bailey out as they could. This would do it
Dmitri smiled at Sam. "i wouldn't have kept the secrete, but it wasn't mine to share. i know your not ready to tell me things and that's okay." he promised, snugging Sam.

"Fuck! Sam... i don't want to!" Den said, stalking back and forth now, Dmitri hovering in the corner, looking very anxious. he really didn't like fights. Dean paced, running his hands through his hair and mumbling to himself, clearly trying to decide who he needed more. Sam or Bailey. he finally sagged and closed his eyes. "okay Sammie... okay." he grumbled, closing his eyes. "okay..." he said, hoping to god that Sam could convince Lucifer for long enough to save Bailey without actually having to agree to anything. "it doesn't have to be hard, all we have to do is make him think Micheal still has Dmitri, Lucifer would believe that i'm sure."
Sam looked a little relieved with the idea of dmitri being okay with him keeping things back for the moment. Watching dean pace he sighed."and you think I do?I don't like it any better then you do, dean."he said sounding anxious and worried, when all he really wanted to do was comfort dmitri, careful to keep all of dean's attention on him and not dmitri, even if he didn't think dean would hurt his mate."I'm sure. Let's go."he said anxious as he paused to kiss dmitri."stay here with bruce, I'll be back. I promise."he said leaving before he could talk himself of it. Not even going that far, simply the first crossroads out of the bunkers drive. Snarling softly as he watched dean draw the evils trap, barely waiting for it to be closed before he summoned lucifer.
Dmitri smiled at him. "you have some pretty terrible memories Sam and some seriously big secretes. i'm not going to make you tell me things when you're hardly ready to face them." he admitted before looking frantic. "Sam?" he asked. "Sam what's going on? are you going to be in danger?" he asked, not certain what was happening. not sure at all. "you promise?! you have to swear... i'm scared Sam..." Dmitri whimpered, pressing his face into the others shoulder before kissing him back, clinging to Bruce, scared he was never going to see his lover again.

the response was immediate. the Demon was there... it was the wrong Demon. two forms where laying inside the circle, blood slowly pooling out, nearly obscuring the Devil's trap. it was Crowley, cluthcing Bailey's hand, the two of them whisked away by the summoning of the crossroads Demons. they where hurt, bad though and Dean was already moving, sweeping into the circle and gathering Bailey in his arms, whispering and murmuring and doing everything he could to keep her with him. "CAS!"
Bthanks for that."he muttered smiling at him slightly."I know you dont. I'll explain later. I have to go get bailey...and yes. But I'll be back. I promise."eleven if he had no business promising that, he did because he'd go through hell to get back to his mate."I know. I am to. But I'll be back."he said hugging him tightly before letting go.

Sam startled, so startled by the sight that he didn't move for a long moment before moving, kneeling at crowley's side, looking sick at the sight of the blood coating both the winchester within moments of kneeling down. Barely looking up when cas flashed in looking pale as the angel healed them both. Swaying slightly, cas blinked slowly, for once the angel actually looked drained from the healing."'ll have to drive back..."Cas said staggering to his feet, not ready to tell dean what damage he'd found under all that blood. Staggering as he picked crowley up and moved towards baby.
Dmitri almost didn't let Sam go. it was a very close thing. only Bruce's calming precense kept him from racing after Sam. he had to trust in Sam's promise.

Dean didn't notice the blood so much, he was far too focused on HER. making sure she was breathing, stemming the cuts, doing what he could to keep her going. he picked her up, carrying hr to the car and carefully laid her in the back seat so she and Crowley could both be comfortable. once they where all in, he hit the gas, speeding the entire way home. Dmitri was so wound up when they got there that as soon as he saw all the blood he just passed out and Bruce sighed and helped carry the two injuredand Dmitri into their beds.
Cas sighed softly as he sat next to crowley’s bed, watching the demon sleep, well, pretending he wasn’t the fact that he was reading a book, but he was really just waiting for him to wake up. “...easy. Don’t move.”The angel said when he heard the demon starting to stir, reaching out to press a hand into his chest, to keep him from moving. “I couldn’t heal you as well as I could, Bailey. But she is healing, and you are to. Don’t move.”he ordered.

“...D...”Bailey blinked slowly, turning her head a little, cringing as she curled up under the blanket, pressing her hands over her ears. She wanted dean, she wanted her dean. “de...”She whimpered not realizing she was home. She’d past out hours before crowley had gotten her out, wasn’t aware that she was healed, that everything lucifer had done, had left scars, so many more scars then john winchester ever had.
Crowley woke with a gasp, reaching for his weapons, fighting for survival before realizing that Cas was there. "C-Cas." Crowley gasped, sounding so, so glad to see the other. so desperately glad. "we're back?" he rasped. "Lucifer was doing such terrible things. Cas! such terrible things!" he gasped,half crazed from the pain and the panic. it would be a while before they could get anything coherent from him n he kept trying to clutch at Cas, as if trying to make sure he was real and not a figment of his imagination or a hallucinating or an illusion.

"shhh." Dean murmured, gently setting a hand next to her, not touching her, not daring to, not until he new she was going to be okay with his touch. "It's okay Sparkplug. i'm right here." Dean whispered. "i got you. you're alright. i'm right here Bays." he murmured. "your safe now. i have you. your safe."
Cas tensed, ready to restrain him if needed, but relaxing when the other recognized him."yea it's me. And you sre. Behind the wards with me, a guardian, and everyone's favorite hunters standing between you and going back. You're safe."cas promised each time wincing at his words."I know he did, crowley. I know."he muttered sadly, before sighing as be realized the other wasn't calming, climbing into the bed with the other to relax and hope he'd calm down the closer he was."your safe."

Bailey tensed trying to scramble back as she saw his hand through the blanket, to lost for the moment to make sense of what he was saying, but the blanket kept her from going to far. Which is why sam had tucked her in snugly, so she wouldn't hurt herself trying to get away. Blinking as she heard dean keep talking, frowning."oil slick?"she muttered not sound sure, as if she thought lucifer was playing a trick. Or eorse, john was. That John knew her biggest weakness, and had ruthlessly used it while he tore her body apart.
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