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For nightsorceress

"Yes...I do too." He held her in a loving embrace, but knowing that he had to deal with Amaterasu somehow stuck in his mind...
"you really know how to tire a girl out" Lily giggled a little. The sun was coming up. But lily didn't care she was here with the man she loved.
"Wait, what?" Kurokami sat up as he noticed the sunlight creeping into the room. "It's morning already!? And we haven't even gotten any rest!"
Lily sat up and she wrapped her arms around him "relax my love we can rest all day if you like, Besides i would take what we just shared over rest any day" Lily pulled him back down to lay with her.
"But if we don't rest then how are we going to have any energy left to make love!?" Kurokami asked. He was feeling tired...and wanted sleep...
Lily smiled and pulled the blankets around them "alright get some rest my love. For i may want to have more fun with you when you wake"
"All right, what are you going to do?" Kurokami asked. He would slowly drift off to sleep after she provided her answer.
Lily kissed his head and she fell a sleep beside him.

Ammy paced in the spot where he left her last night she wondered what was taking Kuro to come to her.
After a few hours of sleep, Kurokami awakened in the middle of the day and realized that Amaterasu would be waiting for him. He hurriedly leaped out of bed and made his way to the spot where they met with haste, forgetting to cast an illusion of clothing on his body.
Ammy was getting angry when he didn't show up to late afternoon. "what the hell took you so long! and where are your clothes illusion? did you get rid of your so called wife" Ammy was very harsh with him.
"I...I...I'm sorry, Ammy..." Kurokami sounded sad. "It's would you feel if I married you, and then left you for another woman the next day? Can you understand how it would be for Lily?"
"She does mean a lot to me." Kurokami said, his robe appearing on his body. "And I mean a lot to her. Do you want me to break her heart?"
"you would rather break mine?" Ammy anger was clear. She didn't seem hurt just angry " so is that they only reason you want to stay is so you don't break her heart"
"If I left her...if I left her..." Kurokami said, "It would break my heart as well. I love her with all my heart, and I am not about to lose her..." With this, he turned his back to the sun goddess.
Ammy spun him around to face her "how dare you do this to me, Last night you made it seems as though you didn't care about the little whore! now you love her! why you must tell me how you can love her more than me" Ammy was very angry now. There was no kindness there was no understanding. She was almost like a child throwing a fit because she couldn't get what she wanted.
"Well, for one thing..." Kurokami crossed his arms, "Lily is a lot more mature than you. You sound like a child throwing a temper tantrum. You have only been caring about what you want, and haven't given a single thought to what I want. How can I love such a selfish goddess who doesn't even care for the wants of her own lover!?"
"I doubt she is more mature then I." Ammy was almost speechless when he accused her of such things "i bet the next thing out of your mouth is that she loves you more. Which would be laughable"
"Why would you love me?" Kurokami asked. "What possible reason do you have for that?" He wondered how she and Lily would stack up.
Ammy wrinkled her forehead at him. He never asked her that before "well your handsome, and a good lover, and your fun to be with" Ammy answers were very basic. There was no depth or warmth to them.
"Lily wants me to be happy. You, on the other hand, only care about what you want, and throw a fit when you don't get your way. Remember all those loyal subjects you smote? She may not have much experience right now, but she is willing to learn..." He looked into her eyes, "...unlike yourself."
Ammy grew angry "well fine go be your precious Lily then, but dont come crying to me when she doesn't out to be the woman you think she is"
Kurokami looked a little sad. "You are not the Ammy I remember you to be..." He turned and began to walk away.
Ammy spun on her heels and walked the other way vowing revenge on Lily for this.

Lily had a woken to find Kuro not here. She sighed she hoped he was only going to say good bye to Ammy, but if for some reason he changed his mind she would respect that she hoped that he would come say goodbye to her first. Lily got out of bed and fixed something to eat for him if he returned. Then she went back to the bedroom and began to make the bed.
Kurokami returned to her house to find Lily preparing him breakfast, figuring he should tell his own wife the truth. "Amaterasu has wanted me to come back to her, but the sun goddess is now but a shadow of what she once was..." He missed her too. The goddess he spent all those years with up in the Sol Palace, the goddess he made love to as many as five times a day...could their hearts have grown apart when he left her? Was that his fault that she became so bitter? He sat quietly at the breakfast table, tears streaming down his cheeks.
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