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May 25, 2009
Here in Your Arms...Stabbing you with Glee



� оwи�я ¦ »­» Princess of Darkness213 »­» Previous on BM ¦ prettylySIN
á?¦ яоâ??â?®Ñ?â??аγ gâ?®Ð¸Ñâ?® ¦ »­»Fantasy
á?¦ â??ιÑ?â?®ÑÐ°ÑÎ³ ¦ »­»Literate to Advanced-Literate

This is going to be a fantasy roleplay filled with violence,
romance, love triangles, chaos and much, much more.
So, prepare for the great adventure that is waiting for you.
Get those wheels in that noggin of yours turning and do a
couple finger exercises to prepare for this, because it's
going to be the adventure of your lifetime!​
Book 1 - The First Shard - P L O T
  • Left in ruins, the world of Marosia tries to survive under the King of Darkness' reign. The people wonders where the noble knights have gone, and while some blame them, some would open their homes for their protection. While the knights trek on the journey to where the first shard is said to have been sent (to the West, through the mazes and towards the Elves), it is rumored that the Treacherous Knight has been sent on a hunt for that shard as well. How many times will their paths cross roads? What dangers lie in the path towards the Western kingdom, and who will achieve the first known shard?[/list:u]

    * I know we're still working on some profiles and some openings are still available. However, this is to get the ball roll. The 2 posts per week requirement will start the coming Monday, 12th of October.
Question: Where should the bad guys be meeting at this time?

Vali mentioned the Siren was in her room, perhaps in Elzier's castle? Or in Vayne's Black Keep?
  • I dunno about that one. I feel that there needs to be something more than just a simple turn skip.
    But if we did that, the time waited would have to be considerably shorter. I'd cut it down to two or
    three days at the most. Waiting a week or two would be crippling to the flow of the RP.

    I'm thinking they would start wherever Vayne is now. Elzier is closer to Alusair than Lassadar would be.
    Then again, it would depend on how the attack is carried out.

    That one is your call though.[/list:u]
Problem with kicking is that we would lose players from our already shallow pool.

Of course I can start Vayne in Elzier.

I was thinking of using Malak as a device for bringing him in though, have the king call him to his castle from his lab.

What do we know about Alusair exactly?
We could discuss details of forces and whatnot in PM, I have a couple ideas...
  • That is true, we don't have a lot of people.
    Believe me, I don't want to kick anyone. But I think that merely skipping over someone's turn is a slap on the wrists.
    We need people to post, and we need something to give them a reason to post. Our problem now is people not
    posting/having to wait for people to post to continue. Saying just skip over them is fine and dandy until someone
    NEEDS a reply to continue, and then, the RP hit's a standstill.

    I'm hesitant to just not do anything other than skip for that reason alone. And even before, seven days and two
    posts was all that was asked, but even that was damn near impossible to get. This is just a frustrating issue. I
    don't really know how to go about dealing with it because it seems like nothing is going to work no matter how
    we try to approach it without something to give people a little extra incentive to do so.

    I've been meaning to ask Raiden where he would rather it be located.
    Depending on where it is, it'll either be to the north or south east from Hieronidan. It'll decide whether the characters
    go to Long or to the desert kingdom.
    We know it will be attacked at some point. And I'm thinking it'll be a walled city, something akin to Cardina, but larger.
    This way, it's not too easy to invade, and it gives the people a fighting chance. Quite literally.
    It just makes stomping on this place that much more. . .important I guess.

    You can PM me about whatever idea's you have.
    And I think that it would be better to use Gandrian as a device to introduce Vayne. Since, you know. . .he is the king's
    General. The Right Hand guy so to say.[/list:u]
Kicking folks would be as suicidal as just waiting.
Skipping seems like the best option, it doesn't motivate people to post more often, but at least it keeps things moving until we do hit that point. I guess after a certain point we could just go on as if they weren't there or had another person temp their character.

Well, I was hoping they would go to long after Valen's little "affliction" takes hold, so it could happen in that battle, or in another further down the road.

Hmm, I guess if Kitten posts as Gandrian and has him go to the throne room she can do that.
It would be easier to use Malak, since I control both of them.
  • o.o
    Feel free to PM me on ideas of what to do with Vayne and Gandrian, Middie.
    We could brainstorm together, since we're playing King and right-handed man.
    We might as well develop evil things together for the story in parallel with what Dude's planning.[/list:u]
  • I'm. . .
    I'm going to reduce the wait time to three days. And anyone who just won't post will have to deal
    with a severely pissed off Dude. And Dude really doesn't like being severely pissed off. That is

    Kicking people might not be good, but I think anyone who had to constantly be reminded, warned,
    nudged, drop kicked, thrown off a bride, blasted off into the sun, given cement shoes, etc. will have to
    go. Kicking will only come about if it becomes problematic that someone is not posting. When it becomes
    excessive. Excessive meaning I have to run behind a person and start bitching at them to post because
    they haven't in so long.

    I was thinking the same thing concerning Valen, since Ranis is there now. I'm not posting with her yet
    'cause I'm not sure just when I want her to pop up again. I do have some idea. . .but. . .we'll have to see
    how things play out. I'm not going to make any decisions until then.

    It might be easier with Malak, but I do think that this is something that would best be done through Gandrian
    considering his position. Though. . .Kitten did want to let Gandrian float a bit too. I'll let you guys work
    that out though.[/list:u]
Sorry I haven't beenb around. we've been hammered by snowstorms here that've been closing the libraries for days at a time.

And the city is probably south of the forest, like Way south. It's kind of like Riva from the belgariad Nigh impossible to take by force.

It's built on a plateau with defensive walls leading up to the top with soldiers living between them and all of them have gates they can close, particularly along the route used by the "royal" family.
  • Let's not go too way south here. It's supposed to be a stopping point in between two places.
    For now, let's focus on Cam. We'll decide just what to do with the hometown place later.
    Also, the side characters are all currently there right now, so it's. . .kinda sorta already being shaped.
    I just wanted to know if you would have rather had it north or south -ish. Now that I know, I'll plan
    all of the other details accordingly.

    And now, I can start planning for the next phase after that. Some minor stuff for now. . .[/list:u]
  • Man. I don't even remember leaving that last message here.
    More than that, I can't believe it's the last post before this one.

    Anyway, I'm posting this because I think there's finally a solution
    to the posting situation. From here on, I'm only going to ask for one
    post from everyone per week. That's not to say only one post, anything
    more is definitely appreciated, welcomed, and highly awesome.

    So. . .just one post a week and anything more is gravy, alright guys?[/list:u]
I'm going to throw this out here:

Does anyone at all have a problem with how I'm playing Altima? Other than Dude.
  • Raiden, let's get something straight here dude.
    I don't have a problem with the way that you're playing Altima.
    I want you to play your character how you want to play her.
    She's beautiful, good looking, nice and all.

    But your last couple of posts have a lot of emphasis on her chest.
    We get that it's big and all, but I asked you to tone it down just a
    bit so that it didn't start an overly sexual tone at the beginning of
    a plot based RP.

    No one has complained, it was me asking about something I thought
    could become problematic in the future before it happened.
    As GM, I'm just trying to keep things on track here. That's the long
    and the short of it.

    If me asking was a problem for you, or offended you in anyway,
    tell me. I don't want any problems here.[/list:u]
Well, I knew that.

There was a girl dressed like Chell at the convention middie was at last weekend. She had the braces and everything
  • Chell. . .I feel like I should know who that is.
    But nothing is coming to mind at the moment.[/list:u]
'The cake is a lie'

Chell is Portal girl. Or at least the name Valve (or fans) gave her. That was a while ago, no idea if it changed.
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