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May 25, 2009
Here in Your Arms...Stabbing you with Glee



� оwи�я ¦ »­» Princess of Darkness213 »­» Previous on BM ¦ prettylySIN
á?¦ яоâ??â?®Ñ?â??аγ gâ?®Ð¸Ñâ?® ¦ »­»Fantasy
á?¦ â??ιÑ?â?®ÑÐ°ÑÎ³ ¦ »­»Literate to Advanced-Literate

This is going to be a fantasy roleplay filled with violence,
romance, love triangles, chaos and much, much more.
So, prepare for the great adventure that is waiting for you.
Get those wheels in that noggin of yours turning and do a
couple finger exercises to prepare for this, because it's
going to be the adventure of your lifetime!​
Book 1 - The First Shard - P L O T
  • Left in ruins, the world of Marosia tries to survive under the King of Darkness' reign. The people wonders where the noble knights have gone, and while some blame them, some would open their homes for their protection. While the knights trek on the journey to where the first shard is said to have been sent (to the West, through the mazes and towards the Elves), it is rumored that the Treacherous Knight has been sent on a hunt for that shard as well. How many times will their paths cross roads? What dangers lie in the path towards the Western kingdom, and who will achieve the first known shard?[/list:u]

    * I know we're still working on some profiles and some openings are still available. However, this is to get the ball roll. The 2 posts per week requirement will start the coming Monday, 12th of October.
  • Ebil~ =0!

    I think I remember talking about elves with Dude while the setting was in process. We have like... 4 elves? \o/ Only, two of them are like. . . 1 years old compared to elves, while the other two are on their death beds -cougharicoughshot-[/list:u]
At least he doesn't do it just to be ebil, he has scientific reasons behind his butchery, which is one of the reasons I like him so much.

Well, I do think Half-elves would age much more quickly than normal elves.
And drows may or may not have that ability, having lost that purity. (somehow)
  • Just now realized Raiden posted XD Whoots, now just Valen and we're all on board~ <3

    But yes, things done in the name of science is not always pretty >w>

    Depends on how we set up half-breeds, I suppose. But even if they did age quicker, the Elves would still see them as children (in their society) up to the day they died.
    Pft... Nek lost her "purity" alright~ -wiggles eyebrows-[/list:u]
  • Read Raiden's post earlier today. It made me laugh.
    Ari? Not so much.

    Really though, I think even Ari would still be considered young by elf standards. Not quite a child, but definitely not old or experienced.
    Drow will be long lived. Not as much as High Elves, but definitely longer than the humans will be. Half elves will also out live humans, but
    will live shorter lives than Drow. Or maybe about the same length of time.

    I should work on the races. . .
    Today was just a terrible day, so I'll have to do it tomorrow.
  • So. . .
    Middie said he was going to post Thursday. Today is Saturday.
    I think we've all waited long enough, so I'm going to be posting
    again soon to get things moving once more.

    Starting next week - at the very least, two posts per week from
  • Alright, posted.
    Now that there's another post there will at least be something to respond to.
    Let's not be afraid to plan things, in private or here in the thread.
    Little situations using the main characters, and bad guys you might be playing.
    I realize Kitten and myself are the only ones playing side characters, but things
    can always be planned with them as well.[/list:u]
Yeah... I have been working on Valen's post.
Things just keep coming up.
It sucks...

Shouldn't be much longer, and it may be a bit short. I am sorry to keep you guys waiting.

I need to come up with an idea for another short story.
I posted for Valen.
Sorry if it is pretty bland, but I couldn't think of anything for Valen to do initially. It is late and I am low on creativity. He should have more when they meet other elves or run into trouble, or something like that.

I guess I could add more later, but for now, I am going to sleep. Nightie.
  • We're not asking for essay's dude.
    The post length and the post itself were just fine. More than good enough.
    It's just an intro man, nothing more and nothing less than that.

    Don't feel pressure to write these super long posts or anything. All that's
    been asked for is three paragraphs man. Anything more than that is just gravy.[/list:u]
I can't really help that. I feel bad if I don't type enough or type less than everybody else, that and I actually like to type a lot, but some times the content is lacking.

Say, to get the bad guys together, should I have the king issue an order for the group to gather? I imagine they are all off doing their own thing right now, so I could have him send messengers to them all. Heck, I could even have him utilize Malak to bring them closer to their target.

My next post will start Malak in his lab, I could have him receive a message from the king to go to the meeting or whatever. I imagine he has some way to move quickly from place to place, like a set of mirrors, one of which is in his quarters in the palace or something.
  • For story purposes, I need at least two of the bad guys to lead an attack on Alusair.
    Right now, all I need them to do is start preparing. The attack would be taking place
    shortly after the start of the second book, after things in Cam happen.
    Kinda need Vayne doing his conquest thing to build up pressure on the good guys.[/list:u]
Oh really, what we're going to get Altima jumped by the baddies while she's on her own or something?
  • I see it like this:
    Stuff in Cam goes well. Everyone is cool. They go to Alusair, and they're chilling.
    It's neutral country, it's small, it's safe, it's supposed to be Altima's home place.
    What could happen?

    The town goes under attack, the knights are there. . .
    see where I'm going with this?[/list:u]
Then you'd have a rather large garrison force coming ninto activity to drive whatever is attacking away. That and Altima would probably take it personally and start incinerating the attackes fro the inside out.

Spontaneous bad guy combustion anyone?
  • Vayne took over the most powerful nation on the planet. Well. . .he took down the seat of power in a single night.
    Unless the entire dragon army mobilizes, I don't see things ending well there. Altima might fight, but there's only
    so much she can do.

    The town will be falling to the army of darkness, also for story purposes.[/list:u]

    • Edit:

      Or maybe it'd be best to say. . .
      Kali was killed in a single swoop, and a major offensive on the town, I'd imagine, with a sizable portion of his troops and he was able to
      get things completely under control in what I'd like to think was a short amount of time, seeing as he strikes me as more of the efficient
      type. He'd hit all of the most advantageous points as fast as hard as possible, and deal with the finer details later.
      If he took that same approach in Alusair? A place far smaller with less of a protective force? I'd imagine it wouldn't last too long.[/list:u]
She'll basically keep fighting until either she wins, dies or gets captured or something. Or at the very least get her family out of the city itself.
  • Getting the family out will definitely be an uphill battle,
    but is already accounted for in what I have in mind for the situation.
    This part is supposed to be intense, and very draining for the knights.
    They get a victory early on, but they'll get a loss too. This will keep
    them on their toes. Hopefully.[/list:u]
Essentially. yes have to keep things going of course. And why would it be hard to get famiy out? specially if they use underground escaped routes dug into the foundation of the castle itself then bring down the entrance from there?
  • As I said, if the same approach is taken as the approach in Elzier, they would be the very first
    target. Seat of power first, then everything else.[/list:u]
That's true. But I'm surprised that the people of Elizer didn't turn around and attack the invaders wtih pitchforks, shovels adn the like when the leader's fell. Particularly if they were well-liked.
Yeah, if Vayne attacks Alusair, it is screwed, I guess how badly depends on what kinds of troops he uses.

Especially if he has no plans of keeping most of the cities. The knights may be able to hold off irregulars for a while, but once the Regs and commanders move in things would get hopeless. If Vayne doesn't want to keep whatever cities he captures, he gives them to the irregulars since he doesn't want to waste resources protecting nonvital objectives. I see Vayne as working in similar ways that Darth Revan did in Star Wars sometimes. He does attack seats of power first, after all... cut a creature's head off and the body can do nothing else right?

I imagine the invasion of Alsuair won't be too spectacular, just an invasion and conquest. Elzier was special, it was almost a blitz in it's nature.

Vayne is a very skilled strategist, he knows how to conquer nations quickly and efficiently, he took over Lassadar with a fraction of the troops he has now, and had Elzier completely conquered in in an absurdly short amount of time. It probably helped that he used everything to take Elzier, Elites, Blackguard, and his commanders made up the bulk of the forces.

When Vayne wants something, he takes it, and no one can really stand in his way and last long. At least we have that established.
While that may be true Middie. Who's to say the populace and garrison units won't fight him until every last man in the defense is dead? It could be costly to attack a city that's ready for pretty much anything.
  • Revan was friggin pimp as hell. Good base to use for any potential future actions/deeds on Vayne's part.
    - In short I approve of this message sir -

    With the right strategy, Alusair could be under his control with no problem fairly quickly.
    After considering he took hold of and made order of Lassadar, and how Elzier was taken, I can definitely see this campaign not lasting
    very long if lasting for a time at all. A few short hours and I'm sure he'd pretty much have the family either killed or ran out of there,
    someone in power, and the place occupied if he chooses to keep it.

    Middie, I'm curious. . .are you going to be doing like I purposed and have Vayne come down with an iron fist to take the town or did you
    have something else in mind? Like the town being completely wiped out or something?
    The main reason I came up with the part was to demoralize the knights a bit and to strike fear, of sorts, in other nations.
    Elzier was taken. One of the most powerful places with one of the biggest armies protecting it.
    And then there's this small neutral territory that get's pounded. Sort of to show how no one is going to escape his grasp.

    Fight as the might. . .this really isn't going to be ending well. At all.[/list:u]
It'll also spur people to start forming rebellion or underground movements agaisnt him. He sacks a neutral country that was nothing but courteous adn friendly to its neighbors and took in refugees from Elizer and all. It'll jus tmake the general populace fear and hate him in equal amounts. And thus making them possibly more likely to help the knights later on.
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