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May 25, 2009
Here in Your Arms...Stabbing you with Glee



� оwи�я ¦ »­» Princess of Darkness213 »­» Previous on BM ¦ prettylySIN
á?¦ яоâ??â?®Ñ?â??аγ gâ?®Ð¸Ñâ?® ¦ »­»Fantasy
á?¦ â??ιÑ?â?®ÑÐ°ÑÎ³ ¦ »­»Literate to Advanced-Literate

This is going to be a fantasy roleplay filled with violence,
romance, love triangles, chaos and much, much more.
So, prepare for the great adventure that is waiting for you.
Get those wheels in that noggin of yours turning and do a
couple finger exercises to prepare for this, because it's
going to be the adventure of your lifetime!​
Book 1 - The First Shard - P L O T
  • Left in ruins, the world of Marosia tries to survive under the King of Darkness' reign. The people wonders where the noble knights have gone, and while some blame them, some would open their homes for their protection. While the knights trek on the journey to where the first shard is said to have been sent (to the West, through the mazes and towards the Elves), it is rumored that the Treacherous Knight has been sent on a hunt for that shard as well. How many times will their paths cross roads? What dangers lie in the path towards the Western kingdom, and who will achieve the first known shard?[/list:u]

    * I know we're still working on some profiles and some openings are still available. However, this is to get the ball roll. The 2 posts per week requirement will start the coming Monday, 12th of October.
  • I know, isn't it?
    I have to re-install it. I lost the game and my save data when my hard drive crashed.

    Kitten informed me she's going to be dropping Nao, and told me you expressed interest in
    the position. I was wondering, are you planning on sticking with Malak, or did you want to
    maybe play a character in the role that Nao had?

    Yeah. There were way too many bad dudes.
    So, instead of werewolf, there will be some kind of female character in his place.

    Tch. . .you should have let them think I lost mah damn mind. >>[/list:u]
Haha, I was almost done with it, but serves me right for being too cheap to buy the thing. Arcane warriors rule. Plus, the Codex has so much information :]
Bioware hasn't failed me yet.

D'aww. I liked the idea of Nao and Malak's relationship. though we could easily set him against anybody. The man has enough hate in his heart to go around. ^.^ I would like to keep malak, and I think it would be wonderful to add him to the main villain group since he stands out fairly well.

Nao's role? Do you mean his spot on the main character list or the drunken necromancer?
Maybe, I do have a character I have really been wanting to play that would work in his place, but I am not interested in the role of the Drunken Necromancer anymore. I can send a description of the character if need be.

Maybe if we can find someone good to play the eldest Knight? I am really bad at choosing these kind of things. >.<
  • Kitten isn't playing Nao at all anymore. He's no longer a character.
    The slot is completely open right now. I'm not sure if it will stay
    "The Drunken Necromancer" or if I'll replace it with something new.
    I was asking to see if you wanted the character slot, but if it means
    you giving up Valen. . .I'd much rather you kept Valen instead.

    There was some good stuff surrounding his character that would
    be very useful in this go around. I guess since I've already figured
    that into my planning for things.

    Kitten and I ran through all of the characters last night. The set ones
    anyway. We'll be going over the open slots/creating the new ones today
    at some point before or after my class.

    We're waiting on Vali's reply to see if she still wants the same character
    or not, so right now the last slot on the good guy team is sort of up in the air.
    The last bad guy, and two of the neutral characters will be created from
    scratch though. That's where we stand on that front.

    I'll be working on some setting/storyline stuff as well.
    I have an idea of how to kick things off. I'll be working out the details on that
    at a more appropriate time though.[/list:u]
Alright. I will keep Valen. >.>
Useful? Like what?

I will get a chance to play Vincent some day... For now I guess I will keep my three.

Since we are adding Malak to the main character list and since his rival no longer exists, I will probably have to edit his bio a bit. I would also like a couple tweaks done to his description on the front pate (making it more clear that he is no ordinary spellcaster for one, also changing the hearts, since Malak is male). I would happily plot more stuff out too.
I'm going to say here and now that I'm going to claim the open spot of the Female Knight.
  • Awesome. That's one less spot we have to worry about.

    Valen will be useful in. . .some ways I'm not ready to discuss yet. I'm still working things out story wise.
    I do think that the scene you talked to me about needs to happen. It's made of win.
    I haven't mentioned it here, but I will be giving everyone time to edit their profiles.
    Everyone will need the time, because changes have been made to all of the characters.

    Everyone is also welcome to plot and plan as they like, but make sure you run idea's by me so I can figure
    things into my own plans and perhaps make plans to help your own plans.

    Right now, everything is being tweaked and fine tuned for the restart.
    I'll be updating everyone/things everywhere soon-ish.
    There are still a few things that need to be worked out/fixed/changed.[/list:u]
Thnx for the wb ^_^
I'll be sure to my status' posted. Anyhoo yes I'll keep my little ball of catastrophe. I'm thinking of making a few small tweaks to him however. Mainly on his bio.
  • Awesome.
    There will be plenty of time for you to do that. Right now, I think everyone should hold off on making any
    edits/changes to their characters until they see the updated information that will be posted up here in the
    thread sometime this week. I'm shooting for tomorrow, but I might obsess over them until later tomorrow or
    into Friday. We're almost done working out all of the character updates/changes/additions.[/list:u]
  • Quick update:

    Finished going back over the characters!
    -- All of the characters have minor tweaks and changes made to them.
    -- New characters have been created.

    I'm pretty happy with the way that they turned out. Actually, very happy.
    Team work is going to play a much bigger role in things, and I think the
    new characters and tweaks will all make that better/possible.[/list:u]
  • Alright.
    I'm getting ready to hit the hay here.
    As of right now:

    -- The Drow is open.
    I'll be focusing more on GMing and the "tone" of the RP.
    -- There is one new female character who will be on team dark: an apothecary.
    She is available.
    -- There is one new female character who is neutral: a runaway soldier.
    I will be playing her.
    -- The Drunken Necromancer is available.
    Kitten will not be playing Nao.

    That's all for now. You can expect updates to all of the mini-info things on the front page soon.
    I'll be contacting everyone about characters. There is some other stuff happening/soon to be happening.
    Too much uncertain to go into at this point. . .but it's coming people. Slowly but surely. . .
    Actually much faster than anticipated. We might be ramping up to star again as early as this weekend.[/list:u]
  • I has decreed that it shalt indeed be done!
    Apples and Cherries are hereby considered sacred fruits!

    * Disclaimer: I have not the authority nor ability to declare anythings sacred, but am out of my mind and thus, have fooled myself into thinking that such a decreed is valid. *[/list:u]
~ Oh snaps! It's in all caps, bold, and in big letters. That's right folks, this is serious business. ~​

  • So that I can keep everyone on the same page as far as revisions and working on characters goes, I need to make a few announcements here so that everyone is aware of what is going on right now.

    - First and foremost, I'm putting a cap on everyone's abilities. We all get three to start off with. As the RP goes on, characters will "Level Up" in a sense that you'll be able to add another ability. To show growth amongst the characters. This will also keep people on a somewhat even tier so far as their abilities go.

    - I would much prefer it if everyone waited just a little while longer to get to work on their profiles, so that all of the changes being made can be properly accounted for while you work on them. There's going to be a lot of information posted here today, as I'm cracking down and finishing up things.
    -- There will be more than just four shards.
    -- Rather than using a type of lore, like DnD or LoTR ( which this was all apparently based on before ), we'll have our own to go off of.
    -- There are new Kingdoms in Marosia, as well as new races that will be introduced. These new races are a part of the reason we'll have our own lore.

    Those are just a few of the things I have in mind. So just. . .chill on things for now, and I'll get back to you all with some actual information. . .hopefully within the next hour or two. * Returns to working on the locations. *[/list:u]
Me likey lore!
I could help with history and world building if need be, for now though I am off to a friend's.
I should be back soon.
~ Hoshit! Caps are back! ~​

~ Stuff happens here. ~​
Please Note: There are 4 locations that are not listed here, as I am not done with them yet. I'll add them when I finish them/when they are needed for story purposes.​

  • Maroisa
    - The name of the world. Once, Marosia was a peaceful and prosperous land. With the death of the Queen of Light, and the ongoing conquest of the King of Darkness, the people of Marosia have lost all hope of knowing the peace and freedom they once took for granted, and those fortunate enough to survive await their own deaths or the dismal future that awaits them under the rule of the Dark King.

    - The Capital of Mariosa, The Kingdom of Light blessed by the Queen of Light herself. During the Reign of Queen Cecilia von Kali, Elzier was a bustling hub of trade and culture, a land of peace and prosperity. Tragedy struck, and overnight, the peaceful kingdom was overrun and occupied by the forces of darkness, lead by none of other than King Vayne, the Queen's brother, and the King of Darkness. Hope, light, and other such things were stamped out in an instant. The forces of darkness gained control, and the very symbol of all that was good in the world was destroyed by one of the realms very own heroes. Elzier is a land of fear and death, where the executions of anyone foolish or brave enough to utter a word about how much better things were before the occupation of the Dark Army are carried out daily.

    - A vast expanse of trees, wildlife, and the scattered settlements of the Elven people, Hieroidan is the Kingdom of Earth. The settlements of the Elven people are built into the landscape, highlighting the beauty that Mother Nature carved for them. Hieroidan is a kingdom that is, quite literally, built on the backs of the less fortunate. While the capital and many other cities are built up in the trees, there exists a world below where the poor and destitute are doomed to stay. As the people who live high up in the trees live in the lap of luxury, while those below endure long days of scavenging for food and water, and fighting to stay alive. The current leaders of the Elven people are afraid to make a move, as they fear drawing attention to themselves and becoming Vayne's next target. These lands were once guarded by the Champion Knight, Valen Al'yan Fel.

    The Long Empire
    - The Lands of the North, covered in an eternal winter. Long is the Kingdom of Ice, and the home of the Dragons. The Dragon people have sworn neutrality in every conflict, fearing their interference would sway the world around them too much in either direction, however, their current ruler has been absent from her throne for some time. Currently, there is a council of elders who are in charge of managing the Kingdom in her stead. The lands of the North are treacherous lands, which make it difficult for any being other than dragons to dwell in. There are ways of getting around this extreme temperature, none of which would work for a large number of individuals. This land was guarded by the youngest knight, Brand de Zeus.

    - A place known for chaos, confusion, and death. The Kingdom of Darkness. The King of Darkness brought order to the world, and made Lassadar a nation powerful enough to be respected before leaving to conquer Elizier. Make no mistake, the land is still as organized and functional as it was before, as the Dark Army sustains a considerable presence here. Order is maintained, and those who dare disrupt it are put to death. Such things have become a spectacle for the people, and serve as a harsh reminder that the King of Darkness is still the ruler over Lassadar even if he isn't physically there himself. The rule that was once held by brigands, bandits, and outlaws is now held by a mighty military that seems to be unrivaled by any other single nation.

    The Fort Cardina Monument
    - Some time ago, what became known as the Kapathian Wars were staged. The forces of light and dark clashed in a furious battle that shook the Kingdom of Lassadar to it's very foundation. The fort was destroyed during the battle, but was rebuilt by the Queen of Light as a tribute to those that died and a reminder of the past failure. Because of it's location on the boundary of the lands of Light and Darkness, many of those who are feeling from either side often hide out here since the forces of neither side have ever actively patrolled the area. Today, the fort is still used as a place for these 'squatters', but many people come to pay their respects to those who were lost during that battle. The Kapathian wars took place here five years ago. After a year of conflict, two years were spent rebuilding the fort.[/list:u]
~ C-C-C-C-COMBO! ~

New Characters

  • â??The Amiable Siren
    >> Looks to be in her mid to late Twenties
    >> Cunning/Insightful/Deceptive/Manipulative/Alluring/Charming
    >> Is not able to use magic, but specializes in Alchemy
    >> As a siren, you were born cursed with the looks of a beast. Growing up around other sea-faring races such as mermaids was difficult when they all had an astounding beauty you knew you could never match. Naturally anyway. Because of a growing sense of insecurity, you pursued studies of alchemy in order to be able to mix potions which you used, at first, for your own selfish gains. You're first task was to enhance and perfect your own looks. Along with the change in your looks, your personality changed. Insecurity gave way to a new found confidence and an extreme narcissism. To you, other people are merely playthings meant to be used in anyway you see fit. You do not believe in the light, and would much rather live in a world where you could do your deeds unhindered by such things as law and order, and therefore, use your powers for the darkness while paving a way for your own ambitions for the future. While you can not use magic, you are an extremely gifted Alchemist who specializes in mixing potions with various effects. Your potions can call, charm monsters, and enhance monsters, poison others, heal them, mask yourself and your allies in a cloud of smoke, and other things. While you work very well alone, when working with others, you are able to work your best having them cover your weaknesses while covering their own.

    â??[ The Philosophical Fiend ]
    >> Looks to be around Twenty
    >> You grew up in the Kingdom of Darkness before rule and order were established. The sights and sounds of death and destruction were your lullaby's, the smell of fire and steel became to you what the scent of flowers and the rolling hills of the land of lights are others. The battlefield was your cradle, and for most of your time in this world, it also served as your home. You wandered aimlessly from fight to fight, taking part in the Kapathian Wars that made the Cardinal Knight and even joining the ranks of the Dark Army after the King of Darkness established his iron rule in Lassadar. But you were different from the others around you, the mindless ones who joined the army and followed every single whim of the King. You dared to ask why, and in pursuit of those answers, you fled from the army and began to wander the world, to see if you could find answers to those questions. Fight for those who destroyed the order of the world, or with those who don't stand a chance of victory? You spend much of your time in your head, appearing to be rather aloof and oblivious to your surroundings. You rule the element of metal, and are able to harden your own body like armor, to turn yourself into a weapon. You are an ogre, physically strong, weak in spirit. While you are able to hold your own in a fight, you are at your very best when you work with other people. The fire that tempers steel is you greatest weakness.[/list:u]
~ This guy is still alive? What? ~

Old Characters
These are characters that have existed before that have had minor tweaks made to them in order to better fit the new go.​

  • â??[ The Eldest Knight ]
    ¤ Twenty-five years old
    ¤ Intelligent / Brave / Modest / Cautious / Loyal / Chivalrous
    ¤ Air Element
    ¤ Once a great hero, along with the other three Knights, your name is now cursed and you constantly live in hiding. You are the eldest of the Knights and therefore make the decisions. You're more wiser then they are, but not necessarily smarter. Strong and brave, you fight for what is right and protect those you care about. You create the battle plans, and you're very good at it. Now, living in a state of dread with The Female Knight and the Youngest Knight, smoking is your haven. Every time you battle, there is a pain inside you that grows. You are unsure of what it is. It could be a great power that is yet to be released, or a great darkness that has yet to take over. There is only one who ever knew, that was the Queen. Now that she is gone you are on your own to find out. As the eldest knight, and the leader of the remaining group, you are responsible for holding things together. Despite your own pain, you press on and continue to support the others when you see that they need a shoulder to lean on. The element you have been blessed with, and which you have complete and total control over is Air. The very element of life. Swift and agile you're always the faster than your foe, and your movements are graceful and quick much like that of the traveling winds. You have the ability to whip up storms such as tornadoes and can use your abilities to mix with others and make attacks even stronger, or add it to your weapons to make your blade that much more sharper. You can even suck the air out of the surrounding to choke your enemy. You can also form wings around you to fly and be closest with your element. There are powers and strengths within you which you haven't been unable to unlock yet. With the help of the Amulet, you will be. You've sworn to kill the treacherous Knight. You're biggest weakness is small places.

    â??[ The Female Knight ]
    á?¦ Twenty-three years old
    á?¦ Valiant / Temperamental / Defensive/ Witty / Persistent / Aggressive
    á?¦ Fire Element
    á?¦ As one of the four Knights, you believe strongly in justice and peace and that is why you continue to fight to keep it. You were close to The Queen of Light. You left your family behind after renouncing your claim to the thrown, preferring to live a life of service rather than as a ruler. You have a great hate for the King of Darkness and the treacherous Knight that was once your friend. You've sworn to return peace to Marosia if it's the last thing you'll ever do, and you have sworn to protect all that you hold dear. Never again will you shed a tear of sadness and feel the regret of not being able to save someone you love. Much like the very element that's part of you, you have a very fiery and explosive temper. It takes the littlest of things to set you into a fiery rage. You're very unstable and dangerous at times that even the Eldest knight cannot control you. Fast and agile, you usually have the upper hand in a fight. You can set things on fire by simply touching it, or willing it. You can shape and form fire in many different ways to aid you in battle on offense and defense. You can also forge your weapons with fire to make them stronger. You are a long way from perfecting your control over this ability and using it to it's fullest power. The Eldest Knight believes that now with the amulet, you will be able to control your element. You try your hardest every day. Also, you have developed feelings for the Eldest Knight, but you are too scared to show it because you're scared of rejection. You're biggest weakness is water.

    â??[ The Vengeful Drow ]
    á?¦ Looks Twenty-four
    á?¦ Violent / Malicious / Vengeful / Greedy / Envious / Stealthy
    á?¦ Ice Element
    á?¦ Born a Drow and raised as one, you were always taught to hate the high elves and anything good. Your family has always been evil and they've always been cruel. Your parents worked for the king of Darkness for most of their lives until they were killed by the elves. Seeking revenge you joined the King of Darkness in hopes that you would get your chance to have your revenge against the elves once and for all. You're a great hand to hand fight, fast and agile you're almost untouchable unless matched up against another creature who has impeccable speed. You're very greedy and envious, and the only thing that is wost than your blood lust is your lust for power. You want to be strong, and useful, so that you are not discarded by the King of Darkness. You are civil with all of your colleagues, treating them all with courtesy and respect. You are, however, close to no one, often preferring solitude. When fighting, you never let the enemy live. You make sure their dead. You control the element of ice. You can freeze your enemy with a simple touch, and if their weak enough, with a simple stare. You are able to cover your body in complete ice for protection, and you can create shards of ice to impale your victims. You're body has to be kept at low temperatures or else your powers will be useless. You're extremely weak against fire or any immense heat.

    â??[ The Wise Dragon ]
    á?¦ 20, 258 as human looks Twenty-six
    á?¦ Wise / Powerful / Resourceful / Determined / Protective / Insightful
    á?¦ Fire element / Power of flight
    á?¦ As ancient as time itself, you've seen and experienced many things. You are the leader of the dragons, as few of you as there are. You're very intelligent and insightful. You haven't chosen a specific side, that's the way the dragons have been for many centuries. You have many life lessons to teach as well as values and morals. You've spoken to the king of Darkness on several different occasions, only because he came to you. He's spoken of many alliances but you've refused several times informing him on each occasion that the dragons side with no one and that they would only fight if they had to. Deep down inside, you don't like the King of Darkness. The Queen of light was a friend of yours and she protected your people, but you don't voice your opinions because you chose not to show favoritism. You seek to understand why the Treacherous Knight betrayed the Queen of Light, and hold no hate for him as the Queen would not have wanted you to. You were very close to the Queen, and share a close relationship with the Youngest Knight and the Eldest Knight. You have the power to emit fire in both your dragon and human form. Exceptionally strong and skilled in fighting, it's very rare that anyone challenges a dragon because they would never win. You also have the power of flight, in your dragon form only however. As a dragon, you're very large. As a human, you have the perfect body of a female human and are claimed to be irresistible to many men. You have no mate, and chose not to for now. You try to help the small group of misfits whenever you can, it was you that saved them when they jumped out of the palace window's when the Queen was killed. Time will only tell if the dragons will enter the war, or remain forever neutral.

    â?? [ The Deceitful Warlock ]
    á?¦ Appears 24
    á?¦ Sadistic / Deceptive / Malicious / Intelligent / Unpredictable / Eccentric
    á?¦ Spell Caster
    á?¦ Honor means nothing to you, as long as you get to the ends of your means. While youâ??ve practiced and honed in most of the skills as a spell caster and touching of necromancy, you feel that itâ??s never enough. The females that you bed question your fixation on the Drunken Necromancer; your fixation is of anger and competitiveness. Not once in your encounters with the pure necromancer have you defeated him, thus, darkening your despise. Youâ??ve joined the side of darkness to gain more power, as your power already calls upon the darkness of your own heart. The King of Darkness annoys you, constantly sending you out on wayward missions that you care not for, but it does make you stronger, as much as you hate it. You often find yourself following your companions, or at least, heading towards similar goals, because the King of Darkness trusts no one. Malicious and sadistic, you canâ??t think of anything else but to prove that you are the best; rightly so as your intelligence surpasses most of your previous peers in strategic planning. You deceive those around you, but you always know exactly what you want, even if you appear â??unpredictableâ??. You are a powerful mage, capable of using any kind of magic, however, you are weak close combat. Your deception comes in the form that you are purely dark, but pretend to be of the lightâ??s side. It is then that you strikeâ?¦[/list:u]
~ *Yawn* Is this guy done yet now? ~​

If you would all please direct your attention to the Quick Help thread, Kitten has updated it with all of the current information and new pictures are up of the locations. New ones will be in the works soon, I'm kinda tired after spending all day working on this stuff.

I realize that some of you may have questions, comments, or problems with things. Feel free to blast me out here or over a PM if there's something you want to talk about changing, fixing, or tweaking. As always, if you have any idea's or any problems or anything, just shoot me a message and we can talk about things. The only thing that I haven't done yet is the races, but those are pretty simple:

Humans - Homo sapiens. They age a bit more slowly than we do, and can become stronger than we ever could.
Elves - the first born. They're hippies, very spiritual and live close to the land.
Drow - Elves who got tired of other elves and went to live elsewhere. They got darker. Are rules by women rather then men.
Merfolk - Mermaids and Mermen, people who are half sea-creature half human. They can breathe underwater and on land, but fare better in the water. They can cast magic to turn their lower halves into legs so that they can walk the land.
Sirens - an all female race of sea fairing maidens who are much more beast like than their mermaid cousins. Most are outcasts in the land of the east, and torment the fairer of the races for enjoyment. Also high on their list of past times is crashing the ships of men into rocks.
Dragons - Powerful lizards that can breathe fire ( or whatever element they are of ), are capable of using magic to turn into humanoid forms.
Ogres - In this story, they are more human in form, but have horns and cat like eyes. Physically powerful and known for being brigands, bandits, and murderers.
Heians - Winged people who live in the city of the sky. Can hide their wings and appear more human. Physically lighter than most other races.
Necromancers - They're complicated. The more pure they are, they more abilities they have already, the less pure, the less abilities they have. More pure ones can use and control their abilities better than less pure ones.

I'll expound upon this later. Too tired right now to do anymore. . .
  • Profile thread is up!
    You all are free to get cracking on your profiles. But, please make sure that all of your characters back story's fall in line with Kali's!
    Kitten changed the information there to use as a base for everyone to build up upon so that no one has any conflicting stories and
    we can keep everything smooth![/list:u]
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