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May 25, 2009
Here in Your Arms...Stabbing you with Glee



� оwи�я ¦ »­» Princess of Darkness213 »­» Previous on BM ¦ prettylySIN
á?¦ яоâ??â?®Ñ?â??аγ gâ?®Ð¸Ñâ?® ¦ »­»Fantasy
á?¦ â??ιÑ?â?®ÑÐ°ÑÎ³ ¦ »­»Literate to Advanced-Literate

This is going to be a fantasy roleplay filled with violence,
romance, love triangles, chaos and much, much more.
So, prepare for the great adventure that is waiting for you.
Get those wheels in that noggin of yours turning and do a
couple finger exercises to prepare for this, because it's
going to be the adventure of your lifetime!​
Book 1 - The First Shard - P L O T
  • Left in ruins, the world of Marosia tries to survive under the King of Darkness' reign. The people wonders where the noble knights have gone, and while some blame them, some would open their homes for their protection. While the knights trek on the journey to where the first shard is said to have been sent (to the West, through the mazes and towards the Elves), it is rumored that the Treacherous Knight has been sent on a hunt for that shard as well. How many times will their paths cross roads? What dangers lie in the path towards the Western kingdom, and who will achieve the first known shard?[/list:u]

    * I know we're still working on some profiles and some openings are still available. However, this is to get the ball roll. The 2 posts per week requirement will start the coming Monday, 12th of October.
  • I like it.
    Just started playing today.
    Luckily Kitten alerted me
    that I was holding things up
    so I stopped to reply.
    I'll be here. . .partially. . .
    well. . .around. <<[/list:u]
It is okay... I had a bit of trouble with it, since I played a mage, but once I unlocked Arcane Warrior, my mage became invincible (AW RULES... Magic=Strength)
  • Whoots, happy thanksgiving everyone <3

    Kitten's going to be MIA for another day or so...
    Black friday shopping and family/friend D=
    Might die exerting myself, but what the hell. >D

    Oh, and just wondering, but did Lynn just...ditch
    everyone to go to a tavern? XD Well, whatever

    anywhooos~ hope everyone has a good holiday <3[/list:u]
Yes. She did in fact just ditch everyone.
She knows they're smart enough.
I play independent characters. xP
  • My usual post-Thanksgiving illness has come to visit me.
    Looks like it's trying to make up for it's absence last year.

    I'm not sure just what this is yet.
    It's either a stomach virus or a flu trying to flare up.
    I won't know for sure until tomorrow sometime or the day
    after that.

    So. . .my presence here will be scarce until I feel better.
    I'll try to get in a post for all of my characters tonight though.
    Sorry for holding things up again. >>[/list:u]
  • Hey guys~

    Wow, I deeply apologize for vanishing like that.
    Got on to put up a brief warning before, but
    that might not have reached you guys.

    Um...if anything like that happens again,
    feel free to continue jumping posts around
    like we did before. Skipping me for one or two posts
    won't harm - I'm fairly flexible with adapting to new situations ^^'

    Anyways, sorry for the delay~ posted as Brand and Gandrian
    to continue the cycle~[/list:u]
  • Huh...well, just doing a check-in to see who's still alive or interested.
    Post if you're still interested in continuing the RP, as it's been well over
    2 weeks since any activity. In part, I know I've been in and out, but I
    hope that hasn't caused doubt for continuation. I do apologize for the
    vanishing on my end though. Either way, if not interested, perhaps post
    that you've lost interest as well so I know.

    I'll give the check a week, and I guess see what happens then~ o.o''

recruit literate pplz?
That would be awesome.

I have no idea... I quite like this rp though...
If we could continue it that would be grand. Nymphie is gone, but she only had one important character right?
More literate people who aren't underage would make Middie very happy.

Yup, since we replaced the vampire... he isn't too necessary., heck, if necessary my warlock could take his place.
  • Underage is aparently a bit harder to weed through @o@

    The vampire? Vali's character replaces him.
    If you're talking about the wolf, then yeah,
    that's what I was thinking. The warlock and the wolf
    are really close together in sharing ranking/story stuff,
    so it'll work out. Only thing I'm concern on is team light.

    Not too sure what's the best planned action for this...
    • 'Sup.

      Dude is back from a lengthy hiatus, several hard drive crashes, and holiday festivities.
      I've been in touch with Kitten, and we've talked about things here in the Eclipse world.
      A few things have happened during our conversation, each thing I'll talk about here.

      First and foremost, Kitten informed me that she won't be able to handle the job of GMing
      the RP here any longer. In her stead, I'll be picking up the role as the GM here.

      Secondly, we have a couple of very big problems that need to be addressed.
      First, there's the issue with Nymph being, apparently, underage. That axed off Lyn,
      leaving us one knight short of things after getting the RP moving.
      And now, Vali is MIA and no one knows how to get in touch with her. Which sucks.
      I suppose we could just NPC her characters, but no one has a clue when she's coming
      back and we really don't want her to show up after so many things have happened and
      end up confused/unenthusiastic about posting.
      Then there is the above problem with not having a female knight.
      So, we're effectively stuck in the RP.

      So, we've been talking and recently, we both came to the conclusion that
      it's probably for the best that we hit the reset button. It'll allow us to get out of our
      current predicaments with less hassle, and it'll give us a chance to start things anew.
      I'm still trying to figure out exactly how to handle things, but I'm not going to commit
      myself to any one thing until I hear from you guys what you think is best.

      Getting to the point of what I'm trying to say here: do you think we should restart or
      do you guys want to try to work through our current situation?

      I understand if you guys have any questions as to restarting and everything, just let loose
      and ask away, and I'll do my best to answer them.
      Even if you don't have questions, just let me hear from you.

      I can say for certain that both Kitten and I are hoping to get Eclipse up and going, because
      we both believe that there is a lot of potential for this to truly be something special.
      I hope you guys stick around throughout whatever happens, because I thoroughly enjoy RPing with you.[/list:u][/list:u]
A reset sounds fine to me personally. I'm still here for the RP though I'd like to swipe one of the main chars instead if we reset it.
Ack, sorry for my lengthy absence. Seriously when you think things are going swell, life really fucks it up. I've been cramming for school and my schedule had been so full I had absolutely no time to get on the nets. However, thank goodness all that's over with now, and I can finally be active again. In advance, next time I'll post I'll be MIA in advance before my schedule gets hectic.
I don't mind a reset either.
We can make Malak take the wolf's place as a main if need be too.

And of course I still intend to play K.O.D and Valen
  • Awesome guys.
    Thanks for getting back to be so quick.
    I'll be planning out how to go about doing all of this all over the next couple of days.
    Wednesdays are always my busy days, as I have art class for about 3-4 hours and
    use as my general hang out/catch up with friends days. I'll be here for most of the
    afternoon tomorrow.

    And now that I see that we're go for things, I'll open up a document and start
    chugging on things right away. First stop - characters! For now, we can keep
    using this as a hub for communication so I can keep you all posted on things.

    You can all PM me with any questions/comments/suggestions/idea's or whatever
    as well. I'm pretty good at responding to them in a timely matter so long as I'm not
    using my computer for gaming at the time. Which is way less frequently than before
    at this point.

    Vali, glad to see you're back. :]
    Just keep me posted on where things stand with you so far as your schedule and
    we'll work everything out as it comes up.
    Are you still interested in playing your same character, or do you have an idea for
    something different?

    Middie, I think I'll just integrate Malak into things and make him one of the main
    leaders like the others are. As Kitten and I have been talking about, there's a little too
    much testosterone on the bad guy's side of things, so I'll be creating another female
    bad guy to balance things out.[/list:u]
I just returned Dragon Age, so I should be less busy when at home unless my friends suck me back into multiplayer games again. Jeez that game is a great fantasy.


Sounds good.
Malak is a fun character to role-play as, I look forward to expanding his character.

A new female character? We can always use more of those.
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