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May 25, 2009
Here in Your Arms...Stabbing you with Glee



� оwи�я ¦ »­» Princess of Darkness213 »­» Previous on BM ¦ prettylySIN
á?¦ яоâ??â?®Ñ?â??аγ gâ?®Ð¸Ñâ?® ¦ »­»Fantasy
á?¦ â??ιÑ?â?®ÑÐ°ÑÎ³ ¦ »­»Literate to Advanced-Literate

This is going to be a fantasy roleplay filled with violence,
romance, love triangles, chaos and much, much more.
So, prepare for the great adventure that is waiting for you.
Get those wheels in that noggin of yours turning and do a
couple finger exercises to prepare for this, because it's
going to be the adventure of your lifetime!​
Book 1 - The First Shard - P L O T
  • Left in ruins, the world of Marosia tries to survive under the King of Darkness' reign. The people wonders where the noble knights have gone, and while some blame them, some would open their homes for their protection. While the knights trek on the journey to where the first shard is said to have been sent (to the West, through the mazes and towards the Elves), it is rumored that the Treacherous Knight has been sent on a hunt for that shard as well. How many times will their paths cross roads? What dangers lie in the path towards the Western kingdom, and who will achieve the first known shard?[/list:u]

    * I know we're still working on some profiles and some openings are still available. However, this is to get the ball roll. The 2 posts per week requirement will start the coming Monday, 12th of October.
-gives cookie-

The vali post is not gunna be tonight.

Middie just realized he has a test in the morning.

I hate tests.
Once a week thing, too. .

I have a midterm... eventually.
-more studystudystudy-
I didn't mean to upset you Dude. Just I don't like people talking about me behind my back and your PM just made me think that some were comnplaining. I'd rather have them complain to me instead of you is all. nothing personal
Makes me wonder if anyone has a scratch at how Iâ??m playing my characters o.oa

@ Middie: Finals are coming up in 2 weeks actually, so essays are due sporadically between for me as well xD Just gotta balance them out, yeah? -high fives- Just remind me to never take more than 21 CRs again @_@;
Posted. There wasn't much to do or think of quite yet.

If I made any mistakes I can fix them later on. I am assuming that Valen is at least acquainted with Tsu, and Ari is with the two though, but I can't be sure, too tired to think.
  • The only thing I can say about your post Vali is that it's one paragraph short of the minimum.
    Otherwise it's good. I like how it took him a second to realize what Ari was saying. ^_^;;[/list:u]
Thnx Middie :3
Heh, I knew it looked short Dude. XD Yeah, he's slow like that. Would you like me to add more to it or...just leave it be?
I wonder too. She seems like she would....why would she come down if didn't want to join them? Then again she might have just been curious.
-Glomps kitteh-
-Then Vali-
-then dude-

I am in a good mood...

Yeah, group hug in the bath, it may get pretty crowded.

I also can't wait to move on to the temple, maybe come up with some NPC baddies to fight?
Is teh split. X3

Group hug? -faints-

Good moods are good. XD -comes back to life 0.o-

Woo baddies...hopefulleh. Tsu's tiger is itching for a new chew toy.
Yesh...essays suck...they make me feel the same way. Especially when there's ton's of research involved.

Tsu~ tosses expensive wallet to save Z's life. he cries silently. XDD

Middie hates essays.


And he has to write one soon, on lord of the rings.

Vali- Um... o_O
  • She's planning to join them.
    But with a naked dripping wet Brand out in the wide open and
    a guy with a tiger there, she's gotten a little. . .side tracked.
    Feeling kind of sorry for Valen though. Maybe Ari will get him
    some more tobacco? Or at least tell him where he could find some.[/list:u]
That would probably piss brand off a bit, but Valen would be pleased.
Poor Nicotine addicted Vali.

Middie is going to a hockey game, will post shortly after that.
  • Ari's cool. She'll kick him in the face if he gives her any grief.
    And before anyone asks, yes, she can kick that high. :][/list:u]
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