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Stay strong (Furry princess and Ladydark)

The guards stand behind them and grin out over the women, they smirk as they shrink back after Tia's speech. They look to Tia as she gives an order to them, then step out and look over the girls, they talk to each other then walk over to a girl in the corner. She had been hiding since they walked in, blushing slightly and covering her eyes, she looked to be quite shy. One holds the others back as the other picks the girl up and takes her over to Tia, making her stand before her.

"Nnn... Thays right baby... Beg me... Like a good little slut..." He reaches down to pinch and rub her clit, he thrusts slower to tease her, but rubs quickly to keep her on edge. "Quick and slow baby girl... Your body is in my control Jewel..." He lifts her chin and makes her look at him "Who makes you cum Jewel... Who owns you..." He spoke slowly, never looking away.
She watched the guards pick the most reserved of all the girls and bring her forward. "Oh it's okay sweetie, you'll love every second as you discover just how much of a slut you can be." Tia held the vial out in front of her, waving it in the girl's face. "You can either take this willingly or we can force it down your throat and I would rather not force you into drinking it." The girl tightly clamped her mouth shut and attempted to look away provoking a sigh from Tia. "Hold her head forward." The two men forced the girl to look at Tia who's hand slowly snaked down the girl's stomach before rather harshly pinching the girl's clit provoking a scream. "Good girl." Tia said as she forced the vial into her mouth and held her mouth closed until she swallowed.
The dosage was much higher then most of the other girl's had to deal with, it was meant to be used to slowly tease them, make them pliable to suggestion she was using it to brutally strip away morality and show how easy it was to turn one of them into a full blown slut. "Let her go, it won't take long." The girl fell to the floor before scurrying off into the crowd but after only a minute the effects began to take hold, seemingly turning animalistic, she grappled with another woman, grinding against her. "Hey! I have something better for you then that." She said grabbing the girl's attention as Tia gestured to the men and soon she began stepping forward with the look of a sex crazed zombie, weak legged and hungry for cock. "Do whatever you want to her." Tia said nonchalantly and waved them forward as she neared the front of the crowd. "Just make sure she faces the crowd although if you want to fuck her face that's okay too."

"Please keep fucking me! How do I ever live without you inside me!" Jewel screamed as his fingers played with her clit. "You are! You make me cum! You own me forever! I'm your jewel! Your personal fuckslut!" Jewel began to scream at the top of her lungs, he was keeping her on edge and she knew it, he knew just how to hold her back but she had no issues playing his games, screaming his praises for all to hear .
The guards grin wider as they let her go, watching as they shy little girl runs off, then not a minute later was taken by the drug completely. They step up as Tia offers them to her, one steps up and tips her chin up to face them, he smirks. "Strip little girl... Then we'll make you feel much better..." Once she does so, he takes her and sits by the crowd, making her face them, he slowly slides her onto him. The other stands by them and turns her face to his hard cock, showing her how to suck him, then man under her starts to move slowly, wanting her to feel every inch and thrust for her fist time.

"That's right Jewel... Are you ready to cum for your Master..." He suckles her nipple harder and starts to rub and thrust quickly at once, he wanted her thrown over the edge quickly again. "Nnn... Cum for me little slut..." He thrusts harder a few times before cumming again himself, making sure to thrust nice and deep.
The girl wasted no time answering them, sounds of stitches being torn as she hurried to take off her clothes, every moment she had to wait was far to much as she was moved into position and with the drug coursing through her system she eagerly began to bounce on the man beneath her as best she could with his hands slowing and guiding her, her mouth moving to almost inhale the cock placed against her lips.
"Mmmmm~" Tia began to squeeze her legs together as she watched the woman in her stupor, her attention finally returned to her pet, removing the toys and turning them off before a few slaps to Izzy's face to get her attention. "Time for your real reward sweetie..." Tia moved Izzy onto her back and quickly moved to straddle her face, Izzy's tongue dashing as fast as it could to please her mistress and taste her juices. "That's it pet!" Tia exclaimed with a scream filling the room.

"Y-yes D-d-Master!" It was rare that David referred to himself as master so much so that it confused her every time but she did her best to answer him as her mind began to blur again. "Your slut m-mast-" She barely had enough time to recover from her last orgasm so now she felt her entire body arch up so fast she threatened to pull muscles, her hands balled into tight white fists and toes scrunching as she came again, her eyes beginning to roll back.
"Nnn... So egar... You like that girl.." The guard looks down at her as she sucks and bobs on him quickly, he grins and looks back to the scared group of women. "Look... She was the shyest amongst you... Now look at her..." He pulls her off him a moment to show them her reaction, the guard under her was starting to thrust up harder.

David grins at her and slowly pulls out, letting her fall to the bed as she finishes, now twitching slightly, he leands down and kisses her softly. "Such a beautiful Jewel I have... No one can compare..."
The girl's cock muffled screams of pleasure answered him in abundance as she did her very best to be filled by both of the men using her at once even if she gagged horribly while doing it, when he pulled away the crowd was treated to a face filled with slobber from the facefucking and her hands reaching out to replace his cock in her throat. "More please more!" It was easy to see what effect it had on the crowd, horrified faces losing hope by the second seeing what effect they could have with minimal effort.
Izzy on the other hand had finally started to recover, her tongue more energetically lapping at her mistress's folds and plunging into her depths, her eyes focused utterly on Tia's face who looked down at her like she was a well behaved puppy.

Jewel barely seemed conscious with her eyes half open and rolled back, his lips on hers only evoking the smallest of responses for the moment but it wouldn't be long before she recovered and was begging for more, her body so utterly used to being thrashed and abused now.
"As you wish..." He grips her hair and starts her thrusting on his cock again, making her gag a few times before she found a rhythm that worked for her. "That's it girl... Keep it up for a treat..." He grins at the crowd before he thrusts deep once more and fills her thrust with his cum, pulling out to cover her face as well. The one under her reaches around waist to tease at her clit and not slowly, he rubs and pinches it, wanting to break her as much as possible her first time. "That's it little cunt... Cum... Show your friends how it feels..."

David smirks at her and sits back, he looks to their toy and smirks "How long should she be able to rest... Should she get a wake up call...." He grins.
The girl was in heaven, before a shy girl who had never wanted a life of lust she was sweet and innocent but already she was lost to it, as she tasted the cum filling her mouth she eagerly swallowed and soon used her hands to gather what covered her face and swallow it too, licking it off her fingers with perverse glee, just managing to get down the last drop before her body suddenly came. "AHHH!~" She screamed in pleasure for all to see and here, her body weakly falling forward as she did but still she weakly tried to thrust back despite how sensitive she was. "More~ Please more~" She looked between the two of them eyes and body begging to be abused more.

Both of the girls in front of David laid abused and broken, both ripe for the taking and unable to argue.
The one guard she let go was starting towards the group of women, he smirks and grabs one that looks the most shocked, he pulls her back. "You want more girl... Here..." He makes her face the crowd, the other guard shifting the broken girl to face her, the standing man lifts the woman and spreads her legs, the sitting girl pushed closer. "You want more... You lick her..." Once she starts, the lower guard starts to thrust again.

David grins and moves to the toy, he flips her into her back again and looks her over, he lifts a hand to run over her still twitching pussy. "Aww... Still ready for me... Perfect..." He pulls her legs apart and moves up, he rubs against her before slowly thrusting into her once more. "Nnn.... Such a tight little bitch... You'll be great when we are finished with you..." He moves slowly to start to 'wake' her up.
"No let me go don't touch me! DONT MAKE ME DO IT PLEASE I BEG YOU DONT GIVE ME WHATEVER YOU GAVE HER!" the woman screamed as she tried to fight the man who could probably wave her around with one hand if he wanted to but soon she was pinned to his chest, legs spread and she was unable to move. "No please don't do this! It's wrong!" She screamed to the drugged girl and the man holding her, the womand turned slut didn't even take a moment to revel in his offer though and began to eagerly lick the pussy of the unwilling woman in his arms much to her dismay.

The moment the girl was filled she sparked back to life, confusion and fear filling her mind as she felt the pleasure in her nethers, her eyes soon found him and she began to kick despite her legs still feeling weak." G-get off me...your a monster!" Her voice simply wasn't as strong and her moans undermined it's message.
"Faster girl... Suck her clit... That's it..." The one under her, Jake, starts to thrust a bit harder, the one standing and holding the woman, Nick, spreads her legs wider and guide the other girl. Nick grins at the one he's holding "Oh... You won't be getting any of that... No... Your little friend here will be your drug... Because as much as you fight it... You can't deny how good it feels for long... No one can..." He whispers into her ear, Jake starts to rub the girls clit as she gets it right, rewarding her if she makes the other moan.

"Sorry little toy... But we aren't finished with you... And as my love is resting... It's your turn again..." He glances to the side at Jewel, he reaches up and rubs her clit slightly, wanting to work her up slowly again, tease her.
The girl didn't know what he meant when he mentioned the word clit but simply sped up, she was raised to be an untainted girl and knew very little about the idea of sex, her tongue began to ache but she didn't stop, utterly unwilling to give this up she needed more.
I w-won't!" The other girl screamed as was tormented, held wide and unable to fight back in front of her fellow villagers as the woman beneath her appeared possessed, small moans escaped her lips as she thrashed and fought much to the pleasure of the woman beneath her. "Your all monsters!"

Tia was enjoying the sight, these men had utterly taken her ideas to break down the wills of the others and run with them, the sadistic look in Tia's eyes was growing stronger with every passing second and without warning got to her feet and reached for her pet grabbing a handful of hair and stepping forward forcing Izzy to keep up as she licked her lips, savouring every last taste of her mistress that she could. "Your all starting to understand now aren't you? Fighting isn't an option, you can give in and enjoy yourselves as you are fucked senseless and become living sex toys for the men and women who want to buy you OR you can try to fight it as this one did." Tia forced Izzy to stand as she roughly pulled her hair up. "Now tell me slut what do you want more then ever despite you trying to fight?"
Izzy's hands stayed at her side, it was not her position to fight her mistress's actions as she was forced to stand. "To make my mistress cum, to taste her cum on my lips and tongue and make her happy, to share anything with my mistress." Izzy soon found her hair drop down around her shoulders.
"Just to prove it, I am giving you the chance to do one thing freely without consequence, you could leave without us coming after you." Tia stepped aside and gestured to the door. "Any one thing you want."
Izzy didn't need another second to think about it as she stepped towards Tia and planted a deep hungry kiss on her lips before dropping back to her knees and licking at her friend once again.
"She was a warrior, stronger and more willful then any of you and look at her now!"

Even as the girl attempted to fight it seemed she simply couldn't summon the energy, she was still tired and worn down. "Why do you d-do this? It's wrong..." Her moans began to overshadow her speech on morality.
Jake smirks and thrusts up into her harder and reaches up to pinch and pull her nipples, rewarding her more and more. Nick laughs and shifts to hold her wider, then leaning closer to lick at her neck slowly, he sucks softly. "So... Did you have a man before tonight... Or maybe even a woman... You seem to be enjoying that quickly..." He looks out over the crowd again to see if it was affecting anyone after Tia's little speech.

David grins and starts to speed up "Wome have a place in this world... We are just showing you back to your righting one... Now moan louder..." He reaches up to rub her clit slowly, other hand moving to her breast to squeeze it.
The lust filled girl rewards made her scream into the other's pussy as she did her best to lick faster and force her tongue deeper, the other felt sick to her stomach but the tongue buried in her nethers provoked automatic reactions, soon even her own juices began to flow to mix with the girl's saliva and drip to the floor. "I'm not! I won't!" Her arguement sounded hollow, The actions of the men and Tia already reaping rewards by breaking her spirit, her thrashing had stopped, many of the girls around her now bursting into tears and seemed submissive rather then the rare few looking as if they would pounce and attack.

David's expert touch gave her little chance for defense. "Y-your wrong!" Her voice quivered with pleasure that she tried to deny unsuccessfully, against her will fulfilling his command. "We'll escape...we will." Her eyes now filled with tears as Jewel began to come back to her senses, slowly moving as a sign of life.
Nick grins and looks back to her "You won't have a choice..." He then looks to the group again, targeting the women who look broken already, he smirks. "Alright... Any women who don't want to feel any pain... Be good and step forward now... I promise you'll only feel the best pleasure... If you step forward now..." He watches them closely, smirking when a few look to be moving forward.

"The only way you leave... Is if you're bought... And I'm pretty sure you'll fetch a high price... A nature break like you..." He rubs her clit faster as an example and thrusts faster again, he looks to Jewel to see what she's going to do once awake.
Tia looked up in amazement, just under a quarter of the women stood, unwilling to suffer and realizing their fates moved forward. "Congratulations girls you've chosen the correct option and I promise each of you will be treated well and we will look for good masters for each of you. The rest of you have made your decision, anyone who buys you will be good enough." Tia laughed maniacally as a few more tried to stand and join them. "Sit back made your bed already!" Tia wanted to make it extremely clear that good behavior was rewarded, bad behavior got punished. Tia was beginning to shake and with one hand pressed her pet deep against her pussy. "Lick it all up pet! Enjoy your mistress's cum!" Once again a maniacal laugh escaped her lips as the sadist in her took control.

The two trapped girls began to moan in unison despite the girl being held still asking for them to stop.

Jewel was recovering much faster then the other girl and was soon able to pull herself up. "Your going to clean me up..." She whispered loud enough for her to hear before climbing over her and facing David before finally straddling the girl's face. "If you want to breathe you have to start licking, Jewel for just under a minute stayed clamped down on the girl before beginning to loosen and moan. "That's better...taste David's cum...lick it out from my slutty pussy!" The girl was still far from another orgasm but it wouldn't take long with a bit of breath control and David's expert hands and cock. "K-kiss me...I want you to kiss me while you fuck her and she eats me out..."
Nick continues to hold the woman open for Jake's girl, he then looks to the group of women who stood forward, he smiles kindly at them. "How many of you have ever been with a man... Don't be shy..." He starts to reach for the woman clit as the other girl starts to tongue fuck her. Jake was getting close and slows down to draw it out.

He grins at his kettle Jewel and leans closer "So naughty... I love you..." He kisses her deeply and speeds up his actions, feeling her starting to lightly twitch around him. "Tell her to speed up... Or she may cum before you..." He grins again.
The woman on top of Jake once again was suddenly overtaken with an orgasm her body shaking and quivering as she sprayed against Nick's legs but the potion pushed her on, to not stop she never wanted to stop, the other woman still stubbornly refused to give in, to admit the pleasure being given to her. "Stop." Tia said in an annoyed voice. "She needs to be punished I think." Tia looked around for a few minutes trying to decide what or where to do it. "You know what...for trying to fight back the pleasure being given to you by your loving community member your going to be the men's plaything, Anyone will get to use you as they see fit, hell the women too. Until you get bought your not even a slave, your a living toy for anyone to use as they see fit regardless of how humiliating or detrimental it is to you." Hearing the brutal sentence shut up the mindless chatter the rest of the women were uttering. The girl simply burst into noisy tears as her life broke in front of her, she didn't fight it, she didn't say anything. "I am going to tell master of our successes." Tia motioned to the women, all bar 2 of them having raised their hands. "I think he will be quite pleased with our progress, and by your help. Have fun with those two." She pointed towards the drugged girl and the broken one still being held before making her way to the door, she had a different approach to her master and the men but it seemed quite effective.

"How could I not be...with how you treated me....what you showed me." Jewel moaned into his kiss, she clamped her legs shut as he suggested making the girl speed up. "I'm starting to think you don't think air is worth the effort! Speed up! Deeper!" Jewel shouted before clamping even harder and soon was answered with fervant licks. "Oh fuck yes...d-don't stop!" Finally her voice vanished for a moment as she clamped down again, this time forcing the girl to drink the river flowing from Jewel's pussy, the lack of air making the girl even more sensitive as suddenly she came too, Jewel slowly stood on her quivering legs. "I think its time she tasted you properly now..." Jewel moaned as the thought of her being facefucked flashed in her mind, the image almost enough to make her lose control and jump David again.
Nick looks to Tia and smirks, then lets the woman go, leaving her to curl up beside the drugged girl, Jake thrusts harder as the girl cums around him, then fills her himself. He pulls her off him to allow her to rest, letting her hand be enough as he body was worn out. Him and Nick move to the other waiting women, they go to the two virgins and smile down at them. "Then you two are first... Nice and slow..." They both pull the women closer and kiss them softly, keeping their promise to only give pleasure.

David wasn't close yet as she came around him and Jewel came over her, he pulls out and pants softly, looking to Jewel and smirking. "Sounds good..." He moves up to be by her face and turns her head to face him, he opens her mouth and slips in, thrusting slowly at first. "Bite me and I'll leave you to Jewel for a punishment..."
Tia skipped towards the medical ward with a smile that threatened to tear her cheeks. "Well I may have gone a little overboard with it a couple of times there, hopefully master won't mind, and I bet you had fun didn't you Izzy?" Tia looked back towards her pet just as they opened the doors to see her pet, hair a mess and her face glistening with sweat and the juices of her mistress.
"Y-yes mistress so much..." Izzy couldn't hide the look of pleasure on her face, Tia giving her the choice was such a rush possibly in spite of the old her which would have possibly knocked Tia out and dragged her out of there if given the same opportunity in an attempt to save her.
"Master master!" Tia wasn't sure how long they had been in there but it felt like hours had passed, she waited for her master to awake before informing him of everything that happened in as vivid detail as she could remember as Izzy looked on at her mistress with starry eyes.

Jewel shook as David agreed and moved into position, Jewel laid behind the girl softly teasing her fingers across her skin as the girl struggled to find the rythm between breaths, gagging a few times as David pushed past her comfort zone, she was unwilling to be left to Jewel's devices, the girl was insane and honestly made her fearful for her life with the way she took pleasure in her torture. "You can go a little further, you'll want to get used to it fast he isn't going to be nice to you forever." Jewel pushed the girl slightly forward making her gag again as she looked up at him with worry in her eyes, this was as far as it was going to go, it had to she could barely manage this much.
"Nnn..." He hadn't been sleeping long when he heard Tia's voice again, he shifts slightly and cracks an eyes open "Tia? Is something wrong..." He yawns widely, he was still quite sleepy.

David grins and works with her to find a pace that would work, he looks to Jewel as she tries to push her further. "Easy love... We can't damage her too much..." He smirks and slowly speeds her up though, he looks at her "You could tease her... Teach her to enjoy this..."
"No master no! I uhhh..." She realized that maybe not as much time had passed as she thought and suddenly looked like a deer in headlights. "I'm so sorry master I thought more time had passed! We...umm we can tell you later if you want to sleep I just wanted to tell you about the girls and umm our progress." Tia was panicked, she had interrupted her master's sleep when he needed it most to basically brag.

"But its so fun!" Jewel teased before heeding his advice and slipping away from the girl for a few moments. "But I'll listen..." She sounded dejected but it was obvious if the girl could see she was simply having fun, with one hand she spread the girl's legs and soon her breath brushed over the girl's pussy. "Tell me if she does a good job, she may earn a reward..." Jewel teased before very slowly licking at the still bound woman, the act of which threw off the girl's rythym for a few moments as she struggled to find a breath with his thrusts, she wasn't sure what to do, was she just to remain still did he want her to do something? She didn't have the strength to fight the two anymore and she couldn't deny how amazing Jewel's tongue felt teasing her.
Aden reaches for her hand and holds it softly "Mmm... Relax baby... You can tell me everything later... I trust you to do a good job... And you have your pet with you..." He smiles softly "Now give me a kiss and let me sleep... Come back tonight with my dinner... Ok..."

David grins down at her and helps her regain her rythym but soon pulls her off him as she starts to moan, making her look at him. "You're enjoying that... Aren't you..." He holds her chin and rubs her cheek "Don't lie to me and she won't stop..." He could see the slight struggle, she wasn't broken by any means but she was starting to enjoy things.
Aden's voice was so reassuring as he cradle her hand in his that she instantly relaxed. "T-thank you master." A smile replaced her fearful expression as he said he trusted the two of them, she softly kissed him as he asked. "Okay, I'll make something special to help you feel better too." Slowly Tia stepped backwards waving to her master. "I love you master." She said with a blush before leaving with Izzy. As they began to walk down the halls she hugged Isabelle, making the girl gasp before melting into the embrace as they walked. "I love you too Izzy, even if I do get a bit rough with you sometimes, I'm going to show you that tonight okay?"
"I-I love you too T-Tia. More then anything and I know you don't have to go out of your wa-" Izzy's speech was stopped by a soft romantic kiss the two shared the two stopped and shared it for a few minutes before Tia pulled away.
"I want you to go and get dressed, however you want and go to master a little while before dinner okay?" Tia shhed her as Izzy tried to speak before quickly splitting away from her pet leaving the girl confused but she couldn't hide the curiosity that ran through her now, what had her mistress planned?

The girl could finally catch her breath properly as he pulled out and gave her a chance, Jewel's tongue making her moan louder and louder as she continued, she wasn't prepared for the question that David gave her and wanted to shout at him, to refute his conclusion but she didn't have the energy in her for it. "Yes..." She said weakly admitting something that she hated herself for but the realization of her position was becoming all to clear.
Nick slowly licks the girls lips and teases her tongue out to play with his, he slowly slips his hands under her top to softly run them over her curves. He cups a breast and rubs his thumb over her hard nipples genely, he breaks from the kiss and smiles at her. "You chose right... You behave and you'll never know pain..." He kisses her again as his other hand moves lower, teasing over her stomach and moving lower slowly.

"Very good... Now just concentrate on how it feels... While you finish me up..." He makes her look up and pushes back into her mouth, thrusting in slowly and just deep enough to please him. He worked to time his thrusts with Jewels tongue, and making sure she could breath and moan properly, wanting her body to link the two feeling. "Nnn... She's doing very well Jewel baby... Very well..."
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