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Stay strong (Furry princess and Ladydark)

The man quickly stumbled out the door before Tia closed it on him, he stares at the door as the screaming starts and gulps. He has never seen Tia angry before and he hoped he was never on her bad side. He left to go and inform David before returning to his duties, David going to check the room every little while. Eventually returning to the training room and looking to the broken mother, he crouched to look her in the eye and smirks. "Lets see how you do..." He takes a nearby toy and turns it on, to medium, he then reaches out and taps it to her pussy a few times.

Aden looks up as they enter the room and his smile slowly fades "What's the matter... Tia?" After a moment he gives her a look and deepens his voice "Drop the leash and come sit here now... Not a word..." He points to the bed, he wanted her to calm down slightly before he had her tell him what was wrong. Once she sat, he reaches up and twists his hand in her hair, pulling her close for a deep kiss, only pulling back once she melted against him. "Mmm... Better... Now report..." He let her go and waved Izzy closer.
Her eyes seemed cold and unfocused, almost comatose until the toy touched her nethers causing a severe jump with each touch but no outburst, no violence her eyes did however move to focus on the toy before looking back at the women screaming in pleasure from the men around them. "It isn't worth trying to stop you is it?" She asked quietly her mind grinding over whether it would be easier to just give in and try to enjoy it or not.

Tia's scowl did lighten a little bit at hearing her master's voice but nowhere near enough to hide what a mood she was in and as he gave her a command in that tone she simply followed it despite how angry she still was, dropping the lead and quickly walking over to sit silent the entire time, she wasn't sure what to expect but it definitely wasn't the sudden feel of his hand grabbing her hair and pulling her to him for such an intense kiss and while it did take most of a minute she did finally with an almost audible effect fall into him, melting into his shape as best she could. "I...yes...umm..." She tried to think over what David said if anything about the other women but it was all just a blur. "I can't remember master if David said anything before...Before he told me about the wife of the man that hurt you..." Izzy had closed the distance but stopped dead as Izzy mentioned why she had been in such a move. "I'm sorry master I got so mad an-and I just..." Tia didn't know what to say, staring up at her master completely lost for words.
David looks at her "It would only cause you pain... But if you behave... I'll make sure you are always with your daughter... A package deal..." He turns the toy to low and now gently holds it to her pussy, looking at her and waiting for her answer.

Aden looks at her as she told him that they had the man's wife, he looks her over, she was tense, and had this just wrong feeling coming off her. He didn't think his pet could get this angry, he cups her cheek and rubs softly, getting her to focus on him. "Breathe pet... Nice and slowly..." He rubs her arm and back, waving Izzy closer to help. "Now... Tell me what happened..." His one hand moves to rub her thigh to help ground her.
The woman looked to her daughter currently in the throes of passion unlike anything her mother had ever experienced, the toy against her pussy wasn't helping making a rational decision but she didn't have the strength or willpower to fight against it even if all the other women rushed them right now she may not have stood with them as her world had already shattered around her. "Okay..." She said weakly and instead of being a limp doll she moved to kneel and spread her legs a bit so he could reach her with the toy. "If I can stay with my daughter...even like this its worth it..." She had to hold onto any part of her old life if she could.

It was hard for Tia to focus on relaxing but bit by bit she began to take long deep breaths and was helped as Izzy sat quietly and hugged her, surrounded by the 2 people that truly made her feel at home. "I...she was proud of knowing her husband hurt you and I...I used that to torture her using my panties that had your cum on them as a gag, I whipped her, tied her in positions use the electric toys and clamps and basically did everything I could do to hurt her...she has cuts and is covered with bruises and...I'm sorry master...Izzy she just made me so mad if her husband had gotten a better shot..." Tia began to cry loudly as Izzy pulled her into a tight hug.
"It's okay Tia, we won't let it happen again, master will never be put in harms way like that." Izzy for once did channel that same powerful glare she did when fighting Aden as she said it looking Aden in the eyes as she did, silently muttering "Or else." For only Aden to see.
David smirks and nods "Good girl..." As she shifts to open up more, he turns the toy back up, rubbing it against her pussy slowly, he reaches out to tip her chin up, making her look at him. "You have my word you'll stay together... Now focus on your own body, and look at me..." The more she starts to respond, the higher it turns it up, slowly inching to max.

Aden watches her and listens to her tale, they had never beaten a woman like that, but he knew where it was coming from. "I'll be more careful in the future love... Ill even stick to the boarders until the others have cleared a village..." He carefully pulls her from Izzy and pulls her into his chest, kissing her head softly and rubbing her back. "Do you want to be her trainer... Or shall I have someone else take over..." He wanted to give her the first shot, it would help her greatly, slowly breaking the woman into a loyal slut to be sold.
The woman seemed almost shameless as she began to moan with no attempt to hide it she truly had given in and followed his suggestions looking towards him while closing the world out around her, her moaning growing in volume and she occasionally twitched as her body was teased more and more, the toy turning up making her pussy ache in a way she had never experienced before.

"T-thank you master." She said quietly while attempting to clear her tears as she was passed to her master and Izzy moved in to make it a group hug. "Someone else." Tia seemed scared at the thought of being like that again. "C-c-c-can I just ask...can you be her first time master? As payback as rough as you can go with her?"

Izzy gasped for a moment as Tia suggested it but returned to a smile seeing that smug smirk begin to work its way onto her mistress's lips again. "I love you sweety."
Tia turned to Izzy and gave her a sweet and loving kiss. "I love you too Izzy always."
David smirks "Did your man ever make you feel like this..." He slides the toy along her pussy, holding it to her clit every few moments to hear her longer moans. "Resist that urge to close your eyes... You watch the one pleasing you..." He leaves her clit alone a few minutes to let her calm down, he wanted to see how long she could hold off.

Aden kisses her head again and nods "Of course... We'll have her trained with toys only... Nothing enters her until I do... With you watching... Will that please you my pet..." He starts to run his fingers through her hair, she seemed tired but didn't want to sleep.
The woman's body stiffened as she felt the toy press to her clit that long groaning moan leaving her lips. "N-n-no w-w-we didn't h-have toys or do t-things like t-this." Her sex life had been remarkably vanilla, her husband a creature of habit and laziness. The woman reached her arms around to grip his own to hold herself steady, her eyes still focused on his despite her struggle to not close them and not long after the toy was taken from her clit she couldn't hold it back anymore, her legs clamping together with the toy on her pussy and a loud scream echoed through the room.

"T-thank you master." Tia was starting to truly calm down, no longer crying and comfortably resting her head as the two of them hugged her and played with her hair, it was a rare moment for the three of them to have such a sweet and innocent moment which was made all the funnier considering how the both of the girls were dressed, Tia still in her previous clothes despite a lack of underwear, Izzy had been getting dressed when Tia took her away and was wearing just a little more then Tia was with a pair of matching pink panties and bra.
David turns the toy to low again as she tenses in her orgasm, wanting her to ride it out for as long as she can. "Tell me you enjoyed that... If that scream is to be believed..." He keeps the low toy slowly rubbing against her pussy, still looking her in the eyes, one hand moving to her breast to gently massage it.

Aden smiles softly, his pet was sometimes just too kind hearted, he runs his fingers through her hair and then down over her back. "Mmm... Just rest Pet... You've had a long day..." He looks to Izzy as Tia starts to drift off to sleep. "What about you... Would you like to meet this woman... Or have a hand in her training..." He watcher her, then gently pulls a sleeping Tia to rest besid him, rubbing her back to keep her asleep and relaxed.
The woman struggled to find words after the treatment, her body quivering as she slowly recovered with the toy against her. "I-it felt good." was all she could mutter as his hand trailed to her soft flesh to softly play.

"B-but master I should..cook for you or something..." Her words were dull and slurred as the soft relaxing feeling of the two surrounded her before finally she gave in and nodded off against her master's chest.

Izzy watched on quietly only ready to answer once Tia drifted off, her eyes focusing on his with more then a little bit of anger filling them. "I may thank her for her husbands attempt but thats about it, I'm going to stay by Tia in case you do something else that has the risk of killing you." The time without Aden's rough hand had made her much more..brazen and foolish.
David smirks "Good... Lets try a few more..." He starts to slowly speed the toy up again, his hand continues to massage and kned her breast, even lightly pinching her nipple.

Aden continued to pet Tia and grins at Izzy as she tells him the truth "Is that so... And what if I told your Misteess you'd wish for my death again..." He softly scratches her scalp and runs his hand over her back, she was so tired she wouldn't be waking for a while. "Or maybe you're just missing a firmer hand... And a commanding voice..." He glares at her slightly "I will not be in this bed much longer... Remember your place... Pet..."
The mother shook from the treatment, the toy pressed against her pussy as it was and his hand playing with her tits as if they were his property the moment he pinched though she fell forward moaning it wasn't something she expected or had ever been done to her before.

"Don't you dare threaten Tia." The thought of him causing Tia pain by telling her the truth was truly enraging for the enslaved woman, she did realize her mistake as he spoke about how it wouldn't take long for him to recover and as much as she wanted to take another go at him she bit her tongue the struggle of self control painted over her face.
David looks at her and smirks, helping her sit up again, toy still in place, he makes her look at him again. "You liked that... What else do you like..." It wasn't a question, it was clear by her reaction that she had enjoyed it, he pulls the toy back a moment to allow her head to clear. "Tell me... What has made you tingle... Something you wished to try... But never could..."

Aden continues to glare slightly "The only one who would be hurting her would be you... So the threat is yours..." If Tia wasn't so tired he'd have her help him give Izzy a nice fuck, but as it was he couldn't do much yet, a few more days.
The woman was pulled once again into the kneeling position as he looked over her, a toy to be inspected as he tried to figure out her switches. "I...I don't k-know...w-we never experimented with anything..." She said nervously as he stared her down she honestly had no idea until for a moment she remembered a time when her husband one drunk night had accidentally strangled her a little bit as he was getting her undressed almost ripping off her clothes, her hand moved to her throat as she remembered the sensation of losing the feeling to her limbs and with the sudden flush of oxygen felt them come back but she assumed something was wrong with her for feeling that way it wasn't a sexual thing it was meant to be terrifying, her hands soon moved to trace the outline of her neck as she looked deep and thought and quivered.

Izzy almost leapt to her feet and punched Aden as he insinuated that she meant harm for Tia but was only able to ball her fists for fear of repercussions from the both of them, Tia more then Aden, she began to bite her lip hard enough to draw blood.
David watches her, suddenly remembering something, he smirks as she starts to hold her neck and shiver. "Someone choked you... Just before the point of passing out..." He tips her chin up and stares at her, his hand slowly moving up to push hers aside, he rests his hand around her thraot gently. "Tell me you trust me..." He presses the toy against her again, still on low, he flexes his fingers against her neck, his hand large enough to almost circle it.

Aden watches her, then smirks "So... A few days without a real cock and your bitch returns... Then I promise you, only I'm well again... I will fuck the bitch right out of you I again... Misbehave again... And I tell her you still want me dead..." He looks down to Tia and runs his fingers through her hair again slowly. "She really is the perfect pet... Soft and loving..." He looks to her "But with a bite you don't want to mess with... Am I right... Izzy..."
The woman was snapped to reality as he figured out what had happened just from context, her body locking up as he easily flicked her hand aside and his in comparison giant hand moved to cover the skin, part of her was terrified but she couldn't deny she wanted to feel that intensity again and this man seemed to only be pleasing her and doing a better job then her husband ever had even without a proper touch. "I...d-d-do." Her hands gripped his arm nervously as she felt him flex, her entire body began to twitch as it awaited what was going to happen.

"You..." Hatred dripped from her voice and was only stopped when he mentioned Tia and what he could say to her, she hated being trapped like this even if she did do something, even if she killed him right now Tia would disown her, the person who her life now revolved around would throw her aside for the act, it wasn't worth losing so she simply bit back her words and looked to Tia's sleeping face for reassurance that it was the correct thing to do.
"Good girl... Try to focus on me..." He hadn't done this often, but enough to know what to watch for, he starts to slowly squeeze her neck, ignoring when her hands start to tighten on his arm. "Relax..." He gives a rough command and turns the toy to medium, knowing she won't notice the speed boost until she 'comes back'. He continues to squeeze and hold her until her eyes start to flutter and her hands starts to slip, then he lets go and rubs the toy against her clit.

Aden grins at having won their little fight, Tia was so tightly woven in her heart that she would do anything to stay with her. "That's a good pet..." He smirks at her "Now sit on the bed and give me a little show... I'll tell Tia you were a good girl while she slept..." He knew she'd do it, always seeking her approval even without knowing she was. "I wonder how she'd reward you..."
Anxiety grew within the woman as she felt his hands tighten around her throat, thoughts of what would happen if he didn't stop and the knowledge she couldn't stop him now let alone when suffering under loss of oxygen, she hadn't even noticed that her hands began to grip him as hard as she could manage as tunnel vision began to present, her face burning as blood was forced to pause its flow, her eyes began to roll back as her hands dropped when suddenly so did his and she took in a loud gasp that felt like it could break her ribs, sensation coming back in a sudden rush. "AHHH!~" She screamed as the toy pressed against her clit before falling forward as her pussy gushed in orgasm creating a small pool beneath her before the rest of her body followed suit and fell to the ground for the moment unable to control herself as the heavenly feeling poured over her.

Izzy almost snarled as he talked down to her once again even asking for her to play with herself for his amusement the expression only broken as he mentioned Tia rewarding her, her thoughts moved to a more pleasant location where Tia and her were alone enjoying each other completely. "Fine..." She muttered quietly her angry tone carrying just a hint of want at the thought of Tia as she moved further onto the bed sitting at the foot of it as far as she could away from him, she had assumed he just wanted to watch her play with herself and soon with her eyes closed and thinking of Tia moved her panties to the side and lifted up her top before slowly and delicately playing with her nipples as time went on she pulled at them softly while one hand drifted towards her waiting pussy
"Well...." He watches her and kept the toy going until she was shaking lightly all over as it spread through her body. He sets the toy aside and tips her chin up to let her look at him, he rubs her cheek again and smirks. "Thank your Master... And he may reward you again..." His fingers slipping to her neck and just giving a light squeeze, just teasing her.

Aden grins as she finally gives in and does as told, he smirks as she closed her eyes, then waits for her fingers to reach her pussy. "Ah... Open your eyes Pet... Look at me and enjoy yourself... And I'll allow you a whole day with your Mistress... And no faking... I can tell.."
The woman was panting heavily as the cold floor helped cool down her now burning body, her eyes were unfocused as David pulled her chin up to face him. "T-thank you m-master." She said with a pleasured tone, lines of droll forming at the corners of her mouth as his hand squeezed her neck softly again she was utterly drunk on the pleasure.

Izzy bit her lip as Aden now gave her another command but the offer he was giving her was truly worth it, it was rare that the two would share a whole day, even now without him around Tia was busy sorting out the women most of the time and the rest of the time either tired or sleeping. "F-fine." Izzy looked towards him but seemed a her mind still rushing over what her and Tia would do her focus wasn't on him and it wasn't long before she began to moan loudly with one hand beginning to thrust into her wet pussy and the other pulling roughly at her tits.
He squeezes just enough to make her gasp, he then pulls her into his lap, he rocks her against his hard cock and grips her neck again. "Look at me... Good girl..." He starts to squeeze again, careful not to pinch anything as he starts to cut off her air once again. "Mmm..." Her movements against him started to speed slightly as her air grew short, he works himself out and presses against her. "Lets have you fuck a real man..." He lets her go once again and thrusts into her, starting a strong steady pace.

"I said look at me Izzy... I'll keep her from you..." A light threat, but as far gone as she was, she'd take it to heart quickly "And slow down... I want to watch you build... Your Master wants a show..." He knew by that point her only goal was winning her reward and enjoying time with her Mistress, he continues to run his fingers through her hair slowly. Tia sleeping soundly beside him, not even aware of the battle of wills going on around her.
The woman didn't show fear this time as his grip tightened and did her best to follow his movements so she was on his lap, her entire body convulsed as she felt him press against her entrance and finally he tightened his grip further again as she stared up at him, she couldn't help but rub herself against him as once again she lost sensation, until she slowed down for just a moment and he let go and thrust into her immediately after. "AHHH! P-please! W-wait!" Her painfully over sensitive pussy being ravaged so quickly was a tortured overload of pleasure, she couldn't do anything though as her body spasmed against her will, her eyes beginning to roll back from the onslaught.

Izzy's eyes did focus on Aden despite her obvious dislike of the idea, it wasn't worth losing a chance with Tia and also started to slow down at his request, she couldn't hide the occasional angry glare that soon vanished each time she brushed over her clit and shook.
David grins at her reaction and holds her, not slowing a bit, he rocks his hips up into her as her eyes start to roll back. "That's it... Just give into it... Enjoy it..." He groans slightly as she starts to tighten on him again, he leans closer and pulls a breast into his mouth, nipping her nipple. "No more fighting..." He whispers, switching to her other nipple, he suckles this one and rocks his hips up harder, this would be the one that she'd remember, that she'd try for again and again.

Aden smirks at her "You glares turn into such lovely moans... Look at me and imagine it's Tia teasing you... It's her fingers softly rubbing your wet pussy... She's showing you off to me..." He'd made her enjoy this little show, he grins slightly "She speeds up slowly, teasing you until the edge... Holding you there... You softly beg for it..." He spoke softly, noticing the change in her eyes.
David didn't stop, didn't slow down and if anything began to thrust harder as her body caved and she came again less explosively this time but she didn't get a chance to think on that as he began to suckle and bite at her nipple. She screamed again and again in pleasure as waves of forced orgasms began to hit her her body only held in position by his hands and the thick rod inside her.

Izzy's glare turned even more cold and angry then before as he noted what was happening and then of all things he began to play her again, her active imagination and the forceful breaking of her mind so engrained into her that she couldn't stop herself from playing along, her body language changing as she seemed to lose herself in the illusion and her fingers pushed deeper and teased her begging pussy. "P-ple-please T-Tia." She begged quietly as her tongue began to hang out of her mouth waiting for the imagined Tia's permission.
"Nnn... That's it... Just a little more..." He holds her hips and continues, now licking and nipping at her throat, he was close but just holding back. "Now break for me.." He whispers softly and gips her throat once more, squeezing just enough so she can take small breaths. He thrusts up quickly a few times then lets her go as he thrusts deep and fills her, rocking his hips slowly as he finishes. "Nnnn..."

Aden grins, she was so easy to control, Tia had done a wonderful job on her, he doesn't take his eyes off her. "She nips at your ear and whispers, her hand almost going still... 'Beg our Master...'" He lightly scratched Tia's head as she slept beside him, Izzy fully believing Tia was behind her.
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