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May 25, 2009
Here in Your Arms...Stabbing you with Glee



� оwи�я ¦ »­» Princess of Darkness213 »­» Previous on BM ¦ prettylySIN
á?¦ яоâ??â?®Ñ?â??аγ gâ?®Ð¸Ñâ?® ¦ »­»Fantasy
á?¦ â??ιÑ?â?®ÑÐ°ÑÎ³ ¦ »­»Literate to Advanced-Literate

This is going to be a fantasy roleplay filled with violence,
romance, love triangles, chaos and much, much more.
So, prepare for the great adventure that is waiting for you.
Get those wheels in that noggin of yours turning and do a
couple finger exercises to prepare for this, because it's
going to be the adventure of your lifetime!​
Book 1 - The First Shard - P L O T
  • Left in ruins, the world of Marosia tries to survive under the King of Darkness' reign. The people wonders where the noble knights have gone, and while some blame them, some would open their homes for their protection. While the knights trek on the journey to where the first shard is said to have been sent (to the West, through the mazes and towards the Elves), it is rumored that the Treacherous Knight has been sent on a hunt for that shard as well. How many times will their paths cross roads? What dangers lie in the path towards the Western kingdom, and who will achieve the first known shard?[/list:u]

    * I know we're still working on some profiles and some openings are still available. However, this is to get the ball roll. The 2 posts per week requirement will start the coming Monday, 12th of October.
@ RaidenThe population has been pretty much suppressed, sure, some people get the courage to fight, but they never last long. Vayne makes examples out of people like that. The garrisons would have been entirely wiped out or forced to flee once the queen was dead... The three knights may have been able to hold them back for a bit, but they were protecting the queen, and when Vayne and his blackguard did arrive, he utilized his agent, Gandrian to slay the queen.

Vayne hits commanders and generals first, and with noone to lead them, the populace can only offer passive resistance.

It was costly, but Vayne easily minimized the cost to his favor.

@ Dude: Yup, Revan has always been the inspiration for my character's military actions. Revan has to be the single most badass character the galaxy ever saw. HE likes to destabilize those he conquers before moving in for the kill, inserting assassins and agents to strike at figures of authority first.

The invasion can go two ways.

One, Vayne can just capture the city and hold it, like he did Elzier, the people would be completely safe so long as they do not attempt to resist, regular troops are known for their control and dedication, their wouldn't be rapes, or looting, because the cities would be locked down and protected.

Two, Vayne doesn't think Alusair is even worth keeping, and instead of holding it with Regulars, gives it to Irregulars, meaning that everything does to hell, citizens are either slaughtered or enslaved, buildings are razed, and in the end nothing is left standing. Vayne uses this tactic to show the people what complete anarchy is like so others will be a little more willing to accept his complete dominance.
But middie, what if Altima herself burns portions of the city after evacuating who she can? Basically make them explode by lighting preplaced powderkegs adn implode the main manor house after getting her elder sister out to ensure that her royal line remains alive.
she might kill a couple irregulars I guess.

Though chances are Vayne's forces know about any escape routs (doe to spies or bribes), and will have bandits surrounding the village, he could even post a healthy bounty on the relatives. The situation is going to be pretty hopeless
Hell, if they offer no resistance and allow themselves to be occupied, Vayne would just disarm them and leave everybody alive if he can take things without a fight.

The smart thing to do when the dark army knocks on your door is to just surrender, less people die that way.
  • For good measure, I could see Vayne making an example out of a section of the town.
    That way, the rest knows not to bother trying to stand against him. I think it would be for the best that he show that he can take places,
    large or small, and gain control over them quickly and efficiently, and just as easily establish rule there.
    It'd be for the best, I think if the city was just taken over.

    I do think that this is going. . .a bit further than I intended. I just wanted to have a good set up for the next part, and to give Middie something to
    build up to with Vayne and how the Army of Darkness needs to be moved.

    Raiden. Dude. . .this situation is meant to be bad. It's meant to show just how bad things are going to be. Things will get desperate.
    People will die, the family might be wiped out before Altima even has a chance to do that much. It all is going to depend on how Middie decides to move
    Vayne and his forces.
    Rather than trying to plot out every detail of what happens ahead of time, let's wait and see what happens so that things move more. . .in a reactionary
    manner rather than a preplanned scripted manner.

    We don't want to detail things to the point that it's just going to end up us going through the motions here.[/list:u]
Sorry you guys. I just dont' respond well to situations like that is all. I have a reflex to try and make things as hard as possible for everyone that I need to break myself of.

Though the opposite extreme comes to me: what if the people dont' even give a damn if he shows up and takes over and even just ignores what he does and continues about their lives?
  • Don't misunderstand dude, that is not at all what will be happening here.
    And believe me, I do understand what you're saying here. They will fight. No one is refuting that.
    We'll just deal with things as they come up. Let's try to play this one by ear rather than script shall we?[/list:u]
*laughs* I guess this is what happens when you come from RP experience from military RP's there

Losing = Death with no other option.

In the last one: if you lost, your armor itself self-destructed..with you in it to protect the gov't secrets it has and the ones in your char's DNA itself.
  • Look at things this way -
    Your armor here will not self destruct. This is a fantasy world. There aren't any secrets hidden in DNA. . .at least in the way you speak of.

    There will be plenty of good things that come out for the good guys here, but they can't win all of the time.
    There absolutely have to be situations like this, for many reasons. Don't look at what's lost, look at what is gained or potentially could be
    gained from this situation. And the dark army will not have a 100% win here, though the odds will definitely be in their favor.

    But as I said, we're not going to plan details or play this to the script. We'll have to react to what is done.
    And when things happen, let's not forget the feel and the tension that will be on the characters, or their personalities.
    Those things, I assure you, will play a big part in how the situation develops and ultimately resolves.[/list:u]
You're right. Thanks Dude ^_^ I feel better about it now.

Well one interesting thing I see is that if altima's family gets wiped out that puts her into the throne as the rightful queen even if she renounced it years ago. Which would actually kind of protect her from being singled out by the darkside in that situation.
  • Perhaps. That all depends on how Middie plans to approach the situation.
    Again, we'll see what happens when it comes to that.

    Just glad to have the situation under control now.
    Gonna take a break from things here and play some Oblivion.
    I need to kill some things awesomely.[/list:u]
How far are you into the game dude?

I love that game, I actually have two copies of it, making it the second in the series I have done that with (I played morrowind so much it broke...)
  • I'm starting over from scratch after my HDD failures.
    Before I was halfway through the main quest and 1/3 through Shivering Isles.
    I freaking love Shivering Isles. Where else will you stop order from taking over chaos?
    The premise of t he expansion alone makes it awesome.
    I finished all of the other expansions with the exception of Spell Tomes ( didn't get all of them )
    and Knights of the Nine ( hadn't yet started it because Shivering Isles seemed more appealing to me ).

    Got about 20 minutes to wait before this core game play update mod finishes.
    Just. . .the amount of stuff people have been able to do is astounding.
    OOO + Deadly Reflex + Unnecessary Violence = a hell of a lotta fun/hard.

    Raiden, if you get the chance to pick it up, you definitely should.
    If you have a PC powerful enough to run the game, I'd definitely suggest getting it on there.
    Mostly because with some mods you can fix most of the bugs in the game and you can update it visually.
    And all of the other mods out there you can get.[/list:u]
I initially bought the game, and all the expansions for the PC, but my PC fried.
And my laptop is nowhere powerful enough to play the game.
I wish I had mods

But yeah, Malak's mentor is partially inspired by Mannimarco, the king of worms.
Though the Mannimarco from Oblivion was less than really impressive.
The Mannimarco from Daggerfall actually became a god... he becomes what allows the oblivion necromancers to make black soul gems. I liked that one a bit better, though I was greatly satisfied that I got to 'kill' oblivion's king of worms...
Yeah, Mannimarco was one of the people you could side with in that game, in the end he becomes a god if you give him the object of power in that game. Then again, the ending to that game was weird.

The Mannimarco in oblivion probably isn't the true god of worms, likely more like Malak than Malchior. ?He does have his staff though. (This is just middie's guess, he has no idea if Mannimarco was actually weakened somehow)

Mannimarco gave me the idea for Malchior, a being that menaced the land before the events of the game, who was broken or destroyed at the end of his reign, but he isn't done quite yet.
  • I can see where the inspiration came from.
    I think I get what you're intentions with the character are a bit. It could make an interesting subplot later on.
    Just make sure we keep the focus of things on the main storyline though, and I'm sure everything will be cool.[/list:u]
Yeah, as I said in our little PM chat.
Malchior is pretty much done for, since Malak isn't too interested in ruling the world and he has been reduced to a voice in an amulet. But it could be an interesting subplot if Malak somehow tries to bring him back, maybe "unlocking" him as a spirit. Currently, he exists purely for background, as part of Marosia's history.
Ooh, I found a text describing the battle between Mannimarco and the Founder of the Mages Guild.

No relevance... just cool.
  • Cool.
    I'm waiting to see what Bethesda will be doing for the next day.
    I heard rumors of Skyrim but since I've heard people from the company
    say that they haven't decided on anything yet.
    Right now they're working on some shooter and a new Fallout, so it might
    be a while before we hear anything about the next game.

    Though I am looking forward to another Fallout. I just hope that the PC
    Version of it isn't as buggy as 3. They REALLY dropped the ball with that
"Imagine waves of fire and frost, and the mountain shivers,
Picture lightning arching forth, crackling in a dragon's sigh.
Like leaves, the battlemages fly to rain down from the sky,
At the Necromancers' call, corpses burst from earth to fight,
To be shattered into nothingness with a flood of holy light.
A maelstrom of energy unleashed, blood cascades in rivers.

Like a thunderburst in blue skies or a lion's sudden roar,
Like sharp razors tearing over delicate embroidered lace,
So at a touch did Galerion shake the mountain to its base.
The deathly horde fell fatally, but heeding their dying cries
From the depths, the thing they called Worm King did rise.
Nirn itself did scream in the Mages' and Necromancers' war

His eyes burning dark fire, he opened his toothless maw,
Vomiting darkness with each exhalation of his breath,
All sucking in the fetid air felt the icy touch of death.
In the skies above the mountain, darkness overcame pale,
Then Mannimarco Worm King felt his dismal powers fail:
The artifacts of death pulled from his putrid skeletal claw.

A thousand good and evil perished then, history confirms.
Among, alas, Vanus Galerion, he who showed the way,
It seemed once that Mannimarco had truly died that day.
Scattered seemed the Necromancers, wicked, ghastly fools,
Back to the Mages Guild, victors kept the accursed tools,
Of him, living still in undeath, Mannimarco, King of Worms"

Yeah, I can't wait for their next game too, well, at least the next one they develop.
I am pretty sure it is going to be skyrim. No way in hell they will let the series that got them in the big leagues die.

Yeah, Fallout New Vegas comes out next year I think.
Bethesda seems to have a habit of publishing games for other companies... they usually suck.
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