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For nightsorceress

Lily bit her lip a moment and then climbed out of the water. she shivered a little as the cold night air brushed against her exposed skin
(Wait, it's night already!?)

"Is this too cold for you?" Kurokami asked. He looked her over before embracing her again, his erect length pressing against her crotch.
(oh idk i lost track lol)

Lily pressed her body against him the fall air as a bit chilly "its better not that you have your arms around me" She explained softly. Her soft skin was still cold. "perhaps we can lay out one of the blankets i brought and the other we can wrap around us"
"Hmm...what will we use to dry off?" Kurokami asked, looking down to their wet bodies. "Did you bring something for that as well?"
Lily nodded. She went over the picket basket and pulled out a towel. She went over to him and began wipe the water off his body.
Kurokami smiled and took the towel from her, drying himself off so she wouldn't have to. He then tried using it to dry off Lily as well.
Lily smiled softly has she felt him run the towel over her skin. "you think we are both dry enough now?" she asked softly
"Hmmm...I think so, yes." Kurokami smiled as he looked to her. "What is it that you would like to do now?"
Lily grabbed one blanket and laid it out on the ground. then she sat down on it. "maybe you can come join me over here" Lily said with a cute smile
"Ah...I can do that." Kurokami nodded and sat down beside her, looking to her naked form as he waited to see if she had anything else in mind.
Lily giggled and then pulled him down to lay down. then she covered them with the other blanket. "ok its your turn to choose whats next" Lily was working so hard to try to keep his mind off of Ammy
" about another lesson in lovemaking? I thought that is what we were planning?" Kuro asked, leaning over in her direction. He reached out to touch her under the blanket.
"Well, I am. You want to do it on the blanket, then?" Kurokami smiled, sitting up and looking to Lily, offering a hand to help her sit up as well.
"Well, tell me what YOU want." Kurokami said with a smile. "What do you wish to be taught about lovemaking?"
Kurokami blinked. "Well, I know that! But let's focus on one thing at a time, shall we? I am asking you what that one thing shall be. Don't be so indecisive!"
"well i don't know. I was never told what a man and woman were suppose to do. I was always taught that it was a husbands job to teach his wife the art of pleasure." Lily bit her lip lightly.
"In some values, yes." Kurokami said. "Let's about oral sex? I think we did that before, right?"
"Oh, I thought you were okay." Kurokami smiled. "Though I guess your throat wasn't as deep as I had hoped. What did you think when I did it to you?"
"I guess there's not much I can teach you about that, is there?" Kurokami asked. "But perhaps there is some part of a man's anatomy you have been curious about? If you have any questions, ask away. Please."
"i want to know how to please you. I mean there must be another way other than sex and oral sex" Lily exclaimed she truly did want to know if there was another way.
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