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Stay strong (Furry princess and Ladydark)

He glances to Tia, she was tired enough she wasn't going to wake for a while, she had worn herself out, he grins again. "I said close them Isabelle.... Remeber every twitch... Touch... The high vibrations... Your mouth is gagged... Eyes covered... Hands bound..." He sits up a bit more to watch her, she was almost shivering she was so caught in his trap. "You're mistress standing over you..."

David grins down at her, not waiting for any replies, he pushes her down on all fours again and pulls open his robe. "You may Pet... Tell them your place..." He moves behind her and kneels, spreading her legs and thrusting in hard and deep, then pulls out and repeats a few times. "Nnn... Still such a hard tight cunt..." He then starts a hard fast pace, slapping her thigh a few times if she stopped talking. "Who were you before me Pet..."
Izzy couldn't escape, if she got up to move away it would wake Tia and the repercussions from the both of them would be horrific on the other hand even with Aden broken and unable to touch her he was still able to turn her own body against her without effort, she even shut her eyes now that damned need to follow orders so ingrained into her that it was so difficult to resist. As he forced her to relive the time when he mentioned her gag and her hands her body began to move into place as if those binds were there before she pulled them back, even tilting her head back as if to look to Tia for just a moment. "Y-y-you h-have to stop...T-tia wanted a n-nice dinner..." Izzy knew there wouldn't be any chance from her own complaints but there was a chance with Tia, she was his perfect toy one that could do no wrong.

Jewel was almost an animal with how eagerly she allowed him to mount her. "My place is anywhere you want me to be master! A-at your feet! Wrapped around your cock! Swallowing your load!" The growl of pleasure that left her lips as David thrust into her shook her very core, that hard thrust made her body feel weak and she was utterly at his mercy. "I w-was like them!" She looked towards the group. "B-but you showed me how much better it can be like this! At your beck and call master!"
"Tia is asleep... Worn out... She will be fine... Now concentrate... The toys are speeding up... Feel them..." He smirks and watches her, keeping an eye on Tia, but knowing she won't wake up.

"Such a good Pet... Tell them what I give you... How I make you feel..." He speeds up, then reaches under her to rub her clit, pinching it gently as he does. "What is it you crave pet..." He looks to Nick and the girl in his arms, he was holding her head up to watch them.
Izzy internally cursed as he simply waved it aside before continuing with his torture of her, how she wished she could shove a sock in his mouth or something to shut him up. "N-no..." She began to shake more as the sensations that didn't exist began to get more intense as if she could actually feel the toys buried deep in her pussy, driving her closer and closer to the edge.

"You give me everything I could want and need! Y-you fill me up and I feel heaven with each thrust!" Jewel was screaming now with each stroke. "You always you! A-and I want everyone to s-see it!" Her body was gearing up to explode, she saw all the eyes focused on her and could almost feel the intensity like dozens of lasers on her skin. "C-can I cum? Master?!"
"Yes Isabelle..." He grins, he hadn't known she could be effected like this, but now that he did, he planned to use it. "Tia is stepping closer to you... You don't know it... Then she presses another toy to your clit..." He'd love to see her cum from memory alone, it would be more proof that he owned her, controlled her.

"Look at them pet... Ask them..." He waits until she turns back to them and starts to talk, then thrusts harder and deeper, he planned on tossing her other that edge without warning. "You see her... How happy she is..." He thrusts a few more times and cums as she hits another peak.
Isabelle bit her lip, she shouldn't be suffering like this, it shouldn't be a problem at worst it should just be a bad joke but Aden and Tia had played with her, fucked her and toyed with her enough that she could remember how each of them felt in such vivid detail, her body grew more tense until he mentioned the toy on her clit where she almost jumped if it wasn't for remembering Tia was there. "P-please stop!" She let out a loud whisper as her body began to contort, her legs pressing hard together and her toes and fingers curled.

"T-tell me I can c-!" Jewel screamed loud enough to echo in the large hall as he hammered in and out of her, fogging over until she felt her body give in to the sea of pleasure. "C-cummi-YES!~" Her arms gave out and she collapsed to the ground only to be thrust into just as hard and fast for a few more times until she tightened again in another small orgasm, enough to shake her core. "D-david~" Her eyes were glazed as she violently shook with pleasure.
"She smacks your thigh... You don't ask to stop..." He grins as she grows closer, her body remembering everything like it was happening again. "You feel it coming... That pleasure... It hits you hard Isabelle..."

David grins down at her and smacks her ass lightly as she falls, then rubs it as she starts to fog over, her body clouded in pleasure. He pulls from her and lifts her up, turning her to face them and slips back into her so they could see. He licks her neck and nips her ear softly "Rub your clit pet... You aren't done yet..." He knew she couldn't resist his commands, especially in this state.
Izzy could see that her pleas were falling on deaf ears, possibly acting as a turn on for him as well. I hate him! Die Aden! She began to grit her teeth as he continued to torture her like this. "No no nonono." She said as he began to scale it up for the finale and her body reacted with it until with a loud scream she came, her fingers and toes curling to almost white knuckle as she shook and squirted covering her clothes in a wet patch.
Tia was awoken by the event, hearing Izzy's scream made her sit bolt upright. "Izzy! Are you okay?" As her eyes focused she could see Izzy in the throes of pleasure. "Haha you couldn't wait? or did master make you do something?" The glare that Izzy shot Aden told her everything she needed to. "What did you make her do master?" She asked still laughing and smiling as sleep threatened her again.

Her body was mostly limp as she was picked up by David but she was awoken from her stupor as he nipped at her ear. "Y-yes master." She said weakly as one hand answered his call even though her body ached from the touch, so sensitive she could barely stand it. "M-master I love it master p-please don't stop." She could see the crowd recoil further as they now saw each and every thrust into her and it fueled her even more. "Y-yes keep watching, Master's amazing dick fucking my begging pussy, nothing but his slut, his toy." As she spoke she only tightened around his length.
Aden grins wider as she finally falls over that edge he pushed her so close to, even waking Tia from her sleep. He looks to her tired face and smirks, "Technically you made her cum love... I made her remember when you had her tied and stuffed with toys... She remembered it quite well..." He knew she was still tired, she looked so cute on the verge of sleep.

David grins again, thrusting slowly because she was so sensitive it wouldn't take much to have her cumming again. "She's a beautiful pet... Isn't she... And quite loyal..." He can feel her getting closer already, he continues to move slowly. "Would you ever leave me Pet..." She was on the edge again, her mind fading like her strength.
"Thats all you did?" Tia asked confused as she looked back at the still recovering Izzy. "I think we can have some fun with that." Tia yawned and rested her head on the back of the bench seat. "I bet...youd like th..." Sleep took her mid sentence.
Izzy stood up and stared daggers at Aden, tonight had been an amazing night she hadn't even minded that Aden was there until he started up. "Your an awful human being..." She spat with acid but knew she could do nothing but attempt to harm him with words.

Jewel's body was still so sensitive that David's every move threatened to make her cum again, hearing his compliment's made her quiver. "N-never master, I l-love being y-your toy!"
Aden smiles at Tia and soon watches her fall asleep, he looks to Izzy and smirks "You can bitch and complain all you want Isabelle... But the fact is you lost to us... To Tia... And we will play you as we see fit..." He grins "The best part... As much as you complain... You love every minute of it... Crave it to your bones..." He knew she couldn't deny it; especially after what he just made her do.

David grin and looks down at her "I love you too little Jewel... Cum once more for everyone to see..." He shivers slightly as he feels her starting to ripple around him, her back arching once more and her fingers stilling against her clit. "That's right baby... You cum only for me..." Once again filling her, then pulling out slowly to show how full she really was, holding her to him.
Izzy felt for a moment that old spark as she had a few times while Aden and Tia broke her down, he was weak and unable to fight back it would be so easy, Tia's asleep she wouldn't know but despite that all she could do was sit down and ball her hands in frustration.

Jewel barely needed his permission as he thrust harder into her sensitive pussy, she was struggling to hold it back already as she saw all those eyes focused on her and David fucking for their viewing pleasure. "D-davidddd" Jewel's body tensing in his arms, her fingers on her clit now completely frozen as she came, squirting across the room, a few splatters even managing to hit some of the girls who were close to them. "Y-y-y-yes m-master..." Jewel's voice cracked a few times as he withdrew from her and a few drops of his cum left her and hit the floor.
Aden watches her and grins, then relaxes again "You should take her to my room... She needs the rest..." He gently shifts his shoulder "Nnn... I should be out of here in a few days... I trust you'll be a good pet for her until I return..." He smirks "Behave well and I'll have a big reward for you..."

David shivers slightly and slowly helps Jewel to the floor, she wouldn't be all there for a little while, her mind needing to catch up to her body. He makes sure she's comfortable before standing straight and loosely tying his robe closed, he looks to the women around the room. "Hello ladies... I hope you enjoyed my pets little show... She wanted to show you how good we can make you feel..." He sees Nick with a girl off to the side, he moves to step closer and looks at them. "So... How are you doing..."
Izzy began to grit her teeth as he continued to talk, this was the longest the two had had a lone discussion in a long time and she didn't have the patience for it but she couldn't hide the look and sound of delight for a split moment as he spoke of rewards, it even took her by surprise but was quickly hidden by a look of frustration as she quickly took the chance to leave, picking Tia up in her arms and making a hasty escape. "Bastard..." Was all she said on her walk back, her anger melted away as she looked down at the sleeping sexual angel in her arms.

The women including the woman by Nick could only look in shock as they saw the state Jewel was in, no drugs, not forced but utterly broken, desire and sexual hunger such heavy parts of her that she would willingly please herself in front of strangers, her attention moved to the man that now approached them, nervously she took a step back hoping not to be his next demonstration despite the fact that her pussy had become wet from the performance, her body now tainted with desire that she had never before possessed. "I...I'm..." Fear filled her voice as she looked up at the imposing man and found herself unable to find words.
Aden smirks and goes back to sleep shortly after she leaves

David grins down at the little thing in Nicks arms, he reaches out and gently cups her cheek "I see Nick has taken good care of you... Tell me... Did you enjoy his actions..." He reaches down himself to slowly rub his fingers between her wet lips, easily finding her clit. Nick holds her gently from behind and starts to lick at her neck, sucking her pulse gently. David smirks at the soft moan she tried to hide, then kneels slowly before her. "Lets show you another way... Shall we..." He lifts her legs over his shoulders with Nick's help and soon starts to lick and suckle her softly, with an expert tongue. Nick shifts his hands to gently massage and squeeze her breasts.
The girls hair on her neck stood up as he reached out a hand, panic once again stopping her answering him, much to her surprise that didn't do anything to stop him as his hand simply pushed between her legs and she let out a gasp, trying to back away only to have Nick join in on it, the assault by the two made her body act on its own, her heart beating faster, cheeks and flesh now more rosy and her nipples standing tall. "P-please no..." Moans began to escape her unwilling lips as the two deepened their assault, David's tongue working its magic while Nick caressed her breasts, her small frame utterly unable to fight back against the two men. "N-no-not both..." That pesky morality that Jewel so eagerly threw away still begged for her to only be with a single man, this was beyond wrong to her.
David simply ignored her and continued on, licking slightly faster and massaging her thighs gently. Nick smirks and kisses her cheek "Relax little flower... David knows what he's doing... Just trust him sweety..." He starts to rub her nipples softly as David speeds up, he could feel her slowly starting to move against David.
The girls shifting and fighting was so easily held back she felt as if she was a child, with ease they continued and her body began to respond without her permission. "T-this is wrong...a woman should only be with one man...please you have to stop..." She didn't want to become like those other girls, lost to pleasure and desire or like the punished one who would live life as a toy for any and all but this couldn't stand.
Nick smirks at her slightly and turns her head gently "If that's true Sweety... Then why are you moving your hips with him..." He starts on her neck, licking lightly, focusing on any spots that make her gasp, then gently pinching her nipples when she moans. "But if that's the case... We can place you with one Master... One man to care for you..." He could feel her getting close again, David was attacking her clit again, suckling and flicking it with his tongue.
She wanted it to stop, it had to stop but with each passing second her body became more wound up, both of them knew exactly what weaknesses the female form had to exploit and as Nick made her the offer that would offer her the least difficulty she found she couldn't form the words, her body already shaking as David's tongue expertly bought her mind to a screaming halt, her shaking legs showing just how close she was. "AH!~" She screamed unable to control herself, her legs tightening on David as best they could before going limp, her entire body quivering as her eyes glassed over.
Nick looks at her and continues to hold her after her orgasm, making her look at him once she was done. "Very good little flower... How was that..." David was still slowly licking her, cleaning her and keeping her in that dazed state. "Tell me how it felt..." He was holding her hand and rubbing it softly, she was quite cute in her innocence, something he didn't get to see often.
The girl still had glassy eyes as Nick asked his question, unable to recover with David's tongue working its magic on her, the only sounds from her were pants and moans, her eyes held fear and an unwanted lust as Nick held her vision with his own, her mouth hung lazily open just as the rest of her seemed limp and pliable like a poseable doll.
Nick smirks again and leans closer, he kisses her again and signals David to speed up again, she was close to a mini break. David glances up and grins against her, then attaches her clit again, sucking harder and twisting his tongue around it quickly. Nick continues to kiss her, now working her tongue with his, he held her hand as she searched for something to hold on to. They didn't let up, David speeding up again and even pumping a finger into her slowly, she was close.
The girl couldn't find the fortitude necessary to hold them off, her strength waning as their assault continued and despite her mind screaming at her she couldn't push them away or scream at them her mind locked in a glass cage watching her body give in for her, her moans filling Nick's mouth as he deepened their kiss and her body geared up again from David. "Ah...Ahh!" Her body tensed for only a moment, it seemed to vanish just as fast as it began but it exhausted the poor girl whos eyes now glassed over.
David continues and holds her as she finally cums again, then gently licks her clean before pulling away, setting her weak legs back down. Nick was holding her up, once David let her go he swings her around to hold bridal style. He looks down at her and smirks, her body and mind were quite weak at the moment, he moves to sit by the wall, this one needed to relax now. David stands back and again looks to the other girls in the room, cleaning his face with his robe. He moves closer and quickly grabs another woman, pulling her close and holding her tight. "Tell me... Are you married... Do you have children..."
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