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For nightsorceress

"Well, there is anal sex, but I haven't really been interested in it, and I don't think you would be either." Kurokami shrugged.
Lily wrinkled her nose and made a face "no that doesn't sound to pleasant." Lily kissed his cheek "well his there other ways to have sex? like other positions?"
"Well yes, there are several." Kurokami said. "The one we have done was called Missionary position, but there are others as well. There's one commonly referred to as doggy style, for instance..."
Lily wrinkled her forehead "doggy style? what/how do you do that. Does it bring more pleasure, or a different feeling of pleasure." Lily appeared to be his dedicated student.
"It varies from one woman to the next. Have you seen animals mate before? That's the position I'm talking about." Kurokami nodded, finding that she was eager to learn.
"All right. Some girls really enjoy it, and you'll just have to find out." Kurokami said. Sitting up on his knees. "Now get on all fours and spread your legs apart.
Lily hoped she would enjoy. She also hoped he would enjoy it as well. She did as he asked and got on all fours. her bottom was facing him.
Kurokami positioned himself behind Lily, pressing the tip of his member against her opened slit. "Are you ready then, love?"
Lily was getting wet just thinking about him inside her. Then when she felt his tip against her slit she couldn't help but buck her hips a little "oh yes"
Kuro smiled at her reaction and pressed his length into her clit, then began sliding it in and out at a steady rhythm. He put his hands on her waist for support. "How's this?"
Cysma nodded to her and continued his thrusting. Eventually she would feel his pre leaking into her, with his actual orgasm not too far behind...
Soon after Kurokami would come inside of her, hoping that he had brought her to her climax as well. He sighed and slowly pulled himself out of her.
When lily felt him cum inside her it pushed her over the edge and Lily climaxed. When he pulled out of her she collasped on the blanket feeling so good in that moment.
Kurokami smiled to her, sitting down himself as he basked in the afterglow of their sex. "How was that? Anything you'd do again?"
"Well then, I am glad that you enjoyed that." Kurokami said, smiling softly. He laid back and stared up at the sky.
Lily moved closer to him. she rested her head on his chest, her arm draped across his chest "do you still regret marrying me?" she asked softly
"Well, I would like to say that I don't." Kuro said softly to her. "Does Ammy regret me marrying you?"
Lily sighed "i don't know i'm not Ammy" she didn't seem harsh when she said more like sad. She made soft circle on his stomach with her finger.
"You were going to talk to her, right?" Kurokami asked, seeming to cheer up a little.
The next day Lily packed her belongings and left her home with her new husband. On their way out of town they looked for Ammy so lily could speak to her but Ammy had already left. Lily sighed she hope to put all trouble behind her but it appeared that would have to wait.

The newly weds traveled for about a month before find a new home. Lily has tried to take care of Kuro as any good wife should. But there was something different with Lily she was madly in love with Kuro and she tried to let it show with everything she did. She was not sure he noticed but she hoped he did, she also hoped that he had forgotten about Ammy.
Kurokami was still worried about Amaterasu; it stayed in the back of his mind, but he never let it show. However, he focused his heart on Lily now. He would make sure she knew he loved her each and every day, and would make love with her as much as they could. But there was still something that bothered him.

"The sun goddess is upset that her lover doesn't love her back anymore. Considering her status, we should try to patch things up. Lily, you speak with her. Tell her that she may find her own true love one day."
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