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May 25, 2009
Here in Your Arms...Stabbing you with Glee



� оwи�я ¦ »­» Princess of Darkness213 »­» Previous on BM ¦ prettylySIN
á?¦ яоâ??â?®Ñ?â??аγ gâ?®Ð¸Ñâ?® ¦ »­»Fantasy
á?¦ â??ιÑ?â?®ÑÐ°ÑÎ³ ¦ »­»Literate to Advanced-Literate

This is going to be a fantasy roleplay filled with violence,
romance, love triangles, chaos and much, much more.
So, prepare for the great adventure that is waiting for you.
Get those wheels in that noggin of yours turning and do a
couple finger exercises to prepare for this, because it's
going to be the adventure of your lifetime!​
Book 1 - The First Shard - P L O T
  • Left in ruins, the world of Marosia tries to survive under the King of Darkness' reign. The people wonders where the noble knights have gone, and while some blame them, some would open their homes for their protection. While the knights trek on the journey to where the first shard is said to have been sent (to the West, through the mazes and towards the Elves), it is rumored that the Treacherous Knight has been sent on a hunt for that shard as well. How many times will their paths cross roads? What dangers lie in the path towards the Western kingdom, and who will achieve the first known shard?[/list:u]

    * I know we're still working on some profiles and some openings are still available. However, this is to get the ball roll. The 2 posts per week requirement will start the coming Monday, 12th of October.
  • Some. . .times. . .?
    Just wanted to throw that reminder out there for everyone again.
    That was all. *end shameless plug*[/list:u]
  • Finally, another post. You don't even know how happy I am to see that. >>

    It's good to know what's going on. I was starting to get worried because
    so much time has gone by with no posts and no word from anyone about
    anything. Homework and school stuff is understandable.[/list:u]
Yeah, I won't be able to post until later...

Due at the end of the week:
Three page short story
Lord of the Rings report
at least 10 pages of Spanish homework, plus all work on class website. (And an exam on due date)

Middie ish goin- to be busy.
  • Hot damn.
    That's kinda insane dude. But. . .it's good to know.
    If stuff like this comes up, just let us know so we can
    kind of work with/around it to keep things moving.

    Honestly, I have to say I'm not optimistic about everyone
    hitting two posts before Saturday, but since it's the first
    week, it's alright. I do want to build momentum and get
    things moving again though.[/list:u]
Yeah, I was coasting easy for a bit, but then BLAMO!-
Though it is due on thursday... I can post thursday after school. (after noon)

Oh yeah... and Mass effect 2 is coming out next Tuesday. Though I can post and play game at the same time...
  • I'll be waiting to check that one out. I've had my fill of space marines for a while.
    Actually working on some big stuff offline, so the last thing I need is another game. >>

    Understood man.[/list:u]
ooh, though Sheppard is no longer a marine, he is with Cerberus, or so I heard.
Though I get what you mean. I had to turn down several offers by family members (including free WOW) for that purpose.
  • Yes, he was rebuilt.
    I kinda freaked when I first saw the Normandy being destroyed.
    [ F***ING BLASPHEMY! being my reaction. ]
    I just got and beat the first game last month. Liked the story and the
    characters, I have to say, more than I did Dragon Age. I thought Bioware
    kinda. . .took a step down with Dragon Age? I get why but. . .It'd have
    been nice to see them go all out with the game like it felt like they did
    with Mass Effect.

    I'll definitely be checking 2 out though. Maybe a couple of weeks after
    it comes out.[/list:u]
I know nothing about rebuilt (Only knows what was provided in GI)
Though I know you get a BETTER Normandy.
and a psycho biotic chick... I am an infiltrator, so I am not sure how I will go about things
I can't wait X3

I have so many choices for the play-through I am going to carry over... Currently I have an Infiltrator with the added lift ability.

Yeah, it does, though I saw it more as a focus shift to add in the Origins and all the possibilities with story and dialog the origins provide. Mass Effect has great gameplay, while Dragonage returns to a KOTOR style play with even better storytelling at the expense of graphicsw and new carth-uh, I mean Allistair.

At least you get to blow up the carth in Mass effect.
  • Oh, I know. I'm digging the new ship.
    I played as a vanguard, went up to a nemesis. Then my hard drive crashed, and I lost mah game.
    I'll probably reinstall it and beat it over the weekend or the following week, then grab 2.
    I can't wait to see how they fixed up the combat though. It was kinda. . .awkward in the first game.
    Well, the PC guys got the crap end of the stick with the first game so. . .I guess everything was kinda
    awkward. XD

    I play a lot of games on my PC, so. . .the graphics thing wasn't a big issue for me. Got some mods to drop in
    some better textures, a couple of tweaks here and there, and it was all good for me visually.
    There are a lot of things that I liked about both of the games. DAO had some nostalgia to it, which in a way I
    think helped and hurt it. The characters were good but familiar. Then again, Bioware always seems to have
    similar types of characters in their games. . .

    I really liked the stories in both of the games though. I loved the twists in Mass Effect, especially how everything
    came together at the end for an oh shit shit is about to go down and folk goin dah feel it had during that last hour
    and a half of gameplay. Had to admit, I didn't see all of it coming.
    And DAO was just. . .very, very, very, very well executed from each of the branching origins to the end.

    I need to reinstall that too. . .[/list:u]
_Kitten said:
  • Yikes ~
    Reminds me that I have exams next week >.> Pft. . .
    -should start studying- <.< . . . -later-

    O, cute post from Vali~ o3o
    -wants a Malak dollie-
    Sounds like she has a voodoo doll of him though XD[/list:u]

  • XDD She can't control him so she'll just make a repi in his place and boss it around attempt to make it act like the real Malak until she grows bored with it because she wants the real one. X3

    Wow middie you are swamped.... I'm surprised you are even online. 0.o
I have an infiltrator I am going to carry on, specialization commando, though I can't decide whether to go with an assault rifle or lift, my favorite power. I had an adept too, though I went with bastion with him... Adepts are pretty weak, until you get bastion, then they become tanks on their own. I thought the combat mechanics work fine, save for the fact that headshots don't seem to work... The visuals for 2 look mouthwatering.

My PC is dead. So I don't have that :[
Yeah, DOA was almost a return to Baldur's Gate. It was nice, plus the whole dark fantasy and plot twists, plus the involvement with all the backstories. I was a mage (Arcane warriors rule) and an elf at the same time... the result was near universal coldness, though I beat them off.

Yeah, Bioware does have that tendency, the most repeated character I see is what I call "the Carth"... It was cute that Mass effect had the same actor for Kaidan, though the novelty wore off when I realized the similarities in their games, the annoying male second.

Yeah, I should get back to work...

I have said it before, I can safely say it again. Baldur's Gate, KOTOR, ME, DOA. Bioware hasn't disapointed me yet. and they are coming out with an MMO!
  • Oh, well. . .I get what you meant before now then. XD
    Yeah, I totally killed Kaidan off too. I liked Ashley's gung-ho kick ass mentality better. She was funny sometimes. Liked her tons better than Kaidan anyway.
    I played an adept male Shepard and a vanguard female Shepard. I really hated the male Shepard's voice. Dude sounded so lifeless. . .but, not everyone can
    stand up side by side with Jennifer Hale when it comes to voice acting. She always does a really good job with her roles.

    But yeah, Mass Effect 2 looks a lot better than the first did.
    Oh God. You're character had to have gotten the shit end of life with that set up. XD

    Definitely head out and get crackin' on stuff.
    Gotta remember not to bring up games too much in conversations with you when you have stuff to do.

    Vali, your post was both highly enjoyable and slightly creepy.
    As I told Kitten earlier, I liked it. :][/list:u]
Yeah, that... and well, Kaidan is the most useless Carth bioware threw at us, after the beginning I stashed him on the ship, then blew him up and didn't miss him, made with Ashley (and the consort earlier) and saved the universe a happy man. I don't mind male Shepard, never tried the female version for long.

I loved Vali's post too, yes, kind of creepy, but sexy at the same time.

Yeah... I am working on my thing now.
  • I'll have to beat the game with both again so I can carry my save data for both over into 2~

    Let's just hope that this doesn't end up a fatal attraction sort of situation.
    Malak does have a thing for elves, so I can see this thing playing out a number of ways.
    Most not ending well for him. xD[/list:u]
I need to freaking decide what extra perk to bring along...
I already have my options planned out, doing whatever is best for the galaxy, whether that is paragon or renegade.

Who knows, Malak is quirky... and insane... he may find it it sexy.
It may not turn out too horrible, heck, it could be a match made in... evil heaven? They are quite similar in their sadism, and their love for experimentation, obsession with perfect bodies. Perhaps there may even be a way for her to win his black heart?

Brings to mind images of skipping through fields of dissected enemies or him offering her a bound-up mermaid with a bow. XD

Yeah. XD
Malak does like elves, especially if well roasted and properly seasoned.
That would depend on if she gets jealous.

Malak gets odd with elves. He is mostly fascinated by their ability to live a long time, and loves depriving them of that life, and corrupting them.

I had an idea for a Darkling Malak would like, perhaps for later.
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