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For nightsorceress

Lily sighed softly at Kuro's words. "Kuro, please can't we just forget about her. She has left us alone now for 2 months i don't think there is a need to stir up the pot." She turned her back to him "i thought finally you were starting to love me, i guess though you will always be Ammy. And i guess i am just some silly little girl still to you. Perhaps just a sex toy." Lily took off her wedding ring and placed on the counter away from herself "then go be with ammy if thats all you are worried about i am tired of competing for your love with her."
"Lily, I'm sorry. I hadn't meant that! The sun goddess will find her own love!" Kurokami exclaimed. "My love is with you, Lily, and you always."
Lily did not turn back around. Lily had tears streaming from her eyes but she did not want to let him see. She tried to stay strong. "its so hard to believe your words Kuro. so very hard. God i love you more then you can ever understand, i always have and i always will. I feel that perhaps you are only saying you love because think its what i want to hear. How can i believe your words when you have changed your mind so many times"
"I do love you, Lily." Kurokami said, his voice stern. "I have left my past life behind now in this time since we've been married. It is time for me to move on to my life with you." He put his hands on her shoulders. "I really mean it this time."
Lily slowly turned around. Her eyes still held tears in them. She just looked him in the eyes now. "why this time do you love me. What different?" Lily's wedding band still sat on the counter.
He took Lily's wedding ring and slipped it back on her finger. "Perhaps I was disillusioned with becoming the lover of a goddess. However, perhaps I am not meant to be with her. Perhaps I am meant to be with you. I just hope Amaterasu can understand this as well." Kurokami explained.
Lily shook her head and then looked down. she couldn't look at him anymore. "you are still doubting you love for me if you are still saying perhaps. you love is not firm" Lily was playing with the wedding band on her finger. her hands were trembling as she played with it.
"Well then, what are you expecting me to do? What do you want me to do?" He asked. "There is something you want me to do. I can tell."
Lily moved away from him and started to head into the other room "i want your love, thats all i ever wanted. i just want you to love me with doubts and with your whole heart" With that she went into the living room sinking on the couch she wondered if he would ever understand
"Of course!" Kurokami said. "Did I stutter when I said that I loved you?" He sat next to her on the couch and got Lily to face him before kissing her passionately.
Lily kissed him back at first the broke the kiss "yes you did, you said perhaps that i am the one love. like there was doubt to it."
"Well, it isn't easy to forget the sun goddess, but I can tell that your love for me has not wavered. I cannot say the same for Ammy." He said, embracing Lily warmly.
"thats just it Kuro, my love for you has not wavered, but your love for has wavered so many times, it wearing me down. even now you can't forget her. i can't be the only one in your heart. i feel almost so worn out for trying to prove to you that i could be the one for you if you would only forget about her" Lily sighed "i guess this the life i am stuck with, i am also second in your heart." Lily looked defeated. "i best go cook you your dinner like a good little house wife"
Kurokami looked defeated himself. He wasn't sure what to say to this at first. Eventually, he did manage to speak. "Why am I still worrying about her? The sun goddess can take care of herself!" He began to smile. "My heart does not belong to Amaterasu, it belongs to Lily."
Lily was about to get up and go in the kitchen when she heard him speak she turned back around and looked at him her eyes locked on his. "what you said do you really mean it, or are you just trying to patch things up like you did before?"
"I mean it! I really do! Why would I mean otherwise?" Kurokami asked. "Would that even make sense?"
"i don't know Kuro, i just can't take feeling like i do anymore. i wanted to make sure you do love me this time so i don't get hurt again" Lily looked down at her lap
"Well, I do!" Kurokami exclaimed. He pulled her in to embrace her tightly, not wanting to let go.
Lily finally let go of her anger and fear and wrapped her arms around him. "i love you Kuro, i love you so much" tears of joy now spilled from her eyes as she buried her face in his chest never wanting to let him go.
Kurokami smiled and said nothing at this time. He simply kept Lily in the warm embrace and went to kiss her passionately.
Lily kissed him back just as passionately. Then she slowly broke the kiss and looked him in the eyes. "so would you like me to go make dinner or are you not hungry just now" She said with a cute smile. At this moment she didn't care if she ever ate again. she wanted to enjoy the man she loved, and then who finally loved her back.
"I...guess I do feel a little hungry." Kurokami shrugged. "If you have anything planned, don't let me stop you from making it." He smiled warmly as he said this.
Lily smiled "you not stopping me, you have just made me the happiest woman on earth by telling me you loved me, and now all i want to do is take you in the bed room and show how much love you." Lily laughed a little "but that would stop you from eating" She then kissed him and with a smile on her face she went into the kitchen. She stated that she wanted him, so if he wanted to push off eating and go to the bedroom with her, he would have to go get her now.
"Well, how long has it been since we last made love?" Kurokami asked. "That is what you were planning, right?" He looked to Lily, trying to sense her intentions.
Lily laughed as she came back and leaned against the door frame "you really are thick sometimes" she said warmly and with a smile just teasing the man she loved. "yes that is what i was thinking. But you don't seem to want to so i guess i will just back into the kitchen" Lily was only teasing him him. and she playfully started to walk back into the kitchen.
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