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For nightsorceress

Lily listened to his words biting her lip a little. She hated seeing him unhappy. She went over to him kneeling in front of him. She tenderly whipped the tears "i'm sorry, if there anything i could do to change it so you would happy you know i would" Her hands rested on his thighs. She could feel his warm skin through his robe illusion.
"I think you should go to Amaterasu yourself. You could probably explain things to her better than I could. She still doesn't understand why I chose you, even when she came back after all this time..." Kurokami looked into his wife's eyes. "Could you do that?"
"ok, for you i will, lets just give her a little time to cool off. Talking to someone who is angry does no good. But i promise in a couple of days i will go talk to her" Lily explained softly. She looked into his eyes.
"I...I hope so. I just hope she doesn't try anything during that time." Kurokami said. He sounded quite worried, though he was trying to calm down.
"just try to relax my love, things will work out the way they are suppose to" Lily was still kneeling infront of him. Her hand touched his cheek tenderly stroking his cheek. "can i get you anything"
"I...I hope you are right. Exactly how long do you plan to wait?" Kuro looked to her eyes as she touched his cheek. "I am not very sure...what do you have that you can offer me?"
"2 or 3 days. If thats ok, i mean i want to give her time to cool off, i also want to just enjoy our time together as newly weds, i know its selfish but i can't help it" Lily bit her lip innocently "anything you like, wine, tea, bread, fruit. a hot bath perhaps in the hot spring. anything."
"Ah yes. A hot bath would be nice. We should take one together now that we're married." Kurokami smiled warmly. "How often do you bathe, though? Most people a town like this would be lucky if they got to bathe once a week..."
Lily smiled "i bath whenever i feel like, sometimes everyday." Lily moved around the kitchen and pack them some bread, cheese, fruit and wine to take with them. she thought they could enjoy the warmth of the hot springs and watch the stars "you ready"
"Oh, you want to right now?" Kurokami looked a bit surprised. "But...sure. All right. It's fine with me." He got up and went with her, hoping that he could cheer himself up.
Lily grabbed a couple of blankets to take with them "come on i want to cheer you up my love" She handed him the blankets and then took his hand and lead him to the back of the house into the woods to the hot spring. Lily had hope that she could make him happy
"So what are these blankets for?" Kurokami asked as he was handed them. He followed her to the springs, wondering what she had in mind.
"oh just in case" Lily gave him a playful wink. She set her basket down once they reached the hot springs. "i am going to make you smile one way or another tonight my dear"
"And what's in the basket?" Kurokami asked. He looked over to the hot springs where they had been together before. He wondered what they would do now.
"Well, that's what I figured..." Kurokami said to himself. "And only if you want to..." He walked over to the edge of the hot spring, looking over his shoulder to Lily.
"of course i want to" Lily went over to a rock and began to take her clothes off right infront of him. Setting the clothes she took off on the rock.
Kurokami watched and smiled as his wife undressed before him. He stepped into the hot water, his robe illusion fading away as he did so. "So lovely, you are, Lily..."
Lily blushed softly as he could her beautiful. But she loved that he noticed her. Once she was fully undress she made her way over to the hot spring. Gracefuly she stepped into the warm water.
Kurokami watched her, looking over her nude body as she stepped into the water with him. "You know, I could teach you the illusionary clothing trick...and you'd never have to buy clothes again..."
Lily smiled and moved over to home. She wrapped her arms around him. She pressed her bear chest against his. She had become much more sensual since he showed her the wonders of sex. "i think you just don't like the idea of me wearing clothes" She teased him a little.
"That could be." Kurokami said, smiling as his wife embraced him. As she wrapped her arms around his own, he couldn't embrace her back. "I am still open to teaching you, regardless."
Lily thought it to be odd that he did not embrace her back. She worried that he might regret his choice after seeing Ammy. "my dear you are still so tense. Why?"
"Genna!" Kurokami blurted out. He wrenched his way out of Lily's embrace. "Amaterasu and I...shortly before I left her, we had a little girl named Genna...she must be all grown up by now! I wonder what happened to her...?"
Lily wrinkled her forehead "you have a daughter?" Lily looked totally and completely shocked. "what happen to her, where is she?"
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