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May 25, 2009
Here in Your Arms...Stabbing you with Glee



� оwи�я ¦ »­» Princess of Darkness213 »­» Previous on BM ¦ prettylySIN
á?¦ яоâ??â?®Ñ?â??аγ gâ?®Ð¸Ñâ?® ¦ »­»Fantasy
á?¦ â??ιÑ?â?®ÑÐ°ÑÎ³ ¦ »­»Literate to Advanced-Literate

This is going to be a fantasy roleplay filled with violence,
romance, love triangles, chaos and much, much more.
So, prepare for the great adventure that is waiting for you.
Get those wheels in that noggin of yours turning and do a
couple finger exercises to prepare for this, because it's
going to be the adventure of your lifetime!​
Book 1 - The First Shard - P L O T
  • Left in ruins, the world of Marosia tries to survive under the King of Darkness' reign. The people wonders where the noble knights have gone, and while some blame them, some would open their homes for their protection. While the knights trek on the journey to where the first shard is said to have been sent (to the West, through the mazes and towards the Elves), it is rumored that the Treacherous Knight has been sent on a hunt for that shard as well. How many times will their paths cross roads? What dangers lie in the path towards the Western kingdom, and who will achieve the first known shard?[/list:u]

    * I know we're still working on some profiles and some openings are still available. However, this is to get the ball roll. The 2 posts per week requirement will start the coming Monday, 12th of October.
  • Gonna let everyone know that, for the sake of keep things small and between the lot of us, I'll still be playing Nekar.
    This way, as soon as we're all done with the profiles, we should be in good shape to get things started. So far, we're
    all right on track with everything. Profiles are being worked on/finished/tweaked now, and we should be ready to go
    by tomorrow or Tuesday. I'm definitely hoping before Wednesday of this week.

    I'm currently finishing up the new character, then I'll be going back and tweaking all of the older characters a bit.
    Should be done today or tomorrow. I'll also be working on the new introductory post for the RP ( hopefully ) today.[/list:u]
  • Alright, sometime later today, when I'm up and more conscious than I currently am,
    I'll be writing the first post for the RP and start up the new thread.

    Any background information that needs to be sorted out shouldn't be important enough
    yet to the plot to hinder us any longer. And as always, any questions, comments, concerns
    and whatnot about anything and everything can be posted here in the thread or you guys
    can PM me. Whichever works best for you guys.[/list:u]
The new profiles. So do we just put them on the old thread, this one or a totally new one?
  • Yo Middie, took a look at Malak's profile man.
    It's looking good, very deep and very thorough. Honestly, I had to take some time to get over it's length but it was a nice little read.
    But listen dude, I do have a few concerns about things. Mainly the lack of love shown towards Vayne and Valen dude. Those two are
    way more important at the moment than Malak is. I know, we talked about how Malak's master will provide some of the back story
    and stuff for the RP, but that's back story. Now story is just a bit more important.

    I do think that Malak is. . .a bit too. . .overpowered right now though. We've all knocked our characters down to three powers now,
    but Malak has a bit of a repertoire at his disposal that really makes him seem like. . .he's the stuff. He sounds more powerful than
    Vayne in some respects. Maybe it would help if you toned Malak down and built Vayne up some more? So that our King of Darkness
    doesn't sound like he can be taken out by one of his underlings? I think it'd better explain why he's following the king too, kind of a
    "I hate you but since you can kill me I'll listen to you" sort of thing?

    And like I said in my PMs dude, if you need idea's/help/inspiration for Vayne and Valen, all you have to do is talk to use man. We'll
    be glad to help.[/list:u]
That is pretty much a copy-paste Malak's old profile with a new picture, I didn't change much of anything save for changing any reference to his old master to "Malchior", the new name, and explaining what taint is.

Malak has a lot of abilities, though the scale of those abilities are different, I listed most of those powers as auxiliary, he is a mage after all, unlike the knights he has no combat skill as an option, so in combat he will be very reliant on his powers. Black Magic, Conjuration, and the Glove are essentially the powers he will be mainly using in the rp. I don't see him using curses on the PCs or using necromancy on a large scale either. Malak isn't the stuff XD, though he isn't to be underestimated as some "Lowly mage" or lacky either.

I can remove the necromancy and curse bits from the profile, if that helps..

I could use help with Valen though
  • I get your intentions man. I know how hard it can be to function/play as a spell caster. Most of them are rather defenseless and weak sounding.
    Maybe it's just the way that you worded his powers, or how in depth you went with each and every one of them that make is sound like Malak
    is so powerful. To the point where he sort of. . .upsets the balance of power on that side. Just looking at his abilities section and Vayne's make
    it seem like our KoD is a little. . .under powered?

    I think especially that bit where you say that Malak breaks down the walls and demoralizes the troops that were protecting Elzier gives that
    impression. He's a bad ass mage, but he's one person. Standing against even an army, he make shake them up a bit, but probably not
    demoralize them. Seeing Vayne is the one behind it, and knowing they're up against the man who tamed the land of the monsters? That is a
    demoralizer right there.

    And I understand that mages need a few abilities to be considered powerful but. . .we all are capped at 3 right now.
    You could choose three for him to have and make a note that certain ones will be gained later on like Raiden did.
    You don't have to remove them though.

    So far as Valen goes. . .how so? Do you mean in developing his character? His abilities?
    And what did you think of the idea's I posed to you in my PMs?[/list:u]
I guess I could elaborate on the King's powers more, make the scale of them more visible. In my mind I see the king as stronger physically and even a better fighter than the most skilled of the knights, holding massive power over shadow, and being an incredibly powerful sorcerer on his own right, a better one than Malak is even. He conquered Lassadar and bonded an entire nation together in a matter of years, building a powerful army and conquering Elzier in a single night doesn't make him sound underpowered. With the King, I tried to not make him overpowered, because I do admit, if I get too into a role, I tend to overdo it. I could easily do more for the king, have Malak fear him, though I do believe that doesn't need to be said. I originally wrote that profile for Princess's rp on gaia, so I held back. If you want, I can be more through on that and write more in his powers, perhaps explain some of his feats.

It is most likely the way I worded it, I wanted to explain his abilities thoroughly, Malak's primary power, the ability to wield black magic has multiple uses, some defensive, some offensive, it is his everything in combat. On occasions he prefers to make his minions fight for him, summoning creatures to aid him on occasion. There isn't much more than that. curses would be like plot events, since I would need another player's permission to use them...

No matter how I described it, those are his options in combat unless he resorts to his glove, I could give him some more combat prowess and tone down the rest, if I made him able to stand his ground with his enemies in hand to hand combat powers, I wouldn't need to compensate with extra spellcasting abilities. Malak's skill with his magic is also justified in that he has been studying it since he was eleven, and has wasted many innocent lives practicing it. I imagine he could just start the rp using more simple abilities, simple spells while holding back... but as things heat up he begins bringing out darklings and demon minions and more advanced spells/curses, trust me, he isn't going to be summoning giant monsters or whatever in his first battle. Malak may be pretty badass, but he is nothing compared to Vayne's power, and Valen, with his pure spirit and strong will are both way more powerful than him in their own ways, most of the characters are.

I imagine that night wasn't very fun for Elzier's defenders, but Malak didn't play that big of a role aside from removing some of the obstacles in the way, I can imagine seeing him blow down the gates in a fiery blast, but immediately after stepping back behind the wall of troops behind him to fight from behind the front line... I didn't say he singlehandedly faced down the army, just blew down the gates and threw around spells to scare people. Vayne himself would have been leading the charge, with his Blackguard behind him, so yeah, I can imagine that was when people begin to wet themselves. The forces participating in that battle were likely all elites and regulars, since it was a high value target and Vayne wouldn't take a loss there.

I am not sure, backstory, character stuff, so far all I have is this dragon thing, and the paladin thing...
I will reply to your pm in a little while, though I don't particularly care for having Valen be the one to keep everybody from going to the dark side all on his lonesome even though he is the leader, if that is what you meant.

I write too much. XP
  • Nah dude, it's cool.

    Valen wouldn't be the only one keeping people from going to the other side, that's not at all what I meant. I do think he would keep a watchful eye over everyone and try to bring and hold them together as a group. You have characters like Ari and Tsu'Ro who'll be kind of floating out to the side. Left out there, disconnected from the main group, wouldn't they be just as vulnerable to being drawn elsewhere like Gandrian was? Perhaps it could even be a worst case scenario then, since Gandrian was one of them, Valen's best friend, and important part of the group. It won't just be him though, since it looks like both Brand and Altima will both be doing the same thing as well. My main thing is, we need both sides to be more unified this go around. Valen is the eldest, and their leader, so it makes sense for him to want to hold things together and make sure that he doesn't end up getting cut down from behind again.

    I think that. . .maybe after we get things going, we should figure out exactly what happened during the Elzier take over. So that no conflicts come up over what happens there.

    Again though, I think it's the wording you used in Malak's profile that made it sound like that. All you say is that he broke down the gates and demoralized the troops. And again, you don't have to dull down his powers, but just. . .make a note of stuff he'll be using later on. Maybe he can start out using some hand to hand stuff, and like you said, eventually have him start pulling out more powerful spells on them. This way, he's kind of. . .scaled back with the rest of the characters now? He's got a lot to him as it stands. Vayne I can understand having a wealth of abilities, I wouldn't hold him to just three like everyone else. He is like. . .the final boss here, and I'm sure they'll confront him once or twice before the end of the story. I'd say. . .he could hold 5 abilities, and I'd level him differently than the others.

    With Valen, you could always work on building bridges, talking to Kitten and Raiden about his relationships with Altima, Brand, and Gandrian. Especially if you wanted to say that Valen and Gandrian were best friends. And kitten brought up a could of good points when we were talking last night - like, what could Vayne have said to Gandrian to make him betray the Queen and his companions? I'm sure that Valen would be curious as to why Gandrian betrayed them. And you and I could always work on something between Valen and Ari. He patrolled the lands where she lived, I'm sure they had to have met at some point in time, maybe numerous times? She too was a court Paladin, and despite being a human, I think the Elves would have warmly welcomed Valen into their cities and the like. He's a great hero after all, right?[/list:u]
Oh yes, Valen will be keeping an eye on everybody, especially Tsu'ro, like he did in the previous, he will be quite suspicious of him, and even suspicious of Ari, though of course less vocally. Valen had never been betrayed before, it is going to scar him pretty bad. The group also may want to keep an eye on him too. Valen may be a great hero, and the noblest of the three knights, but even he isn't immune to despair and darkness. Vayne was just like him once, a kind and noble soul, the queen's greatest general and closest follower, then he experienced evil, and during his quest to rid the world of evil, became more and more ruthless and cruel after his illusion of peace was destroyed, eventually becoming what he sought to destroy. Depending on events this may start to happen to Valen, if he loses hope, that can't be a good thing.

Good idea... You and Kitten were working on the battle of the fort, right? We could put together the events and troops that fought in it.

I can do that, just start him off using only Eldrich blasts in combat and eventually scale up to bigger things as the heroes become more powerful. I will scale him to his threat, since the rest of the heroes are scaled down, and if they are played that way, I have no problem doing that for Malak, so long as he doesn't get butchered in the first two minutes of the first battle.

I am not sure Vayne needs more powers- I can give him some though.
I can also believe having vayne show up would effectively end the battle. =]
  • Of course, it's going to have to be a thing where they all look out for and support one another. That's how the team will come together and become a solid team. Trust has to come from somewhere, right? Valen is, of course, going to have his own problems, but he's still the leader. And I'm not going to lie, he probably will start feeling like things are hopeless. That's when the people around him will really step up to help him. It definitely won't be a good thing for him to lose hope though. He can use the blasts and some basic elemental magic, and it can build up as all of the characters become more powerful.

    Kitten and I just wanted to sort out the motivations for what happened there, so we could have a rough idea of what happened so that everyone will know and understand. This way, any information that the characters mention about it in the story isn't all mixed up. If we're going to do something for the back story of the RP, I think it would be better to maybe build some history between the characters.

    Malak won't be alone. It's always been my intention to have each of the generals always travel with an elite or two. The elites at the beginning should be able to stand as equal opposition for the characters, which I think is appropriate power wise. So, think of it this way - if this were a game, the irregulars would be like the normal encounters. The regulars would that somewhat stronger enemy than the others in the normal encounters. The magus corps would be the annoying spell casters. The Elites would be like the sub bosses. The black guard, the bosses. The Generals, super bosses. Gandrian, he'd be like. . .sub final boss. And finally, Vayne would be the final boss. Of course it's just an analogy, but to get the general feel of what they would be like.

    This way, the characters don't start off pitifully weak, but they do need to grow in order to do what they eventually need to do. Of course, earlier intervention from Vayne would end the fight, no questions asked. Depending on how early it is Vayne shows up to do the stomping.[/list:u]
  • -is rather dizzy reading all of that at once- XD

    Alrightâ?¦ might as well add my two cents (damn, Iâ??ll be broke ; - ; ) in, since this could be a group discussion for strength overall.

    So, I agree that Malak does need his magic to be emphasized because of his combat drawbacks. But Iâ??d say itâ??s just wording, Middie. Keep some of those skills â??unlockedâ?? for now and that should solve plenty of cross conflicts. With him knowing all of those skills, I canâ??t even think of how Nao would have bested him all those said time. Youâ??ve placed lots of effort into it, which is much appreciated in a RP-view. It probably just seems too much for us because you described every move heâ??ll have in detail, when it would have worked best for you to generalize it in the profile, and describe it in the RP as he learned them/used them for x situation.

    And I just mentioned Malak, since it looks like weâ??re talking about your characters to help you organize them? Sorry if it feels too center on him. I think overall, everyone needs to remember that we donâ??t want to make themâ??as youâ??ve told me beforeâ??the Dynasty Warriors. Wording wise, and I admit I need to watch this on myself as well, weâ??re making them just that. Take no offense, ye of fantasy lovers (and some beasties o.0), we just need to watch each other for such.

    Now, back to the topicâ?¦ ^^â??â??

    Dude makes a good point that you could shift your focus on Valen and Vayne. I had suspected that all that skill working and stuff to be part of the dark king, since it would have installed a beginning â??aw and fearâ?? for the final boss. But thatâ??s all in the workings.

    As for Valen, we could build some connections for him with the other knights and such if you desired. Pump me a PM if you wanted to draw some bridges with either Brand or a past Gandrian. I branch this out to everyone as well, for my three characters, so connection-wise, no one feels like their character didnâ??t have background or doesnâ??t have connections for the future kind of deal. Thereâ??s no such thing as lone-wolves among the groups or they fail, unless they are side-characters. Even then, something has to happen to the side-characters.

    However, once Valiâ??s profiles are in, Iâ??d say we should shift a bit away from the profiles and towards the story; since profiles are introductions, but arenâ??t final, while once appeared in the story, itâ??s more likely to make sense to the situation and solidify it more.

    . . .
    . . .

    Andâ?¦ that ends my strangely long input (damn, those two cents went the mile 8D), and seemingly random insert of activity after seemingly less activityâ?¦ ness.

    -does Asian peace sign-[/list:u]
  • I liked them, quite a bit.
    The Siren looks like she's going to be especially interesting.
    We have all of the profiles up now, and post number two
    will soon be done. After I make it, you will all be free to post
    as you will.

    I'm not going to bother enacting the two posts a week rule
    for this week, but it will be in full force starting Sunday.
    ( To stick with Kitten's defined week )[/list:u]
I am not going to be able to post during the weekend.
I have no idea if the relatives I am going to see have internet access or if it is compatable with my laptop.
If I do not pop up for a few days, chances are I am without internet, and as such probably going slowly insane.
  • Post Two is now up. And Dude is fucking dead. >>

    It's cool Middie. Just come out of it all alive dude. And hold onto your sanity.
    They must never have the satisfaction of taking it! EVER![/list:u]

I will tell you guys if I am able to get connected, though I will be with cousins, so my time will be short (Older ones thankfully)
I doubt they will underestimate my prowess with video games this time either. (I whomped them last time)

I am fairly excited to see these relatives, it should be fun, though I will likely tear my hair out without the nets. (Middie needs Internets to survive)
  • No worries man. We'll know what's going on if you don't show up.
    Thanks for the heads up on this dude. [/list:u]
I have internets,
Though I doubt I will be using them.
<3's ya all.

Too much fun with my relatives ^.^
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